Thursday, July 10, 2014


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An attorney for the family of Miriam Carey, 34, the Connecticut woman shot and killed by Secret Service and Capitol Police after she apparently made a wrong turn into a White House checkpoint and then tried to flee, says the idea that the officers will not face criminal charges is not surprising.
Nor does it change the family’s legal position in their wrongful death claim, Eric Sanders, who is based in New York, told WND on Thursday.
“It was no surprise,” Sanders said after a telephone conference call with federal agents who said they were not bringing criminal charges against the officers.
But Sanders noted that it was significant that there was not a claim that the police should have done what they did.
“They didn’t say the police actions were justified,” he noted.
The issue is pertinent because unless there’s evidence that officers had somehow planned to target Carey, the possibility of criminal charges was almost nonexistent. That’s because a conviction would require evidence “beyond a reasonable doubt” of an intent on the part of the officers.
The other side of the equation is that it appeared the door was open to a claim that the officers were mistaken, maybe panicked, possibly were negligent in their actions.
That would be the “focus of the civil liability point of view,” he said.
“Look, shootings happen all the time with police officers. They make mistakes,” he said. “Whether they brought [criminal] charges or not is irrelevant.”
Carey’s sister, Valerie, also was on the call, and was left upset by the determination, Sanders said.
But “we have to deal with the realities of what the case is about,” he said.
At this point, he said, his team can start reviewing the evidence available to see on what details the government made its decision.
The 34-year-old mother from Stamford, Connecticut, was shot five times, once in the head, three times in the back and once in the arm, in the confrontation with authorities in Washington. The bullets all missed her 14-month-old child, who was in the back seat of her vehicle as officers repeatedly fired at it.
The Justice Department said it was declining to press criminal charges against the Secret Service and Capitol Police officers who shot and killed Carey on Oct. 3, 2013. The federal review has been under way since the shooting by two uniformed Secret Service officers, who remained on duty, and the two Capitol Police officers, who have been on administrative leave.
Sanders noted it’s “very rare” for a law enforcement officer to be charged criminally, but none of those decisions changes the family’s position in the case.
“It doesn’t change our legal position,” he said.
Also expected, along with the decision about the charges, was a report on the federal investigators’ perspective on the shooting of Carey.
But Sanders said the prosecutors didn’t get into details about their decision.
He already has filed a preliminary wrongful-death claim against the federal government and the two law enforcement agencies that were involved, explaining that arguments the officers made instant decisions about firing their guns at the woman don’t really apply since evidence that the officers were defending themselves is absent.
Sanders is challenging the action based on suggestions the officers “panicked,” broke their own operating rules and standards, and fired on a moving vehicle.
It happened when Carey apparently made a wrong turn, but refused to stop, instead trying to flee.
Reports say police have claimed in federal court that police started chasing her near the White House after Carey drove over a bicycle rack that Secret Service officers placed in front of her car. She reportedly knocked an officer to the ground, then sped toward Capitol Hill.
Police apparently fired several times on the moving vehicle carrying Carey and her daughter.
WND reported earlier on the $75 million dollar lawsuit the family is bringing against the U.S. government, blaming the uniformed division of the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police for “numerous intentional, grossly negligent and reckless actions of police officers, supervisors, managers and other related employees.”
Authorities first called Carey a terrorist threat, and when she turned out to be an unarmed suburban mother, they said she was on drugs. Then no drugs were found in her system.
It was a report from Dr. Nikki Mourtzinos of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the District of Columbia that revealed Carey was shot repeatedly in the back.
The video below shows officers fired at least seven shots at Carey in a crowded public space after they inexplicably failed to block her car at the traffic circle.
See these other WND stories on the Miriam Carey Mystery:
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Feds: Pastors not welcome at immigration camps


