II Thessalonians 2:12, "That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
The smart way to prevent The Doomsday Factor To Industrial Economics Threatening America is to face the national danger, immediately pass the Onmi Law and with sound economic principles restored to national power instantly, crisis is over! But to hide our heads in the sands hoping it will disappear by itself, that just won't happen folks! If you don't care, why should God care? If you love evil leadership and evil government, God is not going to help yourself according to the Bible until you put God-approved leaders in national power. The Old Testament plainly stated if a nation will put a righteous leader in the eyes of God into national power or plural of leaders also applies, God will postpone judgment on that nation until the righteous leader is out of power. And if the nation repents of its evil before God before the righteous leader is out of power, then God will forgive that nation and not submit it to the judgment and wrath of God for disgusting evil in its actions and national character stinking before God.
A quick summary of the Omni Law can be the following simplified explanation. This puts a legal oversight committee over the U.S. Republic of 10 labelled American Civil Tribunes modeled after the ancient Roman Civil Tribunes who kept the Roman Republic basically free of tyranny and corruption towards its Roman citizens for hundreds of years. The tribune position had to be subverted, undermined, and then Rome could return to the corrupt version of republic that Wash., D.C. loves to be today in 2012. For example. under Agenda 21 Obama and Democratic Party associates are trying to sneak over the American people, Obama and allies want to give away 50% of all the land of America to the United Nations under the front of fighting global warming and environmentalism and maybe all Americans in America lose their homes as they are herded off to huge settlement cities which would be glorified anthills to live in for the rest of their lives. Businesses lose most or all their buildings and properties and America becomes one glorified super Communist police state where the state owns everything, the people own nothing, and the people work for lower wages than any other form of capitalism as the state really owns everything of value in America and regulate the hell out of the rest of it making mockery of the concept of private ownership of business in America. We pass the Omni Law and the 10 American Civil Tribunes in disgust at the Agenda 21 of Obama and covert Communists in the Democratic Party immediately put Agenda 21 to national referendum. After the massive national vote against Agenda 21 by national referendum of the American people, Agenda 21 disappears into thin air and is never tried to be passed into law through the U.S. Congress again as they know, the 10 American Civil Tribunes who are the legal sword of protection for the American people will never let such an outrageous proposed national law ever be passed in America after the American people have plaintly spoken by national law to create binding national laws and policies on any issue presented them by the 10 American Civil Tribunes.
The following is quoted from an email from Erasmus of America answering some questions on the Omni Law asked by a person wanting to know how strong the Omni Law would be to stop corruption and treason in Wash., D.C. Quoting now:
"Answers to your questions. The first round of 10 American Civil Tribunes would be appointed by the National Institute For Inventors which is ultra-conservative in stands and contacts. 10 strong critics of federal corruption, treason, etc. would be the first 10 Civil Tribunes appoined by NIFI. They will write up and submit for national referendum how to elect future Civil Tribunes in national elections controlled by the people and not corrupt interests in Wash., D.C. After the first round of Civil Tribunes, it will be up to the American people to continue electing honorable persons highly dedicated to America for this post every 4 years. The type honest person elected to this post should be contrary to the type who could be bribed or try to blackmail people, etc. It would be best that these 10 elected not run on any party ticket, but independents. We won't let the cat out of the bag yet, but they won't need a fortune to run for this position which will block corrupt interests from controlling them. We have a much cheaper way to get their positions and stands out than vast fortune campaigns today. And an airtight system how any legal American citizen may run for this position, but would have to have an elimination process so a limited number of candidates are submitted to the people for the final election every 4 years. Their legal power will be the same basic type as established by legal precedent of Roman law when the Roman Civil Tribunes protected the Roman people from legal tyranny. They can call for national referendums to bypass a corrupt or irresponsible Congress to establish new laws and policies for America. They can suspend proposed laws to be voted for by the U.S. Senate by stating before the U.S. Senate "I Veto" which is the formula they used under Roman law to cancel would-be laws intended to be tyranny against Roman citizens. Any criminal trial they judge is a legal frame-up, they can issue the legal words "I Veto" and the trial is over. They can order the release from prison of those they judge were falsely convicted