Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Banking Boys are going to LOSE!

     I want to praise Nesara News for its moral guts to post the report of Alex Jones of July 19 how the bankers are now boasting they have sucessfully conquered America and Europe so they can soon establish their One World Government over America, Europe, etc. However, I have bad news for the big banking boys! They are not going to win. I was once written up by a prestigious international organization representing 9 Pentagon generals, top scientists of America and Europe, royalty of Europe, etc. as being the "Einstein of American Economics." Now some weirdo scholars try to tell the American people they should not listen to me when I tell them how to boom the American economy and not be ruled by the conspiratorial banking clique. I once met with one of the Rothschilds who invited me to join their "Secret Government over America" but I did not join with them. I did not tell him I descended from the European line the Rothschilds tried to assassinate all members of, but one slipped their assassination plot and a bunch of us in America all descend from the deadly European line the Rothschilds predicted would stop them from establishing their planned later One World Government under Satan if not wiped out in the 19th century. The French line outwitted the Rothschilds and I repeat there are many of us in America now. But this Rothschild thinking I was a super genius according to sources advising him told me frankly that the American people without their knowledge were secretly ruled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. And this Rothschild in mockery explained to me that the American people were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to be allowed to govern America, so this secret government secretly governed through Wash., D.C. They secretly controlled both political parties and since they controlled the national news media would crucify by national smear any political leader too honest in America. This Rothschild secretly admitted to me that the U.S. Justice Dept. had secretly told him that I was a genius in military intelligence and this Rothschild said to me with a retired Air Force Colonel at this meeting at Camps Spring, MD just outside of Wash., D.C. that this "secret government of America" could use some fresh, sharp young blood like me. I was younger when this meeting occurred years ago.  This Rothschild offered me $110 million if I could get and sell to him the John Andrews Process tested by the U.S. Navy but they did not know how it worked. A little black coal powder and water could power all the ships of the U.S. Navy and the dummy U.S. Navy did not close a deal with John Andrews when he was there to sell them the secret to the black powder. The U.S. Navy also tested to see if it could run marine diesel engines also. It worked! This Rothschild looked liked I had stabbed a knife in his heart when I said I would also want a 5% royalty on all net profits if he did not decide to shelve this John Andrews Process but put it on the market for cars and anything else on earth running on gasoline.With great pain, he agreed to my terms.  By the way, there would probably be no pollution of the air with this fuel rated at 103.5 octane rating. The regular oil cartel found out I was after the John Andrews Process and I had in rapid fire a series of murder attempts on my life to try and stop me from getting it. I later probably found the answer to the John Andrews Process and told a few very trusted friends where the secret to the process is hidden according to a physicist who had an angle he thought I should know about where the John Andrews Process came from. Pass my Omni Law folks and I will see if the final information checks out I got from the physicist. If it works, pay me what the Rothschild agreed to and I will let the national government handle this to potentially replace income tax to finance the national government of America. If a problem with the John Andrews Process, I have a backup coal-water process that will work and can also be used to replace income tax to finance the national government of America. Pass my Omni Law in 2012 and America soon skyrockets back into the economic leadership of the world. That also means jobs for all who want jobs. End of the semi-collapse of the American economy engineered by secretly placed super bankers and two corrupt national parties though the Democrats are totally sold out to the big banking boys who plan to own the entire world economy through a world Communist economy they would totally control and totally own. They would posess all the wealth of the world and that portion of mankind they don't kill off as they plan to kill off all on earth but maybe 500 million would all be their slaves in their intended world global plantation. And they plan for Satan to be the official "god" of the world! These bankers are colossally dumb in religion and all Satanists.
     American people, start using your God-given common sense instead of sleeping on your real brains put asleep by your educational system designed to be your brainwashing school system by indoctrination instead of teaching you how to think soundly and for real in life. Let's start using common sense which I believe is the form of God-given thinking the big boys can't really brainwash out of you although they would want to. I have stirred up a little hornet's nest of terribly sloppy psuedo-scholars who evade the national issues I raise and instead invent pure BS lines of hot air to attack me with. These are the trademarks of federal agents and operatives trained in psychological warfare how to control the American people through crowd control. Your emotions are appealed to instead of reason and if you are governed by emotions instead of real reason, you are very easy for them to control you since they are doing all your thinking for you. Let's use common sense. I posted nationally many times of having spent eleven calendar years in military academies and asked if some could help with finances to pass the Omni Law in 2012. The F.B.I. would automatically charge in and arrest me if I had not attended for real eleven calendar years in military academies. I said