Wednesday, July 18, 2012

HSBC Scandal Hits

just being fined?!  how about being removed/arrested with no money!?

HSBC Scandal Hits: Exec Quits. Bank Aided Mexican Drug Lords, Rogue States and ‘Terrorists’

2012 July 17
Posted by Stephen Cook
HSBC apologised for its lapses, said reforms had been put in place, and admitted it was ‘horrified’ by what it found. Photograph: Gary Cameron/Reuters

HSBC Scandal Hits: Exec Quits. Bank Aided Mexican Drug Lords, Rogue States and ‘Terrorists’

Stephen: Steve posted a preliminary story on this earlier this week, but now the truths are pouring out – as the previously hidden international banking and financial scandals keep being made public; and  will continue to be – until every illegal, manipulative and divisive activity they have been involved in is exposed and they are held accountable.
The Libor scandal is huge; this new scandal could well be even bigger.
Together they will likely affect every big bank; exposing the dark ways in which the banks and their financial partners have been operating: making big money for themselves and their owners – and subsequently controlling all of us.
That control is visibly collapsing every day – and possibly even quicker! This is tangible proof of change. And when they say they are ‘sorry’ they are, because times have changed.
Stay tuned for much, much more to come. Don’t be shocked or surprised; observe and bless it and understand that our new world is unfolding with each new revelation.

 HSBC ‘Sorry’ for Aiding Mexican Drugs Lords, Rogue States and Terrorists

Executive quits in front of US Senate as bank faces massive fines for ‘horrific’ lapses that resulted in laundering money for drugs cartels and pariah states
By Dominic Rushe in New York, The Guardian, UK – 17 July 2012

Executives with Europe’s biggest bank, HSBC, were subjected to a humiliating onslaught from US senators on Tuesday over revelations that staff at its global subsidiaries laundered billions of dollars for drug cartels, terrorists and pariah states.
Lawmakers hammered the British-based bank over the scandal, demanding to know how and why its affiliates had exposed it to the proceeds of drug trafficking and terrorist financing in a “pervasively polluted” culture that persisted for years.
A report compiled for the committee detailed how HSBC’s subsidiaries transported billions of dollars of cash in armoured vehicles, cleared suspicious travellers’ cheques worth billions, and allowed Mexican drug lords buy to planes with money laundered through Cayman Islands accounts.
Other subsidiaries moved money from Iran, Syria and other countries on US sanctions lists, and helped a Saudi bank linked to al-Qaida to shift money to the US.
David Bagley, HSBC’s head of compliance since 2002, and who had worked with the bank for more than 20 years, resigned before the committee.
“Despite the best efforts and intentions of many dedicated professionals, HSBC has fallen short of our own expectations and the expectations of our regulators,” he said.
The bank has been under investigation for nearly a decade, and faces a massive fine from the US justice department for lapses in its safeguards. Senators Carl Levin and Tom Coburn, who conducted the hearing, said the permanent subcommittee of investigations had examined 1.4m documents as part of its review and thanked the bank for its co-operation.
The bank has apologised for its lapses and said reforms had been put in place. Paul Thurston, chief executive of retail banking and wealth management, who was sent in to try and clear up HSBC’s Mexican banking business in 2007, said he was “horrified” by what he found.
“I should add that the external environment in Mexico was as challenging as any I had ever experienced. Bank employees faced very real risks of being targeted for bribery, extortion, and kidnapping – in fact, multiple kidnappings occurred throughout my tenure,” he said.
The committee had released a damning report on Monday, which detailed a collapse in HSBC’s compliance standards. The report showed executives at the bank has consistently warned of problems. At its Mexican subsidiary, one executive had warned the bank was “rubber-stamping unacceptable risks”, according to one email gathered by the committee.
HSBC’s Mexican operations moved $7bn into the bank’s US operations, and according to its own staff, much of that money was tied to drug traffickers. Before the bank executives testified, the committee heard from Leigh Winchell, assistant director for investigative programs at US immigration & customs enforcement. He said 47,000 people had lost their lives since 2006 as a result of Mexican drug traffickers.
The senators highlighted testimony from Leopoldo Barroso, a former HSBC anti money-laundering director, who told company officials in an exit interview that he was concerned about “allegations of 60% to 70% of laundered proceeds in Mexico” going through HSBC’s affiliate.
“In hindsight,” said Bagley, “I think we all sometimes allowed a focus on what was lawful and compliant rather than what should have been best practices.”
Levin and Coburn directed particular ire at a Cayman Islands subsidiary set up by the Mexico division of HSBC. That bank handled 50,000 client accounts and $2.1bn in holdings, but had no staff or offices. Money from the Cayman Islands was used to buy planes for Mexican drug traffickers, said the senators. Bagley said those accounts were all now in the process of being closed.
“Forget hindsight,” said Levin. “Is there any way that should have been allowed to happen?”
“No, senator,” said Thurston.
Levin repeatedly said that HSBC must have been aware of the problems. “This is something that people knew was going on at the bank,” he said.
Bagley and Thurston said that HSBC’s compliance had been fragmented and that oversight had been poor. They said that had now been changed. The bank has now adopted a global compliance structure and doubled the amount of money it is spending on oversight.
“Criminals operate globally and if we are to combat them and stop them from accessing and abusing the financial system, we must look at issues from a global perspective. Institutions which operate internationally, like HSBC, will be targeted by these criminals, and our experience in Mexico vividly demonstrates that you are no stronger than your weakest link,” said Thurston.
While much of the hearing focused on Mexico, the senators also slammed the bank for dealings in Iran, Syria, Cuba, and other countries on US sanctions lists. HSBC executives continued to so business with Al Rajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia, even after it emerged that its owners had links to organizations financing terrorism and that one of the bank’s founders was an early financial benefactor of al-Qaida.
While Coburn was unsparing of his criticism of HSBC, he thanked the bank for its co-operation and said there were issues at other institutions including Citigroup, Wachovia and Western Union.
But the report comes at a highly sensitive moment for British banks in the US. Following Barclays fine in the Libor-interest rate scandal and the massive losses at JP Morgan Chase’s London offices US politicians have become increasingly critical of the UK’s financial services sector.
At a recent hearing into the JP Morgan losses, Carolyn Maloney, a Democratic representative from New York, said: “It seems to be that every big trading disaster happens in London.”

