I want to praise Nesara News for its moral guts to post the report of Alex Jones of July 19 how the bankers are now boasting they have sucessfully conquered America and Europe so they can soon establish their One World Government over America, Europe, etc. However, I have bad news for the big banking boys! They are not going to win. I was once written up by a prestigious international organization representing 9 Pentagon generals, top scientists of America and Europe, royalty of Europe, etc. as being the "Einstein of American Economics." Now some weirdo scholars try to tell the American people they should not listen to me when I tell them how to boom the American economy and not be ruled by the conspiratorial banking clique. I once met with one of the Rothschilds who invited me to join their "Secret Government over America" but I did not join with them. I did not tell him I descended from the European line the Rothschilds tried to assassinate all members of, but one slipped their assassination plot and a bunch of us in America all descend from the deadly European line the Rothschilds predicted would stop them from establishing their planned later One World Government under Satan if not wiped out in the 19th century. The French line outwitted the Rothschilds and I repeat there are many of us in America now. But this Rothschild thinking I was a super genius according to sources advising him told me frankly that the American people without their knowledge were secretly ruled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. And this Rothschild in mockery explained to me that the American people were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to be allowed to govern America, so this secret government secretly governed through Wash., D.C. They secretly controlled both political parties and since they controlled the national news media would crucify by national smear any political leader too honest in America. This Rothschild secretly admitted to me that the U.S. Justice Dept. had secretly told him that I was a genius in military intelligence and this Rothschild said to me with a retired Air Force Colonel at this meeting at Camps Spring, MD just outside of Wash., D.C. that this "secret government of America" could use some fresh, sharp young blood like me. I was younger when this meeting occurred years ago. This Rothschild offered me $110 million if I could get and sell to him the John Andrews Process tested by the U.S. Navy but they did not know how it worked. A little black coal powder and water could power all the ships of the U.S. Navy and the dummy U.S. Navy did not close a deal with John Andrews when he was there to sell them the secret to the black powder. The U.S. Navy also tested to see if it could run marine diesel engines also. It worked! This Rothschild looked liked I had stabbed a knife in his heart when I said I would also want a 5% royalty on all net profits if he did not decide to shelve this John Andrews Process but put it on the market for cars and anything else on earth running on gasoline.With great pain, he agreed to my terms. By the way, there would probably be no pollution of the air with this fuel rated at 103.5 octane rating. The regular oil cartel found out I was after the John Andrews Process and I had in rapid fire a series of murder attempts on my life to try and stop me from getting it. I later probably found the answer to the John Andrews Process and told a few very trusted friends where the secret to the process is hidden according to a physicist who had an angle he thought I should know about where the John Andrews Process came from. Pass my Omni Law folks and I will see if the final information checks out I got from the physicist. If it works, pay me what the Rothschild agreed to and I will let the national government handle this to potentially replace income tax to finance the national government of America. If a problem with the John Andrews Process, I have a backup coal-water process that will work and can also be used to replace income tax to finance the national government of America. Pass my Omni Law in 2012 and America soon skyrockets back into the economic leadership of the world. That also means jobs for all who want jobs. End of the semi-collapse of the American economy engineered by secretly placed super bankers and two corrupt national parties though the Democrats are totally sold out to the big banking boys who plan to own the entire world economy through a world Communist economy they would totally control and totally own. They would posess all the wealth of the world and that portion of mankind they don't kill off as they plan to kill off all on earth but maybe 500 million would all be their slaves in their intended world global plantation. And they plan for Satan to be the official "god" of the world! These bankers are colossally dumb in religion and all Satanists.