under law. They can order arrests and hold for trial by jury for high treason officials or employees of the federal government. This would be under tribune copied Roman law. The judgment of acquital or else conviction would be swift and final and no further appeal under law. This scared the "hell" out of would-be dictators, etc. and all officials were forced to behave themselves under law until the Roman Civil Tribunes were undermined and destroyed under law. Civil Tribunes could only be ordered arrested by authority of other Civil Tribunes. If anyone tried to kill or harm a Civil Tribune while in office, the Roman people had the authority to instantly kill the would-be murderers the same day as murder was attempted as that would be intended to remove the Civil Tribunes as the legal sword of protection for the Roman people under the Roman Republic. Even James Madison, father of the U.S. Constitution, praised the Roman people for having civil tribunes to protect their legal rights under the Roman Republic. There is more but this is the core of what it means to copy the legal precedents of ancient Roman Civil Tribune law. Today with liberal schemers in Wash., D.C. trying to set up Agenda 21 to confiscate 50% of American land to legal title to the UN, the civil tribunes would call a national referendum and outlaw Agenda 21 as of that moment so the American people never lose 50% of all their land in America to traitors in Wash., D.C. who must hate America to want to give away to foreigners 50% of all the land now composing the 50 states of America. Enough said for now! Erasmus of America July 5, 2012 P.S. Look up Agenda 21 in search engines as a number of websites carry extensive references how Obama wants to give away 50% of American land to the United Nations and likely all owners of homes in America are kicked out by federal agents or soldiers and shipped off to the super Communist concentration camps called resettlement cities where all the ants, former Americans, live together in their super ant hills!
"If we don't restore minerals and trace elements to the soil that grows our food, we'll see a plague of degenerate diseases by the end of the century." Dr. George Earp-Thomas, medical research scientist (1948). He provoked the legal wrath of Wash., D.C. in the late 1930's when he cured people of cancer by feeding them food raised with all the nutrition in it that nature had intended for that food for human good health. In fact, it was reported that Wash., D.C. burned down his lab to put him out of business in research work on cancer. They had already boasted they would find a way to bankrupt him and put him out of business in cancer research. When Dr. Max Gerson fled Austria due to the Nazis and came to America to continue his research work on curing people of deadly ailments by correct diet, he was treated as an archcriminal by Wash., D.C. for wanting to cure cancer patients by correct diet. In Switzerland, he had cured nearly 100% of TB patients by diet alone and had done this with hundreds of patients at a Swiss hospital. When he wanted to work with cancer patients in America with the same approach as had created the highest cure rate against TB as ever seen in medical history, he also met the legal wrath of Wash., D.C. for daring to want to cure cancer patients by diet alone. In the end, he was allowed to work with officially terminal cancer patients already sent home to die by the medical field and of these, he had a high cure rate of terminal cancer patients. Some of these later testified before a Congressional committee to allow Dr. Max Gerson to work with all cancer patients, not just the terminal cancer patients, but the members of Congress already bought and paid for by powerful interests never lifted a finger to give him legal authority to work with non-terminal cancer patients.
Dr. Lorraine Day on TBN in 2007 released the official medical figures indicating that cancer was growing so fast among the American people that by 2020 100% of all Americans were medically predicted would have cancer or had had cancer by 2020 which is just 8 years ahead in our future. I give these medical examples to show that Wash., D.C. is totally corrupt and cares nothing about the American people at all. The game in Wash., D.C. is ego, money, perverted sex, power, drugs, parties, cons on the American people where they laugh at the American people dumb enough to believe everything they tell the American people, cooperation of the morally corrupt and dishonest national media covering all they can for all the corruption and high treason going on in Wash., D.C. in the high power circles of Wash., D.C. When I cured by natural means different forms of cancer in my body maybe12 years ago or earlier, Wash., D.C. threatened sources I was using to give people the same supplies I used to cure myself of cancer in my body. I got rid of a tumor on my arm in 4 days flat and left no scar! That provoked the wrath of Wash., D.C. I removed a large tumor on my face in 4 days and agan left no scar. This provoked the wrath of Wash., D.C. I cured advanced colon cancer in myself in 7 days flat with all the cancer passing out of my body on the 7th day and never had colon cancer return. This provoked the wrath of Wash., D.C. When I met the head of a cancer research foundation in America, he indicated the American medical field was not interested in cancer cures like these and Wash., D.C. would never allow such natural methods to cure cancer to become legal in America.
