Tuesday, July 15, 2014


New post  ..journey Today at 12:25 pm
2014 Top 100 Financial Advisors
Here are America's top financial advisors, as identified by Barron's. The ranking reflects the volume of assets overseen by the advisors and their teams, revenues generated for the firms and the quality of the advisors' practices. The scoring system assigns a top score of 100 and rates the rest by comparing them with the top-ranked advisor. A ranking of "N" indicates the advisor was not ranked in the specified year.

Click on link: http://online.barrons.com/report/top-financial-advisors/100

The key to a great smile-it’s not toothpaste

   Holistic Blends Inc.
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The key to a great smile-it’s not toothpaste
Hi John
For those of you like me who are old enough to remember, there was a commercial in the 1970’s for Ultra Brite toothpaste featuring the beautiful late actress Farrah Fawcett.
The camera zooms in close as she tells the viewers why Ultra Brite is so wonderful while flashing her famous pearly whites.
Of course, what the makers of Ultra Brite wanted you to think was that if you used their toothpaste, you’d have a gorgeous healthy smile like Farrah.
Oh if it were only that easy!
Now, daily brushing is definitely important if you want to have healthy teeth and gums, but what most people don’t realize is that the health of your mouth goes way beyond toothpaste.
Let’s get a little daring and peek in our mouths, talk about what might go wrong, and look at some surprising ways you can enhance the health of your choppers and gums.
Open wide!
In addition to merely having a nice smile, healthy teeth and gums are crucial to the proper functioning of your digestive tract.
Digestion actually begins in your mouth--enzymes in your saliva begin the process of carbohydrate digestion well before your food reaches your stomach.
The process of chewing sends signals to your brain, which in turn sends signals to your stomach that food is on the way down so it can prepare to start secreting acid.
And how well you chew your food makes a big difference in whether or not the rest of its journey through your GI tract is smooth or whether you will experience heartburn, gas, bloating and/or constipation.
Something wrong in there?
There are a number of common mouth-related problems that people experience, and I’ll start with the biggie…
BAD BREATH (aka halitosis).
Although halitosis can be caused by poor dental hygiene, tooth infection, sinus problems, gum problems or tonsillitis, one of the likely culprits behind bad breath lies in an area about 24 inches south of your mouth.
Your gut.
That’s right—bad breath can be a sign of any of the following:
  • H. Pylori infection in the stomach
  • Low stomach acid production
  • Imbalanced intestinal flora
  • Pancreatic insufficiency
  • Even constipation! (I’ll let you form your own visual on that)
Other mouth challenges include gingivitis and periodontal disease.
Gingivitis is an inflammation of your gums that if left unchecked, can progress to periodontal disease—an inflammation of the bone around your teeth.
Current statistics show that periodontal disease will affect 9 out of 10 Americans during their lifetime, and 4 out of 10 will lose all of their teeth as a result!
Poor tooth health is frequently the result of nutrient deficiencies.  After all, your teeth are bones just like the rest of your skeleton—and since your other bones need 19 specific nutrients to remineralize, the same applies to your pearlies.
Mouth sores also affect a fair number of people, and they can include mouth ulcers, canker sores and cold sores.  These too can be the result of imbalanced intestinal flora, as well as food sensitivities, stress and nutrient deficiencies.  They can also be caused by a reaction to a certain toothpaste or mouthwash.
Smart steps to a healthy smile & mouth
If you want a healthy smile and mouth, you need to look inside and out for what may be causing whatever challenges you may have, and then do whatever you can to turn that around!
Here are some smart steps to consider:
1-      Do it daily
Yes, my friend.  Brush and floss daily. 
Now, I know most of you are probably OK with the brushing part, but many people find flossing a nuisance or “don’t have the time.”
Get over that already.  Flossing is essential to tooth and gum health and it doesn’t take that long.  I timed myself last night and it took me a minute and 11 seconds to do my entire mouth. 
No more excuses.
2-      See your dentist once a year
This is another one that should be obvious, but many people avoid the dentist like the plague. 
