Wednesday, July 11, 2012

One million Euro note

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One million Euro note obverse
Picture: One million Euro note obverse. Commemorative issue.

One million Euro note reverse
Picture: One million Euro note reverse. Commemorative issue.

One million Euro note obverse detail
Picture: One million Euro note obverse detail

One million Euro note reverse detail
Picture: One million Euro note reverse detail

These high denomination Euro currency notes are said to have been introduced by the Rothschild EuroZone banking cartel to enable suitcase money-laundering, black market liquidity, dark pool financing and élite drug-running operations to keep the major EuroZone banks afloat after the global credit crunch of September 2008.

The particular images above are commemorative versions of the actual notes in circulation. The words "Not legal tender" show on the obverse. And the words "This certificate is backed and secured only by confidence in the European dream" show on the reverse.

At the end of June / beginning of July 2012, the European Central Bank tried to cash a €150 billion tranche of this non-commemorative "legal tender" fiat currency for bailout purposes related to Spain. It failed. 

Treasury currency bunkers all over Asia are stuffed full of pallets of shrink-wrapped packages of these high denomination Euro notes. The realisation is dawning in the East, as well as in the West, that these Euros are worthless. They are backed by nothing that is due-diligence tangible in the real-world European economy. They were tendered with fraudulent intent by a rogue faction within the EuroZone banking establishment to sucker Asian creditors.

More background here (10.07.12).

RIP Ernest Borgnine 1917-2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

RIP Ernest Borgnine 1917-2012
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Wednesday, 11-Jul-2012 18:04:29

A real trooper, working right up to the end...
Ernest Borgnine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ernest Borgnine (born Ermes Effron Borgnino; January 24, 1917 – July 8, 2012) was an American film and television actor whose career spanned more than six decades. He was an unconventional lead in many films of the 1950s, winning an Oscar in 1955 for Marty. On television, he played Quinton McHale in the 1962–1966 series McHale's Navy and co-starred in the mid-1980s action series Airwolf, in addition to a wide variety of other roles. Borgnine was also known for his role as Mermaid Man in the animated television series Spongebob Squarepants. Borgnine earned an Emmy Award nomination at age 92 for his work on the series ER.
Borgnine died of renal failure on July 8, 2012, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. His wife and children were at his side. He was 95 years old.
During an interview in 1998, Borgnine admitted to some personal feelings about politics:
"I'm 81 years old and I like to speak my mind. As a legacy, on the day I die, I'd like to have a newspaper publish all the things that I find wrong in the United States today. And my first would be to get rid of the politicians. We put politicians into Congress and the Senate for what? For representation. But who do they represent? They represent not only their party, but the people who give them the money, the lobbyists."
Source for above quote: Fantle, David; Johnson, Tom. 25 Years of Celebrity Interviews from Vaudeville to Movies to TV, Reel to Real, Badger Books (2004) pp. 106–113

Foreclosure - More States Seek to Criminalize 'Robo-Signing' Practices

  Read the article I found at the National Notary Association's website regarding robo-signing. As a former real estate licensee I say, YEAH!!!!! Unlawfully taking someone's home/security is liken to a bank robber or car jacking. I included a pasted copy below for your ease.


More States Seek to Criminalize 'Robo-Signing' Practices

July 5, 2012
A growing number of states are seeking legislation that imposes criminal penalties and jail time for those who engage in foreclosure fraud. In the latest state, New York, the Foreclosure Fraud Prevention Act of 2012, is making its way through the legislature — a bill that clearly defines “residential mortgage foreclosure fraud,” and imposes new criminal penalties for those who intentionally engage in such conduct.

Proposed by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the Act would make it a misdemeanor for an employee or agent of a residential mortgage business to knowingly authorize, prepare, execute or offer for filing false documents in a residential foreclosure action, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. It would also make it a felony for employees to engage in multiple acts of foreclosure fraud, and for managerial personnel who knowingly tolerate such fraudulent conduct by employees, punishable by up to four years in state prison.

