Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),
The communique herein from our Brother, Jim Ward, is but one of MANY I have received regarding SYRIA.
Please understand, one and all, and accept the fact once and for all, that Obama is every bit Anti-American in ALL THINGS.
Yesterday’s warnings regarding his ‘Character’, cloaked in a level of secrecy heretofore NOT seen in the modern era, cannot be denied any longer.
What he has done to this Country thus far is UNDENIABLE as it is, UNBELIEVABLE!
Yesterday’s ‘warnings’ concerning his person and just PRIOR to the 2008 ‘election’went unheeded.
ANY and ALL elements that we brought forth, that were denied YOU thanks to the RepublicCons who supposedly ‘opposed’ him, HAVE BECOME POLICY & REALITY TODAY equating to America’s collective NightMare.
The man’s past is a myriad of clandestine associations and his continual LIES & DISTORTIONS have allowed him the benefit, under the guise of an ‘American President’, the ability of advancing his EVIL IDEOLOGY.
His actions are supported by a personal cast of lieutenants acting much like a theater of spiders who have woven a cloak of deception about us and it can NO longer be denied as the Reality of their TOTAL & COLLECTIVE ACTIONS is beyond obvious and exceeding incredible.
This ‘man’ is obviously am extreme & committed Muslim.
He was educated within the American System NOT to better it but to use it for purposes of Destruction.
The American Electorate, if in only they would awaken from their Government-Induced Coma, actually bought the ‘Farm’ and thought they were ‘electing’ a black man who would bring us out of the very darkness WE CONFEDERATES have been telling YOU WE WERE & HAVE BEEN IN FOR THE LAST 150 YEARS.
Don’t y’all get it- HE WAS GOING TO DO NO SUCH THING but merely make worse that which the Oligarchy in Washington had created over many decades before.
However, I do believe his EXTREME & HIDDEN ‘POSTURE’ was hidden from many of his Demoncrat followers as his personal commitment to a Muslim Caliphacy using Democratic Marxist Techniques to bring this all about, even fooled many of them.
It’s sort of like mixing Typhoid with SmallPox and causing a NEW & EVER MORE DANGEROUS DISEASE UNIMAGINED TO MANKIND ULTIMATELY RAISING THE SIMPLE QUESTION OF WHY…..why would anyone ever want to ‘experiment’ with the ‘CROSS-BREEDING’ of these Two Destructive elements to begin with?
But that is entirely what has happened here in America and within the One Party in particular.
They put TWO of the worse possible diseases into ONE MAN and the electorate ‘sanitized it’ in the Operating Room by ‘electing’ him ‘president’.
Now you can either ignore the Reality of the multiple conditions at hand or, ‘Connect the Dots’ and acknowledge the ominous picture before you.
The Middle-East is NOTHING short of a DISASTER and WORSENING BY THE day!
The Loss of ANY more American lives in an endeavor that will NEVER HAVE ANY END is blasphemy.
If ‘Those People’ truly want ‘Freedom’ and NOT ANY THING ELSE, then let then fight for it as once did we.
Bush and Family created this environment with their BullCrap “WE Need to Spread Democracy” nonsense in 2000.
That was the Biggest Piece of DogMatic Horse Manure laid on the American People & much like a colossal Dong Heap!
ALL it did was further ‘Marginalize’ us infusing titanic amounts of money into the War Machine using the Infamous ‘Shield of Humanitarianism’ to cloak a more sinister agenda once again.
The Shiites and the Sunni’s have been fighting one another for thousands of years and THEY NO MORE SUBSCRIBE TO A ‘DEMOCRATIC’ PHILOSPHY OF SELF-GOVERNMENT THAN BUGS BUNNY DISLIKES CARROTS.
Errrrrr, I think the better question Americans should be asking themselves is: Duhhhhh, What’s Up Doc?
Until that KEY ELEMENT is REALIZED, ALL ELSE will be merely temporary resulting in Greater Contradiction leading to more intervention, hate and death.
Obama’s ‘Policies’ fly in the face of REALITY and it is more than apparent he wants a Radical Muslim State to come forth as his hatred for America is beyond apparent.
He is using the American Constitution for purposes of Destroying It via the Infusion of many policies designed to obliterate…. and by the ‘Time’ we sort any of this out, America will be NO more because WE NO LONGER HAVE A GOVERNMENT CAPABLE OF SORTING ANYTHING OUT as they long ago put themselves first and above the People.
What Obama and Company have gotten away with is Benedict Arnold times 100,000. That is the best analogy I can employ in describing what this Traitor has done.
And all the while, America bleeds its blood while it is being USURPED from withinthanks to a Two-Party Duopoly that cannot conduct nor act properly if their sorry Fat-Ass Fannies depended upon it…..but it is OUR ‘Fannies’ that are being laid to waste and this must ALL END & END NOW!!!
Thanks to Jimmy Ward for forwarding the attached, below herein, as it is another of SO MANY examples provided reflecting the Mind-Set of this ‘Double-Faced’ Man and the Evil of an Orthodoxy that Occupies Washington!
Respectfully & Confederately,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Deo Vindice!
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