Friday, July 13, 2012

Here’s a new Twist; What Do You Think of This?

Here’s a new Twist; What Do You Think of This?

I read somewhere recently, and I'm thinking it was a video Cobra did but I could be wrong, that we are in a time loop.  The Spiritual Hierarchy have been gradually sharing over a period of years, more details of the whole scenario in which we find ourselves---I suppose as they feel we are ready to hear it or "need to know"---and I can see they are adept at "skirting an issue" if they don't want to disclose information, so other than our own skills of discernment, it may be some time yet before we know the whole truth of things.
John Kettler said that some of the ETs/EDs told him Humanity had been abandoned or betrayed by the Spiritual Hierarchy in some form and I didn't understand why they would have said that, but perhaps this is it. Interesting.
People love to tell us, "Things are not what they seem." Ha!
I do believe, however, that the events unfolding on the planet are truly beyond the control of the everyday soul, and we need to trust those who are here to free us---and "FREE US" just took on a whole new meaning, as did the validity of the movie, 'Groundhog Day'.
We know the cabal always tell us what is going to happen in advance, so...
I have to say, there's a lot of merit to this tale. What do YOU say? Is the following within the realm of possibility for you?

By Shannon - Posted on 11 July 2012
Okay, I've finally got to say it. There is so much evidence to support this idea, that it can NO LONGER be called a theory, but really simply has to be given its place in the records as how things have actually happened.
THE WORLD (all of us humans on it) and all of the events taking place with-in space-time, from a certain point in history (most likely) 1947 have been STUCK in a repeating TIME LOOP which only a few people know anything about.
Those people, many from what has become known as the CABAL, and many from the MILITARY are fighting a very real war for control of the planet Earth by using the technology of TIME TRAVEL as spoken about by ANDY BASIAGO in his revelations about D.A.R.P.A. , Teleportation, and the secret government’s experiments using Tesla based technologies to gain quantum access by a number of means.
But…, where ANDY leaves off, many of us, to now include Alfred Lambremont Webre, have picked up and have put the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that CANNOT BE DENIED.
See this article on his website: for starters and pay close attention to part 10.
Deeper and deeper the rabbit hole goes and I myself have a few things to say that even our dear Alfred has left out.
It is my opinion that in their insane bid to enslave and completely control mankind, the CABAL began sending back all relevant information pertinent to the control of the masses BACK IN TIME, from many varying points in the future, to THEMSELVES in the past.
Now you know why the Micheal J. FOX movies (The BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy) were so very necessary to be made.
Movies of this type HAD TO BE MADE in order for the ridicule factor to even be possible by the CIA degenerates who would be called upon hide this fact from the population at large. The movie TIME COP also was part of this plausible deniability project.
The 3 episodes of Back TO THE FUTURE and the movie TIME COP were the cover stories for ridicule and plausible deniability in the event the even ONE PERSON caught wind of what was happening with in the secret governments TIME TRAVEL programs!
Isn’t it nice they threw in a laughably silly twist and made the time travel machine a cute little car (a DeLorean), and the speed at which time travel occurred (88 miles per hour), part of the whole joking “this can only be laughed at"  scenario of the movie?!

Sadly, it is my conviction that the Director of BACK TO THE FUTURE was used, and perhaps even KNOWINGLY was involved in this super-secret attempt at Dis-info/Mind Control to keep the masses from even thinking about what may have been going on behind their backs!

In one of his lectures (which has been recorded and I have on video in my personal files) Phil Corso Jr., (the son of the well-known Colonel Phillip Corso , who had worked at both the WHITE HOUSE and THE PENTAGON, and who wrote the book: THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL), admitted that whether or not UFO's were real, that the UFO cover-up was NEVER the main secret being kept by the government as supposed by Dr. STEVEN GREER of the disclosure movement!
He went on to say that it was very short-sighted by those in the UFO community to be so side-tracked in their bid for DISCLOSURE, that they missed the entire forest for the trees. (my words, not his)
THE MAIN SECRET, he said, is and HAS ALWAYS BEEN “TIME TRAVEL” and the fact that TIME has been compromised!
Which explains why I am such a large supporter of Andy Basiago, and of Alfred Lambremont Webre!  Please go to
And spend a few days reading there!
This was, “…the kind of information that any and all who fell upon it would be killed for...,” according to Corso Jr., and  not whether or not a flying saucer had been seen, or whether or not they were even real!
The reason that UFOs and their presence was kept secret by the U.S. and other governments was that the way they traveled through space, was by default a means of achieving time travel, and that ANY INQUIRY WHATSOEVER made by a curious public as to how it was that any alien craft traveled through space would have to establish THIS FACT, (the time travel connection) and therefore the whole UFO question by DEFAULT had to be classified as well!

He also said that, UNLIKE so many other people lecturing on the Roswell incident, his information from his father suggested that the vehicle that crashed was not totally UNEXPECTED by a few secret members of the military, in the sense that they had been waiting for it!
This is AWESOME, and yet disturbing in and of itself!
The crash, according to Corso Jr, may have been unexpected, but not the appearance of the vehicle, which WAS expected.

Now WHY would the vehicle have been expected?
According to his information, some of which he shared, and some of which you have to use your head and then insert the missing pieces to conclude, was that some of the military had told his father that the EBE's, or advanced robotic entities who were flying the craft were in fact bringing back information from the future!
Just who the target recipients of this information were, he did not discuss, but it is safe to assume that it was members of the secret government or the CABAL, who were supposed to receive and then ACT upon this information.
A more chilling fact was brought out in another lecture by Corso Jr., and it was the idea that he was involved in a project with the military where he personally was actually designing and developing THE VERY CRAFT which would once again be sent back in time with all of the necessary information to 1947, and that it HAD to be sent back before a certain period he was told.

