Saturday, July 12, 2014



the “And More” first.........
entire update below
All my intel sources are now telling me they plan to try again this weekend (almost the identical plan). Today is Friday, the process has already begun and so far it is moving ahead.

I do not want to predict any dates or rates but I can say it does look very good for us next week to be at the banks if (remember I said “if”) Sunday’s session in parliament goes well and if their plan to form the government does not get interrupted.

I do not predict rates so I will not divulge what I know in this area since they can change and probably will. I will say the IQD market rate is above $3 and the IQN contract rates with China and Vietnam/China (VNN) are still very strong and there is plenty of money remaining in the buckets for our exchanges. Don’t worry !


FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2014


UU8772 – Why the hysteria?

Hi Everyone,  I come to you today to give you a very brief update on the progress of rebuilding this new Iraq government  and how it all relates to our revaluation process of the IQD.

So what will happen in Sunday’s session?

Is all what we are being told the truth?

Today’s News

Today is now Friday July 11th  and we anxiously await for the next parliamentary session on Sunday July 13th. We know they originally announced a mid August date for the next session and it was quickly moved ahead to mid July. Why?
All my intel sources from Iraq are telling me it is coming to an end  and the government is already decided upon and just waiting for the final voting process as a matter of formality. The plan now is to vote on all three presidencies during this next session. At least this is the plan today. This is what they are preparing for.

As we all should realize by now Maliki is gone.

You can argue with me all you want. He is gone! He has voluntarily retired and can no longer be a threat to the process of building this new government.  As of June 14th his legitimate power as prime minister has ended.

He tried to get his power extended in his swift attempt to get national emergency powers. His plan with the militants in this respect did not work. He has tried to use the reasoning that his party should still be in control since they won the majority seats in the preliminary results of the election. Of course this is twisting facts to suit his own goals.

But remember he was not the only threat. He also has his goons and Shite supporters from the State of Law and the Islamic Dawa Party still around. He could never have been so successful in the past without his supporters. They are still amongst the politicians and they did win 92 seats in parliament. (We will not know the final ratified seat count, after they discounted the invalid ones from voting fraud, only after the new speaker is seated).

Some are saying it is as low as only 60 seats in the final analysis. What does this tell us? It tells us as long as they (meaning the National Alliance the winning party) has a quorum in parliament (quorum defined: the minimum number of voting members who must be present at a properly called meeting in order to conduct business) they will have their way if they are met by no interference.

The 3 presidents will be voted in very soon. If not all on Sunday then shortly thereafter. If not on Sunday’s session there will be a legitimate reason for holding off. They want this new government as much as we want it if not more.

I also want to help some understand what is really currently happening in Iraq.

I have said to all in multiple news letters in the recent past to be careful of the false intel now coming out of Iraq and from the USA reporters. Seems many of you dinarians are still bent on getting anxious andstressing out over some of these false and recycled articles from the past.

I ask you one question- How the heck can parliament leaders be agreeing on the 3 presidents and at the same time Kurdistan be threatening to pull out of Iraq? Who does that make sense to? Can you think for yourself and stop believing this garbage. I have gotten hundreds of emails requesting details of Maliki leaving. I have given you all the details necessary. There is no more for now to say on this topic.

At some point you have to stop chasing rumors and believe.  You do want to know the truth?

Here examples of the recent propaganda they are now putting out to hype everything up:

First this is totally ridiculous. Why? Because Iraq does not process any of these weapons and it was against Chapter 7 sanctions and against current UN articles.

2) THE CONSTANT BADGERING AS OF LATELY BETWEEN THE KURDISTAN REGION AND MALIKI GOI. First let me say there is no GOI as of June 14th. Maliki is no longer prime minister and has no say in anything dealing with the Kurds. The Kurds know this and simply will disregard any of these statements. Also these articles are weeks if not months old, dates are changed on them and they are simply recycled. They are not current news. Why do they do this?

3)THE KURDS THREATENING TO ANNEX FROM IRAQ: First I will say the Kurds had their opportunity 10 years ago to split off from Iraq. They chose not to do so. It is in their best interest to stay with the Republic for many reasons and they know it.

I believe all this hype is being pumped out by the Maliki goons remaining in Iraq in  last ditch efforts to confuse and create chaos in these last days prior to the announcements. They still want the State of Law’s candidate to get a shot at the prime minister position. They need chaos and fear. They thrive on it!

The average person listening or reading the news would not know the difference of what is really going on in Iraq and might buy into these articles. But we know better….don’t we?

I also want to mention on another issue that is really bothering me. It is ABOUT THE US DOLLAR (USD) DEVALUING. I have heard concern over many of the intel calls and I too have received many emails about this.

Please, please, please stop panicking over this.

Are you a money manager for handling others wealth? Are you responsible for billions if not trillions of dollars? The answer is probably no to both of these questions. For most of you all you have is a maybe a couple million or less in IQD. So what is really your problem with this?

All these intel providers mentioned this and now everyone is panicking. You don’t even know why. You are concerned because you think you have to be. Becasue you are told you have to be over and over again. Let me put your mind to rest.  Some entity is attempting to hit the panic button on the US dollar, making it drop yet even more after the GCR devaluing. It is a plot. The worst thing you can do is not invest in your country’s own currency. Did you hear me?  I said invest in your country’s own currency!

This information, of a devaluation of the USD, was actually a disservice to you and not helping you. This is the problem with giving you too much information. Some of you have selective hearing and only hear negativity.

You are not professional money managers and do not know what to do, if fact you don’t even know when not to do anything at all and stay still. This is reacting to hype with fear. You are being taken advantage of and being manipulated by those that know you are venerable. .

