Friday, January 11, 2013

The 9 Step Process Bankers Use to Force Global Slavery Upon Humanity

The 9 Step Process Bankers Use to Force Global Slavery Upon Humanity

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Below is the nine step process bankers have used to enslave us all with nary a peep of resistance until recent times. Hopefully recognition of this process can help us to free ourselves from the grip of bankers that wish to financially destroy us all.
(1) Teach lies as truth like “markets are free” and “we need to spread democracy to the rest of the world.” Plant agent provocateurs in all movements of resistance like OWS to discredit these movements whenever possible.
Bankers teach lies like “free markets exist” throughout all business curricula taught in the institutional academic system. When Central Banks set artificial interest rates, this means the free market is not setting interest rates. Bankers are rigging stock markets, real estate markets, currency markets, and commodity markets all for their benefit only and to the detriment of all other humans on our planet. Furthermore, if you study democratic principles and whether governments that claim to be democracies actually abide by these principles, you will discover that most every “democratic” government operates on a fascist platform and not a democratic one. Stating that a free market co-exists in a country in which a Central Bank retains the monopolistic power to set interest rates is as impossible a relationship as the physics maxim that states two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time.
Furthermore, bankers use the lies they teach in school to further other lies like the existence of Capitalism. Without free markets, Capitalism cannot exist. If free markets do not exist anywhere in the world because Central Banks, and not the free market, set interest rates, then by logic, Capitalism cannot exist. Yet, I’ve met brainwashed subjects at Occupy Wall Street protests in Hong Kong that argued that the basis of people’s economic suffering today is Capitalism and that Communism is the answer to the world’s economic problems. This false belief also allows wretched misanthropes like former Fed Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan to deflect blame away from himself and write stupid articles full of lies like ”Don’t Blame Capitalism For All This Income Inequality”, an article in which he argues that capitalism and free markets should not be blamed for today’s global economic inequities between the bankers and the “have nots”. This typical reverse psychology ploy is one that banksters are notoriously fond of. By stating that you shouldn’t blame “capitalism and free markets” for global economic failures, Greenspan knows that since people don’t trust him, that they will fall into his trap and believe the opposite of what he says – that capitalism and free markets are responsible for the creation of massive global income inequities today even though neither “capitalism” in its purest sense nor “free markets” exist anywhere in the world. These clever psychological ploys also allow Greenspan to write the lie-filled article, “The Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble”, and still have a large percentage of the masses gobble up and digest this disinformation without question like it was their daily breakfast cereal.
(2) Commandeer and effectively take over all control of global governments, mass media, state police, and federal military elements to suppress truth from reaching the masses.
Simon Johnson wrote about how bankers have taken over governments in his excellent article“The Quiet Coup”.
These two excellent articles, here and here, explain how banks directed state police and government surveillance agencies to crush all dissent and opposition to their criminal activities. The fact that state police and government agencies bowed down to the bankers like subservient servants proves that these countries in which such incidences are taking place have long been far more fascist than democratic. Mussolini or Pinochet could not have asked for better cooperation and greater obedience from state police and government surveillance agencies than the bankers received.
(3) Take over the education system, design it to dumb down instead of enlighten the masses, and export this model to the rest of the world.
Western bankers have funded and exported to the rest of the world an institutional academic system that serves as a behavior modifaction camp responsible for dumbing down young adults and turning them into obedient, non-thinking worker bees. This is how you create a New World Order in which just a few thousand bankers can capably control 7 billion people and keep them in line and obedient at all times. See here for more information.
Bankers and industrialists like the Rockefellers and the Carnegies financed the development of our global education system during the American Industrial Revolution, and thus were able to promote the lies they wanted the masses to embrace such as the myth that America experienced a “revolution” in 1776 and that US President Abraham Lincoln ended slavery in 1863. The bankers were always happy to give the colonialists the illusion of gained “freedom” as an outcome of the “revolutionary” war in exchange for maintaining their control over the newly formed republic’s monetary supply. Thus, the Rothschild banking family quickly established the Bank of the United States (which has since become the US Federal Reserve today) through their colonialist agents in the United States in 1791. When this bank’s charter expired in 1811, Nathan Rothschild of the Bank of England and the Rothschild banking clan declared a grave warning: “Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.” When US Congress chose not to renew the bank’s charter, Nathan Rothschild responded, “Teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to Colonial status.”
