Sunday, December 14, 2014



Rv/gcr :dearest young lady as you see right now we are not in the bank yet what we are seeing is that the United States Treasury once again blocked us from our currency exchange.

No fear the United States Republic is on its way in the money that the Republic needs looks like it will be released on Monday regardless of whether United States Treasury likes it or not if this is true we may still be in the bank before Christmas
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:40

Gina Smith :My source said the admiral went in today. Our China bond dealer just arrived in the US!
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 5:25 PM No comments:

TNT Tony ‏@THE_TNT_TEAM 49s49 seconds ago Talked to D.C and others, everything is still on track for a SUPERFANTASTIC weekend. #wearethepeople
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 3:19 PM No comments:

Chat 12/13/2014 1:12pm est

 [terryk] so i am hearing that we have a window between monday and monday

 [terryk] i can't tell u the date
 [terryk] only suggest 
[terryk] ok all gotta run for a bit
 [terryk] michigander take the floor buddy

 [michigander0131] hey terry things looking real good over in the sand pit   

 [graciousme] michigander0131 good it is time 

[terryk] yea michigander i got yesterday that the peeps are trying their best to make it happen before the new year 

[terryk] my question is this our new year or theirs

 [michigander0131] graciousme yes its very clear that abadi is trying to get things moving

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 3:10


Thanks George For Sending To Dinar Recaps

Hello – forwarding the recent newsletter from mnt goat dated 12/13. Hope you can post in recaps.   GeorgeH

UU8544 – “Do you have your champagne ready?”   -   Mnt Goat

Hi Everyone,

My family and I are heading off on the train tomorrow morning for Rothenburg ob der Tauber and its spectacular setting for the Christmas market.

Rothenburg , home to the Christmas Museum, the medieval city is a magical place to spend the festive season. Surrounded by imposing town walls, steep-roofed gable houses line narrow cobbled streets, creating a romantic and festive atmosphere. Although some dislike the Disneyesque nature of the city, its unspoiled beauty is irrefutable.

The Reiterlesmarkt is held on a medieval stage and Rothenburg is illuminated by thousands of twinkling lights. Unlike cosmopolitan Berlin and Cologne, Rothenburg has an entirely different feel, with smaller markets and a more intimate setting.

Christmas pastries, white mulled wine and bratwurst can all be bought. Rothenburg's Schneeball (snow ball) is a must-try for those with a sweet-tooth, made from strips of sweet fried dough covered in powdered chocolate or sugar. Meine Kinder are all excited.

But before we left I wanted to pop in to give you a quick update of what  is now happening in Iraq. I think you will find it absolutely amazing.

Today's newsletter, as in all my newsletters, is a continuation of the ongoing saga of the IQD RV process. Please refer back to my last newsletter of 12/8 as this newsletter is a continuation of this news.

Today’s News

First let me give you a quick update on the ISIS situation. They are about to head into battle in the attempt to take Mosul back. As you may remember this was the city that was first over run in June of this year by ISIS insurgents. Mosul is significant in many ways.

 It is the key to finally getting rid of ISIS from Iraq in any real force. We have been hearing about this build up now for weeks prior to this coming battle. Now this battle it is about to take place. Please pay attention to it and the timing of the outcome.

Here is the latest news today from the Iraqi news media on this topic:

MP Mohamed Salim from the Shabak community in Iraq announced that "30,110 Shabaki fighters have formed a front to take part in the security operation to clear Mosul and pursue the ISIL militants.

Salim told Alforat "The second regiment of Shabaki fighters has completed where the number of volunteers reached 655 fighters and it will join the first regiment which includes 655 fighters.

The total number now is 30,110 fighters from the Shabak community. They will back the security forces and Peshmerga forces to liberate Mosul city and purge it of the ISIL terrorists.

The other items I want to share I will briefly list out. Many of these items I have talked about previously. I did mention to you a couple times we had to get an announcement from the CBI or the GOI in the going forward with the project to delete the zeros.

There would then be another announcement to the citizens of the new rate as they finally pop out the RV. We did not yet get this second announcement yet but we did get Abadi making a short speech today confirming they will complete this project now.

Note - That is he did not say in the coming months, weeks or
days but NOWYes I said NOW !

I would not be this excited myself if this was not all adding up to a very near RV.

>Tariffs going to be implemented early 2015, article after article has said this and now once again more on it today budget will be done by 2015, once again more on it today, it should be passed to parliament Sunday (today) for a second reading and maybe a quick vote.

> Abadi made announcement to public in Iraq today they fully intend to go ahead with the deletion of the zeros project
and do it now. The decision could not be any more clear that it is imperative to rollout the lower denominations, active the ATMS and move forward, we are just 20 days from 2015 if Iraq holds on that long without an RV

I have never seen the GOI and Parliament work so nicely together to get the needed bills written, updated and passed. It’s like a spark of divine intervention hath comith upon Iraq…lol….
However there are still three very important bills needed to move forward. They are the HCL, Amnesty and the Judicial Reform bills. All three are negotiated and written. Ready to go!

