David Wilcock: The 'Harvest' - Another Name For a World
. December 21, 2012: Romance and Reality ![]()
-- a major new summary of how our thoughts on the Law of One, the
fourth-density shift and Ascension have evolved in the post-Mayan Calendar
end-date world.
we discuss the "romance" versus the "reality" of what has
are over 180,000 documented cases of people transforming into the
"Rainbow Body" in Tibet and India alone.
phenomenon has continued straight through into modern times.
As I
reveal in The Source Field Investigations, this has been witnessed,
scrutinized and investigated by Father Tiso, a Catholic priest, as well as
members of the Chinese military in recent times.
In each
of these cases, a human being of flesh and blood is transformed into a
"Light Body" -- and gains the ability to walk between this physical
world and the afterlife.
In some
cases, people transform all at once -- spontaneously.
in many other instances, their bodies gradually shift into pure, rainbow
light while they are wrapped in a shroud -- over the course of seven days.
people were invariably working in highly advanced spiritual disciplines.
There was nothing "accidental" about what happened to them.
were meditating, contemplating, and doing their best to love, forgive and
accept themselves and others -- and to see the Universe, and their own
greater identity, as the One Infinite Creator.
had reached a point where they mastered what this level of existence is here
to teach us. That gave them the power to move into the "Ascended"
This is
not at all what happens when most people die.
Nor is
this "Light Body" the same as what we naturally become after our
physical death. It's literally a quantum leap in human evolution.
Tiso wanted this phenomenon studied more seriously.
He felt
that this knowledge could help transform the lives and spiritual paths of
people in the Western world.
Over 30
different ancient cultures, worldwide, were given the exact same message.
were told to study a 25,920-year cycle in the Earth. We have written about
this in most of our recent articles here at divinecosmos.com, in David's
message was 'encoded' into various ancient mythologies, using symbolism and
technical detail -- including highly specific numbers.
messages were hidden in ways the local people themselves obviously did not
cultures invariably got this information from human-looking 'Gods' who had
extraordinary capabilities -- including telepathy, telekinesis and
they were told that at the end of this cycle, an energetic shift would occur
-- which would allow us to develop the same abilities that these master
teachers already had.
of having to meditate in a cave for 40 years, when this cycle comes to an
end, the shift is automatic -- providing that you're ready for it.
I first
read about this worldwide 'encoded' message in Graham Hancock's classic,
Fingerprints of the Gods, right after I graduated college in 1995.
It is a
major feature of my own epic research work, The Source Field Investigations,
as well.
the awesome scholarship that went into this discovery, it has hardly ever
been explored -- or even mentioned.
I have
called special attention to it in my videos and articles for several years
cycle re-boot, where we shift into the Age of Aquarius, was expected to begin
in or around the year 2012 in Western astrology.
"Age of the Zodiac" is 2,160 years long -- adding up to a total of
25,920 years.
We are
not only entering a new Age of the Zodiac now -- we are beginning an entirely
new 25,920-year cycle.
correspondence between this shift-point and the Mayan Calendar, on the
opposite side of the Atlantic, in a supposedly isolated area, has always been
In the
Mayan Calendar, the new cycle begins on or around December 21, 2012.
ancient prophecies clearly indicated that this will usher in a Golden Age.
Golden Age prophecies are very grandiose. They go far beyond the idea of us
having technology like smartphones and Internet access.
