Wednesday, July 16, 2014

TNT Call Notes 16-July-2014

TNT Call Notes 16-July-2014

Tony:   Good morning, TNT!  Today is Wednesday, July 16th, 2014.  Sorry we had a delay but I’ll tell you right up front that we don’t work for anybody but we try to help everybody.  We are trying to help you, we are the people, to get paid;  something was asked of us, and we said that we would do it.  We try to help wherever we can;  that is our purpose.

There is still some idiot sending out tweets saying the RV has happened and call this number, and it’s a private number. It doesn’t bother me because I just switch to Privacy mode, but these are elderly people you are calling in the middle of the night!  Nobody is going to tweet out a private number for you to call;  it’s an 800 number that will refer you to the bank. So don’t call those numbers!  Idiots are going to be idiots;  let’s not help them along.   Some people have called me in the last couple days.  Please don’t let this idiot do this to you.  Delete, report and block it, and that will shut him down faster.  Don’t pass on the tweets with a private number with a local area code.  The bank is going to give you that number.  I shouldn’t even have to explain this.  You guys are smarter than that.  DC?

DC:  I’m awesome;  how are you?

Tony:  I’m feeling super-fantastic, ready for the world to go on!  Let’s start this a little different. This thing is almost over.  I can’t tell you the moment, but it’s almost over  and we’ll need to make your-selves.  Those decisions are that we put the past behind us and move on, or do we try to make people regret things, or how do we make lemonade our of lemons. It depends on what size lemons, of course!  It’s important to live by this:  “the best revenge is to live well.”  Let’s plan on living well – who can we put our money to work?  Let’s have the right mindset before this happens. Most people understand that.  As the good stewards and leaders that you are, make sure you also pass on the information that they take care and prepare for their future with this:  what areas to look at, who to trust and who not to trust… DC has that down!  We have got word of the procedures but don’t yet know for sure, so listen well.

DC:  Sorry this is so late;  we apologize, but we are trying to move the whole process along, and we will help as much as we can when we are asked.   East to West, for those paying attention they announced the Speaker and his deputies – one each Sunni, Shia and Kurd.  We are waiting on the PM and president, and they just have to announce them when the RV happens. They don’t want speculators to pile up on it, so they will announce them together in my (informed) opinion.  The important part is that things are much more along than portrayed in most news areas.  Security in Iraq is better, they are bringing in the right people, and they are doing the right thing for finances and the new-found wealth. CBI is ready to rock;  most of the ministers are slated for their positions.  Most people approve enough to vote them in. Everyone else is ready, ready, ready.  Banks have been given notice to get their act together in Iraq.

In the USA, the UN is prepped and ready to go.  They are content and ‘happy’ with the progress Iraq has made yesterday and today.  They are leaning into it. The administration and affiliates have said “Okay, we give our blessings on this”.  The banks are ready or getting ready, although possibly there are last minutes changes and they have to wait until they are made public.  I have heard from many different people that everyone is to be ready, and the game is serious.  Everyone is happy with our situation, including Tony and me and others.

Tony:  are they telling me to happy?

DC:  Yes, dang it!

Tony:  Today our goal to be cool, clam and collected, to know where we are, prepared and ready for action. Our gaol is not to cause any controversy, not today.Tomorrow we can go back to being the old ‘us’. There are decisions being made right now that we were asked not to interfere with.  This is what we don’t want to do today:  don’t ask us the date, rate, time or the window.  I don’t want to be rude, and you know I’m not going to lie to you.  Let’s be helpful and see what happens today.

DC:  I agree.  Even though some of us are frustrated, our play today is to relax and everything will be okay at the end.

Tony:  We’ll do a really short call, an hour or less, because we started so late.  Caller 303 has been on for 886 minutes!  This guy has been holding for over a thousand minutes!

818 caller:  You said that the US and IMF said that the trop three positions would be formally announced on television, then the RV announcement would be immediate, in 12 hours, or in 24 hours depending on who is calling the shots.  What’s going on?

DC:  That’s a very good question.  It was not always the plan where everyone has to be announced or nothing happens.  That wasn’t really the plan until a week ago or so.  That plan evolved because of some shenanigans in Iraq and the US, those who wanted things to be better prepared.  The UN, IMF and others came down and said the top three guys have to be announced.  That didn’t happen at the weekend, thenon Tuesday, they announced that the Speaker and the Deputies are there.  They held back on the PM and the President, in part because they may change at the last minute.  That is what has held off the announcements.  They’ve announced the Speaker and Deputies, and now they are waiting on the PM as well.  It is my strong contention that the PM and the RV will happen at the same time. They have also got the lesser ministerial positions ready as well.