Did you know –
1) There can not be any substantial devaluation of the USD. If it ever happened it will not be planned, this I can assure you. Then you will have some real worries….lol…

2) We are talking about maybe a 5% devaluation (3-4 cents) at the most from the GCR.

3) The USD has had these fluctuations before and you did not even know about it. So what was so horrible? Did the USA economy fall apart? Did you even notice it?

4) The world can not survive if the USD should go below around 73 cents for any long period of time. There is just so much still connected to the USD even after the implementation of the asset backed currencies in GCR.

5) The US economy is still and will remain the most robust economy in the world for decades to come. It will take 20-30 years before they could ever phase out fully the USD as a global standard media currency of exchange if they planned to do it. They will do this slowly and with the support of the USA. Yes - with the support of the USA. This is something the entire world wants and is not a conspiracy against the USA.

Do you know what this means? The USD is not going anywhere for a long time.  So please stay calm and relaxed.

(Note:  There are several groups using the “Nesara” name…….Not all are the same, or should be lumped together in the “same category”)
One more concerning item – NESARA concerns. Please before you ask any questions about the NESARA news please, please go google NESARA and find the truth about this group. Then google NASARA. Two entirely different items. See who they really are. They are instigators and they are trouble makers. They take a tiny bit of truth in something that just happened in the world and take full credit for making it happen.

This group is nothing more than a couple of people in a room with a computer who have gained many thousands of  gullible followers over the years, especially now with the GCR effort. They are claiming full responsibility for any progress made in the stability of the world and the happenings of the GCR. This is of course nonsense.  If this is true then where are all the accomplishments of the original NESARA bill?

I will agree that they and I have the freedom of speech to tell our story just as we have the freedom to ignore them and research and believe in the truth. Yes, in principle I agree with many of the original objectives of the NESARA bill and I believe, if implemented may have saved us from most of this financial crisis we are now experiencing.

But this group has evolved and their intentions today are much different than the original NESARA bill. There are many things that need to change in the world and they now seem to be the crusaders of justice for the entire world. I don’t know about you but I am very much tired of being asked these ridiculous questions about these ridiculous ideas they are putting into peoples minds.

These fictitious payouts, these galactic and alien ships. Sure there are many needed changes and together we all can make a difference. But it starts with you and me. We don’t need NESARA, NASARA or any group like it to tell us how  to think. Oh there is also a NASARA group now too. An offshoot of the original NESARA. Be careful!

The truth about NESARA - National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax (see also FairTax), abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy.

The proposals were never introduced before Congress. NESARA has since become better known as the subject of a cult-like conspiracy theory, who claimed that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by the George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court. Other people have adopted and embellished these ideas.


I have tried to calm you minds by explaining some of this recent hype we are hearing. It is up to you to now to be responsible in your thinking and how you react to it. You can’t blame anyone else for your stress and anxiety but yourself. If the information you are hearing does not seem quite right then ignore it. It is just hype and meant to get you fearful and anxious. Those that are putting out this nonsense have an agenda. Don’t let them control you mind and manipulate you.

So where is this RV heading this coming week?

I have to tell you that there was definitely a plan last week beginning on Thursday to finalize the international rollout of the IQD and get us all to the bank for exchanges by the early part of this week.  It did not happen due to another  Maliki move just when they were putting the finishing touches on the implementation. This caused just too much instability  and they pulled the plug on it again.

So they dealt with Maliki and it is now all settling down once again. They forced him into retirement. It was put to him this way – retirement or else?

All my intel sources are now telling me they plan to try again this weekend (almost the identical plan). Today is Friday, the process has already begun and so far it is moving ahead.

I do not want to predict any dates or rates but I can say it does look very good for us next week to be at the banks if (remember I said “if”) Sunday’s session in parliament goes well and if their plan to form the government does not get interrupted.

I do not predict rates so I will not divulge what I know in this area since they can change and probably will. I will say the IQD market rate is above $3 and the IQN contract rates with China and Vietnam/China (VNN) are still very strong and there is plenty of money remaining in the buckets for our exchanges. Don’t worry !

Many still keep asking me about the taxes. I will tell you just one more time. Read my lips - there is no news from the IRS on this topic. It will all come out soon. You will be the first to know once I know it. It will not come out until the RV happens.

They do have some special tax rates to coincide with the exchange rate you may take. If you have a state income tax don’t forget about it. Primarily they can do this because of the special and contract rates you may decide to take. Make sure you keep you paperwork and get your agreed to tax rate in writing. Keep for you long term records.

The market rates I am hearing will be subject to the normal currency taxation rules that apply today. If you do not know them look them up or see a tax attorney. These conference call intel providers have no business advising you on your taxes. Everyone is different.
So please stop asking and worrying over it.

I still firmly believe that we will not see any revaluation of the IQD unless Iraq has a stable and functional government and thus has a political environment that it can advance in and thrive in.

Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat

Outrageous Sign in Indiana storefront

Subject: Outrageous Sign in Indiana storefront

SIGN in Indiana Storefront...
This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Whiting, Indiana.

You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement.
However, we are a society which holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty; and after all, it is just a sign.

You may ask, what kind of business would dare post such a sign?

Answer: Owen's Funeral Home

Colorized Rare Historical Photos Best ever!!!!!

Colorized Rare Historical Photos Best ever!!!!!

I found the very skillful addition of color to really bring you closer to the era, people and places as well as the events covered then you ever get from the black and white ones. Because there are no color pics from back then I unknowingly felt that the old days were bleak and cold. These pics show what we now see as old falling down dilapidated structures as the colorful and handsome structures they were when new! Also the people, from the poverty of the Appalachians to the uniforms of soldiers seem to come to life.