This legislation, which was passed in the Assembly and is now under review in the Senate, would help protect homeowners from fraudulent foreclosures and hold companies, managers and Notary employees accountable for their individual actions.

How Many Checkpoints in One Morning?! Welcome to the Police State!

Orgonite: A proven effective solution.

Orgonite: A proven effective solution.

Orgone Orgonite
This is a purely informational site about orgonite, a simple compound anyone can create in their backyard with fairly inexpensive, widely-available materials which balances ambient energy by turning the negative energy into positive energy, with many easily-confirmed effects. Orgonite does this continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without electricity.

Quick Facts About Orgonite:

  • Simple. Easy to make. Works continuously.
  • Turns negative energy into positive energy.
  • Purifies the atmosphere, detoxifies water, ends drought.
  • Helps plants grow better, repel pests & require less water.
  • Mitigates harmful effects of EMF radiation.
  • Disarms and repels predatory forms of life.
  • Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods.
  • Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.
  • Helps awaken your innate psychic senses.

What Else You Should Know

This is not a joke, or a game, or an advertisement. This is not a business opportunity. We don't want your money. Orgonite vendors exist only to serve those who are not able to or interested in making orgonite themselves. Orgonite does not require belief or conscious intention in order to work. This is not a religion, a cult, or a product of disinformation of any kind. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the "newage movement."
We have found that tactical deployment of orgonite (e.g., "gifting") by throwing, hiding or burying it near sources of electromagnetic radiation or other pollution or in polluted areas, such as near cellphone/TV/radio towers, power plants, in lakes, rivers and ocean harbors, has a powerful and noticeable effect on the area. The skies get clearer and return to the deep blue color you remember from your childhood, complete with normal puffy white clouds. Water pollution levels decrease precipitously, as documented in Toronto, Ontario. Drought conditions are reversed, as documented in South Africa and in Death Valley, California. The general mood or "vibe" in the area improves dramatically as people are kinder, happier and more easy-going. Neighbors either become friendlier or suddenly leave town. A renewed sense of hope begins to pervade the community. We have seen this effect in our own communities as a direct result of tactical orgonite gifting, and have found it truly self-empowering, but don't take our word for it. Try it yourself and see what happens!
There are those of us involved with this "gifting movement" who believe that the proliferation of electromagnetic pollution, cellphone towers and chemtrails are not an accident, but are intentional acts of malfeasance by the parties who seek to benefit or profit from inflicting illnesses upon the populace. We don't ask that you believe us, or subscribe to our beliefs. What we do ask is that you help combat the pollution that is wreaking so much harm throughout our communities around the world. We ask you to contribute to the health and well-being of your friends, family and neighbors by following the simple steps outlined on this site, regardless of whether you agree with our personal opinions and convictions. We ask that you follow the instructions here and seek your own personal confirmation of the effectiveness of orgonite.

*LEAKED* - Russian Cosmonaut Reveals UFO, Alien, and Crop Circle Secrets (Video)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
*LEAKED* - Russian Cosmonaut Reveals UFO, Alien, and Crop Circle Secrets (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Jul-2012 16:04:52
*LEAKED* - Russian Cosmonaut Reveals UFO, Alien, and Crop Circle Secrets (Video)
UNSENSORED NASA Footage from space shows the universe is teeming with life!!! (15 min)
Further Proof of the Deliberate Suppression of Knowledge
of Extra-Terrestrial Life around Our Mother Earth!

Obama Does Care - Health Tip

Obama does CARE

Health tip from Obama

Former CIA spy advocates overthrow of Iranian regime

Now, a former CIA spy confirms what Ms. Gabriel (Act! For America) has been saying. See the chilling details in the Los Angeles Times story below (highlights added).

