Monday, January 14, 2013

Sending This So You Will Be Well Informed

 People sleep peaceably in their beds
at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf.
-- George Orwell

People sleep peaceably in their beds
at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf.
-- George Orwell

Maybe they should have mentioned whether or not there's a gun in the house.
Never fails to amaze me:  People who oppose the 2nd amendment hire ADT to guard their house----with guns.  And when these homeowners call for the police, they never tell them, "We don't believe in guns, so don't bring one."  They also don't say, "Hey, take your time!"  They want a firearm to be delivered, with a trained operator, in two minutes, and after the officer meets force with force, he or she is to take that horrid, disgusting pistol off their property............until the next time they're needed.
And I never see this sign in their window:

Firearm Free Home

Ruger is coming out with a new pistol

" Any man who thinks he can be Happy and Prosperous by letting the Government take care of him--- better take a closer look at the AMERICAN INDIAN " ~ Henry Ford ~

New Commemorative Pistol:
Ruger is coming out with a new pistol in honor of the United States Senate and the House of Representatives along with President Obama. It will be named the “Congressman”.

It doesn't work and you can't fire it.

President Obama could get 3 terms if H.J. Res 15 abolishes term limits

President Obama could get 3 terms 
if H.J. Res 15 abolishes term limits
·         BARACK OBAMA
·         JANUARY 5, 2013
·         BY: ANGEL CLARK

Americans around the nation were shocked Friday as they heard about H.J.Res. 15. H.J.Res 15 proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the Twenty-second Amendment. This would remove the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.Rep. José Serrano (D- NY15introduced the controversial joint resolution on Friday, the second day of the 2013 legislative session.

The last President to serve more than two terms was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt served three full terms as President and was elected to a fourth term. Roosevelt died 83 days into his fourth term in office.
Congress passed the Twenty-second Amendment on March 21, 1947. The required number of states ratified it in 1951. There have been numerous attempts to repeal the Twenty-second Amendment, including a previous attempt by Rep. José Serrano. Rep. Serrano attempted to repeal the Twenty-second Amendment with H.J.Res. 5 in 2009.
Opponents of H.J.Res. 15 are being urged to inform their representatives of their opinions and to voice their opinion on
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THE NEWS Live: Obama/Soetoro, Time-Travel, & the US Supreme Court

THE NEWS Live: Obama/Soetoro, Time-Travel, & the US Supreme Court

NEWS UPDATE: The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled a conference for Feb. 15, 2013 on whether to grant certiorari and hear a case involving President Barack Obama's alleged forged birth certificates and multiple social security numbers.

THE NEWS Live for Jan. 11, 2013 with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, 2:00 AM GMT at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterwards on archive at ExopoliticsTV.

"THE NEWS Live reports the news that the Main Stream News is designed to hide."

THE NEWS Live for Jan. 11: Obama/Soetoro, Time-Travel, & the US Supreme Court


Innocents Betrayed

Please take the time to watch Aaron Zellman's Innocents Betrayed. It documents the 170,000,000 lives that have been exterminated by governments around the world in the last 100 years

They use a very predictable and consistent game plan. If you don't think it can happen here, in the wake of the hoax that has just been displayed for the American people in Newtown, Connecticut, may your chains set lightly upon you!!

If you need more information to convince you of the hoax, see here! Surely, after viewing this, you will see it!

Eye Witness to Murder at Bohemian Grove

Eye Witness to Murder at Bohemian Grove 

Ratzinger named as participant in child sacrificealong with many other well known names 

Check the faces in the pictures  

Published on Nov 10, 2012
Peter Alexander Chernoff explains more about his witness of Sacrifice at Bohemian Grove. Anthony Hiilder calls for a "Dig" on the property with ground penetrating sensors to see what remains are there. The Grounds are a Retreat for the Influential, Rich, Powerful and Secretive .... the modern day HellFire club of old London.



It looks like there could be potential for another horrendous "9-11" type false flag event planned 
for the SUPER BOWL Feb. 3, 2013 in New Orleans

It could even possibly include blowing up as many as 7 bridges so people are trapped and cannot escape.

