Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hawaii's health director dies as small plane with nine people on board crashes off island

Hawaii's health director dies as small plane with nine people on board crashes off island
  • Loretta Fuddy named as victim in light aircraft crash
  • Rescue crews alerted after second pilot spotted debris in the sea


Loretta Fuddy is a key figure in the Obama birth certificate hoax

Hawaii DOH's Loretta Fuddy Fingered In 
Obama Identity Document Fraud Scandal
- Excerpts Via Butterdezillion's Five-Part Report -
[prior reports here]

“Fuddy orchestrated the alteration of the birth certificate numbers, the stunt with CNN to disclose Waidelich’s altered birth certificate number in order to hide the (Hawaii Department of Health) BC numbering method, and the illegal refusal to allow personal records to be disclosed, even though required by statute.”

Part Five: Fuddy Illegally Executes the Plan

In Part Four (25) we saw that Department of Health (DOH) Director Neal Palafox was forced to resign on Jan 26, 2011 – the same day as the story about Mike Evans’ conversation with Gov. Abercrombie went viral on the internet. Abercrombie had denied that he asked Palafox to resign, DOH Communications Director Janice Okubo had said he resigned for personal reasons, anonymous sources at the Attorney General’s (AG’s) office had said he was being investigated for patient billing fraud, and AG Louie refused to say whether he was or was not being investigated. Three days later, when Palafox told a news reporter that he had no idea why he resigned, the governor’s office admitted they had asked him to resign but wouldn’t say why. His duties were immediately taken over by Loretta Fuddy. Unlike Palafox, Fuddy did not resist Abercrombie and Louie’ plan to create a new birth certificate (BC) for Obama at the request of law enforcement, but was instead willing to break multiple laws in order to hide the problems with Obama’s documentation – which Abercrombie had openly admitted to his friend, Mike Evans.

According to Abercrombie’s statements to Evans, there was no hospital BC or other proof of a Hawaii birth for Obama in Hawaii but there was something “actually written down” in the State Archives. Having gone to the hospitals with a search warrant, he would have been allowed to see the labor room log in the archives at Kapiolani Hospital, which is open to the public but which Cold Case Posse Commander Mike Zullo was not allowed to see. (1) It would list Obama’s mother’s name if she had been admitted to deliver a baby there. Since Abercrombie said there was no proof of a Hawaii birth, her name was presumably not on that log. Her name on that log would have been discloseable to the public and convincing proof – exactly what he was looking for! Instead, he told Mike Evans there was no proof of a Hawaii birth to be found, even with a search warrant. Presumably her name was not on those lists. Obama did not have a hospital-generated BC as of January 2011.

And that made sense with previous disclosures. Former DOH Director, Chiyome Fukino, had made a public statement on Oct 31, 2008, confirming that Obama’s original birth record was on file in accordance with the rules and regulations (but she had illegally hidden those rules from the public until almost a year after Obama was elected) (2)(and Exhibit H). Later (July 27, 2009) she said she had seen the vital records (plural) verifying (swearing )that Obama was born in Hawaii. And still later she said that his birth record was half written and half typed (unlike the White House image, which is all typed). Open records requests effectively confirmed (3) that affidavits and/or other evidence had been submitted in support of the claims in the birth record (which is only necessary for late and/or amended BC’s and would not be necessary for a hospital BC) and that his BC was amended in late 2006 (4).

Taken together, Abercrombie, Fukino, Office of Information Practices Director Paul Tsukiyama, and DOH Communications Director Janice Okubo all seemed to agree that Obama had a birth record based on affidavits rather than on a hospital birth certificate and he had amended that birth record in late 2006.