Former CIA spy advocates overthrow of Iranian regime

Reza Kahlili, living in the shadows with a fake name and disguise, worked from inside the Revolutionary Guard. He warns of terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. and a plot to destroy Israel.,0,3089447,full.story

Former CIA spy Reza Kahlili lived a double life until the mid-1990s, passing along Iran’s secrets to the CIA and recruiting Revolutionary Guards for the agency. In a sense, he resumed his double identity after publishing his 2010 memoir. (Reza Kahlili / July 7, 2012)

By David Zucchino

Los Angeles Times

ARLINGTON, Va. — His disguise consists of a blue surgeon's mask, sunglasses and a baseball cap that reads "Free Iran." A small modulator distorts his voice. He uses a pseudonym, Reza Kahlili.

He lives in fear, he says, because his years as a paid spy for the CIA inside Iran have made him an assassination target of Iran's government. He worries about his wife and children, who live with him in California.

At the same time, implausibly, he has become one of the most influential and outspoken voices in the U.S. advocating the overthrow of the Iranian government.

For the last two years, Kahlili has gone semipublic with a memoir, a blog, op-ed pieces and invitation-only speeches at think tanks. He warns that Iran operates terrorist sleeper cells inside the United States and is determined to build nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. The U.S. should respond, he argues, by supporting the opposition inside Iran.

He travels furtively between appearances, working as a Pentagon consultant and as a member of a domestic security task force.

"There's probably nobody better on our side in explaining the mind-set of those in power in Iran," said Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA military analyst who directs the Task Force on National and Homeland Security. "He understands the ideological sources of Iran's nuclear program."

U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said Kahlili has convinced him of the importance of supporting the opposition and hardening sanctions against Iran.

"I thought I knew a lot about Iran until meeting with him," King said on a New York political radio program in January. At the time, Kahlili was a guest and King was a guest-host, but the two had previously met in the congressman's office.

"If you're going to take this issue seriously, the one person you have to consult with and read his writings is Reza Kahlili," King said.

In a quiet hotel lounge in Arlington, Kahlili is not wearing his disguise or using his voice modulator for a meeting with a reporter.

"You'd be shocked by how easily agents from the Revolutionary Guard come and go inside the United States every day," Kahlili says in a near-whisper, bent over a table in a dark corner.

A soft-spoken man in his mid-50s, Kahlili is wearing jeans, a sports shirt and a black coat. He's of average height and weight, with a smattering of facial hair.

He made certain he wasn't followed, he says, and performed a quick security check of the hotel.

"They'd kill me if they could find me," he says of Iranian agents.

Mark Zaid, a national security lawyer in Washington, D.C., said he had confirmed that Kahlili was a longtime operative of a U.S. intelligence agency, adding: "He has insights on Iran most people in the U.S. intelligence community don't have."

For covert operatives, clearance agreements with the CIA often prohibit public acknowledgment of the agreement itself or of the CIA. A CIA spokesman, Todd D. Ebitz, said the agency had no comment on Kahlili.

Brian Weidner, program coordinator for Iran instruction at the Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy, confirmed that Kahlili is a paid lecturer for the Pentagon agency. Other instructors are videotaped, Kahlili says, but his lectures are audio-only to protect his identity.


Kahlili says he lived a double life until the mid-1990s, passing along secrets to the CIA and recruiting Revolutionary Guards for the agency. In a sense, he resumed his double identity after publishing his 2010 memoir; he was now a former covert agent who had thrust himself into the public eye.

He rarely leaves home — "my bunker," he jokes — and shuns social situations.

For years, his mother in Iran berated him for working for a regime she despised; she died never knowing about his CIA spy work, he says. His children know nothing of his background. His Iranian wife was unaware of his spying for years, and was hurt, angry and terrified when he finally told her.

"It took a long time for that to heal, and for her to understand why I did it," Kahlili says. Though his wife is pleased that he has publicized Iran's human rights abuses, he says, she has begged him to go back into hiding.

He is pained by regrets. "I put my family in danger without giving it much thought," he says. "They didn't know what I'd done, but they were in as much danger as I was."

The spy story Kahlili tells in his book, and in several interviews with The Times, features coded messages, disinformation, clandestine meetings and international intrigue.

