Tuesday, December 10, 2013

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 10-Dec-2013 01:51:48

Hi, Folks -
Found at www.dinarguru.com :
12-9-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony It was scheduled for last night again and supposed to be doing it as we speak. We should have been done last night. People are upset all over the place. DC peeps got paid last night and the night before, even though they've said they stopped doing that. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Not everyone in DC is happy about this or happy about the way it was done. They are unhappy that they have been lied to for the last days. A bunch of DC peoples have not been paid and they are upset. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
12-9-2013 Intel Guru TNT Tony They want it done as fast as possible and as orderly as possible. They don't want you to think about this, a military thing, just do what you are told. They are scared of mob mentality. They are literally are taking away the time for you to bank shop, etc. It doesn't make sense. They are trying to cram 5 million people into 5 days. It creates that mentality to me, but they say no. That's where our RV is, they are still concerned about our reaction. The UST is the one making the decision as to when. They can do it any minute. Everything is done. We are not waiting on anything. It is coming. They do want it before Christmas which is right now. [post 2 of 2]

Reader: A man in Oregon stumbled upon a place where a huge amount of pristine water was flowing deep into the ground

Reader: A man in Oregon stumbled upon a place where a huge amount of pristine water was flowing deep into the ground
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 9-Dec-2013 13:44:38
Hmm I don't recall that story but if anyone remembers this or has an internet link, please share!!
Thanks for this..
PS We miss you in CGI!!

Re: Reader: Vast freshwater reserves discovere....
no name or email if posted...thanks
I recall and wonder if anyone else remembers this...I think it was maybe the late 70's or early 80's a man in Oregon stumbled upon a place where a huge amount of pristine water was flowing deep into the ground. He said it was as if it were somehow being diverted to inner earth. The next thing I knew was that the man had died suddenly and I heard little more about it as if it were being covered up. I don't recall where it was in Oregon but there were stories in the scandal sheets of the day and just as word was getting out the story suddenly disappeared and the man who had found this place died. Does anyone else remember this?

New Tsunami Info!

New Tsunami Info!

I got to the mailboxes before the Jewish Sabbath ended, and therefore got the following mail. It's a doozie.

UPDATE: I received a death threat for posting this mail and subsequent comments

Since this is practically routine by now, full speed ahead! (they will have a tough time carrying it out)

Please read the comments following this mail. Despite the allegations that the Pentagon triggered the tsunami (which I do not doubt) there is a reason why the puppet Obama is firing generals left and right - and it is because the zioclan has America totally under their control(most likely via nuclear blackmail) and therefore whatever the Pentagon does is done as if ordered directly through the Knesset. One way or another it is STILL ISRAEL, the fact that America has become a zombie puppet pretty much shifts all blame to the puppet master which is itself a puppet to the Rothchild elite or whoever is above even them.

Jim Stone, Saturday Nov 30 2013


This came in while "they" had a forced day off

The following is new information about the Japan disaster I cannot refute and there is enough meat here to provide some serious perspective. I don't give the Jews such an easy break, but yes, I do believe they are being manipulated as this writer says and there is a LOT to this report regarding the Japan disaster that is totally new stuff.

Anonymous wrote the following:

