"Genius Is 1% Inspiration And
99% Perspiration!" - Thomas Edison
"Good Bible Scholarship Is 1%
Inspiration And 99% Perspiration." - Erasmus of America
Good Bible Scholarship is not by
random chance, no magic wand approach to find important answers. Unless God
intervenes and directly pops the answer to you, it is mainly tedious work,
methodical work like the old German scholars used to have the reputation of
hunting down every little detail until they cracked the secret they were after
or learned how the field really worked. With tricks of the trade from military
intelligence plus tons of dry, what people would call "dull"
scholarship, I had on Dec. 1, 2012 finally confirmed when Jesus Christ was born
as to month and day. This is reliable from historical records and the proof is
posted below. I went through the equivalent of like 30 plus volumes of the
oldest recognized writings of Christianity up to maybe 400 years after Christ,
wrote down massive notes at the end of each book of collected Christian
writings for subjects that connected to each other, and finally went back to a
note to myself of years ago what might be the key clue to what month and day
Jesus was born on. Suddenly the pieces came together into a unified pattern and
there was the historical answer staring me in the face. Jesus Christ was
actually born on December 25 and historical references show this to be
If you want to know what tedious work
and takes it seems forever to do, take like a 30 volume set of an
encyclopedia, study every report in each volume, write down pertinent notes
from each report, and later coordinate these notes to cover various individual
subjects you are researching in depth and massive detail. In other words, this
took me years to compile and coordinate the notes on early Apostolic
Christianity I created by this system. Now I took the note as a guideline
I had left myself years ago and back then did not see how to finish this
guideline approach with my massive notes. Actually, I had far more than the
equivalent of 30 massive volumes of collected early Christian writings. I also
had piles of individual books from early Christianity I also researched through
for what they really taught in first official Christianity for the first 400
years or so after Christ. I am probably the only Bible scholar in this
age, maybe since America was founded in 1776, to use this massive of a method
to research the first writings of Christianity in reference to what early
Christianity taught the Bible said and taught us to do and believe as
Christians in even modern America of 2012.
One final point. Many years ago, I
took a national history test given to top honor students out of American high
schools and apparently was rated the top history student that year out of
American high schools according to that test. I also won off of it a
postgraduate college scholarship in political science while still in high
school. I like to go to the prime documents involved with important issues of
history and many times have later been confirmed through military intelligence,
etc. to have used correctly scientific logic to find the secrets of history
hidden in top secret military intelligence records, etc. I have a gift for
uncovering the secrets of history!
First a general comment on
many of the early Christian writings for up to 400 A.D. or a little afterwards.
A number of our Bible scholars then were better Bible scholars than what I
generally see today in modern society. They had patience not being distracted
by TV, movies, computers, etc. and devoted as much time as required to totally
cover the Bible subject they were writing about. Today, we have quick fix
McDonald Hamburgers, and quick, capsule form Bible scholarship which might
sound good, but be full of holes once you go back to the original prime
documents of Christianity when the same subject was massively covered by the
very smart to very brilliant Christian Bible scholars back then. Let me
show you how smart were some of the Bible scholars of Christianity such
as Lactantius (A.D. 260-330) in his writing of maybe around 315 A.D. "A
Treatise On The Anger Of God." Mohammed of Islam taught as an infallible
truth that the earth was flat and you dropped off the edge of the earth if you
went too far. Some medieval Catholic scholars around the time of Columbus not
having read the early Christian writings also thought the earth was flat. But
here is Lactantius around 280-290 years after Christ in a study about the Anger
Of God drops in the very smart scientific fact "the earth below as formed
into a globe." So he has the earth hanging in space as a large ball
the same as modern astronomy says about the earth. There were a number of
writings back then about the Camp of the Saints and modern Bible scholars don't
know what the Camp of the Saints means today when mentioned in the Bible!
Okay, it may sound easy when I pull
together facts showing that Jesus Christ was actually born December 25 and the
only question being what year also. But even the year ends up different than
the Pope just suggested in his new book speculating about when and where Jesus
was born at. The Pope tries to agree with the conclusions of many Catholic and
Protestant scholars and none of them being familiar enough with the early
Christian writings frankly miss the mark of historical accuracy. Fortunately,
this is not in the area of "infallible teachings" for any of them,
but shows lack of knowledge of the early Christian writings for roughly 400
years after Christ. The early Catholic Church of Rome came up with the date of
December 25 and later did not know why they came up with this date for the
birth of Jesus Christ. In fact, later Catholic scholars suggested they invented
this date so Christ could be celebrated in a feast honoring His birth on earth.
