Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Shocking Interview With Cancer Patient

My Shocking Interview With Cancer Patient

I recently interviewed a young lady (Cindy) who had been treated for cancer.
Thankfully she's doing well and all her tests over the last 9 months report her to be cancer-free.
So I took the opportunity to ask some probing questions about her diagnosis and treatment. And her answers shocked me.
Here's why:
Question #1
"What were you told about the cancer and how/why it may have started?"

Cindy's response: "I was told it was 'just one of those things' and it 'just happened.'  I guess I'm one of the unlucky ones."
My comments:
I explained to Cindy that "luck" has nothing to do with it and it's NOT "just one of those things." Instead cancer typically forms under some VERY specific conditions.

I told her cancer starts when the DNA in one of your cells becomes damaged.
If it's not stopped, the damaged cell begins to replicate itself WAAAY too fast until it forms a tumor. At the same time, your natural cell death rate slows down, which sets the stage for the tumor to get bigger...FAST.
It can eventually start to invade surrounding tissues and then move on to other areas (metastasize).
But NONE of this can happen unless these two conditions are present:
1- You have a toxic, acidic body where cancer can thrive and
2- You have a weak immune system

Cindy was shocked -- no one had explained any of this to her.

Question #2
"What dietary advice were you given during and after your chemotherapy and surgery?"

Cindy's response: "None really. The only time diet came up was during chemo. My doctors told me to eat pizza because my immune system was weak and they felt that pizza was a 'safe' food because it's cooked at a high temperature."
My comments:
There is so much wrong with that statement, I almost don't know where to begin.

First and foremost, pizza is a hefty dose of refined carbs, which basically turn to sugar in your body, which cancer just loves. And it feeds the harmful bacteria in your gut. That makes your immune system even WEAKER!
Secondly, pizza is a difficult food for your body to digest. A lot of acid waste can be created in the process, and unless you balance it out with enough alkaline foods, the acid wastes can build up in your body and keep you a perfect home for cancer.
And the remark about pizza being "safe" because it's cooked on high heat? That is unbelievable!
Even if the high temperatures did kill "germs" or whatever may have been on the raw pizza, what about the all the possible "germs" from people it passes through who cut it, boxed it, delivered it and served it?
But the saddest thing of all here is that Cindy's body, more than ANY other time in her life, needed good nutrients from real foods to fight this deadly disease.
Yet she was told to eat pizza by a "prestigious" cancer treatment institute.

Question #3
"What was suggested to you about building your immune system back up during and after chemotherapy?"
Cindy's response: "Well, I had to be really careful not to get sick. Anytime I felt a cold coming on or whatever, I was rushed to the ER and given antibiotics."
My comments:
Well, that's the icing on the cake.

A strong immune system is vital in order to defeat cancer and to come back from the devastation of chemotherapy. And the strength of the immune system is completely dependent on having a healthy population of beneficial bacteria in your gut (where 70% of the immune system happens to reside).
In order to make sure you have enough of the "good guys" it's important to eat nutritious foods to nourish your friendly flora and to supplement with probiotics.
Cindy's doctors never even mentioned probiotics! And we know that she wasn't told to eat good foods.
Regarding the antibiotics--while antibiotics may kill an infection, they also destroy beneficial bacteria, so your immune system continues to be compromised. Antibiotics make it weaker, in fact.
So that made Cindy even MORE susceptible to catching something else.

Cindy's eyes were as big as saucers at this point, so here is the "rest of the story" I told her about fighting and preventing cancer:
Are you a good home or not?
Mountains of studies have shown that cancer must have an acidic, toxic environment in order to thrive.
And on the flip side, it FAILS TO SURVIVE in a clean, alkaline environment.
Although there are many factors that can make your body acidic (like smoking, environmental toxins, stress and medications) number one is your diet--specifically, eating mainly foods (like pizza!) that create acid wastes in excess of what your body can eliminate.

The immune system's role
When the DNA in one of your cells becomes damaged as described above and cancer cells begin to multiply, it's not like your body immediately waves the white flag of defeat and you become a statistic.
On the contrary, you have an internal army of very sophisticated cancer protection--your immune system.
You see, in a healthy body, your immune cells detect and engulf cancer cells (plus other dangerous toxins and microbes) and destroy them.
This process is happening all the time inside of you.
But if you have a weak immune system, not only are you lacking this vital cancer protection, but you're also susceptible to every bug and virus around!

Now for the REAL advice
Having a clean, alkaline body and a strong immune system are THE most important things you can do to help fight and prevent cancer.
Here are two very effective measures you can take to achieve this goal:

1) Nourish your body & keep it clean on the inside
The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society estimate that at least 30-35% of all cancers are related to a poor diet!
Here's why a good diet has such a profound effect on cancer prevention and treatment:
First of all, easy to digest alkaline foods (like fruits and vegetables) can help eliminate built-up toxic wastes in your body.
So the more of those you eat, the less attractive of a home you are to cancer, making it more difficult for cancer to thrive!
The nutrients in your foods play a big part...
Antioxidant vitamins (like Vitamin C and E) and minerals (like selenium) can actually help PREVENT and repair DNA damage so it never gets a chance to develop into a tumor!
Plus, Vitamins A, D and folate all encourage proper cell differentiation and growth.
And many phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables have been shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties and are potent antioxidants as well.
The great news is, having this ever-important healthy diet is not only easy, but it's tasty, too.
The Great Taste No Pain health system is your ticket for enjoying delicious, good-for-you foods.
Great Taste No Pain shows you how to create healthful, nutritious meals (featuring many of the anti-cancer nutrients mentioned above) that are not only rich and tasty (truly), but are also easy to digest.
When your digestion is accomplished thoroughly, not only will you be helping to eliminate toxic waste build-up, but you'll also help maximize your body's absorption of cancer-fighting nutrients from your foods.

