Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Think and Relate

New post on ANMilitia

Think and Relate

by Drake

Think and Relate

The slavery of employment.
Each of us has a routine in life described in many ways.
That idea of a 'ball and chain' gives meaning in this song.
To those who have stepped outside the routine, many are forced to return.
No privacy because of the god of business we built and
the philosophy of that thought is captured here.
Where are we and what is happening today...
The reason is FREEDOM.
This is designed to bring things into focus for those who can hear.
There are a lot of people who at least feel a twinge of patriotism, that
this country should belong to them, and maybe a possibility of a real
American dream.
Those who feel that they should do something, might start by talking
to those listed above. Maybe find out that you have a better way...
Many follow directly into the cause, just like Marines running to the
Question is, who has the courage?
Act according to how you feel. Those who have just a small feeling,
need to talk to those who are looking to go into action.
Those who are coming to the fight, enlist all those who are not fully sure.
Those who can not bring themselves to be so directly involved, need to
ALL go into the streets.
Do not be fooled.
The bad guys will try to stop anything we do.
I have it on good authority that most of the military will join with us.
You are to form up with the Sheriff and FBI, and support them.
Make no mistake, this is the end game.
~ Drake
Drake | July 16, 2012 at 9:26 am | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-az

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My Name is America

The Official Patriotic Anthem

There is no Left or Right,
there is only
 Tyranny and Freedom. 


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/16/12 ‘We Salute the Fallen’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/16/12 ‘We Salute the Fallen’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 17-Jul-2012 01:28:46

A major offensive has been carried out by the forces of light operating on the front lines in an attempt to eradicate the stronghold of the criminal cabal here in your world. A frontal assault has been carried out, taking into custody many hundreds of members of the criminal cabal and some of their underlings here in cities such as Atlanta Georgia, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Harrisburg Pennsylvania, Dayton Ohio, Bloomington Minnesota, Aspen Colorado, Peoria Illinois, Sacramento California and within the state of Delaware. These cabal agents put up a hostile fight in some of these locations. Casualties were experienced on both sides of this struggle. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, monitored all of these situations and we were able to repel an attempt by rogue military forces that attempted to interfere, at least on some level, with one or more of these proceedings. We initiated light technologies and defenses and stopped their forward momentum and blacked out their communications to, and through, their satellites to cabal leaders and other rogue military units.
We have assured your men and women in the fields and on the front lines of these actions that we will do whatever it is we must do and we can do to protect them from these military factions sworn to the allegiance of the cabal. We have kept our word, though it is unfortunate that we must report that there were some casualties experienced by your courageous men and women taking part in gunfire while making some of these arrests. We could not interfere in that particular situation as there are limitations to what we can do at times and the amount of protection we can offer. We will continue our efforts on every front to offer the highest level of protection that we can, and we say to you have confidence in us and have faith and know that many more lives could have been lost if it were not for our efforts that succeeded in stopping additional rogue military forces from becoming involved in the conflicts that are now scattered all over the United States as well as throughout some parts of your world.
We will continue to give you updates to these developments as often as we can as we feel it is very important for you, the people of Earth, to be kept abreast and made aware of what is truly the most significant event in the history of your modern world. We salute the brave and courageous men and women who are on the front lines and who mourn the loss of those who have given their lives in service to their brothers and sisters, to love, to light, to freedom, to the decree of their Creator who now has greeted them through his open arms of the higher dimensions, as this is where these beings have now emerged, through the veil, on the other side of where there is only light and where their loved ones who are their family and their friends were waiting for them and who have now joined them in cheerful and joyful reunion.
We say to all of you, the people of your world, that this is the destiny that awaits you, and although it may appear to your senses here under this illusion of a lower dimensional world that the experience you understand as death is some kind of mortal end, is some kind of finale, it is not even remotely the truth of what it is a being experiences once they are freed from the limiting confines of your human vessels. What awaits you is glorious, is momentous, is gorgeous, is freeing, is liberating, is joyful, is exhilarating, is blissful and in very many cases ultimately surprising, yet there is one thing for sure; the death of the human vessel is not the end, for the living spirit of a being is eternal, and this spirit is never ending in its journey beyond and through walls of dimensions that only present themselves while encased within a lower dimensional physical vessel.
Once freed from the confines of this vessel, a spirit can take shape beyond this realm, reemerging back home, if you will, to where is they come from, where it is they belong, where is they have missed and have longed, in some cases, for many eons of time. This is an occasion to look forward to, not to fear and not to regret. The brave men and women who gave their lives in the gunfire apprehending the members of your criminal cabal will be missed, for a time, this cannot be denied, but they will not be missed for very long as many of their friends and family will be reuniting with them very shortly in the days ahead. This is one of the surprises awaiting so many of you who have seemingly lost loved ones in the past, as when our two dimensions merge there will be nothing, not time, not walls, separating you from joyful embrace, together again. This we promise you.
This is what some of you have to look forward to at the culmination of this great shift that these arrests are an essential part of. We wish all to know that the men and women who gave up their physical vessels at this time in love and service to the light and to you, their brothers and sisters, have been greatly rewarded for their heroic efforts, and their reward comes not in a lie of a medal handed to them by members of the cabal, but their reward has been bestowed upon them from their Creator, the Creator of all things ‘good’ or ‘bad’, large or small, dark or light in this, his magnificent kingdom where we journey to experience ourselves in every aspect of ourselves, in every shade, shadow or lighted day of ourselves. These experiences where gunshots ring out and lives are seemingly lost are one aspect of what we have come here to experience, and not a single moment is ever rightfully mourned as each moment of every experience is to be treasured and is to be recognized as an experience that has enabled us to learn more about ourselves and to understand greater who it is we are, once reflected on to the backdrop of this wonderful universe.
Moments like these that may seem to family and friends of departing souls as tragedies are not at all moments of sorrow or tragedy. They are moments that define more sharply and more clearly who it is we are and magnify what it is that we are made of in form and substance, in spirit. Please take a moment to honor these men and women who unselfishly and for the freedom of all of you sacrificed. Pay them their due respect for what they have given, which was to depart early, leaving family and friends behind to mourn, as many of them have not reached an understanding that their separation is only temporary, and some of these individuals feel they have lost a loved one forever even though they have not. We all will experience a day when we will have the opportunity to reunite with each and every soul that has touched our lives, has been a part of our lives, and who we may miss greatly today. This is one of the joys in store for each and every one of you, and in the days ahead there will be those of you who will once again come face-to-face in joyful reunion with those loved ones of your past that have gone on before you into the higher realms of this multidimensional universe.
This is where we, the ascended beings that speak to you through these communications exist. It is here, within the ethers of the higher realms that we call home, and where we await our reunion with you as well. Do you have a clearer understanding of where it is we are and where it is you are? Do you see why much work needs to be done to tear down this wall that separates us, separates the physical from the spiritual? Now that many of you have a clearer understanding of how great our task is together, we ask you to please do what you can to get along with each other as we, day by day and step-by-step, inch closer to the salvation of our entire mission here together with you.
These men and women who are on your front lines are not fighting and sacrificing without cause. They are participating in events that are Earth changing, life-changing and future course altering for your planet and your entire civilization. What they are fighting for can barely be adequately described through the use of words, and we say to you that a clearer picture will be made available to you once you can emerge beyond these limiting confines of your dimension when many greater understandings will be experienced by you. This day will come; there can be no denying this now. The final battle has begun. It had been written in your ancient texts as prophesy many thousands of years ago that this battle would be waged and it has now begun and will not end until there is a victor, either the light or the dark, and we are here to make certain it is the light that is victorious and shines upon your new day, illuminating your way to the higher realms of this universe.
We are your ascended friends and family here on the other side with those who have recently departed your dimension. They are safe, they are sound, and they are now with us waiting for your arrival in the days ahead. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles 

