Saturday, June 1, 2013

Driving Reaction Time for Older People

Driving Reaction Time for Older People ~~~~   I know all of you are very good drivers, so here is a fun test to see how good your speed is!   The automobile driving manual says the average driver's reaction time is .75 seconds or 1 car length for every 10 mph.   

Test your average reaction time. Be careful, this can be addictive! You will be surprised at how slow you really are.   JUST CLICK ON THE DART WHEN THE SHEEP STARTS TO RUN ...... THERE ARE 5 SHEEP    

Click here: Reaction Test         

Why Colon Cancer Rates Are Down - It's Not What You Think

Why Colon Cancer Rates Are Down - It's Not What You Think

I have good news and bad news.
First the good news:
A new study has suggested that wider use of colonoscopies has led to a decline in colorectal cancer rates.
Overall, the colorectal cancer surgery rate per 100,000 people has dropped from 71.1 in 1993 to 47.3 in 2009; in other words, it decreased about 33% over that 16-year period.
Researcher Uri Ladabaum, MD, associate professor of gastroenterology and hepatology at Stanford University, attributed the decline to colonoscopies and their ability to enable doctors to remove precancerous growths before they "blossom" into full-blown cancer. So they're still cutting people open at the same rate. But they're doing it earlier instead of later.
So it's still good news...but with a giant, flashing, neon asterisk. 
Now for the bad news:
Colorectal cancer STILL kills more people around the world than any other type of cancer after lung cancer.  And of course, America is leading the parade.
Why would that be?
I'll tell you.
It's STILL a major killer because people are STILL doing the things that are causing the cancer in the first place. (Remember all those precancerous growths being removed?)
And unless you make it difficult for cancer to thrive inside YOU, you too may be one of the grim statistics.
Read on to see how you can help keep this killer far away from you.

The birth of cancer
I know you may find this unsettling, but chances are excellent that you have had "potential cancer" festering in you at various times.
You see, cancer is "born" when the DNA in one of your cells becomes damaged. It then can no longer divide and die. It mutates and can no longer repair itself.
The damaged cell, if allowed to divide uninterrupted, will replicate itself WAAAY too fast until it forms a mass...a tumor.
The tumor can then start to invade your surrounding tissues. At the same time, your natural cell death rate also slows down, which gives the green light for the tumor to continue to grow even more and eventually invade other areas (metastasize).
But NONE of this can happen unless these two conditions are present:
1- Your body is so toxic and acidic, cancer can thrive and
2- You have a weak immune system


Here's the scoop on both of those:
Acid and toxins ==> Cancer's calling card
Studies repeatedly show time and again that cancer must have an acidic, toxic environment in order to thrive.
And on the flip side, cancer FAILS TO SURVIVE in a clean, alkaline environment.
Although there are many factors that can make your body acidic (like smoking, environmental toxins, stress and medications) number one diet -- specifically, eating foods that create acid wastes in excess of what your body can eliminate.
Since your colon is the headquarters for waste elimination (followed by your kidneys, lungs and skin), it's easy to see why colorectal cancer is right up there on the list of common cancers, isn't it?

Weak immune system ==> weak internal army
Now, when the DNA in one of your cells becomes damaged and cancer cells begin to multiply, it's not like your body immediately waves the white flag of defeat and you become a grim statistic.
On the contrary, you have some very sophisticated internal cancer protection, like your own "internal army of special forces."
You see, in a healthy body, your "army" (aka immune system) detects and engulfs cancer cells (and other dangerous toxins and microbes) and destroys them.
This process is happening constantly -- even at this very second as you read this.
But if you have a weak immune system, not only are you lacking this vital cancer protection, but you're also more susceptible to every bug and virus around!

Now the crucial question--what can you do?
Having a clean, alkaline body and a strong immune system are THE most important things you can do to help prevent cancer, or help fight it if you've got it.
Here are two very effective measures you can take to achieve this goal:

1) Nourish your body with healthy, tasty easy to digest foods
The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society estimate that at least 30-35% of all cancers are related to a poor diet!
Here's why food has such a profound effect on cancer prevention and treatment:
First of all, having a diet comprised of meals that are easy to digest and contain lots of alkaline foods (like fruits and vegetables) can help eliminate built-up toxic wastes in your body.
So you're a much less attractive home to cancer and can make it difficult for it to thrive!
The nutrients in your foods play a big part...
Antioxidant vitamins (like Vitamin C and E) and minerals (like selenium) can actually help PREVENT and repair DNA damage so it never gets a chance to develop into a tumor!
Plus, Vitamins A, D and folate all encourage healthy, proper cell differentiation and growth.
And many of the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables have been shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties and are potent antioxidants as well.
The great news is, having this ever-important healthy diet is not only easy, but it tastes good too.
That is, if you follow the Great Taste No Pain health system.
Great Taste No Pain will show you how to create healthful, nutritious meals (featuring many of the anti-cancer nutrients mentioned above) that are not only positively delicious, but are also easy to digest.
When your digestion is accomplished easily and thoroughly, not only will you be helping to eliminate toxic waste build-up, but you'll also help maximize your body's absorption of cancer-fighting nutrients from your foods.

