Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gary Harrington is on The Power Hour Today - Oregon criminal actions

Subj: Gary Harrington is on The Power Hour Today The guy the article is about... Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators
Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators


Anonymous said...

The rogue state of Oregon and those who operate and support this rogue state need to be put in the state hospital or in jail PERIOD! This is absolute insanity and like it was stated, if this madness continues, these demented criminals including the black rob devil who passed this sick and twisted judgement, will be regulating the sunlight as well.
This is like watching an episode of the Twilight Zone. How much sicker and insane is it going to get?

alfonse said...

Just wait, some day in the future they will start charging for the photons that you collect through your solar system. Truth IS stranger than fiction