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

$100,000.00 Reward Offered For White House Fast & Furious Whistleblower Info

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

$100,000.00 Reward Offered For White House Fast & Furious Whistleblower Info .
Posted By: pax [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2012 10:19:44

by Paul Bedard
One of the nation's oldest conservatives group is offering whistleblowers a $100,000 reward for information from the White House and Justice Department on the "Fast & Furious" administration gun-running bungle.
The Conservative Caucus told Secrets that it believes that the scandal which led to the death of a U.S. Border Control agent is a potential Watergate.
Their reward poster reads: "If you have verifiable evidence that President Obama or one of his aides knew about Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway, Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free. This is your opportunity to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate. Don't go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like John Dean did. The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the web of Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail time?"
Peter Thomas, who heads the grass roots conservative group formed by Howard Phillips in 1974, said "We felt forced to run this advertisement and offer the $100,000 reward because justice was not being served, and we wanted to offer an opportunity to anyone who knows the truth to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate; to make the right choice now."
Congress recently held Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, claiming that he was stonewalling Republican demands for more information about the affair, which has become politically explosive in border states.
The group is running the ad in Wednesday's Washington Times.
Here is the full text of the ad:
Wanted--The Truth!
Was Operation Fast & Furious
Simply a bungled attempt to capture
Mexican Drug Lords, or was it an "under the radar" political scheme hatched at the White House
as now appears possible? That's why we're offering a ...
$100,000 Reward
For Verifiable Evidence of White House
Involvement in Operation Fast & Furious that led to the deaths of US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and of Mexican citizens. Was the real intent to create mayhem and havoc along the US-Mexican border so that the Obama Administration could justify restricting Americans' access to firearms?
Is this why the White House has invoked Executive Privilege, forcing the House of Representatives to vote to find
Attorney General Holder in contempt? If you have verifiable evidence that President Obama or one of his aides knew about Operation Fast & Furious while it was underway,
Call 1-888-692-7374 toll free
This is your opportunity to save yourself before Operation Fast & Furious comes crashing down like Watergate. Don't go to jail. Turn states evidence now just like John Dean did. The truth will come out. Will you be caught in the web of Operation Fast & Furious, or will you avoid jail time?
Make the right choice now.
Your information will be treated in total confidence
Paid for by:
Americans for Truth & Justice
A Special Project of The Conservative Caucus P.O. Box 166 Vienna, VA
Link to article:

