Albert Schweitzer once commented, "Christianity must be founded upon thinking." I would not say the following except federal undercover psychological warfare agents are trying to trick the American people into letting Obama outlaw all guns in America through a UN Treaty he has told Hillary Clinton to sign end of this July which outlaws basically all private gun ownership in America. Also, he wants Hillary Clinton to sign the water treaty which gives away 50% of all land of America to the United Nations and the American people are kicked out of their homes and shipped off to anthill community cities. If they resist, they are killed by the federal government under Obama. That is why all Americans must be disarmed of their guns now!
I am feared by federal psychological warfare experts working for Obama. I would not tell this except for the Obama ordered smears trying to trick the American people not to back me and my proposed Omni Law which restores the legal control of the American people over the runaway federal tyranny and dictatorship under our trying to be dictator Obama in Wash., D.C. Years ago the I.R.S. called me in for audit and thought I must be lying that I had given away 30% of my total income for that year to Christianity. I showed the documentation and with that the shocked I.R.S. office dropped the whole matter over deductions. No one in America gives away as much as 30% of their total income in one year to Christianity. While others gave Jesus Christ excuses why they could not back His causes on earth, I gave Jesus money and not excuses! Many of my friends know that I gave away all future profits on my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process except for that held aside for business deals to raise the money to establish the world industry. All money except for living expenses, etc. would go to Christianity and worthwhile charitable acts all over the world. Since these federal undercover smear agents are trying to be so clever implying I am not smart in business, twice I took a basic $1,000 starting fund to launch two generic product concepts of mine. By one year, I had generated two national markets each over $100 million in sales with my product concepts and my marketing tactics. I entered the insurance field as a salesman and three months later was a regional insurance manager given a 49 state territory with a multi-billion dollar insurane company. I produce spectacular results in business. Wash., D.C. stole $525,000 from me to head me off so I could not reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America. And tried several murder attempts on my life including apparently ordered by Obama when I demanded Wash., D.C. return the $525,000 federally stolen money to me. When I a few years ago lined up huge deals with trucking firms, etc. representing a coming profit of $7 billion to maybe $25 billion profit, Wash., D.C. wiretapping my phone, reading my mail and emails, charged in and threatened with $50 million fines and pending federal imprisonment any business sources backing this deal I had lined up with trucking interests and then other interests after this was done. As Ben Gurion of Israel commented many years ago, "Democracy will be safe when he who is not wronged is as offended as he who is wronged." American people, why do you listen to the propaganda lines secretly released by agents for Obama instead of backing the man who is trying to give you potentially the largest world industry in world history? You have lost nearly all your national industry now. Drive across America and see empty factory buildings all over America. I see them everywhere across South Carolina for example. 56,000 and more factories closed down in America in the last decade and Obama tells you how wonderful he is doing for the American economy. If Obama is for the revival of the American economy, then you would-be dictator of America, return immediately my federally stolen $525,000 to me and frankly $2 million more additional as I would have made far more than that with this initial $525,000 that was mine a few years ago. I had this super giant deal with trucking interests, etc. which was smashed by the U.S. Justice Dept. a few years ago and cost me at least $5 billion to maybe $25 billion initial profit off of this. As taught in Christian ethics and honest law, when you sabotage the money a man was going to make, that is just a sophisticated way of stealing that money from him. Obama, return the federally stolen $25 billion to me and I will imediately begin setting up this great food industry based on my father's Vatican endorsed food process. University tests predicted the whole human race on earth is going to die and maybe not long from now if this super health product is not added soon to the American and world diet. Medical lab reports from all over the world report the human race is entering the first stages of permanent sterility for the human race and if this trend is not stopped and fast by some answer that works, then the human race will shortly go extinct like the dinosaurs of old. Okay, federal undercover operatives as I recognize your trademark tactics very clearly, let me throw a curve to you.