Nice guess, but wrong answer why this date of December 25 was suddenly
suggested by Rome! Showing the lapse of study of the first Christian writings
is that
Okay, let us plunge into the early
Christian writings and see what we find once we get serious about finding the
month and day Jesus was born on. A background to place the birthday of Jesus
Christ in follows. Tertullian around 200 A.D. refers to Jesus born in the 28th
year after the death of Cleopatra of Egypt. She died in 30 B.C. That makes
Jesus born in either 2 B.C. or else 1 B.C. or else 3 B.C. due to how the stick
math of Roman numerals works in reference to rounding off of years, months, and
days you start with. Also, Bible scholars thought the early Christian scholars
were dumb hicks when they said Jesus was born in the 41st or else 42nd year of
the beginning of the reign of Augustus Caesar. Augustus Caesar, proud of being
the stepson of Julius Caesar, listed the beginning of his reign from the
reading in 44 B.C.of the Will of Julius Caesar right after the assassination of
Caesar by Brutus, etc. They thought this dating of years should have started
from when Augustus Caesar was officially declared Roman Emperor of the Roman
Empire. They didn't understand how Roman authors around 1,800 years sometimes
referred to historical events.
Almost all the Bible scholars today both
Protestant and Catholic think that Jesus was born around 4 B.C. or earlier to
such as 7 B.C. because they do not know or else do not understand correctly the
early Christian writings of the first 4 centuries A.D. on dates about Jesus or
those close to Him when alive. They read the history of the Jews by Josephus
and noticed the reference that Herod died shortly before a lunar eclipse. They
looked up astronomical references and thought this meant that Jesus had to be
born in 4 B.C. or earlier. Grant Jeffrey did a better job on astronomical
records and found that Herod could have died in 1 B.C. or even 1 A.D. and still
allowed for Jesus to be born just before Herod the Great died. Even the Pope in
the book he just released got fooled by the data used by other Bible scholars
The and followed their lead into this mistaken position of Bible scholarship of
what years Jesus had to be born in. Many Bible scholars seem to question
whether Jesus was born in Bethlehem about 4 miles outside of Jerusalem and the
Temple or else at Nazareth. Early Christian writers all said that Jesus was
born in Bethlehem.They had access to the history that modern Bible scholars
often do not have access to.
The Teaching Of The Twelve Apostles is
often dated as written between 120 A.D. and 160 A.D. For those claiming that
Constantine the Great changed the Christian worship service from Saturday to
Sunday, this well-known writing of early Christianity in Chapter XIV refers to
the weekly worship service on the day of rest which they call the Christian
assembly on the Lord's Day which is Sunday. not Saturday. Constitutions of the
Holy Apostles which in its seventh book the Bible scholars generally agree is
the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles in material Book 5, Section II, "Since
we do not permit you so much as on the Lord's day, which are days of joy..."
In other words, Sunday is the main worship service for the Christians
apparently around 160 A.D. The First Apology Of Justin Martyr (110-165 A.D.),
Chapter LX - Weekly Worship of the Christians, "But Sunday is the day on
which we all hold our common assembly day of worship." And in Dialogue
With Trypho, A Jew, Chapter X - Trypho says to Justin Martyr (around 160 A.D.)
against the Christians, "...you observe no festivals or
sabbaths,...resting your hopes on a man that was crucified, you yet expect to obtain
some good thing from God, while you do not obey His commandments." And
Justin said to Trypho: "...we do not observe sabbaths as you do?"
Chapter XXIV: "...there is now another covenant, and another law (of Jesus
Christ) has gone forth from Zion." And separately,
Tertullian (around 200 A.D.) Against
Marcion - refers to Col. 2:16, 17 and says, "...The Apostle (Paul) here
teaches clearly how it (the law) has been abolished, even by passing from
shadow to substance that is, from figurative types to the reality, which is
Christ." But the Apostle Paul here also says that Christians wanting it
can still have Saturday for their main worship day as well as Sunday if their
faith be shakened otherwise not understanding what has happened where the
Christians are now under a new covenant under Jesus Christ. And Tertullian
"Of The Abolishment Of The Old Law" states, "...that old law has
ceased, and now the other, that the promised new law is now in operation."
"...repress the old circumcision together with its own sabbath, and
announce the new kingdom which is not corruptible." And In "Ad
Nations" by Tertullian, Chapter 8, mentions twice that Christians pray on
Sunday as their day of rest.