Not only is the thorough cleaning you get at the dentist’s office great for your teeth and gums, but your dentist can also detect potential issues long before they become major problems.
Suck it up and do what you need to do.
3-      Have a healthy diet to help correct possible nutritional deficiencies
For guidance in eating a wide variety of real foods that are not only nutritious but also taste great, as well as helping to encourage better digestion, look no further than the Great Taste No Pain health system.
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
Great Taste No Pain will show you delicious ways to enjoy real foods that are jam-packed with nutrients to help make sure your teeth (and your entire body!) are getting more of what they need to stay healthy.
And since Great Taste No Pain also teaches you what foods to eat together to keep digestion more smooth and efficient, you'll also be helping your body absorb as many of those precious nutrients as possible, instead of having them come out in your urine or bowel movements, and doing you absolutely no good!
Now, if you have gluten issues too, I can help you as well. 
Great Taste No Gluten
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
teaches you the same smart food pairing principles as Great Taste No Pain, plus you'll get vital information you need on keeping gluten out of your life.
4-      Get tested
As I mentioned above, food sensitivities, H. pylori infection, low stomach acid and pancreatic insufficiency can cause bad breath and other mouth problems.
If you suspect any of these may be an issue for you, see your doctor and get the appropriate tests.
5-      Help balance that important intestinal flora
Imbalanced intestinal flora is a common culprit behind mouth problems…and a good number of gut problems too!
Plus the friendly flora in your gut helps your body digest certain foods and fibers and keeps your gut wall healthy--both of which are essential for proper nutrient absorption.
Problem is, people who have had a typical diet of fast food, boxed creations, soda and lots of sugary refined carbs have fed the harmful bacteria in their guts while the good guys starve...and are likely looking at a serious imbalance as a result.
And even if you've had a fairly decent diet, other factors like medication use (especially antacids and antibiotics), stress and lack of sleep can make your gut flora topsy-turvy. 
In addition to eating nourishing foods that feed your friendly flora, the best way to restore a proper flora balance is with probiotic supplementation.
And Super Shield's 13 strains of potent beneficial bacteria are up to the challenge!  
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp
Super Shield's army of good guys is ready and waiting to take their place along your gut wall, helping to keep it nice and strong, crowding out the harmful foes, helping to digest your foods AND helping to make sure you absorb those awesome nutrients!
6-      Consider replacing amalgam fillings
Contrary to what people believe, “silver” amalgam fillings are only silver in color—and they happen to contain 50% mercury.
Mercury is a deadly neurotoxin which not only can threaten the health of your brain but also make you more susceptible to periodontal disease. 
One study showed that when amalgam fillings were removed, 86% of the 125 oral cavity symptoms being examined in the study subjects were eliminated or greatly improved.
7-      Consider supplementing with fish oil
Fish oil is Nature’s anti-inflammatory, and that applies to inflammation in your mouth too.
A recent study has shown that fish oil capsules significantly reduced gingival bleeding and reduced gum inflammation.
And if you’re looking for a high quality product, VitalMega-3 fish oil formula is your ticket.  
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/vitalmega3.asp
Just 2 capsules a day gives you a healthy 2,000 mg of the purest, medical grade fish oil including 1,200 mg EPA, DHA and other Omega-3 fatty acids. 
Say cheese!
The health of your mouth is not something that you can put off for another day—as you saw above, it’s so much more than just having a nice smile!
So all you can to help encourage healthy teeth and gums, and you’ll really have a great reason to “say cheese!”
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS: I’m pleased to announce that we will soon be launching our brand new website- www.holisticblends.com !  I will keep you posted on the launch date as the site gets closer to completion!
PPS:  We're on Facebook!  Like us here:
PPPS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 
PPPPS: Denise and her husband are seeing all kinds of great changes, including losing weight!

