Wednesday, July 16, 2014

It’s Already Finished…

It’s Already Finished…

Posted on by kauilapele
This post may or may not have any sense to it. All I can say is that this whole “Ascension”, “Global Re-something-or-other”, “Separation of worlds”, etc., etc., etc., is already finished.
It is just that the parts, the lines, are playing out, one at a time, but seems like all together… at once. What a chaotic node!!
These things that are often posted here, these “events” and “reports”, whether from RT, VT, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, are simply visible manifestations of the Old (so-called) Order falling apart. They’ve already fallen apart.
For myself, I’m just aligning with the New Paradigm and the construction of it, in a multi-D sense, but definitely including the 3D.
So anyway, as I continue walking and BEing and DOing on this planet, it is mighty clear that… “It’s Already Finished”.

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