One can only guess what kind of information was retrieved from the still operating EBE-robotic entity that they recovered from that crash, but a small advanced android could certainly contain quite a bit of information about the future I would surmise.
Phil Corso Jr, however is not the only one who admitted this type of strange advance knowing about things to come. In one his most famous YOUTUBE videos, PHIL SCHNIEDER told the world that during his years of contracting to build some of the US's many deep underground bases and cities, that while drilling holes that would eventually be used to square off a deep underground base or city, the drillers struck an underground cavern filled with Grey Aliens. He said that when he was lowered down into one of the shafts/holes to see what was holding up the drilling or what they had struck, when he was confronted by a group of Aliens and subsequently shot one or two of them before coming back up to the surface.
This information is NOT nearly as important to me however as what he said next and that was that he was TOLD by the higher ups in the intelligence services when he filed a report that they were fully aware of their presence (the Grey Aliens) in that vicinity, and that they had expected him to find them!!
Think about it. He's drilling a hole for the first time, (the first time in this loop of time, I mean) and the Grey Aliens are living or squatting down there, and sends the military a report of what happens, and they say, "Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you they were there, we knew that."

Enter the cascading waterfall of future information being sent back in time, and suddenly all of these things that are happening are no longer a surprise, but are expected!

The truth of the matter is this: NOT ONLY HAS TIME BEEN COMPROMISED, but it has been compromised by a CABAL that wants to take over and ENSLAVE THE WORLD AND ALL LIVING BEINGS on the world.
My opinion is that the period of time between 1947 and 2012 has become a period of time that is now looping over and over and over again, and who really knows how many loops we've gone through in this bid up to 2012 and the GOLDEN AGE?
What is certain is that those who either know about, or are controlling the loops have NO DESIRE for a Golden Age to occur, while those who may be of the so-called Positive Military are too yellow bellied, cowardly, squeamish and lily-livered to come out into the open light of day and say anything about what is really going on here!
There are some of the military as we speak who do know about this  and in my belief that are trying to set matters right, but this is a battle that has now taken on EPIC proportions. I don’t know why they don’t ask for the PUBLIC’s HELP!

This could have been going on for hundreds and hundreds (if not thousands) of years by now, and all of the focus has been centering around this period of time from 1947 to 2012.
I believe that the positive Extraterrestrials were NEVER supposed to do what they are doing now, and only got involved because this matter had gotten so out of hand!
I believe that due to the breach of the fabric of time, and the advanced technology that was being carted backward from the future by the CABAL, those of us who were innocent by-standers in this bastardized time-line were so ill equipped to defend ourselves and so ill equipped to even mount a defense against the advanced information and advanced technology they were bringing back from their own darkly inclined scientists, that the CREATOR himself had to act!!
It is my humble opinion that as more and more successive time loops occurred, the CABAL was able to bring back more and more advanced technology from the future so that as soon as a newly dug underground base was finished, it was filled immediately with advanced technology that was brought back from a preceding loop from our own future.
In his excursions as a child participant in D.A.R.P.A’s quantum access programs, Andy Basiago has said that while he was sent many times to FORD’s THEATRE to witness the murder of Abraham Lincoln, each successive time he went back, he ran into other images or reflections of himself as well, which were also there doing the exact same mission.

It is my opinion that THIS ALONE is the reason why anyone who listens to CHANNELED INFORMATION is not getting the whole story, but a possible version of the story that was pertinent at some point on one of these many LOOPS!
My theory about this is that with each successive loop, all things that happened before, happen again, as ghostly images in the new loop…, as well as those new things that did NOT HAPPEN before, but have NOW BEEN INSERTED BY THE CABAL!
This is why so many predictions have come and gone. Why so many things have been channeled and not happened in the way it was said it would occur.
The sum total of all of these channeled messages from every loop are still there, all those from previous time loops, and well as those that are meant for us in the current loop.

Just like the strange ghostly images of himself that Andy Basiago encountered at Ford’s Theatre, we are encountering ghostly images of past information that were sent to previous loops of time where the conditions were not as dire as they are NOW!
Continuing on with where I was, this is what I believe has given the rise to the so called: BREAK AWAY CIVILIZATIONS that have been thriving underground in these bases and cities right under our feet.

It has been stated by whistle blowers of many types that there were in fact TWO distinct societies in the united states; one that was above ground and the one below ground. The one above ground was living out the mundane and yet now very altered and bastardized version of time---a version that had been literally sterilized, and neutered of many of the random events that would be beneficial to human beings as a whole and steer it in such a fashion as to augment to vision of those who would enslave the world!  And as each year passed, the time-line got more and more corrupted and more and more bastardized to the point where a Fascist World Dictatorship really looked as if it could be a possibility!

Then there was the society called the breakaway society that was below ground, and which was actively receiving information and technology with each passing time loop, so that some of the whistle blowers who had been down there and seen the technology estimated that those underground were in fact 500 or 1000 years ahead of the rest of us. Why would they make that claim if these technologies had simply been "invented" in the short period we are now in? Think about it... they KNOW it could not have happened that fast! They should have said if they really believed that, that those humans underground are 30 or 40 or 50 years ahead of the rest of us, but instead they tell us those underground are 500 or 1000 years ahead which suggests that this is how much time, or how many loops it took for the technology they now had and were in fact using, to be invented, or to be developed.
It is my opinion that the reason for all these loops is that in each run up to 2012, the CABAL is failing to do what it wants to do, which is to totally enslave the world and get a one world government before 2012!  It is my opinion that this is why they have HIJACKED TIME, and have gone to so much trouble to "CREATE" a designer timeline; a timeline which will give them the result they want before we hit the end of what they consider their opportune window.
The implications of this is that if you are alive and living right now, it is MOST LIKELY the case that the life you are living, and the experiences you are having in that life, have been altered from what YOU AS A SOUL INTENDED for yourself to have for this life.
Many of our lives may have so changed by what the CABAL has done, that in some cases, the life you planned or intended for yourself resembles NOTHING that it was originally supposed to be.
This is what the channelers of so much fame and accord, will NEVER touch upon, as it has become a TOP SECURITY ISSUE for the HIGHEST LEVELS and the highest councils in this galaxy and Universe!
Far from being a first contact scenario, which was the plan for (who knows how many) loops ago…, then to a limited help scenario, which was the adapted plan for less loops ago, then to a multifaceted bargain/negotiation with the CABAL itself, which probably started even less loops ago, to a full blown engagement with intervention and on-goings battles which is where we are today.
And those who are the so-called light workers who are trying to discern CURRENT information from the multifaceted and over-laying nature of multiple intersecting timelines is KIDDING themselves if they think they can correctly understand WHICH channeled information is for THIS TIME-LINE or a previous ONE!
Continuing on once again, it has been said that George Bush SR, once told a reporter that if the masses ever found out what had REALLY been done to them, that all of the elites would be chased down and hung from the nearest lamp pole.
Not a just a onetime, simple little world takeover bid, but something that has been ongoing over and over again, for a length of time only known to those CELESTIALS who are fighting them and the CABAL itself.