Let me step powerfully on the toes of the power elite traitors in Wash., D.C. The secret to curing any ailment is correct the root cause of the ailment and not attack the symptoms of the ailments. The profits in corrupt national medicine is attack the symptoms, not the root cause of any ailment. My healing answers to cancer could be done for $100 or less. But to "fight" but not cure cancer can easily cost the federal government through Obamacare or other federal medical programs maybe $300,000 to $450,000 to "fight" but not cure cancer in you! Trace the money trail! The giant profits in medicine are to "fight" but not cure deadly threats like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Among many evils in Obamacare is it would totally crush any natural cures for ailments in America and all your approved federal medical programs to try and "cure" you would all be witchdoctor medicine the same as Louis Pasteur had to fight in Europe when the medical doctors in France wanted him arrested and put into prison for daring to claim such things existed as germs and they caused all these terrible diseases of the world. America is like pre-Louis Pasture medicine, only while they admit to the existence of germs now, they still have numerous ways to wiggle around cures that so often work against diseases that will kill off huge numbers of mankind otherwise. As soon as we pass the Omni Law, one of our first proposed national laws for national referendum will be that the American people have the legal right to use any type medical treatment they think can cure them, not just those officially "approved" by Wash., D.C. which is colossally crooked and dishonest in national health issues and also agricultural issues affecting your health.
To shoot down federal psychological warfare and propaganda that I am a fool and not that smart, my mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and entered a state university without prior formal education after learning how to read and write from her grandmother. She was a child actress and had no time for formal schooling. My own I.Q. was once officially tested in Wash., D.C. and in shock they told me that I had scored an official I.Q. score of "beyond scientific measurement" and one of the two highest ever tested in Wash., D.C. While I personally believe that common sense properly used is a higher form of intelligence than official academic intelligence, I mention the above because they are too sold on the concept that only high academic I.Q. is genius. Well, Thomas Edison with a huge amount of common sense and only a few months of formal education in his life skyrocketed past the engineers of America with his thousand or so inventions he released in America. My mother was an academic genius and my father was a genius in common sense. I respect both forms of genius and I learned much in how to think from both my parents, not just one side. And to illustrate a deadly fallacy in American educational concepts today, if you take an idiot and educate him, what do you get? An educated idiot. I am forced to say that when formal education practices a hgh level of censorship of the truth and important answers so education can become brainwashing of the gullible instead of sound education of the bright in America. With sound education, the prior idiot or fool can be taught sound methods of thinking and potentially broken of having a miseducated or non-educated mind in reality. As some teachers have shown, even retarded children skillfully educated have passed in test results ordinary students taught by usual methods in school. The usual result if some teacher causes retarded children to skyrocket past in test results ordinary students, the teacher usually gets fired and blackballed from being allowed to be a teacher after that after being too successful in teaching her or his students how to soundly think and use their brains correctly. I spent most of my life in elite private schools and a little in public schools. Let me get control of American education and all students will get a super, quality sound education. They will learn how to think powerfully and soundly. And America will skyrocket with potentially almost the whole nation becoming brilliant to utter geniuses in comparison to before. They can defend their belief in God or atheism with brains, not as stupid brains who cannot think worth a hill of beans or make a credible defense for what they believe in to govern their lives. I even respect my critics or enemies if they do it intelligently. I just hate for stupidity to be passed off as intelligence. But usually with seriously intelligent people, I will win them over partially or else totally to my side. By the same token, if they raise a good enough point, I will give them credit and maybe the subject is more complex than a simple explanation at first glance. But with truly intelligent people, I find the common theme so much of the time that all of us are dedicated to the truth and in our discussions, we will find the real truths and both sides may end up with some different conclusions than started with on either side. I always respect even honest disagreement from intelligent people and we sharpen our minds both sides of debates over important issues.