2) Beef up that immune system
A strong immune system is absolutely vital in the fight against cancer.
In addition to a healthy diet which feeds your friendly flora, probiotic supplementation can help you achieve this important, possibly life-saving goal.
Super Shield's 13 strains of potent friendly bacteria are up to the task, ready to line your intestinal walls, help keep your digestion smooth and be on the lookout for "suspicious" cells with damaged DNA.
Learn more about Super Shield and all the ways it can help you here.

Prevention is possible and where it's at
In spite of all the latest and greatest detection techniques and advances in surgical procedures, cancer continues to be a major killer, second only to heart disease.
Prevention is where it's at, my friend.
When you help PREVENT cancer from thriving in you to begin with, you are taking the most significant step toward a long, disease-free life and feeling energetic and alive while others around you are dragging and dropping.
Do it now.
You couldn't start out this New Year in any better way.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Connie is living a normal life again!
Hi Sherry,
I just watched a story on the 700 Club about how the food we eat can either encourage cancer to grow, or by avoiding certain foods we can help kill it.
You have been talking about this for years!
Plus all your information about all the other diseases that food contributes to.
You could probably watch the program yourself on CBN news. Would love to see you on this show also, with ALL the information and research that you have collected over the years.
Your Great Taste No Pain has changed my life from one of horrible discomfort and sleepless nights to living a normal life...and even enjoying going out for a special dinner.
Now that I know how to combine my foods for good digestion, I feel safe and secure.
God bless you and your staff for being so quick to keep us informed!

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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Reader: We are not advocating anti- government anything. We advocate responsible and accountable government!!

Reader: We are not advocating anti- government anything. We advocate responsible and accountable government!!
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 2-Jan-2013 00:25:13
Re: Anti-government freemen movement creating ....
This article is full of misconceptions and really poor reporting.
<<< An anti-government movement known as Freeman on the Land has become a “major policing problem” in several provinces, according to a threat assessment by Canada’s spy officials. >>>

We are not advocating anti- government anything. We advocate responsible and accountable government. We all realize that there must be trustees to care for certain aspects of community living and support fully those that chose to serve with truth, honesty, honor and love. We have come to learn that no-one MUST be represented, and therefore chose to present ourselves, living flesh, sons (generic) of God and the original creditors. Of course the folks that profit from subversion and lies don't like this much.
I have served the WFS for over 3 years as Chief Administrative Officer for Canada chapter and have followed our members closely for some time. To my knowledge, there are NO far right racists in our membership. Our members recognize the oneness of life and know to treat others with honor and fairness, regardless of their roots. We do have a public forum where some issues such as these are brought forth, but they are brought forth by the public, not typically our members. As mentioned above, we advocate truth and honor. If that makes us domestic extremists, then domestic extremists are sorely needed to counterbalance the "good citizen Representative" that bases their public dealings on lies and deception.
<<< Its adherents fall on both the left and right wings of the political spectrum, but “at the core” of the movement is the belief that “government operates outside of its legal jurisdiction and therefore Freeman members do not recognize the authority of national, provincial, or municipal laws, policies or regulations,” says the report, titled Canada: Biannual Update on Terrorist and Extremist†Threats, which was prepared in April and released under federal access-to-information laws >>>
This is fundamentally correct, however it is far from complete. The Government's own websites and information states quite clearly that the Government of Canada is simply de-facto in origin. They, themselves state that they are an unlawful government. Add tot hat the fact that Queen Victoria, prior to her death signed a declaration removing ALL British claim to Canada... A fact that has very far reaching ramifications.
<<< “Freeman members now constitute a major policing problem in several provinces and have occasionally engaged in acts of violence against the police,” the report states. >>>
Yes we can be a bit of a problem for Police, especially when they overstep their mandate, abandon their oath of Peace Officer and attempt to apply statute without securing jurisdiction first. As for getting violent? We WILL NOT instigate violence, but I cannot say that some of our members will not answer violence with violence against policy enforcement that that fails in it's duty to due diligence and honor. A note to the LEO's out there... Honor your oath as Peace Officer and honor truth and justice overall and we will get along just fine... and your job will get a lot more rewarding as well.
That is a start to the misconceptions and lies in this article. There are far too much here to answer in this email. If any have any questions, seek out our public forum, come in and ask. Be aware that it is a public forum and you will get answers from all over the map. Best to ask the person if they are a member of the society or just the forum.
My thanks to all.

