Thursday, July 17, 2014

TNT Call Notes 16-July-2014

Subject: RE: TNT Conference Call for July 16

TNT Call Notes 16-July-2014
Tony:   Good morning, TNT!  Today is Wednesday, July 16th, 2014.  Sorry we had a delay but I’ll tell you right up front that we don’t work for anybody but we try to help everybody.  We are trying to help you, we are the people, to get paid;  something was asked of us, and we said that we would do it. We try to help wherever we can;  that is our purpose.
There is still some idiot sending out tweets saying the RV has happened and call this number, and it’s a private number. It doesn’t bother me because I just switch to Privacy mode, but these are elderly people you are calling in the middle of the night!  Nobody is going to tweet out a private number for you to call;  it’s an 800 number that will refer you to the bank. So don’t call those numbers!  Idiots are going to be idiots;  let’s not help them along.  Some people have called me in the last couple days.  Please don’t let this idiot do this to you.  Delete, report and block it, and that will shut him down faster.  Don’t pass on the tweets with a private number with a local area code.  The bank is going to give you that number.  I shouldn’t even have to explain this.  You guys are smarter than that.  DC?
DC:  I’m awesome;  how are you?
Tony:  I’m feeling super-fantastic, ready for the world to go on!  Let’s start this a little different. This thing is almost over.  I can’t tell you the moment, but it’s almost over  and we’ll need to make your-selves.  Those decisions are that we put the past behind us and move on, or do we try to make people regret things, or how do we make lemonade our of lemons. It depends on what size lemons, of course!  It’s important to live by this:  “the best revenge is to live well.”  Let’s plan on living well – who can we put our money to work?  Let’s have the right mindset before this happens. Most people understand that.  As the good stewards and leaders that you are, make sure you also pass on the information that they take care and prepare for their future with this:  what areas to look at, who to trust and who not to trust… DC has that down!  We have got word of the procedures but don’t yet know for sure, so listen well.
DC:  Sorry this is so late;  we apologize, but we are trying to move the whole process along, and we will help as much as we can when we are asked.  East to West, for those paying attention they announced the Speaker and his deputies – one each Sunni, Shia and Kurd.  We are waiting on the PM and president, and they just have to announce them when the RV happens. They don’t want speculators to pile up on it, so they will announce them together in my (informed) opinion.  The important part is that things are much more along than portrayed in most news areas.  Security in Iraq is better, they are bringing in the right people, and they are doing the right thing for finances and the new-found wealth. CBI is ready to rock;  most of the ministers are slated for their positions.  Most people approve enough to vote them in. Everyone else is ready, ready, ready Banks have been given notice to get their act together in Iraq.
In the USA, the UN is prepped and ready to go.  They are content and ‘happy’ with the progress Iraq has made yesterday and today.  They are leaning into it. The administration and affiliates have said “Okay, we give our blessings on this.  The banks are ready or getting ready, although possibly there are last minutes changes and they have to wait until they are made public.  I have heard from many different people that everyone is to be ready, and the game is serious.  Everyone is happy with our situation, including Tony and me and others. 
Tony:  are they telling me to happy?
DC:  Yes, dang it!
Tony:  Today our goal to be cool, clam and collected, to know where we are, prepared and ready for action. Our goal is not to cause any controversy, not today. Tomorrow we can go back to being the old ‘us’. There are decisions being made right now that we were asked not to interfere with.  This is what we don’t want to do today:  don’t ask us the date, rate, time or the window.  I don’t want to be rude, and you know I’m not going to lie to you. Let’s be helpful and see what happens today.
DC:  I agree.  Even though some of us are frustrated, our play today is to relax and everything will be okay at the end.
Tony:  We’ll do a really short call, an hour or less, because we started so late.  Caller 303 has been on for 886 minutes!  This guy has been holding for over a thousand minutes!
818 caller:  You said that the US and IMF said that the top three positions would be formally announced on television, then the RV announcement would be immediate, in 12 hours, or in 24 hours depending on who is calling the shots.  What’s going on?
DC:  That’s a very good question.  It was not always the plan where everyone has to be announced or nothing happens.  That wasn’t really the plan until a week ago or so.  That plan evolved because of some shenanigans in Iraq and the US, those who wanted things to be better prepared.  The UN, IMF and others came down and said the top three guys have to be announced.  That didn’t happen at the weekend, then on Tuesday, they announced that the Speaker and the Deputies are there.  They held back on the PM and the President, in part because they may change at the last minute.  That is what has held off the announcements.  They’ve announced the Speaker and Deputies, and now they are waiting on the PM as well.  It is my strong contention that the PM and the RV will happen at the same time. They have also got the lesser ministerial positions ready as well.
Tony:  You keep saying “Oh, you said this in January, April, etc.”  Back in April and May, the IMF and BIS didn’t demand that because there was  a government still in place.  Once M’s time expired, there is an interim government and that caused everything to change because they didn’t know who the money was going to. Was this done deliberately?  What that the overall plan the whole time?  That could be controversial, but now it is what it is, and you need to see how they changed along the way.  We don’t predict the future, we can only tell you what is going on at the meetings in the now, and personally I don’t want to be in the government’s business unless they force me to.  I’m just here for us, and to make sure we make it through and we have a clear understanding of it.
Caller:  That is my question, and I really respect what you guys are doing.
512 caller:  I have one question.  There was a lot of talk that M had retired and gone to England to be with his family.  But he seems to be in the news all the time, and he and his ministers were asked to leave the session on Tuesday.  We thought he was retired, but there he is in the middle of things, causing problems.
DC:  There are some people who just won’t give up.  He’s been threatened by everyone, even Iran, and he says he is retiring, but he just won’t quit. Because of actions by ISIS in June, he has lost support, and we understand he is involved only in a very minor part, not a true executive position in the government.  He still has force of personality even if they don’t like him.  There has a ‘get your butt out of Iraq’ notice several times, and that may be making M more cooperative. However, don’t be surprised if he is around one way or another for quite a while, even if he is in England or Iran.
Tony: People may not like the guy, but you have to admire his perseverance.  We understand that he is protecting his life as well as his position, and until the official announcements are made, M is still a factor. 
DC:  He has made life difficult for many people recently, but now we strongly believe that is managed.  We strongly believe that.
609 caller:  I just got a flash that M has announced his resignation and will support his successors.  It’s in the Washington Post.
DC:  I saw that.  He will still be involved but could not get enough votes.  The stuff he pulled in June alienated everyone.  Now he has resigned in public.  There were sightings of M at the airport, the pane was fueled up and ready to go, and he just wouldn’t get on the plane. His family are there although some have filtered back.  He has promised to resign many times, but he really is stepping out about ten days ago.  He’s still around but not as influential.
Tony:  Where did you see that?  The Washington Post?  The other things is what happened in Parliament last night that would make him do that today?
DC:  He was told he could retire or be fired, and it’s always better to retire.
Tony:  There are no payouts taking place at this time, so far as we know.
817 caller:  I’ve been trying to get on the forum, but it won’t let me in there.  Do I need to talk to Pam?  Can you give her my number and have her call me? I do listen to your calls…