I cannot tell you who I am. In all likelihood, they can figure it out, but I'm not going to make it any easier for them. If you want to know the truth about the reason for the tsunami, I suggest you take the time to read this.
You've done some very good work and you're on the right track. However, you're following the wrong leads on some very important things. Israel may have mutual interests, but they are not the ringleaders in this scenario. You give them too much credit. I hope you won't take that too personally and read the rest of what I have to tell you. That's not to say you're entirely wrong, but Israel is just another piece of the puzzle.
People must put aside patriotism and realize that this is the doing of the United States of America and their puppeteers. I too have little love for Judaism. Due to their incredibly self-centered ideology, Jews are very easy to manipulate. You're virtually spot-on about Mossad's involvement. The motivation, however, is quite different from what you have concluded.
Japan was not being punished for their reluctance to sign their country's finances over. All those obstacles were easily disposed of. The turn of public opinion against nuclear energy was not part of the plan, hence why the US backed Japanese government has completely ignored it. You're right that Israel's mutual interest in the disaster stems from their concern with Iran's nuclear program, but even this is incredibly complicated.
The execution of the man-made tsunami disaster was the decision of the Pentagon.
A little background: Since the end of the second world war, the victorious US set up the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan as it's puppet government through the CIA which continues to finance them to ensure their election victories. This has been relatively successful with the party holding nearly unbroken complete dominance in Japan. However, the puppet masters are not omnipotent and did not expect an electoral victory for the opposition, the Democratic Party of Japan led by Hatoyama.
As Prime minster, Hatoyama proved to be quite a thorn in the sides of the US and Pentagon as he made no secret of his desire to move towards Japan's independence from America and pursue better relations with their Asian neighbours, specifically China. As such, Hatoyama became the victim of much bullying and intimidation from both the US and within Japan. Peace is not part of the agenda.
After breaking his promise of relocating the controversial US base in Okinawa, he finally stepped down. He later went on to essentially admit he lied about his reasons for doing so. However, even with him out of the picture, the damage had been done. US-Japan relations had taken a hit. The US needed a way to regain Japan's trust and support and a man-made disaster was the way to do it. Ask yourself: who really benefitted the most from the disaster? America immediately put into action "Operation Tomodachi" (Tomodachi meaning friend, a name which makes me sick. With friends like that, who needs enemies?) and were able to come out the heroes in the aftermath.
Critics of American presence in Japan were silenced and now strengthening the Japan-US alliance became important again. The public was once again eager to support US bases in their country. All the garbage you hear about "deepening" the alliance is just another way of saying "Further integrating Japan into the American stranglehold". The new ambassador, Caroline Kennedy, a totally unqualified woman is another puppet for the purpose of sweet talking Japan. Why would America want to give up the alliance? They are quite comfortable right where they are with their hold over Japan.
The DJP now too has been ensured that it will not stray from US interests. It's now mostly a matter of convincing Japan to give them even more money for providing their "security". It is nothing more than a protection racket, and the people running it are no better than gangsters.A lot of people were very disappointed in Hatoyama for what seems like lack of courage and resolve to stand up to the US government, but the man did the best he could. I have met the man myself and he is truly a good person. He has a family and in the end, he valued his and his family's life over politics. Had he continued down the path he was going, you could bet he would have ended up like Ishii Koki, another politician who delved too deep into the LDP's affairs and paid for it with his life.
Abe Shinzo, the current prime minister, is one hundred percent a US stooge. It's actually quite funny, at least from the perspective of one who knows the truth about the Japanese political world. He pretends to stand for an independent Japan while being completely subservient to his American masters. The US pretends to want Japan, Korea and China to get along and overcome their history, but that is the last thing they truly want, at least any more than is necessary. The controversial Yasukuni visits are specifically planned for the purpose of igniting anger with Japan's neighbours. If you trace the roots of most of these revisionist organizations in Japan that are making a fuss abroad, you will find CIA prints all over them.
A China-Japan-Korea alliance is practically the American government's worst nightmare. A unified Korea is also very bad for business, hence the North has to be carefully manipulated to cause a fit every once in a while. The Jongs are just like Osama bin Laden: A face for "freedom lovers" to hate and to distract us from reality.
The Senkaku dispute is completely manufactured. Had Hatoyama remained in office, he would have negotiated joint China-Japan control of the islands. The recent nationalization of them was done with the specific intent of provoking China and further scaring the population into supporting the alliance with the US, which succeeded as expected.
The ironic thing is that the US believes they are the puppet masters when in fact they are a puppet too. The oligarchic bankers are behind it all. Scum like the Rockefellers and Roschilds may be their face, but they aren't the whole picture by a long shot. We will never see the real puppet masters and they have no interest in public exposure.
The US's efforts to contain China will soon be blowing up in America's face, as the money they are using to support this massive military build-up will soon be completely worthless. The dollar is dying fast as on schedule. American exceptionalism is pure myth, just like the Pax Americana. America sold its soul to the bankers long, long ago and it’s almost time to pay the price. It served its purpose and now they have no reason to keep going. Their empire will crumble into dust as the parasites are leaving it to the wolves and staking out their new host. This can be seen in China's recent economic reforms. While these sound good to the short-sighted, they are a part of the plan to turn China into an elitist playground of corporatism, much like the US is now.
China's time in the sun will not last of course, and with all of the great powers suffering from decimated economies, the path to one world government will be secured. While China is not totally infected yet, the bankers are gaining tighter and tighter control over the country, and unfortunately, the corruptibility of the politicians is making it very easy for them. China has been being primed for many years now. I really hope the Chinese people will find the courage that Americans never had to stand up to this system, but I doubt it at this rate. They are doing a very good job of making it look like they are getting more freedom when they are really moving towards corporate fascism.
You shouldn't take my word for all this. However, I hope I can inspire a few people out there to do some investigating. The trail isn't as invisible as one may think. Some good places to start are looking into what the US navy in Japan was doing on 3/10/11. Project Seal is no longer a secret. Do people really don't think that if the idea of tsunami weapons was deemed viable over 60 years ago, it wouldn't be even more so today? Current nuclear weapons make the ones used on Japan look like firecrackers.
The military industrial complex never stops thinking of ways to make more efficient ways to kill people, and that's where the majority of the money goes. There are plenty of explicit statements by the US government itself that weather manipulation exists. See the defense.gov April 28 1997 transcript of a briefing with defense secretary William S. Cohen, where he says that groups possess earthquake and weather manipulation abilities. If others can do it, the US military can do it far better. People need to stop treating this like science fiction and straight out confront the government and ask them if these technologies exist, and if they say they do not, then why have they said they do in the past? Then watch them squirm. Does anyone remember the missing 2.4 trillion dollars of military spending that Rumsfeld promised to investigate? No, they were too distracted by 9/11 the very next day. But take a guess where that money goes. I also recommend Anthony Sutton's work. He paints a very clear picture of Wall Street's sociopathic ways in setting up enemies and then profiting from the wars with them.
If I'm perfectly honest, I think that the Japanese, Americans, and the rest of the world really deserve what they get. You can only put so much blame on the bankers. It is all of us who are complicit and allow ourselves to be manipulated, mostly out of love for our flags, military, and whatever other silly things. However, this is my world too, and now I just want to live a peaceful and free life to reflect on my mistakes. And if I must die for telling the truth, so be it. It is better than living in such a world where telling the truth gets you killed.
I admit myself I have been complicit for far too long and I'm making my amends now. If just a few people can be inspired, then it will be worth it even if I am to die. It's too late to punish human trash like Zbignew Brzezinski, Joseph Nye and Henry Kissinger. They don't have much time on this earth anyway. However, Richard Armitage, Chuck Hagel, John Kerry and others like them can possibly still face justice yet.
At last, be wary of the gatekeepers and other controlled opposition. You are right to be wary of Rense. I won't name any names, but it is worth asking yourself why some people spout obvious silly lies while still occasionally getting some facts right. Do not let yourself be coerced into silence. If there is good in this world, then it must be earned by fighting for it. I can promise you the future is very bleak if we do nothing, and thus we have nothing to lose.