Tony:  You keep saying “Oh, you said this in January, April, etc.”  Back in April and May, the IMF and BIS didn’t demand that because there was  a government still in place.  Once M’s time expired, there is an interim government and that caused everything to change because they didn’t know who the money was going to. Was this done deliberately?  What that the overall plan the whole time?  That could be controversial, but now it is what it is, and you need to see how they changed along the way.  We don’t predict the future, we can only tell you what is going on at the meetings in the now, and personally I don’t want to be in the government’s business unless they force me to.  I’m just here for us, and to make sure we make it through and we have a clear understanding of it.

Caller:  That is my question, and I really respect what you guys are doing.

512 caller:  I have one question.  There was a lot of talk that M had retired and gone to England to be with his family.  But he seems to be in the news all the time, and he and his ministers were asked to leave the session on Tuesday.  We thought he was retired, but there he is in the middle of things, causing problems.

DC:  There are some people who just won’t give up.  He’s been threatened by everyone, even Iran, and he says he is retiring, but he just won’t quit.  Because of actions by ISIS in June, he has lost support, and we understand he is involved only in a very minor part, not a true executive position in the government.  He still has force of personality even if they don’t like him.  There has a ‘get your butt our of Iraq’ notice several time, and that may be making M more cooperative. However, don’t be surprised if he is around one way or another for quite a while, even if he is in England or Iran.

Tony: People may like the guy, but you have to admire his perseverance.  We understand that he is protecting his life as well as his position, and until the official announcements are made, M is still a factor.

DC:  He has made life difficult for many people recently, but now we strongly believe that is managed.  We strongly believe that.

609 caller:  I just got a flash that M has announced his resignation and will support his successors.  It’s in the Washington Post.

DC:  I saw that.  He will still be involved but could not get enough votes.  The stuff he pulled in June alienated everyone.  Now he has resigned in public.  There were sightings of M at the airport, the pane was fueled up and ready to go, and he just wouldn’t get on the plane. His family are there although some have filtered back.  He has promised to resign many times, but he really is stepping out about ten days ago.  He’s still around but not as influential.

Tony:  Where did you see that?  The Washington Post?  The other things is what happened in Parliament last night that would make him do that today?

DC:  He was told he could retire or be fired, and it’s always better to retire.

Tony:  There are no payouts taking place at this time, so far as we know.

817 caller:  I’ve been trying to get on the forum, but it won’t let me in there.  Do I need to talk to Pam?  Can you give her my number and have her call me? I do listen to your calls…

Tony:  I will give her your number and your name.  Everyone’s going to be asking me that, so Pam’s going to be cussing me out the rest of the day.  We shut the forum down, and the same idiots you see on twitter and all the rest got in.  The Mods went through and purged most of them, so we know who we want to take to the new sites.  If we open it back up, those same idiots will join again under new names.  We want to exclude those people and that is why the forum is closed now.   We did let people in  for 48 hours, but again it’s easier for the Mods… We are so close to the end, and then we will not be able to use that forum anymore.  That’s what they asked, anyway.  I am not even sure if we can use the new sites, but we’ll figure it out.  That’s why no one can get in there.  She did put the Tony blast on the front page, and that is where you’ll find the 800 numbers, there and on the new sites, so you should be okay.

Caller:  I’m calling from Texas.  Are we still doing an NDA?

DC: Our understanding is that the NDA will be for contract and group rates, and everyone else will just have a regular exchange.

Tony:  We’ll know when we get the package.  If you don’t have to do an NDA, great.  If you do have to sign one, it should be simple and straightforward.  We’ll let you know ahead of time.

352 caller:  Can I get on the forum?  Can you give me the rate, Tony?  <joking>  Seriously, how are your butterflies.  We must be getting close to this thing.

Tony:  We’ve been close so many times, maybe not as close as now, but until the actual announcement is made, anything can happen. There is just too much time between the decision being made and actually doing it.

Caller:  China rates, are they still going one?

Tony:  No dates, rates or window.

Caller: If I don’t like the deal at one bank, how dod I get to another one as I will have already called the 800 number?

Tony:  I don’t’ know if you can call back on the 800 number.  At the beginning, they said you would be put on the end of the line.  There have been so many changes in the last day or so…

DC:  We’ll have to wait until the package.  No need to cause confusion.

Caller:  Are there any currencies that will be more stable to leave your money in than the dollar?

Tony:  DC, what other currencies are you doing to put your money in?

DC:  Not as a financial adviser, but for myself, I have a lot of businesses that I will expand. Take the top five economies, which will be the most stable, and look at those.  For stability’s sake, that is what I would do.  Look for well-managed monetary policy as well.  I pay extreme attention to that.

325 caller:  I’m from Abliene, Texas.  Not going to ask you about the forum, because that is closed and I understand your position on that.  If a person goes with the contract rate, later on can that person get more dinar at the higher rate and hope that the rate will go up?