the F.B.I. met with me in 1990 and asked me to save America from pending World War III with the then Soviet Union. They admitted they secretly rated me one of the military intelligence experts in America. If I lied about this, they would have charged in to arrest me. Now these little federal psy-op agents and operatives under orders of Obama to try and trick the American people out of supporting me and my drive for the Omni Law to be passed in 2012 in America, they told you I must be lying about the military intelligence background, background in military academies, etc. and yet that F.B.I. very wisely and silently watches all these statements I have been posting in reports on Nesara News and says nothing. They are smart as I would steamroll them under law if they tried to lie on these issues. Also, if my Omni Law is passed, the legal oversight committee over Wash., D.C. created by this Omni Law will totally control if it decides to the entire budget of every federal agency and who is allowed to work for the federal government. Not smart to make hostile your future federal boss in Wash., D.C. The F.B.I. told several sources years ago they rated me the deadliest political brain in America and did not realize I had many friends who reported to me what the F.B.I. secretly said about me. I have had friends in Wash., D.C. all along who want me to win so the federal government serves the American people honestly again instead of corrupt, secret interests. Dr  Richard Eby of Victorville, CA was a good friend of mine and had been good friends with the Nixon family for years. After Richard Nixon was in the White House, he called Dr. Eby from the White House and told him frankly that he had run for the White House with the honest intention of trying to serve the American people faithfully. However, he soon found that he was just a front for secret interests who really ran the government and told him what to do from the White House.  
     I thank the federally planted psuedo-critics for doing such an amateur, sloppy job as to make them look like idiots if you really analyze what they are trying to say. This reaction of Washington sources indicates they judge I will win in America with my Omni Law if they cannot invent some bogus angle to try and stop this national drive.
     I am too honest for Wash, D.C. and as been cynically commented at times, the American people are very uncomfortable with anyone being too honest in national issues and prefer feeling comfortable with the lies of corrupt, paid off con artist politicians who create the problems for America instead of solving them. As one national study concluded in one book that the American people had been brainwashed by their school system not to take God and religion seriously in America nor in their lives. They were educated not to let God govern America. But when Wash., D.C. has murdered apparently 3 billion or more people in the world as just charged in my last national report and ready to kill off all mankind on earth if an honest leader does not arise in time in America, should Jesus Christ allow this to continue or stop this before Wash., D.C. kills off the remainder of the human race? This world extinction would be by suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed food process which university tests said would save the human race from soon going biologically extinct like the dinosaur on earth. Or kill off the entire human race by continual pushing of GMO foods which too many scientific tests show will end up killing off the entire human race on earth if not stopped in time. But Wash., D.C. is so corrupt and bought off, they couldn't care less if they kill off the entire human race. Lunatics are in control of Wash., D.C. and Obama is their intended king of lunatics. So don't be so shocked if Jesus Christ wanted to save America from its own national insanity coming from Wash., D.C. and had holy people sent to me which happened for real and asked me in the Name of Jesus Christ to save the American people from annihilating themselves by supporting and putting into power lunatic politicians to Wash., D.C. who would end up wiping out America and apparently the entire human race on earth if not stopped in time.By God's rules for mankind, mankind was given free will by God and God is too much a gentleman to force His Will on mankind by brute force. But God can warn mankind by national drought, etc that the nation is offending God more and more, and mankind unless very stupid should pay attention to these warning signs that mankind is beginning to push too far. God is righteous and will not consent to endlessly growing sin and moral rebellion in mankind. Why would Jesus send holy people like St. Padre Pio to indicate to me that Jesus wanted me to save the neck of the American people? As one holy man told me who predicted nearly my whole life correctly to me, America is not righteous before God. Therefore God will not save America if it goes too far. But God would permit me to save America if I was willing to do this. With this instruction I set up the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse over Soviet intelligence which in top secret files is crediting with saving America from a pending World War III or else military defeat by Russia. Not confirmed yet, but I just got word that Russia has now set up three ways to annihilate America in even 5-6 minutes flat in a nuclear war launched against America and Russia is ready to launch if pushed by Wash., D.C.  Maybe you all feel that you could do a better job than me, and you are all so much more worthy than me to receive such a powerful mission from Jesus Christ,but I was available to say "Yes" to Jesus while you were loaded with millions of excuses why you could not do this for Jesus. I was told what was required and I said "Yes" to do it and God smiles on me because one American out of millions said "Yes" to the request of God and millions of you already in silence told Jesus Christ in your hearts, "No! Don't ask me and don't bother me with your will!" What American does this description not fit right now? For the rage that some express I should dare ask you to help shoulder the weight of passing the Omni Law. I have sacrificed beyond anything you can ever know. And I seem to sense the startling message that Jesus is very proud of me. I said yes to Jesus when millions of you who knew better let Jesus know that in your hearts you firmly told Jesus "No" and do not bother you!
     Two Jewish businessmen once gave me some shrewd advice. When you want others to care about your business venture, have them invest with you and then they care whether your business venture succeeds or not. Give them free interest in the business venture and they will not appreciate what you have done for them. There is a powerful teaching in the New Testament which summed up is "He that backs a prophet shares in a prophet's reward with God." When you put a little of your dearly loved money, even $10 or so in the drive for the Omni Law, you tell Jesus you also care whether the Will of Jesus to save America from its own moral corruption as a people is carried out as a mission or not. If no money available, give your labor to Jesus. Push the Omni Law by email copies of the Omni Law Report (4 pages)m printed up copies, talk to other people, or do what the ancient American people did who had far less resources to work with did to organize and set up the American Revolution which founded America as a nation in 1776, They organized local Committees of Correspondence and won all their towns, cities, etc. to supporting the American Revolution. Their national cry which rallied the people to found the Christian nation of America was, "We will have no King but Jesus!" With that cry, America was born as a nation! British officials complained to London back then that the American people could not be ruled anymore. They said their King was Jesus Christ, not George III. And British officials complained that the American churches were teaching God-given rights to the American people and 50% of all the churches in the Thirteen Colonies were "seditious" and actively supporting the drive to make America an independent nation from Great Britain.
      You can give me and Jesus Christ your million and one excuses why you cannot support the drive Jesus wants to save America from pending national collapse and destruction. Or like me, no excuses before Jesus Christ. I give Jesus my time, talents, money, and willing to stick my neck out for the Cause and Will of Jesus Christ. Which side of the fence are you on? Are you really loyal to Jesus Christ or is that just a play upon words? The Continental Congress fighting the American Revolution declared to all of America that Jesus Christ was the King of the American people. Our Articles of Confederation said that Jesus Christ was the Lord of America. Our U.S. Constitution in the final words penned by George Washington says that Jesus Christ is "Lord" of America. All the States ratified the U.S. which ends with the word "Lord" meaning Jesus as King of America. I don't want to hear your millions of excuses why you will not support passage of The Omni Law which is needed to save America from pending destruction and give it a new future under the blessing of Jesus Christ. Say "Yes" to Jesus and let's storm America until we win. Jesus said in Revelation of those Christians who are lukewarn and neither hot nor cold in moral issues meaning they are loaded with their millions of excuses why Jesus should not bother them and their lives, Jesus said He will spew them out of His mouth meaning vomit them out they make His stomach so sick with their psuedo-loyalty to Him. Copy the Omni Law Report (4 pages) and other reports of mine from the archive listings for May, June, and July 2012 of Nesara News. Or if stuck, send me an email and ask for a copy of the Omni Law Report (Omni Law on page 2) and send the 4 page Omni Law Report to all elected officials representing you and ask where they stand to pass or else oppose the proposed Omni Law for America. Email to . If you want to send financial backing, make any checks, etc. to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.
      To speed up things, anyone feeling motivated form local Committees of Correspondence for passage of the Omni Law. Thomas Jefferson commented that these Committees of Correspondence were the most powerful form of political organization he had ever seen and swiftly led the American people to fight the American Revolution and then founding of America as a nation. I will hold the honorary position of National Director of the Committees of Correspondence, but you are invested with total authority to get things going in your area. You are the local leader and I the symbolic national leader to help maintain national unity and focus for victory. By the way, the later leaders of America were mass recruited from the Committess of Correspondence which turned them into national leaders such as Samuel Adams who first founded this movement in Boston, MA and later emerged from this movement such as Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and so on. Make copies of this report you are reading and share it with local people and elsewhere. As Jesus said, "He who is ashamed of Me before men, him will I be ashamed of before my Father." Yours for God and Counry, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Probably already half of American intelligence in Wash., D.C. already knows who I am and maybe half of them cheering for me and wanting for me to win over the treason and corruption now solidly in control and running Wash., D.C. It takes more than changing a leader or two to create honest government in Wash., D.C. Like in engineering with a defective engineering design, you have got to remove the bug from the design and put in the engineering piece that makes the designed machine run correctly. The Omni Law is the correction needed to make the politicial system in Wash., D.C. to start running correctly and serving at last the American people instead of corrupt secret interests whether Right or Left Wing. Both sides have radical, fanatical elements. Once the political sysem is fixed in Wash., D.C., then the national economy of America can fast revive and we return to prosperity and mass jobs in America. God blesses nations who honor God, not nations which show hatred for God and serve legal divorce papers on God as Obama has now done for America.)  

Doc says ‘physicians have reached a tipping point’ [VIDEO]

“They cannot both care for their patients and comply with mandated regulations.”
Dr. Louis McIntyre
Orthopedic Surgeon
White Plains, NY
Published: 8:13 AM 07/20/2012

A doctor representing the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons told The Daily Caller on Thursday that “physicians have reached a tipping point” under current health care laws, as they cannot both care for their patients and comply with mandated regulations.
Dr. Louis McIntyre, from Westchester County, New York, testified with three other health care experts before part of the House Small Business Committee on Thursday to explain the increasing challenges Congress and insurance companies have put on doctors who work for small or solo practices.
Rising costs of malpractice insurance and regulatory paperwork, along with shrinking reimbursements paid to doctors on behalf of Medicare patients, have all but forced doctors to become hospital employees, McIntyre said. He believes patients will see the quality and accessibility of healthcare deteriorate as more and more doctors, struggling to eek out a profit, leave their private practices for hospitals.
“Doctors know that they cannot meet all the demands placed upon them in an environment of shrinking revenues and increasing costs, and take care of patients at the same time,” McIntyre said.
The malpractice insurance at McIntyre’s Westchester Orthopedic Associates increased from $40,000 to $110,000 per year per doctor between 1994 and 2010.
Now, McIntyre and his colleagues work for White Plains Hospital, which pays their insurance premiums. In turn, they must comply with hospital policies over their own — or their patients’ — preferences, but hospitals give doctors more financial security and free them from having to deal with troublesome regulations imposed by insurance companies and Congress.
In 1995, Westchester Orthopedic employed one person to perform administrative tasks. By the late ’90s, they employed one per doctor.

Hillary aide tied to al-Qaida front


Hillary aide tied to al-Qaida front

Bachmann’s letter missed what could be most troubling connection

Aaron Klein is WND's senior staff reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief. He also hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's WABC Radio. Follow Aaron on Twitter and Facebook.More Less

JERUSALEM – Charges made in a 16-page letter by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., against longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin miss what may be one of the most troubling radical connections – Abedin’s family is directly tied to the Muslim World League.
The Muslim World League is an Islamic charity known to have spawned terrorist groups, including one declared by the U.S. government to be an official al-Qaida front.

In her now well-publicized letter, Bachmann noted that Huma’s father, Professor Syed Abiden, was the founder of the Institute for Minority Affairs, a Saudi group that “had the quiet but active support” of Umar Abdallah Nasif, the secretary general of the Muslim World League.

However, WND was first to report an even more direct connection to the terror-stained charity – Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, was the official representative of the Muslim World League in the 1990s.

Be sure to order your autographed copy of Aaron Klein’s upcoming election game-changer “Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed” from WND’s Superstore

Saleha Abedin has been quoted in numerous press accounts as both representing the MWL and serving as a delegate for the charity.

In 1995, for example, the Washington Times reported on a United Nations-arranged women’s conference in Beijing that called on governments throughout the world to give women statistical equality with men in the workplace.

The report quoted Saleha Abedin, who attended the conference as a delegate, as “also representing the Muslim World League based in Saudi Arabia and the Muslim NGO Caucus.”

The U.N.’s website references a report in the run-up to the Beijing conference that also lists Abedin as representing the MWL at the event.
The website posted an article from the now defunct United States Information Agency quoting Abedin and reporting she attended the Beijing conference as “a delegate of the Muslim World League and member of the Muslim Women’s NGO caucus.”
In the article, Abedin was listed under a shorter name, “Dr. Saleha Mahmoud, director of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs.”
WND has confirmed the individual listed is Huma Abedin’s mother. The reports misspelled part of Abedin’s name. Her full professional name is at times listed as Saleha Mahmood Abedin S.

Al-Qaida links
The MWL was founded in Mecca in 1962 and bills itself as one of the largest Islamic non-governmental organizations.
But according to U.S. government documents and testimony from the charity’s own officials, it is heavily financed by the Saudi government.

The MWL has been accused of terrorist ties, as have its various offshoots, including the International Islamic Relief Organization, or IIRO, and Al Haramain, which was declared by the U.S. and U.N. as a terror financing front.

Indeed, the Treasury Department, in a September 2004 press release, alleged Al Haramain had “direct links” with Osama bin Laden. The group is now banned worldwide by United Nations Security Council Committee 1267.

There long have been accusations that the IIRO and MWL also repeatedly funded al-Qaida.

In 1993, bin Laden reportedly told an associate that the MWL was one of his three most important charity fronts.
An Anti-Defamation League profile of the MWL accuses the group of promulgating a “fundamentalist interpretation of Islam around the world through a large network of charities and affiliated organizations.”
“Its ideological backbone is based on an extremist interpretation of Islam,” the profile states, “and several of its affiliated groups and individuals have been linked to terror-related activity.”
In 2003, U.S. News and World Report documented that accompanying the MWL’s donations, invariably, are “a blizzard of Wahhabist literature.”

“Critics argue that Wahhabism’s more extreme preachings – mistrust of infidels, branding of rival sects as apostates and emphasis on violent jihad –laid the groundwork for terrorist groups around the world,” the report continued.
An Egyptian-American cab driver, Ihab Mohamed Ali Nawawi, was arrested in Florida in 1990 on accusations he was an al-Qaida sleeper agent and a former personal pilot to bin Laden. At the time he was accused of serving bin Laden, he also reportedly worked for the Pakistani branch of the MWL.

The MWL in 1988 founded the Al Haramain Islamic Foundation, developing chapters in about 50 countries, including for a time in Oregon until it was designated a terrorist organization.

In the early 1990s, evidence began to grow that the foundation was funding Islamist militants in Somalia and Bosnia, and a 1996 CIA report detailed its Bosnian militant ties.

The U.S. Treasury designated Al Haramain’s offices in Kenya and Tanzania as sponsors of terrorism for their role in planning and funding the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in East Africa. The Comoros Islands office was also designated because it “was used as a staging area and exfiltration route for the perpetrators of the 1998 bombings.”

The New York Times reported in 2003 that Al Haramain had provided funds to the Indonesian terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah, which was responsible for the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people. The Indonesia office was later designated a terrorist entity by the Treasury.

In February 2004, the U.S. Treasury Department froze all Al Haramain’s financial assets pending an investigation, leading the Saudi government to disband the charity and fold it into another group, the Saudi National Commission for Relief and Charity Work Abroad.

In September 2004, the U.S. designated Al-Haramain a terrorist organization.

In June 2008, the Treasury Department applied the terrorist designation to the entire Al-Haramain organization worldwide

Bin Laden’s brother-in-law
In August 2006, the Treasury Department also designated the Philippine and Indonesian branch offices of the MWL-founded IIRO as terrorist entities “for facilitating fundraising for al-Qaida and affiliated terrorist groups.”

The Treasury Department added: “Abd Al Hamid Sulaiman Al-Mujil, a high-ranking IIRO official [executive director of its Eastern Province Branch] in Saudi Arabia, has used his position to bankroll the al-Qaida network in Southeast Asia. Al-Mujil has a long record of supporting Islamic militant groups, and he has maintained a cell of regular financial donors in the Middle East who support extremist causes.”

In the 1980s, Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, ran the Philippines offices of the IIRO. Khalifa has been linked to Manila-based plots to target the pope and U.S. airlines.

The IIRO has also been accused of funding Hamas, Algerian radicals, Afghanistan militant bases and the Egyptian terror group Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya.

The New York Post reported the families of the 9/11 victims filed a lawsuit against IIRO and other Muslim organizations for having “played key roles in laundering of funds to the terrorists in the 1998 African embassy bombings” and for having been involved in the “financing and ‘aiding and abetting’ of terrorists in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.”

‘Saudi government front’
In a court case in Canada, Arafat El-Asahi, the Canadian director of both the IIRO and the MWL, admitted the charities are near entities of the Saudi government.

Stated El-Asahi: “The Muslim World League, which is the mother of IIRO, is a fully government-funded organization. In other words, I work for the Government of Saudi Arabia. I am an employee of that government.

“Second, the IIRO is the relief branch of that organization, which means that we are controlled in all our activities and plans by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Keep that in mind, please,” he said.

Despite its offshoots being implicated in terror financing, the U.S. government never designated the MWL itself as a terror-financing charity. Many have speculated the U.S. has been trying to not embarrass the Saudi government.
Tied to Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood president

Last month, author Walid Shoebat reported that while she acted as one of 63 leaders of the Muslim Sisterhood, the de facto female version of the Muslim Brotherhood, Saleha Abedin served alongside Najla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Mohammed Mursi, Egypt’s new president.

Clinton met with Mursi last Sunday.

Saleha Abedin and Mursi’s wife both were members of the Sisterhood’s Guidance Bureau, Shoebat found.

Hillary praise
Saleha Mahmood Abedin is an associate professor of sociology at Dar Al-Hekma College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which she helped to create. She formerly directed the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs in the U.K. and served as a delegate for the Muslim World League, an Islamic fundamentalist group Osama bin Laden reportedly told an associate was one of his most important charity fronts.

In February 2010, Clinton spoke at Abedin’s college, where she was first introduced by Abedin and then praised the work of the terror-tied professor:

“I have to say a special word about Dr. Saleha Abedin,” Clinton said. “You heard her present the very exciting partnerships that have been pioneered between colleges and universities in the United States and this college. And it is pioneering work to create these kinds of relationships.

“But I have to confess something that Dr. Abedin did not,” Clinton continued, “and that is that I have almost a familial bond with this college. Dr. Abedin’s daughter, one of her three daughters, is my deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, who started to work for me when she was a student at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.”
With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott

INTEL_A Hedge Fund Manager's Crusade against Putin_circa 2012

Financial investor Bill Browder was once a fan of Russian President
Vladimir Putin. But after his lawyer died in prison under suspicious
circumstances, he launched a crusade against the Kremlin. The case has
gained the attention of the OSCE and the US Senate.,1518,845132,00.html

The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 20-Jul-2012 19:40:39

Update from David Wilcock...
The Department of Justice -- home of the US Marshals -- has now blown the lid off of the biggest financial scandal in human history... after a highly covert three-year investigation.
The LIBOR scandal has started the Great Revealing of Financial Tyranny. Mass arrests must begin with mass charges, and mass court cases -- and that has now arrived. Disclosure of many great hidden truths will follow.
Every person on Earth is increasingly aware that our world is ruled by corrupt forces -- to an almost Biblical degree.
The astonishing events that have unfolded since June 27, 2012 have made that much more obvious -- even for those who have been in the greatest denial.
This process has been fascinating to watch -- not to mention remarkably rewarding.
After many years of hard work to expose the truth, we are finally seeing results -- on a worldwide level. The knowledge will spread much, much more with each passing day.
In this new investigation, I will do my best to provide you with a blow-by-blow compendium of what has actually happened.
Furthermore, we are now seeing a precise fulfillment of the justice we've been promising on this site since at least last November.
Critical information was leaked to us from highly classified insider sources, working for the good of humanity. Current events have proven that their plan is still very much in effect.
Full update here:

Gotta Love Those Texans !

Gotta  Love Those Texans !

From a guy in Austin, Texas:
My neighbor is a "lefty" of sorts (Obama bumper
stickers, gung-ho socialized medicine, "guns should
be banned", etc.). So this past spring I put this sign
up in my yard after one of his anti-gun rants at a
neighborhood cocktail party.
The sign wasn't up more than an hour before he
called the police and wanted them to make me take
down the sign. Fortunately, the officer politely
informed him that it was not their job to take such
action without a court order and that he had to file a
complaint "downtown" first, which would be reviewed
by the city attorney to see if it violated any city,
county, or state ordinances, which if there was a
violation a court order would be sent to the offending
party (me) to "remove the sign in seven days."
After several weeks he was informed that the sign
was legal and there was nothing the city could do,
which obviously made him madder.
I tried to smooth things over by inviting him to go
shooting with me and my friends at the hunt club
but that seemed to make him even more angry.
I am at a loss how to reconcile our long relationship
(notice I did not say friendship), any suggestions
would be welcome.

FAA Releases Thousands of Pages of Drone Records


 July 13, 2012 | By Jennifer Lynch

FAA Releases Thousands of Pages of Drone Records

We just received new information today about drone flights in the United States, including extensive details about the specific drone models some entities are flying, where they fly, how frequently they fly, and how long they stay in the air. The 125 drone certificates and accompanying documents the FAA released today total thousands of pages and were released in response to EFF’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, which has already uncovered the list of all entities licensed to fly domestic drones.
The 18 entities represented in the files include police departments from Seattle, Washington to North Little Rock, Arkansas; about 10 public colleges and universities; a few federal agencies, including the USDA and the Department of Energy—Idaho National Lab; and other entities like the City of Herrington, Kansas and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources. For every entity, the files include the actual Certificate of Authorization (COA) application information submitted to the FAA (for each entity, that file is called "COA.xls"), and many other supporting records. The files go back several years and include COAs for every year that the entity has had drones. For some entities this is as early as 2004.
We’ve included the records below in zipped folders separated by entity. Given how voluminous the records are, we’ve only been able to perform a cursory review so far. We plan to review them in more detail over the next week and post analysis here once we do. In the meantime, we encourage you to download the files and find out more about the drones flying near you.
The FAA documents we received mainly address saftey issues with drone flights, but there are still many unanswered questions about the privacy implications of drones. EFF is asking the Internet community to help us push for more transparency around the use of drones for domestic surveillance. We're proud to be teaming up with MuckRock in this initiative. If you are curious about how your local law enforcement agency may be using drones to surveil Americans, please visit Muckrock's site to submit an online public records request.

·                     City of Herrington, Kansas (.zip)
·                     Cornell University (.zip)
·                     Department of Energy Idaho National Laboratory (.zip)
·                     Eastern Gateway Community College - Steubenville, OH (.zip)
·                     Miami-Dade Police Department (.zip)
·                     Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (.zip)
·                     North Little Rock Police Department, Arkansas (.zip)
·                     Ogden Police Department, Utah (.zip)
·                     Ohio University (.zip)
·                     Seattle Police Department (.zip)
·                     Texas A&M - Texas Engineering Experiment Station (.zip)
·                     Texas Department of Public Safety (.zip)
·                     Texas State University (.zip)
·                     University of Connecticut (.zip)
·                     University of Florida (.zip)
·                     USDA Agricultural Research Service (.zip)
·                     Utah State University (.zip)
·                     Virginia Tech (.zip)

Related Cases

Drunken Ben Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Screwed U.S. Economy Really Is

Drunken Ben Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Screwed U.S. Economy Really Is

AUGUST 3, 2011 | ISSUE 47•31
The intoxicated Federal Reserve chairman informs bar patrons of the dangers of reckless spending.
SEWARD, NE—Claiming he wasn't afraid to let everyone in attendance know about "the real mess we're in," Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke reportedly got drunk Tuesday and told everyone at Elwood's Corner Tavern about how absolutely fucked the U.S. economy actually is.
Bernanke, who sources confirmed was "totally sloshed," arrived at the drinking establishment at approximately 5:30 p.m., ensconced himself upon a bar stool, and consumed several bottles of Miller High Life and a half-dozen shots of whiskey while loudly proclaiming to any patron who would listen that the economic outlook was "pretty goddamned awful if you want the God's honest truth."
"Look, they don't want anyone except for the Washington, D.C. bigwigs to know how bad shit really is," said Bernanke, slurring his words as he spoke. "Mounting debt exacerbated—and not relieved—by unchecked consumption, spiraling interest rates, and the grim realities of an inevitable worldwide energy crisis are projected to leave our entire economy in the shitter for, like, a generation, man, I'm telling you."
Enlarge ImageA drunken Bernanke attempts to find the Aerosmith song "Back In The Saddle" on the bar jukebox.
"And hell, as long as we're being honest, I might as well tell you that a truer estimate of the U.S. unemployment rate is actually up around 16 percent, with a 0.7 percent annual rate of economic growth if we're lucky—if we'relucky," continued Bernanke, nearly knocking a full beer over while gesturing with his hands. "Of course, if everybody knew that, it would likely cripple financial markets across the entire fucking globe, even in various emerging economies with self- sustaining growth."
After launching into an extended 45-minute diatribe about shortsighted moves by "those bastards in Congress" that could potentially exacerbate the nation's already deeply troublesome budget imbalance, the Federal Reserve chairman reportedly bought a round of tequila shots for two customers he had just met who were seated on either side of him, announcing, "I love these guys."
Numerous bar patrons slowly nodded in agreement as Bernanke went on to suggest the United States could pass three or four more stimulus packages and "it wouldn't even matter."
"You think that's going to create long-term economic growth, let alone promote job creation?" Bernanke said. "We're way beyond that, my friend. There are no jobs, okay? There's nothing. I think that calls for another drink, don't you?"
While using beer bottles and pretzel sticks in an attempt to explain to the bartender the importance of infusing $650 billion into the bond market, the inebriated Fed chairman nearly fell off his stool and had to be held up by the patron sitting next to him.
Another bargoer confirmed Bernanke stood about 2 inches from her face and sprayed her with saliva, claiming inflation was going to "totally screw" consumer confidence and then asking if he could bum a smoke.
"Sure, we could hold down long-term interest rates and pursue a program of quantitative easing, but c'mon, we all know that's not going to make the slightest bit of difference when it comes to output, demand, or employment," Bernanke said before being told to "try to keep [his] voice down" by the bartender. "And trust me, with the value of the U.S. dollar in the toilet, import costs going through the roof, and numerous world governments unprepared for their own substantial debt burdens, shit's not looking too good for us abroad, either."
"God, I'm so wasted," added Bernanke, resting his head on the bar.
Later in the evening, Richard Kampman, a truck driver who was laid off in 2010, said Bernanke approached him in the men's restroom and attempted to strike up a conversation about various factors contributing to the current financial crisis.
"He stumbled up to the urinal and started mumbling on about the depressed housing sector or something," said Kampman, who claimed Bernanke had to use both hands on the wall to steady himself. "Then after a while he just sort of stopped and I couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying."
"Then he puked all over the sink and the mirror," Kampman added.
Customers at the bar told reporters the "shitfaced" and disruptive Bernanke refused to pay for his drinks with U.S. currency, claiming it was "worthless." Witnesses also confirmed that near the end of the evening, Bernanke put money into the jukebox and selected Dire Straits' "Money For Nothing" to play five times in a row.
"This is what it's all about," said Bernanke, who reportedly danced alone in the middle of the dark tavern. "Fucking love this song."

Joe Bannister to field Income Tax questions Saturday 21 July 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Joe Bannister to field Income Tax questions Saturday 21 July 2012
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 20-Jul-2012 13:20:02
Presenting a live call-in show:
“Everything you always wanted to know about the IRS, but were afraid to ask (until now)”
THIS SATURDAY, July 21st, LWRN hosts Joe Banister — former IRS-CID agent until he learned the truth about the IRS — & Jane Doe — former compliant tax filer until she researched the IRS and the law — present a live CALL-IN show open to callers from across the country:
THIS IS YOUR opportunity to ask Joe and Jane your IRS and Internal Revenue Code questions and “pick their combined brains” about IRS positions and procedures.
Tell your family and friends to listen at and call in at
between 10 AM and 12 PM EST (7-9 AM on the West Coast) this coming Saturday, July 21, 2012.
Please forward this message to everyone you know who needs their questions answered. And if you don’t have questions now, be sure to listen in, because you’ll learn a lot!
*If the phone is not picked up, it means all lines are currently busy. Simply try again until we pick up your call.

US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama

Discernment Advised
July 20, 2012
US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (MTC) report red-lined to President Putin this morning warns that “various elements” within the US Military establishment are “actively planning” for the overthrow of President Barack Obama prior to the November elections.
According to this report, Russian Naval Infantry Forces commanders participating in Rim of the Pacific-2012 (RIMPAC) international naval war games off Hawaii (the world's largest multi-national maritime exercise) this week were told by their US counterparts aboard the USS Port Royal (CG-73) that Obama had to be overthrown as he posed the most dangerous threat to the United States since the founding of their nation.
US Military commanders, this report continues, stated that American officers and soldiers, along with elected and appointed Federal government officials, all take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, of which they claim Obama is one due to his overturning of established law and constitutional precedents bringing their country to the brink of all-out civil war.
Of particular concern to US Military leaders, this report says, is the unprecedented level of debt Obama has added since taking office that threatens the United States with an “economic Armageddon” the likes of which has never been seen and would force upon the Pentagon massive cuts beginning on 1 January 2013.
Important to note is that just hours ago US lawmakers passed a sweeping $606 billion defense bill that exceeds a budget cap and faces a veto threat from Obama for failing to sufficiently rein in spending, and puts the Republican Party squarely on the side of those US Military forces seeking the Presidents ouster.
When asked by Russian commanders what parts of the American Constitution Obama had violated, this report continues, their US Military counterparts listed a number of serious charges that include:
1.)    Obama’s authorizing the assassination of US citizens without their having charges made against them or being able to defend themselves at trials.
2.)    Allowing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct murders on US soil.
3.)    Allowing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to tap the phones, intercept the emails, and in other ways spy upon the American public;
4.)    Allowing the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct against the American people the largest spy operation ever undertaken.
6.)    Obama’s overturning of US laws by executive power without Congressional approval.
Of the gravest concerns about Obama these US Military commanders have, this report says, was his 6 July 2012 Executive Order giving him total power over all communication systems in the United States, and his 16 May 2012 Executive Order wherein he outlawed any American citizen from writing or saying Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was elected to office because he ran unopposed.
Both of these Executive Orders, US Military commanders said, Strike at the heart” of the very essence of what it is be an American and which without the United Stateswould cease to exist.
Most ominously for the American people are new reports being leaked by the US Military about Obama stating that his “mentors”, who include those of his inner circle, have long advocated the overthrowing of the Constitution and have openly discussed the “eliminating” of the estimated 25 million US civilians they believe would oppose them and not be able to be “reconditioned” in their planned reeducation camps.  
To how Obama would “eliminate” such a staggering number of armed Americans, this report continues, would be by his unilaterally imposing on his nation the United Nations Small Arms Treaty many experts are warning will be the largest gun grab in US history.
Interestingly, this grave report notes that what the US Military is planning for Obama they have done before when they planned for the overthrow of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 in what is referred to as “The Business Plot”.
The Business Plot (also known as the Plot against FDR and the White House Putsch) was a political conspiracy in 1933. Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler warned that wealthy businessmen and bankers were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler as leader of that organization.
In 1934, Butler testified to the Special Committee on Un-American Activities Congressional committee (the "McCormack-Dickstein Committee") on these claims. In the opinion of the committee, these allegations were credible, but no one was ever prosecuted.
And, in what can only be described as history making a full circle, the JP Morgan banking empire that financed the attempted coup against Roosevelt in 1933 appears to be behind the US Military plan to oust Obama too.
According to this report, the $5.8 billion trading loss JP Morgan reported this past week has been traced by Russian finance experts to a “great number” of shell companies under the control of former US Military officers designed to destabilize the Obama regime creating the pretext for the overthrow of the American President.
To who will win this titanic struggle this report doesn’t say.  But, it does grimly note that where the coup against Roosevelt in 1933 failed, these plotters have had a long time to learn the lessons of their failure making them less likely to fail again.
July 20, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

Utah Revocation from RuSA

Subject: Utah Revocation from RuSA

Dear RuSA membership

The Republic for Utah has filed numerous complaints and affidavits regarding the Tim Turn election to a republic government.  No response has yet been received.  No Grand Jury can elect a President of a government as we have stated and asserted.  There are no members of government only an association like you are members of RuSA.  RuSA is an association not a government, you may play senator and rep and governor and its just like playing house with the girls, it may be very interesting and entertaining but in the end you always go home and play time is over.  I am not interested in a play republic government, I previously thought this was real but it is not.  I spent two full years full time organizing the republic for Utah and it might appear that all was in vain but it was not.  I learned a great lesson.

Attached are two-revocation docs that remove my name and that of Nancy Morgan our Secretary of State from all RuSA documents.  Being a pretend governor in a pretend “republic” is not for me.  I don’t like the way the “National Government” treats others or me.  The Utah membership has discussed this problem and no one wants to continue with the CHARADE.

Steve Brooks
When the Power of Love overcomes Love of Power… We enjoy Peace… a World in Peace.  America the Beautiful with wings of power and protection she will fly into the future and the whole world will look up to her for faith, hope and charity.  Let God Bless AMERICA

The Bible

Subject: The Bible

This makes me want to leave a Bible laying open in my house all the time!
Ruth Graham did.
Did you know that when you carry the Bible,
Satan has a headache;
When you open it, he collapses;
When he sees you reading it,
He loses his strength;
AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you?

And did you also know... When you are about
To forward this email to others, the devil will
Discourage you? Forward it anyway.
God Bless You All.