They just need to go through the formal channels now of their new democracy to make them official. I suspect they are aligning these bills too for full implementation to the Jan 1st, 2015 date.

One note about HCL - the GOI has made the first installment of the needed
“good faith” payment to the Kurds  of the negotiated overdue owed monies. These were the hardest level of contention to strike the deal the GOI recently made to get HCL pushed through.

If you remember the Kurds were never paid the needed 17% in full  under the Maliki administration, as guaranteed by the Iraq constitution. This money just does not disappear.

It has been accumulating over the last 4 years and must be all paid to the Kurds. They could not settle HCL unless this deal was striked and it was.
Yes- Abadi was left with a mess to resolve.

Some more news about Maliki. Last week they continued with the investigation into the “ghost” soldiers. The count now is as high as
250-300,000 ghost soldiers that were billed not only for pay but also for meals and uniform allowances. It has been determined that Maliki’s take was as much as 40%. 

This has been going on now for 8 years.
It will mount into the billions of dollars. Once the investigation started, many of those indicted came forward to sequel like little piggys.

I still want to know what Maliki is hiding in the palace he occupies and refuses to leave. I will tell you just as soon as I know but it will not be long.
I am standing firm he will be taken into custody before Jan 1st and be out of the picture finally for the good of all Iraqi citizens. Seems every time Abadi overturns a rock he finds past Maliki corruption. Oh boy !


I think we are in a very good window to see the RV announcement anytime now (even before XMAS) up to the first week in January 2015 and onward. The amazing part is the timing is not like it was even a week ago never mind months ago.
All signs are telling us it could literally happen this weekend. 

Remember they do not need the 2015 budget to RV
but rather need the RV to open the budget. I believe these two events will coincide very nicely.  Let’s see what happens.

Then when can we expect the RV?

Let’s just say this – If you have not yet gone out and purchased your bottle of champagne. I would do it now and get it chilled and ready……..!

Peace and Luv To Ya All,   Mnt Goat

One Pissed off American

One Pissed off American … OK, enough is enough!  Come on, people!!!

Christmas is coming, I don't know about you all, but I got folks that
would love extra few hundred / thousand(s) of bucks right now, not
presents, just living and eating.  Maybe some warmer clothing.  Just
saying to me, oh some Banker bitch is on vacation and we cannot see
some funds until next year, this shit ain’t flying.  My people are civilians and military getting screwed.

Enough is enough don’t you think?

The wicked witch is DEAD!  The house fallen on the wicked witch.  You get it, US Corp is corporate paperwork is was not renewed, the
managing body over the US Corp out of Porta Rico has not renewed
either. The money flow keeping them alive has been cut off from Saudi, Japan, etc.  The Cabal types are powerless at this time. OK, now what?

I laughed when I heard US House had a budget proposed for 1.1T.  You
all remember, the Royals are giving 1T to all governments.  And these
US House is spending more than given, ain’t that cute, and it ain’t a
whole year just until Sept, hmmm fiscal Year maybe!

The Federal Reverse has no money, cannot print more money. The world should have moved to Basel III, Gold backed currency. At least the boards has said this ... If I remembers correctly, Iraq RV'd Oct 31st
... and the world has been waiting on TRN's. Go Figure! This was set
to go May 2014 of this year also ... waiting on TRN's.

Suddenly we  get a flurry of board announcements that everyone was
in DC, blah, blah, blah, and new updates to treaty to allow exchanges
in other currencies other than TRN's.  What I can't figure, its
supposedly live "Digital TRN's" world. OK, mark my account as gold backed and let’s go!

U see Madam WU, General Lee, Prince William of England on our lands,
signing stuff, releasing stuff.  Hell, let’s just say it, Atlanta,
General 64 / studely / Wells Fargo Group now, got money, so why we wait?

Just because “O Factor” is doing his job to STOP, STOP, STOP because I can ... who cares, leave them behind.  We the people can move forward, a General Ham?  Let the bacon roll!! It’s been said that “O Factor” did not believe the world would move forward so he just ignoring them as usual.

You image, when he is standing at the pearly gates, the long list of
contracts he signed and reneged on ... and how many times he used
double talk to resign those same contracts for more money ... Not me!

What I really don’t get, there is no government, a corporation cannot
be government representing people.  A corporation is a fictional entity, made up of Executives, Board of Control, Stock holders, Employees who are considered to be slaves ... they pay you want they feel your worth, they allow you to take vacation when they approve and limit how long and call you on vacation to do your work just because.

Shit I was taught that a government is a body politic, go figure!
One that is both personally and publically responsible for their
actions.  You know bonded public servant, not insured public servant,
big difference.  Bonded means you got skin in the game where insurance says you have no personal skin in game.  Ain’t that nice, ... show me your bond?  All public and judicial folks got to have a bond?? go figure.