Benjamin Fulford 7-17-12…”It is time to look at the big picture again

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Benjamin Fulford 7-17-12…”It is time to look at the big picture again
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 17-Jul-2012 01:39:52

"The only thing I will add here, is that I have always felt, in many ways, that I was a Global citizen, even though my birthing and residence was in the United States. Ben makes this point at the end, “The big blockage remains on Asians and other countries being allowed to spend their money in Europe and the US without impediment. If that becomes possible, Europeans and Americans will be hired in large quantities to engage is a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new age.” And to me, this means allowing all to work together AS a Global Community is where we would do well to go. This will undoubtedly be touted by a few as meaning, “China wants to buy out the US”, and presented as a fear-based interpretation.
But I would say to those who stand and say that “Only my country is the best”, and so on, are missing the point of Global Community. That is who we are.
When historical events are taking place, the daily rush of news event can fog the vision. We have entered such a time of fog now
The vast majority of the world’s money is now controlled by non-Westerners who have a very different agenda from that of the people who have been ruling the West and most of the world since at least 300 years ago.
Right now in the West, the regime change against bankster controlled criminal government has started with Iceland but it will end with the United States and the Vatican.
What happened to make the fall of the Soviet Union inevitable… was the theft of the Soviet Union’s foreign exchange reserves that made the collapse a matter of time…. What we are seeing in the West is the same.
The money making machine at the Federal Reserve Board has been closed down so collapse is inevitable.
For the past 30 years the United States and Europe (as a whole) have been running a trade deficit with the rest of the world.
What is now happening is that the creditor nations have stopped issuing new credit… That is why there is now a 147 nation alliance, led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and Africa that is telling the Western nations they will not buy their bonds or other “financial products.”
…time is on the side of the 147 nation alliance. The big problem for the West is that the Western nations have “out-sourced” most of their industrial infrastructure.
…the money being earned at Chinese or ASEAN export factories is not being spent on Western IOUs… [but] on “real” things like real-estate, commodities and factories.
What this means is that both the EU as a whole and the United States are bankrupt but are refusing to admit it.
…Chinese are perceived by the rest of the world as arriving with bags of money and business plans while Western nations arrive with guns and plans for mayhem. Guess who is losing and who is making friends…?
The big blockage remains on Asians and other countries being allowed to spend their money in Europe and the US without impediment.
If that becomes possible, Europeans and Americans will be hired in large quantities to engage is a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new age."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Keeping the Balance

Keeping the Balance

I would like to bring to your attention the following astrological configuration happening tomorrow:

It is a cardinal grand cross involving Pluto, Uranus, Mars and the Moon. It is one of the most tense, violent, explosive and rigid configurations possible, yet holding a potential seed for a big breakthrough. This configuration will be effective to the end of this week. People are tired of waiting for the Positive Military and want to take matters in their own hands. It is a moment when the Archons would like to trick the population into a violent revolution.

Therefore I would suggest everybody to remain calm and peaceful. Violence will not overthrow the Cabal. It is strategically unwise to attack the enemy where he is the strongest. Instead I would propose the people inside the freedom movement to co-create a grassroots master plan. You might want to take a look at this:

And this:

The best immediate strategy would be to expose the Cabal and release lists with names of people and their past crimes to humanity. The surveillance videos and massive evidence that David Wilcock is speaking about would be most welcome at this point. And Assange could also leak something.