Fuel Economy Of The Gasoline Engine, edited by D. R. Blackmore and A. Thomas, A Halsted Press Book, shows tests by Shell Research Limited, Thornton Research Centre, Chester, United Kindgom. They tell how they got extremely high gas mileage on standard commercial cars. For example, a modified 1947 Studebaker achieved 149.95 mile/US gal. in the 1949 Wood River competition, a 1959 Fiat 600 achieved 244.35 mile/us gal. in the 1968 Wood River competition, and among others a modified 1959 Opel achieved 376.59 mile/us gallon in the 1973 Wood River competition. Under corrupt, treasonable Washington policy, federal sources made sure that America would never get even remotely high gas mileage on your cars like this. Only when my Omni Law is passed in 2012 and I intend to withdraw this proposed law from America if the American people do not care to save America now in 2012, I will through the Omni Law see that it is now legal under Washington law to start pushing up serious high gas mileage on American cars. Also, if oil countries try a new price war on oil to hurt the American economy, I will bring out a new answer on car fuel that can make oil obsolete to use on cars. In engineering school, they thought I was a genius in engineering and allowed me to do my engineering studies at one week of engineering studies every day and I kept an A average in engineering while doing this. Also, before he died, Charles Kettering who had once been head of reserach for General Motors and later President of General Motors reviewed 920 of my inventive concepts I had come up with in 2 weeks and he wrote that he rated me as potentially the most brilliant inventive genius that would ever rise in American history. He wrote among other things I had independently come up with the top secret guidance system for American ICBM's. If Wash., D.C. had not savagely fought me everytime I wanted to establish a new industry for America, I would have likely given America up to 2,000 new industries in America and America would be such a colossal industrial giant now as would leave even China in amazed shock over how huge the American economy had become nearly overnight. The Omni Law will allow me to begin a great new industrial birth of America and skyrocket America into its greatest industrial age in history. Don't defeat the passage of my Omni Law in 2012 because the American people refuse to fight to give the American economy a giant rebirh by passage of the Omni Law in 2012. And I will to help save mankind from the Doomsday Factor to Industrial Economics which threatens the survival of America now but also the entire world. If not passed in 2012, I may be forced to teach my industrial economics to another nation instead and they will wildly skrocket past America in that case. I don't want to do this, but for moral reasons my hand will shortly be forced if the American people do not even care about their future as a nation and economy or not. My Omni Law Report (4 pages) can be seen and copied from Nesara News (June archive listing, 2012) and some of my other reports on economics also in the June listing or else the May listing. If stuck, email me and ask for a copy of the Omni Law Report from my national email address of . When the serious financial support comes in, I will have a national website to read key economic reports of mine and will have a staff to swiftly answer emails, but I had $525,000 stolen from me by Wash., D.C. so I would not have this staff to service the public at this time. When I asked the Obama Administration for return of my federally stolen $525,000, I had a federal murder attempt attempt on my life, so I got the message loud and clear from Obama that he does not want for me to show America my free enterprise answers that will skyrocket the American economy. I had been written up by a prestigious international organization as "The Einstein of American Economics" after I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. I have this very new, expanded version of economic science heavily using engineering to skyrocket the economic growth of America or other nations or the whole world economy if they want to learn my tricks in economic science.
The following economic warning from Bob Livingston is a valid warning of eminent economic disaster for America, but far worse for America than even Bob Livingston realizes. If too much hyperinflation hits America too fast and Obama who is incredibly dumb in national economics is still President when this hits, then the Industrial Doomsday Factor to Industrial Economics may be triggered off by moron level economic policies of Obama who understands nothing about national economics. In that case, America may crash into an economic collapse so total as to look like a science fiction horror movie and America end up with 90% to 99% of all the American people dead before it is over. Also, this could easily spread to all the world and maybe the world lucky if 5% of the human race survives the total crash of the world economy. Let me give the economically naive American people a powerful hint. We have a sophisticated division of labor only possible with an effective monetary system in power. Due to large city populations,we cannot survive on a barter system of economics. Try to survive on barter and in the end from 90% to 99% of the American people stand a good chance getting killed in the total economic collapse of America. Then Europe follows. Africa, Latin and Central America, and Asia including China, Japan, and India for example. Wash., D.C. is fanatically pushing today the key economic policy Karl Marx said to push as it would ultimately bankrupt America, the world, and then Communism takes over the world. For our naive leaders in Wash., D.C. who don't know what Karl Marx told world Communism from Brussels, Belgium, pass the Omni Law and then I will tell you what policy we will stop by authority of the Omni Law and save the American economy from pending collapse and the world economy from pending collapse.
