Thursday, August 2, 2012

On Green Light, The Event, and Drake BY THE GOLDEN RULE 29 June 2012

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 7:29 PM

On Green Light, The Event, and Drake BY THE GOLDEN RULE  29 June 2012

On Green Light, The Event, and Drake

29 June 2012

I was having a bit of writer’s block yesterday, actually going so far as to do a 15 minute audio recording last night that I ended up not liking. Fact is, the information seems to be coming so fast now I am just having a delay in processing time as I digest the news. Everyone seems to feel an acceleration, a quickening of events so it’s important to step back and fit the puzzle pieces together. Some call this the “big picture,” and we’ve been hearing some lofty claims of very positive shifts happening…SOON. Turns out I posted an article in haste which has so many gold nuggets buried, it took a day for them to shine through.

At the bottom of this post, Drake has posted a new note regarding theGREENLIGHT he issued which has been discussed since he began giving broadcasts. This was given officially around 8:20 EST Wednesday night, and is posted at his blog American National Militia. Before you read it though, try and keep these key points in mind, as I think they must be telling us something critical.
It’s the economy, silly!

Yesterday I posted an article from Reuters which has been mentioned in many places but didn’t receive quite the attention I thought it should, especially for all those “aware” of the mass arrest scenario. If you haven’t read this article, take 20 minutes and really read it over carefully. It took me 2 or 3 read overs to fully grasp the immensity of what it was suggesting;

The article, entitled “Big banks craft ‘living wills’ in case they fail,” dives right into it immediately:

Five of the biggest banks in the United States are putting finishing touches on plans for going out of business as part of government-mandated contingency planning that could push them to untangle their complex operations.

The plans, known as living wills, are due to regulators no later thanJuly 1 under provisions of the Dodd-Frank financial reform lawdesigned to end too-big-to-fail bailouts by the government. The living wills could be as long as 4,000 pages

Did I hear that right? End too-big-to-fail bailouts by the government? They continue…

Since the law allows regulators to go so far as to order a bank to divest subsidiaries if it cannot plan an orderly resolution in bankruptcy, the deadline is pushing even healthy institutions to start a multi-year process to untangle their complex global operations, according to industry consultants.

“The resolution process is now going to be part of the cost-benefit analysis on where banks will do business,” said Dan Ryan, leader of the financial services regulatory practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York. “The complexity of the organizations will shrink.“

For those scared of the world bank and the international corporate banking institutions – well – we’ve already had that haven’t we? This is what we want to deconstruct. That’s been the mechanism so far, and here it is in mainstream news that there is some kind of July 1 Deadline, whereby a 4,000 page document is being tendered to shrink the complexity of these organizations. Follow me?

But wait, there’s more…

JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), Citigroup Inc (C.N), Goldman Sachs & Co (GS.N) and Morgan Stanley (MS.N) are among those submitting the first liquidation scenarios to regulators at the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, according to people familiar with the matter.

The five firms, which declined to discuss their plans for this story, have some of the biggest balance sheets, trading desks and derivatives portfolios of financial institutions in the United States.

This is a stunning statement! The biggest banks on the planet are the first to submit 4,000 page plans for liquidation scenarios but declined to comment on them! Why isn’t CNN, FOX, or MSNBC going crazy over this? I believe Drake said in his broadcast that things will get so immense, “they won’t have a choice.” Alex Jones, Gerald Celente and many others have covered the derivatives mess for years. When it comes to financial tyranny, derivatives are THE WEAPON OF CHOICE for enslavement and takeover – also known as the housing bubble and foreclosure crisis, IMF bank loans et al. Yet in this one article this seems to be addressed:

If the extensive planning and review process works as proponents hope, big banks will become less hazardous to the public and regulators will be more confident that they can let wounded institutions die without wrecking the economy.

In congressional hearings earlier this month, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said that the bank’s contingency plan for going out of business would let it fail without cost to taxpayers.
Skip to 5:40 for the quote

I’m no fan of JP Morgan and certainly not Jamie Dimon, but this is a stark contrast to what we heard from similar figureheads in 2008…
The tune has changed. The tables, turned.

Under the Dodd-Frank Act, banks and regulators must imagine liquidations in two different ways. The first is through bankruptcy courts with banks negotiating with their creditors. This is the going-out-of-business method planned in the living wills due July 1. The living wills must include how subsidiaries inforeign jurisdictions will be liquidated.

These gems keep shining through and help corroborate a lot of what Drake has been saying. More specifically, he has said they will be seizing control of the collateral accounts which are the basis upon which the whole fiat debt system has been propagated. These accounts, which are specifically addressed in the Neil Keenan lawsuit are amounts of historic Gold and other “prosperity funds” that were stolen from we the people, and Reuters makes mention of it right here in black and white!

The second way is through a new kind of liquidation process in which the FDIC takes control of putting a financial giant down. This method has more flexibility than is allowed in bankruptcy courts, but still uses critical information collected in the banks’ living wills, such as where exactly to find collateral.

One of the other key points in “the plan” as I understand it, is that eventually the top of the pyramid would actually step forward and announce who they are, a la Nuremberg trials or as Ben Fulford puts it, a “truth and reconciliation committee” in a semi-televised manner. Again, Reuters reports:

The rules for crafting the living wills are 74 pages long, including an explanatory supplement. The plans could even include drafts of press releases showing how the banks would announce that they are going out of business, Herring said.

Bearing all this in mind, there are so many other key economic bullet points which indicate a very bumpy next few days.