Why hit so hard on the Sabbath question
just before showing the historical Christian writings showing when Jesus Christ
was actually born? The Bible scholars pushing the claim that Constantine the
Great in the beginning of the 4th century A.D. changed the Christian worship
service from Saturday to Sunday obviously have not read seriously the early
Christian writings massively reporting the Christians practice the Lord's Day
which is Sunday as the main worship service for the day of rest which the
Sabbath was set up for originally with the Jews. There are massive explanations
by the first Christian writers how Jesus replaced the Old Covenant with the New
Covenant and massively quoted from the prophets of the Old Testament showing
they prophesied this would happen. The teachings of these mainline Church
Fathers of early Christianity are not taught in the churches today which
creates confusion and disunity in Christianity where there is no legitimate
reason for such issues to divide Christianity over. The Christians can still
worship on Saturday if they want, but the Apostles and their first successors
probably pushed that Sunday be used as the main worship day for the Christians
instead of prior Saturday in order to show that the Christians were under a new
covenant under Jesus Christ rather than the old covenant of the Old Testament.
Many early Christian writers wrote in great depth how the new covenant under
Jesus Christ totally replaced the old covenant of the Old Testament and quoted
the early prophets of the Old Testament predicting this would happen. As Jesus
once strongly stated, the nation of the earlier kingdom would be replaced by a
new nation and people zealous of good works. However, by becoming Christians,
Jews regained all the old rights they had under the Old Testament and acquired
more rights with God now than Jews had under the Old Testament.
I totally agree with Bishop Irenaeus
around 170 A.D. that the questions to later arise in Christianity were already
answered by referring to the early Christian writings left to the original
churches just after Christ and the Apostles which settled the religious
questions of this first age of Apostolic Christianity on earth.
Sorry to embarrass some Bible scholars
of today, but if you had seriously studied the early mainline Christian
writings left us by the Apostles and their first successors, you would not
teach incorrect teachings and doctrines that split Christianity today over
invented issues that are not valid. But I also noticed a policy in early
Christianity not practiced in Christianity today. Early Church Fathers studied
the writings of other very independent Christian thinkers and praised them when
they were right on some points and showed their errors when wrong on some
points. With everyone too proud to ever admit they made a mistake on one point
does not make them necessarily stupid, but let their writings be weighed by
public opinion by scholars or else ordinary people and see what remains and
what does not remain following careful, sound scholastic evaluation by those
with a gift for Bible scholarship. I think Grant Jeffrey was one of our best
Christian scholars. Once in a while, I might have spotted one small error in
something he wrote, but normally I admired him for all the brilliant, sound
answers he provided to advance the cause of Christianity in America and the
world. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen was Catholic and I used to listen to him thinking
he came up with brilliant subjects that would bless both Catholic and
Protestant audiences. Like early Christianity, I listen to all intelligent
Christian scholars in America regardless of side they represent.
I think the Protestants did a much
better job of defending Genesis to believe in than the average Catholic scholar
of today. Epicurus of Greece came up with the Theory of Evolution several
hundred years before Christ and long before Charles Darwin who just revived an
ancient Greek theory taught in the early Roman Empire among the elite educated.
Epicurus was judged a heretic preaching mass deadly heresy and mass condemned
by early Church Fathers. They were wise to condemn him while answering him very
effectively back then with smart answers. Karl Marx wrote his doctrinal thesis
on Epicurus who inspired him to found Communism to wipe out Christianity in the
world with. And Karl Marx dedicated his book of revolution in the name of
economics Das Kapital to Charles Darwin claiming it proved Communism was right.
And Communism has slaughtered massively across the world since founded. And
Adolf Hitler founded Nazism upon the Theory of Evolution to justify it while
killing millions. And the secret Satanist society of the Illuminati controlling
Obama and many others in Wash., D.C. plans to kill off the entire human race on
earth except for maybe 500 million humans left on earth on down to even 20
million humans left on earth but all in the name of "The Theory of
Evolution" founded by Epicurus and revived in society by Charles
I judge that the Theory of Evolution first started by
Epicurus and then revived by Darwin is the mystery of iniquity (a doctrine of
lies) prophesied in II Thessalonians that would bring the Antichrist to power
in the Last Days. All these mass murders of humans on earth are again and again
done in the name of the Theory of Evolution which is the doctrine of the spirit
of Antichrist trying to deny the Bible. It is always played up by those who
want to claim the Bible is Myth and not the Word of God starting with
And as the Christians definitely do not
know what first Apostolic Christianity taught in prophecy, etc., early
Christianity in their writings stated very bluntly that the Antichrist cannot
rise to power until the final authority of the Roman Empire is removed and then
the Antichrist arises to power. They said the Apostle Paul orally taught this
as the meaning of II Thessalonians 2 as it refers to Roman authority when it
says that he (Roman authority) now hinders until he (Roman authority) be taken
out of the way.The Apostle Paul had to leave this explanation of II
Thessalonians 2 orally with the churches as the ancient Roman Government would
have responded with wrath against the churches to destroy them if it knew that
the churches were predicting the final end or collapse of the Roman Empire
later on.