Judge Dale on CUSIP number and Foreclosure

Removing The Shackles

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 06:17 PM PST
*NOTE: I am not a lawyer, I have no personal knowledge of the legal matters of "foreclosure" or "CUSIP numbers" etc.... I am passing this information on to RTS readers for them to research and use as they see fit.  That's it. 

An RTS reader sent this question to Judge Dale through me.

 I really need to get in contact with his source who helped him get his cusip number. 
We are getting forclosed and I have been unable to get the proper number. Thank you in advance for your help."

This is Judge Dale's response:

Once these people file and obtain a case number, they should request a Stay of Execution from the Clerk and serve it on the Bank and any other creditors they have listed.  This Stay stops all process in its tracks. 
PS/ Make certain that the Clerk signs the SUPERCEDAS BLOCK on the Stay of Execution!  This represents that you are a secured creditor and that stops any action against you! 

By including their Birth Certificate, they have changed their status in Commerce from a Debtor to a Secured Creditor.  The only other problem they may run into is with the lawyer trustee that the Judge appoints to cash out their Mutual Funds that the Birth Certificate is invested in.  Jimmy can provide them with those accounts; symbols and values too!  It is a good practice to include them on the asset schedule.

NOTE:  I have heard of Bankruptcy Trustees trying to protect the Cabal by threatening their clients with criminal charges!  This is all Bull Crap!  If you don't know any better, you will be easily intimidated! Its all a game!  The BAR ASSOCIATION is behind every shady deal ever perpetuated in government; law and banking...  

The lawyer Trustee is appointed by the Judge too REPRESENT YOU and if he wants to avoid you firing him [and] avoid the Judge reporting him to the BAR ASSOCIATION for disciplinary action, he better shut up and do his job!  YOU MAY HAVE TO REMIND HIM OF THOSE FACTS OF LIFE!


The Lawyer Trustee stands to earn 4% of those Mutual Fund Accounts, which means he will make so much that he will never have to work on another case ever again; so if he is that stupid, fire his ass!  Your a SECURED CREDITOR and that makes you RIGHT!


Ironically, the Bankruptcy process outlined below (above) can buy a defendant out of a murder charge!  Everything is CIVIL and has a dollar value because everything is about Commerce under this Corporate Government! 

Meet THE BEAST-please open and read

Click on this thread and read what's happening right before our eyes as irrefutable proof as to what ISLAM is.

I want to preface what I'm going to say in this rant that what I'm about to talk about is a political and religious "hot potato". In all honesty I have to say it, not because I want to, but because I must, because it's the right thing to do and this is the time to get your ducks in a row. I'm sending this out to everyone on my email list regardless of political or religious persuasion because I love  you. I haven't said that to some of you, but I am now. If anyone wants to be removed from my mailing list because of what I'm putting out here, I'll understand. I'll still love you and will consider you my friend. I've been asked to remove people for a lot less reason(s) and as recently as yesterday, because some things are "downright scary" that I forward or are considered irrelevant or unprovable. I realize that much of what I send out is not popular by majority demand, or maybe not even minority demand, but it is relevant to what is going to happen to us, maybe not immediately, but eventually.

First of all and right up front I need to say Muslims are not the enemy. The Muslims I have as friends are the most loving, God-fearing, and kindest and generous people I know. I love them as my brothers and sisters, and they are. They also stand up for righteousness alongside of me in the fight for freedom with an unstoppable, unequal fearlessness that many Christians should wish they have, or anyone else for that matter. They have been deceived as much as Christians and Jews, as well as the new age religion people as well as the secular section of society have been. ISLAM is the enemy, not Muslims. Islam is a man-made false religion and its' tentacles are throughout the world in every political and corporate office. We have ALL bought into the lie that it's a religion of PEACE when it's actually the opposite. Obama is aiding it here in the U.S., the last bastion of freedom in the world.