2) Help strengthen your immune system
A strong immune system is absolutely vital in the fight against cancer.
And since 70% of your immune system lies in the beneficial bacteria in your gut, it's essential to make sure yours are healthy and in the proper balance.
In addition to a healthy diet which feeds your friendly flora, probiotic supplementation can help you achieve this important, possibly life-saving goal.
Super Shield's 13 strains of friendly bacteria are up to the task, ready to line your intestinal walls, help keep your digestion smooth and be on the lookout for "suspicious" cells with damaged DNA.
Learn more about Super Shield and all the ways it can help you here.

Prevention, prevention, prevention
In spite of all the latest and greatest detection techniques, cancer continues to be a major killer.
Prevention is where it's at, my friend.
When you help PREVENT cancer from forming in you to begin with, you are taking the most significant step toward a long, disease-free life and feeling great for the rest of your life.
Do it now.
It's the best thing you can do for yourself or your loved ones.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS:  We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS:  Trina's gotten great relief from diverticulitis & IBS, and the wrath of antibiotics
I cannot tell you how many people I have shared Great Taste No Pain information with since I started the plan.
I had a severe case of diverticulitis and was hospitalized early July with an abscess. I was sent home after five days on antibiotics which lasted ten more days.
I had a severe reaction to the antibiotics and had to go back to the hospital for another four days for IV antibiotics. Back home, more antibiotics, another attack, and more antibiotics.
Finally my primary care physician, a surgeon who followed me while hospitalized and I decided the inevitable. Surgery for removal of the sigmoid colon...32 days away.
Dilemma - antibiotics for thirty days or hope for the best. I was petrified to eat anything as no one had any idea about how the attacks were occurring, least of all the doctors.
I decided to do my own research and did an internet search on "diverticulitis diet." I got quite a few sites but most were merely more pills/supplements for hundreds of dollars.
Finally I discovered your Great Taste No Pain website and found the right tools that actually made sense to me. My goal was to reach my surgery date attack free and THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!
Received the first four days and then after about two weeks ordered the other two publications. It was so concise, so easy, and so comforting.
I am doing great and also follow the diet for other gut issues which may be present (I have IBS as well). I am a believer!
I tell anyone who will listen about what happened to me ending with the fact that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. And that it worked for me. People are listening and I am referring! Thank you so much!
One thing more is the obvious...antibiotics are sometimes necessary but too much is just as dangerous as not enough. I believe the Great Taste No Pain plan saved me from dangerous complications from taking too many antibiotics.
Trina L.
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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What is needed to save America?

Subject: What is needed to save America?

Mr. Dwight Kehoe, Tea Party Advocates


I appreciate your prompt response to my message from last night. I understand and share your concern about the present system. What we have now, just in the area of the income tax, is an outrage.

However, the way we got here required everybody involved to look the other way when the Constitution was violated one hundred years ago with respect to taxes and monetary authority, including the creation of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System.

I am sure you are aware of the book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin which describes this ugly conspiracy. It is difficult to deny that this appears to have been a deliberate plan to subvert constitutional government and to create a “progressive” monster that now bears little resemblance to the kind of government envisioned by the Founders.

The keys to making this happen were the installation of a progressive income tax, and gaining control of the monetary system to create a fiat currency. This was all part of the Communist agenda from its earliest days. Once this was accomplished, it opened the door to other egregious departures from the constraints of the Constitution, until the left has now rendered the Constitution of little or no effect on restraining the expansion of government and the destruction of our fiscal/monetary system.

The Constitution was designed, as you know, for a small federal government of limited scope, with the primary power of government residing in the states. This concept has been turned on its head. The federal government ran surpluses until the adoption of the income tax. Now the federal government is an out-of-control monster that runs rough-shod over the rights of the states and the people, with fiscal deficits never before seen in the history of the world.  Getting rid of the income tax and forcing the nation to come to grips with the true source of our problems is key to reigning in this monster.

I submit that the only way to get this country back on track is to focus on restoration of constitutional government, starting with four urgent issues:

1. restoration of a constitutional presidency, as to both presidential eligibility and the executive powers of the presidency (this must be done to stop the bleeding – every day this criminal remains in the White House the mess he has created gets worse);

2. restoration of constitutional fiscal and monetary systems; (This should include thorough judicial review of the status of the purported Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments, all of which were indisputably never legally ratified, although the income tax can be virtually nullified by simply complying with the Brushaber decision of the Supreme Court and exposing the hoax being perpetrated by the IRS to convince Americans that a tax liability exists when such is not the case. This will inevitably expose the illegitimacy of the IRS itself. )

3. restoration of a constitutional governmental structure which respects the limitations imposed on federal government activities by the Constitution, as well as the necessity for the incorporation in our system of the great spiritual truths revealed to mankind by our Creator. The unconstitutional activities now being conducted by the federal government must be identified, and plans developed to eliminate over time those that do not conform to the Constitution. (This is a daunting task, but one which cannot be avoided if our system is to survive. We already know that Social Security/SSI, Medicare, Medicaid and many other government income transfer programs are unsustainable, not in the long term but in the short term. These programs are bankrupting the nation. Moreover, virtually unrestricted immigration as currently advocated by false conservatives Rubio and McCain will dangerously accelerate the underlying unsoundness of these programs.)