Anti-government freemen movement creating ‘major policing problem’: report

Anti-government freemen movement creating ‘major policing problem’: report
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Jan-2013 23:08:20
Yep! The British Crown is becoming worried, the sheople are no longer willing to be herded.
There are only 25 million people in Canada and most Canadians have been disarmed. If they cannot control the movement in Canada, how then could they possibly control it in the United States
Anti-government freemen movement creating ‘major policing problem’: report
Douglas Quan, Postmedia News
Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012

Freeman Robert Menard holds the badge of a related group of self-proclaimed peace officers.
An anti-government movement known as Freeman on the Land has become a “major policing problem” in several provinces, according to a threat assessment by Canada’s spy officials.
The report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service lists Freeman members among “domestic extremists” who associate with issue-based causes, such as environmentalism, anti-capitalism, anti-globalization and far-right racism.
Its adherents fall on both the left and right wings of the political spectrum, but “at the core” of the movement is the belief that “government operates outside of its legal jurisdiction and therefore Freeman members do not recognize the authority of national, provincial, or municipal laws, policies or regulations,” says the report, titled Canada: Biannual Update on Terrorist and Extremist†Threats, which was prepared in April and released under federal access-to-information laws.
“Freeman members now constitute a major policing problem in several provinces and have occasionally engaged in acts of violence against the police,” the report states.
In various videos posted online, supporters of the Freeman movement in Canada – including outspoken advocate Robert Menard – reject any association with violent extremism and insist they are “peaceful and loving.”
Law enforcement officials are not convinced.
A national RCMP spokeswoman said Friday that the force is working with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police to develop materials for front-line officers to increase their awareness and understanding of the Freeman movement and its followers.
“Individuals associated to this movement are a concern because some followers advocate violence to promote their views and this may involve violence toward police officers,” Sgt. Julie Gagnon said in an email. “There are officer safety concerns when dealing with followers of this movement during routine police interaction.”
Last month, the Anti-Defamation League published a report that described the so-called “sovereign citizen movement” as “one of the most problematic domestic extremist movements in the United States,” attracting mostly middle-aged or older men who are financially stressed, angry at government regulation or who want “something for nothing.”
A Freeman licence plate, which is put on their vehicles instead of a real, government-issued one. Facebook
The report cited the 2010 shooting deaths of two West Memphis, Ark., police officers during a traffic stop. The suspects, a father and son who were later killed in a shootout with police, belonged to the sovereign citizen movement.
Earlier this year, a Nova Scotia jury convicted a man of uttering a threat to kill police officers and for multiple firearms offences. Court records state that Daren McCormick, a Freeman on the Land follower, told an officer that he could outdraw police and that if a police cruiser ever pulled up in his yard, he’d kill the officers. When police moved to arrest him the following day, they found him with a loaded .44-calibre revolver in a holster strapped to his hip.
McCormick asserted that the doctrines of Freeman on the Land free him from the Criminal Code, including its gun laws, and that he was free to carry a gun even to go grocery shopping, according to the records. He also claimed his right to travel highways without a licence or registration.
Last year, RCMP officials in B.C. issued a bulletin to officers urging them to be cautious when dealing with suspected Freemen because of their belief in the right to use force in defence of their land, property and family.
The bulletin said some followers may refer to themselves using the phrase “of the family,” such as “John of the Family Smith,” or claim to be a “Son of God.”
They also may present to officers a document that they believe exempts them from the authority of the police and entitles them to charge fees if they are detained. “Subjects make continued use of nonsensical legal/quasi-legal jargon,” the bulletin said.
Some Canadian judges have expressed frustration with Freemen tying up the court system.
In September, John Rooke, associate chief justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta, issued a scathing ruling against a self-described Freeman, Dennis Larry Meads, for holding up his divorce proceedings by making “bluntly idiotic” arguments.
At one point, court records state, after the judge informed Meads of the basics of family law proceedings, Meads replied that “there are rules above man’s rules, and God’s laws is where your laws originated from.”
The judge characterized the “gurus” behind the Freeman on the Land and similar movements as “nothing more than “con men,” who pitch distorted world views on followers through seminars, books, websites and DVDs.
More on this Story
Judge’s scathing ruling against Alberta ‘freeman’ could signal clampdown on anti-government movement

A novel approach to the gun ownership issue...



A novel approach to the gun ownership issue...

·         Posted by Ron Canale on November 29, 2012 at 7:03pm


Vermont State Rep. Fred Maslack has read the Second A mendment to the U.S. Constitution, as well as Vermont 's own Constitution very carefully, and his strict interpretation of these documents is popping some eyeballs in New England and elsewhere.
Maslack recently proposed a bill to register "non-gun-owners" and require them to pay a $500 fee to the state. Thus Vermont would become the first state to require a permit for the luxury of going about unarmed and assess a fee of $500 for the privilege of not owning a gun. 
Maslack read the "militia" phrase of the Second A mendment as not only the right of the individual citizen to bear arms, but as 'a clear mandate to do so'. He believes that universal gun ownership was advocated by the Framers of the Constitution as an antidote to a "monopoly of force" by the government as well as criminals. 
Vermont ’s constitution states explicitly that "the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State" and those persons who are "conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms" shall be required to "pay such equivalent." Clearly, says Maslack, Vermonters have a constitutional obligation to arm themselves, so that they are capable of responding to "any situation that may arise."
Under the bill, adults who choose not to own a firearm would be required to register their name, address, Social Security Number, and driver's license number with the state. "There is a legitimate government interest in knowing who is not prepared to defend the state should they be asked to do so," Maslack says.
Vermont already boasts a high rate of gun ownership along with the least restrictive laws of any state. It's currently the only state that allows a citizen to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. This combination of plenty of guns and few laws regulating them has resulted in a crime rate that is the third lowest in the nation.
" America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." This makes sense! There is no reason why gun owners should have to pay taxes to support police protection for people not wanting to own guns. Let them contribute their fair share and pay their own way. 
Sounds reasonable to me! Non-gun owners require more police to protect them and this fee should go to paying for their defense!