Feds: Pastors not welcome at immigration camps

Pastors and churches have been banned from helping the thousands of illegal immigrant children housed in border detention facilities run by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, clergy in Texas and Arizona tell me.
“Border Patrol told us pastors and churches are not allowed to visit,” said Kyle Coffin, the pastor of CrossRoads Church in Tucson, Arizona. “It’s pretty heartbreaking that they don’t let anybody in there -- even credentialed pastors.”
Pastor Coffin even asked if they could provide the children with toys, blankets and food. But the federal government’s response was the same – no donations allowed.
A public affairs officer for the Border Patrol confirmed that ministers and church groups have been banned from the Nogales Placement Center.
“Due to the unique operational and security challenges of the Nogales Placement Center, religious services provided by outside faith leaders are not possible at this time,” the Border Patrol told me in a statement. “However, CBP’s chaplaincy program is supporting the spiritual needs of the minors for the limited time they are at the center.”
Coffin and a group of pastors from the Tucson area were hoping to provide spiritual encouragement and friendship to the hundreds of illegal immigrant children housed in a detention center in Nogales.
“It’s pretty ugly down there,” he told me. “They’re packed in there like sardines.”
Coffin said he was having lunch with four other ministers when they started tossing out ideas – ways their churches might be able to be an encouragement to the children being held.
One of the other ministers placed a telephone call to Border Patrol and was turned away. So Coffin decided to make a telephone call, too – and what he was told was startling.
“They flat-out said no,” he said.
What about just a pastoral visit to encourage the children?
“They said no,” he said.
What about allowing pastors to pray with the children?
“There was an immediate no,” he replied.
The message was clear – men and women of the cloth were not welcome at the border.
“That frustrates me to no end, to be honest with you,” Coffin told me. “It drives me absolutely nuts that our government would turn us away.”
He said churches are not even allowed bring soccer balls or play ping pong with the illegal immigrant children.
Pastor Coffin even asked if they could provide the children with toys, blankets and food. But the federal government’s response was the same – no donations allowed.
“We just wanted to go down there and have a presence because we care about people,” he said. “That’s all we wanted to do. For the church to be available sends a message that the church cares.”
Religious folks in San Antonio had a similar experience. One professional counselor at a camp run by BCFS, an organization previously known as Baptist Child and Family Services, said there were no clergy at all.
“The clergy needed to be involved with the children,” my source told me. “The children were very spiritual and their spiritual needs were not being cared for.”
My source said a group of counselors urged BCFS to consider bringing in a priest or minister.
“We were turned down,” my source said.
“We had suggested they bring in a priest on Sunday,” the counselor said. “Instead, they had a girl playing a cassette tape of Christian songs. They denied those kids the opportunity to be with a minister.”
The counselor said during her entire tenure working at the Lackland Air Force Base camp, she never saw a single minister.
“It was heartbreaking,” the counselor said. “The church needs to become involved. The spiritual needs of these children need to be tended to.”
BCFS tells me they now provide religious services for the children at Lackland. They also said boys and girls are provided a Spanish-language Bible should they desire one.
Back in Tucson, Pastor Coffin said churches have a responsibility to help the children.
“We have a heart to treat immigrants, whether legal or not, with respect,” he said. “It’s not our job to judge whether they came here for legitimate reasons.”
Coffin describes CrossRoads Church as a conservative congregation that has a “huge heart for the poor in our community.”
“I don’t politicize,” he said. “I just teach the Bible.”
That being said, Pastor Coffin believes the government has overstepped its constitutional authority – and is trying to do the work of the church.
“Back in the day, if you were in trouble and poor, the first thing you thought of was going to the church,” he said. “Whether it was for food, clothing, shelter or helping pay bills – the church was the front line. Now, it’s the government who is the front line.”
Pastor Coffin believes it’s time for the church to take back what the government took away.
“We’re not anti-government at all,” he said. “We think the government is equipped to do what they were constitutionally created to do – and not do the church’s job.”
But I’m afraid under this administration, the government believes they are church and President Obama is the deity. Heaven help us all.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join hisFacebook page, and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is "God Less America”



YEP !!! THEY ARE !!!