It is my opinion that this goes much deeper and farther that ANYTHING AS OF YET CONCEIVED by the common mind of humans who are not in the know.   And, if one considers a completely bastardized timeline in which none of the life lessons you set up for yourself were able to manifest because the job you had set up for yourself a hundred loops ago, or the people you had set up to meet a hundred loops ago, were in fact canceled out in lieu of the new "inserted" events (events which affected us all) that a only handful of people were setting up in order to steer the timeline into an enslavement timeline.  ONLY THEN do you have an idea of suffering and unparalleled agony these CABAL members are responsible for.
This is the depth of what BUSH was talking about when he made that comment, because only he knew how far down the rabbit hole really went!  This is the depth of what he understood to be the crimes of the CABAL!  Most of the truth seekers out there are just not thinking big enough here, you're not even in the same league as to what they (the CABAL) have done to EARTH and to mankind. Millions of very loving extra-terrestrial beings would NOT HAVE BEEN NECESSARY for the originally planned timeline if everything had gone according to plan as laid out.
Do you think the original planners and over-seers of our development and of our awakening on the EARTH were that short sighted and that stupid? To think that anything else has happened here is to say and believe that the ANGELS and enlightened beings are inept, stupid, had no foresight, and cannot fight their way out of a paper bag!!
This is NOT THE TRUTH. What is the truth is that they never envisioned a group of people so stubborn, so set upon Global enslavement that they (the CABAL) would send back in time information to themselves into the past, over and over again, trying to achieve a goal that was not working!
Now it becomes more understandable why our water has been chemically altered, our food genetically modified, and our air chem-trailed to death.
They (the CABAL) knew they had yet to attain their goal and sent back the unhappy data to the past where new and ever more diabolical measures were put into place which they hoped would remedy the situation.

LOOP AFTER LOOP most likely has come and gone, and each time a better and more well-choreographed version of their designer time-line has been played out. Every success has been extolled and copied and reproduced, and every failure noted, and then cast aside as something that did not work.
To counter act this, those who protected the EARTH were forced to intercede and intervene more and more and more.
We who are the innocents, and we who are in the middle, have taken about as much of this as we should take!
NONE of us at this time are living the lives we chose for ourselves regardless of what the channels say, because most likely those messages are being sent to previous loops and bleeding through to this one.
Not one of those who Channel from higher beings take this into account, and this is why many of these sources should NOT BE TRUSTED with complete and utter resignation!
Those sources to be trusted are those who are completely HONEST in what has actually transpired, NOT THOSE WHO STILL INSIST upon secrecy and worry about the damage that might be done if we found this stuff out. Those who are overly worried about the CABAL and their feelings and their lives at the expense of those they have manipulated, and those they have mind controlled are more interested in saving themselves from the EMBARRASSMENT that goes with admitting they were WRONG in their assessment of what the CABAL would do!  (Even the higher-ups had no idea what the Dark on Earth was really capable of and got a real lesson.)
In summary, The MILITARY for its part, MUST COME CLEAN to the people and do it now so that we know what we are up against!
And if they need help, for GOD’s sake ask for it!  There are millions of us who are here and willing to help!

The Conspiracy to Suppress Free Energy (Video)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Conspiracy to Suppress Free Energy (Video)
Posted By: TheInternaut [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 19:11:56

Why is free energy technology not already in widespread use on our planet? The main reason is almost certainly the suppression of this technology. This video provides a brief history of the suppression of free energy devices and breakthrough energy concepts.

Link to the video on YouTube

Galactic Family Of Light Company of Heaven July 13 2012

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by

What Will A Renaissance of Love Mean for All of Us?
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles -- July 8, 2012

The Company of Heaven has confirmed that at long last Humanity has reached a tipping point in our shift into Unity Consciousness. This is enabling us to utilize the celestial alignments and the influx of Light that is taking place this momentous year to co-create A Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth.

I would like to share some information with you that is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light. This information reveals what this unprecedented opportunity will mean for all of us, and how the co-creation of a New Renaissance of Love will catapult Humanity and Mother Earth forward in the Light. Please go within to the Divinity of your heart, and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this message and ask what your part is in this amazing facet of the Divine Plan.

2012 has transcended the expectations of dedicated Lightworkers who have been working toward this Cosmic Moment for the past 25 years. With the unprecedented influx of Light that has taken place so far this year Humanity, in unison with the Company of Heaven, is on the path to God Victoriously birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love.

This will not occur by chance, it will happen through the conscious and deliberate efforts of you and me and dedicated people all over the world. Remember, we are co-creating this Earthly experience. In order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love that will bless all Life on this precious planet, the Company of Heaven is calling each of us to a higher service. Please, listen to your inner guidance and respond to this vital Heart Call from your I AM Presence.

