I enjoy working on scientific and engineering projects far more than political or military intelligence, but I have to help the American people out as they are faced by very deadly, smart, cunning, very evil people in national and world power. I am a match for all their best in political and military intelligence, but hated by the power elite because I am not working for them but working for the American people who need all the help they can get from those who care about the American people. For any on the other side who think a person cannot be smart who is also a Christian, I will in one lethal scientific statement wipe out the whole Theory of Evolution of life as pushed by the enemies of Christianity as they think this will make the Book of Geness and therefore the Bible look like myth to the ordinary students of America. This is censored from American scientific courses as it destroys the entire credibility of the Theory of Evolution as a valid branch of real science.Two British scientiss Dr. A. R. Forshet and Dr. G. R. Lambert discovered that enzymes exist within living cells that have just one assignment in nature. They find faithfully and correct any errors in the genetic code which blocks and therefore prevents muations - new life forms. This scientific discovery was censored from school courses because it proved the so-called scientific theory of evolution was scientifically impossible and never happened. That forces true scientific logic to the only credible answer that God created all life. As early Christianity in the old Roman Empire shrewdly answered when faced with the earlier version of the theory of evolution taught by the Greek scholar Epicurus several centuries before Christ that all life evolved from atoms,"Which came first? The bird or the egg? The tree or the seed?" The answer by logic and common sense was God created all life first and then the cycles of seeds for plants and eggs for many forms of animals began because God designed them to. And for overkill on this issue, "It's A Young World After All" by Paul D. Ackerman, published by Baker Book House which shows powerful scientific proofs that the earth is young in age, not old, and the evolutionists carefully tiptoe around as these proofs of the young earth discredit the scientific claims for the ancient age of the earth. Also, the book "The Evolution Handbook" took basically all the scientifc claims for the ancient age of the earth and discredited by scientific evidence all the listed claims for the scientific proofs for the ancient age of the earth. One scientific evidence only I came up with but helps cut the throat of the psuedo-scientific evolutionists, Take the recorded populaton figures and run them backward until you hit zero population for mankind on earth. Here is the point I found out by deep study of history, Don't forget the old cultures due to economic factors and no social security retirement for them were generally 4 children wanted to support you in your old age and retirement! That is why none of them needed the modern American social security retirement system. With this historical reality, you then end up mathematically with the human race only a few thousand years old on earth. Not really sorry at all to pop the balloon of illusion of the psuedo-scientists called evolutionists! The claims of finding the woman 4 millon years old as claimed by evolutionst never happened in reality. As Grant Jeffrey shrewdly demonstrate when alive, take the standard figures for the growth of the human race, push it to man being one million years old on earth, and according to theoretical math, there should now be more people on earth than all the atoms in the universe. As I have a sharp mind in science, also in mlitary intelligence which is based upon a combination of a good cunning mind and a sound scientific type brain.
As the new space rover just arrived on Mars today, might as well make the comment I have a proposed system of how to make space vehicles that might go as fast as one million to four million miles per hour. Of course, in outer space as they would burn up in friction in air if flown at such speeds in our atmosphere on earth. These figures sound impossible until I show good scientific friends of mine why this is likely theoretically possible. An angle suggested by Albert Einstein shows how this could be done. When in intelligence work I studied the works of a very brilliant scientist in the world on his studies into gravity to power an industrial society. He was stumped on a missing item to make his gravity system work. As a good engineering student years ago (actually they thought I was incredibly gifted in engineering so let me study at one week of engineering study each day and kept an A average while doing this, I am pretty sure I invented successfully the engineering item needed to make his gravity concept work right. I set up 44 experiments on what gravity really was while I was in military school. When I submitted my concept of gravity which got the identical math results of standard physics, a national scientific foundation studied my concept. They commented they couldn't say I was right, but couldn't say I was wrong as I covered all angles of gravity very effectively and they would love to hear my results if I experimented in depth on this concept of gravity. I said it was the exact reverse of what science guesses gravity is. At recorded levels of force exerted by gravity, this could power devices that would entertain the public that they could run without any visible fuel or energy being supplied to them. But my concept of gravity sees what physics sees as force, I see as a manifestation of virtually infinite energy in the universe. Tesla came close to the same conclusion I did. If gravity can deliver to me the energy, not labelled force as physics calls it, I might be able to send space vehicles into space at even one to four million miles per hour, put huge cities into the sky in space and huge populations could even live there if an effective answer to cosmic rays from outer space is available. And give an industrial nation all the energy it ever needs to even run for millions