Even though African Americans were given their physical freedom in 1863, they were never granted their financial freedom by the bankers. How does Lincoln end slavery in America with his 1863 Emancipation Proclamation when just 50 years later, the bankers financially enslaved everyone with the founding of the US Federal Reserve. To declare that Abraham Lincoln ended “slavery” in America in 1863 is as big a myth as the lie that Columbus “discovered” a land called America. How does one “discover” a land that had already been inhabited for hundreds of years by millions of Indians? Furthermore, Columbus wasn’t even the first European to arrive in America as Vikings had beat him to this feat by hundreds of years. A.M. Reeves, N.L. Beamish and R.B. Anderson’s The Norse Discovery of America documented in great detail the epic and ferocious battles between the Vikings and the Native inhabitants of Vinland (the Viking word for America) as far back as the 10th century, about 500 years before Columbus stumbled upon America. So how did Lincoln end slavery and how did Columbus discover America? The answer to both questions is that they did not. The end of physical enslavement was merely transformed into a new kind of slavery – financial and mental enslavement. After the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, JP Morgan, etc. were able to form the US Federal Reserve in 1913, bankers extended their financial slavery empire over not only blacks, but also over whites, over Asians, and over Latinos, extending their empire of slavery all over the world. Thus slavery was never eradicated in 1863.
(4) Teach young adults that a tax on tea and a tax on stamps caused the American colonialists to hate the British monarchy and triggered a successful revolt in 1776, when it was the debt enslavement component of the monetary system and the bankers’ system of theft through numerous taxes that truly caused the revolt.
Benjamin Franklin desired that the colonies issue their own debt-free, interest-free money called Colonial Scrip. As I’ve explained in (3), the Colonialists lost this battle and thus, there was never a successful “revolution” against the bankers in 1776 though bankers have ensured, through control of our education system, that they teach the lie in all American schools today that America gained its independence on July 4, 1776. Just to make sure all Americans believe this, we celebrate this faux Independence Day every year as a national holiday. If Americans learned that the people truly lost the Revolutionary War in 1776, this might incite another revolution today. This is why the bankers teach the lie of the people winning the Revolutionary War in all American schools.
(5) Learn from the mistakes of Kings by hiding the robberies of citizens’ money and disguising this robbery as a silent tax called “inflation”. Transform the violent method of tax collection that lead to the beheading of past members of nobility during Medieval times into a passive method of automatic deductions from paychecks.
Bankers studied previous Kings’ taxation system such as Great Britain’s King George’s system and his use of armed soldiers to collect these taxes. In 1765, King George sent 40,000 armed troops to assure collection of taxes from his subjects and he forced the colonists to also provide living quarters and food to his troops or risk being shot and killed. Bankers studied this method and learned that this type of violent armed method of collecting taxes would always lead to violent insurrection and revolt. Thus bankers learned how to steal our money today in a passive manner that is not nearly as offensive as the method employed by previous Kings throughout history.
Today, all of us still provide the money for the living quarters of bankers and provide all the money to feed the bankers but we do not realize it. The bankers have employed the exact same system of robbery that King George instituted against the American colonialists that infuriated them, but were clever enough to change the method by which they execute their brazen theft and extortion. Today bankers extort money from all of us through automatic deductions from each paycheck so that there is no need to send armed soldiers to collect taxes from those that might resist this scam. Furthermore, they deliberately devalue money and rob every single human on the planet through the implementation of a “silent tax” called inflation.
(6) Engage in huge disinformation and propaganda campaigns to convince citizens in every country that income tax is not flat out robbery and not equivalent to King George’s act of sending 40,000 soldiers to force colonists to turn their hard-earned money over to him.
Bankers have successfully sold this lie by misinforming us and telling us that we receive benefits from our income tax payments and that it would be “unpatriotic” to even think for a second to not pay our income taxes to the bankers. In fact, the reality unearthed by the Grace Commission report in January, 1984, under US President Ronald Reagan is this: “100% of what is collected [in income taxes] is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government.” 
What are transfer payments? Payments for programs like welfare but also payments for programs like the massive 2008 $850 billion banker bailout program. Who receives interest payments on the Federal Debt? 100% of interest payments on the Federal Debt are directly funneled into the private banking accounts of the private banking families that own the Federal Reserve. So who is receiving nearly 100% of all income tax payments of all citizens in every country in the world? The answer is that nearly 100% of our income tax payments are transferred to just a few powerful private banking families. In fact, the Grace Commission report even hinted that the government performed studies to determine the outer limits of income taxation that they could get away with before it would trigger a revolt among the taxed citizenry.