Tony:  Yes, it’s not double-dipping because your are just playing the international rate.  I don’t see that being a problem.

Caller:  If you have gifted currency, will those people just get the 800 numbers from me?

Tony:  Or they can get it from the forum or the sites, just like you.

Caller:  I have to go away this weekend; will that be a problem?

Tony:  You’ll have 30 days, no matter what.

DC:  This is international; you can do it anywhere.

Caller:  I want the cheese, not the mousetrap.  If I have 30 days, that is a no-brainer.

Tony: In 30 days, the cheese factory will be put up, taken down and demolished.  Don’t wait the whole 30 days!  Those who are observing and know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, they will benefit.  Most of you don’t because you don’t know enough to take advantage of it.  It takes a bit of guts to get the factory.  It all depends on the market, which could go faster, slower, or you could influence the market.  If we don’t have an NDA that prohibits it, I will help everyone get as much as possible, although I am NOT an adviser.

This is how things happen to me.  I do just what you said.  When the sun is shining and the water is warm and sand is dry, then Tony is the greatest guy in the world. If the sky is cloudy, the water is cold, and the sand is wet, it’s Tony’s fault.  I have lived this more than once, so I know.  So I cannot advise you, although  I can say “this is how I would do it”.  Good, bad or indifferent, it’s Tony’s fault.  If they lose a dime, it’s my fault.  If they win big, then they might appreciate Tony.

Caller: I have some people who might have to drive some miles to get to exchange locations, right?

DC:  The 800 numbers will be able to direct you where to go.  There may be one in Abiliene, some in Midland, and  a slew of them in Houston.  They will direct you to places that have trained personnel to handle the exchange.

Caller:  Do you notice how long I’ve been on hold?  It has been 448 minutes.

818 caller:  Talking to you is like trying to reach Obama!  I work with a phone company…

Tony:  But we can’t understand anything you’re saying.

Caller:  I’m in a hole underground.  Let me get out of the hole.  Can you hear me better now? Are we there yet?

Tony:  We agreed that that is what we are not going to talk about today, because decisions are being made and we don’t want to interfere.  It’s no different from our last call, when we were waiting for announcements to be made.  I do think we are in a good week.

Caller;  We are getting ever closer to having a problem in the US with the dollar collapsing.  Many seem to believe the dollar will collapse, beyond the point of no return.  I wonder if we will cash out and end up with a bunch of funny money a week later.

Tony:  Whatever happens, it will take more than a week. By the nature of the GCR, the dollar will lost some value.  We expect it to lose a bit over the next five years because of the new IMFs using their own currencies there.  It may take a little time for the dollar to come back up. We will not become a third-world country.  You won’t feel it as much as most because of the dinar.  Some people don’t even know we are in a recession now…

Caller:  My wife keeps telling me, “ask him some really hard questions”, but I don’t know what to ask.  It seems like it is always just beyond our grasp.   You guys have to talk to Obama.  You said or implied that Obama is on our side.

Tony:  Ask DC – why does it change every four hours;  where does President Obama stand on this and why hasn’t he given us the gift he has for us.

DC:  I think we can clean some stuff up. Why has this constantly changed?  They have a lot of players, they all have different interests and different deals, and every time we get close, someone says, “wait, we need this!”  It’s my belief that everyone is singing Kumbayah and we are all on it.  President Obama has played hardball, but his administration is fully supporting the RV happening very very soon.

Tony:  At some point in  history you will find out what really happened here.   Even thought we were mad at President Obama, and even though he has been blamed for it, and Senators have called and laughed and said they were glad Obama was being blamed for it, when you find out the whole truth, you will find out that President Obama was responsible for more benefits and humanitarian packages that this has been applied to it.  We all need it, but at some point we have all been greedy, self-serving and all the rest.  The money has been moved several times and these humanitarian projects will benefit the world.  When we look at the overall picture, some great things have been accomplished in the last year or so.  Some others were doing things out of greed or spite, but over all this will do great things for the whole country and the world. If you can sacrifice a little bit to benefit so many people, then that is the right thing to do.  We can think they should have done it ten years ago, but it is what it is.  But then years down the road, you will feel glad that President Obama did what he did.  That’s telling you what I know.

DC:  Bottom line, folks, is that things look exceptionally good.  We are keeping away from all the controversial stuff is that we were asked point blank to keep everyone calm and focused.  Our dreams will come true, everyone will be very happy, and I hope this is the last time we talk on this site.

Ray:  This has been a wonderful conversation for wealth-seeking Wednesday and we’ll see what Thursday holds for us.

