Friday, July 27, 2012
I want to be reelected
Is it already too late? Excellent letter
From: John Porter
To: Americans everywhere
I was sitting at my keyboard halfway through my writing a letter to you about how Barack Obama was fulfilling his pledge to "Transform America" by "Changing the fundamentals of America", so that our government would become the plantation, he the owner, and we the slaves, when this article by Steve McCann appeared in my in box. After checking it for accuracy, and finding it so, I put my writing on hold and here present it to you, for I could not say it better.
Obama's Second Term Transformation Plans
The 2012 election has often been described as the most pivotal since 1860. This statement is not hyperbole. If Barack Obama is re-elected the United States will never be the same, nor will it be able to re-capture its once lofty status as the most dominant nation in the history of mankind.
The overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand that Obama's first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of "transforming America " in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress. That is why his re-election team is virtually ignoring the plight of incumbent or prospective Democratic Party office holders.
The most significant accomplishment of Obama's first term is to make Congress irrelevant. Under the myopic and blindly loyal leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have succeeded in creating an imperial and, in a second term, a potential dictatorial presidency.
During the first two years of the Obama administration when the Democrats overwhelming controlled both Houses of Congres s and the media was in an Obama worshipping stupor, a myriad of laws were passed and actions taken which transferred virtually unlimited power to the executive branch.
The birth of multi-thousand page laws was not an aberration.This tactic was adopted so the bureaucracy controlled by Obama appointees would have sole discretion in interpreting vaguely written laws and enforcing thousands of pages of regulations they and not Congress would subsequently write.
For example, in the 2,700 pages of ObamaCare there are more than 2,500 references to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.There are more than 700 instances when he or she is instructed that they "shall" do something and more than 200 times when they "may" take at their sole discretion some form of regulatory action. On 139 occasions, the law mentions that the "Secretary determines." In essence one person, appointed by and reporting to the president, will be in charge of the health care of 310 million Americans once ObamaCare is fully operational in 2014.
The same is true in the 2,319 pages of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act which confers nearly unlimited power on various agencies to control by fiat the nation's financial, banking and investment sectors. The bill also creates new agencies, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, not subject to any oversight by Congress.This overall < span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: purple; font-size: 14pt; ">process was repeated numerous times with other legislation all with the intent of granting unfettered power to the executive branch controlled Barack Obama and his radical associates.
Additionally, the Obama administration has, through its unilaterally determined rule making and regulatory powers, created laws out of whole cloth. The Environmental Protection Agency on a near daily basis issues new regulations clearly out of their purview in order to modify and change&n bsp; environmental laws previously passed and to impose a radical green agenda never approved by Congress. The same is true of the Energy and Interior Departments among many others.
None of these extra-constitutional actions have been challenged by Congress. The left in America knows this usurpation of power is nearly impossible to reverse unless stopped in its early stages.
It is clearly the mindset of this administration and its appointees that Congress is merely a nuisance and can be ignored after they were able to take full advantage of the useful idiots in the Democrat controlled House and Senate in 2009-2010 and the Democrat Senate in the current Congress.
Additionally, Barack Obama knows after his re-election a Republican controlled House and Senate will not be able to enact any legislation to roll back the power previously granted to the Executive Branch or usurped by them. His veto will not be overridden as there will always be at least 145 Democratic members of the House or 34 in the Senate in agreement with or intimidated by an administration more than willing to use Chicago style political tact ics.
The stalemate between the Executive and Legislative Branches will inure to the benefit of Barack Obama and his fellow leftists.
The most significant power Congress has is the control of the purse-strings as all spending must be approved by them. However, once re-elected, Barack Obama, as confirmed by his willingness to do or say anything and his unscrupulous re-election tactics, would not only threaten government shutdowns but would deliberately withhold payments to those dependent on government support as a means of intimidating and forcing a Republican controlled Congress to surrender to his demands, thus neutering their ability to control the administration through spending constraints.
Further, this administration has shown contempt for the courts by ignoring various court orders, e.g. the Gulf of Mexico oil drilling moratorium, as well as stonewalling subpoenas and requests issued by Congress. The Eric Holder Justice Department has become the epitome of corruption as part of the most dishonest and deceitful administration in American history. In a second term the arrogance of Barack Obama and his minions will become more b latant as he will not have to be concerned with re-election.