American people, start using your God-given common sense instead of sleeping on your real brains put asleep by your educational system designed to be your brainwashing school system by indoctrination instead of teaching you how to think soundly and for real in life. Let's start using common sense which I believe is the form of God-given thinking the big boys can't really brainwash out of you although they would want to. I have stirred up a little hornet's nest of terribly sloppy psuedo-scholars who evade the national issues I raise and instead invent pure BS lines of hot air to attack me with. These are the trademarks of federal agents and operatives trained in psychological warfare how to control the American people through crowd control. Your emotions are appealed to instead of reason and if you are governed by emotions instead of real reason, you are very easy for them to control you since they are doing all your thinking for you. Let's use common sense. I posted nationally many times of having spent eleven calendar years in military academies and asked if some could help with finances to pass the Omni Law in 2012. The F.B.I. would automatically charge in and arrest me if I had not attended for real eleven calendar years in military academies. I said the F.B.I. met with me in 1990 and asked me to save America from pending World War III with the then Soviet Union. They admitted they secretly rated me one of the military intelligence experts in America. If I lied about this, they would have charged in to arrest me. Now these little federal psy-op agents and operatives under orders of Obama to try and trick the American people out of supporting me and my drive for the Omni Law to be passed in 2012 in America, they told you I must be lying about the military intelligence background, background in military academies, etc. and yet that F.B.I. very wisely and silently watches all these statements I have been posting in reports on Nesara News and says nothing. They are smart as I would steamroll them under law if they tried to lie on these issues. Also, if my Omni Law is passed, the legal oversight committee over Wash., D.C. created by this Omni Law will totally control if it decides to the entire budget of every federal agency and who is allowed to work for the federal government. Not smart to make hostile your future federal boss in Wash., D.C. The F.B.I. told several sources years ago they rated me the deadliest political brain in America and did not realize I had many friends who reported to me what the F.B.I. secretly said about me. I have had friends in Wash., D.C. all along who want me to win so the federal government serves the American people honestly again instead of corrupt, secret interests. Dr Richard Eby of Victorville, CA was a good friend of mine and had been good friends with the Nixon family for years. After Richard Nixon was in the White House, he called Dr. Eby from the White House and told him frankly that he had run for the White House with the honest intention of trying to serve the American people faithfully. However, he soon found that he was just a front for secret interests who really ran the government and told him what to do from the White House.
I thank the federally planted psuedo-critics for doing such an amateur, sloppy job as to make them look like idiots if you really analyze what they are trying to say. This reaction of Washington sources indicates they judge I will win in America with my Omni Law if they cannot invent some bogus angle to try and stop this national drive.
I am too honest for Wash, D.C. and as been cynically commented at times, the American people are very uncomfortable with anyone being too honest in national issues and prefer feeling comfortable with the lies of corrupt, paid off con artist politicians who create the problems for America instead of solving them. As one national study concluded in one book that the American people had been brainwashed by their school system not to take God and religion seriously in America nor in their lives. They were educated not to let God govern America. But when Wash., D.C. has murdered apparently 3 billion or more people in the world as just charged in my last national report and ready to kill off all mankind on earth if an honest leader does not arise in time in America, should Jesus Christ allow this to continue or stop this before Wash., D.C. kills off the remainder of the human race? This world extinction would be by suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed food process which university tests said would save the human race from soon going biologically extinct like the dinosaur on earth. Or kill off the entire human race by continual pushing of GMO foods which too many scientific tests show will end up killing off the entire human race on earth if not stopped in time. But Wash., D.C. is so corrupt and bought off, they couldn't care less if they kill off the entire human race. Lunatics are in control of Wash., D.C. and Obama is their intended king of lunatics. So don't be so shocked if Jesus Christ wanted to save America from its own national insanity coming from Wash., D.C. and had holy people sent to me which happened for real and asked me in the Name of Jesus Christ to save the American people from annihilating themselves by supporting and putting into power lunatic politicians to Wash., D.C. who would end up wiping out America and apparently the entire human race on earth if not stopped in time.By God's rules for mankind, mankind was given free will by God and God is too much a gentleman to force His Will on mankind by brute force. But God can warn mankind by national drought, etc that the nation is offending God more and more, and mankind unless very stupid should pay attention to these warning signs that mankind is beginning to push too far. God is righteous and will not consent to endlessly growing sin and moral rebellion in mankind. Why would Jesus send holy people like St. Padre Pio to indicate to me that Jesus wanted me to save the neck of the American people? As one holy man told me who predicted nearly my whole life correctly to me, America is not righteous before God. Therefore God will not save America if it goes too far. But God would permit me to save America if I was willing to do this. With this instruction I set up the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse over Soviet intelligence which in top secret files is crediting with saving America from a pending World War III or else military defeat by Russia. Not confirmed yet, but I just got word that Russia has now set up three ways to annihilate America in even 5-6 minutes flat in a nuclear war launched against America and Russia is ready to launch if pushed by Wash., D.C. Maybe you all feel that you could do a better job than me, and you are all so much more worthy than me to receive such a powerful mission from Jesus Christ,but I was available to say "Yes" to Jesus while you were loaded with millions of excuses why you could not do this for Jesus. I was told what was required and I said "Yes" to do it and God smiles on me because one American out of millions said "Yes" to the request of God and millions of you already in silence told Jesus Christ in your hearts, "No! Don't ask me and don't bother me with your will!" What American does this description not fit right now? For the rage that some express I should dare ask you to help shoulder the weight of passing the Omni Law. I have sacrificed beyond anything you can ever know. And I seem to sense the startling message that Jesus is very proud of me. I said yes to Jesus when millions of you who knew better let Jesus know that in your hearts you firmly told Jesus "No" and do not bother you!
