Saturday, July 7, 2012

Obama Care - A Total Disaster

This is a very short, and powerful comment on
Obama Care!   I believe it is a red herring, to get us
all exited,  and to see  our conditions.    It will be
repealed and  ALL  will  "feel"  good.  While we will
be glowing in victory, it will   blind   us to our utter
tyranny we are living in, and who we are.
Satan's system is "partly strong" (militarily), and
"partly weak"  (legally.)  Dan.2:42. 

This is why God's ELECT are going to be "called"  Jn.6:44, to  have some balance between God's
system of  "good and evil"  Gen.2:9 and the
pure, and  "one way"  of  "only evil" of the Anti-god,
Satan the Devil, who has "no truth in him"  Jn.8:44.
Satan is the ANTI-god, because our Creator, is
Jesus Christ Eph.3:9, who  "IS the TRUTH" Jn.14:6.

Satan is the excellent deceiver.  Just when we
think that we figured him out, is when we are
FALLING for his devices 2Cor.2:11.

This is why our Father using Christ, is now going
to  "call"  His  Elects, to  "call"  some of the Christians  to be His First Fruits.

We can expect great changes in 2012 and 2013.

Please read the NEWS on my site

and my latest articles.

In the reality of our Father's eternal love,
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 11:03 AM, david perry <> wrote:

Correct. A lawsuit can be filed against the tax after it is implemented. Additionally, there are many other things in ObamaCare that are subject to litigation (and will be). If it is not repealed, it will be in and out of the courts for years - throughout which the program's costs will escalate and the deficit will increase. It will be a total disaster.

Columnist Amanda Carpenter tweets: "If you like your doctor [Obama says] you can keep him, but will he keep YOU? Or even keep practicing medicine?"

That will be one of the most significant problems, the inability to find a doctor. They will retire in droves. They will also not be replaced, as young people who used to go to med school will now decide to become attorneys - where the money is.

I think I once mentioned that I know a physician whose office expenses are about $350 per hour (rent, utilities, salaries, paperwork, etc.). She would have to see 20 Medicaid patients per hour to survive. As a result, she refuses to accept them. Medicare has similar problems. Many physicians will see their long-time patients out of loyalty or friendship, but they are not accepting new Medicare patients. That will get worse under ObamaCare.

Of course, many businesses will fail in 2013 because of the added costs ObamaCare forces on insurance companies. Their laid off employees will certainly not be able to "keep their insurance if they like it (except through COBRA payments they will not be able to afford).

All in all, ObamaCare was probably one of the worst pieces of legislation ever written. It is worth remembering how it got passed in the first place:

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