Who will be there to enforce the rule of law, a Supreme Court ruling or the Constitution? No one. Barack Obama and his fellow-travelers will be unchallenged as they run roughshod over the American people.
Many Republicans and conservatives dissatisfied with the prospect of Mitt Romney as the nominee for president are instead focused on re-taking the House and Senate. That goal, while worthy and necessary, is meaningless unless Barack Obama is defeated. The nation is not dealing with a person of character and integrity but someone of single-minded purpose and overwhelming narcissism.Judging by his actions, words and deeds during his first term, he does not intend to work with Congress either Republican or Democrat in his second term but rather to force his radical agenda on the American people through the power he has usurped or been granted.
The governmental structure of the United States was set up by the founders in the hope that over the years only those people of high moral character and integrity would assume the reins of power. However, knowing that was not always possible, they dispersed power over three distinct and independent branches as a check on each other.
What they could not imagine is the surrender and abdication of its constitutional duty by the preeminent governmental branch, the Congress, to a chief executive devoid of any character or integrity coupled with a judiciary essentially powerless to enforce the law when the chief executive ignores them
Conservatives, Libertarians, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney must come to grips with this moment in time and their historical role in denying Barack Obama and his minions their ultimate goal. All resources must be directed at that end-game and not merely controlling Congress and the various committee chairmanships.
Steve McCann
May 12, 2012
I would add but 6 words to those above mentioned, Conservatives, Libertarians, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney, to say "and we the American people also", must come to grips with this moment in time and our role in denying Barack Obama his life long goal of "transforming" us into his slaves working on his government plantation.
Please forward this to all you can, maybe together we can save America for ourselves and those who will follow a fter us.
May God bless America .
To: Americans everywhere
I was sitting at my keyboard halfway through my writing a letter to you about how Barack Obama was fulfilling his pledge to "Transform America" by "Changing the fundamentals of America", so that our government would become the plantation, he the owner, and we the slaves, when this article by Steve McCann appeared in my in box. After checking it for accuracy, and finding it so, I put my writing on hold and here present it to you, for I could not say it better.
Obama's Second Term Transformation Plans
The 2012 election has often been described as the most pivotal since 1860. This statement is not hyperbole. If Barack Obama is re-elected the United States will never be the same, nor will it be able to re-capture its once lofty status as the most dominant nation in the history of mankind.
The overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand that Obama's first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of "transforming America " in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress. That is why his re-election team is virtually ignoring the plight of incumbent or prospective Democratic Party office holders.
The most significant accomplishment of Obama's first term is to make Congress irrelevant. Under the myopic and blindly loyal leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have succeeded in creating an imperial and, in a second term, a potential dictatorial presidency.
During the first two years of the Obama administration when the Democrats overwhelming controlled both Houses of Congres s and the media was in an Obama worshipping stupor, a myriad of laws were passed and actions taken which transferred virtually unlimited power to the executive branch.
The birth of multi-thousand page laws was not an aberration.This tactic was adopted so the bureaucracy controlled by Obama appointees would have sole discretion in interpreting vaguely written laws and enforcing thousands of pages of regulations they and not Congress would subsequently write.
For example, in the 2,700 pages of ObamaCare there are more than 2,500 references to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.There are more than 700 instances when he or she is instructed that they "shall" do something and more than 200 times when they "may" take at their sole discretion some form of regulatory action. On 139 occasions, the law mentions that the "Secretary determines." In essence one person, appointed by and reporting to the president, will be in charge of the health care of 310 million Americans once ObamaCare is fully operational in 2014.
The same is true in the 2,319 pages of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act which confers nearly unlimited power on various agencies to control by fiat the nation's financial, banking and investment sectors. The bill also creates new agencies, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, not subject to any oversight by Congress.This overall < span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: purple; font-size: 14pt; ">process was repeated numerous times with other legislation all with the intent of granting unfettered power to the executive branch controlled Barack Obama and his radical associates.
Additionally, the Obama administration has, through its unilaterally determined rule making and regulatory powers, created laws out of whole cloth. The Environmental Protection Agency on a near daily basis issues new regulations clearly out of their purview in order to modify and change&n bsp; environmental laws previously passed and to impose a radical green agenda never approved by Congress. The same is true of the Energy and Interior Departments among many others.