Hairy Legs, where are YOU!!! Your called to duty ... remove those
actors from our public servant offices ... and put them into FEMA camps ... good place for them until their trials ...

Suddenly, back channel fishing noise said the world served the Supreme Court, who is corporation also, with papers that US Corp
signed to work with the world, Supreme Court then ordered US Corp, you know the dead company and US Treasury, a dead company, to release the TRN's and the RV ... Ya, Ya,. You expect them to do the release, shit you more stupid than me. So what the hell will happen at 11:59 pm Thursday?

Oh, those Supreme Court judges got fancy, if anyone person impacts
and prevents TRN announcement and release of world wide RV, they are to be arrested and detained.  Great, I'm from Missouri, so, show me!

Funny part, my friend who retired military, worked high places, with
those security badges, called me and said they saw on CNN last night
that “o Factor”, "All the Joint chiefs" - you know, the hairy legged, skirt wearing, sissy boys, members of congress and whole bunch of
panicking people ... drama queens, what is up?  My friend continued to say, they are all sequestered ...hmmm, why isolated, waiting.

And this just don’t figure, what is Operation Noble Eagle? Something about lots of military flat foots, ground pounders types in DC ... Not
those brassy ones.

Have you been watching the west coast weather & east coast weather, shit,  its like a weather war going on ... hmmm, most of the largest cities in US are on both coast lines, getting hit hard from weird
storms.  Distractors maybe?, it keeps people in their homes, Hmmm, just gots to wonder?

Oh, back to those hairy legged, skirt wearing, sissy boys who work in
that funny sided building, did you know that when girly boy Dempsey
exited West point, sense he is known as a ground pounder, was offered a chance to join the secrete sociality call Knights of Malta, hmmm, he did.  Sonofabitch. He became a member of elite group who swore an oath to protect the Pope.  What! Crap, he is a Vassal of the pope or papacy. Shit, duel loyalty – traitor in my book! My military buds, said all those medals on his chest are politically received, not from seeing action, he never was there, he ran, just like a sissy boy does!

And I always wondered how much money Dempsey got in that Vatican Bank account which is added to every year of office he holds as Joint
Chief.  Foreign bank, rumored money placed there by Bush Sr aka Pappy (just a little MK Ultra/Monarch mind control meme), kinda sounds like bribes . Why should either one be walking around in public, if you or me did that, wee’s be in jail. It just don’t work for me!

You know, military types, Jag, you got to investigate these types of
allegations (big words) ... HMMM. What about a brig for dumbsters!

Hey Pope dude, you’re not out of this, these corporate shits is your
fault since it comes from Vatican papal law anyways.  You need set
your foot down and stop these thieves.  And what is up with the White
Pope, Gray Pope and Black Pope?  Gosh dam, I thought I was watching
that movie with the little guys with hairy feet, au, Gandolf the Gray,
Dark Lord Sauron = Black Pope who is located at funny sided building,
Saruman the White, shit, we watching the hobbit and lord of the rings, in real life.

Ok, I hope U readers see my points, lots of you out there just hate
the USA, I get it, but what you hate is the “Leadership”, but stop!
Its more than just US Corp, it’s the Crown aka Rothschild banking /
banker, its Vatican who allowed them to carry out this crap / it’s the
UN who signs off on assassinations along with the Queen of England, so if you’re going to hate, hate that.

Stop hating the American people, remember, we are the victims here,
we been screwed when they change the Constitution back in early 1800's by adding Federal Districts, then Lincoln, the first False Flag
president that turned the families of the North against the families
of the South which still has not been healed.

Don’t forget the act of 1871 which the attorneys again, BAR attorneys,
those British Accredited Register, foreign citizens, changed the laws
to favor them and their kind against the people who are the ones that really matter.

So this Christmas, if I had a chance to talked with God, Jesus, Asian
Royal Family member in charge Grand Father (dude on the boards),
Leaders of the World, I would say, stop hating American's, we are
victims just as you guys, Arrest all those who call themselves US leaders, try them for crimes against humanity & USA citizens.  We need to freed from these Nazi, Sociopaths, criminal psychopaths,
greedy-addicted-controlling nut jobs that thinks everything belongs to them!

Don't you think our military, active, real leaders would shut this down. I guess they are sissy boys.  So you out there, we need you to join us and stop this disgusting acts against all of us, and that means you too.

Don’t give them any more time to wiggle out of stuff, that all you do
is give them more time.  Stop it, they lie, cheat, steal, deceive, confuse, distract while they steal your babies, money, lives, land,
resources, etc. because they feel the law never applies to them.

So, you Supreme courts, World Courts, you got reinforcement?  Use it
to arrest ... You JAG core, use your talents to stop this and issue military warrants and have Provo Marshall take them down ... Agencies, do your job and stop them.  And Military leadership at the funny sided building, you suck.

