YEP !!! THEY ARE !!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v= Fg1kdC7eZZA
woman-98-evicted-from-san- francisco-apartment-after-50- years

http://www.nbcbayarea.com/ news/local/Experts-Claim- Property-Owners-Abusing-Ellis- Act-Evictions-229987461.html
YEP !!! THEY ARE !!!
Mary Phillips, 98, Evicted From San Francisco ApartmentAfter Living There For 50 Years
Mary Phillips, 98
A 98-year-old San Francisco woman is being evicted from her home of 50 years, and critics says it's because the building's owners want to sell the place to take advantage of the city's booming real estate market.
“I’ve been very happy here,” Mary Phillips told KRON 4.
Protesters gathered Wednesday at the officers of the building's owners, Urban Green Investments, in support of Phillips. They're calling for an end to the rising number of evictions under the Ellis Act, which allows landlords to evict tenants, temporarily shut down a rental property and then sell it at a profit, Business Insider reported.
Urban Green did not respond to a request for comments from local media either this week or last year, when the evictions also made headlines.
Phillips says she's not leaving without a fight.
“They’re going to have to take me out of here feet first," she told KRON.
“Just because of your age, don’t let people push you around.
Activist are asking people to contact Urban Green to express support for Phillips
and others like her.
"Feel free to let Urban Green CEO David McCloskey, who's evicting her, know what
you think, ask him how he sleeps at night and if he'd put his grandmother on the streets,"a message on the Vanishingsf Facebook page reads, along with
contact information:
David@urbangreeninv.com << DROP HIM A NOTE !! 
and the phone number (415) 651-4441.
You can read the full message below.
Who evicts a 98 year old woman? We heart Mary Phillips, who is facing eviction but is not succumbing ("they'll have to take me out of here feet first") AND the housing rights activists, who came out in support of her today.
Mary has lived in her apartment for 50 years.
KRON anchor, Pam Moore, is very obviously angered, and you should be too.
Watch this interview with Mary.
... See More
http://news.kron4.com/news/Experts Claim
Property Owners Abusing Ellis Act Evictions
By Stephanie Chuang
| Wednesday, Oct 30, 2013 |
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