Hi Sherry:
My husband ordered your Great Taste No Pain plan 2 months ago and I was skeptical, but since he suffers from diverticulitis I thought it can’t hurt. Since I am the cook, I had to learn the program myself and eat this way along with him.
After a just a day or so, I noticed I was not so bloated. I felt better. I stopped taking Protonix, as an experiment. Hmmm, no problem with acid-reflux. After four days I was convinced that this is good for me too. I got on the scale and I had lost a few pounds. That was a great bonus! So now we’ve been eating this way for 2 months and I’ve lost 15 lbs. My husband has lost over 20 lbs.
We are telling everyone about GTNP now. I even stopped taking my daily allergy pills. My eczema has gone away—I had a spot on my ankle for years! Everything is getting better and I don’t ever want to quit eating this way!
I think our food bill will go down too, since we are eating less of the bad stuff and more of the good stuff. I wouldn’t have believed the difference this way of eating could make. I would encourage everyone to try it. My doctor’s appointment is in a few weeks and I am anxious to get a blood test, because I know the results will be much better than last time!
Thank you for your efforts and encouragement!

Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here.

Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.

Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is!  Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.

Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's tastiest gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life.  Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

 Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/freereports/ and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Orders: 1-888-724-4366

Want to read past articles? Here they are.

* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!

- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here  To stop getting this letter, simply use the link below and it will end automatically and immediately.

Holistic Blends Inc.
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
PO Box 359 Syracuse, NY 13209
Ph.: 1-888-724-4366 FAX: 315-468-5818



Vinman:Watch gold prices....

Watch silver prices....

Watch mineral prices....

Watch the Iraqi government come together...

BRICS & The Bank For International Settlements

BRICS & The Bank For International Settlements


BRICS and the Bank for International Settlements  By JC Collins     

Convergence and the International Development System   By JC Collins


Let us finally put to the rest the conspiracy theory which stipulates that the BRICS countries are about to overthrow the international banking cabal or elite.  Whether intended or not, those promoting this scenario are propagating the usage of one of the weapons of the weak, namely gossip, utilized by the organized elite in the form of conspiracy theories.
  As was covered in the post What Are Conspiracy Theories, the method by which the small organized elite attempt to modify the social and economic practices of the larger disorganized masses is by usurping one of the so-called weapons of the disorganized masses and turn it against them for full socioeconomic manipulation and conditioning.

This of course distracts and causes further disorganization amongst the masses, so that the real machinations behind the evolution and transition of global institutions remains well hidden.  Untold levels of energy and time are spent by the masses chasing after illusions and fallacies instead of understanding the true mechanics of global governance and how institutional systems collude and converge.

Most of these conspiracy sites and personalities can be easily manipulated by the same
psyop tactics which they attempt to expose or are in fact utilizing themselves.

Just recently I purposefully tossed a fishing line at one such site, and with the usage of dramatic flare and purposeful emotional and intellectual targeting, they took the bait, and responded as expected.

So exposed were the underlying fallacies of their structured storyline that they even attempted a rebuttal by insinuating that the reason for my “attack” upon them was based on one of the misleading information distracters which I placed into the article, which was a subtly perceived inadequacy of experience and education.

Most readers found the tone of the article was out of place and character based on past interpretations of my writings.  There was a specific reason for that – enflame and misdirect.

This particular site, of which there are many like it, clearly know nothing about the real mechanics of global governance and international development system transitions.   If they did, their response would have consisted of more than an attempt to politely demean my staged emotional character.  I’ve satisfied my curiosity that they are not a psyop but merely the propagators of a senseless conspiracy theory.

I’ve continuously stated that the source of my information is from the global institutions themselves and the full structure of what is being engineered can be discovered by simply taking the time to find and read this information, much of which is in the form of online PDF files.

One such file published by the Institute of Development Studies in March, 2014, is a perfect example of which I reference.  It is loaded with information and evidence which both supports what I have been saying and proves the misdirection from conspiracy sites and personalities.

The IDS is a charity company registered in England and this specific report was funded by the UK government itself.  The report, a part of a “Rising Powers in International Development” series, is titled as Evidence Report#58 and is subtitled
The BRICS and the International Development System: Challenge and Convergence.

  The report clearly states that the BRICS organization and associated summits, of which there is one this week, are the “broadening” of the global governance structure which was created and implemented after WW2. 