Recently Lord Christopher Monckton reported that the G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro was focused not on humanitarian efforts, but instead how they will go about clamping down the entire planet. This tiny group of people are struggling to maintain their suppression of a growing and rapidly awakening humanity. Watch Monckton break it down below:

In no less dramatic fashion, Lyndon Larouche released an audio blog on June 26, entitled “Our Enemies Could End Civilization This Weekend.” Give it a listen or continue on below for my comments.

Yes, he was referring to June 28-July 1, 2012.

to watch the video

Larouche has long been a proponent of reinstating Glass-Steagall which is specifically referenced in the aforementioned Reuters article. This rule was the original safety mechanism which prevented the banks from becoming gambling houses, as they have become in recent years. LaRouche writes and speaks of this particular rule as a way to sever the US monetary system from the private foreign central banking system and re-establish a national credit system. Yet again, Reuters reports that these regulations would take ques from this exact rule!

Larouche has long been a proponent of reinstating Glass-Steagall which is specifically referenced in the aforementioned Reuters article. This rule was the original safety mechanism which prevented the banks from becoming gambling houses, as they have become in recent years. LaRouche writes and speaks of this particular rule as a way to sever the US monetary system from the private foreign central banking system and re-establish a national credit system. Yet again, Reuters reports that these regulations would take ques from this exact rule!

Lyndon has some pretty strong things to say about what might be a crummy weekend, even going so far as to say “stock up on toilet paper” and cites the imminent plans between Geithner and Bernanke to seek additional printing of money to bail out Europe. This would come in the form of a long predicted stimulus program called Quantitative Easing 3 or QE3. His report is detailed here. This program has been LOUDLY anticipated by a whole host of extremely well respected analysts including Peter Schiff, Jim Sinclair, James Turk, Eric Sprott and others. This “stimulus” is the only facility available to provide the funds necessary to prop up the Eurozone. This was always the plan! Destroy Europe, and have Americans pay for it.
Geithner and Bernanke Demand New Mega-Bailout of Europe:

Capitol Hill sources have confirmed that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are demanding that Congress prepare emergency legislation for yet another hyperinflationary bailout of the hopelessly bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system. For the past week, the two men have been meeting secretly with leading Congressional Democrats and Republicans, demanding that they draft new legislation to bailout the banks on an even larger scale than after the 2008 collapse.

What’s Next for the Dollar? QE3?

According to several congressional sources, Geithner and Bernanke have pledged that they will do everything in their power to flood European banks with bailout funds through the Federal Reserve, but they candidly admit that it may be impossible, and that congressional action may be required. If the crisis hits, they warn, there must be legislation already prepared, because the speed and magnitude of the crisis may require extraordinary intervention to “save the system.”Continue Reading

Last and not least – on April 22, 2012 Forbes reported China would begin purchasing oil from Iran in gold on June 28, 2012 bringing a de facto endto the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. In response, world renowned Gold analyst Jim Sinclair stated:

Dear CIGAs,

The implications of China paying for Iranian oil in gold is the most important event in the modern history of gold

1. It is reasonable to assume that China has been threatened with total or at least selective exclusion from the SWIFT system if it pays in any currency for Iranian oil.

2. Gold has been decided by China as the means of making payment for massive international purchases free of the SWIFT system.

3. Other Asian and Middle Eastern nations will now see the gold they hold as money free of Western economic interference.

4. Gold now is not only money free of liability, but also free from interference regarding settlement by the long arm of Western influence.

5. The SWIFT system is becoming ever more a weapon of Western international political will.

6. In case of war anywhere, it is now demonstrated for all to see that only gold will buy the materials required. Paper currencies are under the SWIFT system’s control in settlement.

7. Far from being a barbaric relic, gold is now clearly the money of state survival in every sense.

8. It is reasonable and possible for the supply of physical gold to fall far behind the size of the massive short positions now common to algorithm and hedge fund paper shorts. That will make an effective cover at a reasonable price as compared to a certain day’s close impossible the following day on an exogenous event.

9. It may not be possible to use TA of any nature to determine a price of overvaluation for gold. Should the USA decide to take on China in full out economic war with the physical market totally illiquid, such as through isolation from the SWIFT system, consider the gold price that might result.

Make up your own mind.

All I know is that the anticipation in the air is so thick you could nearly cut it with a butter knife. Whether you are fully conscious or still very much asleep, a momentous point in time is now undeniable for the majority of people. Ultimately 2012 will be about finding your own individual truth amidst peaceably fitting it in with the collective. Then, we can co-create as one…

With that said, a Native American proverb seems apropo;
“It takes 1,000 voices to tell a single story.”

Stunning Crimes of the Big Banks: Worse than Your Wildest Imagination

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
CGI's BillsBest: Stunning Crimes of the Big Banks: Worse than Your Wildest Imagination
Posted By: CGI_admin [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 2-Aug-2012 14:29:47

Posted by Bill Rummel
Posted on August 1, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Preface: Not all banks are criminal enterprises. The wrongdoing of a particular bank cannot be attributed to other banks without proof. But – as documented below – many of the biggest banks have engaged in unimaginably bad behavior.
You Won’t Believe What They’ve Done …
Here are just some of the improprieties by big banks:
Funding the Nazis
Laundering money for terrorists
Financing illegal arms deals, and funding the manufacture of cluster bombs (and see this and this) and other arms which are banned in most of the world
Launching a coup against the President of the United States
Handling money for rogue military operations
Laundering money for drug cartels. See this, this, this and this (indeed, drug dealers kept the banking system afloat during the depths of the 2008 financial crisis)
Engaging in mafia-style big-rigging fraud against local governments. See this, this and this
Shaving money off of virtually every pension transaction they handled over the course of decades, stealing collectively billions of dollars from pensions worldwide. Details here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here
Artificially suppressing gold prices
Charging “storage fees” to store gold bullion … without even buying or storing any gold . And raiding allocated gold accounts...
Much more with links>>

Obama's Body Count

August 2, 2012

Obama's Body Count

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton feel that Osama bin Laden's death and the drone attacks show that they have mastered national security and foreign policy. They are wrong.