Pastor Removal from Television

Please scroll to the bottom to find out how to do this petition.


Subject: Pastor Removal from Television

Removal of 20, including Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer,Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah and other pastors from the airwaves.   An organization has been granted a Federal Hearing on the same subject by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington , D.C. Their petition, Number 2493, would ultimately pave the way to stop the reading of the gospel of our Lord and Savior, on the airwaves of America . They got 287,000 signatures to back their stand! If this attempt is successful, all Sunday worship services being broadcast on the radio or by television will be stopped.. This group is also campaigning to remove all Christmas programs and Christmas carols from public schools! You, as a Christian, can help!   We are praying for at least 1 million signatures. This would defeat their effort and show that there are  many Christians alive, well and concerned about our country.. As Christians, we must unite on this.   Please don't take this lightly. We ignored one lady once and lost prayer in our schools and in offices across the nation. Please stand up for your religious freedom and let your voice be heard. Together we can make a difference in our country while creating an opportunity for the lost to know the Lord.   Please, if you don't wish to participate, return this email to who- ever sent it to you so they can at least keep this email going or forward it to someone you know who will wish to participate. Dr. Dobson is going on CNBC to urge every Christian to get involved. I hope you will sign and forward to all your family and friends.. Please press forward, CLEAN UP THE MESSAGE, and forward this to everyone you think should read this.....   Now, please sign your name at the bottom (you can only  add your name after you have pressed 'Forward' or you have copied and pasted the text). Don 't delete any other names, just go to the next number and type your name. Please do not sign jointly, such as Mr. & Mrs., each person should sign his/her own name. Please defeat this organization and keep the light of our freedom of religion.  When you get to 2,000 please e-mail back to: Lisa Norman
email address is: 
electricyello@hotmail.comSent the 1000 names to above e-mail and starting on the next 1000