Because, I don’t want this country to be a third world country, you crazies. I don’t want to lose my friends and family.  I really don’t want the show "Dude, your screwed" TV show to be our reality.  How
much longer do we have to stay as SLAVES to these thugs.

All the years we sent men and women to fight for your lands, we shed
blood for your protection, we took in your people, feed them, gave them shelter, sent them aid,  and said, we got your back, YOU ALL ARE TURNING YOURS BACK AT US.

Yes, I am pissed, Yes, I am tired of the same old shit, Yes, I want change in this country – for the better – true freedom. Hell, that word, Un-a-lien-able rights!  I want Jeremiah 29:11 from NIV, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." and in Hebrew “Shalom” and in Islamic, Asalaam Alaikum - "Peace be onto you."

I want our people around the world Fed, Clothed, Health, Free of Worry, working toward common good.  We will get there without the evil ones.

What are You going to do about it? It is time for We the People to win! To all my friends around the world – we stand in one voice, it is time to rid us of this evil on planet earth.

God, your people request freedom from evil!

One Pissed Off America, signing off for now.  Remember, You too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time buck

up and man up, so lets change this together!

Saturday, December 13, 2014













THAT WE DON’T KNOW? !!!!!!!!!!!

Questions on hedging physical or trading gold and silver
please call or email me!
 See my information below:
(click on show more below)

Jim Comiskey Metals December 11th, 2014



Published on Dec 11, 2014
Questions on hedging physical or trading gold and silver please call or email me!
See my information below: (click on show more below)

Toll-Free: 1-888-935-7979
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Monthly Heat Miser contest,
please email your forecast for the end of month prices on gold and silver to:

If you want to donate money for equipment,
software, appreciation, or to buy us some beer,
please do so via PayPal to email:

Thanks everyone for watching!


BobMarley/JohnLennon Killed by CIA for Uniting People

  Bob Marley Sings "They Don't Want to See Us Unite"
  His Lyrics Terrified the Shadow Dictatorship!

 Black Music Hero Bob Marley was Assassinated by the C.I.A.
 His Offense? Uniting the People Against Oppression!

 White Music Hero John Lennon was Assassinated by a C.I.A. Puppet.
 His Offense? Uniting the People Against Oppression!

Libertarian Party calls for shutting down CIA, criminal prosecutions

Libertarian Party calls for shutting down CIA, criminal prosecutions

For Immediate Release
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Libertarian Party calls for shutting down CIA, criminal prosecutions
Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas J. Sarwark released the following statement today:
"The CIA’s practice of torture confirmed by the Senate Intelligence Report released on December 9 shows the agency engaged in reprehensible and illegal behaviors that were, in effect, war crimes.
"The CIA and politicians redacted the bulk of the government’s report, which remains withheld from public view. One can only speculate as to the additional horrors that lie within the rest of the report, given the gravity of what was revealed.
"These acts of torture were immoral, disgusting, and un-American. And worse still, they were ineffective.
"Yet the CIA and the Department of Justice, which sanctioned the torture, claim that it was legal and exhibit a shocking lack of remorse for the brutality inflicted on its victims.
"Whether it's choking a man to death for selling loose cigarettes in New York or torturing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, the government refuses to prosecute government employees who brutalize the vulnerable. When the government investigates itself, it almost always clears itself of any
"This is why we must shut down the CIA. Its 70-year history is littered with episodes of human rights violations, illegal activities, and deception, including:
Targeted killings and assassinations
Overthrowing democratically elected governments,
Human experimentation, including giving the hallucinogenic drug LSD to U.S. and Canadian citizens without their knowledge
Dealing heroin in Asia
Spying on Americans, members of congress, and foreign leaders,
Shipping war prisoners to foreign countries where torture is permissible (‘extraordinary rendition’).
Lying to Congress
"The CIA is one of sixteen U.S. spy agencies that should have been severely downsized if not abolished during the alleged ‘consolidation’ of the U.S. government’s spy apparatus in 2004.
"But rather than downsize, politicians merely added another layer of bureaucracy, increased government spending, and expanded government authority.
"Government-sanctioned torture is bipartisan. Republican President George W. Bush authorized the torture revealed in the senate report. President Barack Obama granted him full immunity.
"Famed journalist Glenn Greenwald said ‘The Obama administration's aggressive, full-scale whitewashing of the “war on terror” crimes committed by Bush officials is now complete.’
"Whereas Democrats and Republicans have continually funded and encouraged CIA war crimes, the Libertarian Party has consistently and strongly opposed the use of torture, mass surveillance, and human rights violations by the U.S. government throughout the party's 43-year history.
"The Libertarian Party calls for real accountability, including prosecuting all of those who authorized and performed these brutal acts.
"The Senate Intelligence Committee released its report after this year’s election - when it was safe, even though the report was finished four years ago.
"Perhaps both Democratic and Republican politicians are hoping voters will forget about this disgrace before the 2016 election.
"The Libertarian Party urges you to remember -- and to demand human decency by voting Libertarian."
The Libertarian Party platform plank on Internal Security and Individual Rights states:
"The defense of the country requires that we have adequate intelligence to detect and to counter threats to domestic security. This requirement must not take priority over maintaining the civil liberties of our citizens. The Constitution and Bill of Rights shall not be suspended even during time of war. Intelligence agencies that legitimately seek to preserve the security of the nation must be subject to oversight and transparency. We oppose the government's use of secret classifications to keep from the public information that it should have, especially that which shows that the government has violated the law."

