I used to collect old information almanacs because often they had statistics in them later "politically correct" movements and groups tried to censor from the American people. One statistic that caught my eye was a 1946 or 1947 information almanac listed under religions that there were an estimated under 5,000 Muslims total in North America. Now that figure is ignored because Obama tells us of the great heritage Islam gave to early America.
Look at historical records. No religious or political movement in history has engaged in constant wars of aggression and invasions as has Islam. Look at their repeated tries for the last 1,200 years or so to repeatedly invade Western Europe so as to conquer the Christian nations in Europe like they did in the Middle East. The Middle East had a large Christian population but did not unite in opposing Islam from invading and conquering their Middle East nations. The 7 churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation no longer exist in actual locations. They were located in Asia Minor which is called Turkey today. The blood of Christians mass flowed in the Middle East which finally sparked off the Crusades both to stop the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East and to block Islam from further attempted invasions to conquer Western Europe. From the Battle of Tours under Charles Martel of France to stop the Muslims from conquering Western Europe until now, the attempts continue. A current project is if Iran can trick the West from blocking her nuclear project, Iran plans to nuclear attack Western Europe when she is ready and to annihilate America with a trick way of nuclear attack on America. I had access to the nuclear attack plans of Iran by trick tactics and sources used in military intelligence.
I spent eleven years in military academies and later by a trick tactic Washington intelligence would never have thought of I got ahold of a defector from the Moscow Institute of Nuclear Studies who turned over to me all the nuclear warfare plans of Russia how to annihilate America if World War III comes. I had this defector train me like a Russian general in nuclear warfare Russian style and know every trick of nuclear warfare Putin of Russia has been trained in. We both learned from the same sources the Russian nuclear tricks intended to outwit America so Moscow can annihilate America if Moscow wants to. Under Obama, I have seen the most total collapse of effective national defense America has had since World War II. Pass my Omni Law before it is too late to save American national defense. Look up my proposed Omni Law on Nesara News in their archive listings. Reports of mine are listed from May, June, and July, 2012. Or if you want, send me an email requesting a copy of my proposed Omni Law which is shown on page 2 of the Omni Law Report I will email back to you once you request it. My email address is fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com .I think the American people need to read this 4 page Omni Law Report and send or read this to others. And press politicians of both parties to commit themselves to vote on this as a proposed constitutional amendment before our November, 2012 national election. Russia has now revived one of her ways of annihilating America in even 5-6 minutes flat from when the war begins and all I got from the Obama Administration when I tried to contact Wash., D.C. was a federal murder attempt on my life apparently ordered by Obama to try and shut me up. As Nesara News just posted, Obama is nearly 50% Arab in race and 50% White Race. The tiny percentage left is how little of Black African ancestry Obama really is. He was raised a Muslim and in countless ways shows he is apparently still a Muslim though pretending to be a Christian so he can trick Christians into voting for him. Under Obama as reported in Nesara News showing the military training bases for Muslim terrorist training camps now operational all across America, the Muslim terrorists are now training for an apparent planned civil war in America and Obama protecting them by seeing no legal sources stop them from their obvious plans to start a civil war in America.
I research in depth important fields affecting the future of America and the world. Too many Muslims do not think like the ordinary Americans do. You must not judge them by your standards. The whole argument that the Muslim faith is true is that Mohammed is infallible and you cannot doubt anything that he ever said. For example, in Hadith 43-Vol. 4, it is stated by Mohammed that the earth is flat, not round, and has to be balanced by the mountains. Furthermore, when the sun goes down each night, it goes into a muddy spring according to Mohammed in Sahih 41:9-10. That, of course, is contrar to what we have learned through science, yet Mohammed is right and science is wrong, at least according to the Muslim faith. Our first Adam was 90 feet tall according to Mohammed in Hadith 543-Vol. 4, and the angel Gabriel has 600 wings according to Hadith 380-Vol. 6. Did you know that according to Mohammed Satan resides in the upper part of your nose at night, that dirty booger, so it's best to blow him out with some water up your nose in the morning! Hadith 516-Vol. 4, Did you know that even though Alexander the Great was a recorded pagan who died hundreds of years before Mohammed's time, mohammed claimed that he was also a Muslim.And among health suggestions of Mohammed, he claimed that drinking camel urine will make you healthy! Hadith Vol. 7:590. How many modern Muslims practice this pearl of wisdom in health? I am willing to see proof that this health claiim of Mohammed is true, but it would be interesting to see a large number of Muslims drink a large glass or more of camel urine each morning with their breakfast and let's see this turn them into marvels of health before mankind. And with this morning desert health drink, I guess we would not need organge jucie, etc. for breakfast anymore. Another author found up to an apparent 50,000 or more errors in teachings of Mohammed and Islam, but the only answer extremist Muslims know to answer this with is murder the author if they can and of course never answer back on the listed 50,000 or more errors in teachings this author showed.