1001  Rosalie Boerstler 1002 Patricia Fuller 1003 Joseph Fuller 1004 LEE SKYWARK 1005 PETER SKYWARK 1006 K Norton 1007 Woodrow Smith 1008 Joyce M. Smith 1009 Janice Jones 1010 Don na Gay 1011 William Gay, Jr. 1012 Ivy Hair 1013 Sharon Britt 1014 Don ald Britt 1015 Jonathan Britt 1016 James Cabe 1017 Janie Davis 1018 Charles H. Davis 1019 William R. Davis 1020 Carolyn S Davvis 1021 Jim Stroud 1022 margaret Stroud 1023 Betty Pleasant 1024 Johnny Johson 1025 Mickey Johnson 1026 Atlas Warwick 1027 Ellen Warwick 1028 Lucy Simmons 1029 Kenneth Barker 1030 Anne Flynt 1031 Jimmie Flynt 1032 Kenneth Campbell 1033 Hope Campbell 1034 James C. Dail 1035 Mary E. Dail 1036 George Jones 1037 Reta Jones 1038 Jeanne Credle 1039 Thomas Credle 1040 James Floyd 1041 Barbara Floyd 1042 Jim T. Amason 1043 Sybil H. Amason 1044 Ray Covan 1045 Barbara Covan 1046 SHANNON BRANGHAM 1047 BONNIE GRIGGS 1048 Shirley  Hazouri 1049 Marvin Mann 1050 Grady Taylor 1051 Marie Taylor 1052 Ann Barnard 1053 Chuck Helton 1054 Lloyd Tollefson 1055 Patricia Tollefson 1056 Marilyn Tollefson 1057 Kenny  Tollefson 1058 Jim Ritchie 1059 Kathleen Robinson 1060 John Sheldon 1061 Alvin Crego 1062 Genevieve Crego 1062 AnnaMae Anderson 1063 Jack Anderson 1064 John Mattson 1065 Gerri Mattson 1066 John H. Pickle, Jr. 1067 Beverly A. Baerwolf 1068 Jack LeClair 1069 Sandy Hendrick 1070 Larry Hendrick     1071 Don na Randall 1072 Phil Leibowitz 1073 Jo Ann LKeibowitz 1074 Dave Broecker 1075 Pat Broecker 1076 Martha Orem 1077 Mary Pierce 1078 Allen Pierce 1079 Doris Wright 1080 Evelyn Dubose 1081 Shirley Greer 1082 Jan Tymrak 1083 Janis Morrow 1084 Joseph Gore 1085 Melody Cooper 1086 Jan Friske 1087  Doris Hodgson 1088 Bernard Vering11 1089 Werner Vering 1090 Shirley Bates 1091 Steve Bates 1092 Gene Baca 1093 Herminio Chavez 1094 Fidel Tabet 1095 JoAnn C. Carrillo 1096 Eugene M. Carrillo 1097 Joyce Chavez 1098 Joanna Palma 1099 VIRGINIA ESPALIN 11 00grace chavez 1101 Darlene Cooper 1102 Jennifer Quintana 1103 Ray Rodriguez 1104 Thomas Quintana 1105 Benay Watrin 1106 Lorrie Ann Chavez 1107 Ramon Chavez 1108 Dylan Flock 1109 Ashli Flock 1110 Jeannie Sanchez 1111 Aaron Olvera 1112 Peral Dominguez 1113 CrystalOlvera 1114 Anayeli Lopez 1115 Sinthia Dominguez 1116 Charlotte Chavez  1117  Angelique Dimas 1118 Brendon Dominguez 1119 Michael Romero 1120 Theresa Talevera 1121 Loretta Gonzales 1122 Veronica Gonzales 1123 Lorraine Martinez 1124 Josephine Chavez 1125 Barbara Ainsworth 1126 John Ainsworth 1127 Justice Ainsworth 1128 John Ainsworth Jr. 1129 Rebecca Rodriguez 1130 LUCILLE ORTEGA 1131 Ramona G. Valdez 1132 Dolores M. Gonzales 1133 Ken C. Valdez 1134 Miguel D. Rivas 1135 Lizette B. Rivas 1136 Alexis Kelley 1138 Greg L. Valdez 1139 David G. Segura 1140 Anita C. Valdez 1141 Sophie Ortiz 1142 Mary Wheeler 1143[ Don na Vigil-Garcia] 1144 Dawn Rogers 1145 lisa ziesing 1146 chris oliver 1148 James Hardin 1149 Karen Hardin 1150 Janette  Dolabson 1151 Mikayla Dolabson 1152 Larry Dolabson 1153 Jackie Merriam 1154 Jerry Merriam 1155 Joel Merriam 1156 Courtney Brown 1157 Carolyn Verucchi 1158 Linda Butler 1159 Edie Simpson 1160 Faye Bonds 1161 Erica Helton 1162 Andrea Hays 1163 Tammy Gray 1164 Diana Lynch 1165 Michelle Dingler 1166 Chris Dingler   1167 Judy Henson 1168 Joseph Henson   1169 Betty Owen 1170 Danny Owen 1171 Sharon Barnett 1172 Freddie Barnett 1173 Jason Barnett 1174 Mallory Barnett 1175 Chris Barnett 1176 Sha Barnett 1177 Patti Stallings   1178 Tensie Carnathan 1179 DeAnna Wages 1180 Katie Vetovitz 1181 Mittianne Hall 1182 Jerry Hall 1183 Jamie Gates 1184 Pam Brown 1185 Wes Brown 1186 Shelby Brown 1187 Michael Brown 1188 Joey Tarrant 1189 Rodney Walker 1190 Becky Cleveland 1191 Karen Burns 1192 Lisa Cooper 1193  Pat Gyger 1194  Lee Gyger 1195 Elizabeth L. Meng 1196 Mary Copeland 1197 Don na Williams 1198 Charlotte Hollomon 1199 Robert G. Hollomon, Jr. 1200 Dana Shelton 1201 Rose Ann Laymon 1203 Ellen Munchbach 1204 David Chapman 1205 Ann Chapman 1206 Suzanne Barnard 1207 Sonja Bowling 1208 Barbara Yost 1209 Roger Yost 1210 Nat Gilliam 1211Clara G. Dillard 1212  Kenneth Cox1213 Don na Bridwell 1214 Gaye Miller 1215 Charlie Miller 1215 Linda Denton 1216 Curtis Powell 1217 Curtis Burnett 1218 Sonia Burnett 1219 John Anthony1220  George Hylton1221 Jack Hylton 1222 Bell Noble 1223 Emery Partee, III
1224 Marlene Ellison
1225 Mary Jones
1226 Barbara Reid
1227 Edith Harris
1228 Penny Withrow
1229 Judy Howell
1230 Steve Howell