Jerry McGovern
330 W HWY 246



     I recently sank one large group of critics of mainstream Christianity when I showed two references in the New Testament showing that Sunday was the main worship day of Christianity in the days of the Apostle Paul. The critics did not know that the 8th day which was a common term in early Christian writings referred to Sunday. Sunday was called the 8th day because it was the day that Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave. The 8th day was used twice in the New Testament as reference for the main worship day of Christianity already in the days of the Apostle Paul as the New Testament records. With the Apostle Paul visiting a church on the 8th day which was the day that the churches broke bread (referring to Holy Communion) and would be visiting a church on the 8th day which was the day of gatherings (collected offerings for the main worship day each week), I frankly showed that the critics were at a minimum not scholars who checked out their details  thoroughly.  Or maybe motivated by hatred or jealousy towards churches that did not agree with them on all points, they tried to pick a point for a fight that the main churches could not defend themselves on and so discredit them with inaccurate scholarship. However, the  other side acting upon passed on traditions did not know why they really worshipped on Sunday or not as their main worship day each week.

     Christians could worship also on Saturday, Wednesday, or any other day of the week, but to honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday which they called the 8th day, they elected in the days of the Apostles of Jesus Christ to make Sunday their main worship day for each week.

     And the side using fraudulent scholarship to try and discredit any church disagreeing with them said Constantine the Great changed the main worship day from Saturday to Sunday whereas the New Testament clearly shows that Sunday was already the main worship day for Christians two centuries before Constantine the Great arose in history! Also, claiming that Christian churches who worshipped on Sunday instead of Saturday had the mark of the beast on them for doing that was fraudulent scholarship or else incompetent scholarship on their part. Two main branches of the Catholic side (Roman and Greek) were smeared with this attempted defamation of them and also most mainline Protestant denominations as well.
     Early Christian writings stated the bread and the wine in Holy Communion were changed into the mystical flesh and blood of Jesus Christ after the invocation was prayed over them. St. Padre Pio who was impressive to me with stunning daily Miracles of God for 50 years while he bore the stigmata of Christ on his body for this same 50 years also clearly stated that the bread and wine were turned into the actual flesh and blood of Christ in the Catholic Mass once the invocation was prayed over them. I would sooner bet that the first Christian writings and St. Padre Pio were right than the Christian scholar who says that this is just a memorial service and nothing more with the Holy Communion in Christian churches throughout the world. By the way, when St. Padre Pio died Sept. 23, 1968, the wounds of Christ disappeared from his body as he died and he died a normal man after that. For whatever it is worth, St. Padre Pio said that he would ask that he not enter into formal Paradise while people on earth still wanted him to pray for them. When there was no more need for him on earth, then he wanted to enter the entrance into Paradise. Was he right or wrong in this stand he believed valid? When a man or woman has constant Miracles of God occur with them, I do not laugh nor mock them. And I listen with respect to that man or woman then speaking about God and the supernatural.
     There are scholars so filled with hatred that they want to divide Christianity no matter how silly the excuse or argument they invent to try and divide Christianity with. Some say that you sleep in the ground until the Day of Judgment. Strange, but I have seen many people who died for a while and one friend of mine who was dead at a hospital around 16-18 hours and then awoke alive again which shocked and scared part of the hospital staff when this happened. The dead I have seen who became alive again talk of being alive in the hereafter and either facing at least Paradise or else Hell as their permanent location for all eternity if they did not somehow become alive again.