Mary Phillips, 98, Evicted From San Francisco ApartmentAfter Living There For 50 Years


Mary Phillips, 98


A 98-year-old San Francisco woman is being evicted from her home of 50 years, and critics says it's because the building's owners want to sell the place to take advantage of the city's booming real estate market. 

“I’ve been very happy here,” Mary Phillips told KRON 4. 

Protesters gathered Wednesday at the officers of the building's owners, Urban Green Investments, in support of Phillips. They're calling for an end to the rising number of evictions under the Ellis Act, which allows landlords to evict tenants, temporarily shut down a rental property and then sell it at a profit, Business Insider reported.

Urban Green did not respond to a request for comments from local media either this week or last year, when the evictions also made headlines.

Phillips says she's not leaving without a fight. 

“They’re going to have to take me out of here feet first," she told KRON. 
“Just because of your age, don’t let people push you around. 

Activist are asking people to contact Urban Green to express support for Phillips 
and others like her. 

"Feel free to let Urban Green CEO David McCloskey, who's evicting her, know what 
you think, ask him how he sleeps at night and if he'd put his grandmother on the streets,"a message on the Vanishingsf Facebook page reads, along with 

contact information: 
URBAN GREEN         << DROP HIM A NOTE !! O:-)
and the phone number (415) 651-4441

You can read the full message below. 


Community · 7,596 Likes
· 13 hrs · Edited ·
Who evicts a 98 year old woman? We heart Mary Phillips, who is facing eviction but is not succumbing ("they'll have to take me out of here feet first") AND the housing rights activists, who came out in support of her today.

Mary has lived in her apartment for 50 years. 

KRON anchor, Pam Moore, is very obviously angered, and you should be too. 
Watch this interview with Mary.
... See More

Experts Claim 

Property Owners Abusing Ellis Act Evictions

By Stephanie Chuang
|  Wednesday, Oct 30, 2013  |  

Housing Activists Rally Behind SF Elderly Couple on Brink of Eviction
Ellis Act Evictions Rising in San Francisco

former official Lois Lerner’s emails were lost in a 2011 hard drive crash

Despite the fact that the agency claims two years’ worth of former official Lois Lerner’s emails were lost in a 2011 hard drive crash, a number of troubling correspondences have nevertheless found their way to congressional investigators. The latest seems to indicate that Lerner realized there was a distinct possibility her online communications could be used against her and sought to find a way to curtail that risk.
Oddly enough, her concern over expressing too much in an email did not prevent her from expressing herself through that very medium.
In the conversation, she expressed concern over “several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails,” prompting her to suggest “we need to be cautious about what we say in emails.”
Recent reports also reveal that Lerner’s attorney, William Taylor II, sought to clarify his earlier statement that his client did not print official IRS records. He confirmed that she did, in compliance with the Federal Records Act, print a number of emails from the period during which such communications were supposedly lost.
Along with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, Taylor previously maintained that Lerner did not know this was a requirement and failed to create such hard copies of her emails.
“During her tenure as Director of Exempt Organizations,” Taylor said in a statement Wednesday, “she did print out some emails, although not every one of the thousands she sent and received.”
According to a Wall Street Journal report, email correspondences also indicate that IRS officials routinely engaged in instant messaging, the contents of which were not maintained in any retrievable format.


If there was an email Lois Lerner didn't want investigators to find, it was this one…
Preview by Yahoo


PDIDDY: We are in a GREAT place! I know a VERY wealthy Christian man that some how i've been given favor to be considered a friend... had dinner with him earlier this week..... As of 2 days ago he's been told to be on standby... I won't here anything else I expect until after the 800#s come out and i've signed an NDA. 

Exo hasn't posted more intel... because we all are looking for the last piece of the puzzle... the button pushed, 800#s published etc.. it's gonna happen but don't lose perspective. 