Tony:  I’m going to end the call with that same theme. Everything we are hearing is good, things are falling into  place, people are happy, so we just need to see if we can pull that trigger before anything changes.  It seems like everyone is in agreement and we were asked not to mess that up. We will all be excited as soon it is happens.  If I were you, I’d be going through my top  ten things:  where is my money, who  is going with me, how do I want to invest and divide my money up.  Once it happens, you’ll be looking at all those zeros, be dumbfounded, then the fear will kick in that someone will try to take it from you.  We are having a great week, and I’m looking forward to the rest of it, thinking of how you will be enjoying the rest of your life.  I hope this will be the very last call;  it’s Wednesday and our next call is Friday is not sooner. Enjoy the rest of your night, I’m going to enjoy mine, and we’ll see what happens from here.  Thanks, everybody!

Fascist Corporations On Trial In Geneva: World Anti-Trust Trial


Fascist Corporations On Trial In Geneva: World Anti-Trust Trial.

Vatic Note:  This says it all, in fact, it says it better than I could........ "....When People get fed up"..... yup.

Below are the phone numbers of the Tribunals, and we ask that you call them up and ask them to include the Rothschild and Rockefeller International banks in that list, along with any of the oil companies engaged in fracking and stealing reserves from the Ukraine and other third world countries,  through violence, and criminal banking fraud.  

Fascist Corporations On Trial In Geneva: World Anti-Trust Trial.
by Volubrjotr / June 23, 2014
Memories Of History: When The People Get Fed Up!

Eight transnational corporations, including Shell, Chevron and Glencore, go on trial today in Geneva for human rights violations committed around the world.

The cases will be heard in a special session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal organised by the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power & Stop Impunity at the Maison des Associations between 9 am and 6 pm.

Monica Vargas from ODG-Debtwatch in Barcelona, a main organizer of tribunal, stated that “The testimony that we will hear today prove that a binding treaty is sorely needed in order to provide victims of corporate crimes access to justice.”

Rothschild’s Fascist Mussolini & Rothschild’s National Fascist Barry Soetoro.

The Tribunal will examine cases that confirm that the United Nations’ present Business and human rights regime, which relies on voluntary guidelines rather than legal obligations, is woefully inadequate to deal with ongoing corporate violations. The voluntary approach has merely continued the systemic denial of access to justice for the victims of corporate abuses.

Victims of the decades-long oil pollution caused by Chevron in the Ecuadorean Amazon and of Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria will present their cases that illustrate the long-standing impunity by big oil companies.

The mining industry will also be on trial through the troubling cases of Swiss mining giant Glencore in the Philippines, Peru, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. Cases will also be presented involving the Canadian mining company Pacific Rim in El Salvador and of United Kingdom based Lonmin in South Africa.

Other cases will discuss how human rights have been systematically violated by the Coca-Cola Company in Colombia; by Israel’s water services company Mekorot in Palestine; and by the Spanish Hydro dam company’s operations in Hidralia in Guatemala.

The Tribunal’s jury, composed of a panel of experts including international lawyers, members of parliament and prominent academics, will hear the testimony of victims’ representatives and present a conclusion about the operations of the accused corporations according to existing international human rights instruments and the fundamental need of access to justice.

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal will take place in parallel with the 26th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, where Ecuador has led an initiative by over 80 member countries seeking to start the process for developing a binding treaty to punish TNCs for their violations. The proposal is being staunchly resisted by the EU, US, Japan and others that are the host nations for the large majority of transnational corporations.

”It is disturbing that governments in the European Union, Switzerland, Japan, Canada and the United States are more concerned with defending the interests of their corporations than the human rights of peoples,” said Brid Brennan from the Transnational Institute and the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power.

Fr. Joy Pelino from the Filipino movement opposing Glencore/Xstrata’s (GX) activities in the Philippines stated that the “company has committed numerous human rights violations including the killing of Bla’an leaders and some members of their family who oppose mining activities in the area, and has desecrated people’s freedom, dignity and identity.” Pelino asserted that “GX’s monstrosity should be stopped and justice needs to be served now.”

The Geneva Peoples Permanent Tribunal provides an opportunity to the victims of corporate violations to publicly present their struggle and to demand the justice that they have never achieved. More generally, it aims to provide a truthful and authoritative account of the operations of TNCs and their repercussions on human rights.

Through these testimonies an international audience will recognise the urgent need for a binding international legal instrument that can enforce human rights obligations for transnational corporations.

The judges for the session include the Law professor and researcher Juan Hernandez Zubizarreta, from Hegoa Institute, Basque Country; Francesco Martone, jurist and Senator in the Italian Parliament; Roberto Schiattarella, professor of Economics and vice-president of the Lelio Basso Foundation; and Jean Ziegler, former Sociology professor, former member of the Swiss Parliament, and former UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food.