Tony:  I will give her your number and your name.  Everyone’s going to be asking me that, so Pam’s going to be cussing me out the rest of the day. We shut the forum down, and the same idiots you see on twitter and all the rest got in.  The Mods went through and purged most of them, so we know who we want to take to the new sites.  If we open it back up, those same idiots will join again under new names.  We want to exclude those people and that is why the forum is closed now.   We did let people in  for 48 hours, but again it’s easier for the Mods… We are so close to the end, and then we will not be able to use that forum anymore.  That’s what they asked, anyway.  I am not even sure if we can use the new sites, but we’ll figure it out. That’s why no one can get in there.  She did put the Tony blast on the front page, and that is where you’ll find the 800 numbers, there and on the new sites, so you should be okay.
Caller:  I’m calling from Texas.  Are we still doing an NDA?
DC: Our understanding is that the NDA will be for contract and group rates, and everyone else will just have a regular exchange.
Tony:  We’ll know when we get the package.  If you don’t have to do an NDA, great.  If you do have to sign one, it should be simple and straightforward.  We’ll let you know ahead of time.
352 caller:  Can I get on the forum?  Can you give me the rate, Tony?  <joking>  Seriously, how are your butterflies.  We must be getting close to this thing.
Tony:  We’ve been close so many times, maybe not as close as now, but until the actual announcement is made, anything can happen. There is just too much time between the decision being made and actually doing it.
Caller:  China rates, are they still going one? 
Tony:  No dates, rates or window.
Caller: If I don’t like the deal at one bank, how dod I get to another one as I will have already called the 800 number?
Tony:  I don’t’ know if you can call back on the 800 number.  At the beginning, they said you would be put on the end of the line.  There have been so many changes in the last day or so…
DC:  We’ll have to wait until the package.  No need to cause confusion.
Caller:  Are there any currencies that will be more stable to leave your money in than the dollar?
Tony:  DC, what other currencies are you doing to put your money in?
DC:  Not as a financial adviser, but for myself, I have a lot of businesses that I will expand. Take the top five economies, which will be the most stable, and look at those.  For stability’s sake, that is what I would do.  Look for well-managed monetary policy as well.  I pay extreme attention to that.
325 caller:  I’m from Abliene, Texas.  Not going to ask you about the forum, because that is closed and I understand your position on that.  If a person goes with the contract rate, later on can that person get more dinar at the higher rate and hope that the rate will go up?
Tony:  Yes, it’s not double-dipping because your are just playing the international rate.  I don’t see that being a problem.
Caller:  If you have gifted currency, will those people just get the 800 numbers from me?
Tony:  Or they can get it from the forum or the sites, just like you. 
Caller:  I have to go away this weekend; will that be a problem?
Tony:  You’ll have 30 days, no matter what.
DC:  This is international; you can do it anywhere.
Caller:  I want the cheese, not the mousetrap.  If I have 30 days, that is a no-brainer.
Tony: In 30 days, the cheese factory will be put up, taken down and demolished.  Don’t wait the whole 30 days!  Those who are observing and know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, they will benefit.  Most of you don’t because you don’t know enough to take advantage of it.  It takes a bit of guts to get the factory.  It all depends on the market, which could go faster, slower, or you could influence the market.  If we don’t have an NDA that prohibits it, I will help everyone get as much as possible, although I am NOT an adviser.
This is how things happen to me.  I do just what you said.  When the sun is shining and the water is warm and sand is dry, then Tony is the greatest guy in the world. If the sky is cloudy, the water is cold, and the sand is wet, it’s Tony’s fault.  I have lived this more than once, so I know.  So I cannot advise you, although  I can say “this is how I would do it”.  Good, bad or indifferent, it’s Tony’s fault.  If they lose a dime, it’s my fault.  If they win big, then they might appreciate Tony.
Caller: I have some people who might have to drive some miles to get to exchange locations, right?
DC:  The 800 numbers will be able to direct you where to go.  There may be one in Abiliene, some in Midland, and  a slew of them in Houston.  They will direct you to places that have trained personnel to handle the exchange.
Caller:  Do you notice how long I’ve been on hold?  It has been 448 minutes.
818 caller:  Talking to you is like trying to reach Obama!  I work with a phone company…
Tony:  But we can’t understand anything you’re saying.
Caller:  I’m in a hole underground.  Let me get out of the hole.  Can you hear me better now? Are we there yet?
Tony:  We agreed that that is what we are not going to talk about today, because decisions are being made and we don’t want to interfere.  It’s no different from our last call, when we were waiting for announcements to be made.  I do think we are in a good week.
Caller;  We are getting ever closer to having a problem in the US with the dollar collapsing.  Many seem to believe the dollar will collapse, beyond the point of no return.  I wonder if we will cash out and end up with a bunch of funny money a week later.
Tony:  Whatever happens, it will take more than a week. By the nature of the GCR, the dollar will lost some value.  We expect it to lose a bit over the next five years because of the new IMFs using their own currencies there.  It may take a little time for the dollar to come back up. We will not become a third-world country.  You won’t feel it as much as most because of the dinar.  Some people don’t even know we are in a recession now…
Caller:  My wife keeps telling me, “ask him some really hard questions”, but I don’t know what to ask.  It seems like it is always just beyond our grasp.  You guys have to talk to Obama.  You said or implied that Obama is on our side.
Tony:  Ask DC – why does it change every four hours;  where does President Obama stand on this and why hasn’t he given us the gift he has for us.
DC:  I think we can clean some stuff up. Why has this constantly changed?  They have a lot of players, they all have different interests and different deals, and every time we get close, someone says, “wait, we need this!”  It’s my belief that everyone is singing Kumbayah and we are all on it. President Obama has played hardball, but his administration is fully supporting the RV happening very very soon.
Tony:  At some point in  history you will find out what really happened here.   Even thought we were mad at President Obama, and even though he has been blamed for it, and Senators have called and laughed and said they were glad Obama was being blamed for it, when you find out the whole truth, you will find out that President Obama was responsible for more benefits and humanitarian packages that this has been applied to it.  We all need it, but at some point we have all been greedy, self-serving and all the rest.  The money has been moved several times and these humanitarian projects will benefit the world.  When we look at the overall picture, some great things have been accomplished in the last year or so.  Some others were doing things out of greed or spite, but over all this will do great things for the whole country and the world. If you can sacrifice a little bit to benefit so many people, then that is the right thing to do.  We can think they should have done it ten years ago, but it is what it is.  But then years down the road, you will feel glad that President Obama did what he did.  That’s telling you what I know.
DC:  Bottom line, folks, is that things look exceptionally good.  We are keeping away from all the controversial stuff; that we were asked point blank to keep everyone calm and focused.  Our dreams will come true, everyone will be very happy, and I hope this is the last time we talk on this site.
Ray:  This has been a wonderful conversation for wealth-seeking Wednesday and we’ll see what Thursday holds for us.
Tony:  I’m going to end the call with that same theme. Everything we are hearing is good, things are falling into  place, people are happy, so we just need to see if we can pull that trigger before anything changes.  It seems like everyone is in agreement and we were asked not to mess that up. We will all be excited as soon it is happens.  If I were you, I’d be going through my top  ten things:  where is my money, who  is going with me, how do I want to invest and divide my money up.  Once it happens, you’ll be looking at all those zeros, be dumbfounded, then the fear will kick in that someone will try to take it from you.  We are having a great week, and I’m looking forward to the rest of it, thinking of how you will be enjoying the rest of your life.  I hope this will be the very last call;  it’s Wednesday and our next call is Friday if not sooner. Enjoy the rest of your night, I’m going to enjoy mine, and we’ll see what happens from here.  Thanks, everybody!