Very wealthy well connected people are waiting just like you but aren't stressed because they know how this works.... and you've got a seat at the same table... so PLEASE recognize that an be overjoyed that God blessed you, cuz ya got a seat!
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 9:56 AM No comments:


VINMAN: Maliki just closed on a house in Qatar?
TRNs are live.

Waiting on prosperity packages and gold certificates.

Floating RI rate moving forward.
Sunday RV -  rate tiers skyrocketing.
Street rate now locked.
J. HARV: Float.. RI Moving forward with rate Sunday..RV
Tiers skyrocketing

Maliki being discussed at a meeting with the USA re his 3rd term going into 2014 right now. (Smoke?) Maliki has bought a house in Qatar. Confirmed, sold and he has the keys and title. Live..waiting for Prosperity packages and gold certificates

:)) I was told by Poof (James) years ago when this all comes to the end there would be much smoke and confusion. Stay emotionally detached and observe..

VINMAN: Me thinks you're right...smoke :-)  The last big misdirection.
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:53 AM

7-10-2014   Intel Guru EXOGEN   The question is what is the relevance of Maliki?  Maliki has nothing to do with the CBI/TURKI and USA Bank Screens.


[Papajack] It seems from the rumblings I'm hearing the US Corporation FRAUD is still holding back the RV so they can keep their demonic theft system in place, so keep those prayers going up to expose this smoke and mirrors shellgame so these criminals can take up residence in the crossbar hotel.

We need the new system in place to make things happen. Keep in mind the corruption runs very deep and this snake has many heads and it's a big fix not just a band aid.

We are still in an any time now situation. KEEP DECLARING VICTORY. It's like the monkey said when he got his tail cut off, it won't be long now.


(highhopes)  Is it just me..Or is the News and Intel off the chart Crazy, nuts, weird, and all over the place today? Maybe..just maybe, this is the confused misinformation we were told to expect before the RV just “pops” SUDDENLY  as DebTHG would say??

[Steelerfan] highhopes it does seem crazier than normal.

[highhopes] Steelerfan Its a very "high drama day for sure IMO

[ByGrace] highhopes One of the few constants in my 4 years on this ride is the fact that most everyone agrees that things will be their craziest right at the end... In my book, we qualify!!!

[highhopes] ByGrace I Agree 100%

[moneyman2] HOPE everyone is great this AM::::

 [bailey2..] moneyman2 hi hon, i know I am

No Charges for D.C. Cops In Mom’s Killing!

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

We The People should support the family of Miriam Carey to file a Civil Rights & Human Rights Violation Lawsuit as then those officers should get Jail Time.

O.J. Simpson Got Imprisoned on his Civil Rights case after he was found NOT Guilty on the Criminal side.

The lawsuit should follow along the way of the Rod Class revelations on the laws people fail to know about, and the personal names of ALL people involved are to be included as well as the corporations; the Secret Service, Capitol Police, THE UNITED STATES, INC., THE CITY OF WASHINGTON D.C., CONGRESS, and this would include CEO BARRACK OBAMA!
If ANYONE refuses to give the names of the shooters and their supervisors then they have themselves become named in the lawsuit, including the Sergeant at Arms of Congress!

No Charges for D.C. Cops In Mom’s Killing
Family's attorney: 'It doesn't change our legal position'
 by World Net Daily | July 10, 2014
An attorney for the family of Miriam Carey, 34, the Connecticut woman shot and killed by Secret Service and Capitol Police after she apparently made a wrong turn into a White House checkpoint and then tried to flee, says the idea that the officers will not face criminal charges is not surprising.


Rumors, Opinions, Intel, Misinformation, Soap Opera: "As the Dinar Turns?"

Rumors, Opinions, Intel, Misinformation, Soap Opera: "As the Dinar Turns?" 


[Papajack] It seems from the rumblings I'm hearing the US Corporation FRAUD is still holding back the RV so they can keep their demonic theft system in place, so keep those prayers going up to expose this smoke and mirrors shellgame so these criminals can take up residence in the crossbar hotel.