At 8:48am EDT on April 27 a press gaggle was begun, with Obama’s announcement following. At 9:26 the link to a White House PDF was linked at Free Republic (22) The link given (23) now has a creation time of 12:09pm. The PDF that was posted at 9:26 had not been “flattened” so the layers used to create the forgery were still available to be viewed. That was noticed immediately, by everybody including me, the computer moron, when I tried to copy the document into a Word file. Somebody flattened the file at 12:09pm and replaced the revealing PDF with the flattened version. At 12:50am a Freeper (regular participant at the Free Republic blog) noticed the red-flag TXE instead of THE in Onaka’s certifying statement .(24) That was before the DOH office even opened in Hawaii.

Probably before even realizing that something was terribly wrong, Abercrombie created and posted a PDF telling about the fulfillment of Obama’s request for his “records” (again, that plural word). At 10:27am someone at the DOH office created the PDF of the supposed 2001 “memo” saying they would only issue short-form birth certificates (see Exhibit E). This “policy” is not lawful, since it not only violates Chapter 8b of the Administrative Rules but also raises the cost of getting certification of ALL the birth facts for Department of Hawaiian Homelands purposes from $10 to $15 – which is more than a 10% increase and thus HAS to go through a rule change and not just a “policy” change. But even if it WAS lawful without the formal rule amendment procedures, it cannot go into effect until it is posted publicly (see Exhibit F)– which means this policy was put into effect by Loretta Fuddy on the very day that Obama’s forged birth certificate was made public.

Additional confirmation that this memo did not exist until the PDF was created on April 27th is the DOH’s response that they had no such records, when I specifically asked for all such records that defined and described the procedures for “abbreviated and standard copies” (the short-form and the long-form).(See Exhibit G)

So Fuddy orchestrated the alteration of the BC#’s, the stunt with CNN to disclose Waidelich’s altered BC# in order to hide the BC numbering method, and the illegal refusal to allow personal records to be disclosed even though required by statute. She or someone under her orders forged a 2001 memo that contradicts video footage, a certified long-form, the requirements listed on the Department of Hawaiian Homelands website until early June of 2009, and the DOH response to my request for any documents like this memo).

Because it’s too easy to manipulate a computer printout (so short-forms prove nothing) she had to turn to other long-forms to try to spread the alphabetization theory. Long-form BC’s had to be from before 2001 because there weren’t supposed to be any long-forms issued after 2001. So around September of 2011 she ordered a long-form birth certificate for Johanna Ah Nee to be forged with a fake way-too-early BC#, with forged certification as if it had been issued in 1995. But the worker forced to forge it put in red flags (overlapping BC# digits and a clearly forged signature for Onaka – someone trying too hard to make it look like the signature stamp on Peter Kema’s COLB) (see Exhibit J). Through Ah Nee, she fed it to World Net Daily who believed it to be genuine because the seal was from the HDOH.

Then when Duncan Sunahara wanted his deceased sister’s birth certificate they had to come up with something for her. The difficulty was that by then they were running out of people born within the relevant time period who were already dead and so wouldn’t have the risk of genuine 1961 BC’s showing up and exposing their fraud. They had to use either dead or complicit people, and they were running out of them. They gave Sunahara a BC# that didn’t work with the alphabetization theory. The HDOH forger went to extra trouble to deliberately put in the red flags of mismatched and misaligned fonts, a birth code on a death certificate, and Territory of Hawaii abbreviation on a State of Hawaii certificate – all on the same line as a handwritten BC# that should have belonged to someone born in Honolulu rather than in Wahiawa where she was born (26).

Summary: When Loretta Fuddy took over, after Palafox’s forced resignation, she had a new BC created for Obama at the request of law enforcement using Stig Waidelich’s BC#.

In order to hide that Obama’s BC# was illegally stolen from Waidelich, she altered at least 3 other BC#’s and fed them to the public via a stunt orchestrated with CNN and Stig and Monica Waidelich, a complicit Johanna Ah Nee, and a death certificate forgery - to try to hide how the BC’s were numbered.