     Your Pastor Dan of Nigeria who likely has won millions to become Christians in Africa was dead for three days and then brought back to life at a Reinhard Bonnke Crusade with a huge crowd there in Nigeria. When Pastor Dan became alive again due to the amazing faith of his wife who took him by ambulance from the morgue to the crusade to bring him back alive again, he talked of seeing both Paradise and Hell. While seeing Paradise which was wonderful to be in, he was asked if he would return to the earth. He did not want to return from this wonderful place until he was told that he would be sent permanently to Hell until he returned. He had a bitter fight with his wife and as he would not forgive her when she asked him to, this act would cause him to be damned to hell for all eternity even though that he had been a Christian pastor while alive. Once alive again, he became a super saint in his life and got the message loud and clear that if he could not forgive others, neither would he be forgiven in the hereafter exactly as Jesus had explained in a parable in the New Testament.
     Shortly before writing this, I was reading a Bible passage of the New Testament explaining that those who loved evil would be rewarded for their evil in life once they died. Those that loved good would be rewarded for their good acts (done in the right spirit, of course!) once they died. The New Testament and early Christianity taught that we are saved by grace such as the thief on the cross with no time to do good in his life before he died but he accepted Jesus as his saviour just before dying. But also we are rewarded for all eternity for the good we do for the right reasons while on earth. Grace saves us, but good works done with a good heart and for the right reasons are where we get our rewards for all eternity. The New Testament including Revelation is loaded with promises of rewards for doing what the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to do while on this earth!
     The haters of serious Christianity pull many verbal tricks on the naive and gullible who are light on thinking and scholarship and do not want to listen to sound scholars of Christianity whether Protestant or Catholic. As the famous Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen stated when alive, he had maybe 2,000 Protestant books in his library as well as Catholic books (more Catholic of course!) as he said that the Catholics had no monopoly on being inspired by the Holy Ghost to show things to Christians to make them better Christians in life. Some Protestant scholars had good points they raised in Christianity as well as Catholic scholars!
     Sometimes I have answers that neither the standard Protestant or Catholic scholars have. None of us has a monopoly on all knowledge or truth in life, so all smart people always listen to other smart people regardless of which side of the fence they are on to see if they have a smart angle or else a foolish angle in some point they raise. I have heard so many times that the Feast of the Nativity or birth of Christ was celebrated at Christmas to honor a pagan holiday. Pure hot air at best! Con argument at worst. In the Constitutions of the Holy Apostles is the writing by a Jewish scholar turned Christian convert. He refers to Jesus being born on the 25th of the 9th month which is the Feast of Lights or Hanukah which was a major holiday in the Jewish religion and represented that God dwelt among us. Now this is taken from the Jewish religious calendar which basically was equivalent to December 25. And at the time of Christ, the Pharisees thought that the Roman solar calendar was more accurate than the Jewish lunar calendar and so coordinated their calendar with the Roman calendar so Jesus Christ was born on Dec. 25 on both the Jewish and Roman calendar that year! And since both Protestant and Catholic scholars like to judge that Jesus Christ was born 5 B.C. or earlier, the general teaching of first Christianity as recorded in their writings is that Jesus Christ was born 28 years after the death of Cleopatra of Egypt (30 B.C.). So Jesus was born in or close to 2 B.C. and not earlier at 5 B.C. or earlier than that! I am not an amateur as a scholar in historical research work!
     Now our usual con artist fake scholars in Christianity like to claim that Christmas was celebrated on Dec. 25 to honor a pagan god. If I use the poor quality reference the con artist fake scholars like to use so much, this is pure "B.S." on their part! A claimed scholar who can only use references like "B.S." to try and argue against the scholarship and arguments of the other side implies that his scholarship and brains are so low as to likely be around a 50 I.Q. rating in intelligence or some level like that! I just used the "B.S." reference here to show what real scholars do not resort to as it implies that they have no brains and so can only argue with insults to try and derail the other side on an issue.
     Probably Bishop John Chrysostom of Constantinople in the 4th century was as brilliant in Christian scholarship as you would find in his day in the Eastern half of Christianity in the Roman Empire. He greatly rejoiced when a delegation from Constantinople found the tax census records of the Imperial Tax Archives in Rome and found Jesus Christ listed as born on Dec. 25 on the Roman calendar. The Roman Church half of Christianity had taught that date for the Feast of the Nativity for a long time but the Eastern half of Christianity was not convinced until the tax census records were found stored in Rome and then it was official for Christianity that Jesus had actually been born on December 25 as the tax census records showed. Since Jesus was born in Bethlehem when the Jewish and Roman calendars coordinated together then due to Pharisee policy, Jesus was born on Hanukkah which explains the inn full at Bethlehem with religious pilgrims going to the Temple at Jerusalem to celebrate Hannakuk there. Also, the shepherds in the hills selling sheep to those wanting them. That was too good of a business outside of Jerusalem for shepherds to ignore at time of Hannukah! After all, business is business when the customers are there! I heard the argument that it was too cold and shepherds would not be there in that extreme cold then. I was in Jerusalem 10 days after Christmas and the weather was light jacket at worst on some days. The cold weather would have been at the mountains nearby in Lebanon. People dislike some stands in Christianity and so invent poor quality arguments to try and stop scholarly, well researched positions wi
     I looked at the astronomical history for Israel at the time of Passover. The assigned date for Easter was about as good as could have been done to keep it attached to the Jewish calendar, but the Jewish calendar moved around a bit as a lunar calendar whereas the Roman calendar was steadier as a solar calendar based upon the sun instead of the moon. Easter was not set up to honor a pagan holiday, but was about as good of an attempt as the early Christians could do to keep their calendar reliably reflecting when Jesus Christ died and then resurrected in Jerusalem afterwards.
     Jesus warned that he who caused a child to lose his faith in God, better for that man to have a millstone hung around his neck and thrown into the ocean than for him to later face the Judgment of God for destroying the faith of a small child in God. Matthew 18:6 :
King James Bible
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
     Those who oppose allowing prayer and the Bible in the public schools face the curse of Matthew 18:6 later for all eternity. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both approved of the 10 Commandments and prayer and the Bible being allowed in the public schools. Thomas was author of the American Declaration of Independence of 1776 and James Madison was called the "Father of the U.S. Constitution" and "Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights". When Thomas Jefferson was President of America, he proposed that the two required textbooks to be used in all public schools of America were the Bible and the Watt's Christian Hymnal. His best friend James Madison who also later was President saw nothing wrong in this in the U.S. Bill of Rights that he had written for America and so did not object to this policy proposed by President Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson also used federal funds to evangelize American Indians to Christianity while he was President. Also, the Capitol Building that Congress met in was used on Sundays as a local church for them and others to pray in. How the liberals turned around the history of America into lies by teaching us a Marxist version of American history instead of Christian! The American Congress during the American Revolution bought 10,000 copies of the Bible and had it given to soldiers fighting the American Revolution and said that the Christian Bible was the political textbook of the American Revolution. Gen. George Washington addressed his soldiers as soldiers for our King Jesus Christ who we are fighting for in the American Revolution. During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress fighting the American Revolution addressed prayers to Jesus Christ on behalf of the nation and stated that the main reason for the American Revolution was so that the Christian Gospel could spread from America to later cover the whole world! How "politically correct" Wash., D.C. today lies about the founding history of America using the Marxist version of American history instead of the true version of the Christian version of American history! Also, this Common Core version of education pushed by Obama Wash., D.C. now is for the brainwashing and not educating the children of America today.
     Stepping on toes! Romans 4 shows that the Old Covenant with promises on behalf of Abraham, etc. was replaced with the New Covenant transferring promises to Abraham and first only to the Children of Israel to now the entire human race on earth if they become true Christians. Really the Jews do not have to lose the promises given to Abraham, etc. Become Christians as many of the descendants of Israel already have and do not know their identity today as the Old Testament predicted, but become Christian Jews and retain what you racially want out of your own Jewish culture so long as it is the good and not bad of the culture! We have German Christians, French Christians, English Christians, Italian Christians, African Christians, Middle East Christians, Asian Christians, Central and Latin American Christians, North American Christians, so why not also Jewish Christians and not ashamed of their ancient culture in the process of becoming Christians?