(7) Sell concepts like “nationalism”, and incite religious-based and race-based hate to divide and conquer people from uniting against a segment of society (bankers) that commits a long list of atrocities that would have landed anyone else in jail centuries ago.
Bankers have been able to convince many blacks to blindly and stupidly support President Obama just because he is black and to falsely call anyone that also doesn’t support Obama a “racist”. Bankers have been able to convince many Jews to blindly and stupidly support Zionist agendas and cowardly and falsely accuse those that don’t support Zionist agendas of being an anti-semite. Bankers have been able to convince many people to blindly and stupidly support false wars and government agendas and label anyone that does not also support these items as “unpatriotic”, “un-American” or “un-whatever-country-you-are-from.”
Yes, bankers are behind all these hate-filled campaigns because they know that they can successfully divide and conquer the masses and if they do so, that a divided opposition will never be able to defeat them. They have also used their puppet Presidents and Prime Ministers to often perform favors for police and the military, such as increasing their pay and benefits, to falsely gain the loyalty and protection of those elements of society that should be most opposed to them. Bankers have taken their cue from big druglords and underworld crime bosses that have used these same tactics to gain the protection and loyalty of their communities. In Philadelphia, mobster Joey Merlino used to give away turkeys to housing project residents every Thanksgiving and throw Christmas parties for the homeless to gain the loyalty of people in his community despite his murderous ways. In the more expansive criminal drug underworld, ex-cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar was, and still is, considered a hero among many of the poor in Colombia for all the jobs he provided for them, not to mention all of his charity. In Mexico, the most violent druglord today, “El Chapo” Guzman, is often also viewed as a modern-day “Robin Hood” and a hero by the poor in Mexico and is afforded loyalty and protection among many of the poor for his many acts of benevolence for the poor.
However, it is a huge mistake of morality to overlook the massive crimes of our political and financial leaders for their “fake” charity work as it is a huge mistake of the poor to adore violent murderous druglords just because they make their lives better while they destroy the lives of millions. This very selfish attitude of “I don’t care what my leader does as long as he helps me out” even if he’s destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands, or millions of other people, is the very tactic that bankers choose to employ to effectively divide and conquer people. Instead of being loyal to someone just because of his skin color, religion, nationality or race, we all need to abandon our pre-disposed affinities for people that look like us or share our belief systems, and instead, start looking at these situations strictly on the basis of morality. We need to ask ourselves not the questions of mindless robots but rather tough questions such as,”Is what my President or Prime Minister doing moral?” If so, then support him. If not, then do everything you can to get him out of office no matter your race. Ask, “Is what my government doing moral?” If so, then support it. If not, then stop the stupid and divisive ad-hominem attacks against dissenters by wrongly labeling them as “unpatriotic” no matter your nationality. Ask, “Is Israel acting morally?” If so, support this nation-state. If not, then stop supporting it immediately no matter your religion.
It really is that simple. For people that are open minded enough to learn the truth about the ulterior motives of why the same bankers (Rothschilds) that were integral in founding the US Federal Reserve also were very integral in founding, and funding, the creation of Israel, as well as the Bank of Israel, watch Chapter 26 at 1:10:28 at Chapter 29 at 1:19:27 of this video. Though there are many things in this video I don’t agree with, I believe that these two chapters provide a legitimate explanation of how bankers have used the religion dissension surrounding Israel as part of their divide and conquer campaign against the entire world. These two segments are very careful to make the distinction between humanitarian, compassionate Jews and their misanthropic, inauthentic Zionist counterparts.  In fact, I believe that the distinction between truly religious Jews and their radical Zionist counterparts is very similar to the distinction between radical Muslims and religious, moral Muslims and radical Christians and religious, moral Christians.
There are those that continually smear all Jews for many of the world’s financial problems and not only do I believe this tactic to be wrong but I also believe that anyone that uses this tactic falls right into the banker trap of their divide and conquer strategies. The banker-funded Zionists are the small faction of Jews and non-Jews (US Vice President Joe Biden is a self-proclaimed Zionist) that need to be investigated for creating global financial problems. Though this point is likely to generate the most hateful comments and unjustified criticism of any of the nine points of this article, consider this point. If you agree with the other eight points of this article, would it be worth the risk to discuss something entirely false as true, that could potentially discredit the rest of this entire article? The answer, of course, is no. I only included this point after much careful research convinced me that the facts surrounding this point were well documented and because I believed that this point is crucial enough to include in the 9 main points of this article for anyone desiring to understand the truth about how bankers divide us and keep us from unifying against them. Consequently, please have an open enough mind to consider the possibility of the truth of this point as well and research the facts before you close your mind off to a view that may differ from the one you currently hold.