While Prophetic teachers have been pointing fingers at Europe, United States, etc., etc., as to where and who the ANTICHRIST is and where the beast system will be coming from, the prophets in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Revelation, etc. have been right up front naming the land of Shinar, (Babylon), Saudi Arabia, Mecca, Iraq, Iran and the Middle East countries, Gog and Magog, as the Antichrist and the land of Antichrist and the Beast system. While Christianity's false prophets have been getting us to look in one direction (e.g.United States, Europe, Rome) and YHWH has been working on His time line and events in spite of and apart from mankind's understanding, in most instances , we have missed what is  coming at us like an unstoppable freight train in the form of ISLAM and Shariah law. This article brings the truth home.

Shariah Law, ISLAM,is of the beast system, is our end time enemy and will be the scourge of the nations, not the New World Order or One World Order as we have been led to believe. Not to say that the New World Order isn't to be reckoned with, but we have given it much more importance in our lives than we should have and it has consumed our time and energy far beyond it's importance to our lives. I know this comes as a big surprise to most, and may even be a point of contention to some, but watch what unfolds in the next couple of years with Islam folks.

You've heard the phrase "wars and rumors of wars"? That refers to the Middle East. We're in that time-frame now. 

There's a book "The Final Exodus"  by Sholiach/Apostle Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky, in it he documents the history of Islam and how close we are to the coming of the return of Yehshuah, Messiah. Even though it's a scholarly writing it's easy to read and the book flows well and holds your interest so as not to become laborious and a dry read. IMHO this is a necessary read to understand where in the landmark(s) of end time history we are. Check it out. You can get it on Amazon for around $10 plus shipping. Let this be the beginning of your homework. We all have a lot of "catch-up" to do.

This has become much much longer than I intended it to be, so I'm going to end with this quote from Revelation.

(Revelation 13:7-9) And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them, and there was given him authority against every tribe and people and tongue and nation.

    And all they who are dwelling upon the earth will do homage unto him, everyone whose name is not written in the scroll of life of the Lamb (Yeshuah haMashiach)commonly known as Jesus Christ by Christianity, slain from the foundation of the world. Which, in other words means if you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour and God in Christian vernacular, you will accept Allah and His system instead. And, it may or may not be by freewill, but it will be, or death will be the alternative. yeah, I know, strong language. Even might be considered "conspiratorial" by some or coming via fear and superstition by others. However, look at the Bible prophesies, study them out, then tell me where I'm coming from.

If any man have an ear, let him hear.

Host Your Own Defense of the Second Amendment Conference in Your Community

With the Second Amendment under assault it is important that "We the People" do everything in our power to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the rights guaranteed to us in the Second Amendment. Every community that in America should step up to the plate and organize a Gun Control Summit. Highly respected advocates for the Second Amendment such as Sheriff Richard Mack, Stewart Rhodes of OathKeepers and Larry Pratt of the Gun Owners of America would be potential speakers at your event. I am asking individuals at the local level to host such an event before the Second Amendment in becomes a distant memory.
Get your local Tea Party, American Legion, Campaign for Liberty or 9-12 groups to sponsor your event. If you would like to host a Second Amendment Summit contact me at (951) 282-3271 and I will help you to get organized.
Invite your Mayor, County Sheriff and other local officials to speak at your event.
Keith Broaders

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The eutimes: Obama death squads fan out across America as rebellion looms

From: Al
Date: Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 8:53 AM
Subject: Foreign troops and mercenaries across America to police, harass and terrorize Americans

Obama Death Squads Fan Out Across America As Rebellion Looms

Posted by EU Times on Jan 5th, 2013

Dear folks............   Max distribution if possible. Virus scanned by the best anti-virus program I know about.

You all should know why I believe this to be true. For the last (1994-2013)19 years I’ve  been warning (and have lectured in 123 cities, 32 states, and 6 countries, and have 7 videos --  “Other-people-voluntarily-funded-production” --  made with photos!) about foreign cops/troops. 