I am sure you already know of the latest Drake’s show that was abruptly ended by the Cabal:

People are asking me what to do about it. You are sovereign beings and you will make your own choices. I will report the events as they unfold and will give some background intel when appropriate.

People are also asking the Resistance to intervene now directly in the situation on this planet. The Resistance is aware of the suffering of humanity and cries for help and will respond, but the extent and shape of their operations remain classified for now.

CONFIRMED AT LAST: The attempted cover-up of how JP Morgan torpedoed Lehman Brothers

CONFIRMED AT LAST: The attempted cover-up of how JP Morgan torpedoed Lehman Brothers
As an early propagator of the allegation that JP Morgan Chase deliberately hastened the Lehman collapse, the Slog finds itself vindicated three years on by a successful regulator action against JPM, and contemporary documentation.

“And then when you have the suckers by the balls, you squeeze just like this”
Around the time of the Lehman disaster, a senior insider at the firm relayed to me what seemed an astonishing allegation: that in the weeks prior to the eventual collapse, JP Morgan deliberately withheld huge monies owed to Lehman in order to make the bankruptcy a certainty from which they could benefit. I relayed this story to another contact the following year, and he not only corroborated the charge, he also said he was sure Barclays had done the same. The now disgraced Barclays CEO Bob Diamond took over Lehman in a fire sale only weeks later (using taxpayers’ money as a bridging loan to do it) and rapidly built up a commanding position for the division he then headed up, Barcap  – the investment arm of the bank.
Now, more than three years later, regulators have penalised JPMorgan for actions tied to Lehman’s demise. The bank settled the Lehman matter and agreed to pay a fine of approximately $20 million. The action took place because of Morgan’s ‘questionable treatment of [Lehman] customer money’: regulators accused JPMorgan of withholding Lehman customer funds for nearly two weeks. So it had been true after all.
Jamie Dimon’s Morgan Chase dodged and dived on this one for three years in an attempt to smooth over the tracks.  As late as April this year, the Pirate insisted that the ‘monies involved were small’: but that doesn’t tally with this Wall Street Journal snippet from the time as follows:
‘Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the securities firm that filed the biggest bankruptcy in history yesterday, was advanced $138 billion this week by JPMorgan Chase & Co. to settle Lehman trades and keep financial markets stable, according to a court filing.’
Advancing cash to keep the markets stable is simply double-talk bollocks: many observers are sure this was the Lehman trades money withheld by JPM. The Lehman administrators continued to air their grievances about it, and in late May 2010 the bankruptcy estate of Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. filed suit against JPMorgan Chase, alleging that JPMorgan’s actions in the weeks preceding bankruptcy were wrongful. The claims arose from amendments and supplements to the Clearance Agreement between Lehman and JPMorgan in the weeks immediately preceding the bankruptcy. (In a nutshell, JPM changed the terms without notice to include onerous requirements for massive collateral against giving Lehman its own money back – a form of crooked logic that only a banker could construct. The weight of this collateral requirement on already serious debts took Lehman Brothers from intensive care to the Pearly Gates).
Just before this suit was filed, I took a small risk by including in a Slogpost of 13th March 2010 the phrase ‘former Lehman employees rendered jobless by management hubris and JP Morgan’. Now the full extent of the cannibalism indulged in by Morgan has come to light…although Barcap’s  role remains in a murky penumbra somewhere. But typically, by coughing up twenty million bucks to the Federal Government, the predatory Morgan Chase has got away with ‘not admitting guilt’. Disgraceful. Think of it this way: $20m to ice a major appointment…that has to be the bargain of the decade.
A few more extracts from the 2010 Slogpost make interesting reading today:
‘The top-ranking British law practice Linklaters signed off on controversial accounting practices that let Lehman Brothers shift billions of dollars of debt off its balance sheet. This masked the perilous state of the bank’s finances, and for many years misled both investors and regulators….Not only has crooked dealing been a clear and present carbuncle on the City’s reputation for decades, ancillary professional concerns have long been up to their necks in illegal collusion in such activities….Time and again, accusations of wrongdoing are met with appalled sanctimony by those routinely involved in serious misdeeds….only to result in even worse revelations…..And equally, the sentences handed out to miscreants justifiably evoke cries of ‘one law for the rich and another for the poor’.’
Well, nothing changes. And not much changed in Morgan the Pirate’s behaviour either: on 20th May 2009, so a CNBC story claimed, Washington Mutual (Wamu) sought billions in damages following its acquisition by Morgan Chase, via a class action suit littered with phrases like ‘far below market value’, ‘premeditated plan’, ‘designed to damage’, ‘purchase…on the cheap’, ‘wrongful conduct’, ‘sham negotiations’, ‘misusing confidential information’, ‘violation of confidentiality agreement’, ‘unfair advantage’, and ‘fire sale prices’. Nothing to see there, then. On June 24th last year, an Appeals Court revived the action – whch clearly has some merit. As far as I know, it continues to rumble on today, to the benefit of lawyers….just for a change.
Hat-tip to US Slogger Butch Cassidy for alerting me to progress on the original Lehman scam. If anyone has anything substantial on Diamond Bob’s role in it, the address as always is jawslog@gmail.com

Mccain's 2008 Political File on Romney


“Complete disarmament” of the American people

“Complete disarmament” of the American people

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 16, 2012
The UN Arms Trade Treaty that has been identified by observers as a flagrant threat to the second amendment and which Barack Obama is determined to sign has its roots in a 1961 State Department memorandum which explains how the United Nations will oversee “complete disarmament” of the American people under the ruse of preventing war.