The BRICS Summits are, in essence, a new global governance “process”, focusing on both economics and security, with the intent of transitioning a once US dominated world into the multilateral framework of a polycentric global governance system.

From the report:

“In the absence of a total breakdown or climactic event in the international system (arguably the financial crisis came close to such a point), the problem of redesign of global governance in the twenty-first century can hardly be negotiated in a Congress of Vienna or a Versailles Treaty, or a San Francisco Conference or new Bretton Woods Agreement.

While the significance of current developments in the global governance system should not be underestimated, evolutionary change rather than revolutionary institutional redesign is, at this point, the order of the day.

The BRICS Summit, and the G20 processes have thus been constructed in a new informal space in the global arena, where in terms of both time and budgets, transaction costs in origination and operation have been kept very low. And neither the BRICS Summit Process nor the G20 are looking to create whole new institutional frameworks.”

The first obvious statement from that quote is that an “evolutionary change” is desired over “revolutionary institutional redesign”.  So the BRICS will not be overthrowing the existing order, nor do they want too.  As stated above, neither the BRICS or G20 are looking to “create whole new institutional frameworks”.

Again from the report:

“In terms of vision, the BRICS Summits are the only global process with an explicit objective to constitute a new global order in line with the massive change in economic weight that is coming in the next decade.

The stated objective of the BRICS here is to ensure that this coming world order is inclusive and just, in line with historic South-South principles for a post-colonial world order, with the United Nations (UN) as the centre of systemic legitimacy.”

There is no denying a multilateral approach to consolidating the global financial architecture when the BRICS themselves are stating that they want a “new world order”, post colonial of course, structured around the United Nations for “systemic legitimacy”.

The massive changes in economic weight which is referenced is what we have been describing as the balancing of wealth around the world, between developed countries and developing countries.

The south-south reference is to DAC, or Development Assistance Committee, created post WW2 for the purpose of modernizing the former colonies of the UK, France, Portugal, and the Dutch.  All 4 countries used a multilateral approach to establish financial support to modernize their former colonies.

So let’s pull back and look at the bigger picture here.  After the creation of the Bretton Woods system, which made the US dollar the primary reserve currency of the world, there was started a cooperation of former reserve currency holders to finance the modernization of former colonies which were brutalized under their respective regimes. 

All the while the new reserve currency regime went about the world colonizing other countries and regions, presumably for the purpose of modernizing them, as that appears to be what in fact happened.

This whole process may be better understood by replacing the word “modernization” with the phrase “building central banks”.  As that seems to be the intent of the international bankers since the 17th century.

More from the report:

“In the case of China, a major component of foreign policy is the New Model of Major Power Relations between China and the United States, the NMMPR, explicitly directed at ensuring that its growing global interests do not replicate previous historical experiences where rising powers have been associated with war, notably in both European and Asian theatres.

China believes that a basic accord has been reached with the United States on this concept as the essential framework for their relationship, with three key elements: ‘no conflict or confrontation’; ‘mutual respect’, and ‘win-win cooperation’ (Wang Yi 2013).”

This quote doesn’t require much elaboration as it is fairly self-explanatory.  Readers should either have butterflies in their stomachs at this point or be sitting back in their chairs waving their arms around like maniacs. 

This report was published in March, just 4 months ago, and was financed by the UK government as an accurate representation of the intent of the BRICS countries and the framework around the global transition to a multilateral and polycentric economic and security system.

The report is well worth the read and is loaded with other statements, like the following:

- BRICS members are fully committed to the G20 leadership process.

- BRICS Summit process is “integrated within a larger process of systemic change in global governance which will produce the desired convergence” (consolidation and centralization)

- BRICS endorse the G20 as the premier economic organization.

- BRICS, G20, United Nations, World Bank, etc.., all align on global governance issues.

- And the BRICS Contingency Reserve Agreement, or currency market stabilization fund, is only a “degree of independence” from the International Monetary Fund.

The statements of evidence and support for the engineering of a multilateral financial system are littered throughout the report.

