Yesterday I was asked "Why is the price of Gold falling so badly?"
The answer is very simple, I replied: The Holders Cannot "comply" and show the three prime requirements 1. Source of Collateral, 2. Good, Clean, Clear and 3. Marketable on "All of those Unauthorized Prime Bank Instruments" run through JP MORGAN, BARKLEYS, BANK OF ENGLAND, US & UK FEDERAL RESERVE'S "12" ASSOCIATES hit a wall when they reached the Bank of International Settlements for Collection.
Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record http://www.theantechamber.net/Vk2009/DocumentationValidation.htm
Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record http://www.theantechamber.net/Vk2009/DocumentationValidation.htm
December 28, 1988 Information Services Corporation (used by the U.S. Fed. Govt. Agencies for verification and calculation of complex interest due on Contracts such as "The one time only BONUS Commodity Contract 3392 and Certificate of Indebtedness of Peru No. 181 dated May 1, 1875) performed the first set of calculations on the accrued Gold Interest on THE COMMODITY CONTACT holding the One Time Only Bonus 3392 and No. 181 which is Notarized. This Notarized first set of actuarial was later re-calculated by the Fed. R. Bank in Los Angeles, Cal., who, incidentally, using the same "contractual agreements as to the graduating interest's" formula reached the same, identical calculated amount due and payable on the One Time Only BONUS 3392 Commodity Contract and Certificate of Indebtedness No. 181.
The amount calculated by both was $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 due and "Payable" in "AMERICAN GOLD DOLLARS," Gold, Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and/or Coin of the Realm on THE GOLD COLLATERAL INTEREST due on BONUS 3392-181. The Notarized Documents are also filed of Public Record.
Currently, per the Ekkers PUBLIC NOTICES a 50-50 split is in effect, allowing up to 5 Trillion Dollars per annum to be written, put out in the International Banking and Financial Community, further alleging these instruments are "collectable" from The U.S. Dept. of the Treasury and U.S. Fed. R. Banking System. If you do not assist in STOPPING this, each and every single "free" person, will ultimately be made RESPONSIBLE for the Payments of this INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND FINANCE FRAUD situation of GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION aka Ekkers. (Project Camelot/Phoenix/OICT)
The amount calculated by both was $206,858,581,465,280,000,000.00 due and "Payable" in "AMERICAN GOLD DOLLARS," Gold, Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and/or Coin of the Realm on THE GOLD COLLATERAL INTEREST due on BONUS 3392-181. The Notarized Documents are also filed of Public Record.
Currently, per the Ekkers PUBLIC NOTICES a 50-50 split is in effect, allowing up to 5 Trillion Dollars per annum to be written, put out in the International Banking and Financial Community, further alleging these instruments are "collectable" from The U.S. Dept. of the Treasury and U.S. Fed. R. Banking System. If you do not assist in STOPPING this, each and every single "free" person, will ultimately be made RESPONSIBLE for the Payments of this INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND FINANCE FRAUD situation of GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION aka Ekkers. (Project Camelot/Phoenix/OICT)
Those instruments which involved with JP MORGAN'S, BARKLEY'S ETAL'S "LIBOR" AND MONEY LAUNDERING come close to amounting to $107 Quadrillion Dollars which would be an approximate 1/2 or 50% of PROJECT CAMELOT and the BOGUS "OITC" "Public Notice GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION MEMORANDUM OF DIRECTIVE" which can be read here: http://www.theantechamber.net/VkDocuments/DocGroupG/Gpage4.html
IT'S HIGH TIME We get back to:
Clay Douglas interviews VK Durham
Clay Douglas interviews VK Durham
If you will remember; I was lured/kidnapped into the state of West Virginia by Financial Advisor, Gene C. Valentine, CEO, Financial West Group, Cal., ariving in W. Va. Jan. 1. 2012. Mr. Valentine was to assist Durham Trust in the resolving of the Euro Crisis, for which a Prime Bank Instrument Gold Bullion Instrument being $1 Trillion Dollars Collateral Assignment held by V.K. Durham, CEO, Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 was to be used. "Copy" was held by Valentine's Attorney in West Virginia, Patrick Cassidy.
January 30, 2012. VKD wrote: When my BP reaches 220 over 120.. it's getting too damned close to 'check out time'.. I've got some living to do prior to checking out. I am strongly considering re-conecting with family which, as many are aware.. I had to make a decision when the children were small.. to keep them from being sold into white slavery in the Far East.