Counting bodies and sorties proves little. As Einstein said, "[n]ot everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."

President Obama's term in office has left entire regions where U.S. influence has waned and U.S. interests have been defeated. Thousands protested in the Islamic world, seeking "Hope and Change," but found that it was only a cynical slogan. Millions now wonder: does America remember what it means to be "the leader of the free world"?

Obama sent an ambassador to Syria -- over Congress's express objection. Bashar Assad began slaughtering 20,000 of his people. Obama did nothing about the bloody repression in Iran, but he did help oust a far less despotic regime in Egypt, ushering in the Muslim Brotherhood -- the organization that spawned Hamas and al-Qaeda. Now Obama-Clinton pretend that the Muslim Brothers are moderates.

Secretary Clinton is often struck dumb by Arab-Islamic extremism. In 1999, she hugged Suha Arafat, wife of the PLO leader. Arafat said (in Clinton's presence) that Israel used poison gas on Arabs and poisoned their wells. Clinton was silent. Clinton, who hugged Arafat, now embraces Obama's bashing of Israel.

When an Israeli judge found that Israelis have a right to build on land bought in the West Bank, the State Department said all Israeli settlements were "illegitimate" -- a term Obama likes.

Clinton kept quiet when Egypt's Islamist foreign minister declared, in a joint press conference, that keeping the peace treaty with Israel was contingent on Israel getting out of the West Bank entirely. Clinton acquiesced when Islamist Turkey banned Israel from taking part in NATO exercises and top counter-terror forums.

Turkey helps Hamas. Israel is the world's greatest foe of terror. Clinton helps Turkey.

Clinton's sad performance is not limited to the Mid-East. She led a "reset" in ties with Russia that is now a fiasco. She unveiled a huge button ostensibly labeled "reset" in Russian but actually reading "overcharge" -- an apt depiction of the failure of U.S.-Russian ties and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy in general.

There was no reset. Russia's leaders returned to brutal autocracy, invading Georgia, threatening Ukraine and Poland, assassinating political foes, and opposing the U.S. wherever possible. But Obama-Clinton think they can charm Russia into moderation.

Obama put his arm around Dmitri Medvedev -- the puppet of Russian chief Vladimir Putin -- and confided that, after the inconvenient U.S. elections, he (Obama) would be "flexible" about Russian demands.

Obama's first major foreign venture was to Islamist Turkey, whose leader, Recep Erdoğan, dreams of leading a caliphate (like Egypt's leader Muhammad Morsi). Obama thinks Turkey's Erdoğan is a "moderate" and might mediate between the U.S. and Iran. For America's most pro-Islam president ever, this makes sense. Both Erdoğan and the ayatollahs share the dream of leading a new Islamic caliphate.

This is but a small sample of Obama-Clinton foreign policy failures. The list of successes has only bin Laden on it, and Obama should paraphrase what he just said about success: "you didn't do that by yourself" and "somebody helped you."
Obama's biggest terror test is yet to come: dealing with a terror state that wants to be a nuclear power -- Iran. During this testing period, Obama will listen to his "inner voice," his closest advisor, Valerie Jarrett, who speaks Farsi and was born in Iran.
Jarrett has also been Obama's emissary to U.S. Muslims, many of them rich Iranian donors. The day after the Iranian-aided terror attack on Israelis in Bulgaria, the White House hosted a day-long conclave with Iranian-Americans, including the leader of the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), who said Israel invited the terror attack in order to have an excuse to attack Iran. Ms. Jarrett was featured at the event.

Later, perhaps coincidentally, The New York Times reported that a senior Obama official said the Iranian terror attack was "in retaliation for the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has blamed Israeli agents." The Times report again quoted the senior Obama official saying, "This was tit for tat."

In other words, the day after an Iranian terror attack, the White House hosted pro-Iranian groups, and a senior U.S. official adopted the Iranian narrative: "tit for tat."

As President Obama wonders what to do or -- more likely -- not to do about Iran, it is good that he has both the ear and the inner voice of Iran. As they say in Farsi, "o-ba-mah": "He is with us."

Dr. Michael Widlanski, an expert on Arab politics and communications, is the author of Battle for Our Minds: Western Elites and the Terror Threat, published by Threshold/Simon and Schuster. He was strategic affairs advisor in Israel's Ministry of Public Security and teaches at Bar Ilan University.

Investigators Are Closing In On Two Other Banks Involved In LIBOR Rigging

Investigators Are Closing In On Two Other Banks Involved In LIBOR Rigging

July 28, 2012
Source: Reuters
New details from court documents and sources close to the Libor scandal investigation suggest that groups of traders working at three major European banks were heavily involved in rigging global benchmark interest rates.
Some of those traders, including one who used to work at Barclays Plc in New York, still have senior positions on Wall Street trading desks.
Until now, most of the attention has involved traders at Barclays, which last month reached a $453 million settlement with U.S. and UK authorities for its role in the manipulation of rates. Now, it is becoming clear that traders from at least two other banks – UK-based Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc and Switzerland’s UBS AG – played a central role.
Between them, the three banks employed more than a dozen traders who sought to influence rates in either dollar, euro or yen rates. Some of the traders who are being probed have worked for several banks under scrutiny, raising the possibility that the rate fixing became more ingrained as traders changed jobs.
Full story here.