In this
world, we develop all the abilities that were once only seen to occur within
the "Gods".
months after I learned about this worldwide "encoding" of a Golden
Age prophecy, complete with a timeline, in Graham Hancock's book, I began
reading the Law of One series.
was by far the most detailed and impressive channeled material I'd ever
channeling does not seem to be credible. Each source has its own mythology,
and collectively they are wildly contradictory.
basically have to choose who you will believe and ignore the rest, for your
own sanity -- if you want to bother with it at all.
the Law of One series was bursting with specific scientific data points.
data points confirmed a variety of things I'd researched in over 300 books in
the preceding three years -- and had considered to be "original
entire Law of One series was built around the idea that something very
wonderful would soon be happening to us -- something they called
timeline was given for when this would happen -- approximately 30 years after
1981. We will explore exactly what they said in much more detail later on.
you read the cumulative body of data in the Law of One series, it seems very
clear that "Harvest" refers to a worldwide event.
this event happens, many of us will now be able to achieve the Rainbow Body
state -- or what is often called "Ascension."
Just another conmans ramblings. I just can't believe people still believe this snakeoil salesman. Rainbow Body my ass.
Occult practices result in occult effects. This is as old as Lucifer's original program of deception in Heaven.
When human beings choose to come into close, familiar relationship with demons, demonstrated through determined, specific behaviours, demons are allowed to respond. And they know all kinds of interesting 'special effects' which they can use on human beings who choose their company and accept their teachings.
This phenomenon is neither new nor wonderful.
"For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.
"He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." -John 3:17-19
Amen to the above..
as I have said before satan is a liar, he comes to steal, kill and destroy...he is an "angel of light" who comes with PARTIAL TRUTHS to deceive. He knows the Word of God...he knows that there shall be a great harvest of souls into the kingdom in the last days...I have NEVER seen anyone use the term "harvest" before except in farming or regarding the gathering of souls in the last days into the kingdom.
Now satan is getting even bolder with his deceptions...He is calling this ridiculous phenomenon a "harvest"--to create more deception and confusion. Further deception to make people think that it is this "ascension" deception that will get you to be one with the Creator-God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and the Father of Jesus Christ--His son whom He sent to die on our behalf--WHY? So that we can go to hell instead of spending eternity with our Father.
Because we were born into the sin of Adam..we need redemption by His grace He made a way through Jesus so that we could unite with Him...any other way doesn't cut it because you are full of sin and rejecting His Son whom He sacrificed for your sin..it is in the word over and over.
It is by His love and grace and our acceptance of Him as our Savior and Lord that we are changed on the inside by the power of His Holy Spirit. Our spirit is made alive and then we must renew our mind by the word of God so that our flesh and soul come under the authority and control of our spirit--that has been joined with Him. Christians have already "ascended" by the power of God-- we are now citizens of heaven...we are not of this world...but we must live here for now cause God has a plan for us so we need to "be transformed by the renewing or our mind". It is a process and it can be fun and rewarding .
The huge problem is that many born again spirit filled Christians have done NOTHING to allow God to transform their SOULS through His word..and they allow their unregenerate souls to control them--that is why many can be called hypocrites or do "unchristian-like things" and are "bad examples" or get into wars, or do violence against abortion clinics etc --their emotions have control and not their spirits--and satan can influence your soul area through your mind and emotions. that's why "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty..for the pulling down of strongholds" I do believe in these last days that the church is going to look more like His "bride to be" than what she looks like today...
It is God that changes us as we ask Him to renew our minds and fill us with His love...it is a continual "transformation" process that HE DOES when we are willing.
As a Christian, you could say I have "ascended" because when I worship God and give Him praise and glory, His magnificent presence surrounds me and it is as if I am ushered into His very throne room. By His spirit we are one through Jesus and I bask in the love, peace and joy that comes from being in His presence.
This is available to every Christian but not all experience it because their soul is in control...that is why it says in Psalms "Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me" We have to tell our souls to get in line with our spirit because they have been so influenced by satan and the world...Pretty soon it just becomes natural as we learn to throw off worldly thinking and embrace all that God has provided for us!Joy, love, peace that passes understanding...Praise His name.
that is what all these people are striving for with all their self efforts, self discipline--self self self oh look at me what I am doing...it is a deception.
Continued below in next post--I have been cut off...