Okay folks, read the following which is a deadly warning to the survival of America as a nation. Back fanatically my Omni Law. See everyone sees it and get all your friends, associates, churches, civic groups, etc . to aggressively back it. And financial backing is very welcome as the enemies of America are heavily financed to finish America off within America. My mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and you can mark for Omni Law Drive as reference. Read my separate God-given right to survival report also listed with Nesara News to see how I plan to later pay you back by treating this money as loans and not contributions. and I will see you are well rewarded financially as Patriots of America. The other report tells how this works. Now read this report below as the end of this report. See that all of America sees this entire report on the Doomsday Factors to Industrial Economics and let us save America from pending economic disaster which could even occur before 2012 is over. Send this report out as emails and post to blogs all across America. Yours for God and Country of America, Erasmus of America (pen name for now. Will use my regular name when the time is right, but already I figure all Washington intelligence sources know quite clearly who I am. My trademark in intelligence reports was always, "spent eleven calendar years in military academies." When alive, St. Padre Pio of Italy wrote me while I was a military cadet in military school, told me a great secret of mine no one knew, and indicated when the enemies of Christianity think they are about to finish America off and Christianity in the world, suddenly arise against them and smash them. This was the Will of God as God would not leave Christian civilization without a powerful defender when the enemies of Christianity are confident of wiping out Christianity once and for all in the world. He indicated I was supposed to found a cross-bearer movement of the dedicated Christians and we would be the beloved of Jesus Christ. I also received a similar message from other holy people of different branches of Christianity, but Padre Pio who bore the wounds of Christ on his hands and feet for 50 years and had daily stunning Miracles of God occur when he prayed in the name of Jesus for them stunned me with his message to me. Having been raised by a hardcore Protestant father and a Catholic convert mother, I understand both sides well and can help bridge differences so we can return to the Apostolic Constitution of first Christianity. Both Protestants and Catholics will be surprised to see how far all sides have drifted from the way first Christianity kept itself strong in the early Roman Empire. Separately, a man who predicted nearly my entire life correctly backed up what Padre Pio said, said I should strive to help Christians bridge their differences and reunify as much as possible under early Apostolic Christianity which all sides need more knowledge of in these days. And God gave me a gift in economics as I would electrify the people with my powerful results when they saw what I could do for America and other nations needing help in national and world economics. I am greatly disillustioned with all the evil and corruption in the leadership of Wash., D.C., but for the sake of the American people and others, I am willing to bail Wash., D.C. out of the economic mess its stupidity and fanaticism has trashed the American economy with. Pass my proposed Omni Law and I can bring out the 25 Bible principles of national economics that have all worked before in history with spectacular results. My pet Bible principle of national economics is Jesus Money which was the most spectacularly successful monetary system used in human history and 4 times in history wildly skyrocketed the affected economies into overnight super prosperity. Only the evil conspiracies of earlier bankers tricked the people out of Jesus Money and fast economic crash once the monetary system taught by Jesus Christ in the New Testament was overthrown by tricked stupidity of the gullible people falling for the propaganda lies of the early politicians hired by the bankers to overthrow Jesus Money in society. The bankers had to censor your history classes in your schools or else you would no longer have recessions or depressions or even poverty in society as virtually everyone got basically rich under Jesus Money. You see God will bless nations seriously loyal to God! But you want to trust evil leaders with national power over you instead of Christian leaders loyal to God, know how the Jesus Money system works, and as Jesus taught, are dedicated to being your servants instead of your masters as the evil want to be over you as they secretly hate the American people. The evil plot evil disasters for the American people because they secretly despise you. Christian leaders want to do good for you with economic policies, etc. Why do you want evil to rule over America instead of good leaders to guide you into sound economic pathways? The evil burn you with their results. The good bless you with their results! Pass the Omni Law. I was shocked when in April, 2012, I was given a stunning Miracle of God to show that God backs me to pass the Omni Law for America. When I shared this Miracle of God with a few friends of mine, they agreed that God gave me a stunning Miracle of God in April, 2012 to back my Omni Law drive. One of them suggesed either an angel of the Lord or else Jesus Christ did directly the stunning Miracle of God I needed to create the solid center foundation to my 25 Bible Economic Principles for America. When the Christians show me they are as militant for Christianity as the enemies of God are to destroy Christianity in America and the world, then I can release the 25 Bible Economic Principles of the Bible I am supposed to show America when the time is ripe. When the American people love the truths of God more than the lies and cons of Wash., D.C., I will show the American people the great economic secrets that will skyrocket the American economy. If the American people will allow me through the Omni Law, I intend to have America skyrocket pass China and again be the undisputed industrial leader of the world, but in ways that economically bless all nations that are friends with America and not its enemies. )
Dollar's Approximate Date with Doom
The Dollar Is Falling… Inflation Is Out Of Control…
And The Fed Keeps Printing Money…
When The Crisis Comes
... Will Your Family SURVIVE?