Mysterious Currency Transfers Before 9-11

Mysterious Currency Transfers Before 9-11
July 16, 2012
This article originally appeared on 9/11 Blogger
Very interesting interview with Bill Bergman who worked at the Chicago Federal Reserve for over 13 years as an economist and financial markets policy analyst.
As with many others in a wide range of fields, when he started asking questions his employment position was no longer needed.
Here is the interview:
Find Out What Happened When a Federal Reserve Employee Questioned Unusual Currency Movements Before 9-11
Bill Bergman-a former Federal Reserve (Chicago branch) economist and policy analyst, who has raised concerns about unusual currency transactions pre- 9-11—-including billions in one hundred dollar bills, is the guest this week on the Robert Wenzel Show.
Bergman worked at the Chicago Federal Reserve for over 13 years as an economist and financial markets policy analyst, until he started asking questions about unusual currency movements before 9-11.
On the show we talk about what happened to him, after he started his investigation.
We also talk about how the Fed’s Biege Book is assembled, the trillion plus dollars sitting at the Fed as excess reserves, the LIBOR “scandal”, Warren Buffet and much more
See Also…
Boiling Frogs: Bill Bergman Follows the Money Around 9/11…
Bill Bergman joins us to discuss compelling financial irregularities and cases involving pre-9/11 money transfers, suspicious activity reporting, and informed securities trading, all of which remain uninvestigated and unanswered to date.
This is the latest instalment in the Boiling Frogs interview series, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds.
Bergman provides us with his analyses of the extraordinary surge in currency shipments and significant increase in the number of suspicious activity reports filed by financial institutions in the summer of 2001, the long history of currency shipments in U.S. covert operations, documented false statements and conclusions by the 9/11 Commission regarding the National Money Laundering Strategy Report from the Department of the Treasury in 2001, and the performance of the ‘market fear index’ in the weeks before 9/11.
Bergman discusses obstacles and climate of fear faced by public servants, the city of Chicago as the major hub for money laundering, narcotics and corruption, and more!
Bill Bergman has 10 years of experience as a stock market analyst sandwiched around 13 years as an economist and financial markets policy analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He earned an M.B.A. as well as an M.A. in Public Policy from the University of Chicago in 1990.
His research work at the Fed included writing the Chicago Fed contribution to the Federal Reserve “beige book.” Some recent issue areas he has worked on include the implications national emergency and war powers pose for the Federal Reserve, money laundering, and wholesale payment system design, risk, performance and pricing.
Bergman is currently working with Social Movement Sciences LLC, a new enterprise developing evaluation and funding services for not-for-profit organizations.
More on Bill Bergman

Obama said to Muslim World " I AM ONE OF YOU" in Aramaic

Obama said to Muslim World " I AM ONE OF YOU" in Aramaic

President Obama Speech to Muslim World in Cairo

This is BIG... and the PRESS will NOT COVER ANY OF IT.. Obama said " I AM ONE OF You" in Aramaic

Obama declares he's Muslim! at 25 / 30

The White House did not deny rumors that President Barack Hussein Obama will officially revert to Islam just prior to his second imaculation. In Egypt, the President recited fictitious achievements of Islam, like a seasoned Islamist. Every sentence contained a lie, a self-contradiction or both. Muslims call this takiyya, lying to benefit Islam. His polygamist father would have been proud. His living Kenyan relatives, including children his father had with wife number one, three and four, are ecstatic. Will Obama’s second swearing-in be on John Quincy Adam’s Koran?