Make it a great day
 God bless/D 



RANGER4564: My cumulative guess.

Crossing the Finish Line - The Saga Continues!

Meetings are taking place where the US is pleading with the BRICS to please wait on Plan B, please please please!

Watch for a woman with stealth binoculars watching CL talking about Numerology.

Numerous private meetings are being held behind closed doors, keep out.

Parliament seated, shh.
Maliki cornered, the kitten, cat gives up the fight.

Putin is laughing hysterically at the US and their sanc-timonious-tions.  And probably my guesses.

Today is the 10th day, IMF Protocol, HCL (Oil and Gas Law) must be passed for Iraq to relieve pressure on digital transactions.

Santa has a Black Belt in whoop a$$. He's waiting in the wings to show himself, we're getting peeks of him here and there so we know he's about to pop out. SURPRISE!

US not invited to be part of BRICS Dinar party.

Jack Lew gesturing for more time on the final exam, but there are no extensions.

Jack Lew failed the final exam and had to fold. Hence his announcement on what he said to China at his last meeting.
Parliament has left for the evening, and Maliki is going home, he will no longer contest his destiny.

L klempke:We are at the finish line.  

There was a meeting and the US pleaded with the BRIC's to delay the RV process. 

 CL watching US plead.  Plan B will go into effect. 

 CL alluded to date in speeches given prior with numerology references. 

 Maliki has resigned. 

 Sanctions against Russia are less than nothing and they are laughing at the US. 

 The IMF protocol for release of funds was up in 10 days which is today. 

Frozen digital money is beginning to flow. 

 US is not invited to the BRIC's interface with CBI? Jack Lew has no cards and folded. 

Iraq Parliament is done, GOI seated.

 The rates that were frozen are now flowing.  

The new world order has been stopped in its tracks thanks to the BRIC's

Tlar: "The Heat Is On"

Tlar: "The Heat Is On" 

Post From Currency Chatter -  By Investor1 For Tlar

Tlar Comment:   - well in true Iraqi style they have managed to push the next parliament into next week.

 The POP (President of Parliament) and his deputies are voted on and in place.

The reason for the delay is not real clear but I believe it is to give more time for the POR (President of the Republic) to be firmed up. He will be a Kurd for sure and his VP's will consist of a Shia and a Sunni.

 It is my belief that this is a dodge. The SOL has been waffling the last couple of days as to whether they will nominate Maliki or not, so it was decided to give it one more week.

The coalition believes the SOL will come around and nominate either Chalabi or Mahdi. We will see.

Either way there is in place a battle plan to finish this next week meaning voting on the Presidents and the PM position.
  The next parliamentary session is scheduled at present for Wednesday but it might come earlier (the POP can call them in earlier) if they can solve the PM position with the SOL.

Barring that not happening, the coalition is prepared to finish this with a no vote on Maliki.

The SOL has obtained only one position, a deputy of the POP, and that is Abadi an SOL member.

For some reason Chalabi's group ran Chalabi against Abadi which I believe was a strategic move. That nomination effectively blocked the SOL guy from winning. He could not get enough votes.

 Chalabi then resigned his nomination for that position allowing Abadi to win.

I think they did this a demonstration of Muscle to the SOL. In any event we should be getting very close to the finish next week or it will be finished. There will be a new government in Iraq free of Maliki.

Iran again came out against Maliki asking him to step down and there is articles starting to surface that indicate he is ready to resign:

 Newspaper close to Iran, al-Maliki confirms intention to resign

Author: 16-07-2014 06:41 PM Orbit - Arabic. Forums / Sources told the 'News'

Lebanese, which is close to Iran, for abandoning the Iraqi Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, his candidacy for the presidency of the new government for a third term, after a request from the reference Najaf and Iran.

The newspaper reported that the request for the religious authority was aimed at ending the conflict inside and outside of the National Alliance about the prime minister.

The newspaper pointed out that the leaks within the National Alliance negotiations are currently underway regarding the timing of the announcement of the nomination of a replacement for the succession of al-Maliki, after the announcement of the latter's abandonment of the run, where some parties prefer to announce his move after the achievement of these results in the field of security.


Tlar:  The heat is all out on him with the Iraqi political system calling for his resignation. Iran is calling for his resignation along with every country around Iraq, plus Europe and the US and Australia.

When you throw in al-Sistanis warning to come out totally against him if he doesn't resign in now 5 days, he is in deep trouble. His government is disintegrating as the Kurds have pulled all their Ministers and Zebari the foreign Minister has resigned not to mention the untold business associates who have abandoned him.