After first conspiring with the AG’s office and Michael Issikof to lay a foundation of lies about what she can lawfully do, she violated the Administrative Rules and at least three statutes by instituting an illegal “policy” to keep people from being able to get photocopies/scans of original birth certificates, and at the same time forged and posted a 2001 memo to make it look like the policy had been in effect for a long time – to match the inaccurate statements given by Bob Bauer at the press gaggle. She illegally instituted that policy (by posting the forged memo) on the very day that Obama released his forged long-form image.

But she didn’t get away with it because others at the HDOH followed in the footsteps of the fired Neal Palafox, resisting the lawless deeds they were ordered to do, The clues they left are how we can know what really happened.

The next article will be about one very prominent man at the HDOH and how he resisted.



Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 6:50:24 PM
Could it be(?) 1997 news paper journalist for the CONTACT traveled to Malaysia, Indonesia, Libya, S. Africa, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, etc which involved Bernie Madoff, Louis Farahkahn, Dr. Horn, and many others issuing Prime Bank Instruments on what everyone was led to believe was assigned to GAIA and HELLENIC EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL LTD. registered in Nevada and Greece having previously been assigned by Col. Russell Herrman/Herman CEO COSMOS Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; alleged as the owner of Bonus Certificate 3392-181 which was used by this group to destroy the U.S. Dollar and the fiat US DOLLAR of the Federal Reserve Banking System.

DURHAM ownership of Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID 1707-85

1988 Durham Intl. Ltd; Assignment to Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd;

Durham refused to extend the One Year Term after discovering the Ekker's and Rick Martin (Cortwright) had been working with Louis Farahkahn who traveled with Mr. Martin to Libya, then to IRAQ, then to S. Africa with Dr. Horn, Malaysia, China and N. Korea. Durham issued a CEASE AND DESIST ,
Mrs. Ekker sends TRY PRAYER
issuing additional PUBLIC NOTICE

Global Alliance uses the instruments filed in the body of DURHAM DEED to issue $10 Billion Dollars to Deku [ALL KADA]

You need to retrieve from Clark County Nevada (Las Vegas) 500 Sourth Grand Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada, file of Record, August 10, 1998 at 8:30 A.M. 891-55-1510, Book 980810, Instrument 00323. You will find my DEED of Record filed in those files which was used in this Counterfeiting of U.S. Debt Obligations by an agreement see: PUBLIC NOTICE

This did not stop there.. it went further! 

in year 1998 they profess to be "MUSLIMS in recorded meetings which took place at the Guilarmi Hotel, Makita City Philippines, which was held precisely for the FABRICATION Instructions by one calling herself COMMANDER HATONN (a lady of renown, possessing 21 alias's which can be found in the Kern County Recorders Records) known as Doris J. Eloise-Ekker accompanied by E.J. Ekker (former U.S. Naval Intelligence and CIA Operative), with Rick Martin and a man named Charles Miller also present?
The statements made on this recorded meeting Feb. 1998, "was not to go out of the room" while a second meeting (recorded) of April 25th 1998 also gives cause for concern. All four tape recordings have been turned over for CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION. Portions of those taped meetings are Located on Players below:


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WHY ARE 91 WORLD LEADERS "REALLY" IN AFRICA? 10-01 they were caugt by ongoing investigations with their hands in the "COOKIE JAR"

John.  Thank you for posting  It appears those 91 leaders were caught with their hands in the Cookie Jar, were exposed and currently have no idea as to how to work themselves out of this one. VKD

The 91 leaders are in Africa to figure out how to get out of this Financial Nightmare which they themselves created when they joined the CONTRActual Agreements on those Unauthorized Prime Bank Collateral Instruments back in 1997-98 when they all agreed with the Council on Foreign Relations/Clinton etals to structure a new global Banking, Financing and Economic Structure.  See

In this attempt to take the global banking, financial systems "hostage" using unauthorized Prime Bank Instruments being exposed also exposed was pope Benedict's brother along with God's Banker here in the U.S. Banking System of Chicago being Cardinal Paul Marcinkus.   For the investigations implemented by pope Benedict upon final evidence.. to protect the Catholic Church and Christian Religions from being wrought asunder it was necessary for pope Benedict to resign.  Had he not resigned Christianity would not have survived the onslaught.