4. creating a mechanism for establishing how the crisis we are now witnessing happened in the first place, who did it, and why they did it. We must hold those individuals and organizations behind the subversion of our constitutional republic accountable for their acts – acts which cannot be seen as anything other than treason.

Dwight – I do not believe that I am overstating the case when I assert that failure to carry out this plan (or one similar to it) will result inevitably in the failure of our system. It is simply not possible for our constitutional republic to survive if we remain on our current course.

I know from my experience as an airline captain that there are circumstances under which I must alter course and begin preparations for an emergency landing. If I were to attempt to continue on to my original destination, I would be guilty of dereliction of duty and could ultimately become responsible for significant loss of life. I believe that this a fair analogy to the situation of our nation today. We must take emergency measures to avoid disaster and terrible suffering for the people of our nation. For if our system fails, something ugly and brutal will surely move in to fill the vacuum. This is the unavoidable truth taught by the history of mankind.

What I find curious is that while we are hearing, just in the last few days, more and more discussion about the need to eliminate or reform the income tax and to shut down the IRS, nobody I have heard (including Mark Levin, Roger Hedgecock, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and many others) brings the Constitution into the discussion.

The Constitution is quite explicit and definitive about the authority of the government to impose taxes on the people, yet nobody talks about the Constitution!

It appears that one reason for this is that these commentators believe that the Sixteenth Amendment removed virtually all limitations on the powers of Congress to impose taxes on the people. This is absolutely not the case, as the Supreme Court stated emphatically in the Brushaber and Stanton cases described previously. Of course, Congress and the IRS have carefully avoided mention of the Brushaber case, or even dismissed it as so old as to be irrelevant. But it sits there like an unexploded bomb, stating exactly what the IRS does not want us to know – that there is no law requiring filing of income tax returns, and no law requiring most Americans to pay an income tax.

Yet the IRS has managed to convince us, by means of carefully designed deception and obfuscation, that we have income tax liabilities when the opposite is the case. This itself is one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated against the people of any nation in the history of the world. Yet most Americans, laboring under an increasingly hostile, brutal, and tyrannical IRS, are completely unaware of this truth.

This is what TPATH could be exposing. This would be the greatest service to our nation that you could undertake in this time of growing crisis, a crisis which our corrupt elected representatives and members of the judiciary have proven to be incapable of addressing.

My first recommendation would be to get every one of your readers to purchase and read “Cracking the Code” by Peter Hendrickson. Just reading this small but shocking book will make them so angry that they will be ready to take the actions needed to start the healing process for our nation.

I will send along some more information.


From: TPATH Dwight []
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2013 3:20 AM

Subject: Re: Is Anyone Still Asking- What are You Afraid Of?

Hi Dave,
I had not considered that prospect.
I'll look into it and re-evaluate and get back to you.
However, the flat tax is  a vehicle I used to get away from the mess we have now.
Fair, flat or anything would be far superior to 78,000 pages of whatever it is we have now.
Thanks Dave, as always your input is very much appreciated.

Mr. Dwight Kehoe, Tea Party Advocates
 The recommendations in the commentary you sent out on May 31 (see below) are excellent except for one – a flat tax is an unapportioned direct tax in violation of Article I Section 9 of the Constitution.
 Notwithstanding the fraudulent ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment (see below), the Supreme Court ruled in the case Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co. that the income tax is an indirect tax and thus of very limited applicability. Accordingly the income tax as we know it and as enforced by the IRS as an unapportioned direct tax is a fraud and a hoax.
 Just how they have managed to pull this off is the subject of an eye-opening little book titled “Cracking the Code” by Peter Hendrickson, available at This information has also been widely disseminated by, among others, constitutional writer Devvy Kidd ( , the late tax attorney Tommy Cryer ( and former IRS-CID Special Agent Joe Banister, who has posted many videos on YouTube.
 A so-called “Fair Tax” would probably qualify as a constitutional indirect tax subject to the requirement of uniformity in accordance with Article I Section 8.
 Here is a quote from the earlier Supreme Court case ruling the income tax unconstitutional – this ruling has never been overridden or nullified. Rather it has been affirmed in the Brushaber and Stanton cases following the purported adoption of the Sixteenth Amendment (see below):
 The two great subdivisions embracing the complete and perfect delegation of the power to tax and the two correlated limitations as to such power were thus aptly stated by Mr. Chief Justice Fuller in Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., supra, at 157 U. S. 557:
"In the matter of taxation, the Constitution recognizes the two great classes of direct and indirect taxes, and lays down two rules by which their imposition must be governed, namely, the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes, and the rule of uniformity as to duties, imposts, and excises."…
 Note that the Constitution has never been amended to change these fundamental tax provisions. The Court explains in Brushaber that if this were the intent of the Sixteenth Amendment, it would place that amendment in irreconcilable conflict with the rules of taxation laid down by the Founders and remaining in effect in Article I of the original document, and could not have been done without explicitly stating such. Furthermore, the legislative history of the Sixteenth Amendment shows clearly that this was not the intent of the supporters of the amendment. (This information is available on the internet.)