None of these extra-constitutional actions have been challenged by Congress. The left in America knows this usurpation of power is nearly impossible to reverse unless stopped in its early stages.
It is clearly the mindset of this administration and its appointees that Congress is merely a nuisance and can be ignored after they were able to take full advantage of the useful idiots in the Democrat controlled House and Senate in 2009-2010 and the Democrat Senate in the current Congress.
Additionally, Barack Obama knows after his re-election a Republican controlled House and Senate will not be able to enact any legislation to roll back the power previously granted to the Executive Branch or usurped by them. His veto will not be overridden as there will always be at least 145 Democratic members of the House or 34 in the Senate in agreement with or intimidated by an administration more than willing to use Chicago style political tact ics.
The stalemate between the Executive and Legislative Branches will inure to the benefit of Barack Obama and his fellow leftists.
The most significant power Congress has is the control of the purse-strings as all spending must be approved by them. However, once re-elected, Barack Obama, as confirmed by his willingness to do or say anything and his unscrupulous re-election tactics, would not only threaten government shutdowns but would deliberately withhold payments to those dependent on government support as a means of intimidating and forcing a Republican controlled Congress to surrender to his demands, thus neutering their ability to control the administration through spending constraints.
Further, this administration has shown contempt for the courts by ignoring various court orders, e.g. the Gulf of Mexico oil drilling moratorium, as well as stonewalling subpoenas and requests issued by Congress. The Eric Holder Justice Department has become the epitome of corruption as part of the most dishonest and deceitful administration in American history. In a second term the arrogance of Barack Obama and his minions will become more b latant as he will not have to be concerned with re-election.
Who will be there to enforce the rule of law, a Supreme Court ruling or the Constitution? No one. Barack Obama and his fellow-travelers will be unchallenged as they run roughshod over the American people.
Many Republicans and conservatives dissatisfied with the prospect of Mitt Romney as the nominee for president are instead focused on re-taking the House and Senate. That goal, while worthy and necessary, is meaningless unless Barack Obama is defeated. The nation is not dealing with a person of character and integrity but someone of single-minded purpose and overwhelming narcissism.Judging by his actions, words and deeds during his first term, he does not intend to work with Congress either Republican or Democrat in his second term but rather to force his radical agenda on the American people through the power he has usurped or been granted.
The governmental structure of the United States was set up by the founders in the hope that over the years only those people of high moral character and integrity would assume the reins of power. However, knowing that was not always possible, they dispersed power over three distinct and independent branches as a check on each other.
What they could not imagine is the surrender and abdication of its constitutional duty by the preeminent governmental branch, the Congress, to a chief executive devoid of any character or integrity coupled with a judiciary essentially powerless to enforce the law when the chief executive ignores them
Conservatives, Libertarians, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney must come to grips with this moment in time and their historical role in denying Barack Obama and his minions their ultimate goal. All resources must be directed at that end-game and not merely controlling Congress and the various committee chairmanships.
Steve McCann
May 12, 2012
I would add but 6 words to those above mentioned, Conservatives, Libertarians, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney, to say "and we the American people also", must come to grips with this moment in time and our role in denying Barack Obama his life long goal of "transforming" us into his slaves working on his government plantation.
Please forward this to all you can, maybe together we can save America for ourselves and those who will follow a fter us.
May God bless America .
Romney cancels trip to Olympics, Peres last minute opt-out - something in the air?
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Romney cancels trip to Olympics, Peres last minute opt-out - something in the air?
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 27-Jul-2012 10:03:24
Date: Friday, 27-Jul-2012 10:03:24
Invitation Facebook VIRUS - Do Not Open
Bounty Hunters Outrage in Ventura County, CA
In the United States - bounty hunters drive cars with no plates, carry weapons, intimidate witnesses over purchase of raw milk!!!! This is ridiculous! Humans lived off raw milk for centuries until the FDA and EPA were brought in to existence.
A partial video of the incident was captured by a witness. That video link is here:
James is currently residing in the Ventura county jail. As NaturalNews previously reported, James was tortured in the Los Angeles jail system for a period of eight days (http://www.naturalnews.com/035208_James_Stewart_torture_county_jail.h...).