Amazing frozen lemons

Anti-cancer natural cure....could it be?

Amazing frozen lemons
All it a frozen lemon

Many professionals in restaurants and eateries are using or consuming the entire lemon and nothing is wasted. How can you use the whole lemon without waste?

Simple.. place the washed lemon in the freezer section of your refrigerator. Once the lemon is frozen, get your grater, and shred the whole lemon (no need to peel it) and sprinkle it on top of your foods.

Sprinkle it to your vegetable salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce, rice, sushi, fish dishes, whisky.... the list is endless.

All of the foods will unexpectedly have a wonderful taste, something that you may have never tasted before. Most likely, you only think of lemon juice and vitamin C. Not anymore.

Now that you've learned this lemon secret, you can use lemon even in instant cup noodles.

What's the major advantage of using the whole lemon other than preventing waste and adding new taste to your dishes?

Well, you see lemon peels contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself. And yes, that's what you've been wasting.

But from now on, by following this simple procedure of freezing the whole lemon, then grating it on top of your dishes, you can consume all of those nutrients and get even healthier.

It's also good that lemon peels are health rejuvenators in eradicating toxic elements in the body.

So place your washed lemon in your freezer, and then grate it on your meal every day. It is a key to make your foods tastier and you get to live healthier and longer! That's the lemon secret! Better late than never, right? The surprising benefits of lemon!
Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits.

You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy.

How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations?

As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes.

You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors.

This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas...
The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells.

And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.
So, give those lemons a good wash, freeze them and grate them. Your whole body will love you for it!!!!!

While Europe was burning witches, Iraq was booming. It's about to be again.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
While Europe was burning witches, Iraq was booming. It's about to be again.
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 12-Jul-2014 07:09:22

Sovereign Man
Notes from The Field
July 9, 2014
While Europe was burning witches, Iraq was booming. It's about to be again.
Erbil, Iraq
It's been nearly 1,000 years since Iraq had some positive momentum.
Back then, Europe had plunged into the Dark Ages where intellectual and economic progress all but halted.
Baghdad, on the other hand, was the most exciting, cosmopolitan city in the world. It was the capital of the Abbasid Empire, and in their society, education was a virtue.
Scientific, technological, and intellectual achievements were highly celebrated.
Mega-libraries known as Houses of Wisdom were inaugurated all over the region. And in many cases, books were more valuable than even gold itself.
In one famous case, after they had defeated the Byzantine Empire in a long war and were negotiating a peace treaty, the Abbasids demanded annual payments of Greek manuscripts rather than gold.
But that was the peak.
In 1258, a Mongolian horde obliterated the city. They laid waste to the population, destroyed the libraries, and even threw the books into the river. It was said that the water turned black from all the ink.
The next 750+ years were not especially fortunate for this region. It took centuries to rebuild the population from the Mongol attack, during which time they were subjugated by a number of empires... or manipulated by meddlesome foreigners.
All of that external turmoil is finally behind them.
Obviously there are still internal challenges to sort out. But what they're primarily left with here is tremendous oil wealth... and conditions for substantial economic growth.
One need look no further than here in the Kurdish region up north to get a sense of where this growth story is going.
In terms of sheer volume, most of Iraq's oil is NOT in Kurdistan. But on a per-capita basis, there's far more oil here than anywhere else in the country... especially now that they control Kirkuk.
That oil has driven fixed asset investment on a nearly unmatched scale. The amount of construction and infrastructure projects here far surpasses that of even China. Yet unlike China, these aren't ghost cities. It's real development.
Iraqi Kurdistan's story is much closer to that of Myanmar, where I was just about two weeks ago.
Myanmar is emerging from decades of economic isolation and a total lack of development. The opening of trade and foreign investment has spawned an incredible boom there.
Both places are undergoing rapid transformation. But one primary difference is that Kurdistan has a more advanced base to start from. This place is not destitute. There's already been quite a lot of development.
Moreover, the oil wealth here provides a much more rapid catalyst to growth.
Oil is the obvious play for many foreign investors. You might remember Tony "I want my life back" Hayward, for example.
After he got the heave-ho as CEO of BP for his bungling of the gulf coast oil spill a few years ago, Mr. Hayward joined a private company bankrolled by Nathaniel Rothschild, scion of the famous banking family.
The company became Genel Energy... which at the moment happens to be one of the biggest players in the Kurdish oil fields.
More and more companies are starting to produce here. And with good cause.
The Kurdish government has been exceptionally motivated to negotiate favorable concessions with foreigners. Plus tax rates are as low as 0% to 5% (for people who actually pay them).
There's little doubt this place is becoming a veritable boom town. And that makes all the non-oil investments even more interesting.
Real estate. Retail. Finance. Capital equipment. These sectors all do well in periods of massive economic growth.
A decade from now, Kurdistan will look completely different than it does today-- both politically and economically. And that's seriously exciting.
In terms of the landscape, I imagine it will be like Dubai's rapid transformation from a sleepy desert outpost to a cosmopolitan business hub. It only took about 10-15 years.
Yet Kurdistan has a major advantage-- there's potentially ten times more oil here than in Dubai. But both have essentially the same size population.
This is the mother of all rising tides. And a lot of people are going to make a lot of money. It's definitely a place to keep on your radar.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,

Devvy - Why TX Gov Perry Won't Put Natl Guard On Border

Devvy - Why TX Gov Perry Won't
Put Natl Guard On Border

By Devvy Kidd
Exclusive to

I doubt there's a person in this country who doesn't know what's going on with the planned, massive invasion of human hordes coming across the border here in Texas this past month. A surge it's called. By the end of summer, it's estimated 90,000 illegal alien minors will have crossed. Anyone following current events in this country fully understands there is an agenda here: destroy our culture by force, import more tens of millions of peasant class people who come here to suck us dry. Dump them into unsustainable Ponzi schemes like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. Reduce our standard of living, our quality of life, make us strangers in our own land and work towards seamless borders.