1231 Teresa Jones
1232 Anthony Jones
1233 Carrie Rowe
1234 John Rowe
1235 Margaret D. Pierce
1236 Wayne Pierce
1237 Stephanie Oder
1238 William Oder
1239 Wanda Paramore
1240 Gail Boggs
1241 Kelly Shelby
1242 Jamin Shelby
1243 Georgia Shelby
1244 Evan Shelby
1245 Kaye Wilson
1246 Nathan Wilson
1247 Josh Wilson
1248 Andrew Wilson
1249 Emily Wilson
1250 Ashlyn McCoy 1251 Austin McCoy
1252 Jason McCoy
1253 Claire McCoy
1254 Tracy Groom
1255 Link Groom
1256  Annette Keeter
1257 Hurston Akin
1258 Albert Mills
1259 Carol Loggins
1260 James Webb
1261 Mary Ann Webb
1262 Robert Harris
1263  Lendy Edwards
1264  Sue Edwards
1265 Terry Warren
1266 S.W.Barrows
 1267 J. Triebwasser
1268 Janice Bennett
1269  Vida A. Tomlinson
1270 Shirley Jones
1271 Don na Sullivan
1272 Carol Drace
1273 George Drace
1274. Barbara Shelton
1275.  Shirley Johnston
1276.  Sarah Malone
1277 Deborah Hendrix
1279 William Boyle
1280 Susan Crain
1281 Warren Crain
1282 Erin Bowden
1283 Ruth Cox
1284 Vernon Maples
1285 Geneva Maples
1286 Joanne Fiedler
1287 Barbara Hanson
1288 Bob Hanson
1289 Carolyn Parham
1290 Wade Weatherbee
1291 Peggy Weatherbee
 1292 Brenda Colston
1293 Sylvia Norris
1294 Herbie Morin
1295 Merinus Puthoff
1296 Alice J Puthoff
1297 James Goecke
1298 Margaret Goecke
1299 Judith Shiley
1300 Charles Shiley
 1301 Carolyn Zellmann
1302 Reinhard Zellmann
1303 Jim Jennik    
1304  Sharon Jennik
1305 Denise Bonner
1306 Larry Bonner
1307 Imogene Maples
1308 Robert F. Maples
1309 Gracie Dumeny
1310 Sandra Shaban
1311 Paul Norton
1312Luck Brooks
1313 Harold Guff
1314Winston Ard
1315 Lisa Ard
1316 Mary Butler
1317Tammy Hoffman
1318 Donna Magee
1319 Leon Shank
1320 Mary Shank
1321 Zeb Young
1322 Lelah Young
1323Vern Sims
1324 Harriett Sims
1325 Eric Gilbreath
1326 Gloria Frost
1327 Rhea Glass
1328 April Glass
1329 Jamie McDonald
1330 Natalie Brooks
1331 Ray Heath
1332 Debra Ramsey
1333Betty Farinas
1334 Bell Farinas
1335 Gary Null
1336 Dianna Null
1337 Scott Lundsfield
1338 Hope Lundsfield
1339 Betty Saffold
1340 Clarence Pope
1341 Rosemary Pope
1342 Bill Oglesby
1343Dorothy Franklin
1344 Delois Grant
1345 Terry Grant
1346 Pam Grant
1347 Ola Lett
1348 Jean Mayo
1349 Rachel Rigby
1350 Ricky Cooper
1351 Pamela Cooper
1352 Daniel Cooper
1353 Emogene Wood
1354 George Murphy
1355 Sharon Murphy
1356 Melba Ard
1357 Bobby Buffington
1358 Terry Brown
1359 Jean Askew
1360 Rose Beard
1361 Margarette Thomas
1362 Joanne Skelton
1363 Don Frenkle
1364 Delores Frenkle
1365 Dondi Frenkle
1366 Charles Norton
1367 Allene Norton
1368 Raeletta Simmons
1369 David Simmons
1370 Vic Cashio
1371 Carol Cashio
1372 Richard La Fleur
1373 Sharron La Fleur
1374 Dennis Neames
1375  Jean Neames
1376 Dick Nogues
1377 Nancy Nogues
1378 Jack Whetten
1379 Mary Whetten
 1380 Mary Ann Doolittle
 1381  Walter J. Doolittle
1382  Dee McIntire
1383 Henry McIntire
1384 Sherry Ames 
1385 Carol Reed
1386 Faye Stephens
1387 Gerald Bertling
1388 Judy Bertling
1389 Linda Sheffield
1390 John Lindsey
1391 Jolene Williams
1392 Heather Ayala
1393 Gilbert Ayala
1394 Colt Ayala
1395 Richard Williams
1396 Holli Williams
1397 Melody Speer
1398 Jimmy Speer
1399 Sara Webb
1400 Cynthia Kruger
1401 Fran Castillo
1402     Olga Vogel
1403    Gloria Nieto
1404    David Nieto
1405   Belinda Balderrama
1406  Joey Tovar
 1407  Suzanne Balderrama 
1408  Diana Bruttell
1409  Adam Bruttell
1410  Gilberto Garza, Jr
1411  Debbie Anderson
1412 Kaye Davis
1413 Lorna Wood
 1414 Barbara McDonald
1415 Ricardo Duarte
1416 Dan Grabo
1417 Mario Quinteros
1418 juan ayala
1419 Greg Wotipka
1420 Miguel Jones
1421 David W. Clepper
1422 Kim Murphy
1423 Jessica Kootman
1424 Richard Kootman
1425 Pat Minicozzi
1426 Deb Owen
1427 Toni Payne
1428 Tracy Greele
1429 Phyllis Greeley
1430 Joyce Maczka
1431 Janet secquer
1432 Ralph Secquer
1433 J Tigner
1434 N Tigner
1435 J Canada
1436 E Morin
1437 J Mouchett
1438 John Dodson
1439 Anthony Harrell
1440 Owen Johnson
1441 Douglas Norris
 1442 Ronald Rowland
1443 Karen Rowland 
1444 Joseph Roberts
1445 Rosemarie Roberts
1446 Gene Darmstedter
1447 Marie Nemith
1448 Kelly Studer
1449 - April McCrimmon
1450- Greg McCrimmon
 1451 Nancy Dunn
1452  Tony Dunn
1453  Lynda Jackomino
1454  Glenn Jackomino
1455  Sharon Burnside
1456  Esther Rice
1457  Noel A. Long
1458 Nancy Jordan
1459 Lois Gray                                                                                   
1460 Henry Dokter   
1461 Doris Dokter
1462 Joan Van Prooyen
1463 Melvin Hoekstra