 Maliki has become toxic and the SOL that have adamantly and stanchly supported his candidacy, are finding their membership is like trying to control a herd of cockroaches.

Many don't support him either and it is my belief at least half cannot be counted on in a vote.

It is my belief he will resign and then run or he will just run. He can't stay in Iraq or he will face some very serious charges and will probably end up being hanged.

 16-07-2014 01:09 AM

Source: Iran is convinced that al-Maliki is no longer able to run Iraq for the benefit of

Fallujah News / Erbil ... is scheduled to arrive a senior Iranian delegation to Erbil Tuesday to discuss alternatives to the owners, and this comes at a time when Americans have also pledged to change the Kurd-Maliki.

The source said a special that he 'is scheduled to arrive Tuesday, an Iranian delegation to Erbil for talks with senior officials of the province of Kurdistan', noting that 'the coming of the delegation is to search to find an alternative to replace al-Maliki as prime minister because Tehran also believes that he is unable to run Iraq for the benefit of Iran'.

The move comes at a time when Iranian Americans also vowed to change for the Kurds Maliki, as opposed to the province of Kurdistan gives Baghdad a last chance to alter the course of the political process.

According to information (Fallujah News), the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was during a telephone conversation the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani told him that al-Maliki over for them and must be someone else comes misplaced, and called on Barzani to give Baghdad a last chance to alter the course of the political process, in the case did not see the benefit of it then it would be right to take any decision Kurds see it in their favor and will not object to the United States on it.

In the same context, the top Shi'ite cleric Sistani had sent a verbal message to al-Maliki, calling on him to leave office within a week or else will stand against him.


Tlar:   The new POP, Jubouri, seems very serious about his job. He is a young 45 full of energy and skill.

 He wants to go out of the shoot getting the 150 laws, which includes Article 140, the oil and gas law and many laws pertaining to assisting the economy grow that Maliki and his government have held up for 8 years finished as quickly as possible.

With a government that is non sectarian he can accomplish it. The budget will be the first thing he tackles and should go up for vote immediately following the POR being elected.

The POR has to be in office to sign the budget. I am sure that separate meeting are being held as you receive this to re-write the budget which will now take into fact the new reality of the towns under Turkish control.

 I believe much of it has been agreed to in principle already but is yet to have been included as revisions to the existing budget. They are preparing them and it is my belief that we might actually see the budget passed next week.

 The budget will set many things in motion. The CBI is ripe for monetary change and we know Turki is itching to get it going.

As long as this government is finished this month as I believe they have to, it is my belief we will finally see that long sought after change in the exchange rate.

People who have dinars sitting at banks waiting to be cashed might see this happen as early as next week but I believe it will be week after next or the last week of July.

I stand by the over $3.25 to $3.65 rate. I have heard and seen enough to convince me the rate will be in that range. Sunni's are ready to tackle the removal of the new Calaphate and run the ISIS back into Syria.

They will get plenty of help from the Kurds, the Shia army, the US and Europe, and most of the Muslim countries including Iran. Muslims around the world see this group as an absolute insult to Islam and they will be quickly delt with.

The use of this tool was effective but now it is time to put it in its place. Anyway I feel very good about where we are and the prospect of this investment coming to a close.

 It has taken much longer than any of us had thought it would and mostly you can chalk that up to the naivety of our administration and the desire of Maliki to keep his people in poverty as do all good dictators, so as to be seen as the guy who is the one who butters their bread. That's the control factor. tlar


 Parliament: a plan to legislate stage of the previous session

7/17/2014 0:00

Most notably the budget and the political parties, oil and gas and the Federation Council of Baghdad, Omar Abdel Latif urged a number of MPs on the need to draw a comprehensive plan and urgent legislation important laws and service stage of the previous session,

led by Budget Law of 2014, in line with the stated word of the President of the House of Representatives new Salim Abdullah al-Jubouri, the need to "Focus in the coming sessions on the legislation necessary laws."

The estimated number of laws that carried over from the previous session of the House of Representatives by about 150 law, notably the laws of the budget and the parties and the Federation Council and infrastructure,

where would be repeated those laws to phase zero as start reading the first and then the second and then vote it, however, that some of them arrived at the voting stage during the previous session.

promised Rep. Hana al-Tai said oil and gas law should be on top of those laws that take their role in the field of legislation being drawn policy to file oil in the country, as well as the law of the infrastructure that serve segments of society multiple and service ministries and security in order to be sober and open areas of investment and development in this aspect.

saw al-Tai said in a statement singled out the "morning" that on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to draw a comprehensive plan through the intensification of the meeting and the meetings continued with specialists and advisers to form A committee of legal experts in addition to the parliamentary committees in order to scrutinize and audit important laws in order to take the most important priority is to ask them during parliamentary sessions.

Believes al-Tai said the Presidency of the Council of Representatives if it gets out of the crucible of their masses and political sects and affiliations and to maintain the public interest of the people and the nation on the factional interests own can pass these laws as soon as possible.

shows Rep. Najeebeh Najib that there are a lot of laws that did not proceed since the previous session Despite its importance and the arrival of the majority of the second reading, confirming the presence of cooperation and solidarity and faithfulness in a priority position to serve the people above other priorities for the legislation of those laws that reinforce the foundations of democracy and the constitution in Iraq

-. hinted Najib told the "morning" that the priority of those laws budget in 2014 and then the Federal Court The parties and the Federation Council, which is one of the important laws relating to improving the living conditions of the citizens,

pointing out that all those laws should be a priority in the legislation and resolve in the first year of this session of the age of the House of Representatives.confirms a member of the House of Representatives for the national list Kadhim al-Shammari that there Some laws that deported despite stop political processes and service them, returned completed and voted on in this session victory and progress in state-building.

And alerts in a statement the "morning" on leaving aside political differences and convergence of views between the political parties in a timely and legislation of those laws that can drive the wheel of the state and the services forward is a real achievement in this parliamentary session.

attributed Rep. Rehab grace Alabboudh deport the majority of Laws from the previous session to the current was caused by political differences and weak parliamentary committees concerned in addition to the management of the former House speaker, which was disabled to parliament more than activated, what impact negatively on the approval of a lot of important laws.