From: TPATH Dwight []
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 9:19 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Is Anyone Still Asking- What are You Afraid Of?

No one who is paying attention, that's for certain.

May 31, 2013 TPATH- As the gun control debate raged across this country, several weeks ago TPATH proposed legislation that, in a sense, acquiesced to the growing need for a National Registry for the purpose of firearms purchases.

The format for the Registry we proposed would have made it illegal for the government to track, save or in any way record the names of persons who were buying or selling ammunition or firearms unless that person was found to be a felon.

In short, the National Registry would only hold the names of persons who had been convicted of a felony or those who had been adjudicated as mentally unstable.  It seemed, at the time, that this type of database might help to keep at least some firearms out of the hands of those who should not possess them, while not infringing on America's fundamental rights under the 2nd Amendment.

And, in a perfect world, one where the rule of law could be counted on, one where elected and appointed officials would be honest, accountable and respectful of the law abiding citizens they were supposed to be serving, a criminal registry would be acceptable and as the leftists like to say, common sense.

But, after these past few weeks, one outrageous assault after another, on our privacy, on our rights and our ability to function in society without the fear of government tyranny, has awakened many of us to the reality of a world.  Governments  are not perfect nor trustworthy, and they will always be corrupted by greed for power and control over the masses.

So, what are you afraid of?    Your government would never revert to the methods and incivility of the past?  Really?  This is the dangerous rhetoric we have heard from those in the middle, the left and even the moderate right, who have been so naively inclined to go along with new intrusive laws and  illegal regulations, in the name of common sense.

It appears now, even the most ardent supporter of Obama and his henchmen might very well see just
what it is, we who have studied and remember history, are afraid of.  As we watched, over and over again during these past few weeks, the arrogance and the elitism of highly placed government officials, lying, obfuscating and misleading the country, the stark reality, not just for conservatives, but for every citizen, should have struck home like the proverbial ton of bricks.  That no government, left or right can ever be trusted.  Ever.

There is no need to go into the many outrageous crimes against the American people, being perpetrated by this administration, but suffice it to say, above all, it is time to not only stop the growth of this government, but to begin drastically cutting it back.

The IRS, unquestionably the most powerful government agency, employing the most contemptuous personality types, which is at the center of this latest criminal activity, is now poised to begin enforcing Obamacare.  If that does not scare the hospital gowns right off your sun starved posterior, its hard to imagine what could. 

As the government gathers more and more information on the citizens, whether it be about gun ownership, religious beliefs or patriotism, how would you like to know the same people who refused to allow  Tea Party and other groups to legally function, who harassed and investigated conservative donors, are soon to be the entity that has your life and death on medical issues, under its control?

And for those who may not care, because you ideologically agree with Obama and your ox, at the moment is not the one being gored, just wait.  At some time, your ox will be dragged from the pasture for its goring.  As the power of government grows unabated and you suddenly realize the warmth you felt when others were being gouged, is now the warmth of your own life's blood oozing over your brow, you may not even have the luxury of speaking out about what you should have done.

As long as we are speaking about the fantasy of Democrat voters waking up, we may as well tackle a few other fantasies that our Congress and state lawmakers could do. That is, if they had a backbone.
  • No Federal registry of any kind.  The government can not be trusted not to track law abiding citizens.
  • Congress should defund Obamacare entirely and immediatley.  They do not need the Senate or the    President to do this.
  • Congress should defund the IRS entirely. This would in effect void the 70,000 pages of the tax code.
  • Congress should sponsor an emergency flat tax bill with no deductions except first home mortgages and charities.
  • Congress should defund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
  • Congress should sponsor an emergency bill that would authorize the County Sheriffs to handle America's border and airport security.
  • Congress should defund all of Obama's upcoming golf outings and vacations for Michelle, until he agrees to tell America, where he was and what he was doing while our heroes in Benghazi were in a battle for their lives, who gave the stand down order that prevented military action that could have saved their lives, and release the audio and transcript of his conversation with Hillary which occurred hours before the last blood drained from those Americans defending the mission.
For certain, this is just a bunch of never can and never will happen pipe dreams.  But sometimes its good to dream. 

Okay, enough dreaming.  Let's get to the polls on Tuesday and vote out all those idol moderates and replace them with Constitutional patriots.

May 31, 2013 TPATH


The Top Twenty Scadals of the Obama Administration

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Top Twenty Scadals of the Obama Administration
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 1-Jun-2013 11:15:47