     This report is answering critics of Christianity where too many churches and Christians sit silently while Christianity is defamed by many bad and poor quality scholars. With only one side standing up and the other silent side making it look like the critics are right in the nonsense they claim about Christianity, this weakens the side of Christianity in the world. When you stand up strong for Christianity, you will then create a great Christian revival in the world!
    Pass this report around if you are a spiritual soldier of Christ and the Army of the Lord spiritually speaking out to overcome the world rather than be overcome by the world!
     Our website is Our email is Our mailing address for orders and payments sent by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for.
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the only Christian leader apparently in America now standing for restoration of prayer and the Bible to our public schools. I am not ashamed of Christ? Are you? We pass our proposed Omni Law on our website and we restore the Christian America of 1776!)




Burned biscuit Stock Photo - 24720925
                          --author unknown

When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food
for dinner every now and then.

I remember one night in particular when she had made
breakfast after a long, hard day at work.

On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate
of eggs, sausage and extremely  burned biscuits in front
of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!

Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my
 mom and ask me how my day was at school.

I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do
remember watching him smear butter and
jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite!

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember
hearing my mom apologize to my dad
for burning the biscuits.

And I’ll never forget what he said:
“Honey, I love burned biscuits.”

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and
I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned.

He wrapped me in his arms and said,

“Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and
she’s real tired. And besides – a little burnt biscuit
never hurt anyone!”

Life is full of imperfect things, and imperfect people.

I’m not the best at hardly anything, and I forget
birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else.

But what I’ve learned over the years is that learning
to accept each others faults
– and choosing to celebrate each others differences –
is one of the most important keys to creating
a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

And that’s my prayer for you today.

That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and
the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of God.

Because in the end, He’s the only One who will be able
to give you a relationship
where a burnt biscuit isn’t a deal-breaker!

We could extend this to any relationship.

In fact, understanding is the base of any relationship,
be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!

“Don’t put the key to your happiness in someone
else's pocket – keep it in your own.”

God Bless You. Now, and Always.

So please pass me a biscuit, and yes, the burnt
one will do just fine.!.!.!.! 

And PLEASE pass this along to someone who has
 enriched your life.

 I just did!

--thanks for sharing, Dan Bigelow!!