The Bank for International Settlements controls and sets the priorities for the all the central banks in the world, of which every country now has one.  The BRICS are still working underneath the mandates of the BIS, and as this report shows, there will be no true or purposeful break away from the international banking powers which have controlled the world for centuries.

From the beginning in the
SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods series I have postulated that the Hegelian Dialectic of problem/reaction/solution would be used to facilitate the transition to the multilateral system.

I stated how the sovereign debt crisis would be used as the problem component and civil unrest and geopolitical tension would be used as the reaction component, with the slow methodical implementation of the new system being presented as the solution.

This is exactly what has been happening, even to the point where the head of the BIS themselves are stating that a sovereign debt crisis could now threaten stability and lead to another financial crisis.  Need there be more said at this point.

Nothing in this world will change until each one of us change that which is deficient inside of us.  The difference between the small rent seeking elite and large disorganized masses is only illusionary as both groups, and the various socioeconomic levels pressed in between, are motivated by the same selfish desires.
The system will continue in a forever convergence and consolidation because that is what is happening inside man.  Money printing, or debt based money creation, the externalization of our inner division, will never change until man decides to change.  As such, the Bank for International Settlements and its methodologies will continue to dictate the course of humanity.    – JC

Also see Cras In Transitu 明天轉型




Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:09 AM

Ok, the world cup is over. Back to the reset and RV. All is good. I expect between now and Wed to be full of great news. See you all soon!

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 7:35 AM

Three natural zero-calorie sugar substitutes replace Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Three natural zero-calorie sugar substitutes replace Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Tuesday, 15-Jul-2014 11:26:12

With health fears over reports resulting from consuming artificial sweeteners, most people looking for a zero calorie sugar substitute have been left wanting — until now. It’s not that safe, natural, low-calorie sugar substitutes were unavailable, just that the public doesn’t know much about them. There are actually several delicious natural sugar substitutes that can take the place of any artificial sweetener — even in baking — and one surprise that makes them all taste even better. And the best part is most have no worrisome side effects.
Read more: http://www.jbbardot.com/three-natural-zero-calorie-sugar-substitutes-replace-aspartame-and-other-artificial-sweeteners/ 

Lots of News, Some Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning

Lots of News, Some Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning


 [5150] "Shanghai favourite for Brics development bank headquarters"


[5150] "The Brics will pool an initial $50bn (£29bn) in the bank, with each country contributing an equal amount, and seek to gain international influence by offering developing nations alternative financing to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), which have long been dominated by the US and Europe

The Brics will also set up a $100bn (£59bn) contingency reserve fund as an alternative to the IMF. It could start operating by next year to help any of its members if they were hit by an exodus of foreign capital"

"Many of the bank's rules of operation, such as investment in private projects, will be decided after its formal creation at the summit in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza. The bank is expected to make its first loan in 2016."
. "The Brics group is at the forefront of a growing chorus of emerging and developed nations that complain the IMF and World Bank impose belt-tightening policies in exchange for loans while giving them little say in deciding terms.

The proposed New Development Bank and the reserves fund are a response to failed attempts to increase the Brics' influence within the IMF, which lies at the centre of the post-second world war Bretton Woods monetary order created by the US and Europe."


[ByGrace] Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen is set to speak at 10 a.m. ET before the Senate Banking Committee as part of her semi-annual monetary policy testimony. Watch it live on FOXBusiness.com. Watch online:     http://video.foxnews.com/v/2553193403001/#sp=watch-live




wmawhite   [Do you believe no RV with M [Maliki] around?]  We can only go on what the CBI has stated and if the translation is correct, Turki made reference to when the government is decided and that is open to translation. Does anyone really think that Iraq is going to keep to value of the IQD at 1166 when they are going to be the richest country in the region? So if you believe they will or they need to increase the value of the IQD, does it matter to the CBI who is the PM?  I don't think so, just my Opinion.