-felt in a statement the "morning" that the most important laws a victim of the political interests of individual and contradictions is the budget in 2014 despite the adoption of all aspects of the state to approve but to no avail, in addition to the law of infrastructure, stressing that the legislation of those laws in this session will signal that Iraq has begun a new era of democracy and the political consensus that could be going country to beach safety.

Turning to the legal Alabboudh oil and gas, the two parties must Icheraa what gives a good impression and signals on the success of the parliament, pointing out that the resolution of the formation of the committees of the House of Representatives would pave the way for the legislation of those laws.

Parliament: a plan to legislate stage of the previous session

7/17/2014 0:00

Most notably the budget and the political parties, oil and gas and the Federation Council

-of Baghdad, Omar Abdel Latif urged a number of MPs on the need to draw a comprehensive plan and urgent legislation important laws and service stage of the previous session,

led by Budget Law of 2014, in line with the stated word of the President of the House of Representatives new Salim Abdullah al-Jubouri, the need to "Focus in the coming sessions on the legislation necessary laws."

The estimated number of laws that carried over from the previous session of the House of Representatives by about 150 law, notably the laws of the budget and the parties and the Federation Council and infrastructure,

 where would be repeated those laws to phase zero as start reading the first and then the second and then vote it,

however, that some of them arrived at the voting stage during the previous session. promised Rep. Hana al-Tai said oil and gas law should be on top of those laws that take their role in the field of legislation being drawn policy to file oil in the country, as well as the law of the infrastructure that serve segments of society multiple and service ministries and security in order to be sober and open areas of investment and development in this aspect.

saw al-Tai said in a statement singled out the "morning" that on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to draw a comprehensive plan through the intensification of the meeting and the meetings continued with specialists and advisers to form A committee of legal experts in addition to the parliamentary committees in order to scrutinize and audit important laws in order to take the most important priority is to ask them during parliamentary sessions.

 Believes al-Tai said the Presidency of the Council of Representatives if it gets out of the crucible of their masses and political sects and affiliations and to maintain the public interest of the people and the nation on the factional interests own can pass these laws as soon as possible.

shows Rep. Najeebeh Najib that there are a lot of laws that did not proceed since the previous session Despite its importance and the arrival of the majority of the second reading,

confirming the presence of cooperation and solidarity and faithfulness in a priority position to serve the people above other priorities for the legislation of those laws that reinforce the foundations of democracy and the constitution in Iraq

-. hinted Najib told the "morning" that the priority of those laws budget in 2014 and then the Federal Court The parties and the Federation Council, which is one of the important laws relating to improving the living conditions of the citizens, pointing out that all those laws should be a priority in the legislation and resolve in the first year of this session of the age of the House of Representatives.

confirms a member of the House of Representatives for the national list Kadhim al-Shammari that there Some laws that deported despite stop political processes and service them, returned completed and voted on in this session victory and progress in state-building.

-And alerts in a statement the "morning" on leaving aside political differences and convergence of views between the political parties in a timely and legislation of those laws that can drive the wheel of the state and the services forward is a real achievement in this parliamentary session.

attributed Rep. Rehab grace Alabboudh deport the majority of Laws from the previous session to the current was caused by political differences and weak parliamentary committees concerned in addition to the management of the former House speaker, which was disabled to parliament more than activated, what impact negatively on the approval of a lot of important laws.

-felt in a statement the "morning" that the most important laws a victim of the political interests of individual and contradictions is the budget in 2014 despite the adoption of all aspects of the state to approve but to no avail,

in addition to the law of infrastructure, stressing that the legislation of those laws in this session will signal that Iraq has begun a new era of democracy and the political consensus that could be going country to beach safety.

Turning to the legal Alabboudh oil and gas, the two parties must Icheraa what gives a good impression and signals on the success of the parliament, pointing out that the resolution of the formation of the committees of the House of Representatives would pave the way for the legislation of those laws.


Bush Family Exposed

Bush Family Exposed
It began with Bloodline Princess Harriet Fay , descendant of Morgan Le Fay and mother of Samuel Prescott Bush her son Samuel Prescott Bush joined Skull and Bones and his family stole the skull of the leader Geronimo to use in a satanic ritual . Samuel Prescott Bush became involved in politics through skull and bones and had a son named Prescott Sheldon Bush.

Prescott Sheldon Bush was a satanist and made friends with other satanists . He was a dark occultist and in the 1920s he began a friendship with an aspiring german occultist named Adolf Hitler . Prescott Sheldon Bush would later become a united states senator and Adolf Hitler would later become dictator of Germany . Prescott would fund Hitler's holocaust through Fitz Thyssen corporation . He would also hatch a plot with SS General Gustaz Schwarzeneggar to overthrow FDR and establish himself as fascist dictator of america in 1941 . The plot would be foiled by Smedley Butler . Franklin D Roosevelt would later pardon Prescott Bush but would exile General Schwarzeneggar back to Germany . However , Gustav Schwarzeneggar's son , Arnold Schwarzeneggar , would later be invited to america and become a hollywood member and the governor of california.

It was the plan of the elite for the american faction of the illuminati , led by Roosevelt , to be infiltrated by an even more corrupt form of the illuminati , the "new world order" illuminatis , as opposed to the "old world order" illuminatis . This "new world order illuminatis" were the nazis . So the Nazis began their plan of infiltrating america.

Hitler had a nazi named George Scherff . George Scherff's son , George Scherff II , was sent to america in 1944 and adopted by pro-nazi senator Prescott Bush . He was given a false identity , "George HW Bush" . In 1945 , he had a meeting with his Fuhrer , Adolf Hitler . Adolf Hitler revealed that he was secretly the son of Aleister Crowley , and that Hitler had a sister who was also the daughter of Aleister Crowley . This sister was named Barbara Pierce . In 1945 , George Scherff II began a relationship with Barbara Pierce , his Fuhrer's Sister . Barbara Pierce then became Barbara Scherff . Publicly they were "George HW Bush and Barbara Bush" . They had a son named George Scherff III in 1946 , fake name "George W Bush" .

In 1947 , George HW Bush secretly created the CIA and then brought all nazis to america and gave them positions in nasa , monsanto , and the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries . George HW Bush began to be more involved with his cia in the 1960s.