Here's the full contact information for the Ventura County DA's office:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036611_James_Stewart_Bounty_Hunters_Ventura_county.html#ixzz21pbuhexK
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036611_James_Stewart_Bounty_Hunters_Ventura_county.html#ixzz21pbKpOA0
Here's the full contact information for the Ventura County DA's office:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036611_James_Stewart_Bounty_Hunters_Ventura_county.html#ixzz21pbuhexK
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036611_James_Stewart_Bounty_Hunters_Ventura_county.html#ixzz21pbKpOA0
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036611_James_Stewart_Bounty_Hunters_Ventura_county.html#ixzz21pbYIOpA
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 27, 2012
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - July 27, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 27-Jul-2012 04:34:28
Date: Friday, 27-Jul-2012 04:34:28
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/26/12 ‘Time Portal Earth’
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/26/12 ‘Time Portal Earth’
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 20:16:09
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 20:16:09
Cobra Update 7-26-12…”Explosion of Light”
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Cobra Update 7-26-12…”Explosion of Light”
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 20:11:19
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 20:11:19
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Retraction: Operation Compassion
John's Comments - Thank you Steve for these honorable comments. OPC is humbled and appreciative. Praying that we can go forward and distribute these Blessings.
Posted by Steve Beckow
I’d like to correct an error that I made and hopefully the blog sites that reproduced my earlier article will pick up on this retraction as well.
I said earlier that I thought that a letter asking for personal information that came from John McHaffie’s OPCompassion (Operation Compassion) site might be a phishing letter and to be wary of giving personal information away.
I have actually asked Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon in my reading today about thebona fides of John’s program and have been told that it is legitimate and could be used as an outlet for pre-NESARA money. Please note that that is what AAM said and is not a statement that I’m attributing to John.
Please do not hear these remarks as extending to such matters as Iraqi revaluation, etc. On those subjects I’m not qualified to comment and don’t wish to be seen as commenting. But on the subject of John’s site being possibly used for the distribution of pre-NESARA funds to lightworkers, Archangel Michael has said that they are definitely a possibility.
I apologize to John and Operation Compassion and retract the comments I made earlier.
I reproduce a letter from Kathy, its Operations Manager:
This is Kathy and I am the Operations Manager (some call me VP) for Operation Compassion (OPC), the needs application and program that was founded by John MacHaffie of the NESARA NEWS BLOG. I wanted to respond to a post that was on the 2012scenario website and to give some background information and understanding to John’s efforts and how OPC evolved. read more…
NYT: Obama Writes News For Us
NYT: Obama Writes News For Us
A New York Times article has revealed that Administration-related “news” reported by the national press corps must first be approved for publication by Barack Hussein Obama.
Times contributor Jeremy Peters has revealed that in exchange for access to White House officials, reporters must promise the Administration full authority to exclude, redact, or edit any and all statements made by those officials. This provides Obama with “veto power” over information printed by a purportedly free and vigilant American media. (1)
Certainly, Jeremy Peters must be congratulated for bringing this information to the American public. But the way in which he presents this despicable story of media manipulation is perhaps even more revealing than the story itself. For according to Peters, members of the press corps have been “reluctant” to yield dominion over their journalistic autonomy to the White House. “‘We don’t like the practice,’ said Dean Baquet, managing editor for news at the New York Times.” “ ‘We encourage out reporters to push back.’ ”
But what, precisely, is it about this Obama Administration practice that offends New York Times reporters? Is it that the man they worked so diligently to put in the White House, the man whose past they refused to investigate, the man for whom they provided cover and excuses for, is suddenly asking that they sacrifice their ethical standards? Are these reporters ashamed that they are lending their name to White House press releases posing as news articles? Are they concerned that an appearance of bias might be associated with their work?
And against whom, exactly, would this New York Times editor suggest his honest and faithful cabal of reporters “push back?” Would it be against an Administration with which they share a common social, economic, and political vision?
The Washington, DC press corps has eagerly supported the schemes and dreams of Barack Obama for years. They are dedicated, fellow members of the far left, working at every turn to advance the cause of their Marxist leader in the White House. If they are in any way at odds with the thuggish media practices of the Administration, it is only because their feelings are hurt by the thought Obama might not trust them to adequately protect or advance his interests!
Yet even as their dangerous and dishonest practices are exposed, members of the media seek to protect and excuse themselves with the claim that they only very reluctantly allow the Obama Administration to write, publish, and represent pro-Regime press releases as “news!” A laughably dishonest claim of journalistic objectivity right to the bitter end.