Two Jewish businessmen once gave me some shrewd advice. When you want others to care about your business venture, have them invest with you and then they care whether your business venture succeeds or not. Give them free interest in the business venture and they will not appreciate what you have done for them. There is a powerful teaching in the New Testament which summed up is "He that backs a prophet shares in a prophet's reward with God." When you put a little of your dearly loved money, even $10 or so in the drive for the Omni Law, you tell Jesus you also care whether the Will of Jesus to save America from its own moral corruption as a people is carried out as a mission or not. If no money available, give your labor to Jesus. Push the Omni Law by email copies of the Omni Law Report (4 pages)m printed up copies, talk to other people, or do what the ancient American people did who had far less resources to work with did to organize and set up the American Revolution which founded America as a nation in 1776, They organized local Committees of Correspondence and won all their towns, cities, etc. to supporting the American Revolution. Their national cry which rallied the people to found the Christian nation of America was, "We will have no King but Jesus!" With that cry, America was born as a nation! British officials complained to London back then that the American people could not be ruled anymore. They said their King was Jesus Christ, not George III. And British officials complained that the American churches were teaching God-given rights to the American people and 50% of all the churches in the Thirteen Colonies were "seditious" and actively supporting the drive to make America an independent nation from Great Britain.
You can give me and Jesus Christ your million and one excuses why you cannot support the drive Jesus wants to save America from pending national collapse and destruction. Or like me, no excuses before Jesus Christ. I give Jesus my time, talents, money, and willing to stick my neck out for the Cause and Will of Jesus Christ. Which side of the fence are you on? Are you really loyal to Jesus Christ or is that just a play upon words? The Continental Congress fighting the American Revolution declared to all of America that Jesus Christ was the King of the American people. Our Articles of Confederation said that Jesus Christ was the Lord of America. Our U.S. Constitution in the final words penned by George Washington says that Jesus Christ is "Lord" of America. All the States ratified the U.S. which ends with the word "Lord" meaning Jesus as King of America. I don't want to hear your millions of excuses why you will not support passage of The Omni Law which is needed to save America from pending destruction and give it a new future under the blessing of Jesus Christ. Say "Yes" to Jesus and let's storm America until we win. Jesus said in Revelation of those Christians who are lukewarn and neither hot nor cold in moral issues meaning they are loaded with their millions of excuses why Jesus should not bother them and their lives, Jesus said He will spew them out of His mouth meaning vomit them out they make His stomach so sick with their psuedo-loyalty to Him. Copy the Omni Law Report (4 pages) and other reports of mine from the archive listings for May, June, and July 2012 of Nesara News. Or if stuck, send me an email and ask for a copy of the Omni Law Report (Omni Law on page 2) and send the 4 page Omni Law Report to all elected officials representing you and ask where they stand to pass or else oppose the proposed Omni Law for America. Email to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com . If you want to send financial backing, make any checks, etc. to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.
To speed up things, anyone feeling motivated form local Committees of Correspondence for passage of the Omni Law. Thomas Jefferson commented that these Committees of Correspondence were the most powerful form of political organization he had ever seen and swiftly led the American people to fight the American Revolution and then founding of America as a nation. I will hold the honorary position of National Director of the Committees of Correspondence, but you are invested with total authority to get things going in your area. You are the local leader and I the symbolic national leader to help maintain national unity and focus for victory. By the way, the later leaders of America were mass recruited from the Committess of Correspondence which turned them into national leaders such as Samuel Adams who first founded this movement in Boston, MA and later emerged from this movement such as Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and so on. Make copies of this report you are reading and share it with local people and elsewhere. As Jesus said, "He who is ashamed of Me before men, him will I be ashamed of before my Father." Yours for God and Counry, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Probably already half of American intelligence in Wash., D.C. already knows who I am and maybe half of them cheering for me and wanting for me to win over the treason and corruption now solidly in control and running Wash., D.C. It takes more than changing a leader or two to create honest government in Wash., D.C. Like in engineering with a defective engineering design, you have got to remove the bug from the design and put in the engineering piece that makes the designed machine run correctly. The Omni Law is the correction needed to make the politicial system in Wash., D.C. to start running correctly and serving at last the American people instead of corrupt secret interests whether Right or Left Wing. Both sides have radical, fanatical elements. Once the political sysem is fixed in Wash., D.C., then the national economy of America can fast revive and we return to prosperity and mass jobs in America. God blesses nations who honor God, not nations which show hatred for God and serve legal divorce papers on God as Obama has now done for America.)