of years without a new source of energy for it. When the most brilliant defense engineer of America for 25 years of the Cold War worked together with me to finish development of the top ultimate weapon design of Nazi Germany I got from the exile German team which were trustees for this Stuttgart based top secret project of Nazi Germany, he commented after we completed the final version of the greatest ultimate weapon system that will likely even be seen in human history, he said I was the most unorthodox engineering brain he had ever worked with in his life, but my engineering was sound. He also commented that if we had worked together while he was active with Pentagon R & D projects, then he and I as a team would probably have worked out the answers that any other Pentagon R & D team would have taken years to come up with the equivalent answer to. I will comment I love working with brilliant people and brilliant people love to work with me. I bring out the maximum genius in them and they love my engineerning angles also. By the way, I got this ultimate weapon design of Stuttgart, Germany which was the most secret military project of Nazi Germany and Hitler even hid from his top generals. The exile Nazi scientific clique never realized I cracked their security and got this Nazi technology from them. This was supposed to be Hitler's revenge from the grave to smash America and Russia which he knew was about to smash him and Nazi Germany. Hitler would have turned in his grave if he knew I got this technology and it will someday be used by America instead of a revived Nazi Fourth Reich!
As you sense by now, I am a talent in science and engineering, but the ability to do professional military intelligence work has turned me into a force to be reckoned with by the nations of the world. The nation I back becomes the greatest military power in all of human history if I am willing to trust them with my technology. I will never trust the madman Obama with this technology, so the American people had best make sure he does not get reelected or is allowed by the American people to pull off his planned military takeover of America in Oct, 2012 which I have already exposed by a prior national report.
Also, I will show you a few of my arsenal or huge inventory of tricks I pioneered in military intelligence. When I first arrived in Wash., D.C. many years ago, for the frank dare to see if I could pull it off, I went to the Soviet Embassy in Wash., D.C. and met with their cultural representative Gemini Fursa who I figured was likely their real head of Soviet spy operations out of the Soviet Embassy. I gave him so wild a story why I should help the Communist side after spending eleven calendar years in military academes, he thought this story was for real. I gave him such a bombshell story how colossally great American nuclear power now secretly was, he bolted out of his office and left his files, etc. open to me. I left the Soviet Embassy with the ulra-secret speech of Khruschchev to top Communist leaders of Russia how Moscow now had the nuclear angle how to totally annihilate America with if world war came. If the Soviet side noticed this top secret Khruschev speech had disappeared from their files, I guess this explains why they later cancelled this project of the Soviet Union. They assumed U.S. military intelligence now knew of this top secret Soviet nuclear plan and so could develop the defense to it. Actually I never turned this over to U.S. intelligence and so when America decides it wants to be too powerful for any nation to pick a nuclear fight with, my Camelot scientific and engineering community can build this super defense system for America. Foreign bullies are not so brave when they know you can knock their teeth down their throat if you decide to.
I have been sending reports to Nesara News which I knew would soon attract the attention of foreign intelligence services from all over the world and also elements of Wash., D.C. working with Obama for the planned military takeover of America in October, 2012 as Obama does not want another election unless he gets trapped by circumstances and cannot wiggle out of it. I flushed out the top leadership of the Soviet spy ring in America when I set up the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse over Soviet intelligence. Even the F.B.I. did not know who was the real head of the Soviet spy ring in America until I flushed him out with my tricks.This Soviet spy head was sent by the White House to interrogate me and made a fatal mistake in one comment he made to me which he could only know from Soviet intellgence as I knew American intelligence did not know this angle. Once I had blown his cover, later I heard the rumor that certain elements in Wash., D.C who wanted to teach this foreign spy a harsh lesson and beat him so fiercely that he nearly died in what was labelled in some secret intelligence files as "The Tunnel Incident." Let this be a lesson to co-traitors with Obama. There are still patriots throughout the U.S. Republic and if they find out your names as my tricks have been designed to flush you out so we could identify you, I bet these patriotic boys are going to want to give you their modern version of "The Tunnel Incident." I never arranged "The Tunnel Incident" and only heard about it after certain Washington patriots took care of this archenemy of America. This head of Soviet intelligence in America accidentally supplied us the list of the top 100 leaders in America secretly working with this Soviet spy master. By the way, "The KGB Connections" on dvd put out by Treeline Films did a good job interviewing KGB leaders and operatives up through around 1980 to show that the U.S. Republic had been mass infested with Communist spies and operatives as earlier charged by Senator Joseph McCarthy who was earlier smeared by the liberal press of America as engaged in "a witchhunt" in Wash., D.C. claiming there were all these Communist spies and operatives in Wash., D.C. But since much of the American press was so pro-Communist, why would you think they would report the truth about Communist penetration of the U.S. Republic back then?