1464 Addie Nakamura
1465 Christopher Sagajllo
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Senate Deal Keeps Most Tax Cuts

Subj: Breaking from Senate Deal Keeps Most Tax Cuts The White House and Mitch McConnell have reached a tentative deal early New Year&apos;s Day. The measure would raise taxes by about $600 billion over 10 years and delay for two months across-the-board sp

Breaking from
Senate Deal Keeps Most Tax Cuts
The White House and Mitch McConnell have reached a tentative deal early New Year's Day.
The measure would raise taxes by about $600 billion over 10 years and delay for two months across-the-board spending cuts otherwise set to begin slashing the budgets of the Pentagon and numerous domestic agencies.
·  Income tax rates: Extends tax cuts on incomes up to $400,000 for individuals, $450,000 for couples. Earnings above those amounts would be taxed at a rate of 39.6%, up from the current 35%. Extends Clinton-era caps on itemized deductions and the phase-out of the personal exemption for individuals making more than $250,000 and couples earning more than $300,000.
·  Estate tax: Estates would be taxed at a top rate of 40%, with the first $5 million in value exempted for individual estates and $10 million for family estates. In 2012, such estates were subject to a top rate of 35%.
·  Capital gains, dividends: Taxes on capital gains and dividend income exceeding $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for families would increase from 15% to 20%.
·  Alternative minimum tax: Permanently addresses the alternative minimum tax and indexes it for inflation to prevent nearly 30 million middle- and upper-middle income taxpayers from being hit with higher tax bills averaging almost $3,000.
·  Other tax changes: Extends for five years Obama-sought expansions of the child tax credit, earned income tax credit, and an up to $2,500 tax credit for college tuition.
·  Unemployment benefits: Extends jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed for one year.
·  Cuts in Medicare reimbursements to doctors: Blocks a 27% cut in Medicare payments to doctors for one year. The cut is the product of an obsolete 1997 budget formula.
·  Social Security payroll tax cut: Allows a 2-percentage point cut in the payroll tax first enacted two years ago to lapse, which restores the payroll tax to 6.2%.
·  Across-the-board cuts: Delays for two months $109 billion worth of across-the-board spending cuts set to start striking the Pentagon and domestic agencies this week. Cost of $24 billion is divided between spending cuts and new revenues from rules changes on converting traditional individual retirement accounts into Roth IRAs.
© 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
URGENT: ObamaCare's massive tax increases have automatically begun, starting the real "fiscal cliff" — make sure you are prepared! Go Here Now

The Warrior Song

Obama’s Tax Evaders of the Year

Obama’s Tax Evaders of the Year

By Michelle Malkin • January 1, 2013 08:54 AM

Well, it happened last night. The U.S. Senate Democrats and bend-over Republicans delivered a massive tax-hike/puny spending-cut bill in the ratio of 41-to-1 tax hikes to spending cuts. This is the Washington idea of a “balanced approach” to our fiscal woes. The McConnell-Biden love connection screwed us over big time.
But as American families, business owners, and struggling entrepreneurs now brace for their “fair share” punishment, many of Obama’s wealthiest friends are busy evading the tax hikes their candidate spearheaded. Let’s ring in the new year exposing the hypocrites.
Obama’s Tax Evaders of the Year
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2012
President Obama will kick off the new year the same way that he kicked off the old year: by demanding that the wealthy pay their “fair share” in taxes. But while millions of small business owners, struggling entrepreneurs, inventors, and investors brace for a double whammy of fiscal cliff tax hikes and new Obamacare taxes, the class warrior-in-chief’s richest pals are getting a pass.
It’s a Golden Pass for liberal millionaires and billionaires who support higher Obama taxes for everyone but themselves. Meet the Democratic tax evaders of the year.

*GOOGLE. The left-wing Internet giant provided Silicon Valley’s biggest campaign finance boost to Obama, with individual employee donations supporting the tax-hiking candidate by a ratio of more than 31-to-one. Google rank-and-file workers pitched in some $800,000 to Obama. Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt, Google cofounder Sergey Brin, Chief Legal Officer and Senior Vice President David Drummond, and Google vice president and chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf are all vocal Obama supporters and top donors.
In December, Google’s Netherlands subsidiary disclosed in a tax filing that it had shifted nearly $10 billion in revenues to a Bermuda shell company. That’s “almost double the total from three years before,” according to Bloomberg News. In response to criticism, Google defended the scheme as a legal response to government incentives. “It’s called capitalism,” Schmidt snarked defiantly.
Wonder what all of Obama’s operatives and media lapdogs who bashed evil, selfish Republican offshore tax havens have to say about that? Cue crickets chirping.

*The Washington Post. Speaking of media lapdogs, this newspaper sanctimoniously supported Obama for president and singled out his support for “revenue [tax] increases.” Its endorsement editorial castigated Mitt Romney for embracing an America “in which an ever-greater share of the nation’s wealth resides with the nation’s wealthy, at a time when inequality already is growing.”
The privileged wealthy barons at the Washington Post, however, increased that inequality at the end of the year when they joined a growing number of companies who are paying 2013 dividends in 2012 to protect investors from paying higher Obama taxes on dividend income. It’s “proof positive,” my friend and guest-blogger Doug Powers noted, “that no matter what happens in the negotiations, the country is definitely going off the irony cliff.”
Bonus irony: The $70 million year-end dividend payment will be a windfall for other “higher taxes for thee, but not for me” Obama supporters, including donor Warren Buffet’s firm Berkshire Hathaway. According to the Associated Press, “Berkshire is its largest shareholder with an estimated 1.7 million shares, which means it could
get a roughly $17 million dividend payment.”

*Costco. The mega-retailer’s co-founder, Jim Sinegal, is a lifelong Democrat and top Obama fundraiser. He crusaded aggressively for Obamacare and sent out a campaign dispatch defending his candidate from criticism over his “you didn’t build that remarks.” But while Sinegal purported to speak for beleaguered small business owners, his company was availing itself of rarified tax avoidance strategies. Like the Washington Post, the Costco Board of Directors voted to pay special $7 per share year-end dividends to avoid higher taxes. In addition, Costco will borrow $3.5 billion to finance the payout, according to the Wall Street Journal. Higher taxes, more debt. They built that.