After all these years my conclusion: Each of these little stools have the capacity to stand on their own legs..(children)
The Trust's.. are in capable hands.
Should anything happen to me those certain and specific documents signed, notarized and sealed in the bank shall be deemed Null and Void and of no Lawful Effect.. Atty. Pat Cassidy has copies of those documents and will also be a recipient of this Trust decision whereas he may be able to avoid any confusion as to the Cause and Effect of Mr. Gene C. Valentines most unacceptable behaviour which has brought about this decision.
As soon as certain things are done.. I'm retiring. That is final. I have said this many times previously..
There are more important matters we should be looking at which, as I see it comes down to what Russell predicted November 17, 1993: "If the American People ever wake up, and find out what the Federal Government has really done; I would not want to be in the Executive Branch. I would not want to be a Member of Congress or Senate, state of federal. I would not want to be a judge on the bench. I would not want to be a lawyer. I would not want to be even the local dog catcher. Because; The American People will round all of them up; Give them a fair trial and hang them on the Capitol Steps [end quote]." http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/OutsideCongresReview.html You also should copy and study.. you will need this in the future http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/VkPublicNotice.html along with http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/More911FinancialTerror.htm
V.K. Durham, CEO
Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087
P.O. Box 113, Ida Grove, Iowa 51445
Tel: 712-364-3830 E-Mail: vkdurham@frontiernet.net
Feb. 08, 2012
In Re: December 23d, 2011 letter involving Deo ju Vante Trusts of Latin America and the Republics of the Union of the United States of America Financial Advisor/Manager Gene C. Valentine, CEO Financial West Group.
To whom it may concern:
On this day, February 08, 2012 for reasons of "Conduct Unbecoming" Mr. Gene C. Valentine, CEO Financial West Group is herein and here-in-after discharged of representing said before-mentioned Deo ju Vante Trusts without further ado.
V.K. Durham, CEO
THERE REMAINS THE ISSUE OF "$1 TRILLION DOLLARS" (Did Valentine go ahead and use the $1 Trillion Dollar Assignment without "Authorization of V.K. Durham, CEO?") Just may have considering his sudden allignment with Russell Herman's "Golden Boy" an individual who suddenly changed his name from D.V. Hughes, Jr. to Daniel V. Hughes, Jr. after intro to Tim Geithner, Jamie Diamon and associating with Valentine, then attacking the Trustees and Officers of Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087.
Jamie Diamon and his JP MORGAN group get caught in the LIBOR scandal laundering through BARKLEYS http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-libor-scandal-forces-barclays-uae-rate-panel-091939641--finance.html as investigations hang in the air http://news.yahoo.com/jpmorgan-profit-falls-4-4-billion-trading-loss-110443613--sector.html
New York Fed Responds to Congressional Request for Information on Barclays - LIBOR Matter - Federal Reserve Bank of New York http://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/news/markets/2012/Barclays_LIBOR_Matter.html
If properly investigated; This in all probability will connect with Weston Frank (Iowa City, Iowa), the White House, Daniel V. Hughes, Jr. (D.V. Hughes, Jr.), JP MORGAN Etals (the ones who offered me $40 Billion to cover the two $120 Billion Dollar Bush, Clinton, Greenspan etal transactions connected to the "Revised 9/11 Commission Dec. 08 )
September 11 Commission Report Revised December 2008 - Scribd
COMMISSION REPORT Revised December 2008 Final Report of the Investigation Into: ... MORE 9/11 CANTOR FITZGERALD, GOLDMAN SACHS, FED. R., UST, BUSH ETAL ...
VKD: Appears there are some "investigators" who still know how to "investigate" instead of becoming TALKING HEADS: Tue, 19 Dec 2006. MORE 9/11 CANTOR FITZGERALD, GOLDMAN SACHS, FED. R., UST, BUSH ETAL 'FINANCIAL TERRORISM' By: V.K. Durham, and Investigative Reporters Tom Flocco, Tom Hennegan and Stew Webb ... http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/More911FinancialTerror.htm
It is overly abundent, and clearly evident "everyone can use Durham Trust Collateral but the We the People?"