I pulled the same trick on the Obama conspirators as I earlier pulled on the Soviet spy ring which I flushed out into the open with my military intelligence tricks. I flushed out a number of traitors in Wash., D.C. who got scared my reports on Nesara News might awaken the American people to the great conspiracy of high treason going on in America under our archtraitor and archenemy Obama. As I know Chinese Intelligence will be watching now these reports intensely, with this report they will judge that Obama is on his own and Chinese soldiers are not now going to occupy America as they had earlier agreed to with Obama. And other foreign nations will back off supplying Obama with the foreign soldiers he wants for October, 2012 to disarm all Americans of all their guns which is standard procedure with any rising dictatorship wanting to kill off millions of their own citizens once they disarm them exactly as Hitler and Stalin did to their own national people.
For Chinese Intelligence and other foreign intelligence services, do not send your foreign soldiers into America to try and disarm the American people in Oct., 2012. If the U.S. Military play ball with me and dump Obama at the right moment, I have a trick way I can with Pentagon inventory make an impromptu version of the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. If the U.S. Military carry out orders after getting rid of the traitors in their own ranks, if any foreign nations try to send their soldiers to invade America, if I am in control as I know secretly many of the military would want to back me at that time,I will order the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb used against China or any other nation on earth willing to send soldiers to back up Obama for the military takeover of America planned at this time for Octobe, 2012. Using this ultra-vicious Soviet ultimate weapon system against China, etc., no nation will have any of their race in their nation such as China or elsewhere left alive. Any nation hit with this becomes a memory in history books of a race and nation that once existed in history but was totally wiped out in one day by the most incredible attack seen in human history. As I grew up with Chinese families and do not hate the Chinese, do not force me to defend America by this ultimate ace to annihilate China and the Chinese Race from this earth.
Okay, to display a few of my simple tricks to help impress Chinese Intelligence I am no amateur and would defintely have the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb technology as claimed, and also to show a knowledge of military intelligence a pro would know and not amateurs. we start now:
Hitler charged that the munitions strike in Kaiser Germany cost Germany victory in World War I. The charge was correct and British Intelligence organized this munitions strike which kept Britain from losing World War I. The American Revolution of 1776 was backed by French Royal Intelligence. A dummy French trading trade supplied the American Revolution with 10% of all its muskets and 90% of its gunpowder used in the American Revolution. Sir Charles Hedges wrote the top secret policy report to the King of England that France would be the dominant nation in Europe henceforth unless a revolution against the Throne of France could be organized to overthrow the monarchy of France. This was done later by British agents who organized and helped finance the French Revolution which later brought Napoleon Bonaparate to national power. Agents of the Rothschilds in French Intelligence fed Napoleon Fraudulent information that the Czar of Russia was getting ready to invade Westen Europe to defeat Napoleonic France. So Napoleon invaded Czarist Russia upon fraudulent military intelligence supplied by French Rothschild agents. Later the Rothschilds had murdered two illegitimate and one legitimate son of Napoleon. Confederate Intelligence still intact after the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee reported that Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated by Northern banking interests (under Rothschild family orders) in order to stop the permanent establishment of Lincoln Greenbacks which threatened the profits of American banking for the future.To show a little of my hand in military intelligence, I had the secret Confederate Intelligence Records for this turned over to me and then I returned it to the secret location for these after studing them. 10 huge volumes of Confederate Intelligence Records.Two of the Rockefeller family ordered C.I.A. to murder Pres. Kennedy as he had just committed himself to reestablish constitutional money in America and abolish the Federal Reserve. The British Navy sent a sub to sink the Lusitiana in order to draw America into support of Britain against Kaiser Germany in World War I. A Naval N.C.O. delivered 10 days in advance of the attack on Pearl Harbor the decoded Japanese plans for the attack on Pearl Harbor on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. That is why no U.S. aircraft carriers were at Pearl Harbor the day of the attack.