Found at
The Top Twenty Obama Administration Scandals
by Keith Koffler on May 31, 2013
It’s easy to forget that the three scandals currently swirling about President Obama are just the latest episodes of potential misdoings by the scandal-plagued Obama administration.
As a refresher, here is a full list of the administration’s most egregious scandals.
1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.
2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.
4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.
5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.
~~~~~ FOR THE REST, GO TO: ~~~~~

Anti Corruption site

We are not anti government, but rather anti corruption in government.

Unapproved Monsanto Crop Found Growing in Oregon

This is apparently connected with the recent news that Japan returned a large shipment from the USA that was found to have GMO's in it.


Part 45
Saddam, Prisoner of Carlyle Group
by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/16/03
As usual, the Liars and Whores of the Press promote the Big Lie as to the secret team that snatched Saddam Hussein.
Some claim the unit was not fully informed, other than they had a high priority target. And there are contentions that the unit, part of the American CIA, came within a few seconds of misguidedly hurling a grenade down into the "spider hole" in which Saddam was kept as a prisoner. Left unsaid by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press is that Saddam was being kept as a prisoner buried in a grave-like hole, breathing air through a tube to the surface, rather than the media fairy tale that he was simply hiding.
The reasons for having kept Saddam a prisoner under such circumstrances, and elsewhere kept for some time in captivity, revolve around his huge worldwide properties. Through some of his relatives, and through secret trust accounts and agreements, and through secret bank accounts and other financial intermediaries, Saddam Hussein has been a major stockholder/bond holder, through nominees, front persons, and other ways to conceal ownership, of and in the following, among his other worl dwide properties
===as owner of Daimler-Chrysler, maker of Mercedes Benz car and trucks and through cars and products of Chrysler. Supposedly, if Saddam was not held prisoner as he was for some time prior to be removed from the hole near a farm h ouse, on the outskirts of his home-town of Tikrit, Saddam could come to a meeting of Daimler's Board of Directors and demand to sit down as a duly authorized member of the Board, Saddam being a major owner of the firm.
===Hachette, the foreign firm,owning, among other things, magazines in the U.S. and elsewhere. In the U.S., Saddam's firm owned George Magazine, now defunct, the editor of which was John F. Kennedy, Jr. In 1999, as the son of assassina ted President John . Kennedy, Junior was fighting around with magazine owner Hachette which was planning to cease publication of George magazine on or about December, 1999. Junior claimed this would violate his contract and agreement with Hachette.
John F. Kennedy, Jr., was secretly intending to use the magazine to publicize at least two otherwise censored stories. (A) As to who-all was complicit in the murder of his father, including the Bush Crime Family, particularly Daddy Bush, the Texas oil tycoons tied to Daddy Bush and then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, as well as some owners of the Federal Reserve key unit, the Federal Reserve District Bank of New York.
Just prior to being assassinated, President Kennedy issued an Executive Order, under a little-known provision, authorizing him to issue hundreds of millions of dollars of genuine U.S. paper money, principally two-dollar bills, in opposition to the Federal Reserve private paper money masquerading as "the U.S. Dollar".[More details in Part 42 of this website series, sub-titled "The Public Execution of John F. Kennedy". And, as archived through MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of sa me CLICK on COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick at ]
And further, (B) For JFK, Jr., planning to use George Magazine to publicize, as he knew, the treasonous arrangements of Daddy Bush with Saddam Hussein. Junior was threatening, to keep Hachette from suspending publication of George Magazine, to publicize Daddy Bush's private business partner, Saddam, as a major owner of Hachette. Also, to expose the long-time trickery and game-playing by Saddam by, for, and with the American CIA and Daddy Bush and his various business pals including Carlyle Group.
The monopoly press, belatedly ran a story of Saddam's more than 40 year role with the American CIA. United Press International, UPI. AFTER the U.S. as a pre-emptive strike, not by a Declaration of War, invaded Iraq, ran a story of the secret role of Saddam with the American CIA. The UPI story, April 10, 2003, had an opening statement in a detailed article "U.S. forces in Baghdad might now be searching high and low for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, but in the past Saddam was seen by U.S. intelligence services as a bulwark of anti-communism and they used him as their instrument for more than 40 years, according to former U.S. intelligence diplomats and intelligence officials." UPI goes on to point out that Saddam, at a very young age, was made by CIA, a part of an assassination team in 1959, trying to murder the Iraqi Monarch running the country. Saddam, apparently incompetent to do so, failed.
Also, visit our website story "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh", where we point out the secret private business partnership in the billions of dollars between Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein, as shown by suppressed records of a Chicago unit of an Italian bank owned in part by the Vatican. It became the subject of a Chicago Federal Court lawsuit where we were the only journalists attending a key hearing in the litigation and in the back of the courtroom we interviewed participants.
As to the murder of JFK, Jr., by a sabotaged airplane, visit our website series, "What Happened to America's Golden Boy". The series has the substance of a secret FBI report of what happened. Also, in the series, the aborted attempt, one week apart in July, 1999, to first assassinate Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., intending to be a candidate for President, and then succeeding in murdering John F. Kennedy, Jr., who was himself secretly planning to be a candidate for President in the year 2000.