This is since I took the first photo of a “Regional Police” car in York, PA (attached)  in January of 1994 on US Rt 30 at a restaurant.  Moreover, two people I’ve met (from York) in my interim travels have said, “Man, I live in York, and those are bad cops!”  A woman on a Greyhound bus on my way to Odessa, Texas, from Virginia  (Yes, I have to travel real cheap lots of times.)  “What!! York!!! They push people around there in my town! We don’t like ‘em!”

Then there’s the foreign troops issue. Take a look at [just one of hundreds of incidents] the detailed letter (attached)  to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, then-Admiral Mike Mullen and a slew of four star generals and admirals, about this incident in Montana during a ,YES, FEMA exercise (National level Exercise 2009 (NLE09). This is where “foreign troops” harassed some Montana ranchers @ Eureka. I did the best I could with a balky sheriff who refused answer ‘the mail”. However, he’ll sure discover what I was talking about --  REAL soon!  

Take time to digest it folks so you know how hard some of us work to inform the sheeple and stick our necks out for execution by the soon-coming death squads.

Since then I’ve logged about 47 “brands” of [seen, photographed or reported] strange or “abnormal” police/troop names or logos across the US. attached.

If this does not “click” right.. google or paste it in to your browser.

Be blessed in the Lord’s Grace.  We’re gonna need a lot of it soon!


P.S. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty [not necessarily nice] things which thou knowest not”. 

Nationwide ammo shortage so severe that even cops can’t buy bullets; ammo rationing imminent

Nationwide ammo shortage so severe that even cops can’t buy bullets; ammo rationing imminent