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2012 08:16:21

Found this on Kerry Cassidy's site...
My contact referred to as "D" has come forward with more from the NSA contact designated below as "Z"...
This is excellent material:
I thought it best to outline a series of questions related to the "Movement of Equipment" while I am still able to meet and question my friend. He appeared to be comfortable still answering questions and when I asked about it, he shrugged and said "if I can't answer, I won't." He continued, saying: "There is a common misconception concerning Classified and Ultra Classified material getting into public hands. At this level they are moving forward so fast and so intently it really doesn't matter to them any more. We are rapidly approaching the end of the road and they believe nothing can stop them at this point. True, I am taking a risk discussing certain matters with you, but in the end I know this will help a lot of people and I'll know that I tried to help them."
* (Z) So what's on your mind?"
* (D) Were any of the objects brought into the DIA area manned?
* (Z) There was a minimal crew brought out of stasis to manage holographics in the first ship, the rest remain in stasis for a different agenda. There were six objects transferred in all. This took four days.
* (D) Can you elaborate on the use of this technology?
* (Z) It is going to be used to manage the situation here once things become very complex. You see everyone is focused on the wrong thing, which of course is what they want. They're masters at getting everyone looking in the wrong direction.
* (D) What's the right direction?
* (Z) The system approaching us coming out of the Kuiper Belt (Nibiru) is part of this equation, but this is manageable. However the Base Disk (Black Hole) holding our Galaxy in position below us is the real problem. All material known to us that was sent into it on an exploratory never returned. Ships or probes. We are approaching this at a very high rate of speed and the material is charged with a plasma UN-known to us. It is believed that the area which is commonly referred to as "the Rift" is multidimensionally polarized and thus our current systems will not function during the passage through it. The pulsed phasing alone would probably render most, if not all electronics inoperative and you can forget about all satellites. The speed or movement of the disk is not measurable and because of the angle of approach, it is believed we will skip off its surface several times before entry. The last geologic survey pertaining to a complete passage, or one full rotation around the central sun recorded a " World Quake," where all tectonic Plates shifted at the same time. It is believed that this event was caused by a Base Disk Impact. This is the real reason most of the Elite are nervous.
* (D) You mean about entering the D.U.M.B. bases?
* (Z) Yes. Although there are other alternatives, they would rather not get trapped below.
* (D) Have you been to the bases?
* (Z) Most of them.
* (D) Can you elaborate?
* (Z) No.
* (D) Have you personally used the Jump Room Technology?
* (Z) No Comment.
* (D) Should we be seriously concerned about the "Rift" passage?
* (Z) You weren't really thinking when you asked me that were you? (Laughs)
* (D) Sorry, my questions seem to have their own momentum.
* (D) Are the Elite groups united as a whole? Are there any inner conflicts or divisions?
* (Z) There are always conflicts. The technology crutch is beginning to crumble and the rift between groups is widening, but as a whole they move in unison.
* (D) How serious a grip or "hold" does this group have over our World?
* (Z) At the moment, complete control. But things are changing very fast. Since the passage is uncharted territory no one knows what to expect on the other side. There is some concern that once they are exposed for who they really are, they would be eliminated. I personally think this is a distinct possibility. All Empires fall sooner or later.
* (D) Are they actually considering implementing project Blue Beam?
* That is a possibility, but with the Solar System in such flux and a secondary System (Nibiru) rapidly approaching, (more electronic havoc) it has been formulated that it could be unreliable in critical moments, thus not entirely effective. There are much more effective methods to reach their goals without using an elaborate holographic hoax. As you may have surmised I have been against this sort of nonsense through out my career.
* (D) What do you see being the single most important thing going on right now?
* (Z) People in high level positions are actually taking responsibility for themselves and our World.
* (D) Are you going to get into trouble for talking with me about all of this?
* (Z) Probably.
* (D) After [removed] years of service, are you relieved to be out of the N*A ?
* (Z) You're never really out, it just appears that way on the surface.

benjamin Fulford 7-17-12…”It is time to look at the big picture again”

--.benjamin Fulford 7-17-12…”It is time to look at the big picture again”… “The money making machine at the Federal Reserve Board has been closed down so collapse is inevitable”
Posted on 2012/07/16by kauilapele
The only thing I will add here, is that I have always felt, in many ways, that I was a Global citizen, even though my birthing and residence was in the United States. Ben makes this point at the end, “The big blockage remains on Asians and other countries being allowed to spend their money in Europe and the US without impediment. If that becomes possible, Europeans and Americans will be hired in large quantities to engage is a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new age.” And to me, this means allowing all to work together AS a Global Community is where we would do well to go. This will undoubtedly be touted by a few as meaning, “China wants to buy out the US”, and presented as a fear-based interpretation.
But I would say to those who stand and say that “Only my country is the best”, and so on, are missing the point of Global Community. That is who we are.
  • When historical events are taking place, the daily rush of news event can fog the vision. We have entered such a time of fog now
  • The vast majority of the world’s money is now controlled by non-Westerners who have a very different agenda from that of the people who have been ruling the West and most of the world since at least 300 years ago.
  • Right now in the West, the regime change against bankster controlled criminal government has started with Iceland but it will end with the United States and the Vatican.
  • What happened to make the fall of the Soviet Union inevitable… was the theft of the Soviet Union’s foreign exchange reserves that made the collapse a matter of time…. What we are seeing in the West is the same.
  • The money making machine at the Federal Reserve Board has been closed down so collapse is inevitable.
  • For the past 30 years the United States and Europe (as a whole) have been running a trade deficit with the rest of the world.
  • What is now happening is that the creditor nations have stopped issuing new credit… That is why there is now a 147 nation alliance, led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and Africa that is telling the Western nations they will not buy their bonds or other “financial products.”
  • …time is on the side of the 147 nation alliance. The big problem for the West is that the Western nations have “out-sourced” most of their industrial infrastructure.
  • …the money being earned at Chinese or ASEAN export factories is not being spent on Western IOUs… [but] on “real” things like real-estate, commodities and factories.
  • What this means is that both the EU as a whole and the United States are bankrupt but are refusing to admit it.
  • …Chinese are perceived by the rest of the world as arriving with bags of money and business plans while Western nations arrive with guns and plans for mayhem. Guess who is losing and who is making friends…?
  • The big blockage remains on Asians and other countries being allowed to spend their money in Europe and the US without impediment.
  • If that becomes possible, Europeans and Americans will be hired in large quantities to engage is a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new age.
It is time to look at the big picture again
Benjamin Fulford, July 17, 2012
When historical events are taking place, the daily rush of news event can fog the vision. We have entered such a time of fog now, so it is a good time to stand back and look at the big picture. The European “crisis,” the US “fiscal cliff,” and the ongoing war-mongering by the NATO terrorist states in the Middle East are all part of a fundamental and unstoppable shift in the way this planet is ruled. No amount of propaganda in the Western corporate media and no amount of number inputting in central bank “black screens,” is going to change that reality. The vast majority of the world’s money is now controlled by non-Westerners who have a very different agenda from that of the people who have been ruling the West and most of the world since at least 300 years ago.
The best analogy for what is happening to the West is the fall of the Soviet Union. It started with a ship-yard strike in Gdansk Poland and ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in what in retrospect seems like no time whatsoever. At the time, though the several years in between those two event seemed to last an eternity.
Right now in the West, the regime change against bankster controlled criminal government has started with Iceland but it will end with the United States and the Vatican.
It is something like a Titanic hits the iceberg type of moment where technicians and the ship’s top crew know the vessel is doomed even if they cannot say exactly how long people have to get onto the lifeboats.

What happened to make the fall of the Soviet Union inevitable was not, as we are told, the economic failure of the Soviet model. Instead, it turns out it was the theft of the Soviet Union’s foreign exchange reserves that made the collapse a matter of time.
What we are seeing in the West is the same. The money making machine at the Federal Reserve Board has been closed down so collapse is inevitable.
Think of it as following: a high flying Wall Street Trader has been fired. He has enough money from his “golden handshake” and savings to keep on going as if nothing has happened. However, you notice that he has begun to sell off his sports cars and art collection.
He has also been borrowing money from banks but he is now fully mortgaged out so he has had to borrow from friends. That has also hit bottom so he has begun hitting non-bank financial companies and loan sharks for money. He has also been writing checks that he knows will bounce (think of the 19 announcements that the “euro crisis” has been solved).
If you are watching all this from the sidelines, you will know that it is not long before the Wall Street high flier will be moving out of his fancy digs.
The situation in the Western world is very much like what has been described above. For the past 30 years the United States and Europe (as a whole) have been running a trade deficit with the rest of the world.
The financial leaders in the West have been secretly financing this deficit by making promises they could not keep. That is why, for example, a $300,000 bond backed by a lifetime of labor is issued every time an American citizen is born. That is why the Chinese have been secretly issued liens on much of US real estate as well.
These maneuvers have bought time and created the appearance that all is well, especially in the US. However, just like Wall Street junkie above, you can deny reality for a certain time but it always catches up with you.
This is the case with the West.
What is now happening is that the creditor nations have stopped issuing new credit.
That is why there is now a 147 nation alliance, led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and Africa that is telling the Western nations they will not buy their bonds or other “financial products.”
The Western nations, however, have prevented the creditor nations of the world from investing their earnings in trade with the West in buying real things, like multi-national corporations, in the West.
The result has been what appears to be a Mexican stand-off, with two people pointing guns at each other while sitting across from each other on a table.
However, in this case, time is on the side of the 147 nation alliance. The big problem for the West is that the Western nations have “out-sourced” most of their industrial infrastructure. These nations made the arrogant assumption that the rest of the world would make real stuff while the Western world gave them orders through the banks and other financial institutions.
Now they find though, the money being earned at Chinese or ASEAN export factories is not being spent on Western IOUs. The Chinese have been taking their dollars and spending them all over the world on “real” things like real-estate, commodities and factories. Other countries have begun to do the same.
What this means is that both the EU as a whole and the United States are bankrupt but are refusing to admit it.
In the case of the EU, the member countries have been announcing they will print “Euros” in order to get themselves out of their crisis. The problem, of course, is that the European central bank does not have the legal right to print Euros any more Euros [...the legal right to print any more Euros].
There is a similar situation with the US.
Many readers, at this point, will object and say that both the US Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank have announced massive money printing schemes. The question is then, “where did all this money go?” The answer is that it was blocked every time.
Who is doing the blocking? The answer is the 147 nations that are tired of NATO mass murder and invasion. They can tell the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS, to block the money and they do.
In the case of the United States, a slightly different situation exists. The US is in deeper debt to the rest of the world than the European Union. So far, the Chinese have been keeping them going because a US trade deficit with China is in China’s long term geopolitical interested. The more US dollars they get that they can spend in Asia, Africa or South America (but not Europe and the US) the more friends and influence they get around the world.
The result already has been that Chinese are perceived by the rest of the world as arriving with bags of money and business plans while Western nations arrive with guns and plans for mayhem. Guess who is losing and who is making friends in these circumstances (hint: not the Westerners).
The big blockage remains on Asians and other countries being allowed to spend their money in Europe and the US without impediment. If that becomes possible, Europeans and Americans will be hired in large quantities to engage is a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new age.
[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.
Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,]