(8) Falsely teach people that paper fiat currency and paper derivative products offered by bogus gold and silver derivative markets of the LBMA and COMEX are better stores of value and purchasing power than physical gold and physical silver, even though the below chart displays the incredible progression in the prices of gold and silver every year in USD since 2001.
2001 $271.10
2002 $278.35
2003 $343.80
2004 $426.25
2005 $427.75
2006 $530.00
2007 $639.75
2008 $846.75
2009 $874.50
2010 $1121.50
2011 $1388.50
2012 $1598.00
2013 $1693.75
2001 $4.59
2002 $4.59
2003 $4.67
2004 $5.97
2005 $6.39
2006 $9.04
2007 $13.01
2008 $14.93
2009 $11.08
2010 $17.17
2011 $30.67
2012 $28.78
2013 $30.87
The London price-fix of gold has risen for 13 straight years and silver has risen 11 out of the last 13 years. Thus, it is completely bizarre that the vast majority of the investing public are still scared off by declarations of banking shills and commercial banking investment advisers that tout global paper stocks such as Chipotle Grill, Facebook, and Bank of America as better investments than physical gold & silver, which they describe as “risky”. Volatile, yes. Risky, no.
Because of (1) through (8), most citizens, especially those that live in the West and have been subjected to generations of banker propaganda, have no understanding of the fact that downside volatility in gold and silver is introduced artificially through computer HFT (High Frequency Trading) algorithms and bear no reflection upon the reality of physical gold and physical silver supply-demand determinants. Because nearly 100% of the things bankers teach us in school and through the media about the global monetary system and financial markets is a lie, I see, time and time again, masses of people befuddled by gold and silver price movements to the downside that have no fundamental basis of explanation and that can only be explained by banker manipulative games. This occurs among those of us that have no understanding of points (1) through (7) of this article. Thus, to this date, shockingly most people have not taken advantage of the crystal clear gold and silver trend shown in the above timeline and have no idea that converting their fiat paper currencies or fiat GLD & SLV ETFs into real assets like physical gold and silver can serve as a very effective weapon to fight back against banker criminality. Though it makes no sense to put faith in a piece of paper that has almost no intrinsic value and is truly a barbarous relic and to forgo ownership of real hard assets like physical gold and physical gold, the majority of masses, due to internalization of steps (1) through (7), continue to ignore reality and logic. However, read this excerpt from the book The Golden Gift, to understand how converting paper fiat currency into real assets like physical gold and physical silver can help re-establish our economic freedoms and help cut our bondages of financial slavery imposed upon us by the bankers.
(9) Teach people that the law is the final word so that they believe that anything legal is moral and anything illegal is immoral. The bankers have flipped the paradigm of morality on its head by convincing people that anything legal is moral and anything illegal is immoral when in fact, many things they have legislated as illegal is still moral and many things they have legislated as legal is highly immoral.
If truly moral people ran the world, probably 50% of the things legislated as legal would become illegal and 50% of the things legislated as illegal would become legal overnight. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime 2012 World Drug Report, heroin, cocaine, and all other “illegal” drugs killed about 200,000 people last year. On the contrary, an estimated 100,000 to450,000 deaths occur from “legal” prescription drugs every year in the United States alone, and in 2009, “legal” prescription drugs were responsible for 4.5 million hospital visits. However, due to a lack of focus by law enforcement agencies on “legal” drugs, accurate statistics of deaths from legal pills varies widely, and if I had to guess, I would say that the Big Pharma lobbyists do everything in their power to suppress the true number of deaths every year that occur globally due to their “legal” drugs. Thus, the War on Drugs is more about the parties that profit from it than about a desire to abolish the murder and crime associated with it. There really should be a War on All Wars instead. Because of the creation of unthinking sheep that our education system produces, far too many people today react instinctively by thinking that anything illegal is wrong and that anything legal is right, thus diminishing their ability to recognize that our modern banking system amounts to a legalized institution of financial slavery.
As always, never believe anything printed or stated on TV “news” channels (especially CNN – just google “Amber Lyon” to understand why) unless you independently verify it yourself, including everything in this article. Unfortunately there are more lies than truth circulating among all mass media distribution channels today so nothing should be accepted at face value. You must verify everything yourself until you are satisfied that you have arrived at the truth. Uncover the truth, and when you do, do everything you can to spread the uncovered truth to the four corners of the earth. This is how we will regain our freedoms.
About the author: JS Kim is the founder and Managing Director of SmartKnowledgeU, a fiercelyindependent investment research & consulting firm that focuses on gold & silver as a means of resisting the tyranny of the global banking cartel and of restoring sound money that would lay the foundation for the reintroduction of sustainable, organic economic growth to the world. Follow him on twitter @smartknowledgeu, get his free newsletter available here, and read a free excerpt of his book The Golden Gift here.

