I’d like to correct an error that I made and hopefully the blog sites that reproduced my earlier article will pick up on this retraction as well.
I said earlier that I thought that a letter asking for personal information that came from John McHaffie’s OPCompassion (Operation Compassion) site might be a phishing letter and to be wary of giving personal information away.
I have actually asked Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon in my reading today about thebona fides of John’s program and have been told that it is legitimate and could be used as an outlet for pre-NESARA money. Please note that that is what AAM said and is not a statement that I’m attributing to John.
Please do not hear these remarks as extending to such matters as Iraqi revaluation, etc. On those subjects I’m not qualified to comment and don’t wish to be seen as commenting. But on the subject of John’s site being possibly used for the distribution of pre-NESARA funds to lightworkers, Archangel Michael has said that they are definitely a possibility.
I apologize to John and Operation Compassion and retract the comments I made earlier.
I reproduce a letter from Kathy, its Operations Manager:
This is Kathy and I am the Operations Manager (some call me VP) for Operation Compassion (OPC), the needs application and program that was founded by John MacHaffie of the NESARA NEWS BLOG. I wanted to respond to a post that was on the 2012scenario website and to give some background information and understanding to John’s efforts and how OPC evolved. read more…