The Republicans continue to shout it's all because the criminal impostor squatting in the White House (when not out campaigning for the Democratic/Communist Party USA) has refused to secure our border, blah, blah, blah.

The Republicans controlled both the House and Senate for over a decade before the Democractic/Communist Party took the House in 2006. From January 2001 until January 2007, the Republican controlled House and Senate did NOTHING to lock down the borders and deport, not reward millions of liars, cheats and thieves - illegal aliens. From January 2001 until January 2007, the Outlaw Congress wasn't just held on both sides by Republicans, Bush, Jr., a Republican, was also president. What they should have done was never done and here we are today with a massive, planned crisis eating us up.

My column last week dealt with and provided suggestions what we have to do since the Outlaw Congress and the pretend president won't - all for political reasons. For starters, boycott Mexico. No vacations, conferences, convention. Don't buy ANY fruits or vegetables from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador or Honduras. Support AMERICAN farmers first - local if you can.

Everyone has been wondering why our (thankfully) soon-to-be-gone governor, Ricky Perry, hasn't called up the Texas Army National Guard? He has activated TDPS (Texas Department of Public Safety) and some other organizations, but it's not enough. Last night, although it pained me, I watched the interview with Sean Hannity and Ricky Perry. While they were sitting there on the Rio Grande, seven more illegals were caught trying to cross over into OUR country.

It has cost we the people of Texas over a
half billion dollars since 2005 dealing with the illegals invasion across our border. Two weeks ago, Perry announced the State of Texas was about to begin a surge against the hordes costing we Texans $1.2 million dollars a week.

During that interview, Ricky Perry constantly commented how many times he's ask the fraud playing president to put the National Guard on the border. Why won't Ricky put the Texas Army National Guard on the border since we have no constitutional militia? I did some research:

Texas Army National Guard - Frequently Ask Questions

"Q: How is the Texas Army National Guard different from other military branches?

"A: Our mission makes us different. Unlike the other Armed Forces branches, we have a dual mission, meaning we answer to both state and federal governments. So Guard Soldiers can be deployed by either the governor of their resident state or the president of the United States, depending on where they are needed most."

I immediately called Ricky Perry's office and spoke with one of his aides and ask why the governor won't call up the Texas Army National Guard and put them on the border? Told him I had watched Perry's interview last night with Hannity and he kept saying he's still begging Soetoro/Obama to do it.

Answer: Because if Perry calls up the Texas Army National Guard, it will cost the State of Texas. If it's done by a legitimate president, the feds cover the cost.

Well, let's see how much more blood it's going to cost us: Americans killed, robbed and raped every day by illegal aliens in this country and driving on our roads killing innocent Americans.
Mother Of Cop Killed By Illegal Writes To President Asking Why He Wasn't Deported

"Police said Mary Ann Mendoza's son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, was hit head-on by a driver who had been living in the country illegally for two decades. Officials said for much of that time Raul Silva-Corona was wanted for charges including burglary, assault and leaving the scene of an accident. When he was finally captured in 2002, he took a plea deal and was allowed to stay in the United States"

That's the flavor of scum the Outlaw Congress has allowed to roam this country for decades. He's allowed to stay here? Where is justice for the victim and his mom? There's isn't any, only a political agenda.
Obama adviser: Let in illegals to get votes

Shocking, hidden agenda behind border crisis - do take the time to read this one because it's dead on point.

We know illegal alien minors (politically correct term is unaccompanied minors), many who are traveling with a parent are going to be dumped into public schools around this country because cities are already making "accommodations".

Sick, diseased kids flooding our state as well as Arizona, New Mexico and California, but right now it's mostly here in Texas. You and I are being raped to pay for their expensive treatment. But, diseases like tuberculosis may or may not get detected for months. Diseases long ago wiped out in this country are being imported, like leprosy and dumped into communities and soon public schools.
School Doors 'Open to All Children,' Regardless of Citizenship, Feds Remind Public School System

Nurse: Illegals' baggage includes TB, leprosy, polio
Murder Suspects, Sex Offenders, Gang Members Caught at Border
Border Patrol Agents Test Positive for Diseases Carried by Illegal Aliens

What we have brewing right now is a potential pandemic that will spread across this country - not to mention the deadly serious national security threat that grows by the day. Can you afford to miss work because your child comes down with TB, lice, scabies, polio, leprosy or some other disease? Can you afford the medical bills?