The UN Arms Treaty has caused so much controversy because it outlines a plan to target “all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons,” according to Forbes’ Larry Bell.
Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also warns that the agreement “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”
A letter sent last month by 130 Republican House members to President Obama argued that the treaty should be rejected because it infringes on the “fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms”. The letter adds that “…the U.N.’s actions to date indicate that the ATT is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights.”
Using the rhetoric of the threat post by terrorists, insurgents and “international crime syndicates,” the UN is busy trying to imply that all weapons are somehow involved in illegal activity on a global scale and should therefore be controlled and regulated by a global authority.
This is precisely the same language used in a 1961 U.S. State Department briefing which outlined a long term agenda to carry out a “Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World.”
Invoking the threat of nuclear warfare, the document spells out a plan to create a “United Nations Peace Force” that would “enforce the peace as the disarmament process proceeds.”
While the document initially focuses on scrapping nuclear weapons, it later makes it clear that the only groups allowed to own weapons of any kind would be governing authorities, “for the purpose of maintaining internal order,” and the UN “peacekeeping” force itself, which would require “agreed manpower.”
“The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes,” states the document.

While the memorandum outlines a broader mandate to destroy national sovereignty, eviscerate national armies and institute the UN as the planet’s supreme authority with a world army, the document serves as a stark reminder that the plan for the United Nations to oversee the abolition of the second amendment has been in the works for decades.
As Bell points out in his Forbes article, the threat of the Obama administration relying on a UN treaty to do what successive administrations have tried but failed to accomplish – taking a huge bite out of the second amendment – is by no means far fetched.
After all, a plethora of UN treaties and international agreements have already stripped the United States of its sovereignty and its power to decide its own laws. The power to authorize U.S. involvement in wars and conflicts has now been almost completely stripped from Congress and handed to the United Nations.
Following Barack Obama’s arrogant rebuff of Congress in seeking approval to strike Libya, during which he churlishly remarked, “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question,” Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta affirmed that the U.S. now requires “international permission” before deciding on its military policy.
Other Obama-endorsed UN power grabs like the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) as well as Agenda 21 and sustainable development are also serving to decimate national sovereignty and remain almost completely under the radar.
You only need to look at the European Union, which now crafts around 50 per cent of the laws made in member states like Britain, to understand how unelected global institutions can and have dictated policy on a national level.
The UN Arms Trade Treaty presents an existential threat to the guns rights of American citizens and should be rejected for what it is – yet another attempt by the Obama administration, in the aftermath of the Fast and Furious scandal, to abolish the second amendment by stealth.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.


Fed Chairman Short on Answers About Economy

WHO was it that said Bernanke was arrested and put out of commission????!!!!!

And WHO is it that was saying that the 'Federal Reserve' was ready to fall apart completely, to be no more????


Fed Chairman Short on Answers About Economy

10:30AM EDT 6/8/2012 John Waage and George Thomas, CBN News correspondents

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies Thursday at a Joint Economic Committee hearing on economic outlook and policy on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. (CBN News)
The health of the U.S. economy took center stage Thursday as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testified before Congress. Lawmakers asked tough questions about the Fed's policy on spending and taxes, the Euro crisis and banking reform. 

The hearing comes two months after the Fed predicted the economy would grow and the unemployment would drop but just the opposite has happened.  Last week's job numbers were anemic, adding only 69,000 to the workforce and edging the unemployment rate up. In addition, the U.S economy grew at only 1.9 percent in the first three months of this year.  So, Washington was waiting to hear what prescriptions Bernanke has for turning the economy around. As is often the case, his testimony was vague.
“As always, the Federal Reserve remains prepared to take action as needed to protect the U.S. financial system and economy in the event that financial stresses escalate,” Bernanke told lawmakers.
Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., voiced the concern many conservative lawmakers hold that President Obama is telling Europe to spend its way out of the current debt crisis, a crisis that could disturb the U.S. economy. DeMint questioned Bernanke about mixed signals coming from the Fed.  “On the one hand, you're telling us that this debt is creating a potentially huge crisis,” Sen. DeMint said. “Yet, you're telling us we need to keep spending, with more debt. What is the real signal here?”
“Well, first of all, it's not necessarily more spending. Appropriate tax relief would also help, in the same way,” Bernanke replied. “I would say a do-no-harm policy is what I'm looking for here, at least avoid derailing the recovery in the short term, but combine that with a strong and credible plan for reducing the deficit in the medium term,” he continued.
Signals that Europe is planning to intervene to help solve Spain's enormous debt burden has helped rally world markets. Some analysts also believe the victory of Scott Walker in Wisconsin's gubernatorial recall election may be helping to boost the Dow Jones.  Bernanke's testimony that the Fed is trying to “do no harm” appears to have sent the markets a message they can live with, at least for now.  Still, some analysts are hoping that the Fed will take more action to try to stimulate the economy if it weakens even more.  But even if the Fed does act, the White House and Congress don't have many options left to try to strengthen the economy before the elections.
Meanwhile, across the country employers are still cautious to hire people and invest their companies.  “They're staying more focused on driving productivity and increasing their revenue and profits,” Joanie Ruge, employment analyst with Randstad Holding U.S., explained.
Then there are those expected tax increases at the first of the year. President Obama opposes extending all the Bush-era tax cuts beyond 2012.
“A tax hike of that size for just one year is simply unprecedented,” Curtis Dubay of the Institute for Economic Policy said. “It's going to take an enormous chunk of the economy out of the hands of the businesses and people and families that earned the income and give it to Congress to spend,” he said.
Those concerns coupled with a potential slowdown in China and a Europe that appears to be on the brink of economic calamity, are only adding to the anxiety. “That global environment across the three main engines of the global economy is looking a lot weaker than a month ago,” Adam Boyton, an analyst with Deutsche Ban, said.