My Comment

Good, VERY GOOD. please note -
The full time internet connection to the heart of Fukushima went into Dimona and that was openly reported in the Jerusalem Post. Israel is 100 percent responsible for Fukushima, regardless of who set the tsunami bombs off and haarped up an earthquake. And even if that was done with American property, you can damn well bet that there was not a single main street American in the know-.
We all know who really runs things. And you said it yourself, but I would like to re-iterate that America is a puppet state the same way you said and I do not think for a minute there was any main street American involved in this. Thank you for this awesome e-mail, there is a lot of detail there I never knew which is easily proven accurate.
J from Illinois wrote Jim,
thanks for putting up that email you received from that source regarding the Japan Tsunami & all. He claims the filthy Pentagon is behind it and I would believe it. Was Mossad involved? Yes of course I imagine.
But his email provides some interesting angles & context. I don’t know if Israel is up to quite as much evil as I had thought. I realize Mossad is sister to CIA basically so the criminal elements are still in cohoots.
Who really, really ordered the nuke tsunami? did they know it would do what it did to Fuku? how could they have ‘known’ this would be a direct result of the tsunami (the fuku disaster, that is)?
Godspeed, brother.
illinois, usa
My response:
First of all, just from seeing the actions of various Jews, we know full well it all goes back to the same root. I have had many tell me it´s the Masons, but I have sat inside the belly of the monster and know damn well the Masons are puppets themselves. My time with the Jewish community makes it all irrefutable and I don`t really care about the guesses of others after having been there.
One clear area that shows it is them and only them, all by itself is computers and this is a small area. Google owners silent suck up to the NSA? JEWISH. Facebook owners? JEWISH, and after the Jews got ahold of Yahoo, they immediately destroyed Geocities, which had by far the best cache of truthful historic and scientific data in the world burned by the destroyers of history just like the library at Alexandria. A full 40% of the web died when they killed Geocities, and you don't do anything like that as an economic choice, it was a clear act of war.
And what about Bill Gates? He takes the money from Microsoft and uses it to fund sterilization campaigns against the third world via "philanthropic vaccine programs" and when I discussed this exact point with the Jewish community, the wife of the Rabbi specifically said, YEP, AND THIS IS GOOD. HE IS A BILLIONAIRE, GOD GAVE HIM THAT MONEY BECAUSE HE IS DOING THE RIGHT THING AND I SUPPORT HIM ENTIRELY. That attitude prevailed throughout the community - there is no doubt whatsoever who is behind ALL OF THIS and even low level people within that community know a HELL OF A LOT MORE than ANYONE would ever guess.
True, as the writer said, Japan is totally controlled by the CIA, but when that itself was a Rothchild creation from the start, it is not really America controlling Japan. It all traces back to the same root of evil.


Why Can't We Access the Fed's Free Money?

Subject: Why Can't We Access the Fed's Free Money?
I've made contact with this Ellen Brown this is what she has to say about the BANKS

Subject: ELLEN BROWN  on Bail-ins (the Big Disaster Coming), GMO Foods, Trans
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtv6RBo3Pzo&feature     click link  34:39  minutes  she's a lawyer written 12 books some about banking

Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 11:45:24 AM
Subject: [Shaw Suspected Junk Email] Why Can't We Access the Fed's Free Money?
Hi, here is my latest article, posted on Truthout --

Why Can't We Access the Fed's Free Money?
Best wishes,

Ellen Brown


Project Seal: “Tsunami Bomb” papers declassified

Project Seal: “Tsunami Bomb” papers declassified

Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Jeff Wells
While I think a natural cause to the Sumatra tsunami remains the most likely explanation – Mother Nature gives great plausible deniability – the story of Project Seal is further proof that the military has a different take than many of us on what is unthinkable. And this was thinkable 60 years ago.
Even among dissidents and the newly bestirred, there are many eyes squeezed shut to the ongoing presumption of the Pentagon to fold forces of the natural world into its mandate. I can understand why. It’s scary as hell to doubt the natural provenance of such tremendous forces, and to suggest a human hand is to invite the harshest ridicule. How fortunate for the Pentagon.
Here are two stories, now nearly five years old, from The New Zealand Herald of June 30, 2000 (and thanks to Ken for the links):
Tsunami bomb NZ’s devastating war secret
Top-secret wartime experiments were conducted off the coast of Auckland to perfect a tidal wave bomb, declassified files reveal.
An Auckland University professor seconded to the Army set off a series of underwater explosions triggering mini-tidal waves at Whangaparaoa in 1944 and 1945.
Professor Thomas Leech’s work was considered so significant that United States defence chiefs said that if the project had been completed before the end of the war it could have played a role as effective as that of the atom bomb.
Details of the tsunami bomb, known as Project Seal, are contained in 53-year-old documents released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Papers stamped “top secret” show the US and British military were eager for Seal to be developed in the post-war years too. They even considered sending Professor Leech to Bikini Atoll to view the US nuclear tests and see if they had any application to his work.
He did not make the visit, although a member of the US board of assessors of atomic tests, Dr Karl Compton, was sent to New Zealand.
“Dr Compton is impressed with Professor Leech’s deductions on the Seal project and is prepared to recommend to the Joint Chiefs of Staff that all technical data from the test relevant to the Seal project should be made available to the New Zealand Government for further study by Professor Leech,” said a July 1946 letter from Washington to Wellington.
Professor Leech, who died in his native Australia in 1973, was the university’s dean of engineering from 1940 to 1950.
News of his being awarded a CBE in 1947 for research on a weapon led to speculation in newspapers around the world about what was being developed.
Though high-ranking New Zealand and US officers spoke out in support of the research, no details of it were released because the work was on-going.