Those who teach the hinderer is the Holy Ghost, nice guess,
but wrong! The Apostle Paul orally left the correct explanation with the
churches when he wrote this prophecy for them. And those who say that the
Antichrist would be a Roman Emperor, Apostle Paul says you are wrong. The
Antichrist will arise from 10 former lands of the Roman Empire, but no legal
claim to Roman authority of the Roman Empire.
I have many early Christian writings
explaining what is the Camp of the Saints predicted for our time in Revelation,
but cut off from your roots in early Apostolic Christianity by not knowing what
the first Christian writings taught, you do not know but the shadow what early Christianity
taught as Apostolic Christianity. Early Christianity said bad Christians are
rejected by Jesus who were not serious Christians and forced to flee for their
lives from the Antichrist. Serious Christians called the "eagle"
Christians and "wise virgin Christians," the Tribulation is not your
problem. You are to be gathered to Paradise which is an early name for the
Garden of Eden. When I come out with my soon book "Our Early Roots Of
Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America, I will show you with many
surprises such as what they called the most wonderful wife a Christian man
could have, and what is the most disastrous wife a man could ever be married
to. How you get great rewards for all eternity from Jesus Christ. Or how to
blow it and get no rewards for all eternity from Jesus Christ. How to lose your
salvation from Christ including taking the number of the beast. The Bible
prophecies showing only 10% of mankind may survive the world Tribulation.
Different levels of rewards from Christ. I may only print or release this book
of early Christianity once. A friend of mine finding out about this book said
he was placing the order for this book "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic
Christianity. He says he will pay me the price of $25.00 the next time he sees me.
I will have many surprises from Apostolic Christianity for those wanting to be
total Christians and going all the way. If you want a copy, order fast so I
know how many copies to print up or else send in electronic form for email over
the internet. According to the early Christian writings, the time is short and
the early Christians sounded like they knew what is soon going to happen with
us under Obama, etc. If a good volume of interest, we might end up with a
Christian government over America soon afterwards,
I think the Holy Ghost wanted me to
have this information above before telling you when Jesus was born in month and
day. By the way, early Christianity thought it likely that Jesus will return on
the day of His birthday on earth!
Tertullian, a prominent Church Father,
around 200 A.D. wrote that the census records from the taxing still existed in
the Imperial Tax Archives recording when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Other
early Church Fathers also mentioned that the census records from the Roman
taxing still existed in the archives in Rome. St. John Chrysostom of
Constantinople (c. 347-407 A.D.), one of the few most famous and brilliant
Christian Patriarchs of Constantinople, suddenly sprung into action after a
delegation representing the Eastern Church reported that the census records had
been checked at Rome and the date given by the Church at Rome was accurate and
Jesus was born on December 25. Year of birth of Jesus is not mentioned in
historical accounts about this report, but Chrysostom saw his opening and
pushed for establishment of the Feast of the Nativity in the Eastern Church on
December 25 as the date the Church at Rome had practiced for some time earlier,
but skeptical Constantinople did not follow until independently verified by the
census records on Christ left in the Imperial Tax Archives in Rome. Son
afterwards, by simple math Rome started the Festival of the Annunciation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary on March 25 which is subtracting 6 months from December 25
to get that result. This also matched with results from the 3rd century onward
when the Church of the East celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6.
This celebrated when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus by Jewish
custom could not be recognized as a religious leader until 30 years old. A few
days after Dec. 25 Jesus now goes to John the Baptist who declares recognition
of Him as the prophesied Messiah when baptizing Him on January 6. And in late
4th century, the Eastern half of Christianity fixed the feast of the Nativity
of John the Baptist on June 24 which matched the timing of when Mary visited
her cousin Elizabeth who was now six months pregnant with John the Baptist and
jumped in the womb when Mary came with the just conceived Jesus in her womb.