New welfare recipients paid for by YOU:
Increase in Underage Pregnant Women Crossing Border
Democrat: ‘Detain and immediately remove them
Dem Congressman: Illegal Immigrants Renting Children to Enter US and Game System
Obama’s Spent More than $73 Billion on Immigration 'Enforcement’
- do read how all that BORROWED DEBT was spent
Dwyer: They Are Coming Here to Breed

The focus for the past month has been about this latest surge being children. Yes, I'm sorry for them. I'm sorry THEIR parent(s) put them through what they've gone through, but they are still here illegally and need to be deported, not coddled and certainly NOT shipped to ILLEGAL parents or relatives around the country. I am sorry those kids are caught in political games, but blame their parents, not we the people for demanding they get shipped out of here. If mega-millionaires like Glen Beck wants to do in his mind the Christian thing (
‘We Must Open Our Hearts’: Glenn Beck Announces Major Border Event in Texas) fine, but he is sending the wrong message:

Border Crisis: What Glenn Beck Did Wrong - "Therefore, the truly compassionate thing to do is to ensure you're not doing anything that might encourage more parents to send their unaccompanied children on that harrowing trek. And it is not insane, unreasonable, or lacking in compassion to argue that news of a major American media figure greeting children at the border with toys could be used by the drug smugglers and human traffickers already exploiting these kids as a way to recruit more."

The criminal impostor in the White House has ask the Outlaw Congress for $3.7 BILLION dollars to deal with the crisis he has been promoting. Since our treasury is overdrawn $17.4 TRILLION bux, this "new" money will have to be borrowed with the interest slapped on our back besides the unpayable principle.

But get this and if this doesn't burn you up, I don't know what will:

"Mr. Obama sent a letter to Congress detailing a request for 2014 alone: $879 million in additional funding to detain and deport illegal immigrant families, $116 million to transport unaccompanied children, and $522 million for more law enforcement both on the border and in Central America.

"Mr. Obama also is asking for an additional $1.8 billion for the Health and Human Services Department to be able to house the children while they are awaiting immigration court hearings; $300 million for the State Department try to create better economic and security conditions in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador; and $64 million for the Justice Department to hire more immigration judges."

BULL manure. Law enforcement in Central America? Where the hell does it say in the U.S. Constitution you, me, our children and grandchildren can be raped to pay for law enforcement in Central America? $18 BILLION dollars to house illegal minors while they're waiting to be deported? $300 MILLION for the corrupt State Department to create better economic and security conditions in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador? Are you (expletive) me?

If not today, put on your calendar for Monday:

1. Call Gov. Rick Perry's office and tell him to put the Texas Army National Guard on the border.
The guard is already on the payroll:

"Q: When will I serve?

"A: You'll train one weekend per month plus a two-week period each year. For most of the training weekends, you'll be with us Saturday and Sunday only, though occasionally you'll be asked to report for duty on a Friday night. In case of Active Duty, you will serve whenever you are needed and called.

"Q: How long could I be deployed?

"A: The length of time for deployments will vary, depending on the situation. State active duty missions usually run from 15-60 days, while federal deployments are usually a minimum of 12 months. Texas Army National Guard Soldiers may also choose to volunteer for active duty assignments (for example, Border Patrol), and again, the length of deployment will vary."

Rotate them, but get them on the border for how ever long it takes to shut it down. Even if you don't live here in Texas, everyone, please call Ricky Perry's office: 512.463.2000. Opinion Hot line: 512 463.1782

2. Keep fighting back if your city or town is targeted to receive illegals - find out from your mayor, city council, county board of stupidvisors or nearest ICE office. Network on social media. The folks in Murietta, Ca., have stood their ground three times now and turned the buses back.

Protests spread: MI Residents Fight Plans to House Illegals
Texas Town: No Quarter for Illegals - Houston suburb urges other jurisdictions to pass similar resolutions
Mexican Flag-Wearing La Raza Militants Arrive in Murrieta

Call your U.S. House member today or calendar for Monday (doesn't matter which party) and get all this out on social media: NOT one penny of OUR money goes for law enforcement in Central America. No $18 BILLION borrowed dollars to house illegal minors. ALL illegals regardless of age or country of origin should be put in FEMA camps or re-open closed military bases closest to the border and NO $300 MILLION borrowed dollars to create better economic condition in Honduras, Guatemala or El Salvador. Not a damn penny while we are drowning in unpayable debt. I mean give them an earful. Best if you send a fax; no emails because all you'll get is some form response.

Tell them to shut down this crap:
TSA Allowing Illegals on Planes Without ID. The U.S. Congress has oversight over the molestors. They can send them a letter telling them to cease and desist with such insanity.

97% of illegals DO NOT show up for their court dates. Shipping them around the country is just another way to make sure they never do.

Coburn: 'For $8M, We Can Put them All on a First-Class Seat Back to Their Homes'

"Look, for $8 million, we can put them all on a first-class seat back to their homes. That's $8 million. That's a first-class seat, one way, to each of their homes," Coburn told CNN's "Crossfire" on Tuesday. "That's $60,000 per child that we're going to spend, in emergency money. Can we -- first of all, that shows just how incompetent we -- we can't do that for $3(000) or $4,000 per child? That's No. 1.

"No. 2 is, if we can't do that, the Border Patrol is as bad as the V.A.  And by the way, the vast majority of Border Patrol are not patrolling the border right now. They're involved in the humanitarian crisis." Once they move out of the detention center and they go to family or other friends or other relatives or whoever, less than 3 percent will show up for their hearing. So they're in the country. They won't be deported. And that's what has people riled." Which, of course, is the plan. No. Deport not reward.

d Offers More Than $6000 Per Month to House Foreign Minors

Keep all illegals close to the border as possible to get them deported. The U.S. House can announce they are immediately cutting off all (unconstitutional rape) foreign aid to Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala unless they allow the planes to land to take back their citizens. Tell THAT to your U.S. House member. The House holds the people's purse strings and they sure as hell can do if they have the guts to ignore screeching from the left and the America hating media, militant pro-illegal groups like LaRaza and the ACLU. Every phone call or fax will count, believe me.

