Let’s Think About Red Flags
by ProfJim
Of late much of the talk has addressed returning to the American republic and false flags. Rolling those two subjects together easily leads to thinking about red flags in any of the several “restore” the original united states plans tossed about. I will list for your thought and consideration some of the red flags that wave in the wind of these various plans. Seeing one of these raises my eyebrows. Two is a serious hmmmm. More than that I allow the author is full of it up to his ears and above that is toilet paper.
As soon as political correctness shows up in any form I see a red flag. Why? Political correctness shows the author has not un-learned the garbage propaganda drilled into all of our heads from birth. Politically correct is a buzzword for “parrot the propaganda” that is/has destroying/ed us.
As I write this list I ask you to keep political correctness (propaganda) in mind. It permeates all that follows.
One of the easiest to see and blatant red flags is the use of a few Bible verses to attempt a convincing argument while ignoring the vast majority of the very same book. Have you noticed that the various authors never explain how they came by the authority to change the Bible? I’ll not burden you with verse cites. Those interested can look then up. One little example and then the meaty stuff:
Go to any city of decent size on a Sunday and you will find a sermon on “Thou shall not serve two masters”. It is a popular sermon. Meanwhile the dude preaching it is doing so in a 501c3 church. 501c3 is a buzzword for “preach what the IRS tells you to preach and don’t preach about what the IRS tells you not to preach. So, assuming the preacher is really a follower of Jesus (ha) he is following two masters AS HE PREACHES! If you look up the Biblical penalty for preaching BS it is death. And all the little parishioners just set there, let him live and go on with the drivel, shake his hand on the way out and say, “Nice sermon.”
Biblical penalty for murder-DEATH.
Biblical penalty for homosexuality-DEATH.
Biblical penalty for race mixing-DEATH.
Biblical penalty for false preaching-DEATH.
Biblical penalty for false prophecy-DEATH.
Biblical penalty for corrupting the Bible-DEATH.
Biblical penalty for robbery without restitution-DEATH.
Christians are NOT to obey any man-made laws.
Christians are NOT to make war on their brothers.
Christians are NOT to lie to their brothers.
Law permeates all of our lives and everything we do in our lives. An amazing red flag is talk of common law. How many have read “Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Common Law”? From what I have seen-few. What is common law? It is one of the many families of law. Some other families are roman, maritime and equity. Common law is decided by the people. Notice that I did NOT say “made by the people”. Common law is very explicit and exact. It is also harsh. Common law is the closest law to Biblical law. Common law is not I make up my law as I go along and you make up yours. Example: If you murder someone you will be brought before the elders of the city. In common law the elders are called a jury. If you are found guilty you will be publicly hanged immediately. There are no appeals, no prisons. What’s more the family of the victim has the right and the duty to pull the lever. That’s closure!
Why no prisons? The only way to pay for prisons and the jailers is to steal from working people. Ever heard of “Thou shall not steal”?
Common law is shown perfectly in the movie “Lonesome Dove”. The scene is where Woodrow and Gus catch the horse thieves and murders. There was evidence and admission. Woodrow and Gus hung them on the spot. Woodrow and Gus were the elders. They left one hanging with a sign around his neck that said, “Man burner and horse thief” as a warning to others. Gus said, “A man that will put up with five murders is taking his leave [noun] a little slow.” (More on that later) Later Woodrow said to the sheriff from Arkansas that Jake Spoon, “Fell in with a bad bunch so we hung him” as easily and matter-of-factly as if it was his duty, which it was. I suggest you watch it.
Any less is a red flag!
Let’s say you steal the neighbor’s car. You are caught. You are in court. You ask the neighbor to forgive you. Does that mean you get to keep the car? NOT!
After you give the car back you will have the right to ask forgiveness. NOT UNTIL! This act of giving the car back in law is called “restitution”. Hint: You might want to wash it, wax it and fill the tank.
From the other side of the coin, the neighbor does not have a right to forgive you until you have made restitution. Think about it. If the neighbor forgives you without restitution that neighbor is an accomplice to the crime. The neighbor is feeding the depravity of the criminal. Next car please.