In 1963 , The Illuminati ordered president John F Kennedy to be assassinated . The order went down to the head of the American Illuminati , the repossessed corpse of Aleister Crowley . Crowley with the assistance of the Vatican and the Mafia orchestrated a conspiracy to assassinate John F Kennedy . The final details were then given to Lyndon B Johnson. Lyndon B Johnson then made a conspiracy to send the CIA , the Mafia and a group of socialists over to assassinate kennedy . It was all overseen by George HW Bush , he was the ultimate overseer , and it was George W Bush who pulled the trigger to kill president John F Kennedy . Oswald a patsy was then blamed. 

The repossessed corpse of aleister crowley then seized control of america and turned the president into a puppet post . Lbj became crowley's first puppet . That is why Crowley's daugher Candy Crowley monitors the presidential debates , she is choosing a puppet for her father. Crowley turned america socialist through taking away gold and silver under nixon in 1973 . HW Bush thought nixon wasnt neoconservative enough though . So he impeached him . It was at this time that HW Bush was head of the orginization he created, The CIA.

When Carter was president he started a conspiracy with HW Bush to make the muslim brotherhood control iran in a dictatorship so that there would be excuse for war in the middle east . Also at this time W Bush began an oil corporation with the memeber of a scion of the saudi royal family , the bin laden family , who were oil magnates . The member was named Salem bin Laden . W Bush and Salem bin Laden then formed bush and bin laden oil company . Salem bin Laden mysteriously died in a plane crash though and all his money went to W Bush . It then became Bush oil corporation .
HW Bush made himself vice president in 1981 . He then realized reagan wasnt neoconservative so HW Bush got his friend John Hinckley to shoot reagan . Reagan then agreed to be a neoconservative puppet for Bush.

So he was made to llve. As vice president George HW Bush made a plan for creating a dictatorship in america . It would need an enemy for the people to rally against so the dictatorship would look like it is saving them . But they needed to create an enemy . So they decided to create an enemy but make it appear like a hero first . So in the 1980s HW Bush met his son's oil partner's brother , Osama bin laden , and began making him a "soviet resistor" and trained him as an "anti soviet" cia asset . Osama then became a puppet for the CIA and the bushes . After ruling as president and admitting the new world order , hw bush sold the presidency to clinton and the governorship of texas to his son George W Bush . W then seized control in 2001 and continued clinton's agenda , which was to start to portray cia asset bin laden as a enemy so that the government could begin dictatorship . Bush then orchestrated 911 and used bin laden as a patsy and created an overly powerful government and killed millions of people in wars .
the bushes also were responsible for the death of Tesla.

So the bushes had a role in the JFK Assassination , The Holocaust , the murder of Nikola Tesla , 9/11 , Iran Contra , Project Paperclip , Psychiatric Corruption , Monsanto , The Alien Agenda , Drug Smuggling , The Shooting of Reagan , The Nixon Impeachment , The Creation of Islamic Iran , The War in Iraq and Afghanistan and instability and chaos in the middle east , the seizure of american's liberties , The defaming of Geronimo's grave , and the rise of the new world order.


Delayed call by request from PTB - said it would help process.
When all is said and done - best "revenge" is to live WELL.  (let's let bygones be bygones in other words)
IRAQ - SPEAKER FORMALLY ANNOUNCED - others picked and DC's opinion is that the other announcements are waiting on the RV announcement to be done together - they are all Ready
Banks notified to be ready - UN ready here.
Tony says today we are to NOT be controversial.  Today be smooth and not ask for date, rate, and window time frame. Short call planned.
Not always plan to have GOI setbefore the RV - Monday call this HAD to be in place - now..... this has been revised to have been just the Speaker in place - then the president in place - but the plan TODAY is for PM announcement will go simultaneous with the RV. - DC's opinion
Supposedly Maliki has been neutralized and marginalized.  Never went to London - just wouldn't board the plane!! Washington Post article saying he will support Independent Candidate. - we'll see......
Tony says current administration in Washington DC has been helpful to humanity with the RV process/delays and history will reflect that.
DC says we hope delays are over and everyone is cooperating and at last we will have this situation come to a conclusion.
Flavor of this call is - upbeat, anticipatory, and bland.  They are being laid back and low key.  We are CLOSE but CAUTIOUS.  Trying not to rock the boat.  


Video: Gordon Duff - Preston James -The Whole Agenda - Nazi Zionist Pulling Out All The Stops - Coup Attempt Outed

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Gordon Duff - Preston James -The Whole Agenda - Nazi Zionist Pulling Out All The Stops - Coup Attempt Outed
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 16-Jul-2014 22:13:40

Video: Gordon Duff - Preston James -The Whole Agenda - Nazi Zionist Pulling Out All The Stops - Coup Attempt Outed
VT Radio Published on Jul 15, 2014 Revolution Talk Radio
Desperate reptiles make desperate moves.
According to Duff, Nazi Zionist factions believe they can pull off a coup against their competition in the Corporate US Government den of vipers, by turning over another side of the same corrupt coin.
Apparently they believe that parading psychopath murderer Richard 'Dick' Cheney on empty talking head TV shows will vindicate him from the lifetime of crimes, war and otherwise - he has committed.
Apparently, the Nazi Zio's believe they will have enough backing with supporting roles from the likes of the Dick Cheney, Fox News, and other so called 'conservative' networks of talking head Israeli Nazi apologists and co-conspirators of the war against the American people - to pull off a coup of the Obama administration.
Who are they planning to replace the top tier of Obama administration with after the coup?
The list reads like a whose-who of Israel first Nazi psychopaths:
President of the Zionist Reich: Rand Paul
VP: Ted Cruz
Secretary Of State: John McCain
Veterans Today with Stew Web 2014 07 14

Strong stuff.....

Subject Strong stuff.....

There are some gifted people who have the ability to put into words that which most of us are thinking.  Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000.  Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions.
The Architect of Destruction

Maureen Scott

Barack Obama appears to be a tormented man filled with resentment, anger, and
disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his.  He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others.  Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. that was instilled in him by his family and seems to have never left him.
It is not the color of his skin that is a problem in America .  Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.
Think: Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. or its people, with deep appreciation and genuine respect for our history, our customs, our sufferings and our blessings?  Has he ever revealed that, like most patriotic Americans, he gets "goose bumps" when a band plays "The Star Spangled Banner," or sheds a tear when he hears a beautiful rendition of " America the Beautiful?"  Does his heart burst with pride when millions of American flags wave on a National holiday or someone plays "taps" on a trumpet?
Has he ever shared the admiration of the military, as we as lovers of those who keep us free, feel when soldiers march by?  It is doubtful because Obama did not grow up sharing our experiences or our values.  He did not sit at the knee of a Grandfather or Uncle who showed us his medals and told us about the bravery of his fellow troops as they tramped through foreign lands to keep us free.
He didn't have grandparents who told stories of suffering and then coming to America , penniless, and the opportunities they had for building a business and life for their children.