Mexico, Guatemala and Belize Join Forces Declare War on USA

"Mexico and Guatemala have finalized a deal which will allow Guatemalan citizens (who would normally be arrested and deported or imprisoned in Mexico) to travel on 72-hour passes through Mexico on their way to our Southern border! The deal seems to also allow citizens of Belize a similar legal passage through our southern neighbor.

"On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.

"The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage, will provide for more border checkpoints along Mexico's border with Guatemala, and offer more protection and even emergency medical care to those making their way north. The illegal aliens will receive a so-called Regional Visitor's Card, according to El Universal. Officially, the program will grant the cards to only illegal aliens from Guatemala and Belize, allowing them to remain in Mexico's southern states for 72 hours (more than enough time to reach the U.S./Mexican border by train)."

4. The Catholic Church cares NOTHING about our immigration laws:
California Church Gives 'Travel Cash' To Illegal Aliens, Sends Them East. That money comes from your Sunday donations. Regardless of where you live, call the bishop of your Diocese and tell him no more money in the coffers for aiding illegal aliens who have smuggled themselves across our borders. My grandparents on both sides were Catholic. They did not sneak into this country. They waited their turn and went through the process to get here from Palermo, Italy and Munich, Germany. The Catholic Church has no business interfering with enforcement of our immigration laws, period. If they're so concerned about those illegals, tell the Church to ship them to the Vatican and let the Pope take care of the tens of thousands liars, cheats, thieves and diseased children.

90,000 to cross by end of summer - I say no way. Stop it now.
It's up to us.


Bluwolf on Friday Afternoon: "Perspectives"

Bluwolf on Friday Afternoon: "Perspectives"


Listen up;;; everything is transpiring as planned, if you stick to the original plan you will be taken care of as informed, your exchange shall be swift, you will be treated with the highest respects, you will not be having a thing to worry about with WF

 As we approach the final minutes or hours of this blessing please be at rest and give thanks for the final harvest that's about to be collected.

A lot of joy will come to all, a lot of answers solved, a lot of positive answers to one and all on the financial scales. I do not see not one negative aspect coming out of Wells Fargo.

All is good folks, stick to the plan get your 800#, consult with the professionals at the bank, read well all written material before signing and you will be ok.
Remember to open two different accounts- NIB

Remember you are doing a currency exchange

Remember that it is a IQN, and VNN,

Remember not to leave your dinars out of your sight, and ask for a de la rue machine.

Remember that now you have the power and not the bank so start acting that way.

Stay away from scammers and get rich quick schemes, pay it forward, remember who you are, how hard it has been for all, where you came from and where you and your family are heading,

Remember that Jehová is and shall be in full control and that NOW is His time and yours.

Be blessed, Na'maste, Bluwolf (ymp)

Simon Black: "Iraq is About to Boom Again" Posted by Apexdinar at TNT

Simon Black: "Iraq is About to Boom Again" Posted by Apexdinar at TNT

Apexdinar:   Simon Black is back - Iraq is about to boom again!

July 9, 2014  Erbil, Iraq

It's been nearly 1,000 years since Iraq had some positive momentum.

Back then, Europe had plunged into the Dark Ages where intellectual and economic progress all but halted.

Baghdad, on the other hand, was the most exciting, cosmopolitan city in the world. It was the capital of the Abbasid Empire, and in their society, education was a virtue.

Scientific, technological, and intellectual achievements were highly celebrated.
Mega-libraries known as Houses of Wisdom were inaugurated all over the region. And in many cases, books were more valuable than even gold itself.

In one famous case, after they had defeated the Byzantine Empire in a long war and were negotiating a peace treaty, the Abbasids demanded annual payments of Greek manuscripts rather than gold.

But that was the peak.

In 1258, a Mongolian horde obliterated the city. They laid waste to the population, destroyed the libraries, and even threw the books into the river. It was said that the water turned black from all the ink.

The next 750+ years were not especially fortunate for this region. It took centuries to rebuild the population from the Mongol attack, during which time they were subjugated by a number of empires... or manipulated by meddlesome foreigners.

All of that external turmoil is finally behind them.

Obviously there are still internal challenges to sort out. But what they're primarily left with here is tremendous oil wealth... and conditions for substantial economic growth.

One need look no further than here in the Kurdish region up north to get a sense of where this growth story is going.

In terms of sheer volume, most of Iraq's oil is NOT in Kurdistan. But on a per-capita basis, there's far more oil here than anywhere else in the country... especially now that they control Kirkuk.

That oil has driven fixed asset investment on a nearly unmatched scale. The amount of construction and infrastructure projects here far surpasses that of even China. Yet unlike China, these aren't ghost cities. It's real development.

Iraqi Kurdistan's story is much closer to that of Myanmar, where I was just about two weeks ago.

Myanmar is emerging from decades of economic isolation and a total lack of development. The opening of trade and foreign investment has spawned an incredible boom there.

Both places are undergoing rapid transformation. But one primary difference is that Kurdistan has a more advanced base to start from. This place is not destitute. There's already been quite a lot of development.

Moreover, the oil wealth here provides a much more rapid catalyst to growth.

Oil is the obvious play for many foreign investors. You might remember Tony "I want my life back" Hayward, for example.

After he got the heave-ho as CEO of BP for his bungling of the gulf coast oil spill a few years ago, Mr. Hayward joined a private company bankrolled by Nathaniel Rothschild, scion of the famous banking family.

The company became Genel Energy... which at the moment happens to be one of the biggest players in the Kurdish oil fields.

More and more companies are starting to produce here. And with good cause.

The Kurdish government has been exceptionally motivated to negotiate favorable concessions with foreigners. Plus tax rates are as low as 0% to 5% (for people who actually pay them).