Devastating tsunami bomb viable, say experts
Tsunami experts believe a bomb secretly tested off the coast of Auckland 50 years ago could be developed to devastating effect.
University of Waikato researchers believe a modern approach to the wartime idea tested off Whangaparaoa could produce waves up to 30m high.
Dr Willem de Lange, of the Department of Earth Sciences, said studies proved that while a single explosion was not necessarily effective, a series of explosions could have a significant impact.
“It’s a bit like sliding backwards and forwards in a bath – the waves grow higher,” Dr de Lange said yesterday.
He was responding to a Weekend Herald report of experiments at Whangaparaoa in 1944-45 to create a tidal wave bomb. The top-secret work by the late Professor Tom Leech was detailed in 53-year-old papers released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
“You can’t confine the energy. Once the explosion gets big enough, all of its energy goes into the atmosphere and not into the water. But one of the things we discovered was if you had a series of explosions in the same place, it’s much more effective and can produce much bigger waves.”

White Powder Gold

video on this page

White Powder Gold

ORMUS and the man
Source: http://www.viewzone.com/ormus.html
©2013 Dan Eden for ViewzoneMany readers suggested that I write about something called “ORMUS”. Not being familiar with this word I googled it. Literally dozens of websites came up, selling a white powder, made from gold, by that name. The claims sounded outrageous.
White powder gold [ORMUS] works by excluding all external magnetic fields (including the Earth’s gravity), and takes you on a trip beyond the third and fourth dimensional space time continuum, bringing you to a fifth dimensional consciousness. This is the dimension of imagination where your thoughts manifest, you’re capable of levitating, teleportation, super telepathy and super sized psychic abilities. [1]
These “instant karma” products are easily recognized frauds. Their effectiveness relies on taking advantage of their victim’s vulnerabilities. Selling a powder that can “super size” your psychic abilities, allow you to teleport and levitate seems almost criminal.
Since its discovery in 1981, people have been mesmerized by this white powder and, although no one ingesting it has yet reported back from the fifth dimension, ORMUS remains a hot topic in blogs of conspiracy and spiritual websites.
Stick with me. This story will surprise you. Your view of the universe will change. It’s an amazing story that will leave you puzzled.
OK. What the heck is ORMUS?
Enter: The Man, David Hudson
No description of ORMUS can be made without re-telling the story of its discoverer, a Texas cotton farmer named David Hudson.
As Hudson tells it, the soil in Texas is full of sodium and doesn’t hold water very well. Farmers in that region commonly spray sulfuric acid on their land which chemically reacts with the sodium, allowing it to be leeched from the soil with water. Cotton farming on a large scale is mechanized, so Hudson had the equipment and knowledge of working with soils and acids.
As a side venture, Hudson decided he would use the same acid spraying technology to separate gold from the dirt [2]. He would move a load of soil to his new facility where it would be safely sprayed with acid and the dissolved precious metals would eventually be filtered out and purified.
At some point in this new venture, Hudson noticed that the process he had been using was being contaminated by some material that survived the chemical steps which excluded non-precious metals, yet it did not analyze as one. There was so much of this material that it impeded his ability to extract gold. The samples were contaminated to the point where the gold would become brittle and could shatter like glass when hit with a hammer.
The first sample of the contaminated gold was sent to a lab for analysis, but they could only detect gold. The mysterious stuff could not be detected. Eventually Hudson managed to separate the gold from the other stuff and, as he puts it, “I had this sample of pure problem stuff, whatever it was.”
Hudson tried some experiments himself. He noticed that it would not dissolve in any acid or base and was heavy enough to drop to the bottom of molten lead. He became frustrated and sent a sample to a laboratory at Cornell University for analysis. The first results of x-ray spectroscopy were disappointing. The sample showed only iron silica and aluminum — just what you would expect to see in a soil sample from the Southwest. But with Hudson’s insistence (and money) the laboratory chemically removed the iron silica and aluminum. They were still left with 98% of the sample and repeated their x-ray spectroscopy again. This time the results were different.
It analyzed to be nothing. Emission and absorption spectra did not agree with any spectra programmed into the machine. There were no specific lines emitting or absorbing that could be identified.
It’s there… but it’s not there!
Hudson says he was amazed that none of the professional chemists were bothered that they had encountered a substance that could not be identified. They didn’t share his scientific curiosity. He eventually stumbled upon the research of Russian scientists with the Soviet Academy of Sciences who had been working with a similar material. They claimed it was a collection of special atoms belonging to the “platinum group” (palladium, platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium and osmium). These metals were revealed when subjected to temperatures like on the Sun — around 5,200 degrees Centigrade — and literally boiled away.
A sample was eventually tested for emission spectroscopy by fractional vaporization where the material to be analyzed is placed on the carbon electrode and burned for 300 seconds. As each element reaches its boiling point, it vaporizes and gives off a unique spectrum of light that is captured and measured.
Iron silica and aluminum boiled away quickly during the first 15 seconds. After about 70 seconds and continuing to 270, Hudson’s sample was revealing significantly large proportions of precious metals: palladium, platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium and osmium. At that time in history, rhodium alone was selling for $13,000 and ounce and Hudson had an estimated 1,200 ounces per ton of rhodium in his “problem stuff.”
David Hudson is a very intelligent man, despite often referring to himself as a “dirt farmer.” He realized that something profound was happening when a well respected and highly experienced Ph.D. in Phoenix informed him that his sample had yet another anomaly. In separating a sample that had the spectroscopic emission of rhodium, he had heated and reheated and reheated the sample. Each time he kept some product for comparison. The three samples were totally different in appearance.
“What he did, is he would take it in and oxidize it and get a red-brown oxide, which is the correct color of rhodium dioxide. He would cool it and take 1/3 of that sample and put it in a sealed vial. He then would take two thirds of the remaining sample, put it back in the tube furnace, re-oxidize it and hydrogen reduce it. He would then cool it down, take it out of the tube furnace, take half of the sample and put it in another sealed vial. And then he would take the remaining third and put it back in the tube furnace and anneal it at 1,400 degrees Centigrade and it turns snow white. “ [3]
When all three samples were sent to the Pacific Spectrachem in California they tested as three different elements: the first was iron, then silica aluminum and the last was determined to be calcium and silica — all from the original rhodium material. How could that be? The brilliant Ph.D. was stumped.
A New State of Matter!
Hudson was in a strange position. He had access to large amounts of highly prized metals that were worth even more than gold, yet they would not test positive with known instruments. Fortunately for Hudson, a small company making rhodium fuel cells was familiar with the analytical anomalies of rhodium — especially when it was reduced to very small clusters. They bought Hudson’s refined “problem stuff” at $10,000 an ounce.The company told Hudson that the fuel cells worked perfectly and that when the spent rhodium was removed it tested positive for rhodium with their instruments. They encouraged Hudson to get a patent on the production of this weird material.