Outsourcing U.S. jobs is a serious issue, but outsourcing the
Presidency is a bigger one. (7/15/2012)

On the matrix below the axis term is a transliteration of MORMON ROMNEY. BAIN is at the same skip. Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said that Romney was misrepresenting his Bain Capital tenure, which she suggested could be a felony. OBAMA touches MORMON ROMNEY on the matrix and FELONY is parallel to MORMON ROMNEY and BAIN. Obama is trying to make this a major campaign issue. ISSUE is at skip -4. Obama claims that when at Bain Capital, which Romney ran before he took over running the Olympics in Utah, he went on to outsource U.S. jobs to China and India, thus sending our money there. On the matrix is HE SHALL SEND THE MONEY. All of this is in the 454-letter area with a white background. In the larger area is a transliteration of BOSTON, which has the home office of Bain. When jobs go overseas, wages must be cut here to compete. In the open text is CHANGED MY WAGES TEN TIMES.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here MORMON ROMNEY (R-value 0.837) at its only ELS in Torah. BAIN is at the same skip. Odds against BAIN being at a special case skip (+/-1 or the skip of the axis term) in the 454 letters with the white background around MORMON ROMNEY were about 14 to 1. On this part of the matrix, BAIN is actually more significant that OBAMA which appears against odds of just about 2.2 to 1, however it only takes 60 letters to show OBAMA touch MORMON ROMNEY. This close meeting was against odds of about 77 to 1. The two are likely to at least touch each other in reality when they shake hands at the debates in the fall. Returning to the 454-letter analysis, FELONY was on the matrix against odds of just 1.33 to 2, so it was more expected than unexpected with the short 3-letter word used for it. ISSUE was at a non-special case skip against odds of about 2.4 to 1. The phrase HE SHALL SEND THE MONEY was only found a-posteriori in conjunction with the a-prior key word MONEY, which was in the open text against odds of about 5 to 1. The combined odds against the matrix with the white background were about 508 to 1. The full matrix with the blue and white backgrounds is 700 letters in area. In it the phrase CHANGED MY WAGES TEN TIMES was only found a-posteriori, and therefore no statistical significance can be assigned to it, even if it does appear to describe a way (via outsourcing jobs to a third world country) for an employer (Bain Capital) to pay out less in wages. The transliteration of BOSTON is one of three that was checked. It was the easiest spelling to find, being on the 700-letter matrix against odds of about 3.9 to 1. It thus is not worth cheapening the value of the previous a-priori terms discussed just to show this one word. Of note, the skip for BOSTON (-54,402) is identical to that of OBAMA on the full matrix.

POLITICAL ANALYSIS. This section, of course, is not a matter of math. It's just my opinion. It's obvious that I'm not an Obama fan. I'm a Republican living in a Republican home where three of us voted in the Florida Republican Presidential Primary, and none of us chose Romney. I view him as a power hungry CFR politician who will say whatever he needs to in order to get elected. As an American, I get really angry every time that I buy a product and call to have it registered or to ask a question, only to find that the person on the other side of the line is a half world away. So if Bain outsourced American jobs to China or India, and if it happened while Romney had a say in or control of Bain's actions, that's a legitimate issue. HOWEVER, given that Obama's grandmother claimed that she was in the delivery room with Obama when he was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and that Obama's own book (Dreams From My Father) backs this idea on page 304, I'm far more concerned about the outsourcing of one very important job - President of the United States. As such, I must continue to give the most unenthusiastic endorsement of Governor Mitt Romney.