Forcing Change Does Not Work

Forcing Change Does Not Work ~ by John Smallman

1/9/2013 ~The New Age, into which humanity has just entered, is shaping up very well because the divine energies supporting it are strengthening and intensifying daily. You have been promised that enormous changes will take place which will dramatically improve the living-conditions of those who are trapped in abject poverty; and that promise will be honored. New technologies are being rapidly developed that will bring these improvements about. They will also enable new environmentally friendly sources of electrical energy to be deployed that will bring to an end your constant need to drill and mine for fossil fuels.
The Earth is not an appropriate source of fuel for your energy requirements which can very easily be provided by the use of clean methods that, until now, have been suppressed by vested interests, whose aim was to control you by their stranglehold on all your energy supplies – fuel, electricity, water, food, investment through loans, money, and the land itself. When energy, in every form you could possible need, becomes readily and abundantly available, as it will, scarcity will be a thing of the past, for you will have no needs. New, gentle technologies will enable the provision of all that humanity requires to maintain a totally adequate and satisfying living-standard. People will no longer have to spend inordinate amounts of time in the constant struggle for survival in a world in which they are mostly kept in a state of anxiety while buried under the crushing burden of debt.
This may seem like an unlikely dream – especially after the lifetimes of scarcity, hardship, and disease that you have all undergone – but it is one of the most essential aspects of the New Age. It is about changing the illusion from a nightmare of hardship and suffering for the vast majority of humans into a delightful dream where all your needs are abundantly provided for, so that your time can be spent productively and enjoyably in creative ventures for the upliftment and benefit of all on Earth, and for your own continuing spiritual evolvement. You have embraced the divine field of Love enveloping the Earth, and now the results of the acceptance of this marvelous energy field will begin to unfold for you. The spiritual evolution that you are undergoing has led to an enormous change in attitudes that has made your entry into the New Age not only possible, but a reality.
Your choice to release the negative aspects of yourselves that have been the cause of nearly all your suffering was a momentous decision. It seemed that you had to undergo unending conflicts and disagreements among yourselves before you finally decided that those methods of interaction just did not work. A few always ended up controlling the many, but they too lived in constant fear of losing that power and control, and so no one was happy, no one felt safe. There appeared to be no end in sight to the constant hardship of those ever-present struggles by which you attempted to provide security and comfort for yourselves and for your dependent loved ones, while also trying to ensure that your own needs, after you became too old to continue those struggles, were adequately taken care of.
That release of unworkable energies is continuing apace, and for many of you it is very uncomfortable because they had become so ingrained, so much a part of yourselves. It seems to you very natural and completely justified to judge as wrong those whom you can see to be causing pain and suffering to those unable to protect themselves, as has been occurring in so many places across the world, and to desire to prevent them from continuing in their unacceptable ways, and even to punish them as a kind of wake-up call. But Love does not judge or punish; instead, It brings to the attention of those who are misbehaving an intense awareness of the unacceptability of what they are doing and causes them to form a very strong personal rejection of those unloving attitudes and the behaviors to which they have led, and through that awareness release occurs.
People change their ways because they want to change them. Forcing change does not work and is not in conformity with the free will with which you have been so gloriously endowed. God created you free, and all of you experiencing life in the illusion chose to do so for the lessons that you could and would learn here. No one is here against their will, although it often seems to you that vast numbers of humans are suffering unconscionably through no fault of their own.
Their suffering may well be due to no fault that they have committed, but within the illusory environment in which humanity experiences its existence mistakes, errors of judgment, and plain incompetence do bring suffering in their wake. As you have been told, it is a dream state, and in dreams reason and logic do not prevail. Instead, there is confusion and chaos most of the time. The solution is to wake up, and that is what you are in the process of doing by releasing the old ways, attitudes, and behaviors. Stop judging. It is difficult, but it is also essential to the awakening process – you know that this is so – and by praying and meditating with a strong intent you will succeed, as you have always planned to do.
With so very much love, Saul.

Tired of the same old thing? Change is on the way.

             Tired of the same old thing? Change is on the way.