 It may very well be that the Board of Directors of the CBI are waiting for the formation of the government regardless of who is the PM.  Have you noticed that the CBI has continued with the reforms of the banking system...they do not sit still.  Besides my thoughts/opinions about the CBI...I too believe that the different blocs will not agree to a government if Maliki is still there. I believe an all inclusive GOI is in their future.  [I think/hope that they are ready... get Turki a GOI and he will give us the RV.]  Agreed.  



daz: i just saw jabouri announced on cnn...

fwiw 8:14 am daz: it was about a 30 second piece but said jabouri was important because he was sunni..cnn said the pm was yet to be settled 8:15 am

daz: the speaker must be set first so that he can name the pm



Topic: Let him that would move the world first move himself. Socrates

The end of the voting process on the speaker and his deputies  

A parliamentary source: 43 deputies joined the voting session now .  LINK

Maliki leaves the parliament session at the request of one of the House of Representatives    LINK

Iran announces the start of gas exports to Iraq after the end of the crisis, "Daash"  LINK  

Iran advises al-Maliki to abandon the third term "  LINK

Studmuffin] (*)Breaking News … Jobouri nominated as parliament Speaker .   LINK 

 [Studmuffin] House of Representatives chooses the president, Salim al him  LINK

[Colorado] As pointed out above: Urgent – Iraq elects new parliament speaker, Saleem al-Jobouri

[Colorado] Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The parliament voted on Saleem al-Jobouri, as its Speaker. Jobouri has got 194 votes, whereas Ishraq al-Abaichi, who was nominated for the same post has got 19 votes. /End/

[Colorado] Baghdad The parliament continued its secret session to nominate its Speakership.…



Gearhead » July 15th, 2014, Officially .. Salim al-President of the Parliament

Gearhead » July 15th, 2014, Urgent .. Jubouri receives congratulations from political parties to win the post of parliament speaker   

Gearhead » July 15th, 2014, Finance Minister calls for a vote on the budget
By Adminsa 7/15/2014 01:27 Brother - Baghdad

Called on the Minister of Finance Agency purity of net debt, the House of Representatives to speed up the selection of the President of the Parliament in order to begin to discuss and approve the budget.

Safi said in a statement seen by the Agency for News News (et) that "there are a lot of tasks arising from the House of Representatives, so it must be to speed up the selection of the speaker and his two deputies."

We hope resolve the issue of the parliament speaker at today's meeting, to begin to discuss and approve the budget."    


jdtolle » July 15th, 2014, Feel life getting better

Are your feelings held hostage by an uncaring, unpredictable world? They don’t have to be.

Are you joyful only when certain things happen, and sad when other things happen? There is a much better way.

Yes, negative things will happen and it is natural to be disappointed by them. Wonderful things will happen, and it is great to express joy.

But you don’t have to let the negative things keep you down. And you don’t have to hope or wait or beg for the good things in order to be joyful.

You can feel the way you choose to feel, no matter what may be going on around you. That doesn’t mean you are uncaring, but rather that you are intentional in the way you care.
Make positive use of that intention to choose the feelings that will improve the situation for everyone.

Feel life getting better, act on your feelings, and make your world a more positive place.

— Ralph Marston  

Wishing All a safe and blessed day

Extreme maneuvers of the new Boeing 787-9

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Extreme maneuvers of the new Boeing 787-9
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 15-Jul-2014 09:28:45

Just before the Farnborough Airshow, Boeing has decided to demonstrate the capabilities of the new Dreamliner. See what this airliner is able to perform.


Breaking News … Jobouri nominated as parliament Speaker

Tuesday, 15 July 2014 14:11 | PDF| Print| E-mail
Baghdad (AIN) –The parliament voted on Saleem al-Jobouri, as its Speaker.
Jobouri has got 194 votes, whereas Ishraq al-Abaichi, who was nominated for the same post has got 19 votes. /End/