We need the new system in place to make things happen. Keep in mind the corruption runs very deep and this snake has many heads and it's a big fix not just a band aid.

We are still in an any time now situation. KEEP DECLARING VICTORY. It's like the monkey said when he got his tail cut off, it won't be long now.


JimBake:  You Are Not Crazy if...Media Influence ABC's

Hi All,I thought it might be useful to point out a few realities we ALL deal with regarding how we process information we receive, especially from the various media sources throughout our world. Hopefully, this will bring a little more understanding to our particular situation in the zany world of dinarland! :)

First, we are ALL conditioned from very early in our lives to accept as real most anything we see, hear, read, etc. It is hardwired in our consciousness layers as a support system for our survival instinct. Then, as we get older, this is reinforced through our education, social institutions, entertainment systems, religions etc.

It becomes even more active when the source of the information is perceived to be of strong authority. Some examples obviously come from polls, religious leaders, teachers, parents, etc. In addition, written material is very alluring when it comes from "trusted" sources, official sounding and looking publications etc.

The point of this is to understand it is not an easy task to just "turn off" this conditioned response to information sources, This is why it is so easy for many, including myself, to listen to Tony and DC say, for instance, that M is gone, retired, confirmed from multiple sources, and then look at google news 10 min. later and see articles splashed all over the web from sources like AP, NYTimes, Wash. Post etc that claim to show M in Iraq right now!

Now I am fully aware of the fact that most every source of "news" is controlled and censored for content to fit some agenda which is usually hidden. Never the less, it can STILL bring up doubts and questions because of the remnants of the conditioning which are still active to some degree.

In other words, it's normal to experience this phenomenon and we can all be more understanding with ourselves and others if/when we encounter this stuff. 

No, we are not crazy because of it! In fact, we are learning to find our discernment that can, and will, cut through all the crapola and leave us firmly connected to the one source that can be trusted...our own selves! :)

All the Best, JB



[moneyman2] HOPE everyone is great this AM::::

 [bailey2..] moneyman2 hi hon, i know I am

 [moneyman2] bailey2.. me 2 me 2 this crazy ride is about over YEA YEA YEA

 [moneyman2] bailey2.. oh we are about there finally, just relax it is just going to pop:

 [moneyman2] bailey2.. it has been a crazy ride that's for sure

 [moneyman2] bailey2.. there will be some crazy reports out today, just ignore them



DOES WHAT IS GOING ON IN IRAQ MATTER ? Posted by Jon Cheng on July 10, 2014

There are two schools of thought. 1. The IQD RV which is reported to be the foundation GCR will be activated regardless of what is going on in Iraq. 2. Nothing will happen with regards to the RV until the political situation in Iraq, which may take, who knows how long, is settled. Would like to hear views from our informed members.


galpearl > galpearl July 10, 2014 When life feels like you are trudging uphill, just think of what the view must be from the top.


EXPECTANCY NOW July 10, 2014 Exo post says maliki has been granted a third term.   Wth is going on?


PDiddy > EXPECTANCY NOW July 10, 2014 He passed along a post.... he did not endorse it. just passed it along as he has done with "misinformation" in the past... He's told ya there will be misinfo, then states his position based on intel, then posts examples of the misinfo....

The Kurds and 40% of Iraq would be long gone if "M" was back as PM... they hold the biggest card... Exo is showing us the depth of the smoke screen... which is a great indicator. C'mon peeps... don't be so jumpy!


mark mc > EXPECTANCY NOW July 10, 2014 Nothing should surprise us with him.

Maybe mis infoI dont care just make a choice and lets get on with our lives


PDiddy >  We are in a GREAT place! I know a VERY wealthy Christian man that somehow i've been given favor to be considered a friend... had dinner with him earlier this week..... As of 2 days ago he's been told to be on standby... I won't hear anything else I expect until after the 800#s come out and i've signed an NDA.