This babble about forgiving the cabal’s past crimes is not and cannot fit in common law. It is a red flag. This leads us into the next red flag…
Compromise is lose-lose. I have a suggestion for all you who wish to compromise. I will send you two cookies. I will “compromise” one of them with just a tiny drop of strychnine. With your love of compromise you will, of course, eat them. Right? But only one of them is a little bit compromised. Just a little. The lesson is this: Compromise food with poison and the poison will win. Compromise good with evil and evil will win. A search of my Strong’s shows the word “compromise” in not in the Bible.
Compromise is another red flag.
We do not have money. Thus we cannot have law. How can you make restitution if you cannot pay for your crimes? Wasn’t there something in the Bible about when you fill a bushel it is to be pressed down and shaken together? Seems I remember that. Is that true of this fiat currency we have now? Not hardly. The value of it changes day to day! As an aside what are the “Christian” preachers doing accepting it into their offering plates. Oh. They are compromising.
While money is one of the more addressed issues, until we have real, solid, stable money, we have no restored united states. Address the solid money issue to remove this red flag.
As soon as these various peddlers refuse to answer legitimate questions or do not dig to discover the real question being asked, I see a red flag.
In a recent audio, the most popular question was, “When will we see disclosure”? Not only was it not answered the author did not recognize the real question. The real question that was asked many times was, “When will the police, FBI, TSA, DHS, etc. be told they can’t shoot us, grope us, Taser us, etc. any more”? Frankly Scarlet I don’t give a damn about hearing disclosure. I want to hear about the cops hearing disclosure.
I would like to invite you to come and visit me in my clean house.
I haven’t vacuumed.
I haven’t swept the floor.
I haven’t mopped the floor.
I haven’t washed the windows.
I haven’t washed the walls.
I haven’t cleaned the shower.
I haven’t cleaned the sinks.
Let’s see, there must be something else…..
I haven’t cleaned the toilet.
I did wash the December dishes.
Get the point? My house is cleaned it just doesn’t LOOK like it’s clean yet.
That is the red flag waving in the wind of, “It’s all done but you just don’t see it yet.”
Yes, like it or not, politically correct or not, there is a race problem. It is a very serious problem. It is a Biblical problem. The definition of a “nation” is a group of people of one history, one language, one set of values. It has nothing to do with geography. The lack of addressing the race problem is a red flag.
Slavery is anything that makes me responsible for another’s mood, emotions, behavior, food, housing or life without payment set by me and penalizes me for not doing it. Slavery is a red flag.
Judaism and Christianity are oil and water. You only need look at how the Jews talk about and treat Christians. You can also gain insight by reading the Talmud. It states much about killing, enslaving, lying to the goy (Christians). BTW Before a rabbi can get married the potential wife must pass a DNA test to prove she is Jewish. That is race. OK for them but not us.
God promised David that his throne would stand forever. Anyone ever heard of a throne in modern Israel? Red flag!
The trading with the enemy act of 1917 as amended makes it clear that Washington DC declared war on the states. Read it and the amendments. I often ask people what country they live in. And they always say United States. There are two rebuttals to that answer. The first is extradition from one state to another. Extradition is sending a criminal back to the country where he committed the crime. If this is all one country, the United States, extradition would not be required.
The second is the war on the states previously mentioned. One cannot make war on one’s self.
The upshot of this INTERNATIONAL war on the states is that the family of law we are under is the international rules of war or the Geneva conventions if you prefer.
Without this war being addressed I see a red flag.
The propaganda machine has worked hard to equate corporations and capitalism. No two things could be farther apart. Let’s dispense with the dictionary definitions and consider practical definitions.
Corporation: A legal entity allowed to push anything it wants to people with no man associated with the corporation responsible in any way for any damage the corporation’s products inflict on people.
Capitalism: You grow apples. I grow carrots. Let’s trade. Note there is no mention of money.
The solution to the corporations running amuck is so simple and straight forward that a child can see it. If a corporation harms a man the board of directors and all officers are hung in front of the corporate offices. Done! Think maybe the next (or other corporation) board and officers will be a bit more careful? Likely. What if the corporate offices are foreign? That is flat-out not allowed.