Continued from my post above somewhere..I was cut off
You can "ascend" when you accept Jesus as your savior..Just ask Him in and thank Him for dying for your sins, for suffering on the cross for you, in your place and rising from the dead in victory and glory!! It happens in an instant and then you begin a transformation that He will do in you as you allow Him to...You can't do it yourself--after all , He is the creator and He know how to do it. You don't go to a watch manufacturer to get a car fixed.
We are filthy rags full of sin prior to having our sins wiped away by accepting Jesus as our Savior. The audacity of some people that think by their own efforts they can purify themselves enough to stand in the presence of a Holy Almighty God astounds me. when Isaiah was caught up in the spirit to heaven he fell down ashamed, knowing he was unfit to stand in the presence of God--and he was given "clean clothes"
God is willing and will change us to be more like Him--one with Him in His love. It takes a commitment and giving up of our "selves" and allowing Him lordship over our lives, allowing Him to guide us and change us.
Jesus did it all on the cross, healed our diseases, was the sacrifice for our sins so that we are forgiven of them--WHEN WE ACCEPT HIM AS THE SACRIFICE GOD PROVIDED.
We cannot EARN our way to God with self effort and all that David is describing--that is just another RELIGION----DEFINITION-striving to find God.
God is right here--available, He loves you, sent His son Jesus to die for you..and you can "ascend" right now.
No amount of meditation, contemplation or whatever else they say is involved is going to make you holy enough to become one with God. Just think about it..satan wanted to be like God--his Creator--he was the most beautiful angel of God's creation and because of this sin of pride..was thrown out of heaven with his followers that wished to go with him....he has been and is,pretty pissed off..cause he know how all this ends and he is spiting God, by trying to take as many people away from God as he can in revenge,
CHRISTIANITY IS A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. "narrow is the way but few are they that find it"
He who denies the Son denies the Father--who by the way IS THE CREATOR..it is that simple.
I hope this helps someone out there...especially the part about "lousy christian examples" that have made people want to shun Christianity...many don't even know themselves what the problem is...
I may have repeated myself..many distractions currently.....
blessings to all..
Jesus didn't exist sorry to burst your bubble
How sad these first four fear-based comments are.
I think no mortal knows who's who or what's what. I chose to believe in God because it only makes sense. I take everything else with a grain of salt. Religion, ET's, the Zodiac and the Bible. I ask questions in My mind, I do research and the answers come in time. I read the bible and lots of other things dealing with all the above mentioned. God is doing the best He can and so should We.
Fear? Where's the fear? Fear of what? Did you bother to read it?
The gospels themselves proclaim this phenomenon..
Jesus himself demonstrated this phenomenon...
as have many many others.
Doubt if you must.
Have faith, or believe if you dare.
Truth is Truth either way.
Doesn't matter if you are christian, buddhist, or zoroastrian,
All you need too read your little bibles an or scriptures a little more!!!! every symbol in every religion is based on Pagan culture the sumerians an egyptians inherited there symbols and then the romans had stolen them an made them mean something that they definitely did not mean and you all know it the cross represents saturn the Swazzie represents the sun ect...ect...your bibles and scriptures are books for population control it states that only gods have free will in most of them ( wait im confused ..... doesn't that mean were all deities) OMFG! now believe what you want but we pagans where here before your worship of Oil look up jesus and crist in hebrew translation and or scriptures you all really don't kno anything just trapped in a gaint bubble believe in everything that some scribe who had been paid to scribble and dot down everything for what money population control do you know anything about your own religion like for real open you minds open your heart jesus was never there as the son of god most religions indictat worship of our natural selves and the universe like the sun the moon the stars why do you thing all ancient cultures used the solar system to build their landcapes like the pyradmids and I bet most of you if not all of you! only know about the egyptian, and the mayian pyradmids its a shame really know your history before you question us! and if not thats fine we all are entittled to are own opinions and I shall take that as your finally learning something about freeing yourselves from the imprisonment!!!!!!!!!!
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