Date: Monday, September 19, 2011, 11:25 AM

CIVIL ACTION No. 02 - 1363 - A





Plaintiff's sole remedy in this matter is to proceed with the liquidation of the corporations and report these transactions to the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and then challenge the assessment of any taxes in a refund proceeding. See  Int'l Lotto Fund, 20 F.3d at 591.

Dated : April 15, 2003
Alexandria, Virginia                              /s/ GERALD BRUCE LEE 
                                                               UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE





By Ernest Bey

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 9:05am


In sharp contrast to the preceding report, we publish herewith, to begin with, detailed intelligence, the implications of which will be clear to ‘the interested’ and to close students of the prevailing unprecedented global criminal finance crisis, and on which we will make no further comment and will answer no questions. This is the first 'delivery' of such intelligence; and further postings of such intelligence will follow (in accordance with the sources' timeframe) until resolution.
The forthcoming issue of International Currency Review [Volume 35, Number 1] will publish original documents relating to the ‘recovery’ of the gold buried in The Philippines during the Second World War under General Tomoyuki Yamashita, creating new sources of slush funds for the manipulation of foreign governments and the financing of the US Intelligence Power’s familiar ‘Black’ and other operations on behalf of the White House and the energy corporations, and showing how the CIA [proxy for the overall US Intelligence Power, which includes the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)] handled/handles the banks and depository arrangements, while the mafia was and remains to this day employed to provide ‘international delivery protection’ services.

This model has been extended, we believe, for general application.

Notes providing details of the sources of this information are given under Notes and References at the foot of the report; and the individual numbered items’ specific original sources are designated by capitalised characters appended to the end of each item, thus: (A), (B), (C), etc.

First, the following recent information has been brought to our attention:

• (1): On 23rd October 2009 it became known to us that former President George H. W. Bush had placed one or more persons inside the ‘CT’ Trust operation in order to ‘sabotage’ the release of the Settlement funds (A)

• (2): On 24th October 2009, the individuals referenced above (2 persons) were found inside the ‘CT’ Trust operation holding full banking codes with the intention of diverting funds during the “release” process on orders and with authority from George H. W. Bush and with the “blessing” of Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s Chief of Staff (A).

• (3): When confronted with the foregoing, George Bush Sr. stated that quote “he will not pay [identity of key background figure withheld] or anyone else”(A).

• (4): On 24th October 2009, source was authoritatively informed that documents identifying the account numbers and coordinates of the Caribbean Accounts for George H. W. Bush have been filed with Mr Dan G. Blair – Commissioner, Postal Regulatory Commission, nominated by former President George H. W. Bush – and that this information was to be brought to the attention of President Barack Hussein Obama, but that Mr Obama’s White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, had STOPPED and PREVENTED President Obama from seeing the documentation in question (B).

• (5): The subject-matter of the documentation mentioned above referenced the theft of $12.5 billion (twelve point five billion US dollars), via Bank of America, Dallas, Texas – the funds having been illegally diverted on Sunday 18th January 2009 to the Carlyle Group under a Presidential Executive Order issued by President George W. Bush from the DTC suspense account which had been holding the funds for disbursal to CMKX DIAMONDS, INC. (CMKX – OTC) as the result of Court rulings involving the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) and the shareholders of CMKM DIAMONDS, INC. (B).

Secondly, the following historical information has been brought to our attention:

• (6): Mr Jan Morton Heger, Leo Wanta’s Attorney at the time, was attempting, in October 1998, to establish new bank accounts for AmeriTrust Corporation (USA) with the Bank of England in London, Midland Bank (London), and Barclays Bank (London). (C).

• (7): Attorney David McCall (of Gay, McCall, Isaacks, Gordon & Roberts, P.C., located at 777 East 15th Street, Plano, TX 75074), assisted Jan Morton Heger in the process of setting up the bank accounts. (C).

• (8): Among bankers involved in establishing the bank accounts for AmeriTrust Corporation (USA) were Mr James Denny (former Director of Midland Bank), Mr Thomas Hays, Mr Brian English, and Mr Brian Donnell – managers at Barclays Bank (London) – who are now running the operations. (C).

• (9): The “new” AmeriTrust Corporation (USA) bank accounts – with a different Federal Reserve Number approved and assigned by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (Fed)) at the time, Dr Alan Greenspan – were to “mirror” the concurrent Bank of America (Chicago) bank accounts of Marvelous Investments Limited [care of: C. E. Crowninshield, CPA, located at 869 Turnpike Street, North Andover, MA 01845], EIN 04-3371126, Lee (Leo) E. Wanta, President and CEO. (C).

• (10): Imelda Marcos, the former First Lady, Republic of The Philippines, refused to release her gold (asset accounts) held at bank accounts in Switzerland and “Lee Morris’ [Admiral Lee Morris, a.k.a. Woodrow L. Morris, a.k.a. Leon Morris of 7039 East San Miguel, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253] negotiated with Mr Ramos † in October 1998 for the “buy-back” of the Clark Air Force Base in The Philippines. (D).

• (11): On Tuesday 6th October 1998, Judge Ted Spence died, causing a “pivot” for Sheikh Bin Laden with respect to the intended movement of funds to the Middle East. (D).

• (12): A total of 25 AmeriTrust Corporation (USA)/Marvelous Investments Limited bank accounts were established – a fact that was causing much concern at the ‘top’ among the Active Controllers, meaning that former President James Earl ‘Jimmy’ Carter and the current EB01 [= Executive Branch 01 – Ed.], President William J. Clinton, could not see over the funding horizon. (D).