After graduating from USC, Kahlili returned to Iran just before the 1979 revolution toppled the Shah. A childhood friend recruited him into the Revolutionary Guard, where he gained an insider's access to the new Islamic government — and where he was to turn against the regime.

The Guard executed teenage girls for associating with opposition groups, but first raped them to deny them the heavenly paradise guaranteed to virgins. One of Kahlili's best friends and the man's two siblings were tortured and executed.

Eventually, he persuaded his superiors to let him fly to Los Angeles, telling them that his aunt there was ill. He looked up the FBI in the phone book and persuaded two agents to meet with him. They sent him to a CIA handler in London. He passed polygraph exams and returned to Iran as Wally, a secret agent who communicated via coded letters and radio messages.

Kahlili says Iranian terrorist cells inside the U.S. have weapons, explosives, money and safe houses; they use contacts with Mexican and Latin American drug cartels to smuggle explosives and weapons into the U.S.

"They have very detailed information about sensitive sites such as bridges, railroads, airports, military bases, power plants, nuclear sites, water plants, railway stations," he says.

If the U.S. or Israel attacked Iran, he says, sleeper cells inside the U.S. would launch suicide bombings and sabotage. Iran would attack Israel, and U.S. bases in Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf, he warns.

Kahlili says Iran has intelligence agents inside American universities, Islamic cultural centers and charitable institutions, posing as academics, policy experts and officers of nonprofits. They try to influence policymakers to encourage negotiations in order to give Iran time to develop nuclear weapons.

Kahlili says the Iranian leadership is motivated by Mahdism, the messianic belief that the 12th imam of Shiism, the Mahdi, will one day reappear to establish universal Islam. The trigger is the destruction of Israel.

Sanctions against Iran won't work, Kahlili argues. "It's not about the economy. It's about ideology," he says.


Inside the hotel lounge, Kahlili appears worn and weary. He glances around. He says Iranian agents are trying to find him and his family.

"I have a lot of anxiety — I feel a lot of pressure," he says. "I feel sick sometimes and I can't sleep."

There is only so much he can do to protect his family, he says. "If [Iran] found out about me, we'd be sitting ducks," he said.

He smiles wanly. "Sometimes I think I should stop," he says. "I think I must be crazy."

But in the same breath, he also says the American public must be told about what is happening in Iran and what could happen in the United States. Iran's regime must fall, he says.

And then he is gone, out the busy hotel lobby and into the night, a man with an assumed name living a life on the margins, running to and from his past.

The Fern And The Bamboo

One day I decided to quit....
I quit my job, my relationship,
my Spirituality..
I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have
One last talk with God.
'God', I said.
'Can you give me one good reason
not to quit?'
His answer surprised me...
'Look around', He said.
'Do you see the fern and the bamboo?'
'Yes', I replied.
'When I planted the fern and
the bamboo seeds, I took very good
care of them. I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor. Nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.. And again,
Nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo'.
He said. 'In the third year, there was still nothing from
the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.
In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from
the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.
He said. 'Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.
Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant.
But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had Spent the five years growing roots.
Those roots made it strong and gave It what it needed to survive.
He said to me. 'Did you know, my child, that all this time
you have Been struggling, you have actually been growing roots?
I would not quit on The bamboo. I will never quit on you.
Don't compare yourself to others..'
He said. 'The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet, they
Both make the forest beautiful.'
'Your time will come, ' God said to me. ' You will rise high!'
'How high should I rise?' I asked.
'How high will the bamboo rise?' He asked in return.
'As high as it can?' I questioned..
'Yes.' He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can..'
I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you.....
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you Happiness.
Bad days give you Experiences.
Both are essential to life.
Keep going...
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!
Have a great day!
The Son is shining!!
God is so big He can cover the whole world with his Love, and so small He can curl up inside your heart.

Author Unknown

"There are many things in life that will catch your eyes but, only a few will catch your heart......"