Identities of Earth Allies in Charge of Cabal Arrests by Greg Giles - July 13, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Identities of Earth Allies in Charge of Cabal Arrests by Greg Giles - July 13, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 19:05:53

Identities of Earth Allies in Charge of Cabal Arrests by Greg Giles - July 13, 2012
According to information released by Pentagon and military insider Drake during a recent radio broadcast updating the progress of the mass arrests of the members of the criminal cabal, the following is a list of military and law enforcement groups in charge of these arrests and the jurisdictions they are working in throughout this cleansing process.
United States: Positive and constitutional US military troops.
Canada: Positive military troops teamed with members of Interpol (International Police), a global law enforcement organization operating in 190 countries.
Australia: Positive military units teamed with Interpol.
Europe: Interpol, teamed with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which is an intergovernmental military alliance.
Asia: Interpol, teamed with the White Dragon Society, a positive Asian alliance first introduced to western society by researcher and reporter Benjamin Fulford.
Latin America: A certain positive group with membership all throughout Central and South America, whose identity cannot be revealed at this time due to security concerns.
Africa: Due to the complexities of countries, territories and sovereignties within Africa, many with ties to European countries, the arrest procedures on this continent will receive special assistance.
Ascension Earth 2012

Portal 2012 - The Plan Expanded --- Source Of Disinfo --- Use Discernment

The Surfer Dude

The article “The Plan Expanded”:

Discernment:  Information contained in this article or posting brings to you an emptiness of heart and a loss of hope.  This article blames the oppressed for the sins of the oppressor, and casts the Glactics in a position of weakness and impotence. 

This article or posting and perhaps this website appear to be a classic source of disinformation and should be ignored.  Do not waste your time on this material.  Do not let these Dark ones steal your light.

Bounty Hunters Unleashed on Crooked Bankers


NICE, and about time! 

In a message dated 7/13/2012 4:42:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, b..... writes: by Brittany Stepniak - Friday, July 13th, 2012

Iceland has potentially set a new trend in the finance community. According to Business Insider, their government has hired an ex-cop; a white collar crime bounty hunter who wants to make sure the bankster criminals pay the price for their elaborate crimes.
Iceland’s government appointed Ólafur Þór Hauksson to locate such individuals that had a helping hand in the collapse of the banking sector in a time of extreme credit-crunching. Hauksson is responsible for investigating any and all suspicious cases involving fraud before 2009.
The good news for him is that he’s not working alone. He’s got 100 top-notch researches rigorously working around the clock to help make this a smoother and quicker process.
Mr. Hauksson expands on this notion saying, “…on the other hand, we bring the lawsuits against the suspects to court ourselves." This technique is brand new stuff which allows the investigators to "follow the case" and the judicial system to "know the cases like the back of their hand". This is undeniably advantageous in order "to compete with the well-prepared defence attorneys".

And don’t think that fleeing the country warrants your safekeeping. LeMonde reporter Charlotte Chabas explains, "Searches continue and the team pursues its investigations abroad in the foreign subsidiaries of the Icelandic banks and includes questioning foreigners.” “We enjoy full international cooperation,' adds Olafur Hauksson."

Hauksson has all of his ducks in a row when it comes to this mission and he’s got some impressive convictions under his belt meriting quite a bit of respect for the success he’s experienced in this new job. He’s even tracked down the former chief of staff of the country's finance minister and arrested him for insider trading.

While many criminals that have already been caught still await their sentencing, Hauksson is actively on the prowl to find more felons. With plenty of places to run, but nowhere to hide, some big bankers are surely weak in the knees and stressed to the core.
Who’s to say other countries aren’t already doing the very same thing in order to crack down on the greed and fraudulence that led to the latest overwhelming economic collapse?...

Iternative treatments dissolve cataracts

lternative treatments dissolve cataracts, prevent their return, and help to avoid surgery

Monday, April 30, 2012 by: JB Bardot

(NaturalNews) Surgery is usually the only option offered by conventional medicine to people with cataracts; however, there are alternative treatments that may dissolve cataracts preventing their return. Cataracts occur when the eye's natural lens becomes cloudy, causing vision loss. They are most common in people over 40 and are the main cause of blindness worldwide, according to All About Vision. More than 22 million Americans suffer from cataracts with that number expected to rise to over 30 million by 2020.

Symptoms include blurring of the vision, reduction in night vision, "glare" when looking at artificial light or sunlight, and eventually blindness.

Experts don't know what causes cataracts, only that the protein in the lens of the eye begins to clump causing small areas of cloudiness. Some studies suggest that cataracts may develop after the eyes are repeatedly exposed to ultraviolet light and radiation, such as that emitted by computers. Certain risk factors are diabetes, taking steroids, tranquilizers or diuretics, using HRT, smoking and heavy metal toxicity.

Although there is no hard scientific research, anecdotal evidence indicates the efficacy of several natural substances in preventing and reducing the severity of cataracts.

Pascalite, bentonite clay

Pascalite is a creamy white-colored form of bentonite clay found only in the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming. It's classified as a calcium bentonite/montmorillonite and was considered a sacred healing substance to the Indians. Pascalite is alleged to have a very high energy level, and its mineral content has been found to heal a wide variety of ailments ranging from brown recluse spider bites, to skin necroses and digestive tract ulcers. Although it may seem far-fetched to some, cataract patients have reported that applying the clay paste to their eyelids and making eye drops from water filtered through the clay has helped to dissolve their cataracts.

Cineraria Maritima

Cineraria maratima, or dusty miller, is a common herb whose juice is known to dissolve cataracts. India's Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has noted that Cineraria tincture can prevent cataracts from developing. Additionally, homeopathic doctor William Boericke, M.D. notes in his Materia Medica with Repertory that Cineraria tincture may reverse existing cataracts. To obtain the full effects of this herb, the mother tincture must be used diluted in saline water. Commercial products are not effective.


Homeopathic opthamologist, doctor Ed Kondrot, M.D. discusses the first article written about using homeopathy for cataracts. It was published in 1891 by A. B. Norton. The study examined 295 cataract patients, of which 100 were treated with homeopathic medicine for more than a three-month period. Improvement was found in in 58 percent of the participants. Kondrot briefly describes the three homeopathic remedies used in the study.

Calcarea phosphoricum is indicated when there are headaches and eye pains especially in and around the right eye. Patients may also feel a sensation of stiffness around the eyes.