THE RISE OF ISLAM IN AMERICA By Erasmus of America, July 16, 2012

I used to collect old information almanacs because often they had statistics in them later "politically correct" movements and groups tried to censor from the American people. One statistic that caught my eye was a 1946 or 1947 information almanac listed under religions that there were an estimated under 5,000 Muslims total in North America. Now that figure is ignored because Obama tells us of the great heritage Islam gave to early America. 
     Look at historical records. No religious or political movement in history has engaged in constant wars of aggression and invasions as has Islam. Look at their repeated tries for the last 1,200 years or so to repeatedly invade Western Europe so as to conquer the Christian nations in Europe like they did in the Middle East. The Middle East had a large Christian population but did not unite in opposing Islam from invading and conquering their Middle East nations. The 7 churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation no longer exist in actual locations. They were located in Asia Minor which is called Turkey today. The blood of Christians mass flowed in the Middle East which finally sparked off the Crusades both to stop the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East and to block Islam from further attempted invasions to conquer Western Europe. From the Battle of Tours under Charles Martel of France to stop the Muslims from conquering Western Europe until now, the attempts continue. A current project is if Iran can trick the West from blocking her nuclear project, Iran plans to nuclear attack Western Europe when she is ready and to annihilate America with a trick way of nuclear attack on America. I had access to the nuclear attack plans of Iran by trick tactics and sources used in military intelligence.
     I spent eleven years in military academies and later by a trick tactic Washington intelligence would never have thought of I got ahold of a defector from the Moscow Institute of Nuclear Studies who turned over to me all the nuclear warfare plans of Russia how to annihilate America if World War III comes. I had this defector train me like a Russian general in nuclear warfare Russian style and know every trick of nuclear warfare Putin of Russia has been trained in. We both learned from the same sources the Russian nuclear tricks intended to outwit America so Moscow can annihilate America if Moscow wants to. Under Obama, I have seen the most total collapse of effective national defense America has had since World War II. Pass my Omni Law before it is too late to save American national defense. Look up my proposed Omni Law on Nesara News in their archive listings. Reports of mine are listed from May, June, and July, 2012. Or if you want, send me an email requesting a copy of my proposed Omni Law which is shown on page 2 of the Omni Law Report I will email back to you once you request it. My email address is fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com .I think the American people need to read this 4 page Omni Law Report and send or read this to others. And press politicians of both parties to commit themselves to vote on this as a proposed constitutional amendment before our November, 2012 national election. Russia has now revived one of her ways of annihilating America in even 5-6 minutes flat from when the war begins and all I got from the Obama Administration when I tried to contact Wash., D.C. was a federal murder attempt on my life apparently ordered by Obama to try and shut me up. As Nesara News just posted, Obama is nearly 50% Arab in race and 50% White Race. The tiny percentage left is how little of Black African ancestry Obama really is. He was raised a Muslim and in countless ways shows he is apparently still a Muslim though pretending to be a Christian so he can trick Christians into voting for him.  Under Obama as reported in Nesara News showing the military training bases for Muslim terrorist training camps now operational all across America, the Muslim terrorists are now training for an apparent planned civil war in America and Obama protecting them by seeing no legal sources stop them from their obvious plans to start a civil war in America.
     I research in depth important fields affecting the future of America and the world. Too many Muslims do not think like the ordinary Americans do. You must not judge them by your standards. The whole argument that the Muslim faith is true is that Mohammed is infallible and you cannot doubt anything that he ever said. For example, in Hadith 43-Vol. 4, it is stated by Mohammed that the earth is flat, not round, and has to be balanced by the mountains. Furthermore, when the sun goes down each night, it goes into a muddy spring according to Mohammed in Sahih 41:9-10. That, of course, is contrar to what we have learned through science, yet Mohammed is right and science is wrong, at least according to the Muslim faith. Our first Adam was 90 feet tall according to Mohammed in Hadith 543-Vol. 4, and the angel Gabriel has 600 wings according to Hadith 380-Vol. 6. Did you know that according to Mohammed Satan resides in the upper part of your nose at night, that dirty booger, so it's best to blow him out with some water up your nose in the morning! Hadith 516-Vol. 4, Did you know that even though Alexander the Great was a recorded pagan who died hundreds of years before Mohammed's time, mohammed claimed that he was also a Muslim.And among health suggestions of Mohammed, he claimed that drinking camel urine will make you healthy! Hadith Vol. 7:590. How many modern Muslims practice this pearl of wisdom in health? I am willing to see proof that this health claiim of Mohammed is true, but it would be interesting to see a large number of Muslims drink a large glass or more of camel urine each morning with their breakfast and let's see this turn them into marvels of health before mankind. And with this morning desert health drink, I guess we would not need organge jucie, etc. for breakfast anymore. Another author found up to an apparent 50,000 or more errors in teachings of Mohammed and Islam, but the only answer extremist Muslims know to answer this with is murder the author if they can and of course never answer back on the listed 50,000 or more errors in teachings this author showed.
     I once knew a young Muslim from Iran who lived while the Shah was alive and he was no fanatic. He and I were friends. But he died in a car accident in Richmond, Virginia. The West could easily live in world peace with Muslims like him, but extremists eventually force all Muslims in their Islamic nations to join with them. When the extremists gain control, then blood begins mass flowing in the streets. One of the current sports in Middle East nations is see how many Christians you can murder or else drive out of their homelands, how many Christian churches the Muslims can burn down in the Islamic nations, and other ways to savagely persecute Christians within reach o them.  If the Muslims want to act as civilized races, then they will be treated as civilized races on earth. If mass bombings, mass murders, etc. are the only way of life Muslims practice in their nations and on earth, they will ultimately force the rest of the world to turn on them and treat them as barbarian races that must be stopped before they draw the whole world into a World War III triggered off by Muslim fanatics in various nations. I know Muslim teachings well. If they act civilized, I and other Americans will treat them with respect and as civilized people and nations. If they act like wild lunatics and driven by bloody desire to hurt or kill the rest of mankind, the day will come when powerful foreign armies will come to the Middle East and it will be found that Allah will not save them from the provoked wrath of the civilized world. If they are driven by wild dreams how they will wipe out America in their "holy war," I may at some point tell the Israeli military how to make the Soviet era "Doomsday Bombs" which can annihilate entire continents if intended. And though the act is purely symbolic, I will tell the Israeli military how to make these ultimate weapon bombs a special way Muslim teaching says will damn to hell for all eternity all Muslims killed by it. According to Muslim teaching, they can never enter Paradise and receive their dozens of virgins waiting for them if killed this way. I would tell Washington intelligence how to do this, but Obama has a war going on against Christians in the U.S. military and is placing Muslims in positions to control the national security of America, so I do not trust Obama with my military secrets. I know the Israeli military would leap with joy if I tell a secret committee of mine to deliver the secret to the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb to Israel as a nation. If Israel once has this secret, Israel will be a nation that can no longer be pushed around by any Muslim nations and all the world will show great respect for the rights of Israel. Muslim leaders, please do not force me to change the balance of world military power  by doing this. American people, pass my Omni Law and America will be a super power the rest of the world cannot push around or threaten. Do not pass my Omni Law, and I will have to strengthen the nation of Israel militarily so like in a chessgame, the Muslims are checkmated from being able to ever conquer the rest of the world.
     American people, your lives hang in the balance as fanatical Islamic leaders are very serious about conquering the world. And all evidence indicates Obama is one of them who conned you to putting him in power. I had people inside Muslim mosques in America who reported to me plans of Muslim groups across America to place a Trojan Horse Muslim in the White House with a vast fortune in laundered oil money that would buy him the White House as apparently happened in 2008 as hundreds of millions of dollars supplied Obama was never audited to where it came from. This Trojan Horse Muslim in the White House was first to consolidate all power over the federal government. Then all power over the American people as is rapidly happening with the total collapse of the U.S. Bill of Rights under Obama. Once this Trojan Horse has gathered together enough power, he is then to kill all Jews in America and help the Muslims kill all Jews in the world. And he is to kill all Christians who refuse toconvert to Islam in America. By the way, Christian scholars, you do not know your Bible prophecies too well. As the Apostle Paul explained to the first Christians as confirmed in Christian writings, the person who represents the authority of the Roman Empire in the last days before the real Antichrist arises, he is the one who hinders so the Antichrist cannot arise to power. Only when he is done carrying out the Will of God that Christianity will have one last great golden day on earth, then the Antichrist can be allowed to assume power as God will have gotten all the population needed for eternity for Heaven, New Jerusalem, and Paradise. When God gets the cream of the crop of the human race for eternal citizens of Heaven, then the Antichrist can have the rejects and those who hated God for his followers. I descend from the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great and so Thes. II is fulfilled now! This would-be Antichrist shall not pass and become world ruler. Obama, you have lost! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for now) 