• (13): A total of 131 “boxes” were being utilized by Affidavit to obtain and use the ‘Deed of Trust’ at the Bank of England (London) for the said funding. (D).

• (14): These “boxes” were described in a ‘Talking Paper’ dated and sent by fax by ‘Lee Morris’ on Monday, 7th October 1996 to Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., in the following terms: (D).

“… The transaction involves 1934-35 era US dollar currency, bonds, debentures, gold certificates and various foreign currencies. The master inventory with disposition instructions and ownership data is too voluminous … and too sensitive to reveal… the boxes themselves are six (6) feet square and weigh about 2,221 pounds each. The total amount in each box is US$100 million…”. (D).

• (15): The Bank of England/Treasury (London) accounts set up for AmeriTrust Corporation (USA)/Marvelous Investments Limited were confirmed to have been established as of 14th October 1998 and were ready for funding from the Bank of America (Chicago) correspondent bank accounts, namely Chase Manhattan Bank (New York, NY) ABA# 021-000-021, for the account of: National Financial Services, LLC, Account # 066196-221, for further credit to: Marvelous Investments Limited, Account # FBW-027324, North Andover. MA [confirmed by email from LASALLE STREET SECURITIES, Sherry Carey, on 17th August 2004]. (E).

• (16): The cost to maintain and support the aforementioned accounts would be 120 basis points (1.2%) of each transaction on each account. (E).

• (17): Attorney McCall was to start transferring funds from the Marvelous Investments Limited accounts beginning with US$175 million on Friday, 16th October, 1998, for a total transfer value of US$1.125 billion (E).

• (18): The US$1.125 billion was to fund the issue and purchase of Senior Medium Term Bank Debentures from (E):

• (19): Marvelous Investments Limited, FED ID # 04-337-1126, located at: 4000 Steeles Avenue West, Suite #221, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada L4L 4V9, Attn: Jan Morton Heger, Secretary/Director (E).

• (20): … via: Bank of America, 345 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA, ABA # 121-000-358; Bank Officer: Rick Megoza; Account Name: Law Offices of J. Morton Heger, Attorney/Client Trust Account IFO Marvelous Investments Limited, Account # 16647-00461.… (E).

• (21): …paid by: Bank of New York, 48 Wall Street, New York, NY: ABA # 021-000-018; Bank Officer: James M. Allen, Vice President, Nesbitt Burns, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Contract Number: FF/AMB 980605.MIL/1075; Code: ST GABRIEL-JMJ/JUBILEE2000. (E).

• (22): The transaction and prices were approved by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Dr Alan Greenspan. (E).

• (23): Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan also approved the elimination of Marvelous Investments Limited’s operation, and the assignment of a new Federal Reserve Number and Contract to AmeriTrust Corporation (USA) – authorizing the issue of Senior Medium Term Bank Debentures via the Triton Trust (Cayman Islands)/Delaware (E).

• (24): AmeriTrust Corporation (USA)/Marvelous Investments Limited – since transformed into Barrington Investment Group, AG (St Gallen, Switzerland*), later Deutsche AG* (Switzerland), was also domiciled in Hong Kong with Joseph Ackermann – CEO of Deutsche Bank (Germany) and Hans Peter Breuer (Dresdner Bank, Germany) as operating officers of “Group AG, et al.” (F).

• (25): Fifty-one (51) programs with six trading accounts through BANK OF AMERICA via “Group AG, et al” were established and were to be operated by the aforementioned – with Attorney David McCall (Gay, McCall, Isaacks, Gordon & Roberts, P.C.) as legal counsel (F).

• (26): “Lee Morris” [Admiral Lee/Leon Morris] was “with” the CIA Director of Central Intelligence William J. Casey when he died. (G).

• (27): “Lee Morris” was an Aide to Admiral Stanley Turner, an Administrator for James Woolsey and Admiral John Poindexter, and served as Logistics Officer for Admiral Farley. (G).

• (28): “Lee Morris” was required to resign from Barrington Investment Group, AG [Deutsche AG], in January 2003, by the Active Controllers: Former President James Earl ‘Jimmy’ Carter, Former President William J. Clinton, and the then President of the United States, George W. Bush. (G).

Ernest Bey
Senior Administrative Trustee
Senior Accounts Manager
Five Star Trust

PS. Five Star Trust is a front for the CIA and Department of Defense!

Keiser Report: Hang 'Em High! (E320)

In this episode, Max Keiser presents a double header with co-host, Stacy Herbert, to discuss crime and punishment in the financial sector. In London, JP Morgan banker, Tony Blair, has responded to the Keiser Report with his claim that hanging 20 bankers will not help and that, in fact, he asserts, public anger with the financial crisis is wrong. They also discuss the 'blazer over cuffs look' being the new black this season as Sean Fitzpatrick is arrested in Dublin, while over in Pennsylvania, Joe Paterno's statue is draped in blue tarpaulin and hauled away as bond investors punish the university with higher rates and Moody's threatens a downgrade. Finally, in Los Angeles, victims of vandalism are shocked to discover that it was a senior UBS banker who was smashing windows with a slingshot.