In doing research for the patent application, Hudson learned that his material was mono-atomic, meaning that it existed as  single, solitary atoms. The chemical and electrical properties of mono-atoms in the so-called platinum group [above, pink] of elements are different enough to consider them a fourth state of matter (Maybe even a fifth if you consider plasma as a separate state).
“Divide and subdivide a solid and the traits of its solidity fade away one by one, like the features of the Cheshire Cat, to be replaced by characteristics that are not those of liquids or gases. They belong instead to a new phase of matter, the micro-cluster. Micro-clusters consist of tiny aggregates comprising from two to several hundred atoms. They pose questions that lie at the heart of solid state physics and chemistry, and the related field of material science. How small must an aggregate of particles become before the character of the substance they once formed is lost? How might the atoms reconfigure if freed from the influence of the matter that surrounds them? If the substance is a metal, how small must this cluster of atoms be to avoid the characteristic sharing of free electrons that underlies conductivity?” Scientific American, December 1989
Hudson described this new state of matter, one where the electrons in the outer shell were inaccesible, as Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements (ORME). For other reasons I will discuss it has also become known as ORMUS.
Because they are not involved with chemical bonds to other atoms, mono-atomic elements acquire a fast spinning nucleus that is no longer spherical. It has been described as being more like a football or banana. Another strange phenomenon is that all of the spinning nuclei in these mono-atomic atoms do so to the same beat, regardless of their mass. It’s like they are all “dancing” to some universal frequency that only effects mono-atomic nuclei.[7]
Perhaps as a response to this new vibration, the electrons in the outer shell alter their orbits and become unavailable to chemical and electrical interactions. This is why mono-atomic elements are not detected by analytical systems designed to observe the electron clouds.

The final product, the white powder [above], contains 12 known mono-atomic elements. The powder has the “feel” and look of white flour — white because the unavailable electrons did not absorb any of the reflected spectrum. The material was also a superfluid, since there is minimal adhesion between the atoms. But the strangest property of this white powder was still to be discovered. It’s this property that has caused all of the infatuation.
More weirdness…
Hudson’s first US patent application was returned as incomplete. He failed to give the weight of his product. This wasn’t an oversight. Hudson had tried to obtain a weight but the product was giving anomalous readings there also.

For example, mono-atomic iridium was repeatedly heated and cooled in a thermo-gravimetric analysis machine that recorded the weight of the sample over time in a controlled atmosphere. Initially the material showed signs of becoming heavier — as much as 300 to 400 times its original weight! [see above] These charts are from Hudson’s patent in 1989.[4]
But what really got noticed was the loss of weight. Gold, for example, when converted to a white powder by extreme heating suddenly becomes 4/9 of its original mass. If it is converted back to metallic gold, the weight suddenly returns! [3]