 APFN Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998 "If a President of the United States ever lied to the American people he should resign."-- Bill Clinton, in 1974 while running for ...
THE WORLDS BIGGEST TRIPLE CROSS came into full play when THE U.S. FED. R./US TREASURY cut a deal with GLOBAL ALLIANCE INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION, [GAIA] E.J. Ekker and Doris J. (Eloise) Ekker to "Fabricate" the BONUS CERTIFICATE 3392-181 "Counterfeit Prime Bank "Gold" Collateral Instruments" which was not to be interfered with by THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS. The evidence is at . It is suggested you read the MEMORANDUM.


St. Germain and Zorra RV Update:

St. Germain and Zorra RV Update:

The first question was whether 12/12 and the RV was going to coincide?

St. Germain said, "Well, we have been working day by day. I showed this to Kathryn this morning perhaps I should tell all of you. We have enormous computers. You may have seen on your SciFi programs where you see large screens and the numbers scroll in an ongoing way. We have the ability to monitor every bank in the world. We can also go to individual accounts. We have a code in place    where all those banks who are cooperating with us has the ability to send us code that is “Go”. And when we see all the codes are “Go”, we know it will happen today. There was a time when we would have glitches appearing all over the screen. This is not happening now. When there is a difficulty it is usually isolated. It is usually something that needs to be worked out by the people on the ground. It is happening and I can assure you of that. We have said this before, it is happening. It is done. Well, I am not going to say, “It is done” anymore until it is actually done.  But I can tell you the computer screen are scrolling and everything looks good. And it is my fondest wish that this will happen by tomorrow.(Thursday)  Does that answer your question?"

St. Germain: “… And it is my hope that tomorrow will be the day.”

A caller asked for more clarification on the prosperity programs. Zorra answers first then St. Germain. They answered things from the perspective of the money that is in the St. Germain Trust, not the original prosperity programs that the caller, Anne and Kathryn appear to be ignorant of.
 Caller: “Is there any idea what one dinar will be worth on the exchange”
 Zorra: “Indeed! I can tell you that one single dinar will be worth $32. It has been as high as $36 and $42 but it dropped down.”

Caller: “Does that mean if someone has a million dinars it is going to be worth $32 million?”
 Zorra: “Indeed!”
 Caller: “Oh, my God! …”

Anne asked about the metals backing:

Anne: “We are going to be converting the dinars into the present fiat system of FR notes which is not highly looked upon these days around the world-wide in commerce. Is there going to be a point in time when those FRN are exchanged to UST which are gold backed?”

St. Germain: “Yes, indeed. This process is taking place all over the world. There will be a gradual changeover until all the countries of the world have a currency that is backed by real value. And this will happen quickly.(!?!?) It is already underway.”

Zorra: “Indeed St. Germain, beloved St. Germain. Is it not also affirmative that the Federal Reserve, what is called charter comes to an end on the 23rd?”

St. Germain: “Absolutely, and it will not be restored and it will not be reenacted. It will be done.”

Zorra: “And that will be when the UST notes will be distributed?”

St. Germain: “Yes.”

Caller: “How do we make the exchange of the dinars we do have, just go to our bank or what?”

Zorra: “What you are going to do is wait until you receive a 1-800 number, if you are holding dinar. You will be receiving a 1-800 number on a few sites on the Internet. This is not going to be widely known because of the situation, however you are going to receive what is termed an 1-800 number on sites such as, okieoilman,…it will also be on Twitter…so you will receive these 1-800 numbers and you will call them and do what is termed as make an appointment…to cash out the remainder of your funds, but you take what is termed as one 25,000 dinar note and cash that one in prior to your appointment.
That is the understanding.”

caller: “This is scary.”