I had years ago seen a minor note in
astronomy that the pharisees of Israel had for a short time coordinated their
Jewish religious calendar (lunar) with the Roman calendar (solar) which they
thought had been made more scientifically accurate from the reforms of Julius
Caesar, etc. This means if accurate that Dec. 25 on the Roman calendar would
have been the 9th month, 25th day on the Jewish religious calendar which is
Hanukkah and one of the main religious Temple holidays back in the time of
Christ. Many religious pilgrims going to the Temple at Jerusalem would stay at
the inn in Bethlehem about 4 miles away from Jerusalem and Temple. Adding
taxing time to Rome at the same time would draw a lot of Jew then to "kill
two birds with one stone" by doing two required trips into one instead and
cheaper to travel that way. The shepherds being merchants would have their
flocks of sheep to sell lambs to the traveling pilgrims close by. And I having
been in Jerusalem and Bethlehem about two weeks after Christmas one year, the
weather was mild and not cold, not mildly cool, which means no problem for Mary
to travel there at that time of year contrary to the theory of some Bible
Justin Martyr (110-165 A.D.) had been
among those Christian scholars who stated the register of the taxing under Rome
show where and when Jesus born. - Refer to The First Apology of Justin, Chapter
34. He said the records were still available in Rome when Justin Martyr was
Constitutions Of The Holy Apostles
written maybe early as 160 A.D. if Book 7 dates the other books used in this
collection of early Christian writings being in the same basic time frame of
writing, Book 5, Section 3, On Feast Days And Fast Days, "Brethren,
observe the festival days, and first of all the birthday (of Jesus) which you
are to celebrate on the twenty-fifth of the ninth month (12th month, Dec. 25 on
Roman calendar); after which the Epiphany (baptism of Jesus) be to you the most
honoured, in which the Lord made to you a display of His own Godhead, and let
it take place as the sixth of the tenth month (January 6, Roman
calendar);...the fast of Lent is to be observed...before the fast of the
Passover, beginning from the second day of the week, and ending as the day of
the preparation." This was written apparently by a Jew become Christian
convert is why the Jewish religious calendar (lunar) is used for reference
instead of the Roman calendar (solar).
I have fascinating early Apostolic
explanations what happens to the "wise virgin Christians" and
"the foolish virgin Christians" just before and during the
Tribulation, but that will be covered in my book hopefully ready in about 6 to
10 weeks from now. I may only make one printing or release of it so if you want
to see many of the key issues that early Apostolic Christianity believed should
be shown to all Christians then, order your reserve copy now so it is
planned to be printed for you or else your name on the electronic release of
this book once ready electronically as a book to be copied and printed off the
internet. Once ready, "Our Early Roots Of Apostolic
Christianity" as a free copy will be sent to John MacHaffie of Nesara
News. If he wants to, he can then tell you pro or con what he thinks of it. I
cannot predict what all I will show as I just follow the massive notes I have
in the early Christian books and see what message comes out from these many
early Christian books I have. I try not to compromise on any issue. But it is
sad that I could not release my 25 Economic Principles From The Bible to boom
the economies of nations. If I had seen strong Christians ready to stand up for
Jesus in America, I would have released it in this book. But maybe this book
will put conviction and strong moral backbones back into the majority of Christians
in America. Then maybe I can release what is about the only thing I have to
hold back on key economic principles of Apostolic Christianity.
For financial support for the drive to
win America back to God or order a reserve copy of the book while orders will
be taken, send any money to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679.
Obama wants to be the Antichrist of mankind. This book can turn the tide
against him. About February or March, he has very evil plans to finish off
America forever. I have secret sources reporting to me from Wash., D.C. and
know things I cannot say publicly at this time. If you want, send your email
name and address to
and say "Add To List" for future reports coming from us. Copy and
send this report all over America. Early Christianity thought if we knew when
to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity on what we now call Christmas in our
modern age, we will likely see the return of Jesus to earth on the date of His
birthday on earth. So suggested Lactantius around 310 A.D. and he was
considered the "Cicero" of Christianity then in speeches and writings
for Christianity. He also was the tutor to Crispus who was the son of Constantine
the Great, the Roman Emperor who legalized Christianity and sponsored the
Nicene Council where they, not him, wrote the Nicene Creed stating the basic
teachings of Apostolic Christianity according to the Church Fathers of
Christianity then.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of
America (pen name for the one Christian leader in America seriously standing
for the return of total Apostolic Christianity to the churches which have but a
shadow understanding of what Apostolic Christianity was for the first four centuries
of Christianity. Time for the churches to stop compromises and land back into
total Apostolic Christianity for our churches today. We need to take back the
thinking and spirit of the Apostles of Jesus Christ which we call the serious
historical Apostolic Christianity of first Christianity as recorded in the
first Church Father writings of Christianity. Time for the Bride Church to get
prepared for the soon return of Jesus Christ to this earth coming for His
"wise virgin Christians" looking for Him. The Roman Catholic Church
and Greek Orthodox Church validly trace to the Apostles, but time to get the
mentality and spirit of first Christianity back into them. And if Protestants
want to reform back to first Apostolic Christianity, we are the way to do it
with honor before Christ.)