Thursday, January 10, 2013 from Removing the Shackles
Change is something that many people dread. Even if their current situation is miserable, there are many many people who would choose to stay where they are rather than venture outside the intolerable NOW that they live in. That is part of our programming, part of the brainwashing instilled into us to create the fear of change and the fear of the unknown.
...the fear of FREEDOM.
The energy right now is changing- has changed. For some it is a subtle thing that they cannot quite put their finger on, and for some it is a clarion call that they can feel right down to their very core being. This change of energy is flowing in a way that even the most hardened sceptic must admit that they feel it- they may not understand or comprehend it, they may not SEE it with their eyes, or HEAR it with their ears, they may not FEEL it beneath their feet... but on some level they do KNOW it's there.
Right now we are on the very cusp of CHANGE. We are standing on the highest pinnacle of the highest mountain over looking all that surrounds us, and we can see EVERYTHING before us and behind us and to either side. We must look at everything before we can decide which direction we want to travel.
The changes that are about to happen will be extreme. They will not be slight things that you might miss if you blink at the wrong time. They will not be a subtle change from grey to a slightly lighter shade of grey. They will be ALL ENCOMPASSING changes. From dark to light. Black to White, and every contrast of colour and texture in between.
There is that wonderful expression that it's always darkest before the dawn and that is exactly what we are experiencing RIGHT NOW. Going from a brightly lit room into the sun light isn't all that noticeable- heck, if you didn't see the door you walked through to get outside you might not even notice the difference. Not much of a change. Now, if you walk out of a darkened muffled room into the blazing sunshine of a perfect afternoon..... THEN you would notice. You couldn't not notice!!! How much more do you appreciate the glorious sunshine than when it dawns after weeks of rainy grey?
Change. From darkness to dawn. Miserable dark and dismal grey ominous sky to brilliant crystalline blue sky that is radiant in the light of the sun.


Many people know that the biggest change in history is about to happen. Many of us thought we knew what was going to happen. Thought that the steps in the process were well laid out and ready to roll any moment. What we did not understand is that the process must roll out completely.

Complete Change.

NESARA is about to be announced. Peace & Prosperity is at hand. But it is far more than the NESARA that we hoped for. It is far more Peace & Prosperity than we ever dreamed of. Yes, it is time for Humanity to recognize that they are FREE. It is time for the Removing of our Shackles.
They are unlocked- all we have to do is shake them off and walk away.
The announcements haven't been delayed. The new system hasn't been delayed. It was waiting for the RIGHT TIME.
THIS TIME has been long awaited by many who have been working from behind the scenes for exactly THIS MOMENT. Everything that has been put in place has been done so, knowing that the freedom of humanity is not something to be earned, but our absolute Right. OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS can not be bought or sold, traded or stolen. No Government, No Institution, No Religion, No Person, No Thing can take these things from us. We were turned into Strawmen Corporations because even the POWERS THAT WERE KNEW that we, ourselves as HUMANS cannot be bought or sold, traded or stolen.
Blue sky light


When you recognize that ALL the systems that have been set up and created by the Powers That Were are part of the dark and stormy dismal grey prison, then you understand that those systems will not be used under the bright crystalline blue sunlit celestial ceiling.

It is about CHANGE.

It is about TO CHANGE.
You are on the highest summit. You can see everything if you look.
The storm clouds are behind you, so why not step forward into the sunshine?
BE the Change you wish to see in the World.

Are you READY?

How many of you missed California's debt is GONE?

How many of you missed California's debt is GONE?

Riding a wave of new tax revenue, California Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday proposed a state spending plan that eliminates the deficit and provides $6.3 billion more in spending than the previous year.
The revenue has wiped away a budget deficit that stood at $25 billion when Brown took office two years ago and has created a slight surplus.
Brown proposed a $97.6 billion general fund for the 2013-14 fiscal year, an increase of 7 percent from the current year. The additional revenue will help him pour more money into public schools and universities.
California's spending plan for the coming fiscal year will rise by 7 percent, a powerful indication that the state that came to symbolize fiscal mismanagement during the heart of the recession is emerging into brighter days.
"California today is poised to achieve something that has eluded us for more than a decade -- a budget that lives within its means, now and for many years to come," Brown told reporters.
His budget includes a surplus of $850 million.
A rebounding economy coupled with new revenue from the higher sales and income taxes voters approved last November have put the nation's most populous state on a healthier financial trajectory, as it begins to turn the corner on an era of deep budget shortfalls and spending cuts to core state programs.
Play Video
California Budget Deficit Disappears
California Governor Brown says that for the first time since the recession, California faces no budget deficit, with CNBC's Jane Wells.
California's persistent budget woes came to symbolize the plight of states struggling through the recession as tax revenue declined steeply, leaving governors and state legislatures around the country little choice but to consider deep cuts or unpopular tax increases.
Brown took both approaches. He pushed an austerity message that forced cuts throughout state government during his first two years in office while persuading California voters to approve increases to the state sales tax and on income taxes on high-income earners.
Despite the new revenue flowing in, Brown has warned his Democratic colleagues who control both houses of the state Legislature that they must not overplay their hand and spend too freely. The governor wants to build a reserve fund for future downturns and focus spending on K-12 education, which already accounts for more than half the state's general fund spending.
Among Brown's priorities is creating a new funding formula for public schools. It would be aimed at giving school districts more control over spending and directing state money to the neediest children and poorest districts.
His proposal is expected to run into opposition from lawmakers representing more affluent regions of the state.
Cuts are still expected in some areas, such as the courts, while health care programs and social services are expected to see no increases in spending.
California's general fund spending hit a high of $103 billion before the recession decimated the state's economy and severely cut tax revenue for the state and municipalities. It dropped to a low of $87 billion during the 2011-12 fiscal year, requiring lawmakers to make deep cuts in a wide array of state services, including K-12 schools, higher education, the court system, and social services for the needy and disabled.  Don't forget to play Gov. Video.