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter:

Gary Harrington is on The Power Hour Today - Oregon criminal actions

Subj: Gary Harrington is on The Power Hour Today The guy the article is about... Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators
Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators

Anonymous Hacks IRS Database and publishes Romney Tax Returns

Anonymous Hacks IRS Database and publishes Romney Tax Returns

Anonymous Hacks IRS Database and publishes Romney Tax Returns

Mitt Romney
United States
Internal Revenue Service
Ann Romney
Please don't
forget to:

August 1, 2012 - Late last night, the mysterious group of hackers known as Anonymous successfully hacked the main database for the Internal Revenue Service. The group appeared to have a singular target- Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Romney has been criticized by both parties for his failure to produce more than one past tax return.

The Anonymous attack successfully retrieved 25-years worth of Romney’s tax returns and published them without permission on major websites throughout the Internet. The majority of these websites removed the returns within minutes, however it was too late to completely protect the candidate’s already tainted image.

Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul stated last week that “there has been no year in which Romney paid zero taxes”. In 2008, this was true. He earned $23,425,316 and paid $412.18 in federal income taxes. This calculates to a federal tax rate of 0.0018%. How did Romney get his tax burden so low? According to his return, he had approximately $23,407,000 in itemized deductions. These deductions ranged from $78,923 for “Toupee Creators Unlimited” and $41,826 for “Spray-on tan services” to a $3.8 million dollar write-off for a trip to Las Vegas with potential campaign donors. The Romney family also paid salaries to their numerous employees including, two yacht captains, three pilots for their private jets, two professional dog walkers, one toupee stylist and a “live-in contortionist”. What someone does with a live-in contortionist, one can only speculate. However, the $891,064 Romney spent on an “EWS Donor Party at the Pennsylvania Mansion” might give us a clue. While the return does not indicate what “EWS” stands for, given that the deducted supplies for the party included “Venetian masks, alcohol, lubricant and various Egyptian leather accessories” it was most likely an “Eyes Wide Shut” party.

In addition to his wild nights, Romney also deducted health related expenses. These included $127,000 for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a condition termed “Pseudologia fantastica” also known as Compulsive Liar Syndrome. This may explain why the Republican nominee’s views seem to change dramatically depending on his audience. In fact, his recent string of political gaffes may be the direct result of his inability to keep up with the many competing “truths” he has spoken over the past year. According to noted Psychiatrist Bryan King, “Pathological liars seem utterly sincere about their lies, but if confronted with facts to the contrary, will often just as sincerely reverse their story.” According to Politifact, a news organization that researches the veracity of politician’s statements, only 16% of Romney’s examined statements were found to be completely true.

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Matthew’s Message: August 2, 2012

