Saturday, December 20, 2014



WSJ Reports: BND Outperforms Wall Street

posted by Ellen Brown
November 20, 2014 

While 49 state treasuries were submerged in red ink after the 2008 financial crash, one state’s bank outperformed all others and actually launched an economy-shifting new industry.  So reports the Wall Street Journal this week, discussing the Bank of North Dakota (BND) and its striking success in the midst of a national financial collapse led by the major banks. Chester Dawson begins his November 16th article:
It is more profitable than Goldman Sachs Group Inc., has a better credit rating than J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and hasn’t seen profit growth drop since 2003. Meet Bank of North Dakota, the U.S.’s lone state-owned bank, which has one branch, no automated teller machines and not a single investment banker.
He backs this up with comparative data on the BND’s performance:
[I]ts total assets have more than doubled, to $6.9 billion last year from $2.8 billion in 2007. By contrast, assets of the much bigger Bank of America Corp. have grown much more slowly, to $2.1 trillion from $1.7 trillion in that period.
. . . Return on equity, a measure of profitability, is 18.56%, about 70% higher than those at Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan. . . .
Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services last month reaffirmed its double-A-minus rating of the bank, whose deposits are guaranteed by the state of North Dakota. That is above the rating for both Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan and among U.S. financial institutions, second only to the Federal Home Loan Banks, rated double-A-plus.
Dawson goes on, however, to credit the BND’s remarkable performance to the Bakken oil boom. Giving his article the controversial title, “Shale Boom Helps North Dakota Bank Earn Returns Goldman Would Envy: U.S.’s Lone State-Owned Bank Is Beneficiary of Fracking,” he contends:
The reason for its success? As the sole repository of the state of North Dakota’s revenue, the bank has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the boom in Bakken shale-oil production from hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. In fact, the bank played a crucial part in kick-starting the oil frenzy in the state in 2008 amid the financial crisis.
That is how the Wall Street-owned media routinely write off the exceptional record of this lone publicly-owned bank, crediting it to the success of the private oil industry. But the boom did not make the fortunes of the bank. It would be more accurate to say that the bank made the boom.
Excess Deposits Do Not Explain the BND’s Record Profits

Dawson confirms that the BND played a crucial role in kickstarting the boom and the economy, at a time when other states were languishing in recession. It did this by lending for critical infrastructure (roads, housing, hospitals, hotels) when other states’ banks were curtailing local lending.
But while the state itself may have reaped increased taxes and fees from the oil boom, the BND got no more out of the deal than an increase in deposits, as Dawson also confirms. The BND is the sole repository of state revenues by law.
Having excess deposits can hardly be the reason the BND has outdistanced even JPMorganChase and Bank of America, which also have massive excess deposits and have not turned them into loans. Instead, they have invested their excess deposits in securities.
Interestingly, the BND has also followed this practice.
According to Standard & Poor’s October 2014 credit report, it had a loan to deposit ratio in 2009 of 91%. This ratio dropped to 57.5% in 2014. The excess deposits have gone primarily into Treasuries, US government agency debt, and mortgage-backed securities. Thus the bank’s extraordinary profitability cannot be explained by an excess of deposits or an expanded loan portfolio.
Further eroding the Dawson explanation is that
the oil boom did not actually hit North Dakota until 2010. Yet it was the sole state to have escaped the credit crisis by the spring of 2009, when every other state’s budget had already dipped into negative territory. Montana, the runner-up, was in the black by the end of 2009; but it dropped into the red in March of that year and had to implement a pay freeze on state employees.
According to Standard & Poor’s, the BND’s return on equity was up to 23.4% in 2009 – substantially higher than in any of the years of the oil boom that began in 2010.
The Real Reasons for Its Stellar Success

To what, then, are the remarkable achievements of this lone public bank attributable?
The answer is something the privately-owned major media have tried to sweep under the rug: the public banking model is simply more profitable and efficient than the private model. Profits, rather than being siphoned into offshore tax havens, are recycled back into the bank, the state and the community.
The BND’s costs are extremely low: no exorbitantly-paid executives; no bonuses, fees, or commissions; only only one branch office; very low borrowing costs; and no FDIC premiums (the state rather than the FDIC guarantees its deposits).
These are all features that set publicly-owned banks apart from privately-owned banks. Beyond that, they are
safer for depositors, allow public infrastructure costs to be cut in half, and provide a non-criminal alternative to a Wall Street cartel caught in a laundry list of frauds.
Dawson describes some other unique aspects of the BND’s public banking model:
It traditionally extends credit, or invests directly, in areas other lenders shun, such as rural housing loans.
. . . [R]etail banking accounts for just 2%-3% of its business. The bank’s focus is providing loans to students and extending credit to companies in North Dakota, often in partnership with smaller community banks.
Bank of North Dakota also acts as a clearinghouse for interbank transactions in the state by settling checks and distributing coins and currency. . . .
The bank’s mission is promoting economic development, not competing with private banks. “We’re a state agency and profit maximization isn’t what drives us,” President Eric Hardmeyer said.
. . . It recently started offering mortgages to individuals in the most underserved corners of the state. But Mr. Hardmeyer dismisses any notion the bank could run into trouble with deadbeat borrowers. “We know our customers,” he said. “You’ve got to understand the conservative nature of this state. Nobody here is really interested in making subprime loans.”
The Downsides of a Boom