Mike Adams
Natural News
January 11, 2013
One of the great myths of modern society is that the police are heavily armed and have both ammo and personnel in huge numbers. In reality, it’s quite the opposite: police and sheriffs are dangerously under-staffed all across the country in nearly every city and town. Furthermore, severe budget cuts have left law enforcement with dwindling ammunition supplies. In some departments, it’s so bad that nearly the only ammo available is what officers are carrying on their duty belts.
And now it has just gotten far worse.
Thanks to outrageous Sandy Hook fear mongering by the mainstream media and political operatives like Feinstein, Obama, Cuomo and others, the American people have been rushing out to buy up every bullet, every rifle, every handgun and very nearly every gun-related product in the country. This is all because people like Biden, Obama and Feinstein are openly declaring war on the Second Amendment and threatening to outlaw or restrict firearms, magazines and ammunition.
“Channel 2 Action News has learned local police departments cannot get their hands on the ammunition they need,” reports WSBTV in Atlanta.
WSBTV continues:
“There’s been more demand for ammunition than there’s ever been,” reports Jay Wallace, owner of Smyrna Police Distributors in Cobb County. Wallace is now worried some departments could have to wait up to a year for factories to ship certain kinds of rounds in bulk. Leaders with most [police] departments … said they’re prepared to handle short shortages, but not long-term. “We’re going be starting to get very concerned at the six-month level if that’s all we have in stock, because then we have to start planning and rationing.
Rationing? Yep. It’s here already, and the global debt collapse hasn’t even begun yet!
Ammunition inventory status
The mass rush by citizens to purchase ammunition ahead of an Obama / Biden unconstitutional (and unlawful) executive order banning such sales has resulted in the near-depletion of available ammunition as follows:
• Rifle rounds are completely gone everywhere.
• Shotgun shells are somewhat more available but still limited.
• Handgun rounds are limited and becoming difficult to find.
• 22LR rounds are completely gone. Lesser-known varmint rounds such as .17 HMR are still available.
The backlog of ammunition demand now exceeds one year. The backlog demand for rifle magazines now exceeds one million units. The demand for rifles themselves has reached record levels, with a one-year backlog on production just to meet present-day demand.
Here are some of the messages you’ll see across the internet right now at online retailers’ websites:
Cheaper Than Dirt:
Consumer reaction to the political rhetoric after the shooting in CT caused a rush of online orders at Cheaper Than Dirt! which led to the largest backlog in the company’s history. Ammunition and shooting accessories orders more than tripled, resulting in week-long shipping delays. The past three weeks have been spent catching up on the tremendous backlog of orders, training additional staff and increasing inventory back to acceptable levels. …firearms that are in high demand are not currently available from manufacturers due to the lack of inventory. This includes most modern sporting rifles.
Ammo To Go
EXPECT DELAYS: Due to high order volume, we are experiencing a shipping delay of 22-24 business days…
Midway USA
ALL AR-15 magazines currently showing “out of stock, NO backorder.”
Due to extreme order volumes, shipments may be delayed. We will continue to make every effort to get orders out the door as quickly as possible.
Why this matters: Social unrest
Here’s why all this matters. In a time of social unrest, cops are your best friends. Without cops on the streets, every major U.S. city would devolve into a gang-infested crap-hole within 72 hours or less. Cops are the men and women in blue who prevent the more malicious members of the human race from expressing the kind of evil sons of bitches they really are deep inside.
If you think humanity is “inherently GOOD,” you’ve never been a cop! Ask any cop and they’ll tell you the far less fashionable truth: People are inherently EVIL, selfish, deceptive and dangerous. That’s why we need cops in the first place, isn’t it? To keep some criminal-minded dirtbag from breaking into your home, stealing your jewelry and raping your dog. (Or whatever it is they do.)
Cops get a bad rap in peace time, of course, but in a collapse scenario — or something worse — you’ll be begging for 911 to function so you can dial a phone and have (relatively) friendly men with guns arrive at your doorstep.