As a reminder; Bob Chapman wrote: December 31st, 2011: The BIS informed the UK’s policy of quantitative easing, the creation of money and credit, was not working. The US central bank, the Federal Reserve, has been doing the same thing for 12 years, so we ask why has not the BIS cited them as well? Horrors of horrors just two weeks ago the ECB, European Central Bank, decreed that they were going to implement QE as well. We ask, why no BIS comment regarding the Fed and the ECB? Might it tend to bring both systems down?
snip: of all places, the Bank of England nor the Federal Reserve, yet they mimic them, now having implemented their own QE, accompanied by $1 trillion in swap assistance from the Fed. We see the words and ideas, but the reality is that behind the scenes the Fed is pulling the strings. You judge them by what they do not by what they say. In view of their newfound responsibilities we still find the rating agencies far behind the curve, due to pressure from banking and the political structure. Keeping that in mind investors have to rely on their own research and not that of an intimidated rating system. Besides rating changes are discounted months in advance by other professionals.
read more: http://theinternationalforecaster.com/International_Forecaster_Weekly/Nations_Ponder_Their_Escape_From_Debt InternationalForecaster: All of these central banks and sovereigns playing this game know that it won’t work, but they
The euro zone may have publicly made it clear it is their show and that they need no assistance from, of all places, the Bank of England nor the Federal Reserve, yet they mimic them, now having implemented their own QE, accompanied by $1 trillion in swap assistance from the Fed. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=226197
The Truth has clawed it's way out of darkness into the light of day.
July 6, 2012. Matt Koppenheffer writes: If ever there was a public service announcement against financial fraud, it's the picture of former Antiguan financier and playboy R. Allen Stanford, all 6 feet 4 inches of him, face battered and bloody, shackled to a hospital bed, hunched over and hacking up blood into a plastic tub following a jailhouse beating.Though "Sir" Allen presided over a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme that is one of the largest financial frauds in U.S. history, the whole affair could be labeled "The forgotten fraud."
Major news sources have reported on developments in the case -- the most recent of which was the 110-year sentence that a judge slapped on the disgraced financier. But whereas it was difficult to open a paper or pull up a news website for a while without Bernie Madoff coverage in your face, the curious have had to search out updates on the Stanford case. It's not that the media aren't meeting readers' demand; it's that few seem to care.
A fellow writer described it as "Madoff fatigue." Maybe that's it. Or maybe it's a Madoff overshadowing. Or perhaps it's that many of Stanford's victims were outside of the U.S. read more at source: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/07/06/the-massive-fraud-everyone-forgot-about.aspx
Now read this:
Read this article by Robert Reich, former US Secretary of Labor.
Wall Street Sleaze Keeps Growing
"Just when you thought Wall Street couldn't sink any lower - when its excesses are still causing hardship to millions of Americans and its myriad abuses of public trust have already spread a miasma of cynicism over the entire economic system - an even deeper level of public-be-damned greed and corruption is revealed."
Over the years many have said about my analysis "The banksters are way too powerful to EVER be taken out." and "There is nothing that can stop them so why bother." And yet month after month, year after year I continue to prove that there is not only a HOPE of removing the banksters BUT A PLAN TO DO IT.
I am not some crazy gold bug who predicts the end of the world everyday with a story filled with doom and gloom. And I am not a Nostradamus who sees the future and reports on what they see. I am a researcher, an analyst and pretty good at developing future scenarios based on what is happening today. That is what I have done and my conclusions are very, very positive for our future.
We will take down the banksters. We will erase all evils from our monetary system. We will have a global "reallocation" of wealth in the form of gold and silver coin used as money. We will be free again.
Robert Reich does a good job at the end of his article in pointing out that being negative and succumbing to the despair of the time does not help our cause. It even invites it to become a self-fulfilling prophesy!
"When it comes to Wall Street and the financial sector in general, most of us suffer outrage fatigue combined with an overwhelming cynicism that nothing will ever be done to stop these abuses because the Street is too powerful. But that fatigue and cynicism are self-fulfilling; nothing will be done if we succumb to them."
"The alternative is to be unflagging and unflinching in our demand that Glass-Steagall be reinstituted and the biggest banks be broken up. The question is whether the unfolding Libor scandal will provide enough ammunition and energy to finally get the job done."
Very soon YOU will be asked to stand up and FIGHT for your freedom.
Transition 2012 & the Tree of Liberty
I know you won't let us down!
The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws.....