OBAMACARE REPEAL VOTE SCHEDULED FOR THIS WEEK! (week after July 4th) from Erasmus of America. Call Upon Congress To Repeal Obamacare!

     I will keep to a minimum the vast multitude of things wrong with the Obamacare Bill. Under this bill, all Americans are soon to have stuck under their skin microchips claimed for medical reasons. And you go to prison or punished in other ways if you try to refuse this. Now I knew the federal electronic engineer who invented this basic microchip for the federal government. He later became a Christian and judged that he had invented the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation. He told me how he attended a top secret meeting at C.I.A. with the Director there, Henry Kissenger, and many of the other secret elite who think themselves the secret government of America irrevelant of who gets elected to the White House. The C.I.A. Director and others discussed how to trick the American people into take these microchips under their skins through some kind of manufactured national crisis. Obamacare is apparently the national crisis they ended up with to trick the American people into taking these microchips which Obama wants to use to set up a total federal police state over you with these implanted in you. As they discussed at this top secret C.I.A. meeting with the secret elite of America there or represented by others there, once they got the American people to take these electronic microchips under their skins, then they would be able to electronically spy on 100% of the American people 24 hours a day 7 days a week and Wash., D.C. set up on the American people the most total police state seen in all of human history.  
     I liked my Christian electronic engineer but not what he invented for the federal government so Wash., D.C. could trick the American people into the most total police state seen in human history since man began on earth> However, I never told him a key engineering mistake in these microchips. A medical researcher I had access to had tested these out and found out they should eventually kill all Americans who take them under their skin. He made the philosophical comment that the American people would display the same medical signs as they were dying from these microchips as those prophesied in Revelation would display as they were all dying from having taken the Mark of the Beast The Bible told them not to take!  The Obamacare Bill is loaded with Obama tricks to establish a total federal police state on 100% of all Americans using national health care as the front to trick the American people into surrendering all their legal rights under the U.S. Bill of Rights and even the original U.S. Constitution was itself a statement of bill of rights of the American people separate from the Bill of Rights as Alexander Hamilton explained who was one of the key architects to write up the U.S. Constitution. Among many other cute Obama tricks hidden in it is that they can without court order I understand take out all your money from your bank account anytime they want to. If they don't like you, your money disappears as magician Obama and associates take it from you!
     The following below warns you that all members of Congress must be contacted this week and told to cancel this Obamacare Bill and now!
By the way, I won't tell Congress how this medical researcher explained after testing this intended microchip why it would kill all Americans in the end who took it under their skin. I don't support would-be federal dictatorships and police states of Wash., D.C. or anywhere else on earth! Now the American people are hit with conspiracy after conspiracy by the secret power elite to wear down the American people until you are worn down and no longer resist these Washington legal drives to take away all your legal rights. By the way, the Federal Reserve official who financed World War II for Wash., D.C. after the war wrote for the power elite that World War II proved Wash., D.C. did not need taxes to finance the government, but the power elite needed federal income tax to give Wash., D.C. the legal excuse to spy on all Americans, determine how much income Wash., D.C. would allow the people to make or not in their lives, and regulate the private lives of the American people through this tax front. The cynical side of me has suggested for years to nationalize the Federal Reserve System which is a private banking corporation and not a federal agency, and I could finance the national government without federal taxes by profits that could be made off of the skillful use of banking run by the Federal Reserve System of America. There are several ways to run a national government without federal income tax and I am full of clever answers in national economics if the American people and businesses ever get tired of being taxed to death under Wash., D.C. By the way, I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. A prestigious international organization later wrote me up as "The Einstein of American Economics." I first cracked the economic secret of Nazi Germany how they financed their rearming of Germany a decade faster than American and European economists said they could back in 1937. An exile German captain who heard the entire economic secret of Nazi Germany codenamed the Inverted Inflation directly from Adolf Hitler at his mountain retreat confirmed I had cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany. My reputation skyrocketed with the economists after this German Captain confirmed I had been right when economists said I couldn't be right in my analysis of the powerful Nazi economic trick. Next to Jesus Money, it was the second most powerful monetary system I had ever found in economic history. I am an archenemy of Nazism but I have to give Hitler credit for being smart enough to use the Bernard Baruch concept found by Nazi intelligence when studying Baruch for his tactics to organize the war industry of America. . Hitler listened to an idea originally suggested by Bernard Baruch of America how to skyrocket any industrial economy in the world. America was partying after winning World War I and no one listened to Bernard Baruch  and the clever idea he had