One reporter, at least, has finally admitted that Obama writes his own news. And we all know there is nothing “reluctant” about it.
Photo credit: niallkennedy (Creative Commons)
Follow Coach at twitter.com @KcoachcCoach
The biggest company in the world is days away from drilling for oil in the Alaskan Arctic
Dear friends across the USA,
The biggest company in the world is days away from drilling for oil in the Alaskan Arctic, a breeding ground for whales and polar bears. The Environmental Protection Agency can stop them, but it’s up to us to demand they do and save the Arctic now.
EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson, can right now withdraw Shell's Arctic permit because the company is unable to meet air pollution controls for their ships, violating the terms of the permit. Environmental activists are raising the alarm, but unless we make it a huge scandal, Shell will use its muscle and the Arctic will be open for the oil business.
Lisa Jackson has stood up to the energy industry before, but Shell is a Goliath that won’t be easily knocked back. We are running out of time -- let’s make this decision the line in the sand that protects this great wilderness from becoming an oil field. Call Lisa Jackson now on 202-564-4700 and urge her to save the Arctic-- then let’s share our experience and thoughts by posting a comment at the link below.
Here are some suggestions for things to say:
EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson, can right now withdraw Shell's Arctic permit because the company is unable to meet air pollution controls for their ships, violating the terms of the permit. Environmental activists are raising the alarm, but unless we make it a huge scandal, Shell will use its muscle and the Arctic will be open for the oil business.
Lisa Jackson has stood up to the energy industry before, but Shell is a Goliath that won’t be easily knocked back. We are running out of time -- let’s make this decision the line in the sand that protects this great wilderness from becoming an oil field. Call Lisa Jackson now on 202-564-4700 and urge her to save the Arctic-- then let’s share our experience and thoughts by posting a comment at the link below.
Here are some suggestions for things to say:
- Shell has violated the terms of its Arctic permit by failing to meet the air quality requirements specified for ships.
- This violation means that Shell should be refused permission to drill in the Arctic right now.
- As a US citizen concerned about the demise of the Arctic and the threat of climate change, I urge you to fully revoke Shell's Arctic drilling permit.
- The Arctic is one of the world's last untouched environments. It is a treasure that should be protected for future generations to enjoy not opened up for oil companies to make more profits and further destroy our planet.
- You can stop the charge for Arctic drilling. If you revoke Shell's permit now it will send a clear message that the government is serious about preservation and the future of the planet. If you fail to revoke Shell's permit it will state clearly that the government puts polluters profits before people and our planet.
The Arctic is melting faster than most scientists predicted. Climate change is driving dangerous temperature rises -- just last week, a chunk of a glacier nearly 40 kilometres long broke off Greenland. Some estimates predict that in just 4 years, the arctic will be completely free of ice in the summer months.
Yet for some this planetary disaster is the 21st century gold rush. Companies and countries who hope to make billions are lining up to frantically grab their share of oil, gas, and minerals.
This is a simple decision: the people and planet’s future or increasing Big Oil’s profits with a 40% possibility of a catastrophic oil spill. If Lisa Jackson gives Shell the permit now then Exxon, Chevron and the rest of Big Oil will cover these beautiful icy landscapes with dirty rigs, pumps and pipes. Let’s now urge Lisa Jackson to stop Shell before it’s too late – Call the EPA now: 202-564-4700 and then leave a comment here:
Arctic drilling has already been condemned by the Insurance companies, the US Coast Guard, and in the last week, Greenpeace and others have been taking to the streets. But to stop this madness we all need to join together to target the one person that can stop it. Let’s ensure that the Arctic is saved from the danger of drilling and instead protected as a global treasure.
With hope,
Iain, Alice, Sam, David, Aldine, Diego, Ricken and the rest of the Avaaz team
More information and sources:
Rolling Stone: “Global Warming's Terrifying New Math”
The Guardian: “Arctic wilderness faces pollution threats as oil and gas giants target its riches”
Dutch News: “Shell is 'world's biggest company'”
New York Times: “Shell Seeks to Weaken Air Rules for Arctic Drilling”
LA Times -- “What if an oil spill happened at an Arctic well?"
Yet for some this planetary disaster is the 21st century gold rush. Companies and countries who hope to make billions are lining up to frantically grab their share of oil, gas, and minerals.
