Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

Take away weapons along the US border and it will become like Mexico: beheadings, kidnappings, torture, and other criminal activities.

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 5:31

Published on Jul 16, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Please spread the Word.

"Complete disarmament" of the American people
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 16, 2012

The UN Arms Trade Treaty that has been identified by observers as a flagrant threat to the second amendment and which Barack Obama is determined to sign has its roots in a 1961 State Department memorandum which explains how the United Nations will oversee "complete disarmament" of the American people under the ruse of preventing war. The UN Arms Treaty has caused so much controversy because it outlines a plan to target "all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons," according to Forbes' Larry Bell.
Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton also warns that the agreement "is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control."

A letter sent last month by 130 Republican House members to President Obama argued that the treaty should be rejected because it infringes on the "fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms". The letter adds that "...the U.N.'s actions to date indicate that the ATT is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights."

Using the rhetoric of the threat post by terrorists, insurgents and "international crime syndicates," the UN is busy trying to imply that all weapons are somehow involved in illegal activity on a global scale and should therefore be controlled and regulated by a global authority.
This is precisely the same language used in a 1961 U.S. State Department briefing which outlined a long term agenda to carry out a "Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World."

Invoking the threat of nuclear warfare, the document spells out a plan to create a "United Nations Peace Force" that would "enforce the peace as the disarmament process proceeds."
While the document initially focuses on scrapping nuclear weapons, it later makes it clear that the only groups allowed to own weapons of any kind would be governing authorities, "for the purpose of maintaining internal order," and the UN "peacekeeping" force itself, which would require "agreed manpower."

"The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes," states the document. While the memorandum outlines a broader mandate to destroy national sovereignty, eviscerate national armies and institute the UN as the planet's supreme authority with a world army, the document serves as a stark reminder that the plan for the United Nations to oversee the abolition of the second amendment has been in the works for decades.

As Bell points out in his Forbes article, the threat of the Obama administration relying on a UN treaty to do what successive administrations have tried but failed to accomplish -- taking a huge bite out of the second amendment -- is by no means far fetched.

After all, a plethora of UN treaties and international agreements have already stripped the United States of its sovereignty and its power to decide its own laws. The power to authorize U.S. involvement in wars and conflicts has now been almost completely stripped from Congress and handed to the United Nations.


Anonymous said...

Come on! You don"t really believe this drival,do you? Really? While the article appears to be well written, their is little truth to it. Too bad that you never learned to use your powers for the good!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know this is serious with the gun treaty stuff but more fear porn from alex jones is not nessa. I guess it keeps his audience riveted! The troops will not do such a thing.

Anonymous said...

"But son, I need my gun for protection"

"That's too damned bad mom, give me your gun or I'll blow your head off
and that is my last warning"

"But son"


Yeah, that'll happen.

Anonymous said...

Correction to the missing truth here.

They aren't going to kill Americans.

There are native Indians who are Americans and sovereign; as well as others who are native born and sovereign.

They have orders to kill US Citizens who won't abide by the rules of those they selected to make them.

If they say, 'give me your gun, then you have to give it to them.'
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

Last time I checked, a US Citizen is not sovereign, by their choice and free will, they claim in writing and by the words of their mouths that they are US Citizens.

They know the US is a corporation, so by their choice, they are under corporate rule and they agreed to it.

They run from guru to guru and leader to leader to tell them what to think, say, and do.

They hand over their power to the next bigger, better, deal.

Anyone can pop up, give a status as if they are someone important, tell these people, join me, I can make you free and they will flock in mass to their new 'leader'.

The galactics know their non-interference policies are there to save them from being put as Gods for the people who want them to come here and save them from the decisions they make their own self.

Galactics are looking at those that dig a hole, jump in it and then tell the galactics, people are suffering down here, help us get out of the holes we dug for ourselves.

There are many who gave up their right to their sovereignty (the right to decide what is right for them and to govern their self accordingly) to be a part of a system where they are governed by others they (s)elect.

Sure your parents were US Citizens and that means you can be one too, but you still have to tell them you want to be one.

Makes no sense for a sheep to know they are going to a slaughter house and still stand in line saying they are awake but tell the other sheep they are sleep.

Some sheep got out of line and are looking at the line and and saying, 'how the hell can those other sheep claim to be awake and still stand in line? They stand in line to their destiny of choice and talk among themselves about how glad they are that they weren't born cows because of who the cows worship.

Anonymous said...