Society needs cops to prevent criminals from running rampant across neighborhoods and pillaging to their heart’s delight. Or, better yet, society needs every household to own a rifle, a shotgun and a handgun for their own defense, but unfortunately that’s not yet the case in America. (Although it nearly is in Switzerland.)
So what happens when cops run out of bullets?
It’s not good. Not unless you’re a gang member just waiting to commit mayhem all over town.
If gang bangers ever figure out that the cops are out of bullets, it will be all-out war in many U.S. cities, including Miami, LA, Detroit, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia and NYC. A disarmed police force is no police force at all, since it’s only really the threat of high-velocity lead that actually stops bad people from doing bad things. (Criminals don’t care if you ask nice. They are only motivated by their own survival.)
It also means that the feds will have a strong ammunition advantage over local cops and sheriffs, since the U.S. federal government has been stockpiling 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition domestically, right here in the United States.
Why does this matter? Here’s why:
Will states resist a federal gun grab?
Think about where all this is headed, folks: Wyoming lawmakers have already announced their “Firearms Protection Act” which would make it a felony crime for feds to restrict or confiscate guns from the citizens of Wyoming. It reads as follows:
Any official, agent or employee of the United States government who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the United States government upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is owned or manufactured… in Wyoming… shall be guilty of a FELONY and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not less than one year…
Yeah, I didn’t make that up. Wyoming folks are serious about their rifles and their ammo… as are folks in Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Texas, Kentucky, Maine and practically every rural area across the country. It’s very likely that Texas, Arizona and other states may follow Wyoming’s example and seek to criminalize federal gun grabbers.
If Obama’s gun control schemes turn out to be foolishly aggressive, this could set off a state’s rights showdown between the feds and local law enforcement. But if the feds have all the ammo, where will state peace officers find ammunition to defend the people of their state?
The answer is YOU. It will ultimately be YOUR ammo that will be needed to defend states against an anti-America, anti-Constitution federal tyranny that attempts to invade and overrun states. The People, of course, have always been the common defense against tyranny. In the Constitution, this is referred to as the militia.
Hopefully it won’t get that bad and cooler heads will prevail, but given where things appear to be headed, all this could become very relevant more quickly than you think. It’s a good thing the citizens of America purchase over 1 billion rounds of ammo in the last month, as they may very well become the source of ammo for a common defense against domestic enemies of America.
Rifle inventory update
Here’s the latest info in terms of rifle manufactures:
Noveske Rifleworks = SOLD OUT
Rock River Arms = SOLD OUT
Bushmaster = SOLD OUT
Barrett = SOLD OUT
… and on and on.
Buds Gun Shop is in a state of such total disarray that they actually cashed my check for a firearm they allowed me to “purchase” on their website, then they called me back days later and said they actually DIDN’T have the firearm after all because they had made a “mistake,” and they had to issue me a refund check. This managed to tie up my funds for a couple of weeks during which all the other available rifles disappeared off store shelves. (Thanks a lot, Buds, for making me miss out on probably the last rifle purchase I’ll be able to make until 2014…)
Seeing the opportunity to profit from the supply and demand, Buds is now running real-time auctions on firearms, live on their website. A Bushmaster 223 rifle that used to sell for $800 or so is now fetching $2,900 in the auction. Yep, your existing inventory of rifles just TRIPLED in value. Hmmm… now I think I know where my missing rifle actually went…
On a personal note, I obviously don’t recommend you try to buy anything from Buds until all this is over, as you never really know if they’re going to deliver the rifle you’ve already paid for. (What a crap way to conduct business, for the record. When we sell goods at the Natural News Store, we always have them in stock and ready to ship. Is that so difficult?)