Exposing Obama would reveal the depth of US Government corruption

Exposing Obama would reveal the depth of US Government corruption

By Lawrence Sellin
Exposing Obama would reveal the depth of US Government corruption. 47548.jpeg
The solution for the United States is not to elect more "good" people to government because they are quickly co-opted and compromised by the corrupt political system.
It may sound cynical, but the solution is to make it politically advantageous for bad people to do the right thing.
It is not now politically advantageous for either the Democrat or the Republican Party to tell the truth about Barack Obama; that he is an illegal President and very likely a felon, who has a forged birth certificate, a forged Selective Service registration and is using a Social Security Number not issued to him.
Both parties are steadfastly protecting Obama to protect their investment in the corrupt political status quo.
The formula is simple. To keep themselves permanently in office, members of Congress collect taxes nationwide, they then use the proceeds to repay wealthy financiers with tax loopholes or government loans and buy constituent votes through local tax-funded projects.
The American people have given Congress a credit card with no limit. Rather than themselves being financially penalized for their largesse, members of Congress simply pass the debt along to ordinary Americans and future generations, while they enrich themselves through the power granted them to spend our money.
The larger the federal government, the greater the number of opportunities arise for politicians to benefit from the scam.
Is anyone surprised that 50% of Congress members are millionaires compared to the 1% millionaires in the United States as a whole?
Both Democrats and Republican recognize that exposing Obama will lead to a bloodbath of revelations about their complicity to undermine the Constitution and flout the rule of law, which would jeopardize their comfortable lifestyles. The truth would generate genuine outrage among the American people.
Even a Republican Presidential candidate, explaining the conspiracy of silence about Obama, once indicated off-camera that the issue runs much deeper than people realize.
That is why discussion of Obama's ineligibility and his alleged crimes is suppressed by politicians and the mainstream media. They all have too much to lose.
As part of their effort to undermine the rights granted by the Constitution, Congress has actively pursued legislation to limit free speech.
The First Amendment to the US Constitution states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
In February 2012, the Republican-led US House of Representatives voted 388-to-3 in favor of House Resolution 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 or more aptly dubbed the "First Amendment Rights Eradication Act", which makes free speech a felony under certain circumstances.
H.R. 347, which has been signed into law by Barack Obama, will allow the government to bring charges to protesters, demonstrators and activists at political events and other outings across America.
It is no longer possible to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Our elected officials not only ignore the voice of the people, but they are now taking steps to silence that voice.
Abraham Lincoln said that the American people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. 
The time has come for mass public action by ordinary Americans against those who are perverting the Constitution.
Exposing Obama before the November election will shake the entire corrupt political system to its core and create a window of opportunity for the American people to take back control of their government.
Post the following in every public area in the country:
"Barack Obama, an illegal President, a stolen Social Security Number, a forged birth certificate, a forged Selective Service registration."
Force the corrupt politicians to do the right thing. Force them to tell the truth.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Colonel Sellin is the author of "Afghanistan and the Culture of Military Leadership". He receives email at

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

Take away weapons along the US border and it will become like Mexico: beheadings, kidnappings, torture, and other criminal activities.

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 5:31

Published on Jul 16, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Please spread the Word.

"Complete disarmament" of the American people
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 16, 2012

The UN Arms Trade Treaty that has been identified by observers as a flagrant threat to the second amendment and which Barack Obama is determined to sign has its roots in a 1961 State Department memorandum which explains how the United Nations will oversee "complete disarmament" of the American people under the ruse of preventing war. The UN Arms Treaty has caused so much controversy because it outlines a plan to target "all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons," according to Forbes' Larry Bell.
Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also warns that the agreement "is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control."

A letter sent last month by 130 Republican House members to President Obama argued that the treaty should be rejected because it infringes on the "fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms". The letter adds that "...the U.N.'s actions to date indicate that the ATT is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights."

Using the rhetoric of the threat post by terrorists, insurgents and "international crime syndicates," the UN is busy trying to imply that all weapons are somehow involved in illegal activity on a global scale and should therefore be controlled and regulated by a global authority.
This is precisely the same language used in a 1961 U.S. State Department briefing which outlined a long term agenda to carry out a "Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World."

Invoking the threat of nuclear warfare, the document spells out a plan to create a "United Nations Peace Force" that would "enforce the peace as the disarmament process proceeds."
While the document initially focuses on scrapping nuclear weapons, it later makes it clear that the only groups allowed to own weapons of any kind would be governing authorities, "for the purpose of maintaining internal order," and the UN "peacekeeping" force itself, which would require "agreed manpower."