CGI's FrancisDrake: Wall Street's sharpest fall in 2.5 years over oil prices and China...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
CGI's FrancisDrake: Wall Street's sharpest fall in 2.5 years over oil prices and China...
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 13-Dec-2014 14:06:10

Market Wrap: Wall Street Has Worst Week in Over 2 Years
Dec 12th 2014 4:40PM
APTOPIX Financial Markets Wall Street Richard Drew/AP
By Chuck Mikolajczak and Sinead Carew
NEW YORK -- U.S. stocks fell sharply Friday, leaving the benchmark S&P 500 with its worst weekly performance since May 2012, as investors pulled back from the markets in response to oil's free-fall and more weak data out of China.
Oil's declines have underscored concerns about global demand, and with the S&P 500 having hit a record high only last week, investors were loath to fight the downward pressure on stocks, which accelerated in the final minutes of trading. The S&P dropped 3.5 percent on the week after seven straight weeks of gains.
The S&P energy sector was down 2.2 percent on the day. It is down 16.5 percent this year, the worst performing of 10 S&P sectors. Dow components Exxon Mobil (XOM) and Chevron (CVX) both hit 52-week lows as U.S. crude oil fell below $58 a barrel, hitting five-year lows, on expectations of reduced worldwide energy demand....

The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the British Crown and the Vatican Rule the World

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the British Crown and the Vatican Rule the World
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Saturday, 13-Dec-2014 04:07:49

There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.
Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.
This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply 'The City.'
The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.
The City is referred to as the wealthiest square mile on earth and is presided over by a Lord Mayor who is appointed annually.
When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests permission to enter this private, sovereign state. She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the Mayor.
Her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniforms.
In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world's trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world's oceans.
The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown's commerce and the Crown's wealth.
As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).
Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown.
The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court.
They are: the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar.
The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple.
The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America.
To have the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to establish the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally as the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled with a capital letter 'S,' denotes a legal entity of the Crown.
At least five Templar Bar Attorneys under solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This means that both parties were agents of the Crown.
There is no lawful effect when a party signs as both the first and second parties. The Declaration was simply an internal memo circulating among private members of the Crown.
Most Americans believe that they own their own land, but they have merely purchased real estate by contract. Upon fulfillment of the contract, control of the land is transferred by Warranty Deed.
The Warranty Deed is only a 'color of title.' Color of Title is a semblance or appearance of title, but not title in fact or in law. The Warranty Deed cannot stand against the Land Patent.
The Crown was granted Land Patents in North America by the King of England. Colonials rebelled at the usurious Crown taxes, and thus the Declaration of Independence was created to pacify the populace.
Another ruse used to hoodwink natural persons is by enfranchisement. Those cards in your wallet bearing your name spelled in all capital letters means that you have been enfranchised and have the status of a corporation.

Video: Swiss Nazi Templars - The World's Most Dangerous Mafia

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Video: Swiss Nazi Templars - The World's Most Dangerous Mafia
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 13-Dec-2014 09:27:44

Published on Nov 15, 2013
Stop The Criminal Swiss Nazi Templars of
Whenever there is war, the Swiss banks profit from both sides.
Watch "Octogon The Empire of Darkness", "Pharistocracy" and "The Pharaoh Show"

Dinar Tony-DC Update

Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2014 8:51:55 AM
Subject: Dinar  Tony-DC Update
12-13-2014   Intel Guru TNT Tony  [via Adept1]   I’m feeling super-fantastic, nothing but good news.   Everything we are hearing is “push, push, push” and even Washington was asking this morning, “Why isn’t this done? Let’s go!”  It’s looking really good, the best we’ve seen it in months and weeks.  This is the first time we’ve seen this many people transported across the world to get this done. 

12-13-2014   Intel Guru DC    [via Adept1]   Teams from the US and other places are in Iraq coordinating and making sure all pieces are going together.  That includes teams from the BIS, IMF, the Fed, Bank of England, China, Swiss, European and other countries to make sure this goes off as smoothly as possible.   There has been a rate change, but it has not been confirmed.  [When Iraq releases the rate, will the US go as well?  Or not?]  Once it is available for the Iraqi citizens, which they are testing now, the rest of the world will turn on. [If Iraq does it today, does the US have the right to delay it until Monday or later?]   Yes, they still have that option, but they will probably let us go on because it’s close to when they wanted to start anyway.  We are in the window NOW, or when Iraq starts.  So far as we know, they will keep it at a fixed rate until 2. January.  All minor issues are being addressed quickly.  Our understanding is that this will go as soon as the last issues are solved and no one is going home until this is done.  Cautiously, things look really, really good.

Waltz - You won't believe who wrote this masterpiece!

A famous  actor wrote a waltz more than 50 years ago as a young musician, but had never heard it played by an orchestra. 
He went into acting, became a movie star and gave up on the music end of his talents. As you will hear, that is a real shame.

This video shows him hearing it being played for the first time.
Click on: