Discernment Advised
July 20, 2012
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
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A shocking Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (MTC) report red-lined to President Putin this morning warns that “various elements” within the US Military establishment are “actively planning” for the overthrow of President Barack Obama prior to the November elections.
According to this report, Russian Naval Infantry Forces commanders participating in Rim of the Pacific-2012 (RIMPAC) international naval war games off Hawaii (the world's largest multi-national maritime exercise) this week were told by their US counterparts aboard the USS Port Royal (CG-73) that Obama had to be overthrown as he posed the most dangerous threat to the United States since the founding of their nation.
US Military commanders, this report continues, stated that American officers and soldiers, along with elected and appointed Federal government officials, all take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, of which they claim Obama is one due to his overturning of established law and constitutional precedents bringing their country to the brink of all-out civil war.
Of particular concern to US Military leaders, this report says, is the unprecedented level of debt Obama has added since taking office that threatens the United States with an “economic Armageddon” the likes of which has never been seen and would force upon the Pentagon massive cuts beginning on 1 January 2013.
Important to note is that just hours ago US lawmakers passed a sweeping $606 billion defense bill that exceeds a budget cap and faces a veto threat from Obama for failing to sufficiently rein in spending, and puts the Republican Party squarely on the side of those US Military forces seeking the Presidents ouster.
When asked by Russian commanders what parts of the American Constitution Obama had violated, this report continues, their US Military counterparts listed a number of serious charges that include:
1.) Obama’s authorizing the assassination of US citizens without their having charges made against them or being able to defend themselves at trials.
3.) Allowing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to tap the phones, intercept the emails, and in other ways spy upon the American public;
4.) Allowing the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct against the American people the largest spy operation ever undertaken.
Of the gravest concerns about Obama these US Military commanders have, this report says, was his 6 July 2012 Executive Order giving him total power over all communication systems in the United States, and his 16 May 2012 Executive Order wherein he outlawed any American citizen from writing or saying Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was elected to office because he ran unopposed.
Both of these Executive Orders, US Military commanders said, “Strike at the heart” of the very essence of what it is be an American and which without the United States would cease to exist.
Most ominously for the American people are new reports being leaked by the US Military about Obama stating that his “mentors”, who include those of his inner circle, have long advocated the overthrowing of the Constitution and have openly discussed the “eliminating” of the estimated 25 million US civilians they believe would oppose them and not be able to be “reconditioned” in their planned reeducation camps.
To how Obama would “eliminate” such a staggering number of armed Americans, this report continues, would be by his unilaterally imposing on his nation the United Nations Small Arms Treaty many experts are warning will be the largest gun grab in US history.
Interestingly, this grave report notes that what the US Military is planning for Obama they have done before when they planned for the overthrow of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 in what is referred to as “The Business Plot”.
The Business Plot (also known as the Plot against FDR and the White House Putsch) was a political conspiracy in 1933. Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler warned that wealthy businessmen and bankers were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler as leader of that organization.
In 1934, Butler testified to the Special Committee on Un-American Activities Congressional committee (the "McCormack-Dickstein Committee") on these claims. In the opinion of the committee, these allegations were credible, but no one was ever prosecuted.
And, in what can only be described as history making a full circle, the JP Morgan banking empire that financed the attempted coup against Roosevelt in 1933 appears to be behind the US Military plan to oust Obama too.
According to this report, the $5.8 billion trading loss JP Morgan reported this past week has been traced by Russian finance experts to a “great number” of shell companies under the control of former US Military officers designed to destabilize the Obama regime creating the pretext for the overthrow of the American President.
To who will win this titanic struggle this report doesn’t say. But, it does grimly note that where the coup against Roosevelt in 1933 failed, these plotters have had a long time to learn the lessons of their failure making them less likely to fail again.
July 20, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed underCC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
I asked a local police officer what he thought of Sorcha Faal .. http://www.rosswalker.co.uk/tv_sounds/sounds_files_20100522_6746301/andy_griffith/nut_no_thieves.wav
Had this same thing in a remote view
Information in the first half of this report is sufficiently true in the allegations made while leaving out even more damaging evidence against the BO regime. However, beginning with information on former President Franklin Roosevelt to the end of this report begs for clarification and the TRUTH. Roosevelt deserved to be removed from his cabal ‘office’ as many of his actions were diametrically opposed to the people of this nation and the principles upon which it was founded, namely the Constitution. Just his knowledge of the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor and it’s planned move to the west coast of the US and doing NOTHING to stop it was cause enough for charges of treason. (Remember Bush’s knowledge of the 9/11 plans and doing NOTHING to stop that?) More important, one has to understand that Roosevelt, like prior and since ‘presidents’, did NOT serve the interests or the Constitution of the people of our nation. They were selected and appointed to the office of ‘president’ of the private corporation we know as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by the cabal. Their loyalties are NOT to us but to those who appointed and employed them – just as it is today. There is more evidence against Roosevelt, but enough of Roosevelt. As for the ‘wealthy businessmen and bankers,’ don’t we have enough proof now to know that they are behind everything negative that has been taking place worldwide? They put the ‘president’ and other ‘government' officers in the positions of their private corporation we know as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. They remove whom they will at their will via overthrow and murder. There are MANY in offices of the cabal ‘government’ of this nation that need to be REMOVED NOW, including BO, his appointed czars and those in the cabal ‘government’ in ALL branches as well as the various cabal ‘government’ departments that have been established over the years (Hmland Secty, FDA, EPA, NEA, N-A and the list goes on and on). TO THE WORLD I SAY THIS: Overall the people of the united States are NOT the ones responsible for the military of the UNITED STATES, which is under the control and direction of the world cabal and routinely commits treasonous and unlawful actions such as invading sovereign nations, creating black ops operations within nations to take down the leadership and install the cabal leadership, the bombing and various other actions against the governments and peoples of other nations. This cabal military that has committed crimes in your nations has and is committing crimes against the people right here on America’s soil. We are subject to their crimes just as are you. The people of the united States join the military BELIEVING FALSELY that they are serving and protecting the united States when, in reality, they are employed by the world’s cabal and are carrying out the cabal’s world control operations for the NWO. The military is NOT upholding their ‘oath’ to serve and protect the united States against the enemy, foreign and domestic, ON OUR OWN SOIL but serving the cabal. The military was NOT created to invade other nations – PERIOD - BUT TO REMAIN ON AMERICA’S SOIL AND PROTECT AMERICANS AGAINST THE AMERICAN ‘GOVERNMENT’ and invaders of our nation – such as Roosevelt should have done in WWII with the cabal’s planned Japanese invasion of America. Thorough research will prove this out – one has to go back far enough to get past all the lies and rewritten history to come to this determination. IF AMERICANS DON’T ORGANIZE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION RIGHT NOW – IT WILL BE TOO LATE.
One minute they the military says they are onsolete and the other minute they are working an overthrow. Havent we had enough of this psyop? We do not need to let ourselves fall into another trap like this i.e. waiting for the heros. Just take care of your mortgages with paperwork filings and do your business honorably and wake your friends up. Learn how to take back your good faith and credit. Place the fed and all the criminals on notice and peacefully stand your ground.
dont believe anything Sorcha Faal says
in the header it says discernment advised, there is truth disinformation and misinformation in here, you discern.
Opinions, no statements of fact..I have no concept of the truth here. If Congress is Sine Die, maybe they should set a day to legally convene so the checks and balances of a real government are put back into place.
It's a corporation pretending to be a legitimate government.
They have the votes? What do they care about a veto?
Ah, Fear!
I am glad he's bankrupting the corporation.
How many digits of debt do people need to see to say, that's enough of having us watch you count 'nothing' as something.
The only ones I would think cares about what he's doing is the ones affected by what he's done.
News reports is not always factual. Wasn't there a lawsuit where a plaintiff lost and was told the news employee does not have to tell the truth when they report the news?
I reserve judgment on 'O'.
If any 'activated' clone people start something to bring in martial law, all the rich people lose their so called self proclaimed ownership of all mines, and buildings and corporations, and drilling rights that is causing all the fracking problems, they lose possession of lands, and their lakefront view property on the top of the hill, and the real estate sitting on oil, or other lands where they stole the mineral rights, they lose the contracts they had that let them log wood in our national forests, and they lose the control they have over resources like water supply and electricity.
The entire nation owns this nation.
These people getting mad aren't explaining their anger good enough. I wish I knew who they worked for.
It's a corporation, it is controlled by bankers and businesses on Wall Street.
None of the Prez's decisions seem to benefit them and he's not speaking. Last time he spoke about doing something to make things right, they did a flash crash and all people saw was their 401K or IRA or something to down. They didn't pay attention to the message he sent and how the bankers and Wall Street responded.
Now, he doesn't say anything and does stuff. No one can blame him for saying anything to cause a market crash, but will blame him for not saying anything while he's doing what he does.
d...m..d if he does d...m..d if he doesn't.
I know most people have tunnel vision and only see one item at a time, but can't form the Big Picture out of everything that is being done.
Centered in negative, all they can see is a negative outcome, and if Universe is like it is described, then thoughts are real energy and what we put our focus on we are going to experience for our self, so those that see the negative outcome of his actions have pretty much guaranteed their self a front row seat for the negative show they created with their thought form.
I'm glad he's using the powers to write executive orders that bypass Congress, because that power is available only if the country is already under martial law.
I was politically asleep until he started doing stuff to wake me up.
I'm glad he woke me and others up.
I'm not so sure he's working for, because if they could have it their way, his actions would be slow and steady like slowly increasing the temperature of a pot of water to boil a frog so the frog doesn't wake up and jump out.
Frogs are jumping out of the pots right and left and the cooks are (probably - there's an ly word) mad at him for making the frogs aware they were being boiled.
I think you're still asleep if you reserve judgment on "O". He is a criminal.
It also sounds like you have a bad case of ENVY with the rich man. Just because a man is wealthy does not mean he cheated, connived and schemed to get what he has. Many work very, very hard in school and then in the business world to achieve. Strange that you won't "judge" BHO whose actions are BLATANTLY unlawful but are very quick to judge rich people.
Re: 5:53 P.M.
YOUR ILL!!!!!!!!!
5:53 here.
I can reserve judgment on anyone I choose.
I reserve judgement on you for saying I have a bad case of " ".
You don't know me.
5:53 here
Your diagnosis has been received.
That's all I will state on that matter.
Different paradigms here.
We aren't in the same one.
People who know me know your comment was based on ignorance of the subject and subject matter.
But I'm sure you're the sharpest tool in the shed.
Re:11:38 P.M.
Typical,Contradictory and circular thought of a limited mind.
Amen to that, thank God there are some who are still maintaining autonomous thought and use discernment before joiing the cabal fear doom & gloom bandwagon about O. If O was part of them, there would no way be so much negativity spread about him - what with the Arpaio's, Becks, Limbaughs, Drakes, Alex Jones , and all the others suddenly regaining their 'patriotism - where were all the patriots during the last 30 years, or especially the last 10 years ? 911 anybody ? financial tyrrany? illegal wars? millions killed? our security and financial savings wiped out ? CLinto left us in a solid surplus - bush jr left us with 10Trillion+ in deficit? do we remeber the so called 'true americans' screaming then - no, because no one did. where was the chest beating rhetoric then ? Or is the rules f the game still based on color of the skin ?
I agree - 'd...m..d if he does d...m..d if he doesn't.'
I remain open to ALL positive outcomes and that includes who O is and what he does.
Thanks again.
I agree 100% and well done!!
I'd like to add a correction here: people DID SCREAM - like MAD - when Bush pulled all that crap, but the MSM wasn't reporting! It wasn't in the news, so it didn't happen, right? At least that's what people seem to believe. There've been LOUD demands for Obama's impeachment; there's even BEEN ONE: the Rev. Dr. Manning had a legally constituted Grand Jury that convicted Obama. He ignored it; the MSM ignored it. It didn't happen. There was a protest early in Bush's first term of almost half a million people. The news wandered in after all but a few hundred were gone, said there were only a couple of dozen people wandering around and "What protest?" It didn't happen. About the next gun grab attempt - very few people are hearing much of anything and think it's no big deal. Those of us aware and on the Net SEE what's going on, we SEE the false flags and the lies - and just what the Hell can we do? I keep doing what I have been doing: writing, blogging, staying in touch with my so-called "Congressional reps" - and that's about it. I'm a disabled vet who's still recovering from almost being killed by the VA a few years ago (they DID contribute to my wife's death, not that I can ever prove it), and dealing with a new marriage and kids. I can't walk far, I can't sleep much or well, and without the meds (which Big Pharma charges Part D about... well, several thousand times the cost of manufacture at least) that it takes to allow me to function somewhat normally, I will die a pretty nasty death. There is no "hoarding a stash" or anything of the sort, so if EVERYTHING gets turned off, I pretty much do too. So I'm doing all I can. I'm angry about having patriots and veterans being called terrorists, about Constitutionalists being called terrorists, about people who prep as the government, FEMA I think, suggested they do being called terrorists, and pissed as HELL that a lying, treasonous, ineligible FRAUD can't be removed from the highest office in the land because every damned L.E.O. and other authority in the country who COULD is ALSO OWNED by the banksters! I couldn't put a down payment on a free meal, much less buy a weapon that might help me defend my young family against an unconstitutional attack by L.E.O.s and/or military who could care less about legality or the Rule of Law. If it goes down that way I could make sure I don't live long enough to worry about being vaccinated against my will, "decontaminated" nude in public and hauled off to a concentration camp for "reeducation" that wouldn't work - if they even consider that, though they likely won't, but... Where would that leave my family?
I love my country dearly, and even old and disabled I have skills and knowledge that could help rebuild it in short order - if there wasn't so damned much power and the appearance of power working to tear it down! It breaks my heart to see what's happening. Twenty-eight years is a long time to be in chronic pain, but the pain of what I see happening is worse. And incidentally, writing "Executive Orders" that bypass Congress isn't something the President of the U.S. can do; it's something the President of a corporation could do. The President cannot legally bypass Congress. One who makes the attempt has committed High Treason and should be impeached. But then a Kenyan born man who is not a "natural born citizen" like Obama whose father was not an American citizen when he was born, a man who got financial aid as a foreign national for his education and who has lied about his name and many other things, repeatedly, isn't eligible to be the President of the U.S. either. That would be usurpation and, if he did become a citizen, High Treason.
And BTW, none of these blasted sign-ins will recognize me or allow me to log in; that's why the anon name here.
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