Before America and the world as my witness, I call upon God to judge all who oppose me in America or elsewhere and let the blood of all who die due to their colossal evil in their hearts drip from their hands when they face later on the Judgment of God and let them suffer the pains for all eternity for all the victims already killed by Wash., D.C. and those later on. Wash., D.C. was behind the overthrow of the Czarist Government of 1917 and countless millions were killed by the Communists in Russia and China, etc. after the Communists took over. Wash., D.C. with full knowledge secretly let Wall Street bankers secretly finance Hitler into national power in Germany in order to engineer a World War II for the profit in money and political power achieved by engineering a World War II. I went eleven calendar years to military academies and saw those nasty military intelligence reports of America, Europe, etc. you keep carefully censored from American history textbooks, courses, etc. And Wash., D.C. by steadily suppressing my father's Vatican endorsed food process for one half century now, you have now murdered so many people in Africa and throughout the world to easily add up to over three billion people or more willfully murdered by Wash., D.C. in secret world population control by the corrupt, wicked leaders of Wash., D.C.
But the wicked will say, "But there is no God!" You are dumb as Satan your master! Actually dumber as Satan at least knows there is a God for real. Look at the collections of Lives Of The Saints listing countless saints for the last basic 2,000 years showing regular Miracles of God occurring all their lives. Look up St. Francis of Paola who stunned all Europe by the most varieties of Miracles of God of any saint in Christianity since Jesus Christ and the Apostles. And he left a prophecy in 1470 that the most evil tyrannical government in human history would oppose a man personally backed by Jesus Christ to be their national leader in a nation that fought a civil war outside of Europe and shortly before 1870 A.D. This person facing the most evil tyranny in human history would be the descendant of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, a first born son, and would be very poor when suddenly confronting this the most evil government in human history (made poor by repeated theft of all his money by Wash., D.C. - the false prophet government of Revelation trying to put the Antichrist into world power. Obama wants to be the world Antichrist, but the Apostle Paul orally left the explanation to the prophesy of Thes. II as to he who letters (hinders) is the final Roman Empire authority who blocks the rise of Antichrist to power until Christianity has one final great golden hour on earth. The explanation of He Who Letteth (Hinders) in Thess. II orally taught by the Apostle Paul is recorded in the early Christian writings such as Bishop Hippolytus, etc. God gets the super great saints of mankind just before the world tribulation and Satan is afterwards left the God rejects of the human race for the Antichrist to later recruit.) St. Francis of Paula predicted all who do not support this champion of Christianity who suddenly arises from the land which fought a civil war shortly before 1870 A.D. would be considered enemies of God and face the Wrath of God for all eternity in judgment so terrible as to be utterly beyond their imagination. The final mark to identify who St. Francis of Paola was prophesying about is that he would found the movement of the holy cross-bearers of Jesus Christ which I did years ago and registered this movement with Bishop Homer A. Tomlinson since Catholic sources were not interested in having this Christian movement registered with them. St. Padre Pio who had the wounds of Christ for 50 years and stunning Miracles of God for these same 50 years wrote me to found this movement which I did under instruction. I am hiding a secret where I know parts of the prophecy of St. Francis of Paola I have not explained to scholars. The Constantine the Great ancestry is necessary to create the legal angle under law so I can give the American people legal title to nearly all the land of America Obama wants to give away to the United Nations in maybe even 30-days from now by treaty signed by Hillary Clinton. I need the Omni Law passed for the legal maneuver that gives to the American people virtual absolute legal claim to all the land in America and then Obama and other co-conspirators cannot give away to the UN, China, etc. the land of America to them as these traitors in Wash., D.C. want to. I descend from my mother's side from an ambitious Irish line that wanted to become the royal line of Ireland. They made the right marriages and without realizing it got legal claim to virtually 2/3rds to 3/4ths of the entire land of the original 48 states of America. God had to publicize the royal ancestry angle so I could give all this land to the American people so Obama and other federal thieves could not steal this from the American people forever. Without land, America ceases to exist as a land for the American people. Let me give you a historical hint. Wash., D.C. got giant grants of land and then violated the terms of the legal grants of land so the land reverted back to the original sources granting this land to America. The Irish family apparently used by God got the right marriages to scoop up these forfeited grant lands and so I can give back to the American people final absolute title to nearly all the land of America currently under rule of Wash., D.C. The false prophet of Revelation appears to be Wash., D.C. as she fulfills the listed requirements and she is trying to corrupt the whole earth away from God now and accept the world Antichrist to be put into power by Wash., D.C. Obama intends to be the Antichrist, but he can't make it if the Omni Law is passed!