The Soviet Spy Ring at Tokyo informed Stalin of the pending attack on Pearl Harbor. This enabled Stalin to gamble removing heavy Soviet forces from the Eastern side of Russia and deliver them by surprise to stop the Nazi forces in front of Moscow. Nazi Intelligence did not know that advance knowledge on Pearl Harbor by Soviet Intelligence would save Russia from defeat that winter.
I studied heavily British Inteligence which I labeled "The Prince of Foxes." Almost forgot one trick of early British Intelligence. They printed up by counterfeiting the colonial money financing the American Revolution in order to try and bankrupt the American Revolution in financing itself. The counterfeit American colonial money was sold cheaply by the British side from New York City.
I had planned earlier to pull a sucker ambush on American Intelligence elements committed to the American internet to control the American people by psychological warfare. I wrote a report saying among many things that Jack Van Impe had once explained that the word computer in numeric code equallyed 666. I used 1 as the number for a, 2 for b, 3 for c, etc. The correct figures to make computer add up to 666 would be make a equal 6, b equal 12, c equal 18, and keep 6 to each succeeding letter of the alphabet. This makes computer add up to 666 by numerial addition. But I already flushed out a number of hidden federal psychologcal warfare experts operating on the internet by excessive appearing typo errors. They are trained in psychological warfare to attack the intended victim enemy by attacking him through his weaknesses, not his strengths. This is to discredit him in the eyes of the public. However, I have flushed out the lower ranks of the psychological warfare ranks and can now identify them so I am now able to write my reports without such apparent "weaknesses." Having successfully identified the lower ranks of this psychologcal warfare branch of the federal government, if after the Omni Law is passed, if we decide it should be done, we have the names of the lower ranks and as we legally squeeze to name their superiors, we cn clean out the entire federal government of all the best hidden traitors against America hidden in the federal civilian and military operations. I had earlier planned to also list 10 additional victories we would achieve in military intelligence tactics by making ourself look a little weak where we are not, but we have showed enough of our hand to make collapse the morale of the traitors in Wash., D.C. so they realize we got enough of the real names so we can track down later all the traitors in Wash., D.C. secretly working for Obama now.
Folks, my reports have been real to you. But I had one chance to flush out the names of some key traitors working for Washington intelligence. We have got their names now if we want them. So I don't think we need any more tricks of intelligence with our reports. We had to be the bait in the rat trap to catch the federal traitors in this baited trap for them.
Okay, let's pass the Omni Law as soon as possible. Once passed, the federal traitors can't suddenly collapse the national economy of America as Obama and co-conspirators want to do. I was for real written up by a very prestigious organization as the "Einstein of American Economics." Look in the googles search engine for Erasmus of America -Omni Law for a bunch of listings on ths. Or look in the search box above the archive listing of Nesara News and put in Omni Law. Or Erasmus of America for other reports of mine in their archive listing. By the way, Nesara News, if we save America from the current traitors in Wash., D.C., God bless you for your dedication to truth which made possible this saving of America! Or send an emal requestng a copy of The Omni Law from fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com . Folks, we are playing hardball against the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. We don't need their money, but we with much better tactics than theirs still need some funds to match their huge fortunes with tactics far better than theirs and so don't need their fortunes to win in America. Even $10 from a lot of people adds up fast! If no money, help push this report all over America by email. Send checks to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. Probably all Washington intelligence by now knows exactly who I am. But for security reasons, is still smart to play the name game briefly. When all done, will tell the real reason this was judged smart. You will approve totally once you know the secret reason why I used the pen name to start my military intelligence war against the traitors in Wash., D.C.)