Sepia may be indicated if the patient complains of the sensation of weakness in the eyes and the symptoms worsen as evening approaches. The eyelids may twitch and there may be sharp pains. People needing Sepia may feel better during daytime hours and when eating.

Causticum may be indicated for patients experiencing a feeling of grittiness or sand in the eyes. The eyelids may feel heavy and the eyes feel better when closed. Patients may report feeling pressure in the eyes, burning and itching, as well as having light sensitivity and seeing flashes of light.

For best results in treating cataracts with homeopathy, see a knowledgeable homeopath who will take your case and treat you holistically, not just your cataracts.

Sources for this article include:

Healing the Eye: Alternative Treatment of Cataracts

All About Vision: Cataracts

Natural Ophthalmics: Homeopathic Treatment of Incipient Cataracts

Magnetic Pascalite Bentonite Clay

AZNetNews: Homeopathy in the Treatment of Cataracts

Boericke, William; Materia Medica and Repertory; Jain Publishing, 1998

About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. READ HER OTHER ARTICLES ON NATURAL NEWS HERE: You can find her on Facebook at or on Twitter at jbbardot23!/jbbardot23

Learn more:

The Plan Expanded

Victory of the Light!

The Plan Expanded

The original plan for the liberation of this planet has been expanded. There will be less talk and more action:

1. Less intel will be declassified and given to the general population. The reason for this is that the awakened part of the general population has underperformed regarding what it did with the intel received. It is not strategically wise to release intel that even the awakened population laughs at and at the same time the Cabal uses it to the disadvantage of the Light.

You will still receive intel and updates, but certain things will be withheld until the appropriate time.

2. The Matrix is beginning to crack in the mass media. The cracks will expand and widen.

The mass arrests scenario is beginning to leak into the mainstream. This article tends to be a little bit too violent for my taste, but it manages to get across the message that certain people need to be stopped in their actions:

And you might want to sign this petition:

Almost half a million people signed it in three days. It has a potential to reach the critical mass and trigger some real changes. Make it viral! I have received reports that the petition page is blocked by Internet Explorer. If you can not reach it, try with Firefox or some other browser instead.

Mainstream media are starting to report about disclosure also. You  can read this:

And this:

3. At a specific point before the Event, certain actions will be taken that will bring undeniable proof to the awakened population that the Plan is real and that there are indeed Light forces working towards the planetary liberation.

4. Greed and lust for power inside the Light forces on the surface of this planet (Positive Military, White Dragon Society…) is understandable and tolerable as an intrinsic part of the human nature, to a certain point. But when it begins to hinder operations, create delays, or when certain suffering could be prevented inside the general population and it is not, people responsible for this will be held accountable. The Resistance Movement is monitoring all operations of the surface positive groups and knows exactly what everybody is doing.

5. The Resistance Movement will give positive groups on the surface of the planet  a certain limited period of time to carry out the actual liberation themselves. If they fail to do so, direct action will be taken by the Resistance independently from any positive groups or the general population. This is the second part of Operation Omega Phoenix. Very few details will be given out before the actual operation itself. If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 will be needed, it will be less user-friendly to the general population because a little more severe disruptions in the distribution chain are possible. The Green Light (advance notice to the general population) for Operation Omega Phoenix 2 may or may not be issued. 

6. The “containment”, as many channels describe it, is not possible. There will be actual physical arrests of the Cabal taking place. The positive ET forces will only assist from the distance with their light healing and balancing technologies to ensure they will happen with as little violence as possible. 

Powerful---The Wingman and the Village

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Powerful---The Wingman and the Village
Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 16:42:46

The Wingman and the Village
Guest column by Hugh Turley
Lt. Col. James Robert Hildreth arrived in Pleiku, South Vietnam in March 1967. A career Air Force officer trained to fly combat missions, he was anxious to get into the fight before the war ended. So he took the first available assignment, flying an A-1E Skyraider.
The aircraft provided close air support to ground forces and attacked supply lines. Hildreth was commander of his squadron and flew 285 combat missions during his tour in Vietnam.
The A-1 was heavily armed and low flying, so he could see the people he was shooting at and who were often shooting at him, unlike high performance jets where the pilot seldom sees the people killed when a target is destroyed.
On one mission, Hildreth commanded two A-1s ordered to a target on the northern coast of South Vietnam. He does not remember the name of the village or province. “It was on the coast along Route One, the main north-south highway,” was all that he could recall in a recent interview.
The forward air controller (FAC), whose primary job was ensuring the safety of friendly troops, told him it was an enemy village. But Hildreth wondered.
“It just didn’t look right,” he said. “It was an old village with three or four hundred houses and probably twelve to fifteen hundred people. It had been there for a long time.”
So he asked why it was a target. The FAC said it had been identified as an enemy village because “three Vietcong in black pajamas were seen running into the village from the rice paddy across the road.”
Hildreth said, “I told the air controller, hell, I wear black pajamas. So I asked if they were armed and he said they were.” When Hildreth pointed out that they could have been carrying rakes or hoes, the FAC told him the provincial governor, a lieutenant colonel in the South Vietnamese army, was in the back seat of his plane and he said it was a Vietcong village.
Hildreth decided to fly in low for a closer look and see if he could draw some enemy fire. Instead, he saw small children smiling and waving in a courtyard.
The FAC instructed him to drop napalm so the breeze from the sea would burn the entire village. Hildreth and his wingman planned to approach from opposite directions, but the wingman dropped his napalm across the road.
When Hildreth saw a woman run from a hut with an infant strapped on her back and a young child holding her hand, he too dropped his napalm away from the village. The FAC was furious.
Back at their base his wingman told him, “Sir, I have three small grandchildren at home, and I could never face them again if I had followed those orders.” Hildreth transferred his wingman to another unit because he did not want to fly any more “combat” missions.
Hildreth reported what had happened to a brigadier general, the director of the command center of Seventh Air Force. His answer, he recalls, was: “Don’t you know what’s going on? The village didn’t pay their taxes and the [governor] was teaching them a lesson.”
A few days later, during another mission over the same area, Hildreth saw the village had been totally destroyed. Hildreth was sure the report read, “Target 100% destroyed, body-count 1,200 KBA [killed by air] confirmed.” When asked if he would have destroyed the village had he been flying an F-105 supersonic fighter-bomber, Hildreth replied coolly, “Yes, [because] you don’t see the people.”
He continued flying combat, and went on to lead the entire Pacific region as commander of the 13th Air Force. [Major] General James R. Hildreth retired on July 1, 1981.
This article appeared originally in the July 2010 Hyattsville (MD) Life and Times.
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Time For Nesara --- Your Support Requested


II am sending this email because so many Americans believe the Democrats and Republicans actually represent the American people. I'm afraid the whores and harlots in DC sold their souls over 100 years ago to the big bankers (Rothschild/Rockefeller/JP Morgan-- Illuminati).

