The Cabal is not giving in easily, it seems, but soon will have no say in the matter. An Earlier Disclosure Plan May Have Been Impacted by the Denver Shootings ![]() We (2012S) may choose to moderate that approach in future, given our history of having been disappointed so many times in our long wait for this historic event. It may be better to respond to Disclosure after the fact instead of trying to catch it in real time.a Prior to hearing that the Olympics was likely to be the occasion and place for the galactics revealing their presence around the Earth, numerous rumors were already circulating that the first half of August had been selected as the time of Disclosure. Several people, who don’t wish to be named at this point, were told to expect a mass decloaking around the world soon, a scenario which may have been impacted and possibly shelved as a result of the Denver shootings. The shooting obliged President Obama to come to Denver for reasons which can’t be discussed at the moment and thus rearrange the schedule which Wanderer of the Skies was relating to in his last message about a galactic meeting. (1) Hugh-man was at the meeting with Wanderer and vouches for it having happened. Other known lightworkers representing Earth were also there but wish to remain outside the public spotlight at the moment. Every time key Earth players are obliged to respond to cabal-staged events, it forces a fresh round of meetings with top leaders that prevents, or risks preventing, the original schedule going ahead. We lightworkers usually don’t know the full story so all we see is that a galactic spokesman made a prediction and it didn’t happen and saddle that spokesman with blame. We don’t see that an event like the shooting has caused the timing to be abandoned because of Earthly considerations of scheduling and coordination (not galactic considerations). Please keep in mind that the plan I’m about to discuss may have been shelved as a result of the Denver shooting. This earlier plan came out of Wanderer’s meeting. He described a “presence in your skies.” Other sources suggest that that presence would consist of a large number of small-sized spaceships in bright colors completely visible in the daytime sky, approaching various Earth locations and hovering for long enough to be undeniably seen. The galactics had chosen colors to appear in that were light, playful and of terrestrial origin. They had planned to come in groups of three to six and hover simultaneously over many major cities and in remote areas – places where they’d be seen and recognized for what they were. This was purportedly designed as a soft and gentle way to disclose their presence. Wanderer used the word “overwhelming” in his description of the decloaking. I’m sure he meant overwhelming in the sense of undeniable. The intent of the display was not to overwhelm in the sense of intimidate. The expectation was that the galactics would be officially invited to land in a few days, after Earth’s population had gotten used to the idea of contact. This plan had reportedly been approved by the G20 nations. If my understanding is correct, it may have been impacted by the mass shooting and a second plan chosen of using the focal point of the Olympics for Disclosure. The cabal has been informed by representatives and by two crop circles that appeared on June 2 (Manton Drove, England) and on July 27 (Windmill, Hill) that the divine deadline beyond which the galactics will no longer feel obliged to take Earth’s governments into consideration is August 4, 2012. I apologize for raising people’s hopes and then coming up empty-handed. The snapback of disappointment can be severe and I realize that. We’re in the difficult situation of having to choose between taking a gamble and being there at the moment Disclosure happens or playing it safe to spare your nerves and reporting on it after it happens. 2012thebigpicture | July 28, 2012 at 8:16 AM | Tags: August 4, cabal, crop circles, Denver shootings, disclosure, extraterrestrials, first contact, illuminati, obama, Olympics, pleiadians | Categories: What's Happening on the Galactic Front | URL: |
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Update on Disclosure Scenario – July 28
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Heck yeah!
There are too many people that can't handle disappointment. They are like kids. If their leader says today it will rain and it doesn't, OMG, the horror!, followed by temper tantrums and those upset words about how 'someone else let them down for lying to them'.
Best keep this stuff to yourself and tell them after the fact or let the find out.
That's the problem with waking people up before they are ready.
Those prepared knows that a good plan can go awry and there is a plan B and a Plan C if you have to make it up on the fly.
But these people who's only purpose of being awake is to say they don't want the leaders they have, send in new leaders.
Or they want to go back to the original constitution, but complain that this government isn't following the constitution; when they KNOW this government isn't under the original constitution! Duh!
And then there is the ones who will tell people who speak some resemblance of the truth that they are sick, or ill, or something is wrong with them.
When I read that stuff I know the one who is pointing fingers is the one who don't know a thing.
Of course in the course of events, people speak in code to get information out, and there are those who think the 'code' is disinformation because they can't decipher it or figure out it's not the real deal because its' encoded!
So they will say certain websites or bloggers put out disinformation.
If you don't comprehend the was not meant for you.
If you can't handle disappointment, you aren't centered properly. You need to work on you and prepare yourself.
Life is dynamic, relationships are dynamic, and tactical moves to expose, disclose, free, and protect people from themselves as well as others is dynamic.
Learn to be dynamic in your expectations.
I remember a post about a galactic trip where the instructions were, if your pet doesn't want to go, you need to have someone take care of your pet when you leave them.
Even animals have more common sense and are centered in their vibrations better than some people.
People have gauged the integrity of other people by how their pets respond to them.
There's a lot going on, but some people are getting ready to jump into the fire because they are impatient and haven't mastered the art of discernment...(it's the little things...the small need to pick out of the details), and haven't centered their vibrations in love..(which includes forgiveness for disappointments --- this may be a test to separate the wheat from the chaff through the setting up and failing to follow through)....and you must have honed in on intuition...most of us know that certain things will not happen as stated, so we aren't even disappointed when it doesn't happen because we didn't 'feel' that message was for us.
No teaching here...just glad these guys are accepting responsibility for establishing 'followers' who have raised them to some 'god-like's status of the 'all seeing, all knowing' and then get mad at them for failing to come through on some prediction that all who know, would know, you NEVER, EVER, NEVER give a date because as soon as you do, someone can do something to make it not happen...
Someone can be a kink in the chain, an obstruction in the gears, an virus in the system, an anomally in the reality and make that date mean nothing because time is a creation of mankind.
When there is 'no time', anything and everything can happen simultaneously.
If you aren't ready for that..well.....
Agreed, there are so many variables in the universe it makes it hard to predict exactly how things are going to happen; people need to realize this.
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