come up after being virtual dictator of the war industry of America under President Woodrow Wilson. Short term this would aggressively push the American economy ahead. A cute note on Bernard Baruch. Lt. Gen. P.A. delValle, USMC. ret. told me he was breaking his security oath by telling me this when I was at his home at Annapolis, Md. But the Pentagon had secret copies of the correspondence where Hitler was financed into national power by Bernard Baruch acting as the front for Wall Street bankers who wanted the profit and power created by engineering a planned later World War II. How dirty real economic secrets of America are hidden in top secret American intelligence files! I'll tell the whole story someday if the American people ever care to find out how World War II was really set up. Or how about Wash., D.C. setting up the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917 and Wall Street bankers being mass paid off afterwards by Lenin with all the Czarist gold the Communists could find to steal from Russia and ship to New York City.  
     But now let us come to the ultimate answer of Jesus Money based on what Jesus taught about money in the New Testament and the naive clergy and scholars never took seriously what Jesus taught about money. It produced colossal results in booming economies 4 times in history but censored from your history courses to keep you dumb and ignorant if possible under the banking elite who really have run America since passage of the Federal Reserve Act. They can only control you into hard economic times by censorship of true Christian history and what the Bible really taught about how to use money to boom the economy of mankind by using the wisdom of God offered to mankind through the Bible if mankind would listen to smart answers from God! The bankers overthrow Jesus Money 4 times in history precisely because it wiped out all unemployment and poverty in society, everyone got basically rich in society, and businesses boomed wildly beyond their imaginations. Taxes went way down, crime and war basically disappeared from society. France between  1170-1270 A.D. built 80 giant Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral grade Gothic churches in this 100 year period to thank God for having given them this colossal golden age on earth by using the Jesus Money taught by Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The bankers hated everyone in society getting so prosperous by using God-given principles of economics to run society by.
They had to censor this from you in your schools or else you would know that our bad economy is deliberately created by the enemies of Christianity which unfortunately at this time includes the supreme con artist Communist and Muslim Obama in the White House dedicated to overthrowing the American economy and Christian civilization of the Western World. With a strong military intelligence background, I know the key secrets about Obama he has so far hidden from the American people. You put in the White House the most dedicated enemy of what America was founded about in 1776 and enemy of Christianity that has ever been there. Obama, you fool, by not returning to me the federally stolen $525,000, you gave me the moral justification to attack you like the Wrath of God. The $525,000 was going to give America a national and world industry with the potential to be worth far more than the oil interests of the Middle East. And university tests said the entire human race on earth would go extinct like the dinosaurs if this great food discovery was not supplied to mankind before it was too late to save mankind on earth. The Vatican had much earlier endorsed this great food discovery of my father as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. But Obama with your Moslim heart, you didn't want America to have this colossal shot in the arm for the American economy so apparently ordered the federal murder attempt on my life the legal evidence is still around to show what was tried and I have witnesses to what happened.
     Okay, folks, contact the members of Congress like the Wrath of God and tell them to stop their nonsense and immediately cancell this Obamacare as a claimed law passed by Congress. And then folks push like fanatics my Omni Law which is listed in the archive section of Nesara News for June and other articles of mine in their June and July archives. Or if needed, send an email to me at and ask for a copy of the 4 page Omni Law Report I wrote with the Omni Law on page 2. And if you folks want to see me come like the Wrath of God after Obama until the Omni Law is passed, financial support is welcome. Send checks to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. When we pass the Omni Law, groups won't have to create special committees to stop a flood of evil laws coming from Wash., D.C. The 10 American Civil Tribunes to be created by the Omni Law will be the legal oversight committee over corrupt Wash., D.C. and possessing legal powers to stop treason and corruption so strong in Wash., D.C. today. I lived in the Wash., D.C. area for years and I know a vast multitude of scandals of Wash., D.C. that have been hidden from the American people by our corrupt and controlled news media and by corrupt leaders of Wash., D.C. And for federal sources trying to say that Americans are terrorist suspects for talking we should obey the U.S.. Constitution and Bill of Rights in Wash., D.C., watch out. When the Omni Law is passed, you will be savagely investigated and you may end up facing legal nightmares you could not believe could happen to you personally. My mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and she did not raise a dummy for a son! If you try to smear patriotic Americans as claimed "terrorists" when all they want is peacefully to have their legal rights respected, when I come as one of the 10 Civil Tribunes created under the Omni Law, I will be such a legal nightmare to you as you will wish you were never born on earth. Your smear campaigns against honest American patriots stops now, Your attempted legal regulations to make the exercise of legal rights under the U.S. Bill of Rights to be illegal under your corrupt and Communist