About the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power: Launched in June 2012, the Campaign was established to facilitate a cooperative movement of solidarity between existing local, national and global movements and networks in order to increase the visibility of resistances to transnational corporations (TNCs) violations around the world. For more information and to see a list of participants and signatories please see:
antitrust currency ~ stop the cabal hoarding of Global Wealth

About the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal: The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal was established on June 24, 1979 by Lelio Basso, lawyer, Senator, and writer, one of the “fathers” of the Italian Constitution. It is a so-called ‘opinion tribunal’, inspired by the experience of the Russell tribunals on Vietnam (1966-1967) and Latin America dictatorships (1974-1976).

It bases its activity on the 1976 Algiers Declaration on the Right of Peoples. The PPT raises public awareness of legal shortcomings affecting the marginalised communities and peoples non-recognised as subjects of rights, in order to provide voiceless victims with a stand of visibility and a possibility of claim, recognition and remedy of their rights.

The entire event will be broadcasted live on the website of the Campaign, the retransmission can be followed in streaming at the same time, the Campaign has also launched a live Twitter commentary of the hearing to support this event @StopTNCimpunity, using the hashtags #StopTNCimpunity, #BindingStandards, #TratadoVinculante, you are all kindly invited to participate to this outreach effort through your social media.

In order to achieve maximum reach please circulate this message to your contacts in the press, as well as to other social movements, networks and organisations so that they can also give their support.

The jury for the Tribunal is composed of Colombian lawyer and activist Dora Lucy Ariasm; Juan Hernandez Zubizarreta, law professor; Adriana Martinez Rodriguez, professor of economics; Francesco Martone, jurist and Senator in the Italian Parliament; Roberto Schiattarella, professor of economics and vice-president of the Lelio Basso Foundation.

The cases will be presented to the tribunal by the following witnesses:

The case against Glencore PLC in the Philippines, by Rene Pamplona (Social Action Center-Marbel, representing the Bla’an indigenous peoples – Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM);

The case against Glencore in Zambia, by Edward Gorma (Centre for Trade Policy and Development);

The case against Glencore in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, by David Van Wyk, (Benchmarks – videoconference);

The case against Glencore in Peru, by Jaime Cesar Borda Pari (Coordinación de Muqui Sur);

The case against Glencore-PRODECO in Colombia, by Andrea Torres (Tierra Digna);

The case against Glencore-El Cerrejón in Colombia, by Luis Enrique Uriana (Indigenous leader of the Resguardo Wayuu Provincial – filmed testimony);

The case against Pacific Rim in El Salvador, by Saúl Baños (Mesa Nacional Frente a la Minería Metálica de El Salvador);

The case against Lonmin in South Africa, by Joseph Mathunjwa (President of AMCU – videoconference), a local witness (in videoconference), and Dick Forslund (videoconference);

The case against Chevron in Ecuador, by Pablo Fajardo (Unión de Afectados por Chevron-Texaco);

The case against Shell in Nigeria, by Goodwin Ojo (Friends of the Earth Nigeria);

The case against Mekorot in Palestine, by Abeer Al Butmeh (Stop the Wall/Pengon);

The case against Coca Cola in Colombia, by Javier Correa (Sinaltrainal union);

The case against Hidralia Energia in Guatemala, by Victor Antonio Gonzalez (CEIBA Friends of the Earth Guatemala);

All of the judges presiding the Tribunal, as well as the witnesses presenting the cases will be available starting tomorrow for interviews. To arrange a contact please contact Richard Girard at (+41) 779127121 or Diana Aguilar at (+41)779949441.

Alternatively, it is possible to reach directly Stephan Suhner of— regarding the two Glencore cases in Colombia, at (+41) 794091012, and regarding the case of Glencore in the Philippines RoseTrajano of FIDH at (+41) 766368851 or Fr. Gillarme Joy Pelino at (+41) 766417702.

Blacklisted News

Obama Fascism

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Master

It’s Already Finished…

It’s Already Finished…

Posted on by kauilapele
This post may or may not have any sense to it. All I can say is that this whole “Ascension”, “Global Re-something-or-other”, “Separation of worlds”, etc., etc., etc., is already finished.
It is just that the parts, the lines, are playing out, one at a time, but seems like all together… at once. What a chaotic node!!
These things that are often posted here, these “events” and “reports”, whether from RT, VT, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, are simply visible manifestations of the Old (so-called) Order falling apart. They’ve already fallen apart.
For myself, I’m just aligning with the New Paradigm and the construction of it, in a multi-D sense, but definitely including the 3D.
So anyway, as I continue walking and BEing and DOing on this planet, it is mighty clear that… “It’s Already Finished”.

Israeli-Palestine War Imminent?!

Israeli-Palestine War Imminent?!