Away from this country as a young child, Obama didn't delight in being part of
 America and its greatness.  He wasn't singing our patriotic songs in kindergarten, or standing on the roadside for a holiday parade and eating a hot dog, or lighting sparklers around a campfire on July 4th as fireworks exploded over head, or placing flags on the grave sites of fallen and beloved American heroes.

Rather he was separated from all of these experiences and doesn't really
understand us and what it means to be an American.  He is void of the basic emotions that most feel regarding this country and insensitive to the instinctive pride we have in our national heritage.  His opinions were formed by those who either envied us or wanted him to devalue the United States and the traditions and patriotism that unites us.

He has never given a speech that is filled with calm, reassuring, complimentary, heartfelt statements about all the people in the U.S.  Or one that inspires us to be better and grateful and proud that in a short time our country became a leader, and a protector of many.
Quite the contrary, his speeches always degenerate into mocking, ridiculing tirades as he faults our achievements as well as any critics or opposition for the sake of a laugh, or to bolster his ego.
He uses his Office to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies and actions.  A secure leader, who has noble self-esteem and not false confidence, refrains from showing such dread of critics and displaying a cocky, haughty attitude.

Mostly, his time seems to be spent causing dissension, unrest, and anxiety among
the people of America , rather than uniting us (even though he was presented to us as the "Great Uniter").
He creates chaos for the sake of keeping people separated, envious, aggrieved and ready to argue. Under his leadership Americans have been kept on edge, rather than in a state of comfort and security. He incites people to be aggressive toward, and disrespectful of, those of differing opinions.
And through such behavior, Obama has lowered the standards for self-control and mature restraint to the level of street-fighting gangs, when he should be raising the bar for people to strive toward becoming more considerate, tolerant, self-disciplined, self-sustaining, and self-assured.
Not a day goes by that he is not attempting to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install controversial appointees, enact divisive mandates, and assert a dictatorial form of power.

· Never has there been a leader of this great land who used such tactics to harm
and hurt the people and this country.
· Never have we had a President who spoke with a caustic, evil tongue against the citizenry rather than present himself as a soothing, calming and trustworthy force.
· Never, in this country, have we experienced how much stress one man can cause a nation of people - on a daily basis!
Obama has promoted the degeneration of peace, civility, and quality of cooperation between us.  He thrives on tearing us down, rather than building us up. He is the Architect of the decline of America , and the epitome of a Demagogue.
© Maureen Scott


7-16-2014 - Well my belief is that we are just a phone call away from entering the bank. I know for a fact that Iraqi government is now officially sorted out and shall all be seated within hours. I also have received info on the placement of the new trn's. The 8% taking only applies to cash extracts not to virtual accounts. 

As I have stated, CL gave you the time frame and the deadline is 7-20 for the GCR, I will agree on that your rv should be casted off within hours, new PM new International Release.

 Our bank is more than ready. One word to a certain lady of gossip, the Generals64/ Studley group is legit and it isn't and never will be a scam, so misses C be very careful how you carry on for you are telling lies about a legitimate group.

Na'maste Bluwolf


As sovereigns, conservatives and patriots we are the only ones on this planet that know the real deal about our birth certificates and how they have been copyrighted IT and how they have monetized it and earned money off of it etc. and etc.

But this now becomes a tort when the bad guys use OUR LEGAL NAME OR ALL CAPS NAME and especially when they force us to use it.

So, in writing up our court case claims against whomever has violated our rights we can add this too. Each little bit adds more money to our claims.

Keep that in mind when we file our claims. Re-read previous emails about how we will file our court case lawsuits from now on.

This article will blow your mind. Because the facts are coming out on CNN, which as we know is a liberal aka a socialist owned News Media.

The socialist world is exposing its own frauds.

let's do our best to peal it like a rotten onion.


TORT -   n. Law
Damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come!
~Victor Hugo

“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man – brave – hated – scorned.  When his cause succeeds,  however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” Mark Twain

John F Kennedy once said – “Man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

The idea going around is this -- that it is better to die than permit your own government to humiliate, harass, rob and arbitrarily imprison, torture, kill and abuse their own citizens.


"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."


Adopt A Terrorist ----The Canadian Minister of Defense has a dead-on sense of humor

The Canadian Minister of Defense has a dead-on sense of humor

The Canadian Minister of Defense has a dead-on sense of humor
"Adopt A Terrorist" -This is BRILLIANT ! '
Adopt a Terrorist.- Too Good to Miss
The Canadians know how to handle complaints.
Here is an example.
A Canadian female liberal wrote a lot of letters to the Canadian government, complaining about the treatment of captive insurgents (terrorists) being held in Afghanistan National Correctional System facilities. She demanded a response to her letter.
She received back the following reply:
National Defense Headquarters
M Gen George R. Pearkes Bldg., 15 NT
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa , ON K1A 0K2

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Thank you for your recent letter expressing your profound concern of treatment of the Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists captured by Canadian Forces, who were subsequently transferred to the Afghanistan Government and are currently being held by Afghan officials in Afghanistan National Correctional System facilities.

Our administration takes these matters seriously and your opinions were heard loud and clear here in Ottawa .. You will be pleased to learn, thanks to the concerns of citizens like yourself, we are creating a new department here at the Department of National Defense, to be called 'Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers' program, or L.A.R.K. for short.

In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we have decided, on a trial basis, to divert several terrorists and place them in homes of concerned citizens such as yourself, around the country, under those citizens personal care. Your personal detainee has been selected and is scheduled for transportation under heavily armed guard to your residence in Toronto next Monday.

Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud is your detainee, and is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your letter of complaint. You will be pleased to know that we will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with your recommendations.
Although Ahmed is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hope that your sensitivity to what you described as his 'attitudinal problem' will help him overcome those character flaws. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as mere cultural differences. We understand that you plan to offer counselling and home schooling, however, we strongly recommend that you hire some assistant caretakers.

Please advise any Jewish friends, neighbours or relatives about your house guest, as he might get agitated or even violent, but we are sure you can reason with him.  He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, so you may wish to keep those items locked up, unless in your opinion, this might offend him.  Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers.  We advise that you do not ask him to demonstrate these skills either in your home or wherever you choose to take him while helping him adjust to life in our country.