Force Your Body To Shed Fat and Stop Storing It

Force Your Body To Shed Fat and Stop Storing It 

If I asked you what you think "builds fat" you'd probably say,
"Duh, Sherry. Eating too much and moving too little. Get with it."

Well, while that's true, there's a LOT more to it than that, which is why you need to know this...
You see, there are some very specific factors that literally tell your body to BUILD fat.
And if you don't know what they are, you could be counting calories, restricting portions and exercising until the cows come home and still watching your spare tire or muffin top get bigger and bigger and bigger.
So here are...
The things that make you build fat
1) Getting too many omega-6 fatty acids
How omega-6's build fat: These are converted into another fatty acid called arachidonic acid, which makes your fat cells divide.
Modern processed food diets are loaded with corn, soy, meat from animals fed those grains and vegetable oils...and those also happen to be loaded with Omega-6 fatty acids. So it's easy to see how so many people have WAY too much.
2) Abnormal insulin level
How it builds fat: It increases the number of fat cells you have.
Signs that you may have abnormal insulin levels include dark patches of skin in creases and under your arms, central obesity (fat collecting around your waist or under your chin) and irregular periods.

3) All types of sugar

How it builds fat: It increases your blood insulin level, which in turn leads to number 2) above. It also triggers your fat cells to "pop up" and start making fat from sugar in your bloodstream.
Note that sugar includes table sugar, honey, molasses, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, raw sugar, fruit sugar and pretty much anything ending in "-ose" on a food label.
4) Thiazolidinediones (a type of diabetes medication)
How they build fat: These stimulate fat cell division and increase fat storage. They've also been associated with a higher rate of heart attacks.
If you are on this medication for diabetes, ask your doctor if there is another medication you can take instead.
And the Granddaddy of them all...
5) Trans-fats
How they build fat: They encourage the formation of free radicals, they damage cell membranes and promote inflammation--all of which lead to fat deposits while interfering with the healthy functioning of your cells.
Trans-fats are created when polyunsaturated oils (like safflower, sunflower, corn and canola oils) are heated in frying and cooking. They are also in hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, which are used HEAVILY in processed foods.
The flip side
Now, just as there are factors that build fat as I've explained above, there are also some that help your body ELIMINATE it.
And knowing what these are can make a huge difference in your efforts to finally fit into those "skinny clothes" in your closet!
So without further ado, here are...
The things that help you eliminate fat
1) Exercise
How it eliminates fat: It reduces insulin levels and various inflammatory and fat-promoting chemicals.
So put on those walking shoes, dust off that treadmill, sign up for that dance class, hit the gym or pump some iron. Pick an activity you like and DO IT--at least 3-4 times a week.
And watch that fat melt away.
2) Sleep
How it eliminates fat: It increases levels of immune system chemicals that reduce inflammation. (Inflammation encourages fat deposits to form.)
Most adults NEED 7-9 hours of sleep a night, but many aren't getting nearly that much. So if you're guilty of being a night hawk, turn off the TV, shut down the computer, power off the iPad and get some rest.
You just may end up needing smaller jeans as a result.
3) Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha
How it eliminates fat: It reduces your number of fat cells.
Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha is produced while you sleep. Yet another reason to get some decent Zzzzzz's.
4) A proper Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acid ratio
How it eliminates fat: Having an imbalanced Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acid ratio sends a barrage of mixed signals to your cells, one of which tells them to store fat. So it's essential for proper cell functioning (and avoidance of inordinate fat storage) to make sure your ratio is close to the desired 5:1.
Problem is, our typical diets are loaded with Omega-6 EFAs like I mentioned up above. And most people don't get nearly the Omega-3 EFAs in their diet that they should, since they're found most abundantly in fatty fish--not something that most people eat 7 days a week.
So to help ensure your Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acid ratio is where it needs to be, supplementation with a quality fish oil formula like VitalMega-3 is essential.
VitalMega-3 provides 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in every daily two-capsule serving--which is double the amount of many store brands. It also provides the desired 3/2 ratio of EPA to DHA that is found in most scientific studies of fish oil efficacy and benefits.
Don't run the risk of a seriously imbalanced Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acid ratio. It can have serious health consequences AND keep your waistline growing.
Let VitalMega-3 help you keep your ratio where it needs to be for great health and less fat.
5) Retinoids
How they eliminate fat: They help reduce your number of fat cells as well as reduce your appetite.
Retinoids include vitamin A (from animal fat and meats) and vitamin A precursors (carotenoids) from vegetables. Yet another reason to dump the processed foods.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Why not just get some vitamin A supplements?
Answer: Because your body knows the difference and you need to ensure absorbability.
Vitamins from a natural source (food) are far superior to synthetic vitamins. Because they're woven into the chemical structure of the food, and your body metabolizes the entire food as a whole (including the other vitamins, fiber, etc.), they are much better suited for your body's biological needs.
The other point is that, regardless of whether you're eating sources of vitamin A or taking supplements, if your body isn't absorbing it, it's useless.
Far and away, the most common cause of reduced nutrient absorption is poor digestion and acid waste accumulation. And that, my friend, is the direct result of eating fast food, processed food and acid-creating meals.
But never fear, because you can help turn that around FAST...with the Great Taste No Pain health system.
The Great Taste No Pain manuals will show you how to structure your meals to help make digestion a snap (and get rid of tummy troubles while you're at it), minimize acid wastes and maximize nutrient absorption.
So your body gets the benefit of that fat-melting vitamin A and then some.
Plus, you'll get scrumptious recipes and excellent meal ideas featuring delicious, real foods--including natural sources of vitamin A and many other essential nutrients.

Make 2013 the year that you wage YOUR battle against fat and finally win the war!
Now that you are armed with this vital information, there's no stopping you now!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Donald's off Omeprazole and getting back to his 33 inch waist!
Your Great Taste No Pain plan is awesome. I suffered from acid reflux for over 2 years. I was taking 20 mg of Omeprazole and recently had the dosage upped to 40 mg because I was experiencing a bad sore throat again.
After about a week of taking 40 mg, my stomach and body just didn't feel right. Plus, I don't tolerate meds very well.
I searched for a more natural, holistic approach to managing my acid reflux. I came upon your site and tried your plan.
Well it took about 6 days before I really started to notice a significant difference. (I think going cold turkey off of Omeprazole may have been the culprit in taking a little longer!)
It has been almost 2 weeks and I have no reflux. I am following your meal plan and doing great.
I am a pretty fit person but could never get rid of the extra few pounds that I always wanted to shed. (I am a runner and exercise 5 times a week.) So far, I have Iost 5 pounds and hope to Iose 3 more to get to my 33 inch waist again.
I look forward to reading all the info from you to help continue with my transition to eating healthy and feeling great. I have forwarded many of your emails to family and friends that have suffered with Gerd, IBS and other stomach-related problems.
Hopefully they heed your advice and try your Great Taste No Pain plan
Donald M.
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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