So what happened to it? Any opinions?  I think I know!!!


Look at these clips. Believe me, this is not conspiracy theory, this is fair warning. I have told people for some time now that the fit is going to hit the shan. Get prepared by getting as much extra food as you can and keep your gas tank filled as much as possible and get as much extra as you can in the next couple of weeks. Extra water and ammunition too.Hope for the best, prepare for the worse. I don't believe this is the sky is falling kind of message. Better to err on the side of being prepared for this one because it looks like the criminals are pulling out all the stops now.

Get close to YHWH and God bless you. floyd (dad)

Open Letter to Ben Fulford – other parties with whom you are working or in negotiations with.

Open Letter to Ben Fulford – other parties with whom you are working or in negotiations with.
This is for everyone’s consideration-its our world & future-we decide.
Dear Ben,
Firstly I wish to say this is no personal attack aimed at you, I wish not to come from a place of anger or aggression; merely that of an open, honest perspective.
For a long time now, I have sat and watched the unveiling events that seem to be occurring, I read with interest and curiosity, not only your writings, but those of many others from across our planet. As we all know this venture is highly complex and gaining real truth or facts on these matters seems to be mostly impossible the majority of the time, with opinions, and frustration abound, on just about every topic under our beautiful Sun.
Well myself being discerning and pulling all the pieces I can of seemingly truthful info from across the world in an attempt on my part to understand the complexity of our problem and what can be done about, what is right, wrong, truth, fact, etc etc etc; It has come to my attention that whilst we all scramble each time a new article of some lengthy substance comes along, to whittle out the truth from the lies, and all get caught up in the mostly mindless “bable”- (Babylon) of arguing our point with one another something is always missing, and for I feel that is the [real creative solutions and real moral and ethical standing] that us as men woman should hold (these characteristics which have been on the downslide for so long causing the problems were now in) are not being aired appropriately or considered.
Mostly it always seems to be about revenge, anger and hate in response to the information we are getting and how we should respond to it. Well yes even for those out there who do all they can to make themselves aware via the alternative media matrix, of what is out there can be subject to these feelings born out of pure frustration, never actually getting a formalised coherent answer or solution to genuine concerns and wishes will do that people. For most who are completely unaware; revenge, anger and hate will be rife when they find out and not something that can be equated (so regardless of what you want and negotiate “BAD GUYS” beware of that) but these are things that I see many of us who are paying attention are past now. Maybe it’s due to the length of time this is all taking, (promises and dates going astray) that we have just had enough and cant be bothered to feel that way anymore and just want this over an done with and to move forward or maybe it is because of a concerted conscious mind shift occurring (something I believe) that we wish not for these feelings an bad energies to be around us and just wish for peace with one another, start again and have the real prosperous future we all think upon. For me the times or war and hate in the minds of many people are over, that is personally how I feel.
So its solution time…real and effective solutions, ones that come truly form the heart and from the inherent caring and loving nature in us all.  I get the sense that many of men and woman involved in the positive side of this game are very intelligent or course but all come from a logistical logical left brain way of thinking and lack the actually creative intuitive instinct and ability to form a cohesive plan and vision of what our future should actually be, its seems to me its all about re-making a system based upon the established form i.e. who will get what, who will have this bit of control, who get’s to negotiate, who gets authority over this or that, this system must remain, that industry must change into that etc etc well I feel that is not really going to alter anything as its simply starting again with different player in place but following the same rules and agendas, and will inevitably breed the back into what we have. I mean come on you just stated “certain “royals” (which I find hilarious) royal over whom? Who gave them authority over me? I didn’t agree and who was there to witness this authority being given to them? (I am my own king and govern myself), but certain royals want to or should keep their “perks” well for one, what “perks” are we talking about? Named Title? Estates? Fortunes? Positions, Perceived Authority? Respect? Worship even? I personally find this utterly insulting! (If you finish a game of monopoly and begin again, do you not start the new game, with a clean board? You don’t leave, hotels, property cards or money in place with certain players do you?) Or to put it another (if you catch a child-and that’s all these people are, spoilt children-with the hand in the cookie jar, you don't let them have a cookie, then hand them back the jar do you? you remove all access to jar until they are back in a position of trust and have earned it.) So these “negotiations” that have now surpassed even what you stated was the “last chance” why are they going ahead? These people are obviously arrogant we know that, but to actually give them some ground and listen to their as I see it “demands” but request to keep this or that is absolutely out of the question for me, they have proven what and who they are so I still do not understand why they are even given the opportunity to form such request? Seriously are you people considering this? And hang on before you do, because it’s not up to you/the positive parties involved to be able to make such manoeuvers. It is up to the people of this planet to decide what is to happen surely? If they want to keep things then tell them they can out openly and address they public of the world and ask. Otherwise what are we doing, replacing one form of control for another if we are not given the opportunity to make those decisions ourselves, If it was agreed by all as to who remains where, controls what gets what and it was decided some of them can keep a title of whatever nonsense that are requesting, then fine I can accept that, but it has to be with full knowledge of the entire planet, not a handful of negotiators behind the scene’s (how is this any different from now?).
For example, I personally feel that QE II and that rabble of black nobility criminals should not have a thing and Buckingham Palace should be completely gutted and turned into an art museum or something of that ilk or transformed into the UK centre for "creative futures" a place where all planning and creative talent work to implement all that is decided upon by "the people" same goes for each country and their equivalent buildings, what about this, All royal estates worldwide, to be turned into nature reserves? (Just an quick ideas) hopefully you can see where I am going with that.