They all took an oath to uphold our Constitution, correct? Have you read Article 1, Section 8 (powers vested in Congress)?
I will paraphrase for you. These are the powers vested in  Congress:
1. To coin our money and determine its value;
2. To declare war;
3. To establish a Navy;
4. To establish a militia (Sheriff's office); and
5. To establish an Army, BUT THE APPROPRIATIONS (funding) SHALL BE FOR 2 YEARS (my emphasis).

What does this mean?
1. The Federal Reserve, created in 1913, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL;
2. Also created in 1913 is the sister corporation, the IRS. Our 16th Amendment (income tax) was passed by Congress, but
    never properly ratified by the States and is illegal. Further, the IRS is a Puerto Rican Trust for the benefit of the owners of the
    UNCONSTITUTIONAL Federal Reserve (search Sheriff Richard Mack on the IRS);
3. The Emergency War Powers Act is UNCONSTITUTIONAL;
4. Funding an Army for longer that 2 years is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

I would also like to advise many officers in the military know the truth and, being led by the Pentagon,  are acting behind the scenes to arrest many bankers and politiicians in the near future. Also, there are hundreds of trillions of dollars that will be made available to everyone on the face of this planet. Enough money so that no man, no woman and no child will ever want for money. Everyone in America will no longer be debt slaves to the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Federal Reserve.

Because our media is controlled by 6 Rothschild puppets, this news is not yet in the mainstream media, but will be most likely in August, maybe even this month.

I send this email with a simple suggestion. Please post after "Refuse Your Orders" if you don't mind. Ask all the military to call their Senators and Representatives and state the following: "Release the NESARA Funds and Global Prosperity Packages NOW". Have them follow up with an email with the same message. Have them forward this email to all their friends and large organizations that truly want to make a differrence. If enough Americans do this, then our politicians will know we know and will surrender to our military and allow the release of these funds.

As a side note, if you go to  there is or was a petition concerning  the NESARA Funds. You can read the petition and link to an article on the NESARA case or Farmers' claims. 

As a further side note, with the arrest of our bankers and politicians, the Emergency War Powers Act will be repealed immediately and Peace on Earth will be declared. NO MORE WAR. NO MORE WOUNDED WARRIORS.

May God Bless America


'Refuse your orders!'

'Refuse your orders!' An open letter from Marine and war resister

'I refused my orders to Iraq; you can refuse your orders to Afghansitan'

July 12, 2012
By Edward Pages
Sgt. Edward Pages
Sgt. Edward Pages leading a mass anti-war protest
The author is a founding member of March Forward! and an organizer with the Our Lives, Our Rights campaign.
To my fellow Marines and service members,
My name is Sgt. Edward Pages. I’m deeply saddened by the constant, endless deployments of our brothers and sisters in uniform to the widely-hated occupation of Afghanistan.
I’m saddened by the thought of more of my brothers and sisters being sent off to fight and die for no reason other than profit for the corporations, which are looking to steal the vast wealth and resources of the Afghan people—a people who had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. I recently read a poll that said that only eight percent of young Afghan men have even heard of the attacks on that terrible morning.
How long, brothers and sisters?
How long are we going to continue to fight and die? How many deployments? How many holidays must we be absent? How many of our children’s births and birthday celebrations must we continue to miss? How many Afghan children will have to lose their parents or their own lives before this war is over? A few years ago, I began asking myself these questions and I’m sure many of you are asking them right now.
As an 18-year-old infantryman, I was stationed in Kings Bay, Ga., guarding the strategic assets of the United States. It was there that I met a young Marine by the name of Jason L. Dunham. Many of you may recognize the name.
After my first tour, I got out of the Marines honorably. A year and a half after my EAS date I learned that Cpl. Jason L. Dunham had died after jumping on a grenade to save his Marines in Iraq. I was so deeply moved by Cpl. Dunham’s sacrifice that I returned to active duty immediately. This time I became an intelligence analyst. I did so because I figured that if only the intelligence Cpl. Dunham had on that day was perhaps a little more accurate then maybe, just maybe, he would still be here today.
I went back in the Marines this time a bit older and a bit wiser. I quickly started to see behind the curtain of U.S. foreign policy immediately, as I was privy to information most of us are not allowed to see or know about. I began to realize that I had been lied to about everything. I watched Marines around me being deployed all over the globe without so much as a clue as to the real reasons we were being sent to kill and be killed.
Cpl. Dunham became the first Marine awarded the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War. The part of this that the press did not mention was that Cpl. Dunham had died in vain. He did not have to be on that patrol that day. He did not have to be in Iraq to begin with.
Cpl. Dunham was sent there by politicians who would never walk into the alley in which he died, who sent him there to do nothing but conquer a sovereign country for oil giants and defense contractors.
Cpl. Dunham’s family received some money from insurance and a medal from the Commander in Chief, but they will never again see their son.
By the time I received orders to deploy to Iraq—what I had re-joined the Marines to do—I realized that I could not morally go to fight in a country that had never done anything to me or to my family. I began to understand that if I was in the position of most Iraqis, I too would pick up a gun and fight for my family and for my country.
I refused those orders to deploy. I have never once regretted it.
Since then I have seen too many of my fellow Devil Dogs die, lose limbs, their sight, their families or their minds for no reason.
Recently, a U.S. military commander told a reporter in southern Helmand province that he has come to know that the Afghan war is “more like 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon which never ends, the only difference is the cartoon does not claim lives, but here we lose men every day.”
Death and life-changing injuries, for both U.S. troops and Afghan civilians, are at the highest levels since the war began. This shows no signs of stopping.
I refused my orders to Iraq, and you can refuse your orders to Afghanistan. This will be a decision you will not regret. It will be a decision that you can be proud to tell your children and grandchildren about.
Semper Fi,
Sgt. Edward Pages
You're not alone. Click here to get more information about how you can refuse deployment to Afghanistan.