I once knew a young Muslim from Iran who lived while the Shah was alive and he was no fanatic. He and I were friends. But he died in a car accident in Richmond, Virginia. The West could easily live in world peace with Muslims like him, but extremists eventually force all Muslims in their Islamic nations to join with them. When the extremists gain control, then blood begins mass flowing in the streets. One of the current sports in Middle East nations is see how many Christians you can murder or else drive out of their homelands, how many Christian churches the Muslims can burn down in the Islamic nations, and other ways to savagely persecute Christians within reach o them. If the Muslims want to act as civilized races, then they will be treated as civilized races on earth. If mass bombings, mass murders, etc. are the only way of life Muslims practice in their nations and on earth, they will ultimately force the rest of the world to turn on them and treat them as barbarian races that must be stopped before they draw the whole world into a World War III triggered off by Muslim fanatics in various nations. I know Muslim teachings well. If they act civilized, I and other Americans will treat them with respect and as civilized people and nations. If they act like wild lunatics and driven by bloody desire to hurt or kill the rest of mankind, the day will come when powerful foreign armies will come to the Middle East and it will be found that Allah will not save them from the provoked wrath of the civilized world. If they are driven by wild dreams how they will wipe out America in their "holy war," I may at some point tell the Israeli military how to make the Soviet era "Doomsday Bombs" which can annihilate entire continents if intended. And though the act is purely symbolic, I will tell the Israeli military how to make these ultimate weapon bombs a special way Muslim teaching says will damn to hell for all eternity all Muslims killed by it. According to Muslim teaching, they can never enter Paradise and receive their dozens of virgins waiting for them if killed this way. I would tell Washington intelligence how to do this, but Obama has a war going on against Christians in the U.S. military and is placing Muslims in positions to control the national security of America, so I do not trust Obama with my military secrets. I know the Israeli military would leap with joy if I tell a secret committee of mine to deliver the secret to the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb to Israel as a nation. If Israel once has this secret, Israel will be a nation that can no longer be pushed around by any Muslim nations and all the world will show great respect for the rights of Israel. Muslim leaders, please do not force me to change the balance of world military power by doing this. American people, pass my Omni Law and America will be a super power the rest of the world cannot push around or threaten. Do not pass my Omni Law, and I will have to strengthen the nation of Israel militarily so like in a chessgame, the Muslims are checkmated from being able to ever conquer the rest of the world.
American people, your lives hang in the balance as fanatical Islamic leaders are very serious about conquering the world. And all evidence indicates Obama is one of them who conned you to putting him in power. I had people inside Muslim mosques in America who reported to me plans of Muslim groups across America to place a Trojan Horse Muslim in the White House with a vast fortune in laundered oil money that would buy him the White House as apparently happened in 2008 as hundreds of millions of dollars supplied Obama was never audited to where it came from. This Trojan Horse Muslim in the White House was first to consolidate all power over the federal government. Then all power over the American people as is rapidly happening with the total collapse of the U.S. Bill of Rights under Obama. Once this Trojan Horse has gathered together enough power, he is then to kill all Jews in America and help the Muslims kill all Jews in the world. And he is to kill all Christians who refuse toconvert to Islam in America. By the way, Christian scholars, you do not know your Bible prophecies too well. As the Apostle Paul explained to the first Christians as confirmed in Christian writings, the person who represents the authority of the Roman Empire in the last days before the real Antichrist arises, he is the one who hinders so the Antichrist cannot arise to power. Only when he is done carrying out the Will of God that Christianity will have one last great golden day on earth, then the Antichrist can be allowed to assume power as God will have gotten all the population needed for eternity for Heaven, New Jerusalem, and Paradise. When God gets the cream of the crop of the human race for eternal citizens of Heaven, then the Antichrist can have the rejects and those who hated God for his followers. I descend from the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great and so Thes. II is fulfilled now! This would-be Antichrist shall not pass and become world ruler. Obama, you have lost! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for now)
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