Zorra: “No, this is a blessing.”

St. Germain: “There is a great deal of information on the TNTTony website. It is all explained there.”

Zorra: “Indeed.”

St. Germain: And may I add that one of the things that Tony is talking about quite a bit these days is please when you go to the bank be professional, be calm and be brief. Do not go to the bank with thousands of questions. Do your homework before you go. This is a simple process if you have bought the dinar. It is your responsibility how you cash them in and what you will do with them. This is why we are helping all of you to be prepared. Know that it is a responsibility of lightworkers to create…


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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Higher Standard of Corruption

Dear John, 

What a huge violation of securities anti trust laws and fair business practice/ethics broken by Politicians and World Banking personnel for inside trading. 

From what I was told and understand up to nearly 20 security law violations were broken. 

Why are people in high up positions think there is a whole set of separate rules for them? 

Did we not just have Wells Fargo Bankers in Reno arrested, HSBC payed couple Billion in fines for laundering drug monies, multiple Goldman Sachs employee's arrested, BOA laundering offshore corruption, and the list goes on? 

You can take all the law breaking corruption of Enron, Bernie Maddoff, and Martha Stewart combined and the crime is ten to thousand times larger in comparison. 

The massive dollar amount of the inside currency trade corruption is unimaginable by our World Banks. 
Should not the World Banks hold a higher standard of business ethics and trust?
I guess the best place to be if one was to rob a bank would be from the inside out. 
Do the elitists feel there entitle and have there own set of rules for currency exchange? 
How many times are they permitted to double dip or triple dip?
The billions of dollars of illegal inside currency exchanges, wire transfer and cash outs etc. taking place by Politicians/Bankers can't possible go unnoticeable of the righteous law firms and Judges of America and the rest of the world. 
Are we 3-5 Million Dinarians looking at the largest class action lawsuit in the history of America and possibly the World? 
Have the elitist created a different set of rules for themselves? 
Was Martha Stewart, inside stock knowledge tip minor in comparison, to the rate release date pushed out for inside buying and selling to occur by our Politicians and Bankers?  
Wasn't Martha Stewart awarded 5 years, fined thousands, and released on 2 years for good behavior?

As I understand the rates were officially release to the International Banks for the Global Reset December 1, 2013 9:00 A.M.  
I had thought the IMF had control of the release of the International Global Reset of Currency Rates, or did the greedy elitist Bankers/Politicians say lets exchange our selves first and push the date out for our convenience.

What happens to the millions or billions dollar reserves lost since December 1, 2013 from honest invested America and World wide people.  

Did your 90 percent layaway reserve payout get flush down the toilet by the Banking elitist fixing and moving the date out? 
What gives the right of the thousands inside elitist to exchange prior to an International World Release. 

Did the Bankers obstruct the timely release to benefit themselves? 

Upon the International reset (should it happen this month), will the date of December 1, 2013 be retroactive and the IMF and PTB honor the receipts of millions / billions lost of reserve layaways?
After all should not The Fair Business Act, Security Commission get involved.
PTB if you have any conscious and righteous dignity in your heart please take the necessary actions to make right, for the damages have already been done.  
Whats written here maybe all hear say and rumors, you make your own conclusion.

You be the judge. After all, God is making a list also, and were all going to be held accountable one day. 
For I would not want have been the one to have interfered with Gods blessing. 

From Anonymous. 

DEC 12 2013 GLOBAL MEDITATION 12.12.13


John, This is very interesting.

By Servando Gonzalez
December 10, 2013

Obama's behavior indicates that, far from acting against his will, he has willingly accepted his role as a puppet under the control of the Council on Foreign Relations' puppeteers. Obama's real job consists in parroting the instructions coming from his CFR masters, and he is fully cognizant of it.