This is what I refer to about being more creative the future and destiny of man is that of creators, destruction needs to be eradicated, de-construction is ok, that is part of creativity and I feel that all aspects of how we shall now live need to have a grounds in creativity and not just swapping one things for another simply to get some horrible people out of the way; The old design adage comes into play here, are you one who thinks - “function before form or form before function” for me, I stand between the two as I feel that is where true creativity and original thinking and beauty lives. You cannot switch back and forth between those two without the pivot in the centre.

This is where we must stand, in the stillness of the storm where the perfect weather abides, not just scrambling to try an place it all back in the hands of logic, the true feelings, morals and ethics must come from honesty, love and creativity without compromise as a quick fix.

How can any of us seriously hope, think or feel that anything would change or not start up again to the same ends if all forms of their past control or systems are not taken away from them, yes there are infrastructures in place in many industries to quicken and apply the new ways in which we must live but I certainly don feel they should have a figure head or a small group who controls them and if that was the case and such person, should not be allowed any stake of any kind in such a company(s) or institution(s) other than a pre agreed static wage without bonus’s ever, and publicly declare themselves as a trustee only in that position before they can function within it. This I feel would instantly eradicate anyone wishing to take advantage because they would have no room to benefit other than the satisfaction of the job enjoyment an working for human kind anyone opposed to such a thing you could tell would just be after the money and power do you not think? (Exactly where we are now).

The whole board must be wiped clean and creativity and honesty must be the first card out of the deck. How could any of us stomach it otherwise?

We cannot for our own good allow any of the criminals to keep what they have taken for us. I feel this would be of the benefit for the planet to re-gain it’s sanity or at least on a positive track towards it.

Anyway, these are my thoughts, they come not from negativity, or anger or an obnoxious place, nor am I calling for death or violence against anyone, I wish for these comments in no way to be read as such but they must be made fully accountable. This is my point of view, I claim not to speak for anyone, but I’m sure there would be many others who would feel similar.

Thank you Ben for the effort, times and dangers you have gone through for the information you give to us all, If you feel anything here is worthy to pass on in consideration to parties involved then please do so. I welcome any open response and your thoughts on this. You’re a passionate man and probably feel similar as I do about the issues I have raised.

“I ant gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more”…Bob Dylan.

Please get the word doc or copy, if you wish to pass on, repost anywhere any of you see fit, but I wish that this only be done so in its entirety, no cut and paste re-edited.

Luke . A . W …UK