Pass my Omni Law and ignore the little parasites of Wash., D.C. on federal payrolls telling you to trust Obama, etc. and go back to sleep and do nothing. Copy of the Omni Law can be found in the archive files of Nesara News or email me for a copy of the 4 page Omni Law Report (Omni Law on Page 2). Send an email to . Jesus did not say to love your neighbor and hate yourself. Jesus said to love your neighbor even as you love yourself. When you wish for your neighbor to prosper even as you wish to prosper, then all in society willing to work can prosper in the nation founded on this economic concept of social justice taught by Jesus Christ.
American people, I know more than I am saying. America had better do some moral straightening up and fast. Now that I have released the information how Wash., D.C. has murdered billions of people on earth and laughs in the face of God over her murder of billions of humans, if you do not pass the Omni Law and now, what reason is left for God not to bring the Judgment of God upon America that laughts in the face of God for the billions of humans she has murdered and thinks a funny joke before God?
God likes me and you would be shocked how many holy people have approached me over the years to say that I have the favor of God and God would let me rescue America from the pending Judgment of God. Russian missiles are already aimed and ready to annihilate America. And other terrible things face America I will not list here. Okay, your planted psychological warfare agents of Wash., D.C., you made a mistake by pushing me too far. Now you face the guaranteed damnation of God for all eterity and punished for the billions of people murdered by Wash., D.C. since you are trying to defend Antichrist Wash., D.C. from moral reform and Christian justice under passage of the Omni Law. You had better ask me to pray to God that this curse be removed from you. And I don't know if God will let me pray away this curse I have called upon all agents, leaders of Wash., D.C. and your backers across America now. God gave clear warning that God was backing me when L.B. of the Seneca Police Force who had the gospel singing group on the side was smashed to pieces in a car accident in 1990. Rushed to the local hospital, they told the local newspaper he would not live through the day and if somehow he lived, he would be paralyzed for life. I prayed for him in the Name of Jesus Christ and he left the hospital the same day as delivered there and with all injuries healed instantly. An inner understanding or revelation to my heart says God did this to warn Wash., D.C. not to mess with me or attempt further smear tactics on me to try and trick the American people away from their only leader who can deliver them from the evil plans of Obama and associates in Wash., D.C. And God did this to show the people God approves of me and knows the true story, not any manufactured lies of Wash., D.C., why I have had to do certain things I did.