Further evidence that Obama is fully conscious of his treasonous role is that, in order to avoid future criminal charges, he has never lied about his place of birth and he did not take the Oath of Office in the manner required by the Constitution.

In the first place, not only did Obama himself mention that he was born in Kenya, but also his Kenyan grandmother confirmed it. Moreover, during a speech in Denver, Colorado, in 2008, Michelle Obama referred to Kenya as Obama's "home country." Also, a 2008 NPR report described then senator Barack Obama as "Kenyan born" and a "son of Africa." Furthermore, Obama has never publicly said that he was born in the U.S. Consequently, he would never be successfully impeached for lying about his country of origin.

Secondly, during his short political life, Obama has never properly recited the Pledge of Allegiance, nor has he shown any reverence to the U.S. flag. Adding insult to outrage, some photos show that, during the playing of the National Anthem at a campaign meeting he attended in September 2007 at Indianola, Iowa, with New Mexico's Governor Bill Richardson and Senator Hillary Clinton, instead of placing his hand on his heart, as required by Title 36, Chapter 10 of the U.S. Code (a.k.a. the "Flag Code"), Obama placed his hands over his crotch. [1]

Finally, there is no factual evidence that Obama took the presidential Oath of Office in the way prescribed by the Constitution. As witnessed by millions of Americans, Mr. Obama failed to repeat faithfully, as required by law, the wording of the oath. After ignoring the issue for a whole day, and faced with growing concerns over whether the President had been sworn properly according to the law, he decided to try it for a second time. And here comes the strangest thing.

Despite his promises of transparency, Mr. Obama allegedly took the oath for a second time at the White House's Map Room, at 7:35 p.m. And I said allegedly, because the ceremony not only was not announced until it was completed, but also no sound or film record of it exists. And there is no record because the President and his staff, on purpose, left the accredited White House press and impartial witnesses out. [2]

The only official record made public is a still photo of the ceremony that allegedly took place, taken by the White House's official photographer. But it is obvious that a still photo cannot be used in a court of law as factual evidence to prove the occurrence of an event of which, for lack of appropriate impartial witnesses, only a sound recording, or, even better, a film or video recording, can fully certify.

So, while about two million people in Washington, D.C., watched the first swearing-in, which was invalid because it violated the rules clearly established by the Constitution, the second one, which was supposed to be the real thing, was hidden from the American people following direct orders from the Transparency Man in the White House.

Four years later he repeated the charade when he faked taking the oath of office for a fourth time when he allegedly had taken it officially the previous day ­ again, with no witnesses preseent . [3]

Therefore, we have to take as legal proof the word of a politician ­ the Alleged President ­ who, like all politicians, is as a professional liar, and the word of the other people present, all of them employees or close relatives of the Alleged President and, therefore, whose word cannot be taken for granted because of an obvious conflict of interests.

So, there is strong evidence pointing to the fact that this man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama is actually an impostor. Therefore, he could never be impeached, because impeachment is a fundamental constitutional power belonging to Congress for removing Presidents, judges, and other federal officers who commit "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." Given the fact, however, that Mr. Obama is not the legal President of the United States, he cannot be impeached. He can be, though, criminally charged and prosecuted.

Now, if he is an impostor, he can't be impeached but he can be prosecuted for willingly impersonating the highest official in this nation, can't he? Well, he can't, and this is why he was so careful in never legally taking the oath of office as specified in the Constitution.

The bottom line is that we cannot blame Obama for this dangerous travesty. He is a criminal and behaves accordingly. We can blame the Congress, the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice and the sycophantic mainstream press for having relinquished their obligations to uphold the Constitution and address the legitimacy of the man currently residing in the White House. The true guilty parties, however, are the ones controlling their puppet Obama from behind the curtains: Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and the corporations who control the U.S. government and the Press.