Ahmed will not wish to interact with you or your daughters except sexually, since he views females as a form of property, thereby having no rights, including refusal of his sexual demands.  This is a particularly sensitive subject for him.

You also should know that he has shown violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with the dress code that he will recommend as more appropriate attire.  I'm sure you will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the burka over time. Just remember that it is all part of respecting his culture and religious beliefs' as described in your letter.

You take good care of Ahmed and remember that we will try to have a counsellor available to help you over any difficulties you encounter while Ahmed is adjusting to Canadian culture.

Thanks again for your concern.  We truly appreciate it when folks like you keep us informed of the proper way to do our job and care for our fellow man.  Good luck and God bless you.

Gordon O'Connor
Minister of National Defense

Democrats Move to Outlaw Christianity

It's about to get VERY INTERESTING here in what was ONCE the united States of America - the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Harry Reid and his ilk are back with more venom and persecution than ever folks.  Better gear up for the fight of your life - literally.

The mask is off. All pretense has been dropped, and the anti-Christian left’s boundless depth of hatred for individual liberty, our First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is now on full display.
The meltdown continues. This week brings two new developments: (1) Democrats in Congress have readied a legislative “Hobby Lobby fix” that stands exactly zero chance of passing and would be struck down as unconstitutional even if it did, and (2) The ACLU, AFL-CIO, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Lambda Legal and a hodgepodge of other left-wing extremist groups have withdrawn support for the ironically tagged “Employment Non-Discrimination Act” (ENDA) the crown jewel of homofascism, because the bill’s paper-thin “religious exemption” does not adequately outlaw the practice of Christianity.
Addressing the high court’s Hobby Lobby decision last Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., fumed, “We have so much to do this month, but the one thing we’re going to do during this work period – sooner rather than later – is to ensure that women’s lives are not determined by virtue of five white men.”

To which Justice Clarence Thomas replied, “Say what, honky?”
“This Hobby Lobby decision is outrageous,” continued Reid, “and we’re going to do something about it.”
Well, “do something about it” they shall try. reported on legislation Democrats introduced Thursday that would do away with religious liberty protections altogether:
“The legislation will be sponsored by Sens. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Mark Udall, D-Colo. According to a summary reviewed by TPM, it prohibits employers from refusing to provide health services, including contraception [and abortion pills], to their employees if required by federal law. It clarifies that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the basis for the Supreme Court’s ruling against the mandate, and all other federal laws don’t permit businesses to opt out of the Obamacare requirement.
“The legislation also puts the kibosh on legal challenges by religious nonprofits, like Wheaton College, instead declaring that the accommodation they’re provided under the law [there is none] is sufficient to respect their religious liberties.”
This reactionary response to the Hobby Lobby ruling is, of course, little more than an election year fundraising scheme for the Democratic National Committee.
The Washington Post reports, “Several major gay rights groups withdrew support Tuesday for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act that would bolster gay and transgender rights in the workplace, saying they fear that broad religious exemptions included in the current bill might compel private companies to begin citing objections similar to those that prevailed in a U.S. Supreme Court case last week. …
“But the groups said they can no longer back ENDA as currently written in light of the Supreme Court’s decision last week to strike down a key part of President Obama’s health-care law. The court ruled that family-owned businesses do not have to offer their employees contraceptive coverage that conflicts with the owners’ religious beliefs,” concluded the Post.
Gary Glenn is a candidate for the Michigan State House. He’s also president of AFA Michigan. Glenn has been a national leader in defense of religious liberty for well upon two decades. In an email, Glenn wrote, “The extremely limited religious exemptions typically included in discriminatory homosexual and cross-dressing ‘rights’ laws have always been mere window-dressing with no real protection or effect, as witnessed by the ongoing persecution and discrimination under such laws against Christian business owners and community organizations such as the Boy Scouts, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, and even the United Way.
“But now that the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision threatens to give real teeth to such exemptions, the AFL-CIO’s in-house homosexual activist group has announced it will no longer support discriminatory ‘sexual orientation’ legislation that includes even limited exemptions for religious institutions.
“If this zero tolerance stance spreads to larger groups such as the Human Rights Campaign and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force [it now has], this could become the sticking point which hamstrings future attempts to pass federal, state, and local homosexual ‘rights’ legislation. These supposed religious exemptions, which the AFL-CIO’s homosexual lobby at least now says it will no longer support, have been a key propaganda point in blunting the opposition of churches and citizens concerned about the obvious threat such laws pose to religious freedom.”
According to its leftist proponents, ENDA would merely insulate people who choose to engage in homosexual conduct (sexual orientation) or those who suffer from gender confusion (gender identity) against employment intolerance. In truth, however, this legislation effectively would codify the very thing it purports to combat: workplace discrimination.
Though in its current form ENDA contains an extremely weak religious exemption that might – and I mean might – partially protect some churches and religious organizations (until they’re sued by “gay” activists), this so-called exemption would leave most others, such as Bible bookstores and many Christian schools and para-church organizations, entirely unprotected. It would additionally crush individual business owners’ guaranteed First Amendment rights.
Any “religious exemption” is meaningless. Last year Harry Reid promised homosexual pressure groups that Democrats would remove all protections for Christians and other people of faith on the flipside – after ENDA passed.
The homosexual news site Washington Blade reported that homosexual activist Derek Washington of “GetEqual” confirmed Reid’s promise. In a conference call with homosexual activists, Washington admitted that Reid vowed, as goes any religious exemption, “the main thing to do was get the vote taken care of, and then deal with it later. As oftentimes happens, you don’t get something perfect the first time around, you go back and fix it later, so that was basically his take on it.”
According to the Blade, “That account was corroborated by Faiz Shakir, a Reid spokesperson, who said the Democratic leader understands the concerns, but wants to get the bill passed first, then go back and address the exemptions.”  (Sure sounds familiar, doesn't it???  A bit like the Affordable Care Act which is anything BUT about bettering health care.  Try the total desecration of the united States and everyone in it on for size.)
They’ve stopped pretending, folks. This is about criminalizing Christianity. The Hobby Lobby decision has merely made secular liberals forget themselves momentarily. It’s blown back the propagandist curtain to expose their truly sinister aims. Hobby Lobby hasn’t put the “culture war” to rest. It’s taken a gavel to the “progressive” hornets’ nest.
Break out the popcorn and Jujubes. It’s about to get interesting.