الثلاثاء 15 يوليو 2014 | 01:56 مساءً الثلاثاء 15 يوليو 2014 | 01:56 مساء
عدد القراءات : 943 Number of readings: 943
مجلس النواب يختار سليم الجبوري رئيسا له House of Representatives chooses the president, Salim al him
اختار البرلمان العراقي الجديد، اليوم الثلاثاء، النائب عن تحالف القوى الوطنية سليم الجبوري رئيسا للبرلمان بعد ان صوت له 194 نائبا، فيما صوت للنائب شروق العبايجي 19 نائبا . Chose the new parliament, on Tuesday, MP for the coalition of national forces Salim al-chairman of the parliament after the sound of his 194 deputies, with the voice of Vice Sunrise Alabegi 19 deputies.
وقال مراسل "عين العراق نيوز"، إن "مجلس النواب صوت في جلسته الثالثة التي عقدت، اليوم، باغلبية اصوات النواب الحاضرين على تسنم مرشح تحالف القوى الوطنية النائب سليم الجبوري منصب رئاسة المجلس في دورته الجديدة بعد تنافسه مع مرشحة التحالف المدني شروق العبايجي". The reporter said, "Eye of Iraq News," "The House of Representatives voted at its third meeting, which was held today, a majority of the deputies present on the assumption candidate coalition of national forces MP Salim al-presidency of the Council in the new session after his rivalry with the candidate coalition of civil Sunrise Alabegi."
وأوضح أن "عدد المصوتين هو 273 ، حيث حاز الجبوري على 194 صوتا، فيما حازت العبايجي على 19 صوتا، مشيرا إلى أن بطاقات التصويت الباطلة كان عددها 60 بطاقة". He explained that "the number of voters is 273, where he Jubouri on 194 votes, while Alabegi won on 19 votes, indicating that the ballots invalid card number was 60."
وقرر رئيس البرلمان الأكبر سنا مهدي الحافظ، جعل جلسة البرلمان الثالثة سرية بعد إخراج وسائل الإعلام والموظفين من قاعة البرلمان. The President of Parliament older Mehdi al-Hafez, making the third secret session of Parliament after the output of the media and the staff of the chamber.

Maliki leaves the parliament session at the request of one of the House of Representatives

بغداد/ المسلة: كشف مصدر نيابي، اليوم الثلاثاء، ان رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي غادر جلسة مجلس النواب بطلب من احد النواب. BAGHDAD / obelisk: detecting a parliamentary source said on Tuesday that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki left the hearing at the request of the House of Representatives one.
وقال المصدر لـ"المسلة" إن "رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي ونائبه لشؤون الطاقة حسين الشهرستاني والوزراء غادروا جلسة مجلس النواب بطلب من النائب عن التحالف الكردستاني محسن السعدون، بعد ان طلب رئيس السن مهدي الحافظ بأن يغادروا من القبة التشريعية كونهم لم يؤدوا اليمين الدستوري". The source said the "obelisk" "Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Vice President for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani, ministers left the meeting of the Council of Representatives at the request of the Kurdistan Alliance MP Mohsen al-Sadoun, after the request of the Prime Age Mehdi al-Hafez that leave from the dome legislature because they did not perform the oath."
يذكر ان رئيس السن في مجلس النواب مهدي الحافظ طالب، اليوم الثلاثاء، بمغادرة غير النواب من جلسة البرلمان باستثناء بعض الشخصيات The head of Age in the House of Representatives demanded Mehdi al-Hafez, on Tuesday, is to leave the House of Representatives of the parliamentary session, with the exception of some of the characters
وعقد مجلس النواب العراقي، اليوم الثلاثاء، جلسته الثالثة برئاسة مهدي الحافظ وحضور 207 نائباً. The Council of Representatives of Iraq, on Tuesday, its third meeting under the chairmanship of Mehdi al-Hafez and the presence of 207 deputies.
وكشف مصدر نيابي، اليوم الثلاثاء، عن اتفاق الكتل السياسية على تسمية سليم الجبوري رئيساً للبرلمان وحيدر العبادي نائباً اول لرئيس المجلس وارام شيخ محمد نائباً ثانياً. A source parliament, on Tuesday, for the agreement of the political blocs to nominate Salim al-President of the Parliament and Haider Abadi, first deputy speaker of the Council and Aram Sheikh Mohammed, a second deputy.