Anyway, even if we manage to impeach Obama, or prosecute him ­which I highly doubt­, or even overthrow him, it will be an exercise in frustration because another CFR puppet will assume his traitorous role. Actually, the President we need to overthrow is not the puppet Obama, but the puppeteer David Rockefeller, who has been the de facto President of the United States since 1949 when he appointed himself CFR Director. Doing otherwise is a waste of time and effort.

© 2013 Servando Gonzalez - All Rights Reserved


See, rumors of Obama salute
2. Jeff Zeleny, "I Really Do Swear, Faithfully: Obama and Roberts Try Again," The New York Times, Jan. 22, 209, p. 1.
3. Robert Kessler, "Barack Obama Takes the Oath of Office for His Second Term,", Jan. 20, 2013

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Servando Gonzalez, is a Cuban-born American writer, historian, semiologist and intelligence analyst. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. Servando is the author of Historia herética de la revolución fidelista, Observando, The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol, The Nuclear Deception: Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis and La madre de todas las conspiraciones: Una novela de ideas subversivas, all available at

He also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations and Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California, both available at the author's Website.

His book, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People is available at Or download a pdf copy of the book you can read on your computer, iPad, Nook, Kindle or any other tablet. His book, OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters, is available at Servando's book (in Spanish) La CIA, Fidel Castro, el Bogotazo y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, appeared last year, and is available at and other bookstores online.

His most recent book, I Dare Call It treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of the America, juste appeared and is available at and other bookstores online.



Obama's behavior indicates that, far from acting against his will, he has willingly accepted his role as a puppet under the control of the Council on Foreign Relations' puppeteers. Obama's real job consists in parroting the instructions coming from his CFR masters, and he is fully cognizant of it.

NEW AUDIO! COBRA: Mandela funeral a psyop. Galactic frequency shifts now favor the Event and fair new currency system

NEW AUDIO! COBRA: Mandela funeral a psyop. Galactic frequency shifts now favor the Event and fair new currency system

UPDATE: The audio on this video has been upgraded so that it contains 1 track only of clear, audible sound. Thank you.


VANCOUVER, BC – Cobra, whose name is an acronym for “Compression Breakthrough”, is a spokesperson for the multi-dimensional network the "Resistance". Cobra spoke at length in an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on breaking developments around the “Event”, a Planetary liberation operation triggering a period of global transformation heralded as Earth’s Golden Age.

In his interview, Cobra describes the processes of the “Event” and subsequent multi-dimensional transformation on Earth, a cosmic changeover prophesized in human history, as initiated on May 25, 1975 with the opening of a key interdimensional portal and culminating in 2025.


Financial reset and Event update

Cobra Blog

NEW AUDIO! COBRA: Mandela funeral a psyop; Galactic frequency shifts now favor the Event and fair new currency system