"No White Men Need Apply"

by Al Benson Jr
This will build on my recent article about why I think Romney has been told to fritter away his chance for the presidency to make sure we get Comrade Obama back in what may be our last presidential election. Sound far out? When did a Marxist anywhere ever voluntarily divest himself of power once he had gotten it?
An article published on VDARE, http://www.vdare.com on 7/13 notes: "So the Neocons have launched a major effort to bully Mitt Romney into naming Condoleeza Rice as his Vice Presidential choice.It was Condi who received two standing ovations at Romney's Utah retreat a few weeks ago, and everyone left with her name on their lips. Rice made an extended argument for American leadership in the world. Last time this cost the GOP the White House and both Houses of Congress." A repeat performance?
The article continues: "But beyond this, the choice of Rice, an Affirmative Action cipher with no visible talent except for obeying Neocons is a hugely negative message to white voters. It says that the GOP is indeed terrified of Obama's Race Card and that a Romney Presidency is likely to degenerate into minority appeasement. . As with McCain, many will not bother to vote."
So Romney's message to white voters is a pale carbon copy of Obama's. Romney, like Obama, will pander to the Hispanic vote, the Aleut vote, the Hottentot vote and every voting bloc except white people. The Romney message is quite plain-you white voters can go to Hades, I don't care about you people-you'll be in the minority in less than fifty years anyway and I'm looking to the multicultural vote, so drop dead!
Ir would appear that this is one thing Romney is supposed to do to throw the election to Obama-pick someone as Vice Presidential running mate that has no chance of getting any majority support, thus helping to guarantee that he will lose the election.
He has already admitted that he has no use for Confederate flags or Southern symbols, thus alienating himself from many white Southerners. I can't, in good conscience, vote for the man any more than I can vote for Obama. This election may wind up being a satirical repetition of 2008-two highly questionable candidates, picked out by the establishment and foisted on the American people, who are supposed to "hold their noses and vote for the lesser of two evils."
It would be nice, if at some point, we woke up and realized the hoax that is being perpetrated on the American electorate. Not likely though. If there is no repentance before God for our countries sins then there will probably be no discernment.
NOTE: Mr. Benson is a noted author and Board Member of The Confederate Society of America as well as its Chaplain.

The Largest Natural Disaster in U.S. History?

Deuteronomy 28
 15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.
17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.
18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.
19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out.
20 The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings whereby thou hast forsaken me.

The Largest Natural Disaster in U.S. History?

July 16, 2012 10:17 am    Author: The American Dream

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Why is the heartland of the United States experiencing such a horrific drought right now? At the moment, approximately 61 percent of the entire nation is experiencing drought conditions, and this is absolutely devastating farmers and ranchers all over the country. Less than two weeks ago I wrote an article asking what would happen if these drought conditions persisted, and now we are finding out. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has created the largest natural disaster area in U.S. history. The USDA has declared 1,016 counties in 26 U.S. states to be disaster areas. The USDA declaration basically covered about half of the nation, and there is now no denying how horrible this drought really is. You can see a map of this disaster arearight here. This endless drought is being compared to the nightmarish drought of 1988, and if it persists into August it could become perhaps the worst drought that America has ever seen. The USDA says that approximately 60 percent of all corn in the country is experiencing “moderate to extreme” drought conditions. If this drought does not end soon, the losses are going to be mind blowing. Already, it is estimated that farmers and ranchers have suffered billions of dollars in damage. How much worse can things get?
At the beginning of July many were hoping that we would soon see some rain and that we could still see a decent corn harvest.
Unfortunately, the drought has gotten even worse since that time. The following is from an article in the Chicago Tribune….
The whole of Iowa was classified as abnormally dry as of July 10 and 12.7 percent of the top corn and soybean producing state was in severe drought, up from 0.8 percent the prior week.
Harder-hit Illinois, the No. 2 corn and soy state, was 66.28 percent under severe drought or worse, up from 40 percent the previous week.
Severe to exceptional drought covered 80.15 percent of Indiana, versus 68.84 percent the prior week.
Conditions in Missouri also deteriorated, with 82.54 percent of the state in severe drought or worse, compared with 78.83 percent the week before.
That is not good news.
Posted below is the latest update from the U.S. drought monitor. As you can see, nearly the entire southern half of the country is extremely dry right now….