*Facebook. The social networking giant’s founder Mark Zuckerberg told Obama in 2011 at a town hall forum that he was “cool” with paying higher taxes. But neither Zuckerberg nor his many Facebook execs are actually down with following through. Co-founder Eduardo Saverin renounced his American citizenship in a blindingly obvious bid to evade nearly $70 million in taxes. In addition, Zuckerberg and a half-dozen Facebook insiders are all skirting hefty estate and gift taxes on their family Facebook shares held in annuity trusts. According to the Wall Street Journal the legal maneuver is called a “grantor-retained annuity trust, or GRAT,” and the total Facebook tax avoidance sum adds up to at least $200 million. A “cool” $200 million, that is.

*George Lucas. The billionaire Star Wars director called Obama a “hero” and parroted his candidate’s capitalism-bashing rhetoric in a January 2012 interview with PBS dinosaur Charlie Rose. “I do not believe that the rich should be able to buy the government,” Lucas lectured. He does, however, believe in shirking higher taxes the one-percenter way. In October, Lucas sold his film company to Disney for a whopping $4 billion in cash and stock to evade anticipated capital gains tax increases and Obamacare Medicare surtaxes on investment income.

*Andre “Dr Dre” Young. Forbes magazine named this California gangsta rapper-turned-music industry mogul the highest-paid musician in the world in 2012. He raked in an estimated $100 million, mostly from sales of his Beats headphone company along with concert revenue. Dre’s music electronics company was co-founded with Jimmy Iovine, who also founded Dre’s parent record label, Interscope Records. Interscope was funded by “progressive” billionaire Ted Field, heir to the Marshall Field retail empire and one of the nation’s biggest Democratic Party donors.
Dre boosted the careers of prominent Obama hip-hop cheerleaders Eminem and 50 Cent. But overseas, he’s rolling like a Romney supporter. The rap mogul is now using a County Cork, Ireland, tax haven to protect his global headphones empire subsidiaries and avoid high U.S. corporate tax rates. The Irish Examiner newspaper explained that the elaborate structuring “allows for money to be [channeled] between the separate companies in the form of royalty payments or [license] fees to artificially but legitimately reduce profits as a means of reducing tax liabilities.”
To paraphrase Dre and his Obama-endorsing rap partner Snoop Dogg, it ain’t nuthin’ but an E thang: Elitism. Exemptions. Evasion.
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Essential CRITICAL FACTS For All Americans To Read

Essential CRITICAL FACTS For All Americans To Read

Reblogged from
Author: Dr Leonard Coldwell
1. The IRS is not a US government agency.  It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al.
CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391)
2. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Black's Law Dictionary 6th Ed. page 816)
3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Ch 214 page 654)
4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Presidential Documents Volume 24-No. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887)
5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. (Executive Order 12803)
6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the U.S. government, even though the "U.S. Government" held stock in the agencies. (U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239)
7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the U.N. through the IMF (International Monetary Fund). The application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 Form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms and not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are "Department of the Treasury". (20 CFR (Council on
Foreign Relations) Chap. 111 Subpart B. 422.103 (b))
8. There are NO Judicial courts in America and have not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178)
9. There have NOT been any judges in America since 1789. There have just been administrators.  (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178)
10. According to GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) you MUST have a Social Security number. (House Report (103-826)
11. New York City is defined in Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that "New York City is the capital of the
World." For once, he told the truth. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2) )
12. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund.  (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)
13. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. (It says "U.S.
Department of Treasury" at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above)
14. You own NO property. Slaves can't own property. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours.  You are listed as a TENANT. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)
15. The most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 PA. C.S.A. 502)
16. The King of England financially backed both sides of the American Revolutionary War.   (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)
17. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it!  The U.S. Constitution applies to the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, a privately owned and operated corporation (headquartered out of Washington, DC) much like IBM (International Business Machines, Microsoft, et al) and NOT to the people of the sovereign Republic of the united States of America.  (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)
18. America is a British Colony. The United States is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774)
20. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)
21. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54)
22. A 1040 Form is for tribute paid to Britain (IRS Publication 6209)
23. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery.  (Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493)
24. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493)
25. The Pope's laws are obligatory on everyone.  (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44)
26. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, NOT even what we think are our children.  (Tillman vs. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 438 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)
27. Military dictator George Washington divided up the States (Estates) in to Districts  (Messages and papers of the Presidents Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary of Estate)
28. "The People" does NOT include you and me. (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243)
29. It is NOT the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest code breakers. (SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247)
30. Every thing in the "United States" is up for sale: bridges, roads, water, schools, hospitals, prisons, airports, etc, etc... Did anybody take time to check who bought Klamath Lake?? (Executive Order 12803)
31. "We are human capital” (Executive Order 13037)  The world cabal makes money off of the use of your signatures on mortgages, car loans, credit cards, your social security number, etc.
32. The U.N. - United Nations - has financed the operations of the United States government (the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) for over 50 years (U.S. Department of Treasury is part of the U.N. see above) and now owns every man, woman and child in America.
The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.
Source: http://home/
The good news is we don't have to fulfill "our" fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another's fictitious obligation.
These documents are not secret.  They are a matter of public record.
Simple words such as "person" "citizen" "people" "or" "nation" "crime" "charge" "right" "statute" "preferred" "prefer" "constitutor" "creditor" "debtor" "debit" "discharge" "payment" "law" and "United States" doesn't mean what we think it does because we were never taught the legal definitions of the above words.
The illusion is much larger than what is cited.
Dr Leonard Coldwell