There's little doubt this place is becoming a veritable boom town. And that makes all the non-oil investments even more interesting.

Real estate. Retail. Finance. Capital equipment. These sectors all do well in periods of massive economic growth.

A decade from now, Kurdistan will look completely different than it does today-- both politically and economically. And that's seriously exciting.

In terms of the landscape, I imagine it will be like Dubai's rapid transformation from a sleepy desert outpost to a cosmopolitan business hub. It only took about 10-15 years.

Yet Kurdistan has a major advantage-- there's potentially ten times more oil here than in Dubai. But both have essentially the same size population.

This is the mother of all rising tides.

And a lot of people are going to make a lot of money.

It's definitely a place to keep on your radar.

Until tomorrow,

Simon Black    Senior Editor,

Bits and Pieces Friday Night

Bits and Pieces Friday Night


Musclelady:  WF Bank Story This morning! California

A friend of mine went to WF to get dong!

The bank teller asked why are you buying dong?

He told him I just want to buy some. The teller had a attitude and said it is a bad investment.

Then he called the manager over and the manager told him you are making a mistake and said that you will lose about $50 when you exchange.

So he told them both I just want to buy it never told them it was for the RV.
The manager said OK this is what we will do, we are going to hold the receipt till it comes in then give you the currency and the receipt.

The guy said no way and left. He is going to try Chase.

What I think is they are mad because they heard about the RV and now they cannot buy any so they are pisst!

What do you think?


 dawnsy30 :  Listen up all...................Saturday Night a is Super MOON, Its going to be the Brightest n Largest.........................................FYI

luvwulfs:  Dawnsy the moon crosses right over the top where we are. Awesome when normal full moon. Gonna be spectacular

Adept1:  And it's a super Moon, when the Moon is closest to the Earth...



Markz Tweet:  @originalmarkz: "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain



robert July 11, 2014 no funds will be released until all areas are properly cleared from years of abuse as any funds are meant to be for the common people and not the the rotten eggs which in some parts still exist ,hopefully these issues will be cleared once the goi is fully seated and functional with all parties happy.

It aint happened yet because full laws not passed , hcl ,stability, tarriffs laws in full  , lds released in iraq, prices altered to reflect changes and show me proof anyone has cashed out out of so called thousands ? all you are given its because of nda absolute crap the reason there is no proof is because it aint happened no change with the rate whatsoever as these so called new wealthy folk would be buying the dinar from dealers in bucket loads it aint rocket science just guru bluffing for the masses to keep them entertained once it rvs if it ever does everyone will go at the same time when internationally traded



AzProf » July 11th, 2014, Everyone, USA, Iran, Jordan, Turkey, England, Saudi, Sistani, Kurds, Sunnis, and some Shiates are calling for a Unity govt. The only ones who arent are the State of Law and the Dawa parties- Maliki's parties! There is only one way this can happen.

I know that Delta says that Maliki got 90+ votes, thus he will be the PM, but there is another option. Right now, the Shia are united under the Nat Coalition. The Sunni's and Kurds are also united. The Shia have control and they wish to form a govt where Shia have 1st choice of position and give the other groups some bit of power. M, especially wants to keep as much power as he can to himself.

The best option is the Nat Coalition breaks apart and the Saddrists and the Citizen form a new coalition with the united Sunni and Kurd parties. That would be a 'Unity Govt'. All factions will be well represented. But SofLaw loses alot of power and they do everything they can with false promise to keep this from happening. But the Kurds have made a statement and the rest of Iraq cannot twiddle thumbs and argue any longer. Its time for strong action to save the country.


mandk911 » July 11th, 2014, Brics to open alternatives to World Bank, IMF

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (the so-called Brics) are to establish alternatives to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which they find too biased towards Europe and the US.

The “New Development Bank” to rival the World Bank will be launched at a Brics summit in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza next week, with all agreed except where to put the main headquarters, Russian finance minister Anton Siluanov said Wednesday (9 July).

The two options currently being considered are Shanghai or New Delhi, Siluanov said. Russia didn’t push to get the bank in Moscow, but will seek management posts instead, he said.

The project will see each of the Brics contribute €1.4 billion to the bank’s funds over the next seven years, with the bank’s maximum capital set at €73 billion. The bank will fund mainly infrastructure projects.

Other countries that want to join will be able to do so once the new bank opens for lending, in 2016, the minister added.



tco » July 11th, 2014,

SuperMoon is happening this weekend.....just saying

The full moon is always beautiful, but the full moons of June, July and August are a little something extra — they’re all supermoons, and this weekend is the second of three in a row.

But what is a supermoon, and where did the name come from? As the moon orbits the Earth, its distance to the planet varies. The point when it is closest to Earth is called perigee, and the point when it is farthest is called apogee. Both perigee and apogee happen once every month.

The supermoon simply refers to a new or full moon that coincides with perigee — when the moon is closest to our planet. The word was first coined by an astrologer — not an astronomer — named Richard Nolle more than 30 years ago, according to EarthSky. It’s not necessarily a scientific term, but can be useful for talking about what we’re seeing in the sky: a full moon that appears slightly larger than a regular full moon.

"Generally speaking, full Moons occur near perigee every 13 months and 18 days, so it's not all that unusual," Geogg Chester of the U.S. Naval Observatory said in a NASA statement on the supermoon. "In fact, just last year there were three perigee Moons in a row, but only one was widely reported."

Usually, comparing a photograph on the supermoon to a regular full moon will reveal the slight difference in size. But the appearance of a huge moon is largely an illusion, one astronomers have yet to fully understand.