===ownership by Saddam of Fairchild Missiles, of italy.
===ownersip by Saddam of Matra, the Paris-based firm operating, by satellite, among other things, the "People Mover" System at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago,a light railway transporting passengers and baggage between the airport terminals and the airplanes. Hey, with Saddam owning this system, what is all this talk about "terrorists" at airports?
So, Saddam Hussein was being kept as a prisoner in a grave-like hole, called by a top U.S. Military Officer as a "spider hole", where Saddam himself could NOT get out. Saddam Hussein was being kept as a prisoner by surrogates, including Saddam's relatives as CIA contract employees, for CARLYLE GROUP.
Carlyle is run by by a group of top level stooges for the American/British aristocracy, including a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, a former top official of the American CIA, Daddy Bush, and others jointly with Saudi Royals. Carlyle is a sinister worldwide operation to take over war production firms, among others and reportedly by corruption, squeeze war contracts out of the Pentagon. Among other things, Carlyle reportedly owns in great part a sinister manufacturer of an thrax vaccine---Are THEY the cause in part of strange illnesses and deaths among U.S. Military? Visit Part Three of the Overthrow series, subtitled "The Anthrax Commissars".
Also, there have been many stories elsewhere about Carlyle. Visit search engine
By holding Saddam Hussein as a prisoner for many months before he was removed from the grave-like hole he was kept in(somewhat similar to a Viet Cong "tiger cage" for humans), and in other places where he was kept captive, Carlyle Group was determined to force Saddam somehow to divulge his portion of at least a two-part series of codes into Saddam's vast ownership of worldwide properties.
The other half of the secret codes has been kept by Saddam's half-brother who resided in Switzerland. That relative, according to European sources, made public statements in the 1990s, that were Saddam to be harmed or assassinated by the American CIA, that the relative would release secret records of the Bush Crime Family's treason, requiring that they be subject to criminal prosecution, as shown by their worldwide 25 secret accounts.
Late in the 1990s, that relative's great bunch of documents fell into our possession. We began posting them early in 2000, ON-LINE as attached to our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush".The records are in two parts. First, there are the hand-written notes of the head of the Internal Affairs Division of the U.S. Treasury, analyzing with codes the Bush Crime Family's secret 25 worldwide accounts. Then there are the secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, under the secret code of Alan Greenspan, Fed Commissar, showing the worldwide accounts of the Bush Crime Family.
One document shows the Bush Crime Family with their joint account with Queen Elizabeth II, of ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS, in HER private bank, Coutts Bank London. Part of that sum belongs to Saddam Hussein. There are related documents in our website series. Also, the Hundred Billion Dollar document is archived through the website of a radio program where I am a regular participant. In the Financial Times of London, December 19, 2001, is a story how Queen Elizabeth II ordered the head of her bank to go and become an official of Carlyle Group.
Thus, the secret codes of the vast ownership of Saddam's worldwide properties are divided in at the minimum, two parts, One, with Saddam's half-brother, the other with Saddam himself. Shortly after the U.S. without resistance captured Baghdad (the top Iraqi military were bribed by the American CIA and the Iraqis and their families taken to safety and profitable refuge in the U.S.), Saddam's half-brother mysteriously showed up in Baghdad where he was seized by the American CIA and put into captivity.
The sinister, war-mongering, worldwide octopus, Carlyle Group, has been in the process of keeping Saddam as a prisoner, in a grave-long hole and elsewhere. To facilitate surveillance of Saddam's captivity by satellite imaging, a orange and white taxicab was parked, for example, nearby to the "spider hole" at the ramshackle farm house.
Will Carlyle Group succeed in extracting, from Saddam, his part of the secret codes to unlock the details of his worldwide properties, so they can reportedly be stolen by the Bush Crime family jointly with the Carlyle Group?
Acting as a "terrorist" stooge for the Carlyle Group/Bush Crime Family/Saudi Royal Family Bankers/American CIA, has been Osama bin Laden, originally an inhabitant of Saudi. Convenient to this adjunct nest of the American/British aristocracy is the mass media and their accusation, repeatedly using the word "terrorist", of "Osama did it!" This, as an excuse to cancel the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights (as outlined in this website series).
WILL THE CARLYLE GROUP GET ALL THE SECRET CODES of Saddam's worldwide properties?
Naive and foolish folks repeatedly heckle us why we do not make these details "available" to the mass media. To state an answer bluntly if not crudely, we try to be polite in responding to assholes. Evidently, we sometimes do not succeed. Plainly said, the monopoly press has dumbed down America.
More coming. Stay tuned.


Part 44
Saddam Double-Crossed
by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/4/03
Some years ago we coined the phrase "oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press". It is not an idle statement. The basis for it are the numerous examples we have shown over the forty years we have functioned as a research/investig ative group.
About forty years ago the American CIA created Saddam Hussein and his political party as a bulwark against a growing left-wing in Iraq. Historically, it was just another way the West deals with Europe and the East. American/British Big Business financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as an opposition to the Soviets which had themselves been created by the West.