By John Kettler On

Israeli-Palestine War–Maybe Worse–Any Time Now

Israeli-Palestine War will result if Israel invades the Gaza Strip?! Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons via Gringer
Israeli-Palestine War. Again? That’s exactly how things look through the eyes of JKI’s stellar insider military-intelligence contacts. They notified JKI that  on July 7, 2014, the US detected signs Israel was gearing up to attack the Gaza Strip, from which has poured a deluge of Hamas rockets, whose range is such that most of Israel, including Tel Aviv, can now be hit. Tel Aviv, for example, is a daily target.
Word has also been received suicide bombings/homicide bombings/martyrdom operations against Israeli buses have been revived. One just took place in northern Israel, killing seven.This is a pointed message to Israeli leaders that even the super effective Iron Dome (reportedly 90%)  antirocket/antimortar system, built not just with US money but lots of US tech and expertise, can’t save Israel from the wrath of al Fatah, Hamas and other jihadists. In a recent rocket attack, Iron Dome killed outright two of four rockets which would otherwise have struck Tel Aviv, as well as apparently diverting the trajectories of two others, which harmlessly fell short of the city. The trajectory diversion information was supplied to JKI by its highly sensitive sources.
As noted in the prior link, ironically, Iron Dome may be too effective, causing Israel to look like it is the problem, what with the havoc unleashed primarily on innocent Palestinian civilians. Israel is, pardon the expression, drawing fire from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as Human Rights Watch, for illegal attacks on civilians. Mind, Hamas is creating much of this by deliberately operating from high population density urban areas for manufacturing, stockpiling and firing rockets. Hamas has no qualms, either, about putting civilians atop buildings at gunpoint in order to deter Israeli attacks or reap a bloody propaganda victory to vilify Israel and swell the Hamas ranks. And while terse words on the news encapsulate the dire situation, Hamas and Israel maul each other with rockets (Hamas) and rockets and missiles (Israel), with results which look like this ( see picture series). Best not to view those images while eating!
These Hamas deep strike rocket attacks have forever altered Israel’s military calculus, for now practically all of Israel’s people are at direct risk of becoming casualties, rather than those in border areas living in isolated kibbutzes, settlements and cities such as Sderot, Ashdod and  Ashkelon. The upshot? The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) is on the border, in strength, tanks ready to roll, opposite the Gaza Strip and could attack at any time.
This conclusion is buttressed by the fact that Israel is blanket jamming all TV, radio and cell phone frequencies–any two-way communication channel, including police, emergency services, taxis and trucks– in the planned assault  zone. As one insider waggishly but also seriously put it, “Now would be a good time to sell your Hamas stock.”
On the heels of the initial IDF assault warning subsequently came a not-for-attribution alert that Israel was conducting much more than a local mobilization and deployment of forces. Instead, it now appears that Israel is conducting a full war mobilization. Such a mobilization will cost Israel tens of millions of dollars a day in lost productivity and disruption of normal societal functioning, since roughly a quarter of the work force will leave work and immediately report for duty. With that die cast, bellicose Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has now put his political career and reputation on the line. He must deliver solid results or go down in flames. There can be no repeat of the national humiliation resulting from the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the butchering of the practically untouchable Merkava tanks by the shockingly effective Russian-supplied Kornet-E antitank missiles.
Kornet-E manufacturer KBP Tula’s marketing video
Combat footage of Kornet-E vs Merkavas in Lebanon, 2006
Nor should Israel count on its apparent success in later having Russia stop supplying these weapons. Why? Hamas sponsor Iran, which previously copied the early version of the US TOW antitank missile, now evidently has copied the Kornet-E! Worse, Kornet-E has previously been tellingly used before in the Gaza Strip (2010), so it is wholly reasonable for Israel to expect to run into the copy this time.
An invasion of the Gaza Strip might result in the first large scale clash between antitank missiles and the Rafael Trophy/Windbreaker APS (Active Protection System). Here is the manufacturer’s marketing video. You would be well advised not to swallow the “safe for nearby soldiers and civilians” claim. What it really means is that rather than having a danger zone of, say, a hundred foot radius, it is more like a twenty foot radius.
Instead of an Israeli-Palestine War, we may be looking at something of far greater scope and impact. What that might be even JKI’s superb sources do not know.  At the very least, Israel seems to determined to destroy Hamas infrastructure in the Strip so thoroughly that the combined arms (mechanized forces, artillery, air and maybe naval)  attack will end the daily rocket salvoes.
Expect to see an all-out effort to destroy rocket stockpiles, manufacturing facilities, launchers, tunnels into Israel and miles of tunnels inside the strip and above all capture or kill the key personnel without whom the rocket strikes couldn’t be planned and executed. Israel wants the commanders, the rocketry specialists, the engineers; the ordnance specialists and machinists who make possible Israel’s daily nightmare. Expect to see the protective forces which guard the rocketeers crushed, too.
Thus, whether Israeli combat actions are confined to just the Gaza Strip or embrace a much broader series of planned military actions, there is a very real likelihood of there being an Israeli-Palestine War. As the Wiki shows, Israel has been pounded by Hamas rocket and mortar attacks for years, with most them not getting any kind of real international reportage. Effectively, they are invisible. Nor, as the Wiki notes, is Hamas the sole maker of rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. Also, because Israel has only around eight million people, the relative impact of any casualty there far exceeds the absolute numbers of losses. The US population is ~318, 429,000. Israel has but ~8,134,000 people. The US thus has ~ 39 times the population of Israel. So, when you read about an Israeli casualty from an attack, multiply the figure by 39 and see how that feels when viewed from an American perspective!
As this post was being wrapped up, news came via the Jerusalem Post that Israel is now facing the J-80, a new long range rocket which had never seen combat. Hamas said on its website Tel Aviv would be hit by them at 9 p.m. Saturday, July 12th, and there is now a report that rockets were launched from Gaza Strip in the correct time window. Results? Three of three apparent J-80s were blasted from the Tel Aviv skies by Iron Dome.