In the next 12 months, an economic "Pearl Harbor" will hit America. I won't mince words—it's called hyperinflation, and signs of it are everywhere!
You know prices are rising rapidly today. But they will explode when hyperinflation hits. Prices could increase 1,000 percent or more within days. And your purchasing power will crater. (You can see the dollar's dramatic plunge in the chart from the American Institute for Economic Research below.)
Bread will cost $25 a loaf.
Hamburger will cost $60 a pound.
Gas will cost $37 a gallon.
Can you imagine $500 to fill up your car?
I know it sounds insane... hard to believe... or downright "unthinkable." After all, this is America, and nothing like this could ever happen to the dollar.
But it's complete BALONEY! The truth is the dollar has a date with DOOM.
For the first time in history, China and Japan are now planning to trade the Yuan and yen without using U.S. dollars.
The International Monetary Fund is openly trying to replace the U.S. dollar with Special Drawing Rights (SDR's) which are a hybrid of the U.S. dollar, the euro, the yen and the British pound... and if China gets their way, the Yuan.
China has already announced their plan to dump the dollar because they're worried about U.S. government spending and the Fed's excessive money printing.
To add insult to injury, China is quietly purchasing massive amounts of gold in a deliberate attack aimed directly at the dollar.
These are transformational times we live in... you can feel it!
Yet the U.S. Government continues to lie to you about inflation. In fact, starting in 1980, they deliberately changed the formula used to calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in an effort to undermine those pesky cost-of-living-increases for Social Security checks.
It's no wonder Seniors can no longer afford to make ends meet on Social Security... the government artificially lowered the CPI!
Today the "official" CPI is about 3 percent. But if you use the "old" 1980 formula, the real CPI is closer to 12 percent. Now that explains your grocery and gas bills.
And they're lying about the deficit, too! Last year, the "official" deficit was reported to be a mere $1.3 trillion. Pure Fantasy!
According to—one of the most reliable monitors of government spending—the true debt is estimated to be in excess of $80 Trillion once all government obligations are factored in.
So what will Washington do to get out of the crisis? They'll buy their way out by printing even MORE MONEY, all the while devaluing every dollar you own and triggering a hyperinflation crisis.
And when that happens, all bets are off...
Your CDs will be worthless.
The cash in your wallet... might as well use it for toilet paper.
Your retirement plan... better hope for a job at Walmart!
I don't want to alarm you, but the time to prepare for America's economic winter is NOW!
That's why I just put the finishing touches on an urgent video presentation that will tell you...
How to recognize the earliest warning signs of a hyperinflation disaster. How you can transform your finances from a house of cards into a financial fortress made of stone.
How to survive the sudden, catastrophic collapse of the dollar.
And how to guarantee you have unlimited access to the food, medicines and supplies you need to live comfortably no matter what happens.
I urge you to watch it now. You need the "whole" unvarnished truth you aren't hearing from anyone else.
So please, set aside the time right now to watch it... the video is fascinating (albeit alarming), so I guarantee you won't be bored...
But no matter whether you watch or not, just know the time to get prepared for America's impending hyperinflation crisis is NOW, because we will soon pass the point of no return.
Watch Urgent Video Presentation
Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston, Editor
The Bob Livingston Letter™
P.S. If you prefer to read the video transcript, click here to access my Great Recession Crisis Survival Report now.