Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Near Future after the REAL Change

I send you all these things about the government to not only educate you about the crimes of the government, but to also tell you about the benefits to be reaped when the changes we have been working on for over 20 years come to pass very soon and for which I have even put myself at risk to help bring about. I send you a lot of political things too because these are troubling times that need our full attention.  Because of the "original 13th amendment no BAR attorney can be president in the republic (Obamas, Biden, Clintons, Romney, Santorum, Bachmann, or even Rubio). Check their bios. Rubio though an attractive possibility for VP, he could never be president and has the additional problem of not being natural born as he was born BEFORE his parents were nationalized. He is not precluded from being a representative or senator except for being an attorney. Ron Paul is a doctor and not a lawyer. Newt Gingrich is also not a lawyer, but I do not know if he has crimes against him. Many above have stolen money or money received as bribes for votes in foreign bank accounts like in the Vatican Bank. While Obama goes after Romney for his off shore foreign bank accounts, he AND his family have many. Many politicians, judges, department heads and employees, CEOs, bankers, ect. will be arrested for their crimes. We have been poor stewards of our constitution and schools have stopped teaching the constitution and government in the schools to dumb us down. You are about to be restored to "sovereigns" of the republic with unalienable rights from God rather than "citizens" of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation with revocable privileges.

A Patriot


Anonymous said...

Well said Patriot and god bless!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good....when does it start???

Anonymous said...

you have my vote. Ihe time has come to clean house. I have always said that as long as there are politicians there will always be misery, suffering, death and wars. Maybe we can all chip in and buy them all a one way ticket on the space shuttle.

We are now coming to a higher level of consciousness and hopefully it's not too late. Much is happening behind the scenes that appear to be positive events on the right side of history and I as one am looking with my neck stretched for the on coming change and it sure won't be coming from the district of criminals.

Praise the Lord for our liberty and freedom and continued blessings.

Anonymous said...

I'M WITH YA, PATRIOT ! I HAVE FAITH THAT YOU ARE CORRECT ! Looking forward to something positive to offset the long string of disappointments with no apparent changes. Let's do it! TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

Well well well, looks like another Drake has taken the stage. I surely hope he is right about all of this, and i guess he is. But the actions that need to be taken, like arrests, well, we have heard enough about that allready.

Anonymous said...

This is where it starts !!!
Stop funding these criminals... Only YOU can make a Difference.

I'm tired of being the only Sovereign I Know !


Anonymous said...

I am wondering why all the disillusion about the military not stepping up and arresting all the dark cabal people like we were told they would. But, most importantly where are the benevolent alien space people who were and are or was going to arrest the cabal if the military wasnt, What I have been reading and interpreting as channeled through the soothsayers is that the cabal will betaken out by a preinjected agent they carry in their bodies and if they dont come around and go straight they will simply be given the other half of the dose that kills them I assume by the air as they breathe. I really dont care at all how its done I just would like some assurance one way or another they get what is coming to them. As they run the military industrial complex I am of the opinion it would be fool hardy for the people at large to try to arrest the cabal cuz we dont have the intel and facilities and weaponry to do it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:46 well said there is NO way we can compete with the military industrial complex. All they would need to do is deploy a c130 gunship to the area where resistance is located and that one gunship alone can put a round in every square inch of a football field! Now think of all the other capability our military has anyone who thinks they can out gun our military has a screw loose. Now if the military does actually decide to back the people and request our help in rounding up the cabal hell yeah I'm right there with them.

Anonymous said...

if the military wanted to do so there will be no need for any one help for sure.
the quality and powerful weapon they have would be too much, no one would be able to stop the charge.

Anonymous said...

Re: 8:49 P.M.
You'r not a patriot. The Continental Army was barefooted and hungry. David slew Goliath. "Give Me Liberty or give Me Death". Be a army of one. Don't fight the complex, fight the individual. Don't gather and become a target for weapons of mass destruction. Go one on one, be every where and be no where. Dying for truth,justice and to help others is the path to eternial reward. RESIST!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

re 11:05, Dark Caball operative trying to stir up xhit, if not. Pardon me. Id rather let them do the dieing for their cause than me die for mine.

Anonymous said...

Like what you said, have to agree...DO NOT GATHER!