"The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes," states the document. While the memorandum outlines a broader mandate to destroy national sovereignty, eviscerate national armies and institute the UN as the planet's supreme authority with a world army, the document serves as a stark reminder that the plan for the United Nations to oversee the abolition of the second amendment has been in the works for decades.

As Bell points out in his Forbes article, the threat of the Obama administration relying on a UN treaty to do what successive administrations have tried but failed to accomplish -- taking a huge bite out of the second amendment -- is by no means far fetched.

After all, a plethora of UN treaties and international agreements have already stripped the United States of its sovereignty and its power to decide its own laws. The power to authorize U.S. involvement in wars and conflicts has now been almost completely stripped from Congress and handed to the United Nations.

Interesting bit of info....

Interesting bit of info....
In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of
Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some
2,000 years prior:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a
permanent form of government.
A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover
that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who
promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that
every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is)
always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of
history, has been about 200 years.
During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the
following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:
Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn't hurt to read this several times.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in  St. Paul ,
Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the last
Presidential election:
Number of States won by:            Obama: 19                McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by:       Obama: 580,000        McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by:    Obama: 127 million    McCain: 143 million

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2    McCain:2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income
tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."
Olson believes the  United States is now somewhere between the "complacency
and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some
forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the
"governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the
USA in fewer than five years.
Pass this along to help everyone realize just how much
is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..
This is truly scary!

Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic ..
Someone should point this out to Obama.
Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention to The
There couldn't be more at stake than on Nov 6, 2012.
Please pass this along.
"Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured ....
but not prove they are a citizen."

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 18, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 18, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2012 04:38:52

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 18, 2012
For some time now we have been limiting the extent to which the dark Ones can interfere with your progress towards Ascension. Working with our allies, we have given them every opportunity to go forward with the changes. However there is still hesitancy in some quarters, but we wish to assure you that the time has come for you to take action. We know that you can succeed, and we will be overseeing what takes place. All of the Light forces are lined up against the dark Ones, and will ensure that you are able to complete your objectives to remove those who stand in your way. These measures will be the commencement of a whole string of moves to propel you into the New Age. What is happening is part of your battle against those who have plotted your demise, and it is important that you are seen to overcome them. Whatever course you adopt you will succeed, but we want you to abide by the "rules" that have been laid down. You do not need to meet fire with fire, as you have the Law on your side along with us and many great Beings of Light.
With so much Light reaching you, we find consciousness levels are rising and many souls are being awakened as a result. This is wonderful news as it means the Forces of Light are growing all of the time, and dissipating the lower energies that the dark Ones feed upon. You must have noticed that when you meet Lightworkers they carry an air of calmness that is very uplifting. That Dear Ones is where you will all eventually find yourselves, and you will know that you have at last found the peace you have been seeking. No one can take it away from you, as it becomes a powerful state of being that is also your protection. Be true to your Higher Self and do your best to live your life as you envisage one who has ascended.
Again we remind you how powerful your thoughts are, and that it is you who are creating your own future. In particular guard against allowing your emotions to run away with you when confronted by challenging situations. In the heat of the moment Humans tend to lose their composure, and end up doing or saying things they later regret. Negative reactions damage your own aura and lower your Light levels, and it takes time to recover. Sometimes it is best not to get too involved in personal argument, or at least to know when to pull out. There are often no winners on such occasions, and it is only your ego that will feel hurt. In extreme cases of loss of temper, there are also the inevitable lessons to be learnt that will come back to you in the form of karma. That is indeed what life is about and is intended to help you along your evolutionary path.
Now more than ever, it is extremely important how you carry yourself, so try to live up to your highest expectations, and in so doing you will set a good example to other people. Like attracts like and you will find that as you lift up, so others of a similar level will gravitate towards you. Those who are coarse and drawn to things of the lower energies will no longer interest you, and you will find yourself enjoying the finer things in life. For example your taste in music may change as you search for things that give you more pleasure and satisfaction. Fulfilment is no longer found in most of what is presented to you as entertainment, and you are almost certainly going to look for spiritual upliftment. As a reader you are no doubt already seeking it from the enormous number of good authors that are sufficiently illuminated to do so.
There will always be souls that are slow to awaken, but with time racing by they need a boost to get going. People look far and wide for their salvation, and although guidance will help, we repeat our advice that all knowledge is within. It is a matter of "knowing" without being able to explain why. So follow your intuition and you will not go far wrong as it usually only the ego that will interfere, it being that part of you that you have programmed to look after your interests. So think before you act and you will live a much calmer life without too many of the usual ups and downs.
We often bring you news about the activities of the dark Ones, as it would not otherwise reach your ears. However, it is approaching a time when our focus is changing even more to the growth of the Light. The dark Ones are no longer the force or threat that they were, and should be left to face the consequences of their actions. Concentrate on your own preparations for Ascension knowing that the path is open, and no one can be prevented from completion of this cycle as intended. We ask you, what else matters now that you have the end times in sight. The day approaches when you can finally leave duality behind having had so many lives and experiences within it. Enjoy that thought because you have such a wonderful future to look forward to and one that you fully deserve.
Carry on your everyday life as normal, and when you need to make any changes we will advise you. Money will not have too much significance for long bearing in mind that there is to be a sharing of the worlds wealth, currently held by about 300 families. Most of it has been illegally obtained and we know exactly how to recover it as no hiding place is beyond our knowledge. Along with debt forgiveness, it will give everyone a chance to enjoy being able to have a share of whatever is produced upon Earth. Also, many helpful pieces of equipment will be freely issued to raise your quality of life. It will of course initially center around those who are in the most need.
Each day brings you a bit closer to the government announcements that shall trigger the commencement of the benefits that are to go to you. There will no stealing within such schemes, and only our appointed and trusted allies shall be given the responsibility to look after them. It all has to commence very soon, and will continue well after Ascension. What we are lining up to do is to get things moving, but not before those who are against our actions are safely out of the way. It is clearly worth waiting those extra few days and see matters working out as planned.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and fortunate to have a view of what is going on that far exceeds your authorities own vision. The Galactic Federation of Light has technologies that can track any ones activities, and record their speech if necessary. So be assured you are safe and protected by us.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Light Agenda, 82 years young - Wed @ 6pm/PST - 9pm EST (fwd)

