Friday, January 11, 2013


Look at these clips. Believe me, this is not conspiracy theory, this is fair warning. I have told people for some time now that the fit is going to hit the shan. Get prepared by getting as much extra food as you can and keep your gas tank filled as much as possible and get as much extra as you can in the next couple of weeks. Extra water and ammunition too.Hope for the best, prepare for the worse. I don't believe this is the sky is falling kind of message. Better to err on the side of being prepared for this one because it looks like the criminals are pulling out all the stops now.

Get close to YHWH and God bless you. floyd (dad)


Anonymous said...

Total Bullshit! Just like the ET disclosure that was supposed to happen at the summer Olympics. I'll get back to you when I return from the SuperBowl game and let you know how everything turned out. Jeez!

Anonymous said...

Maybe. Maybe not. Hope you're right. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Being the eternal optimist is good, while preparing as the eternal pessimist is wisdom. I'll rejoice with you should you return unscathed from the Superbowl. I truly want you to. Nothing would make me happier than to be proven wrong on this. As for the ET scenario. I'm not sure the two events can be compared equally.