Matthew’s Message: August 2, 2012

Matthew’s Message: August 2, 2012

As received by Suzy Ward – August 2, 2012
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The combination of vibratory emissions from Earth and the energy planes through which the planet is ascending are producing a variety of strong effects.
We shall speak about those, and first we mention the most splendid effect— myriad sparkles are shooting upward from Earth, and each signifies that a soul is awakening, searching for an understanding of what is transpiring in your world. Although the populace doesn’t know that weapons of war are failing to function and many thousands of our assisting family members are circling in your skies, for instance, there is a strong feeling that something significant is afoot, and some feel that it bodes well for the world.
Indeed it does, and we wish everyone could know this! Although a few supporting facts are coming out, they are buried in belabored coverage of sensational events and currently the Olympics. In the weeks prior to the opening ceremony, reports of planned terrorism in London were disseminated on the Internet and mainstream media also reported that possibility—the Illuminati still are circulating fear-filled information. That does not mean that they had no intention of carrying out any sinister acts, only that they wanted to get a head start on creating fear by telling you what they have up their sleeves.
Even knowing that light beings from advanced civilizations above and on the planet have been foiling ”black ops” plots, the dark ones are keeping at it. They will be no more successful during the Olympics than heretofore, but their persistence is understandable. They feed on the energy of fear, and their only means of keeping alive the tattered remnants of their former domination is by creating the widespread fear that keeps them going.
In honoring Earth’s free will that no more large scale terrorist acts will befall you, your space family is authorized to prevent all such attempts, and they keep abreast of everything the Illuminati and other nefarious individuals are doing. For many years the crews in crafts have been in continuous communication with their ground intelligence troops and the high universal council, thus everyone involved is apprised of what is going on regarding the Olympics and all other world affairs.
In a recent message we stated that the council deemed it advisable to wait until near the end of the year for crews to land in large numbers and members of our universal family living among you to identify themselves. We also said that nothing was set in stone, so that meeting-up could occur sooner, and the potential is growing that it will.
But not on August 4th during the games—that would cause panic! If the council concludes that all conditions are ideal for a stunning appearance that day, very likely it will in the nature of an unmistakable extraterrestrial “fly-over,” not an Illuminati concoction designed to look like an invasion from space. However, please do not be disappointed if that date passes without a world-startling event.
You may think that specifying a date and location is foolhardy because it lets the Illuminati know when and where to create a frightening illusion or dangerous conditions, thus postponing whatever the light forces have planned. Since the telepathic “antennas” of the dark ones’ always are operating, just as the light forces’ are, they would know about a plan even if it were not made public. The appropriate timing for irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial presence on the planet goes back to the fear issue.
The ultimate aim of the darkness is to capture souls, and fear is their most effective tool because fear energy forms a barrier between the soul and the consciousness, thus literally keeping a fearful person “in the dark.” That is why time and again we have urged you not to fall prey to grave predictions or claims, and you have seen that the timing ascribed to those kinds of events has come and gone without any of the catastrophes coming to fruition.
But the majority of the population doesn’t know how fearful feelings affect them personally or that the collective feelings create world conditions or that the dark ones need fear energy so they can continue fomenting devastation and death. The power of fear and the massive amount of negativity it produces always has been the council’s primary consideration as to the timing of their appearance on the planet.
Developments—and lack of developments—due to the other effects of the mixed vibrations on the planet and the energy plane it is traveling in are prompting serious reconsideration of waiting until year’s end.
Greater numbers of people, including the most steadfast lightworkers, are experiencing a variety of distressing physical, emotional and mental conditions—all of that energy has negative charges. The vibrations of the energy plane alone can cause anomalies as the bodies of light receptive persons are adjusting to the change from carbon cells to crystalline. It is important to drink more water and eat more lightly than usual, get enough rest and sound sleep, and have as much peaceful solitude or time in natural settings as possible.
Furthermore, because everything is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another, mechanical, electrical and electronic devices and systems also are being affected—a very recent example is the widespread power outage in India. Even if that may have been an Illuminati-aided occurrence, a power failure is not an unexpected result of negativity meeting the planetary alignment this close to fourth density.
The combination of those effects is creating widespread fright, inconvenience, anger and financial hardships, and the negative vibrations emitted by those collective reactions are clashing with the frequencies of the energy plane the planet is transiting. As Earth continues on her course, the clashing will intensify and so will its effects.
The tenacity of the dark hearts and minds is causing this situation. If they had adhered to their agreement to join the light forces at the specified time, about ten years ago, the planet would have been in much lower frequencies and what is happening now would have been avoided. And that brings us to the lack of developments.
You need no reminder that since at year’s end all darkness on the planet will be gone, only five months remain in which a great deal must be accomplished. While encouraging progress has been made in the negotiations between some of your leaders and ETs, the peak members of the Illuminati are as recalcitrant as ever.
Civil wars still are raging and tyrants still are reigning in several countries. Stubborn divisiveness in seemingly countless issues continues, new governments are in disarray and old governments are filled with squabblers. Impoverishment is causing great suffering and death, there appears to be no end of corruption, and many national economies are in dire straits. In short, on the surface, it appears as if it’s business as usual, and that common perception is resulting in unenlightened people fearing what the future holds.
So fear and duality still are alive and kicking, and they’re deterring the initiation of major reforms. It is your world and you are responsible for taking the helm to achieve what you want, but so much is required in such a short time that something shocking is needed to get the world’s attention. The arrival of other civilizations will do that. We can’t tell you when because it hasn’t been concluded, but we can assure you that it will happen in the most prudent timing and the safest, most sensible ways.
There is more to the inexplicable shooting in Colorado, in the United States, than meets the eye. Everyone involved—the shooter, the persons who were killed or injured and all the families—was experiencing what was chosen in soul contracts or rapidly amended contracts in a collective agreement to be participants, and eventually the facts will link that incident to the Illuminati.
Our hearts go out to the persons who were injured and their families, and the families and friends of those who died. How we wish they could know that their loved ones are joyfully living in Nirvana, and that all who agreed at soul level to endure this traumatic burden took leaps in evolvement.
We wish every person who is grieving the loss of beloved family and friends knew about those persons’ active, diverse, exciting life in Nirvana. They don’t, and instead of feeling heartened about their dear ones, they are heartbroken.
Again we mention that even though Earth has been receiving massive ascension assistance from extraterrestrials and they are preventing grand scale terrorism, you are in charge of everything except the time of their arrival. If there is to be a change in the bitter controversy about the easy availability of guns and your society’s war mentality, it must come from lightworkers. It is not a coincidence—there are no coincidences!—that the recent tragedy was in the same small city where a similar incident occurred a few years ago. It is an unmistakable sign that action must be taken if you want violence to end.
In no way are we saying that you are being negligent—far from it! We hold you in utmost honor and respect. Underlying this issue of guns and all other killing instruments, and like everything that engenders hatred, contempt, violence, injustices and death are the formidable tentacles of darkness. The light is far more powerful and actions that serve the light are correspondingly stronger—that is why you have gained the higher ground in this light vs dark battle. Think of all the corruption and deception you have exposed to the world and the progress you have made in a remarkable array of humane and environmental issues—keep up the good work!
We shall rejoice with you when all truths are revealed along with evidence of the progress that has been made in innumerable areas out of public view. Just as all who are involved in those activities must be patient until the right moment is at hand, so must we and you. And we all can be, knowing that with time dwindling by the day, revelations and beneficial changes have to be coming forth soon.
Now then, please do not interpret our explanation as a setback for Earth—most decidedly, it is not! The foot dragging is on the part of the dark ones, and they will be leaving incrementally. It is extremely important that you do not dwell on them, especially not punishment for what they have done, or on the delay in getting this momentous show on the road at high speed.
Instead, prepare for life in Earth’s Golden Age. We suggest that you not get bogged down in wondering which politicians are honest or which advice to follow about investing your money—soon enough you shall have those answers. Divest yourself of trivial interests and society’s superficial standards. Whenever possible, avoid encounters with confrontational folks, but if that isn’t possible, don’t be drawn into arguments—the expenditure of energy in such matters often results only in the negativity of frustration or futility. Trust your intuition and honor your soul-self.
Live from your heart—as God said, “The heart is the seat of the soul.” Imagine yourself in a world where peace, mutual respect, cooperation, honesty, abundance for all and life in harmony with Nature reign. In the continuum, this wondrous world that you have been co-creating already exists, and in linear time, you are almost there!
For several years we have offered spiritual enlightenment, guidance and encouragement, and it has been our privilege and joy to do so. Our sharing service won’t be necessary very much longer—your soul’s communication with your consciousness will provide all the information you need. Perhaps you will smile when you realize that everything we have told you has been your own knowledge all along—all we did was gently nudge it into your remembrance.
The purpose of every lifetime is self-discovery—letting this fulfilling adventure unfold in its season is the way to your infinite capacity for love. The power of unconditional love, that ultimate force in the cosmos, is the key to all the sublime glories of the Golden Age and beyond.
Now we enfold you in unconditional love as we, and myriad other light beings, accompany you to the threshold of fourth density.
Suzanne Ward