A lot of Military Helicopters Flying Towards Camp David

A lot of Military Helicopters Flying Towards Camp David
I am located in Maryland in between Washington DC and Camp David. I have not read if something is going on at Camp David today or sometime soon,I have been too busy lately to get on the internet. So far I have seen 8 of them, not sure if they are all military, but they are all flying together. Having a couple of military helicopters flying by is not unusual, but this many all at the same time in groups is.

Three more just went by all military, that makes 11 now...Unless they are doing circles which I doubt. The usual pattern is going towards Camp David three of them and then three of them coming back towards Washington DC. They are all going in the direction of Camp David and not coming back at this point.

Three more just came by, which makes 14 total that I have seen going but not come back around.

Hey op...I am seeing twitter reports stating the same thing. reporting large numbers of helicopters headed to camp David. Some say low and rattling their houses and all are military. A lot of tweets asking is something is going on and that this is not normal...most of those come from people who have lived in the area for awhile. Interesting even if it is nothing.

Chemtrails Plane is CIA

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Remember that Southern Air Airplane that was Spreading Chemtrails over Arizona? I now have Proof SA is the CIA's SAT
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 13:14:47

On Wednesday, NaturalWisdom posted an article about a strange plane circling low over a town in Arizona.
Jet's mysterious flight leaves some AZ residents puzzled
A Boeing jet allegedly owned by a cargo company called Southern Air circled round-and-around for an hour before landing at Pinal Airpark near Marana, AZ.
I posted this reply:
This Jet was Southern Air - I Wonder if that is the Southern Air Transport that is CIA? - Here's a Quick Overview of the CIA Covert Side
I wondered if Southern Air was the new name for the CIA's premier airline, Southern Air Transport.
I received an email from the owner of this site:
At the link above, you will see full documentation of Southern Air Transport from it's beginning in 1947 to it's new incarnation at Southern Air.
I go back to the comments I made in the original post:
I can't help but wonder if these residents of Marana, AZ actually have identified the planes who are doing the chemtrailing? If this is the case, I would hope that all investigative reporters who are covering chemtrails will be made aware of this incident.
The news reporters who were notified by Marana residents, checked on who owned the plane and found out that Southern Air owned it. Southern Air sounds an awful lot like Southern Air Transport (SAT) which figured prominently in smuggling drugs in the 80s and 90s. I wonder if a paper trail, such as the one linking the CIA to Southern Air Transport and is copied below, can be found for Southern Air.
And indeed such a paper trail exists and it was sent to me. You can read it at this link:
This Jet was Southern Air - I Wonder if that is the Southern Air Transport that is CIA? - Here's a Quick Overview of the CIA Covert Side

Every American should see this! MUST SEE - HUMAN SPIRIT IS AWESOME

Every American should see this!
What a fantastic testimonial to Americans!

                  The evacuation of Dunkirk evacuated 380,000 British troops at the beginning of World War II.    It took 9 days and was the greatest evacuation ever ---- until 9/11.

Here's an untold tale of American 9/11 resilience.
This is a moving video; very powerful and it's narrated by Tom Hanks. Well worth the time to watch.
I've never seen a video like this, taken from the water side of the World Trade Center ....wonder why we did not hear about this on the news.
It's an incredible story; it speaks to all that is admirable in the American Spirit.
Appreciate and be thankful !

Something powerful is happening. Can you feel it?

Whenever I'm feeling drained, I go watch the Wayseer Manifesto. 
Always gives me chills:

Here's an update from Garret.

From: Garret & the Wayseers <>
Date: Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:06 AM
Subject: Something powerful is happening. Can you feel it?

Humanity is starting to come together ... Right now. We are no longer tolerating abuses of power and the exploitative corporate mindset. A decade ago people were asleep and hypnotized by corporate media as they watched elections being stolen, billions being embezzled, and unjust wars being started.

Today humanity is waking up - demonstrated by the peaceful uprisings in Iceland, Iran, the Arab Spring, Occupy, Greece, Quebec, Spain and this week "the largest protest the world has ever seen" in Mexico - yet silenced by the media.

This is only the beginning. Corporate media wants you to believe that these protests will lead to violent anarchy, but we know better.  We have seen Iceland's AMAZING peaceful revolution as a shining testament that the media's fear-mongering is simply untrue. 

If Iceland can peacefully reform its government, prosecute and deport its corrupt politicians and bankers, amend its constitution, and thumb its nose to the evils of central banking, we ALL can.

Come together,
Garret John LoPorto
Author of "The Wayseers"

P.S. In the coming days we're preparing to unveil a free platform designed to help wayseers worldwide come together to do great things for the world.

Merck Teams With Gates Foundation to Further Worldwide

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Merck Teams With Gates Foundation to Further Worldwide Depopulation
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Jul-2012 10:53:51

By Susanne Posel | Occupy Corporatism
At the London Summit on Family Planning (LSFP), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) pledged $560 million to their campaign to depopulate under-developed nations. World leaders, private-sector corporations, UN representatives and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) attended the LSFP.
Warren Buffet, friend and fellow Elitist, has agreed to hand over most of his wealth to charity, contributed stock valued at $1.52 billion in his annual gift to the BMGF.
Buffet asserted in a YouTube video in 2011: “I urge people to unbutton their wallet, pull out a check, reach into their purse, whatever it takes. You will find that when you give a dollar and something of yourself, a lot more than a dollar comes out the other end.”
more + video...