The lack of controlling corporations is a red flag.
Commerce is, by definition, INTERNATIONAL trade. Remember the camel caravans of old in Marco Polo’s day? They traveled what were called the “spice routes” for the spices they largely transported. That was international trade, commerce. That commerce was solely to procure items people wanted that were not available in their own country. People had no need to procure internationally what they could produce for their selves. Nothing has changed.
Ask yourself how much commerce we really need. Many of the spices we enjoy cannot be grown here. And coffee. Don’t forget the coffee!!!!! Having a lower wage scale does not justify commerce. Tariffs adjust for that.
Without plans for becoming a self-sustaining nation the red flag is hiding our capitalism.
Assuming we do get the republic back, education for all must be near the top of the priorities. It has long been my contention that the first task of this education is not to educate but to UN-educate. Education must first remove from our little brains all the propaganda with which we have been inundated for most of our lives. Only then will people’s mind be open to learning the responsibility, accountability and authority of living free in a republic.
I put this red flag near the top of the list.
I do not buy you are free “except”. There are no limits to my freedom. If I accept limits I am compromising. This goes back to common law. Common law does not kick in until you have injured a man. Any limit on freedom is a red flag.
We think in words. We cannot have law without words to express that law. As such words must be explicitly defined. We must all know those definitions. One example:
We were all taught the definition of a noun is the name of a person (the mask of an actor), place or thing. That definition will not hold up in common law. A more realistic definition is “a noun is the name of something that has value”. As an item of value you can possess it, transfer it and trade it. Now you can name what I stole from you and by definition, it has value. By that value common law will punish the criminal for the crime. A few examples:
We all know FRNs have no value other than the paper. FRNs cannot be called money can they? Silver and gold do have value.
I love you. In that most common sentence, love is a verb (an undefined verb BTW). Try “I give you my love”. Now love is a noun and has value. Ever wonder why marriage has gone down the drain?
Clean up your language and you will clean up your thinking. Clean up your thinking and you will clean up your life. Clean up your life and you will clean up how you interact with other people.
Without cleaning up how we interact with people and a well-defined language for that interaction a red flag will always fly between us.
Intertwined in all the talk about a return to the republic is NESARA, prosperity packages, etc. Money. Think about it. If everyone has a boatload of money who will want to work to grow the food? Who will unplug my previously mentioned toilet?
You can’t eat money. Money is a tool that is handy in capitalism. However, money is not required for capitalism. With capitalism we can all live. With only money we can’t.
In an earlier plan for the restoration of the republic an identification card was offered for a price. In this latest plan papers are offered. Can the card or papers stop a bullet from a psycho cop? “Oh, just a minute, hold up your bullet while I get my papers out.” This carries into the next red flag….
This is not about removing OUR shackles. This is about putting shackles ON those who oppress us.
Much like my clean house, I am waiting to see cops (in the broad sense) on the local news lining up and smashing their Tasers with a big hammer. This is about stopping cops from shooting unarmed people, on the floor while in handcuffs. This is about stopping cops from shoving a broomstick up a woman’s vagina in the police station after they stripped her [Ohio]. Another example: If you read a court style manual, you will discover there is nothing written on a speed limit sign.
For those who still wish to pursue the “believe” or the “thinking it is so” makes it true route, I suggest an experiment. You will need a friend. Stand side by side and put a chair behind one of you. Then you, the believer, with your mind conger up another chair and put it beside the chair that is present. 1…2…3 both sit down. Is anyone sitting on the floor?
Telling me I am free does not make me free. Convincing me to believe I am free does not make me free. Carrying papers does not make me free. It is the overwhelming firepower against me that prevents my freedom. Ridding this nation of those who take my freedom by force is what sets me free.
THAT is what happened a few years after 1776. The British didn’t leave because we SAID we were free. The British didn’t leave because we BELIEVED we were free. They left because we kicked the scum out!
Allowing the scum to stay here/alive is a red flag.
Think about it.
PS: My compliments to
for adding some Bible verses confirming the mentioned penalties. Thanks!
PS: My compliments to
AnonymousJanuary 26, 2013 at 11:16 PM