It is being projected that in some of the major corn growing areas as much as 60 percent of the crops could be lost.
Many farmers that had been desperately hoping for rain are now becoming resigned to the fact that their crops are not going to make it. The following is from an article in the New York Times….
“Corn is anywhere from knee-high to waist-high,” Gonzalee Martin, agriculture and natural resources educator with Purdue University’s Allen County extension office, told The News-Sentinel. “Much of it has already tassled with no ears at all. Much of it’s going to be completely lost”
When your livelihood depends on the weather, an endless drought can be extremely stressful. Many farmers that had been anticipating a bumper crop this year are now faced with an utter disaster. The following example comes from CNN….
Now, as punishing drought grips the Midwest, Villwock, 61, walks his hard-hit 4,000 acres in southwest Indiana in utter dismay.
Where there should have been tall, dark green, leafy plants, there now stand corn stalks that are waist high or, at best, chest high. They are pale in color and spindly. Fragile. Tired.
Pull back an ear’s husk and you find no kernels, he says. With temperatures rising above 95 degrees, the pollen starts to die.
“It’s emotionally draining,” he said. “The crop got out of the ground very well. We were so optimistic. But maybe a few of us were counting our eggs before they were hatched.”
So is there any hope that things are going to turn around?
Unfortunately, things do not look promising right now. It is being projected that the Corn Belt will experience extremely high temperatures and very low rainfall all the way through mid-August. The following report comes from accuweather.com….
AccuWeather.com agricultural meteorologists are concerned that new and frequent waves of near-100-degree temperatures and stingy rainfall will further stress crops over Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska into mid-August.
When temperatures are very high and rainfall is very low, evaporation happens very rapidly. As accuweather.com notes, when the ground becomes very, very dry it can create a vicious cycle that feeds on itself….
Evaporation rates are very high into the first part of August. Soaking rain on a regular basis instead of a brief downpour is needed to be of benefit beyond a couple of days.
Turning things around in the Midwest as a whole will be a difficult task as dry ground tends to bring higher daytime temperatures, which in turn raises evaporation rates and so on.
So what does all of this mean for the rest of us?
It is going to mean higher food prices.
On Friday, the price of corn hit $7.50 a bushel.
It had been thought that the price of corn would only be about $5.00 a bushel this year.
At this point, the price of corn is up 48 percent since mid-June, and it could go a whole lot higher.
Some analysts are projecting that if this endless drought persists, we could see ten dollars for a bushel of corn and 20 dollars for a bushel of soybeans.
And yes, you will notice this at the supermarket.
In a previous article, I included a quote from a recent article by Holly Deyo about why the price of corn affects the price of so many other products….
Since 75% of grocery store products use corn as a key ingredient, expect food prices to skyrocket. Corn is also a staple in many fast foods. Corn is in ethanol and the main food source or chickens. In addition to this, maize is in many things that aren’t obvious like adhesives, aluminum, aspirin, clothing starch, cosmetics, cough syrup, dry cell batteries, envelopes, fiberglass insulation, gelatin capsules, ink, insecticides, paint, penicillin, powders, rugs and carpets, stamps, talcum, toothpaste, wallpaper, and vitamins. That’s just for starters…
This is a huge heads up for you to purchase corn-using products NOW before these conditions reflect in grocery goods. It will be a narrow window of opportunity.
This endless drought is also a complete and total nightmare for ranchers.
At this point, approximately 50 percent of America’s pastures and ranges are in “poor” or “very poor” condition.
Back in June, that figure was only sitting at 28 percent.
So things have gotten a lot worse very quickly.
A lot of ranchers are selling off their cattle because this drought is making it very difficult to continue to feed them. The following is from examiner.com….
Rauhn Panting, with the University of Idaho, who works with ranchers and farmers, says, “We’re going to run out of grass. It’s going to be scary.” Ranchers are being advised to vacate grazing lands, weeks and even months before when they usually have to leave.
Left with only two choices, feed or sell, many are opting to sell their cattle. The Torrington Stock Market in Wyoming, has recorded that 36,000 cattle were sold in May and June of this year. The usual average for these months is 5,500. Small ranchers, with 30-50 cow/calf pairs, are being hit the hardest.
So expect higher meat prices in the fall and winter as well.
This all comes at a really bad time. We are already on the verge of a global financial catastrophe. Agriculture was supposed to be one of the few bright spots in the U.S. economy.
Sadly, the U.S. is not the only one having problems with crops this year.
For example, in Germany farmers are actually experiencing a full-blown plague of rats.
Yes, seriously.
The following is from a recent Der Spiegel article….
Millions of field mice are overrunning the central German states of Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt, much to the concern of local farmers. The rodents are devastating food crops, cutting yields by up to 50 percent. Getting birds of prey to hunt the critters didn’t help, and now farmers want to be allowed to use a banned rat poison.
So why is all of this happening?
Why is nature going crazy all of a sudden?
Please feel free to post a comment with your opinion below….