style approach to law will be your utter legal downfall. I come from a family line on my mother's side where some kind of genetic trait is passed on from generation to generation. There has never been a coward in this family line in maybe 1,000 years and every generation produces those tought as steel in character. I never knew how to be a coward in life and I was born with a tough steel-like character you don't want to have to face later on. Slack off on the American people and you will maybe walk away intact. We have some real terrorists in America, but contrary to your lunatic policy, 300 million Americans are not all "terrorists" as you treat them under law. Go after the real terrorists, fine with me! Go after 300 million Americans and treat them all as terrorists under your lunatic version of national law, and when you face me, you will feel like you are facing the Wrath of God let loose on earth. Be warned. Obey the real law of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. That is your shield of legal protection from ending up prosecuted yourselves if not careful in what you do. I do not agree to having every phone call in America listened to, every email in America automatically read by you, every home in America can be invaded to seize papers, etc. without need of court orders, and the list goes on and one. I use the name of Eramus of America as a pen name for brief reasons of national security. All the real intelligence services know only one man in America uses the trademark of having spent eleven calendar years in military academies. Enough said! American people, I will fight for your legal rights and I know the answers to skyrocket the American economy and fast! Pass the Omni Law and now and America will have a great Renaissance in freedom, prosperity, and national greatness.  Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote THIS WEEK to fully repeal ObamaCare. And it's up to us, the American people, to act right now to ensure it gets the job done.
No more excuses. No more saying one thing and doing another. It is time to force our so-called elected leaders to fulfill their promises and repeal ObamaCare now!
By now, you know about the U.S. Supreme Court's shocking and disturbing decision to uphold ObamaCare and its individual mandate as constitutional by deeming it a tax.
At the eleventh hour, Chief Justice John Roberts switched his vote to join with the four liberal justices on the Court to effectively re-write the law and stretch Congress' taxing power beyond any limit imagined by our nation's Founding Fathers.
Despite the Supreme Court's tortured logic, however, ObamaCare represents one of the greatest assaults on individual freedom and economic liberty ever perpetrated on the American people.
And Republicans and vulnerable Democrats in Congress must be made to understand that we will not rest until it is fully repealed.
Don't Believe the Liberal Hype That ObamaCare Can't Be Repealed In the Harry Reid-Led Senate
Within hours of the Supreme Court's decision, the mainstream media joined Barack Obama and his liberal allies in declaring victory.
They said the Supreme Court was the final word and ObamaCare will remain the law of the land forever. And immediately they began amplifying the lie that any and all votes to fully repeal ObamaCare are merely symbolic...
Even some Republicans are claiming that full repeal of ObamaCare cannot happen until after the election. But we've heard that song and dance before.
The truth is, ObamaCare can be repealed if - AND ONLY IF - our so-called leaders in Washington don't cave to Harry Reid and Barack Obama. If Republicans in Congress take off the gloves and stick to their guns, full repeal of ObamaCare can happen in both the House and the Senate right now. Here's how:
Obama and the then Democrat-led Congress were only able to ram their government-dictated healthcare scheme down our throats because of a parliamentary maneuver by Harry Reid to bypass the filibuster and pass ObamaCare in the Senate by a simple majority vote.
In other words, ObamaCare - or substantial portions of ObamaCare - can be repealed in the Senate the exact same way it was passed: WITH 51 VOTES.
And what the mainstream media and ObamaCare proponents are not telling you is that there are at least a half dozen Senate Democrats who are vulnerable in the November elections and will do virtually anything to keep their seats.
In addition, there are at least three additional Senate Democrats (retiring Senator Ben Nelson (NE) and Senators Joe Manchin (WV) and Joe Lieberman (CT)) who could be swayed to vote for repeal if we apply enough grassroots pressure on them.
The math is simple: If the House votes to repeal ObamaCare this week and all 47 Republicans and just four of at least nine vulnerable Democrats follow suit in the Senate, ObamaCare can be repealed.
Talk Is Cheap, It's Time For Real Action
A great majority of the American people oppose ObamaCare for a very good reason: It is an inexcusable and gross abuse of federal power that will actually increase health care costs, drive up the already unsustainable national debt and force government-approved and government-dictated health insurance on virtually all Americans.
And that's precisely why we must force our so-called elected leaders in Congress to fulfill their promise to repeal ObamaCare outright and replace it with reforms that empower individuals - not government bureaucrats in Washington - to make our own decisions.
Indeed, the only way full repeal of ObamaCare will happen is if we make it happen.
Yes, some in Congress are talking a good game. But as you and I both know, talk is cheap. We have heard the excuses before. We have heard the promises to repeal ObamaCare before, only to then see the politicians in Washington betray those promises too many times now.
The American people can't afford to wait until after the election. The time has come to insist that our conservative leaders in Congress take off the gloves and get the job done.
Remember, the House vote to repeal ObamaCare will take place this week, perhaps hours from when you read this urgent letter. There's simply no time to waste. Please join us in making your voice heard today.

Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

Center for Individual Freedom
917-B King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-535-5836
Fax: 703-535-5838
CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization
with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
Contributions to CFIF are not deductible as charitable contributions
for federal income tax purposes.

The Real Culprits of the 2008 Economic Collapse:

The Real Culprits of the 2008 Economic Collapse:

1.       Jimmy Carter – as president, strongly supported and signed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
2.       Bill Clinton – as president, doubled down on CRA and demanded lowering of mortgage standards
3.       Janet Reno – as attorney general, intimidated banks with threats of legal action for denying loans to unqualified borrowers
4.       Franklin Raines – corrupt head of FNMA, directed purchase of bad loans and falsified FNMA financial statements in order to collect huge bonuses
5.       Senator Chris Dodd – one of the most corrupt members of Senate, suppressed efforts to reign in FNMA
6.       Rep. Barney Frank – one of the most corrupt members of the House,  accepted favorable loans and illegal campaign contributions from FNMA;
        suppressed efforts by President Bush and House Republicans to investigate corruption at FNMA and Freddie Mac
7.       Barack Obama – as a community organizer, and despite having surrendered his Illinois law license for false statements on his bar application,
       filed lawsuits on behalf of ACORN to force banks to lend to unqualified borrowers

Every one of these despicable and corrupt public officials should be prosecuted for treason and fraud. The damage they have done to America is incalculable.

Even more disturbing is the fact that every one of them could and should be indicted for many other serious crimes, unrelated to the mortgage scandal and the collapse of the real estate market.

If justice were done, they would spend the rest of their lives in prison.



More lies from TPTB...
11 July 17:35
More lies from TPTB...
Government lies and spin
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