Exo hasn't posted more intel... because we all are looking for the last piece of the puzzle... the button pushed, 800#s published etc.. it's gonna happen but don't lose perspective. Very wealthy well connected people are waiting just like you but aren't stressed because they know how this works.... and you've got a seat at the same table... so PLEASE recognize that and be overjoyed that God blessed you, cuz ya got a seat!


EXOGEN July 10, 2014 So who do you BELIEVE…Intel Providers or CNN & Manistream Media & Newspapers  Find out the SIZE of Maliki's Media EMPIRE!!!


spirit156 July 10, 2014 at 12:22pm Remember everyone, this has been the biggest sting operation in the history of the world. What is a sting operation? There's one or a few who know the final outcome. They are stirring several pots/plots at the same time.

Those involved in each pot/plot think they know what is going on and have to believe their pot/plot is the real one so they don't know about the other pots/plots and how they fit in with the outcome.  They are all completely distracted by their own small part of the sting. 

The plots thicken and get busier and busier and those trying to figure it out and looking in every direction at all the boiling plots. It builds and builds....then the end.

In that final moment everything is completely clear and you spend the rest of your life amazed at how all the pieces finally came together and made sense.

You finally see who the controller was and what the motive was and how brilliantly all those involved were worked/manipulated to create the desired outcome while hiding it from everyone. 


spirit156 July 10, 2014 In a sting operation, the relevancy of each thing is not known until the end.  Does the chess master know where his moves are leading him?  He knows, but those watching do not.


Ken R. July 10, 2014 I usually don't comment here. I'm holding am few dong and no Dinar so Iraqi politics are not of that much interest to me. But like the 128 commmenters before me , this post hit a nerve. Only because yesterday Maliki was "put" on an airplan for London and today he's Prime Minister.

Am I the only one that sees a pattern of BS that has been ongoing for at least a year that I know of.

My sources of info for the Reset never predict dates, because no one knows when it can happen, but it definitely does not hinge on Iraqi politics.

This is a global reset and Iraq is nothing in the scope of the big picture. The problem has to do with who is sitting on the red buttons that have the power to devastate large portions of humanity. Those people do not want change and are threatening to pull the trigger, if financial reform is implemented.

Until those fingers can be neutralized, there will be no RV or Reset.

The white hats are working on it and progress is being made, but not enough yet. I'm OK with waiting for the white hats to finish the job, not that there's a choice. The irritating thing for me is to see these "within the hour", "next 24 -48 hour", "this is our week", "Okie has landed" comments that are quite obviously coming from sources that don't have a clue.

I wouldn't be here or wouldn't bother to comment if i didn't believe that Exogen, Jester, and the other "gurus" weren't sincere and coming from the heart. But it begs the question, how long are they going to continue to buy into the disinfo that they are being fed.

You don't need to continue to hear this disinfo, as it will be obvious when the Reset can happen.

There will be public mass arrests of the Cabal banksters and politicians.

Think about it, those banks that you are wanting to exchange at are owned by the very people whose fingers are on those red buttons.

Let the white hats do their job and give them your help in your prayers and meditations. This thing cannot and will not be stopped so use your discernment and quit feeding the beast. Love and Light to all.

It's not going to take that much longer.

there are extremely competent people working on the solutions. Negotiations and strategies are ongoing. There are many factions to the Cabal, some of which are ready to throw in the towel, others, like the Bush, Kissinger, Rockefeller factions are going to go down swinging. But they will go down.

Syria, Ukraine, and Iraq(Isis) are last ditch efforts to maintain control. Thanks to Putin, all are backfiring on them.

Their money to pay mercenaries is riunning out so it's coming to a head.

My point in posting here was that Maliki and Iraqi politics are very small almost insignificant pieces to the puzzle. The real battles are being fought, and won, I might add elsewhere.

The Vatican news is also a good place to watch. The Vatican bank dumped about a thousand customers and it cost them 83 billion in profits.

Their last profit report had them down to 2.9 billion in profit, down from 86 billion. The white hats are systematically taking their money away from them.