Bizarre Video of Light Beam Exiting the Capitol Dome in Washington DC

Bizarre Video of Light Beam Exiting the Capitol Dome in Washington DC

Beam me up, Scotty?  There’s no audio, just the footage of a beam of light that appears to leave the building and move skyward,  and some figures moving around inside the Capitol dome at night.
Seems a little odd. Make of it what you will.  ~ BP
Uploaded July 6, 2014

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MacJedi at TNT: "Computer-Which One and Why"

MacJedi at TNT:  "Computer-Which One and Why"

MacJedi:   COMPUTER... Which one and why?

I have been a media producer for over 25 years.  We have dealt with so much in this business that I will be glad to walk away from Hi-Tech...  But with that I am seasoned in the computer industry and I will offer my advice for what it's worth.  You may not agree at all with me and that is OK because everyone has their own opinion and desires.

I have had to deal with security at high levels and low levels as well.  There was a question today as to what to do in the computer area after RV.  I will only tell you what I will do and you may share a completely different opinion.

We have dealt with many many computers at once and different security issues and needs for protection.  Windows, Mac, Linux etc.  I am not going to offer a technical support scenario here but this is my plan.
Windows is notorious for being an easy target.  The system is easily hacked into, it is easy to plant evil goodies to side step security and it has a reputation for needing constant supervision.  Meaning , anti virus, malware, firewalls and more ...  I will not go into details as the terminology starts to go over the average persons head but, to keep it simple, Windows based systems will bring home the "Look what the Cat dragged in" moment. 

The Internet is ripe with various methods of planting key loggers and phone home softwares that will capture your personal info. 

You will also get various calls from India offering to fix by connecting to your computer, the many issues they are having reported to them.  A crock is what these services are as you volunteer to allow them access to your computer to fix issues that are not there...  DON'T DO IT!!!

Macintosh has been bad mouthed for years as being a toy.  It may not be the friendliest in running Windows software but it can do quite well when using Parallels or VM Ware and the nice thing is when using that method to access windows, you can have multiple versions of Windows to boot into for using just for one purpose and you can also terminate a single version of Windows without destroying the other versions on the same computer.

Macintosh will also allow you to boot into a completely different system that you might use for only one purpose and this will allow you to keep separate the possibilities of security breeches if one system becomes corrupted. 

Mac will allow you to keep your highest security system on and external drive and when plugged into your Mac at that point you can boot only off of that hard drive which will completely bypass any issue that might exist on the machine on it's internal drive.  Macs are also easy to restore from a perfect preserved system back up drive.

Another reason for using Mac for Internet transacting is that it is the lowest form of computing as far as how many viruses that have actually been created to infect these machines.

Nothing is perfect as the very best may actually one day find a way to break your security measures...  But...  Why not use the safest platform out there to avoid the mass jungle of evil actions against your computer.

Don't trust the Cloud to vital information.  Learn how to set up your own machine and Mac will allow an easy learning curve.  Why?  Because if I were slightly operating under a dark cloud, it would only take me less than 15 minutes to plant in your computer that which would report back to me,  your passwords, logins, financial status and sooooooo  much more.

If you have set up your own external boot security system drive, you never have to trust your vital info to anyone even if you have to send your Mac in for some repair...  Remember also once your computer comes back from repair...  If it is your security Computer...  Wipe the drive anyway and install a clean system .  This is simple to do on Mac...  So learn it.