Common Americans do not seem to understand, or want to undertand, the principle, perfected many centuries ago by the Romans. To solidify your power, create so-called "enemies". and then build up your armies to protect you from "them".
Shortly after he was Director of Central Intelligence, Daddy Bush was instrumental in supplying Saddam with chemical/biological weapons as well as starting Iraq on the road to nuclear development. The Elder Bush, as a stooge for Americ an.British Big Business, instigated the Iran-Iraq war, 1980 to 1988, to tie-up both nations and keep up the price of oil, while weakening and impoverishing both Mid-East nations.
The Reagan/Bush White House armed Saddam. [See the heavily-documented book "The Spider's Web" by Alan Friedman, 1993, which did not get much mass media mention.]
Savvy folks are well-aware that Saddam was suckered into invading Kuwait, in 1990, as part of a long-simmering ruckus over Iraq's claims to oilfields on the Kuwait-Iraq border going back to 1960 when Kuwait was still a British colony.
In the pre-emptive attack on Iraq by the U.S., March, 2003, the Bush White House arranged to massively bribe the top element of the Iraq Republican Guard, the elite military units supposedly most trusted by Saddam. Thus,` the U.S. Mili tary went almost unopposed up the highway to Baghdad. These turncoat brass and their families were quietly and secretly whisked out of Iraq to safety and housing in the U.S. Remember also, we were among the first to mention that following Persian Gulf War One, Daddy Bush arranged to bring into the U.S. more than four thousand supposed Iraqi military intelligence defectors. Two thousand of them were with their families, at U.S. taxpayer's expense, housed, fed, and given work, in Oklahoma City. Kn owledgeable journalists have contended that these supposed defectors played a role with American dissidents as surrogates for Iraq, in the multiple bombings of the Alfred Murrah Federal Office Building, in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995.
Yet, Daddy Bush and his financial crony, Bill Clinton, were both in a position to know that these Iraqi military brought into the U.S. had a number of double-agents, saboteurs now on U.S. soil.
[Related details on earlier parts of this website series.]
The Kuwait dictators, the al Sabah Royal Family, after Persian Gulf War One, hired an American investigation firm, Jules Kroll & Associates, to locate Saddam Hussein's properties. Details were published in 1991, in the Wall Street Journal. Saddam was one of the richest men in that part of the world. He held a huge financial position (and still does) in what became Daimler Chrysler (maker of Mercedes Benz and Chrysler cars); Fairchild Missiles, of Italy; Hachette, which owns, amon g other things, magazines in the U.S.; and Matra, the Paris-based firm operating the "People Mover" System at O'Hare Airport, Chicago, a light railway moving passengers and baggage from the airport terminals to the planes.
December 13, 2003, was an unlucky day for Saddam. At least, some think so. It may have been a staged event, with Saddam as one of the actors. Bush Crime Family super bagman, James A. Baker III (Daddy Bush Administration Secretary of St ate), heavily bribed Saddam's guards to abandon him. This made Saddam, supposedly all by himself, available to be arrested in the basement of a farmhouse on the outskirts of his home-town, Tikrit. Coming to grab Saddam was part of a secret U.S. unit alo ng with Saddam's historical enemies, Kurdish troops. Assisting with the bribery of Saddam's guards and the apprehending of Saddam, were OPERATIVES OF CBS NETWORK NEWS. In a live broadcast after the arrest, a CBS Network news hen accidentally let slip th e role of CBS in arranging the capture of Saddam. Maybe we can expect that the newswoman making the monstrous mistake, will mysteriously later be found shot to death "accidentally" by some U.S. military, like numerous other report! ers in Iraq.
You can see why we call it "the spy-riddled American monopoly press". CBS has assisted the American CIA since the creation of the spy agency.
James A. Baker III is the same bagman, in the year 2000 Presidential election mess. He reportedly bribed southern Florida DEMOCRATS, at a strategic moment, to stop the recounting of ballots for Albert Gore, Jr. Thus George W. Bush was able to get the Florida vote, crucial to the Electoral College vote, and thereby steal the Presidential election.
If Saddam lives to be put on public trial, he could defend himself and wreck the Bushies, with his own eyewitness testimony of treason committed by the Bush Crime Family. A complicating factor, is that France is in the middle of the de al to grab Saddam Hussein. Master blackmailers, the French have plenty on the Bushies, their role in the assassination and the cover up of the same, of President John F. Kennedy, the Florida election theft, George W. Bush and his travels with his male s ex-mate, and a French as-yet not released documentary on the Florida election, and plenty more. Insofar as Saddam has been moved out of Iraq, was he quietly moved to Paris?
More coming. Stay tuned.


Part 43
Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy-The Meeting
by Sherman H. Skolnick 11/25/03
It was centuries in the making. The split between the Old World and the New World. Between East and the West. The Divide, the Vatican, the Reformation, the Protestant Church. The Capitalist World and their creation of their own "enemy" , the Communist World.
It was the fall of 2003. In the view of some, there was a most unlikely meeting of two persons. At least as considered by some, each a spokesperson for a different faction. George Herbert Walker Bush. Promoted into the oil business by the British Royalty (actually German Royalty, the House of Hanover, masquerading as the House of Windsor). A functionary of the American CIA since 1959, using his front worldwide units of Zapata Petroleum Co., later Zapata Offshore. In 1961, supervisor of the disastrous aborted CIA invasion of Cuba at "The Bay of Pigs". 1976, Director of Central Intelligence, arranged the murder in Washington of a former top official of Chile. 1977-1981, Director of a pharmaceutical firm, complicit re portedly in the dope underground with cocaine, a by-product of the production of the secret base of Coca-Cola by Stepan Chemical Co., Northfield, Illinois.
