Sunday, July 15, 2012

Blog Talk Radio Shuts Down After Drake Called For The FBI, Police and Citizens to Make Arrests

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Blog Talk Radio Shuts Down After Drake Called For The FBI, Police and Citizens to Make Arrests
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 15-Jul-2012 17:54:06

Drake and Minuteman called for the FBI, the Police and the citizens to make arrests then their radio show got shut down so that they could not speak anymore.
MONTREAL--( Talk Radio shuts down the radio show of Drake.
Drake calls for ending Bohemian Grove gathering now plus on July 27 to arrest anyone that wants to removes your guns.
Drake and Minuteman are calling for everyone including citizens to start arresting everyone that want to remove your rights, your freedom and guns.
LadyDragon started with asking Drake about what to do with Bohemian Grove.
Drake said, it should not be allowed and to get at least 4 000 to 5 000 people and storm the place and stop these human sacrifices.
Then LadyDragon goes talking about the latest news...
More here:


Anonymous said...

Good! He has wasted enough of my time!

Anonymous said...

Are we really surprised that Drakes show was canceled? Not at all if you can't produce what better way to bow out gracefully then to claim that they canceled your show. One thing that is good is we won't be hearing Dragon lady there is just something about how she says things that just kinda makes my ears hurt. I will miss listening to Drake as I was always waiting to hear what he would say next that must be some good stuff he is smoking.

HighlyIntelligentBadAss said...

Fret Not America I've been around this block twice now. Drake and his Save-the-World team were only Phase one. Phase two super heroes replacing Drake, Minuteman and LadyDragon will be Snake, AllNiteStrong and LongDuckDong. FukcMe…Is anyone surprised at how the Cabal continually gets away with blatantly stealing trillions, enslaving billions, and killing millions?

Anonymous said...

It seems easier for cowards to complain than accomplish what is asked of them, Drakes plan of actio n needs support. Even if ETs stepped in and did the dirty work for us there would still be those who have complaints instead of gratitude. Let us listen and ACT.. Get rid of Bohemiun Grove and encourage FBI, etc to do as their job requires when treason is evident.

Anonymous said...

Now that sounds like a plan.Finally someone is saying it , thank you. Lets get off of our butts and make these calls and make sure they hear us. Thank you again

Kevin MIlls said...

It never made sense to me why the military would ask Drake to make announcements on their behalf to announce to the world what their intentions are. I can't imagine a true military operation having soldiers stand on rooftops with megaphones shouting to all what their plans are and how they're going to engage the enemy. Where's the element of surprise? I have a difficult time believing the our military top brass are that foolish. Now, suddenly, Obama is paying for "rats"? If this is true, then do you think it could have anything to do with all these "announcements? Gee... This is way too simple and although I've truly wanted to believe in what Drake is doing, my gut is sending up a big red flag. Something about all this isn't quite right. There must be something else going on and we're either being played for fools again or this is a distraction for some other operation. I can only hope it would be for our benefit. This has the smell of theater entertainment...

Anonymous said...

Thats right Kevin!..the old adage applies here:

To be forewarned is to be forearmed !!

The " Art of War" relies firstly on secrecy not telegraphing your next move..would the boxer say to his out Im throwing an uppercut next? I agree..I wanted to believe too but this is way too simplified to work in the REAL world. Where are the federal marshalls & sheriffs making those arrests? You say you got the evidence to indict? Truckloads of data..right? Well then..Indict and arrest already !! Quit talking about militias for we the is that going to help in downtown Tampa Chicago Denver San Francisco etc?? Maybe where Drake lives out in the boonies but not where most of the population resides..Cmon now..get a grip~!