In thermo-gravimetric analysis the same sample of iridium even showed a negative weight — meaning that it weighed less than the weight of the sample and the container. [see above] In short — it levitated!
Hudson was to learn that the white powder iridium and rhodium were high-temperature superconductors. Now many more people became interested, not the least being the US military. Hudson claims his US patent was withdrawn because of strategic reasons.
Edible Superconductors and Manna
One might assume that this kind of a discovery would be the subject of scientific research. But contrary to reason, there is very little published data on this topic. Yes, mono-atomic elements do exist in nature and, yes, certain elements in the platinum group do acquire fast-spin nuclei and their electrons do prevent them from chemical and electrical bonding. That much is known, yet it isn’t on the periodic table of elements and it’s not taught in university level physics.
“The discovery of monatomic elements has so far recieved little mainstream attention, but is expected to become an important subject in the future.” [9]
Information about mono-atomic matter seems to have somehow gone off the radar, not unlike studies of zero-point energy, UFO propulsion and life extension. It is called “exotic physics” by the scientific community. We know that somewhere, someone is learning how to exploit this discovery, or perhaps they have already, but no reputable scientists will risk their reputations by taking a position on ORME or ORMUS.
The matter was further complicated by Hudson himself. Along his interesting journey discovering mono-atomic superconductivity, he became aware of ancient alchemical descriptions of white powder gold. He was convinced that mono-atomic gold was the philosopher’s stone and that it was the Biblical “manna” that sustained the Jews in their exile from Egypt.
“…one of the things I came across immediately was the Melchizedek priesthood and the white powder of gold associated with the Melchizedek priesthood. So I went to Rabbi Plotkin at Temple Beth Israel in Phoenix, and I asked the Rabbi, who is one of the most knowledgeable rabbis in Arizona, I said, “Rabbi, have you ever heard of the white powder of gold?”, and he said, “Oh yes Mr. Hudson, but to our knowledge no one’s known how to make it since the destruction of the first temple”. He said, “The white powder of gold is the magic. It can be used for white magic or black magic”. [3]
After hearing Hudson’s lectures, people were eating, inhaling and taking ORMUS intravenously as if it really was the magical manna from heaven.[6]
Semen of the Father in Heaven
All of the Egyptians that had this knowledge were slaughtered, and no one was there to bring them back to life. But the Hebrews had this knowledge, and Bezaleel, the goldsmith, was commanded by Moses to prepare the “What is it?”, the manna, or the “bread of the presence of God”, which was another name, they knew it in old kingdom Egypt. In old kingdom Egypt they had three other names for it, it was called “the golden tear from the eye of Horus”, it was called “that which issues from the mouth of the Creator”, the spittle, or it was called “the semen of the Father in Heaven”. And if you take the white powder gold and you mix it with water, it forms a gelatinous white suspension, that, as a farmer I can attest, it does look just like semen, which we use to, for the cattle and all. Ah, that would be a good description of it, if I was trying to convey to someone what it looks like. –David Hudson [3]
And, while I am quoting Hudson, here’s how the word ORMUS got associated with the powder.
“Now if that isn’t heavy enough for you, when I found out that the name for the golden tree of life was the ORME, ormus or ormes. And the name of my patent is Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. In the Book of Isaiah, it says a latter day David, a descendant of the Davidic blood line, my cousin, bless her soul joined the Mormon Church, and they had her do her genealogy, and my great-great-great grandmother, was Hanna de Guise, daughter of Christopher de Guise, brother of Charles or Claude de Guise, who if you got a copy of “Holy Blood Holy Grail” there, Charles or Claude de Guise is in the book. Nostradamus worked for the de Guise family and Nostradamus prophesied by 1999 the occult gold will be known to science. Very specific prophecy, very exact dates, very precise.  And a descendent of this family, a latter day David, is the one who’s to plant the Golden Tree of Life.” [3]
The late lecturer, Laurence Gardner, became one of the most visible proponents for using white powder gold as a medicinal and spiritual cure-all, capable of causing the body’s DNA to self-repair and self-restore. Gardner believed that mono-atomics are capable of increasing the body’s intra- and extra-cellular communications by as much as ten thousand times because of their superconductivity.
Gardner’s lectures should be taken with caution. In the second video he quotes a verse from Exodus where Moses instructs his metalsmith, Bezaleel, to burn the golden calf to a “powder”, mix it with water and feed it to the people. I read Exodus many times but never found any reference to this. In any case, Gardner’s ideas seem to represent many believers (and consumers) of ORMUS, the white gold powder.
The Rationale of ORMUS claims
I’ve spent the last week reading up on the potential benefits of ingesting ORMUS. While there are no documented cases of consumers of white powder gold having reached nirvana or bi-location, the theory behind some of these physical, mental and spiritual upgrades makes me pause.
In 1996, the family of Leslie Burroughs filed a complaint against a physician who prescribed ORMUS intravenously to their daughter, resulting in her death from sepsis (a blood infection).[8] The patient was a young woman who had contracted HIV from a sperm donor in an artificial insemination procedure. She had already reached the end stages of AIDS, was in a coma, and ORMUS was considered an “extreme” but worthwhile attempt to save her. Unfortunately it was just too late for anything.
According to her physician, Dr. Payne, “Patients basically have two options when they’re at the end stage of HIV disease. They can sit around and say, ‘Woe is me.’ Or they can say, ‘Maybe there’s something out there that will work for me. If it works, I’ll have bought myself some time. And if it doesn’t, at least I’ll have added to the pool of knowledge.” [Ibid.]
After reviewing the conduct of her physician, no charges were issued. The incident does highlight the problems with white powder and ORMUS. There is no guarantee of the quality, sanitation or amount of gold (or other monoatomic elements) in the end product. It’s unknown territory. What research that is being done is conducted by private groups such as the Tempe, Arizona based Spirit Foundation, who were at one time associated with Hudson’s ORMES, Ltd.
Physical Benefits: ORMUS, white powder mono-atoms, are electron neutral and will not react with any other atoms. As such, they do not break down in digestion and should pose no risk of toxicity, as with normal metals. It is believed that if fast-spin nuclei in these atoms is in proximity to a DNA molecule, the field surrounding the mono-atoms will influence the DNA molecule to “relax” and repair itself. There is some research that suggests this may be possible but so far it is only theoretical.The superconducting abilities of ORMUS have suggested to some scientists that communication within the cell, and between cells, could be enhanced by the incorporation of these atoms in our cellular material. This is even more in the spotlight these days after revelations that superconducting light is indeed involved in cell metabolism and DNA replication. [see viewzone article on this topic].
  • Spiritual Benefits: ORMUS, as a superconductor, is believed to exist partially in another dimension. One theory holds that the deformed nuclei of ORMUS requires that the protons move at a velocity greater than the speed of light in order to maintain their synchronized “dance” with the universe.[7] This is thought to explain the mysterious disappearance of 5/9 of the weight of the powder during its production. Physicists note that when the white powder is reconverted to its original state, the weight unexpectedly returns!In theory, anything faster than the speed of light is beyond our dimensional reality and, indeed, exists in the next (fifth) dimension. So by taking ORMUS regularly one gradually replaces their fourth dimension body with a fifth dimension one — a body of superconducting light. Again, there is no evidence to support this other than theory. These claims are made more appealing by Sumerian, Egyptian and ancient Alchemy texts supporting the claim that white powder gold allows one to transcend this reality.
  • Mental Benefits: ORMUS proponents like to claim that Hudson found from 5% to 10% of monoatomic rhodium and iridium in the non-organic composition of pigs and calves brains. This seems to suggest that its role in the nervous system is critical. Although no human brain studies have been published, it is suggested that if superconducting atoms were integrated in the various regions of our brain, we should then be able to “link up” with other brains by utilizing the Meissner fields. In effect, it might be theoretically possible for the brains to share information and thoughts, like some mental network.Then there is the strange phenomenon of mono-atomic fast-spin nuclei, that all seemed to be coordinated, as if they too belong to a greater, universal field. Is this universal field intelligent? If so, we could possibly “link up” with it. The possibilities are endless.
Caveat Emptor
Please don’t go out and buy white powder gold. The research just isn’t to the point where the benefits — or danger — are fully understood. In fact some shaman and spiritual advisors are saying that the ORMUS does work but that it is a dangerous tool for the unexperienced and uninitiated to experiment with.
White Owl, a Native American shaman, had this warning:
“The experiences and information that come through on a native American spiritual level are not manipulated or artificial experiences and the information that comes through is in a pure form. The information that comes through by use of this monoatomic gold is somewhat manipulated and artificial. Think of it as a vibration of sorts. For example, the beings that operate on this vibration can only be “seen” or “heard” by us when taking this monoatomic gold. Otherwise, they are largely invisible.
It’s like getting an extra channel on your TV when they are able to reach you. While they would like to think they have transcended on a spiritual level, they seem to be trapped and unable to move out of the dimension they are currently in, except through contact with us humans and only by bringing us to their “Vibration”. Whether this is mind control or manipulation is unknown.
I felt as though one dream in particular was an attempt to influence me and I was actually threatened with a particular punishment if I did not follow through with it. Why they would bother to threaten me is not logical because there “attempt” to influence me to do something, was actually a noble and kind act, so it did not make sense to threaten me as it was not something I would object to anyway. I believe this was an “Experiment” by them to see if they could influence me or trick me in to doing there bidding. They might also mistakenly believe that by getting humans to create good Karma, it will reward them with spiritual overspill or reward.
This brings to my mind that perhaps these beings are only able to “Live” and “Direct” or “Influence” through us physical beings, but they have no control whatsoever on the physical plane because they are not on, nor in it.”

Some questions keep coming up in e-mails so I will try to answer them as best I can.
Q: Where do mono-atomic atoms come from?
Since mono-atomic atoms are not interested in forming bonds with other atoms, it is likely that they have been in their isolated state for a long time. Some have proposed that they are manufactured naturally in the center of stars where high temperatures can disintegrate molecular bonds. Others think that they were made when the universe began — perhaps with the Big Bang. It has even been proposed that mono-atomic elements make up the elusive “dark matter“. In astrophysics and cosmology, dark matter is matter of unknown composition that does not emit or reflect enough electromagnetic radiation to be observed directly, but whose presence can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter.
David Hudson did not create mono-atomic atoms, his patents were for the separation and refinement of the elements already in his soil. Hudson had as much as 13% mono-atomic elements in his soil samples.
The oceans are a rich source of mono-atomic elements and this is perhaps the most efficient source from which to extract them. They are also concentrated in certain plants and vegetables.
Q: Did ORMUS really levitate? Did the sample Hudson tested really weigh 300 times the original sample weight when it was heated?
Actually, yes and no. Hudson learned that his sample was a high temperature semiconductor that was reacting to small electromagnetic fields in the heating element of the testing apparatus as well as the earth’s magnetic field. The fluctuations were likely due to small movements of the testing platform while the sample was levitating. Also, the material did lose 5/9 of its original weight when it formed the white powder. Hudson claims that when the white powder is reconstituted (somehow) back to gold it regains all the weight (somehow).
Q: Why isn’t there any current research being done on this?
The research is hard to find at first. They don’t call it ORME or ORMUS. Look insteal for nano-, m-state, fast-spin nuclei, hyperdeformed nuclei… it’s there. But clandestine.
Where’s Hudson today?
There are dozens of websites selling ORMUS and white powder gold to well-meaning customers, trying to escape ill health or death, or thinking that they will transcend this reality to a better one. Meanwhile David Hudson has declared that he is through with ORMUS and he has pretty much disappeared from the scene. Some years ago he suffered a heart attack, at which time he was questioned about taking ORMUS to improve his health. Hudson surprised many believers when he admitted that he did not take ORMUS himself. [right: Hudson giving lecture in 1995]
David Hudson’s US patents were not processed. Hudson claimed that this was because of the strategic value our government placed on these “secrets”. However, the same patents have been filed by him in many other countries. Hudson “owns” the methods for producing 12 mono-atomic elements. It seems a shame that the only publicized application of this technology has been as a medicine. Surely the levitation, superconducting and superfluid properties of this new state of matter can have some energy application… Am I being too practical?
It’s a strange world. Yes?


Based on information I received from my contact at one of the MAJOR 4 banks –

• They are estimating that there are around 5.1M dianarians in the US contingent.

• Of those approximately 2.62M have RESERVES.

• 714K are holding more than 1M dinar on hand – no reserves.

• 1.78M have less than 1M dinar on hand – possibly with reserves.

• Of the 1.78M, it is estimated that 1.2M have less than 100K total – including reserves.