October, 1980, French Intelligence videoed Daddy Bush arranging a traitorous deal with top officials of Iran near Paris. The Iranians were bribed to help the Reagan/Bush ticket win the Presidential/Vice President election by showing in cumbent President Jimmy Carter as a wimp running for re-election. The bribery was to avoid the dreaded "October Surprise", if Carter got the release of the 52 U.S. hostages held by Iran. By the Bush treason, the hostages were held to exactly the moment in January, 1981, when Reagan/Bush were inaugurated. Bush was Vice President, 1981, and President, 1988.
Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. Son of the Irish Patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy. The Family having been from the 1920s, during Prohibition, making British royalty beholden to them. How? By Ol d Man Kennedy arranging to smuggle into the U.S. the booze products chartered by the British Royals. This was done with the aid of gangsters, Boston, Detroit, and Chicago. The criminals continued the distribution of the booze even after liquor was legal in the U.S. Teddy in 1964 survived an assassination plot in a sabotaged plane crash. His brothers, John F. and Robert F., did not survive murder plots, 1963 and 1968.
A transcript of the Fall of 2003 meeting, before the 40th Anniversary of the JFK murder.
Edward M. Kennedy "George, I think by now, through your sources, you already know, the French CIA, for several decades now, has leaked out a few details as to Dallas. Although their people infiltrated the plot, their high-ups did not see fit to stop it, believing I suppose it could not be stopped or better to withhold details for blackmail. As you know, Oswald was a French intelligence agent, a hero, who fell between the cracks. His mother often said Oswald was under cover as with N aval Intelligence. Now my niece Caroline insists that I show you these films and documents."
[A projector is set up and the films shown. On one film, taken from the Overpass bridge, is shown the shots straight-on hitting Kennedy. Other parts of films, show one of the shooters using the storm sewer up on the railroad embankment , right near Dan Rather standing in the shadows nearby.]
George Herbert Walker Bush "Teddy, you know the problem. Your brother Jack was soft on the Communists. Three weeks before Dallas, he ordered the coup against the Saigon regime of Premier Diem, a devout Catholic, and his two brothers, all anti-Communists---they were assassinated on your brother's orders. And your brother denied U.S. warplane cover at the Bay of Pigs, thus helping Fidel Castro, a Communist. Jack lost his nerve in 1962 in the Cuban Missile Crisis."
Teddy "That Saigon matter is a frame-up, supposedly making the Vatican approve of what happened to Jack."
George "Jack was allowing the country to be split on black-white racial lines by an agitator, Dr. King, a Communist."
Teddy "I do not believe Dr. King was a Communist. I know Hoover hated us and said King was a Red."
"I suppose you know about the book written by a team of French Intelligence under a pen-name? 'Farewell America'." George "The main thing is your brother was dealt with like any Crowned Head of State. After the powers that be determined that your brother was a traitor, Lyndon [Baines Johnson, then Vice President] and I, and other noteworthy person s, including those in the Military and Intelligence, and others, arranged a public execution. On the facts, it was justified and proper."
Teddy "George, it was not justified. Jack found terrible murder plots within the CIA, and was determined to scatter them to the wind and you know it. He would not instigate a nuclear strike against the Soviets. It is nonsense to claim Jack was a Communist, or soft on them. He wanted to take away the tax loophole favoring your oil pals."
George "Your brother was a traitor. He had to be punished, as a symbol to all, that a traitor will have his head chopped off or his brains blown out, in public, for all to see."
Teddy "My family has been in favor of silence on these subjects. They do not want to go public to rebut these outrageous accusations. Caroline, my niece, dissents. She demands the matters, the films, the documents, once and for all, b e made public. Her husband, Schlossberg, a grain speculator, for business reasons, wants the silence to continue."
George "Publicizing the details cannot be allowed."
Teddy "Why?"
George "Because the public is stupid. How can we explain high-level Affairs of State to dummies? The public execution was justified and necessary, and you know it. To reveal all the details now would tear the country apart."
So, on the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of John F.Kennedy, the media permitted, at least some did, the finger to be pointed at Lyndon Baines Johnson, now dead, once Vice President and then President. In espionage jargon, this is dealing with a sticky subject by a "limited hang-out", a throwaway detail.
Not accused, and they should be, are the British Royalty, the American CIA, Daddy Bush's Texas oil buddies, and Fascist killers high up in the U.S. Military and Intelligence agencies.
Considering that the French are holding all the cards---the films and proof as to Dallas---it was plain stupid for Bush, Jr., that is George W. Bush, to attack the Paris government regarding the plan to invade Iraq. Daddy Bush, maybe m ost have already forgotten, publicly opposed the pre-emptive attack on Iraq.
The oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press would not dare report any details, which they already know, of the meeting between Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy.
For background, visit our website series Overthrow, Part 42 and other parts. Also, as to revealing details of the Kennedy Family, see our four-part series on the murder of JFK, Jr., "What Happened to America's Goldenboy". Somewhere on our website is the FBI document showing George Bush, of CIA, was involved with in some way covering up witnesses as to the Dallas murder. As to Daddy Bush, the Corrupt Federal Judges, underground dope and cocaine, and Stepan Chemical Co., see our extensive website series "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts".
More coming. Stay tuned.