Suzy Star: 82 Years Young and Still Shining Brightly – The Light Agenda, Presented by Stephen Cook
Wednesday, July 18
6pm (PDT, USA)
/ 9pm (EDT)
Remember: If you can’t tune in at this time you can listen at ANY time that’s convenient to you, once the show has gone to air. Just click on this same link.
An incredible lady I met here through the2012Scenario website, and who has since won my heart – and will no doubt win yours, too – is my guest on a special 90-minute edition of  The Light Agenda this week.
And boy, are we going to cover some ground – from her current full-time work as a ‘”retiree” creating 250 Creative Communities worldwide, to her incredible life story as a mother of five, punctuated by incidents and emotions few of us should ever face in the one lifetime.
It’s a lightworker story you are going to want to hear.
And, in what could well be a world first, we’re even going to be talking extra-terrestrial sex – and orgasms, too. Yes, you read that right: ET orgasms!
In what may well prove to be the most candid interview I’ve done on The Light Agenda to date, the woman born Suzy Ellen Villines in Oklahoma in 1930, will touch your soul on every level.
Suzy will delight and confound you with her personal light agenda: her childhood growing up as an Andromedan in a human body; her mother’s controlling demeanour juxtaposed with her father’s warmth; her three marriages; her life as a single mother of five and her many diverse and surprising career changes.
Suzy came into this world as a little blonde angel and seems to have since lived about nine lives in one.
If you ask me, she’s experienced or endured just about everything a human can – and she is still shining brightly and spreading her personal light and love throughout the world.
But she says this is all because she had to learn to live a  life as a human and have a truly ‘human’ experience.
She’s also died – and come back to life. And she’s also had some very exciting ET experiences; and I mean sexually exciting.
So, yes, we’re going to be talking stuff she’s never talked about publicly before! In fact, maybe no one has.
We’re also going to hear about the dance halls of the 40s and 50s; drugs and the free-lovin’ 60s and the real estate driven 70s and 80s.
Now while some of that above may sound a bit shocking, I can tell you it is all part of this remarkable woman’s life: she can certainly tell us all a thing or two about really living!
She’s also hoping that our interview will allow her own children and even her grandchildren to hear her life story – and hopefully learn even more about her and her mission. I think she’s right there – and we talk about managing five kids and the fun things they would do together.
Plus Ascension and what lies ahead. And we are going to have some fun!
Suzy Star is inspiring, alluring, amazing and captivating – all at once. And she speaks with such open honesty and love – that you will fall in love with her, too.
And that’s just what her mission in this lifetime is. To bring love.
Mind you, she says she’s going to be around for another 5000 years – so this interview is just a tiny, love-filled moment in Suzy Star’s journey.
PLUS – You”ll have a whole new understanding of a song The Sound of Music star Julie Andrews and Barbra Streisand have both recorded – but which Julie does best, according to Suzy.
You can find out more about Suzy and her Creative Communities at
Tune in to Suzy Star – 82 Years Young and Still Shining Brightly – on The Light Agenda on InLight Radio Wednesday this week.

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)