This is a simple decision: the people and planet’s future or increasing Big Oil’s profits with a 40% possibility of a catastrophic oil spill. If Lisa Jackson gives Shell the permit now then Exxon, Chevron and the rest of Big Oil will cover these beautiful icy landscapes with dirty rigs, pumps and pipes. Let’s now urge Lisa Jackson to stop Shell before it’s too late – Call the EPA now: 202-564-4700 and then leave a comment here:
Arctic drilling has already been condemned by the Insurance companies, the US Coast Guard, and in the last week, Greenpeace and others have been taking to the streets. But to stop this madness we all need to join together to target the one person that can stop it. Let’s ensure that the Arctic is saved from the danger of drilling and instead protected as a global treasure.
With hope,
Iain, Alice, Sam, David, Aldine, Diego, Ricken and the rest of the Avaaz team
More information and sources:
Rolling Stone: “Global Warming's Terrifying New Math”
The Guardian: “Arctic wilderness faces pollution threats as oil and gas giants target its riches”
Dutch News: “Shell is 'world's biggest company'”
New York Times: “Shell Seeks to Weaken Air Rules for Arctic Drilling”
LA Times -- “What if an oil spill happened at an Arctic well?"
Now Break Up the Big Banks
Wall Street Perpetrator Sandy Weill: Now Break Up the Big Banks
Update: See also The Citigroup CEO Who Broke Glass-Steagall Wants It Back.
Sanford I. Weill, what a hypocritical ass. Back in the Clinton administration, before they finally killed Glass Steagall, Sandy put together Citigroup.
At the time, it was a violation of Glass Steagall.
He did it anyway, believing, correctly, that Congress and the regulators would do nothing. He was right, they did nothing but repeal Glass Steagall.
In an interview, he actually said that Glass Steagall was not necessary and the bank would be so big that the safety net would be the U.S. government. He’s always been on my list of one of the destroyers of our financial system. Now, look what this ass says below.
An apology at least would be nice!
Sanford I. Weill, what a hypocritical ass
Update: See also The Citigroup CEO Who Broke Glass-Steagall Wants It Back.
Sanford I. Weill, what a hypocritical ass. Back in the Clinton administration, before they finally killed Glass Steagall, Sandy put together Citigroup.
At the time, it was a violation of Glass Steagall.
He did it anyway, believing, correctly, that Congress and the regulators would do nothing. He was right, they did nothing but repeal Glass Steagall.
In an interview, he actually said that Glass Steagall was not necessary and the bank would be so big that the safety net would be the U.S. government. He’s always been on my list of one of the destroyers of our financial system. Now, look what this ass says below.
An apology at least would be nice!
Former Citigroup Chairman & CEO Sanford I. Weill, the man who invented the financial supermarket, called for the breakup of big banks in an interview on CNBC Wednesday.
“What we should probably do is go and split up investment banking from banking, have banks be deposit takers, have banks make commercial loans and real estate loans, have banks do something that’s not going to risk the taxpayer dollars, that’s not too big to fail,” Weill told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”
He added: “If they want to hedge what they’re doing with their investments, let them do it in a way that’s going to be market-to-market so they’re never going to be hit.”
He essentially called for the return of the Glass-Steagall Act, which imposed banking reforms that split banks from other financial institutions such as insurance companies .
“I’m suggesting that they be broken up so that the taxpayer will never be at risk, the depositors won’t be at risk, the leverage of the banks will be something reasonable, and the investment banks can do trading, they’re not subject to a Volker rule (the Volcker rule explained), they can make some mistakes, but they’ll have everything that clears with each other every single night so they can be marked-to-market,” Weill said.
He said banks should be split off entirely from investment banks, and they should operate with a leverage ratio of 12 times to 15 times of what they have on their balance sheets. Banks should also be completely transparent, Weill said, with everything on balance sheet. “There should be no such thing as off balance sheet,” he said.
If banks hedge in any way, Weill added, positions should be marked-to-market (marked-to-market explained) and cleared through an exchange.
Weill said that by breaking up banks, they would be “much” more profitable.
“This is what all the regional banks do and everybody says buy regional banks,” he said. “They’ll just be bigger regional banks.”
Weill suggested that breaking up banks is the only way to rebuild the financial industry’s reputation in the wake of recent scandals and missteps.
“I want to see us be a leader, and what we’re doing now is not going to make us a leader,” he said.
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