Monday, December 9, 2013


re-posted with permission---[4:12:19 PM | Edited 4:26:46 PM] PIF: Ok friends. I don't need to address my family as they all have been told.
I consider all my brothers and sisters my friend. Well crowd control is not a problem.
The amount of dinars on street r still not as many as before.
Also 10-15k peeps were CE all ready.
Only 50k follow dinar websites, most are repeat users. These are proven numbers from IT people who watch this for example three letter agency. It is real simple. True numbers are reported by dealers and banks all ready. Even if sold privately. If privately it is likely deleted and they are no longer following.

You are at front of the line in the first 60k people to CE. If we use other peoples numbers of 5 million you are in top 10% appox. Google how many bank transactions are done a day.
Do not go in to appt and start asking what you should do. You need to go in ready. No need to be concern. Like I said stay calm. Don't get out of line and don't forget, get in and out then go to local branch and do your banking.
Remember if you don't others will not either and there will be someone in front of you and according to the other people numbers if you believe then 4,500,000 peeps behind you. It is the same questions that get asked over and over. That's what problem will be, even the educated of 60k have people still asking same questions. All the CE is about is depositing the currencies.
The CE is not where you ask questions. It is as simple as has a plan and follow it. They will not be anything else but that. I have seen trillions in dinars that people want to CE. Been offered all kinds of $$ to do it, even by gurus. Trying to trap me is what some even do. I am not referring to the gurus trying to trap me just others. Well I will not. You can never offer me enough to change my belief of PIF. They will catch them if they do, at some later date.
That's why I said don't worry if someone tries to do it because if you get caught they will lose it. Private deals can be done ahead of time because they are private, just like if you know someone that will sell anything private.

People will not be going private anymore, release is here and the private side doesn't have enough people right now to do 60k people.
Even thou they would like to they can't. So public has been forced to get this done. As far as someone proving anything it will never happen unless you know of away. You will just see it by what they have.
Some are here to help just like some are here to make you doubt. Even Christ closest friends doubt him and turned on him in his last days. Some share what they can, so don't scare the ones that help you away because of the actions of fear or doubt. Pay it Forward.
Visit stage2omega at: http://www.stage2omega.com

Obozo Refuses To Rule Out Jail Time For Obozocare Refuseniks...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obozo Refuses To Rule Out Jail Time For Obozocare Refuseniks...
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 9-Dec-2013 20:28:27

So, lemme ask you...Why do we put up with this marxist prick? When do you think enough has happened already? How will YOU personally react when the brown shirts beat down the door to your home?

Cobra : THE EVENT : Please vote on The Event Now

Subj: [New post] Cobra : THE EVENT : Please vote on The Event Now : A) Yes The Event Now : or B) Maybe Later To save lives : It is your call :



Cobra : THE EVENT : Please vote on The Event Now : A) Yes The Event Now : or B) Maybe Later To save lives : It is your call :

by lightworkersxm
Cobra is asking you to vote on his website  for the Event and you have just  11 days to do more of your own research and vote to  make your mind up and vote on his site here :
Please go to Portal 2012 site in link above to cast your vote at the  top Right slot of his site:
A) That you Want the event to happen now and take the risk :
B) or the second choice is to delay it for safety for other peoples sakes: 
My comments : 
The Event could trigger world wide chaos from those persons who hove no idea about the event and  that do not understand it which could have an effect which could cost lives due to Global panic and violence from the upheaval:
So on a safer view one would delay the event to prevent bringing certain death to many people globally due to the low percentage of people who have woken and understand the desperate con game we are all apart of:
My point for going for the event now is because Just like the Philippines as a great example : They bomb the place with dirty weather weapons and send GMO's in there and Vaccinations to kill more people and start a land grab :

This despicable behavior by the Illuminati Jesuit faction of the Sabbatean mafia that rule over our finances  must stop but it continues unabated and again The local people are oblivious to the crime been perpetrated on them by a thug rule satanic system of secret agendas.
By indicating the event to go now could mean violence in the streets but not on a scale of what is happening in Mali, Pakistan, India, Syria, Lebanon and many many more countries.
Meanwhile in the West we are constantly bombarded by our own Chem-trail weapons: Lines in the sky and the persistent mass slaughter globally of Whales, Dolphins, Birds, Fish and Cattle which are literally been fried alive in a giant Microwave called HAARP which has been around for more than 22 years now all over the globe and out in space:
Should the event happen now ?:
The Royal Peadophile Households and governments of our worlds plus all religious indoctrinated institutes would cease trading in Drugs and Kids immediately and the saving in Snatched children by the Social Services who are run by these Royal Thugs would cease almost immediately.
Whilst every Royal Household and Rothschild Investments group and The Oppenheimer's  own all the Gold, Oil and Drug corporations  in the world who bail out the Vatican Banks so that they can pay the Jesuit Bloodline Global Mafia Families like the Breakspear's Aldobradini's Percy's and Borge's and Farnese & Orsini's etc:  You can see that free energy will never be released, as there is simply no profit in it or open  incentives.
My final reason for wanting the Event now : It to shutdown all the other Satanic places of worship that breeds Mind Control :
Then we would get some decent news for a change:
The TV's run all the illegal Charities like Save the children fund which is behind child snatching (Jimmy  Savile was a patron)
Plus Greanpeace The Red Cross and WWF which are all Royal Run Scams that use the money to fuel wars:
Plus we have to eat GMO's and fluoridated Water and poison in our Pharmaceuticals.

Dont forget They even have death squads in Hospitals now  which are actively closing out peoples lives to save on pension payouts:
Plus we have HAARP and Fracking :
Victory of the light NOW: 
Cast your vote for the Event here :  YOU HAVE 11 days from the 9th of December 2013:
In Light 