Re: 9:35 A.M.
I beg to differ! Start with McAurther killing American soldiers (vets) in D.C. after W.W.1. They were demonstrating for what they were owed for their service. Federal troops killed a bunch of them. I could go on an on an on. Point is you need to wake up. They will follow orders,they are volunteers they joined to kill. Some of them will regret it later. The ones that don't will become cops, F.B.I.,C.I.A. etc. A.J. has his agenda I don't like the way I feel when I listen to Him so I quite listing. Be a army of one.RESIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"If you want to get a rough idea of how many guns there are out there just look at how many people you see out there then multiply by a factor of estimated ownership. The last best guess was about 350,000,000 Total. That would be 1 weapon for every man woman and child. The average gun enthusiast owns several firearms which includes pistols, shotguns, and rifles of all makes and models. It is often estimated that about 1 in 4 people own any firearms and on average firearms owners own 4 guns each."

There are about 118 million in the military ranging in age from 18 to 49. Half of those are women. A majority are just kids looking for a government paid education. Out of those 118 million maybe a few thousand would follow shoot-to-kill orders. They are the criminal type. They probably have no family and no friends. They would kill anyone at any time because that is the way they are.

How could a few thousand criminals dis-arm America ?

That won't happen.

AND THEN .. what do you think would happen if a UN Peace Force were flown in ? The US military would wipe them out long before those 350,000,000 citizen weapons would be aimed at them.

That won't happwen either.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of fraud?? Doesn't matter who commits it...a corporation, government, is still unlawful. Cut out the gobbledygoop!

Anonymous said...

Re: 11:14 A.M.
I hope your right. I think your percentages are very optimistic. I have personal contact with military because of where I live and where I work. I suggest we have a problem. The overwhelming majority will follow orders.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such smart words.
Call it what you will, I accept your description and back at ya with the same.
Maxim of Law: An equal has no power over an equal.
Call it what you want. The average people don't know how to protect their self from fraud.

Your response is gobbledygoop, too, so welcome to the club.

Anonymous said...

Nice reply,
everyone 18 to 49 is not able bodied.
Everyone 18 to 49 is not mentally stable.
Everyone who owns a gun has not necessarily got the training to use it.
All 350,000,000 guns are not centralized in the same location.
A bullet requires the target to be closer than a rocket launcher or RPG(rocket propelled grenade)
The force coming to take the gun can do it in quarantined manner such that those outside the quarantine are either not going to know, or not want to get involved because their plan may be to wait until the focus is on them before they get involved.
Those thinking having a lot of something means an organized opposition will find out what it means 'should the time come'.

I don't want the trespass to happen.
I don't want anyone to fight anyone over anything.
But I don't want anyone to decide what freedoms they can protect for their selves and take away from others either.

If there are life freedoms worth protecting for one, then there are life freedoms are worth protecting for all.

Anonymous said...

My military friends would not follow those orders. Ask your military friends if they would murder their mother. father, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends if they were told to do so because they DO have guns. They will say NO they won't.

If I were in the service and my commanding office told me to start killing people because they refuse to turn over their guns .. he would be dead.

Anonymous said...

Re: 2:23 P.M.
Sorry but your argument goes in a circle. Again if you organize you die. Be a army of one. Vow to your self to take at least one with you. Millions scattered out can't be targeted by weapons of mass destruction. There are more of us than there are of them. RESIST!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, ....We Need Gun Control! The definition of gun control is: When you aim at your target, you hit it! Now that's gun control! When these guys come to your doors to get your guns, don't even open the doors to them, just practice your gun control law. Don't give them your guns you sissys, what do you have them for? Like to prevent tyranny, right?

Anonymous said...

Praise God for people who have brains and common sense!

Anonymous said...

The trick is that they're going to send the troops from the south to the north and those from the east to the west, so that the troops don't feel like they're killing family, it will just be another face. There is a pyschology to it.

Unknown said...

we must enforce our highest right the 1st amendment that congress shall pass no law hindering ones own religion. my will is my religion here is my proof.

i am me every-one is me; me and my will are one
everyone who is me; our will are devine music of creation, tuned to five "universal truths"(fundamental frequencies)

peace,love,unity and respect

peace(balances all wills, by each will coveting the freedom of all others)
love(consciouss,god,Love should not be confused as the oppisite of hate as love has no oppisite love is I am in i am me love is infinite love brings you to your knees in awe and dance will bliss, love made me now everyone must remember why we are doing this... LOVE),

unity(absence of judgment),

respect(be onto others as I would have others be onto me)

to separate me from my will is a violation of my religion and therefor the 1st amendment of the constitution of the united states of america which agreed to protect my rights at the moment i was singed up when i was bourn which was their idea and afterwards gave me twenty two of their injections and required me under threat of inprisionment or if i resist killing me.
therefor i see as they must have a obligation to protect me as was their decision by perpetuation this "state"
yet the laws of the state are broken by those who claim to uphold it, who are guilty of treason for agreeing to enforce laws through force (asall false laws are) which hinder our life our liberty, our pursuit of happiness, our religion and if you call it so our country.