There are three forms of propaganda in classicial explanation. White propaganda is you tell the truth even when it hurts but people learn to trust you and so when it counts, the people will listen to what you say. Grey propaganda is where you tell enough truth to be trusted and then you lie to the people when they are trusting you. Black propaganda like Obama uses almost all the time is straight lie and deception after straight lie and deception but do it so cleverly the people never realize they have just been mass lied to by you. My white propaganda (effective presentation of truth) includes this true story of the L.B. Miracle of God in 1990. I understood back then that God was doing this to endorse me for later when Wash., D.C. would try to lie and smear me. The hour has come! I play my aces! I am backed by God to pass this Omni Law in 2012. I guess America will not survive but die as a nation with God refusing to save America if you do not pass this proposed Omni Law and in 2012. It is the checkmate move approved by God so America can have a future after 2012. I would damn my soul to hell if I dared lie about this L.B. story which is documented by the hospital and police department. Their version would be a colossally injured Seneca police officer savagely smashed to pieces in a car accident, then taken to the hospital to likely die, and ends up walking out of the hospital soon after the same day and all injuries totally cured with no medical explanation how this is possible. God likes me and is strongly hinting to Americans that God expects you to like me also! And back me! Yours for God And Country, Erasmus Of America (a pen name but with trademark of having spent eleven calendary years in military academies. Military intelligence sources clearly know who I am. God is watching America over this Omni Law and recording the true characters of all Americans by whether they are for or against this. I come to restore prayer and the Bible to the public schools of America as the Lord commanded to raise your children in the ways of the Lord. Also, a 1987 economic study concluded it cost American labor a lost $1 trillion a year in lost wages to have had prayer and the Bible outlawed from the public schools of America. And lost American business a $1 trillion or more annually in national sales. I am come to restore for the 5th time in history Jesus Money to power which Jesus taught in the New Testament and each time boomed the involved economies like nothing else seen in history. Jesus wanted prosperity for the poor under the blessings of God, but first you have to follow the instructions given us by God in the Bible! When I back Jesus Money which is a proven system of money that works like a skyrocket to prosperity for all whether workers or businesses or governments, I am carrying out the program of social justice for mankind intended by Jesus Christ as taught in the New Testament. People probably won't understand this, but if Jesus can use me to do important jobs for Christian civilization and social justice on earth, then there is amazing hope for all of you that Jesus can use all of you to also do important works for Jesus also. With all my arguments against myself why Jesus should not use me, Jesus wanted me anyway and a line of holy people including St. Padre Pio in a letter to me while I was in military school told me to do this if I loved Jesus. I couldn't say no, so here I am, too honest to make the people comfortable with the lies of politicians, and I saw the job offer in Revelation 2 that I could not turn down as Jesus was promised my reward if I would do it. So the least of the least is to be the champion of early historical Apostolic Christianity on earth. If Jesus can use me, then Jesus can use any man or woman on earth if they will say yes if asked to do the Will of God in their lives. Jesus loves more he that cares with his heart than he who is considered perfect in conduct and cold of heart. I died when a young man, bargained for my life, and Jesus granted it. But I made an agreement which I am bound by for life. Seeing the hereafter, it is too late to make an atheist out of me when I know what death is and how wonderful life will be for all eternity if we seriously become friends with God while we can in this life. Just to show you how censored your American history is. John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, was called the King of Smugglers in America because he smuggled versions of moonshine out of the Thirteen Colonies after the British Parliament under banker influence outlawed Colonial Script in America. This threw maybe 50% of all Americans out of work so they became the great illegal moonshine industry of America and sold our rum, etc. to markets abroad which wanted this. Half of America technically unemployed was a great base to organize the American Revolution from! Under the British Merchantile Policy, the 13 Colonies were not allowed to have much in native manufacturer as that would compete against British industry. I know how censored American education is now, so I will let the cat out of the bag. Jesus Money was used in the Thirteen Colonies, boomed the economy so much, early America was the most prosperous land on the face of the earth. This prosperity drew huge numbers of Europeans to want to emigrate to this land of great prosperity and opportunity. When Jesus Money got outlawed, the Thirteen Colonies collapsed economically. And Right Wing, Jesus Money was far more than what you call Colonial Script! You don't know the whole answer, but only one small portion how the Thirteen Colonies skrocketed in prosperity until outlawed by the British Parliament acting under banking orders. Slaves were brought to America because native Americans all got so prosperous with nearly all owning either their own farms or their own businesses, no one was left to do common labor in the Thirteen Colonies, hence slaves had to be brought in to do common labor in the Thirteen Colonies. We had indentured white slaves from Europe and Muslim traders made a fortune selling Black slaves from Africa to be shipped to America. How your national history is colossally censored by the corrupt power elite ruling over America in 2012! I am the man of truth in a nation loving lies rather than truth. But truth will boom the American economy, not lies. The Committes of Correspondence which organized the American Revolution used as their rallying cry to found America by revolution, "We will have no King but Jesus!" How you so meekly submit to censorship of nearly 100% of the real story how and why the American Revolution occurred! Pass the Omni Law, folks, and truth will no longer be an orphan in America!)