AND THIS: DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) http://www.care2.com/news/member/101930885/527449
read this: http://www.breakthematrix.com/Constitution/DICK-ACT-of-1902-CANT-BE-REPEALED-GUN-CONTROL-FORBIDDEN
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Report Feb. 1982
July 14, 2012. Bill Moyers Video.
With scandals in the financial sector continuing to mount up at a rapid rate this week, the question of how to reign in the power the banks wield over the rest of us remains ever-pertinent.
Last night on his show Moyers & Company, the question was raised with former FDIC chair (and advocate of reform) Sheila Bair: can we ever make the bankers who wrecked our economy pay? How can regulators prevent banks from "scuttling" the latest round of reforms? http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/1032382/bill_moyers:_can_we_make_banks_accountable/
July 15, 2012. Five hours ago.. in ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (Reuters) - Protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade on Sunday during her first visit to Egypt since the election of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.
A tomato struck an Egyptian official in the face, and shoes and a water bottle landed near the armoured cars carrying Clinton's delegation in the port city of Alexandria after she gave a speech on democratic rights. http://news.yahoo.com/egyptians-pelt-clinton-motorcade-tomatoes-054344514.html
As we sit watching this very expensive PROJECT CAMELOT 'political' battle for the chosen to the position The Corporations chief puppet of Wall Street/Rothschilds/US/UK Federal Reserve Banking System "Puppet Masters" controlling the "Puppets" in the highest office;s in the land of crooks and criminals as Jamie Diamon, JP Morgan, and the Contra's rape and pillage the Global Banks, Financial and Economics industry, raping these nations of Gold and Silver in these Nations Treasury's, Historical Artifacts, Library's, Mineral Rights, Water Rights and down to the most simple basic Right.. the Rights of Seeds to grow food taken over by Monsanto's GMO.
Unfortunately, the United States of America's Republics of each state have been ripped off just as Iraq and other nations by Corporate US. UN-Authorized by the Constitutional Government (We the People of the Sovereign Xth Amendment Constitutional status).
This was in yesterday's mail.
WASHINGTON (AP) — After years of following the paper trail of $51 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars provided to rebuild a broken Iraq, the U.S. government can say with certainty that too much was wasted. But it can't say how much.
In what it called its final audit report, the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Funds on Friday spelled out a range of accounting weaknesses that put "billions of American taxpayer dollars at risk of waste and misappropriation" in the largest reconstruction project of its kind in U.S. history.
Auditors: $51 billion spent by US to 'rebuild' Iraq, much wasted --Precise amount lost to fraud and waste can never be known - report 14 Jul 2012 After years of following the paper trail of $51 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars provided to rebuild a broken Iraq, the U.S. government can say with certainty that too much was wasted. But it can't say how much. In what it called its final audit report, the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Funds on Friday spelled out a range of accounting weaknesses that put "billions of American taxpayer dollars at risk of waste and misappropriation" in the largest reconstruction project of its kind in U.S. history. [Now, where was the 'Tea Party' when George W. Sociopath was blowing through the surplus and adding trillions to the deficit, to turn over the US Treasury to mercenaries and corpora-terrorists?] Source http://news.yahoo.com/auditors-billions-likely-wasted-iraq-174443860.htmlIraq wants all US-stolen archeological treasures back 16 Jul 2012 Iraq says it wants back all the archeological treasures, stolen by US forces in 2003, but Washington has offered to return only half. Iraq rejected the offer made by the United States to bring back half of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, previously transferred from Baghdad to the United States during the US-led invasion of the country, insisting that Baghdad had to restore the whole archive, Iraqi newspaper al-Sabah reported on Sunday. "The archive includes centuries-old Torah scrolls and plenty of other documents in Hebrew, Arabic, and English."
Sunday July 16, 2012 Tom Hennegan's bomb shell came in from Tom Flocco. It was forwarded on to the email tree's. I am posting it for you to review again, along with one of the many response's I have received.
Sunday, July 15, 2012 8:48 PM
Subject: IS THIS TRUE, MR GENSLER? Criminal conversion? $10M Bribe?
One of the many response's.
VK how are you? Thanks for the e-mails. We're getting them!
They sure are putting up a hopeless fight ! VK you're great
They sure are putting up a hopeless fight ! VK you're great
Clay Douglas interviews VK Durham
Clay Douglas interviews VK Durham