Regardless, seeing a beautiful full moon on a clear night is a pleasure for astronomers and amateur sky-watchers alike. The moon is officially full on Saturday July 12 at 7:25 a.m. Eastern time. If you get a chance, look outside Friday and Saturday nights to take in the full moon — just don’t be fooled by its seemingly huge appearance.

"There's a part of me that wishes that this 'super-Moon' moniker would just dry up and blow away, like the 'Blood-Moon' that accompanied the most recent lunar eclipse, because it tends to promulgate a lot of mis-information," Chester said.

"However, if it gets people out and looking at the night sky and maybe hooks them into astronomy, then it's a good thing."



vietnam-wall-3The Wall as it is called… 
A little history most people will never know.
Interesting Veterans Statistics off the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
There are 58,267 names now listed on that polished black wall, including those added in 2010.
The names are arranged in the order in which they were taken from us by date and within each date the names are alphabetized. It is hard to believe it is 57 years since the first casualty.
The first known casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, Mass. Listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having been killed on June 8, 1956. His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Richard B. Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.
There are three sets of fathers and sons on the Wall.
39,996 on the Wall were just 22 or younger.
8,283 were just 19 years old.
The largest age group, 33,103 were 18 years old.
12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old.
5 soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old.
One soldier, PFC Dan Bullock was 15 years old.
vietnam-wall-1997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam ..
1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam ..
31 sets of brothers are on the Wall.
Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons.
54 soldiers attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia . I wonder why so many from one school.
8 Women are on the Wall, Nursing the wounded.
244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of them are on the Wall.
Beallsville, Ohio with a population of 475 lost 6 of her sons.
West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. There are 711 West Virginians on the Wall.
The Marines of Morenci – They led some of the scrappiest high school football and basketball teams that the little Arizona copper town of Morenci (pop. 5,058) had ever known and cheered. They enjoyed roaring beer busts. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in the Apache National Forest. And in the patriotic camaraderie typical of Morenci’s mining families, the nine graduates of Morenci High enlisted as a group in the Marine Corps. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966. Only 3 returned home.
The Buddies of Midvale – LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. They lived only a few yards apart. They played ball at the adjacent sandlot ball field. And they all went to Vietnam . In a span of 16 dark days in late 1967, all three would be killed. LeRoy was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22, the fourth anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Jimmy died less than 24 hours later on Thanksgiving Day. Tom was shot dead assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
The most casualty deaths for a single day was on January 31, 1968 ~ 245 deaths.
The most casualty deaths for a single month was May 1968 – 2,415 casualties were incurred.

VIETNAM WALLFor most Americans who read this they will only see the numbers that the Vietnam War created. To those of us who survived the war, and to the families of those who did not, we see the faces, we feel the pain that these numbers created. We are, until we too pass away, haunted with these numbers, because they were our friends, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters. There are no noble wars, just noble warriors.

I said this about the NSA years ago!

July 11 2014

A woman who helps the illegals got on Mexican television last night, confused by the waves of children and wondering how it could possibly be happening

She said that unlike the adults which can be seen crossing the river, these children arrive in huge numbers from out of nowhere. And she had a key piece of info, which again pegs the child theft story - it is obvious to this woman that someone is paying a huge amount of money per child to get them up to America, money the families could never afford to pay. She was very confused by how much money is being spent to get these children to America and wondering who on earth could ever pay for it. MY ANSWER: The American taxpayer is paying for this invasion, it is a U.S. government sponsored psy op no ifs or buts, and that explains it all. Additionally none of the children are willing to talk about anything, which is another red flag, along the way, somewhere in the process, someone who knows how to manipulate people has said precisely the right things to keep the kids from talking.
That is all I have on this for now, but I am going to be looking into this more later today. One thing is certain, someone is working hard to make all of this happen.

This is worth a read

In the midst of the media lying about how the immigrant children are arriving on trains when they are really being taken and put on buses, This piece about the media lying about what Israel is doing in Gaza is REALLY worth a read. Who would have ever thought the day would come when Russia would be a savior of truth? Bad days indeed! Make sure you read past the first little bit, it gets good farther into the article.

I said this about the NSA years ago!

80 percent of all calls made in America are permanently recorded and stored

This includes business secrets, inventions, discussions about research projects, the whole ball of wax, and probably excludes phone calls made by the Jewish community and those who work for them. That is probably why 20 percent are not recorded, after all, if you are recording 80 percent, WHY NOT DO THEM ALL? Certain tribes have priviledges I guess.
Anyway, many people said I was B.S. for saying what the NSA was doing, Will you believe THIS GUY? I do not care who you believe, as long as you get the message!

300,000 people shot by the DHS during the hurricanes?

A couple weeks ago I raised the question about what happened to all the people who were displaced by Hurricane Sandy. All of a sudden, right in the midst of this child theft story, other "alternative media" outlets had the answer, complete with eyewitness accounts - that the DHS killed them all. MY COMMENT: That may work for a distraction from today's issue, but I DO NOT BELIEVE that somehow, right after I popped the big question, so many others had the answer when they did not even think about asking the question to begin with.

That being said, do I believe the DHS would do it? YES. And they would get away with it, because people in America are isolated from one another, and the DHS could just tell the families that whoever is missing died in the hurricane and no one would put together the fact that this was said about 300,000 people. People would just accept the fact that someone died, and would not be connected enough to realize just how many "someones" died. A hurricane is perfect cover for mass exterminations. WATCH FOR THIS NEXT TIME, just in case it is not B.S., (but I still think it is).