CGI's LtPiper: Space station cooling system fails

CGI's LtPiper: Space station cooling system fails
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 11-Dec-2013 22:14:44
A problem with one of the International Space Station's cooling systems may require a repair spacewalk, NASA told NBC News on Wednesday.
The situation doesn't represent a life-threatening emergency, but it has required a cutback in normal operations on the orbiting outpost, NASA spokesman Josh Byerly said.
"The crew was never in any danger," he said. "They're fine for the near future."
The problem is one of the "Big 14" maintenance issues that NASA and its partners expect to face on an occasional basis during space station operations. "This is the kind of thing that they expected to happen, at about the expected rate," NBC News space analyst James Oberg said.
Shutdown mode
One of the station's two external cooling loops, known as Loop-A, shut down when it reached a pre-set temperature limit on Wednesday, Byerly told NBC News. That forced NASA to reroute coolant into Loop-B. As a result, the station's six-person crew had to prioritize life support systems, electrical systems and science experiments — including the freezers that preserve scientific samples. Some non-critical systems were turned off in NASA's Harmony node, Japan's Kibo lab and Europe's Columbus lab.
The crew "worked to keep the freezers going," Byerly said.
Engineers think the problem was caused by a malfunctioning flow control valve for the station's ammonia coolant. Mission managers are trying to determine whether a software fix can get the valve working again, or whether a spacewalk will be required. Sorting through all the issues might take a couple of days, or as much as a couple of weeks.
Routine maintenance
It generally takes two weeks to plan for a "Big 14" repair operation, but that depends on the resources at hand and the urgency of the problem. In May, NASA astronauts mounted a spacewalk to replace a leaky coolant pump control box after just two days of planning. Spacewalkers also dealt with coolant system maintenance issues in 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2007.
U.S. spacewalks were temporarily suspended after Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano's spacesuit filled with water during a July outing, but Russian spacewalks have proceeded without problems. And since July, NASA has made significant progress on resolving the spacesuit problem that Parmitano faced.
"We are cleared for a contingency spacewalk if we need to do one," NASA spokesman Kelly Humphries told NBC News.
Two Americans, three Russians and a Japanese astronaut are living on the space station, which has been continuously occupied since 2000 by spacefliers who spend tours of duty generally lasting four to six months. The current plan calls for the space station to be maintained through 2020, although the United States and the 14 other countries supporting the $100 billion-plus station project are already considering extending its operating life.

Here is one possible explanation of Obama’s ATTACK on OUR 2nd amendment.

Roy Rogers

Here is one possible explanation of Obama’s ATTACK on OUR 2nd amendment.

1. Fast and Furious. Obama, and Clinton LIED, and said that 90% of weapons came from U.S. gun stores. In fact ONLY 3% were from the US. At the same time, Obama, and Holder were smuggling military automatics to the cartels, in return for cocaine. Additionally, MX is a gun control country. So, Obama did NOT have any reservations about the safetly of their citizens.
He tried to use this as an excuse to limit OUR rights under the 2nd amendment.
So then, they had to think up something MORE compelling.
2. Aurora Cinema shooting. The alleged killer’s father was the whistleblower in the LIBOR scandal.
Obama flew the flags at half-mast. That shows how EAGER he was to take a run at the 2nd.
Based on this incident, he tried to attack the 2nd.
This incident ALSO did NOT get people up in arms.
Since the Aurora Cinema shooting did NOT work, they had to escalate the situation EVEN MORE.
3. Sandy Hook. The alleged shooter’s father was to testify in the LIBOR scandal.
Obama has AGAIN attempted to attack the 2nd.
People, they will KEEP DOING these incidents, UNTIL there is an outcry, that can NOT be ignored.
…and that is what has happened.
I believe that DHS was behind BOTH incidences, AND I believe they are NOT done…
Obama has been SELLING US OUT, to the benefit of the banksters.
The Gun Control Stance, goes against the statistics that exists, that show -
Where there are MORE guns, there is LESS crime.
Where there are FEWER guns, there is MORE crime.
Kennesaw, GA, passed a law in 1990, REQUIRING EVERY head of household to own at least 1 gun. The results – In 10 years the town has doubled in size, and crime is LESS THAN 25% of what it was before the law was enacted.
Chicago – ONLY the criminals have guns, because they NEVER buy their guns from gun stores.
WHEN obama signs the U.N. gun treaty the 3rd week of March, that treaty gives the U.N. autority to go DOOR TO DOOR, and confiscate all of our guns.
U.N. troops currently on OUR soil – OVER 1 million Chinese, and OVER 200,000 Russian Special Forces.
Obama has been supplying OUR enemies, All Quaida with weapons, and DENYING calls of help for OUR
own people.
Prosecute Obama for Fraud, Voter Fraud and TREASON.
The American people need Gun Control, like we needed the FAKE war on terror.
9 11 was a gold heist.
$200 million recovered from the rubble. This god was on 2 semi trucks under Building 4.
That is NOT where the gold was stored.
How much gold was stored in the WTC? OVER $200 BILLION (that is a b)
Reopen the 9 11 investigation.