There is so much more to talk about but this is to at least get you thinking.  Everyone of our Windows machines have eventually had issues in security as we use them in an abusive way as A LOT!  so just my 2 cents worth...  By far less issues in corruption and security when considering a stable system ...  Think Mac.  

Eset has been highly rated for Windows security as it not only works against viruses but also malware, spyware, adware and phone home security breeches.  Bit Defender is another that is rated high. 

Stay away from free anti viruses or the free and then pay later popular ones as there are not many that can deal with deep rooted Trojan viruses which quietly turn your computer into a broadcast house of your personal information.

There are other things you can install on your machines which will run quietly in the back ground undetected and log every keystroke and screen shot so you can see if someone is fooling around with your machine when you are not around. 

Spector Pro works on Windows and Mac and is your computer babysitter when you are not around.

Too much to say and offer but maybe this will get the thinker primed and moving in forward thought.

MacJedi out!

PHOTOS: As Rockets hit Eilat, Hamas rejects truce ahead of Israeli gov’t talks on deal.

Specifically to those who constantly berate Israel - Below are pictures showing what Hamas is doing continually to various part of Israel day after day and night after night.  If this was happening here, rockets falling all around you  - destroying your properties and killing your family and friends, WOULD YOU NOT FIGHT BACK?  WOULD YOU NOT DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY?  Then WHY does the world deny Israel the right to protect her people and her nation?  The Israelis are NOT the problem!  Hamas and the other terrorist muslim organizations are the problem - period. It will have to happen here in America before most anti-Semites finally GET THE PICTURE. SEE THE TRUTH WITH YOUR OWN EYES BELOW .......................

PHOTOS: As Rockets hit Eilat, Hamas rejects truce ahead of Israeli gov’t talks on deal.

PHOTOS: As Rockets hit Eilat, Hamas rejects truce ahead of Israeli gov’t talks on deal.
The (muslim anti-Israel and anti-Christianity) Obama administration has been urging Israel to show “restraint” while meeting quietly, secretly with Hamas for months. What exactly is Obama telling Hamas?  Whatever it is, it’s worrisome.
Hamas appears to be saving Israel from herself. A ceasefire (hudna) for Israel is not an option. Hamas needs to be destroyed and the clock is ticking.
Hamas armed wing rejects truce ahead of Israeli gov’t talks on deal - Rockets hit Eilat, lightly injuring four people; Cabinet will likely accept terms of Arab League-backed ceasefire deal as Gaza terror group remains defiant
Amas said Tuesday morning that the terms of an Egyptian ceasefire proposal were tantamount to surrender, as the Israeli government prepared to meet on the issue, and was expected to approve the deal. Meanwhile the Arab League, the US and PA leader Mahmoud Abbas all urged approval of the truce. Two rockets hit the city of Eilat at Israel’s southernmost tip on Monday night, lightly injuring five people in the first attack on the city since the Gaza campaign began. (TOI)
Rocket launched from the Sinai slammed into the Club Hotel in Eilat at 1:27am, Tuesday morning. (Jewish Press) July 15, 2014
Photo Credit: Yamitnachelet /
Two rockets were launched. One landed in an open area in the Shachmon neighborhood, the second landed on a car in the hotel’s parking lot, which is also next to the Beatles Pub.

Five people were lightly injured from shrapnel. Two additional people were treated for shock.



omegaman: The World Bank just said they want this phase in by Friday very well could be a GCR or anytime between now and then...PT

sem: Omegaman,
Are the TRN's live yes, or no?

omegaman: yes, from three separate sources...yes

carden: The FED is broke. The CONGRESS needs to VOTE IT OUT. 
The UST is backed by more gold and precious metals and off-ledger accounts than anyone knows. And, if you held the position you say you did then you know about BLUE SCREEN and GRAY SCREEN accounts, behind FIREWALL. You know what assets the UST holds and the loans made to WF back and forth...???
If this is true, then I ask, how does the GOLD TREATY affect anything other than providing (safeguards) controls against price fixing which has been going on for way too long?
And, so what if Kurdistan departs from Iraq? How will this change this (USA) country's destiny? That is one country, torn apart by MIC and greed and infiltrated at the highest level by wrong-headed motivations. We, the USA, are in debt too far to turn back. The debt has been called. The changes they are a comin' with or without Iraq. Of course, this is JMHO... as one little lady's cheap seat :-)

omegaman: yep, the debt HAS been called; the Heritage/Historical Bonds are the trigger...they are being released for trade, soon, if not already, as the funding trigger, TRN has been live since last weekend.

despite three confirmations of the TRN's being live last weekend, it has become evident that indeed LAST NIGHT THE TRN's BECAME LIVE IN PARIS...NOON YESTERDAY...WET (western European time)...thus, the things can move...

Escobar: BRICS bank on its way to beat casino( IMF) financial system