Saturday, July 12, 2014

I said this about the NSA years ago!

July 11 2014

A woman who helps the illegals got on Mexican television last night, confused by the waves of children and wondering how it could possibly be happening

She said that unlike the adults which can be seen crossing the river, these children arrive in huge numbers from out of nowhere. And she had a key piece of info, which again pegs the child theft story - it is obvious to this woman that someone is paying a huge amount of money per child to get them up to America, money the families could never afford to pay. She was very confused by how much money is being spent to get these children to America and wondering who on earth could ever pay for it. MY ANSWER: The American taxpayer is paying for this invasion, it is a U.S. government sponsored psy op no ifs or buts, and that explains it all. Additionally none of the children are willing to talk about anything, which is another red flag, along the way, somewhere in the process, someone who knows how to manipulate people has said precisely the right things to keep the kids from talking.
That is all I have on this for now, but I am going to be looking into this more later today. One thing is certain, someone is working hard to make all of this happen.

This is worth a read

In the midst of the media lying about how the immigrant children are arriving on trains when they are really being taken and put on buses, This piece about the media lying about what Israel is doing in Gaza is REALLY worth a read. Who would have ever thought the day would come when Russia would be a savior of truth? Bad days indeed! Make sure you read past the first little bit, it gets good farther into the article.

I said this about the NSA years ago!

80 percent of all calls made in America are permanently recorded and stored

This includes business secrets, inventions, discussions about research projects, the whole ball of wax, and probably excludes phone calls made by the Jewish community and those who work for them. That is probably why 20 percent are not recorded, after all, if you are recording 80 percent, WHY NOT DO THEM ALL? Certain tribes have priviledges I guess.
Anyway, many people said I was B.S. for saying what the NSA was doing, Will you believe THIS GUY? I do not care who you believe, as long as you get the message!

300,000 people shot by the DHS during the hurricanes?

A couple weeks ago I raised the question about what happened to all the people who were displaced by Hurricane Sandy. All of a sudden, right in the midst of this child theft story, other "alternative media" outlets had the answer, complete with eyewitness accounts - that the DHS killed them all. MY COMMENT: That may work for a distraction from today's issue, but I DO NOT BELIEVE that somehow, right after I popped the big question, so many others had the answer when they did not even think about asking the question to begin with.

That being said, do I believe the DHS would do it? YES. And they would get away with it, because people in America are isolated from one another, and the DHS could just tell the families that whoever is missing died in the hurricane and no one would put together the fact that this was said about 300,000 people. People would just accept the fact that someone died, and would not be connected enough to realize just how many "someones" died. A hurricane is perfect cover for mass exterminations. WATCH FOR THIS NEXT TIME, just in case it is not B.S., (but I still think it is).

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