GM profits slip 41% as European struggles take their toll

GM profits slip 41% as European struggles take their toll

America's largest car firm made $1.5bn in the second quarter of 2012, with European division reporting operating loss of $361m
General Motors
GM's CEO Dan Akerson said: 'We have more work to do to offset the headwinds we face.' Photograph: Jeff Kowalsky/EPA
General Motors' profits fell 41% in the second quarter as troubles in Europe undercut strong sales in North America.
America's largest automaker made $1.5bn in the second quarter of 2012, compared with $2.5bn for the same period last year. Revenue fell to $37.6bn from $39.4bn in the second quarter of 2011. The results exceeded analysts' estimates, but further underlined Europe's drag on the US economy.
"Our results in North America were solid, but we clearly have more work to do to offset the headwinds we face, especially in regions like Europe and South America," said GM chairman and CEO Dan Akerson. "Despite the challenging environment, GM has now achieved 10 consecutive quarters of profitability, which is a milestone the company has not achieved in more than a decade."
GM's European division reported an operating loss of $361m, compared with an operating profit of $102m a year ago. GM is attempting to restructure the unit and recently replaced several of its top executives in Europe. The company is planning to close at least one plant in Europe by 2016, but Dan Ammann, GM's chief financial officer, said there were no immediate plans to announce more job cuts or factory closings in Europe.
In North America, GM reported an operating profit of $1.97bn, which compares to a profit of $2.25bn for the same period a year earlier. The company posted a loss of $19m in South America during the second quarter, and made a profit of $557m in its international division, primarily in China.
While GM's North America sales remain strong there are signs that the slowdown in the US economy is taking its toll. On Wednesday, GM and Ford announced that sales had slipped in July; GM deliveries fell 6.4% and Ford 3.8%, according to statements. Chrysler increased deliveries by 13%.
GM's fortunes have recovered dramatically since its emergence from bankruptcy in 2009. The firm said it sold 2.39m cars during the quarter, compared with 2.32m a year ago. GM had $32.6bn in cash reserves and other liquid assets at the end of the quarter.
Its government-backed bailout has become a political hot topic. Mitt Romney has been a persistent critic of the bailout and is running ads that highlight the plight of auto dealerships closed as a condition of the government-managed bankruptcies.
In turn, president Barack Obama has consistently championed the bailouts for saving over a million US jobs and criticised Romney for his 2008 New York Times editorial entitled "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt."

Listening To Katrina... First Person Accounts and Lessons Learned from Disaster...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Listening To Katrina... First Person Accounts and Lessons Learned from Disaster...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 2-Aug-2012 09:47:58

On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina became the largest natural disaster in United States history. After the levees failed, it became the largest man-made disaster in United States history. This blog is a chronicle of what happened to myself and my family during those events. It is also a documentation of lessons learned from a survival and recovery viewpoint.
This blog intertwines several elements. One element is the actual experience of disaster. Another element is a step by step guide to preparing yourself and your family for the day when you might face some unforeseen circumstance. I invite you to seriously invest the time, effort, and small cost in creating your own emergency plans. If you do not know where to begin, just follow along with me and I'll take you step by step.
Something I don't want to do is make anyone afraid. Fear isn't useful. You shouldn't do any of this out of a sense of fear or panic. You should do it from a positive, forward looking philosophy. However you work that, you should do it - especially if you have kids. Many times in my youth I walked around not knowing where my next meal was coming from. That can be a little disturbing, but it doesn't hold a candle to the rising panic you feel as you're riding along with nothing but the money in your pocket, unsure if your house is still standing, with your little girls in the back seat. Trust me.
The events and stories herein are true, but I have also taken the liberty of fictionalizing certain elements here or there for a number of reasons. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent, some names have been changed to protect the guilty, and some names have been changed to protect the naive. Even so, I will not spare telling you about my many failures while celebrating my several successes. I hope that these pages will prove to be useful to you in some way. Use the menu and links at the left of any page to navigate.
I have been encouraged many times to write a book about my experience, but I have decided to publish the whole thing on the internet instead. I felt that I did not want to 'market disaster', and I didn't want an editor truncating things that I felt important. Rather than force you to buy a book that you may or may not like or use, I have provided the entire content here. If it proves useful and valuable to you and you would like to support the site, you can use the link at the bottom of any page to 'pay your own price'. I am not selling anything here, and you will not be bothered by advertisements or annoying pop-ups on this site.
There are three different resources combined here for your use. The first resource is the Listening to Katrina blog, which is a long story with many lessons. You can continue reading Listening to Katrina by using the navigation links in the menu panel at the left, or you can use the navigation buttons at the bottom of any page. The Listening to Katrina blog contains actual events of a human tragedy, and as such may contain profanity, graphic violence, nudity, and various other horrors.
The second resource is a series of worksheets in a workbook format to provide a model for your own preparations. If you want to use it, you can find it here, or in the left panel of any page by clicking WORKBOOK QUICK LINK. The workbook is 'clean' and suitable for everyone.
The third resource is a series of How To pages, which are simple instructions for various projects, including how to assemble your workbook. The How To resources are likewise 'clean' and are suitable for family use.