Open Letter To The Crown - FREE DOWNLOAD

Sample - More in Download

The 17th Amendment Fiasco - Free Download

This is dedicated to Patriotic Efforts Of Bill Benson.


 Chuck Baldwin  OUR FREEDOM LOST

By Chuck Baldwin July 12,

It is an absolute fact that no matter which of the two major parties in Washington, D.C., is in power, the freedoms and liberties of the American people continue to be eroded. However, this does NOT mean that there are not basic differences between the two parties. The two parties differ greatly on

HOW government will take our liberties. Where they are similar is in the fact that neither of them has any interest in preserving liberty. Until the American people awaken to this reality, whatever freedoms we have left in this country are doomed.

Let me ask you a question: does it really matter whether a free man is enslaved by a socialist state or a fascist state? Are the prisons any more accommodating? Are the lashes from the whip any less painful? Is the agony of losing a loved one any less grievous? Is the persecution any less revolting? What difference does it make to a free man if his liberties are stolen by an Adolf Hitler or by a Joseph Stalin?

Do you want a quick reference to the difference between how the Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C., are stealing our liberties? When the Democrats control things, America gets more socialism; when the Republicans control things, America gets more corporatism, which is a polite word for fascism. Socialism requires government to own everything, while fascism requires government to control everything. And remember, too, fascists and socialists have always hated each other. Big deal! Fascists and socialists alike hate freedomists, which is why inside-the-beltway Repubs and Dems can’t stand people like Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and yours truly. (Remember the MIAC report identifying the three of us, and our supporters, as being potential “dangerous militia” members?) So who cares which of these two parties happens to be in power? Our freedoms continue to be under siege. That’s why the battle in Washington politics has nothing to do with preserving freedom, but everything to do with HOW government will take freedom. Will they take it by ownership or by control? And, unfortunately, what we have right now is the worst of both worlds: government is using a combination of both ownership and control to steal our liberties. Why? Because except for a very precious few elected civil magistrates (like Congressman Ron Paul), there is no one on Capitol Hill or the White House who remotely understands--or fights for--the principles of liberty.

Even worse is that when the Donkeys and the Elephants do agree, it almost always is in an effort to point the bayonets at the American citizenry. What does it matter whether government owns it or controls it? What does it matter whether it more resembles socialism of corporatism? What it doesn’t look anything like, is FREEDOM!

Take the Democrat/Republican debate over Obamacare. Even if Mitt Romney and the GOP prevail in the November elections, Obamacare will be replaced with Romneycare. And Romneycare will be 85% Obamacare, with a slight shift toward government control and a slight shift away from government ownership. Again, I say, BIG DEAL! What neither party is talking about is that the federal government has no business being in health care. Period! Just like the federal government has no business being in over 90% of everything it is involved in today. But who do you hear saying that in Washington, D.C., except Ron Paul?

Take the issue of the burgeoning surveillance society. What does it matter which major party is in power in Washington, D.C.? The TSA gets more and more obnoxiously tyrannical; abuses of civil liberties under the guise of fighting a “war on drugs” continues unabated; abuses of the Bill of Rights under the guise of fighting a “war on terror” continues unabated; the federal police state continues to grow exponentially; unconstitutional foreign entanglements continue to proliferate; ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

In a book that I have recommended numerous times, “Hitler’s Cross,” Erwin Lutzer writes on page 72, “Through surveillance, wiretaps, spying, and rewarding those who betrayed their friends, Hitler tried to control the citizens of Germany.” On page 73, Lutzer continues the thought saying, “But Hitler did not have the technology to bring every subject of his realm into line.” So, given the technology that is available today, what would Hitler do differently if he were running things in Washington, D.C.? I ask readers to think seriously about that question. What would Hitler do differently?

Today, the federal government monitors virtually every piece of electronic communication. The federal government monitors virtually every major banking transaction. It has spies infiltrated in even harmless organizations all over the country. It threatens people with the loss of their jobs or freedom (or both) to betray their friends. It spies on us with satellites; it spies on us with drones. On July 6, 2012, President Obama signed an Executive Order authorizing the federal government to take control of America’s entire communications industry. In 2006, under President George W. Bush, the US military began planning armed confrontation against the American citizenry. (I have the document in my possession.) And, of course, we must not overlook the Patriot Act which has been authorized and reauthorized under both Republicans and Democrats; the Military Commission Act which was signed by G.W. Bush; NDAA 2012 and 2013 which was signed by President Barack Obama, and which was passed by both Republicans and Democrats. And let’s not forget the federal attack against the Branch Davidians under Democrats Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, and the assault against the Randy Weaver household under Republican President George Herbert Walker Bush.

So, again, pick your poison. Both the socialist-leaning Democrats and the corporatist-leaning Republicans in Washington, D.C., meet together in pointing the bayonet against the American citizenry. And you really wonder why nothing significant changes in this country?

And in this regard, the platforms of the two major parties are completely meaningless! I dare say that Barack Obama has never read the Democrat platform and doesn’t care one iota what it says. I also guarantee you that Mitt Romney hasn’t read the Republican platform and doesn’t care one iota what it says either. Can anyone remember when Republican Presidential candidate, Bob Dole, in a rare moment of candor, publicly admitted that he had not read his party’s platform and didn’t care what it said? Party platforms are for the benefit of rank and file party members to make them feel like their ideas count for something to the party leadership. They don’t! Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts!

So, do the Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C., differ? Yes! They differ on how our freedoms will be taken from us. They differ on the degree of government ownership and control. They differ on the nuances of political tyranny. Where they are twins is in their lust and ambition for power, in their approval of stripping more and more freedoms from the American people, and in their absolute and total disregard for constitutional government.

Without some sort of “Great Awakening” both politically and spiritually, whatever is left of our liberties is doomed--and both major parties in Washington, D.C., are equally culpable.

And please visit my web site for past columns and much more.

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