The bank’s mission to promote economic development could help explain why its return on equity has actually fallen since the oil boom hit in 2010. The mass invasion by private oil interests has put a severe strain on the state’s infrastructure, forcing it to muster its resources defensively to keep up; and the BND is in the thick of that battle.
In an August 2011 article titled “
North Dakota’s Oil Boom is a Blessing and a Curse”, Ryan Holeywell writes that virtually all major infrastructure in the boom cities and counties is strained or exhausted. To shore up its infrastructure needs, the state has committed hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Meanwhile, it is trying to promote industries other than oil and gas, such as companies involved with unmanned aircraft, manufacturing associated with wind energy equipment, and data centers; but the remoteness of the western part of the state, along with the high cost of labor, makes doing business there complicated and expensive.
Hydrofracking, which has been widely attacked as an environmental hazard, is not as bad in North Dakota as in other states, since the process takes place nearly two miles underground; but it still raises significant environmental concerns. In 2011, the state levied $3 million in fines against 20 oil companies for environmental violations. It also undertook a review of industry regulations and was in the process of doubling its oil field inspectors.
The greatest stresses from the oil industry, however, involve the shortage of housing and the damage to the county road system, which in many places consists of two-lane gravel and dirt roads. Drilling a new well requires more than 2,000 truck trips, and the heavy rigs are destroying the roads. Fixing them has been estimated to require an investment of more than $900 million over the next 20 years.
These are external costs imposed by the oil industry that the government has to pick up. All of it requires financing, and the BND is there to provide the credit lines.
Lighting a Fire under Legislators

What the Bank of North Dakota has done to sustain its state’s oil boom, a publicly-owned bank could do for other promising industries in other states. But Dawson observes that no other state has yet voted to take up the challenge, despite a plethora of bills introduced for the purpose. Legislators are slow to move on innovations, unless a fire is lit under them by a crisis or a mass popular movement.
We would be better off sparking a movement than waiting for a crisis. The compelling data in Dawson’s Wall Street Journal article, properly construed, could add fuel to the flames.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, founder of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books, including the best-selling Web of Debt. In The Public Bank Solution, her latest book, she explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her 200+ blog articles are at

French ex-airline boss claims cover-up on MH370

French ex-airline boss claims cover-up on MH370

© AFP | File picture
Text by FRANCE 24 
Latest update : 2014-12-18

Former airline boss and famous French author Marc Dugain argued Thursday that there had been a cover-up in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, speculating that the passenger jet could have been hacked and then shot down by the US.

Dugain, a well-respected French author, argues that the Boeing 777 carrying 239 people crashed near Diego Garcia, a British island in the middle of the Indian Ocean used as a strategic air force and intelligence base by the US military, in the six-page article in Paris Match.
The US has always officially denied that flight MH370 came anywhere near Diego Garcia.
The latest theory into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on March 8, 2014 has all the ingredients of a spy thriller and has grabbed the French public’s attention.
The former boss of Proteus Airlines travelled to the neighbouring Maldives where residents told local media that they had seen an airliner fly in the direction of Diego Garcia. Their claims were promptly dismissed by the authorities.
“I saw a huge plane fly over us at low altitude,” a fisherman on Kudahuvadhoo island told Dugain. “I saw red and blue stripes on a white background” – the colours of Malaysia Airlines. Other witnesses confirmed the sighting.
Fire on board?
Dugain speculates – adding to the numerous other existing hypotheses about what happened to flight MH370 – that a modern aircraft such as Malaysia Airlines' Boeing 777 could have been hijacked by a hacker.
“In 2006, Boeing patented a remote control system using a computer placed inside or outside the aircraft,” he noted. This technology lead Dugain to the idea of a “soft” remote hijacking.
But the writer also suggests that a fire could have led the crew to deactivate electrical devices, including transmission systems.
Whatever the initial reasons for leaving its flight path, Dugain suspects that the plane then headed to Diego Garcia, where a number of scenarios may have played out – including the US Air Force shooting it down for fear of a September 11-style attack.
Dugain met the mayor of neighbouring Baarah island, who showed him pictures of a strange device found on a beach two weeks after the plane had disappeared and before the Maldives military seized it. Two aviation experts and a local military officer concluded that the object was a Boeing fire extinguisher. Dugain points out that for the extinguisher to have floated, it must have been empty, having been automatically triggered by a fire. He adds that precedent exists in which fires on board aircraft caused all passengers and crew to die of asphyxiation, while the plane’s automated systems extinguished the blaze and kept it in the air.
The rest of his article draws more conclusions from the information that has remained buried than from new facts.
The writer notes that the search operation in the southern Indian Ocean was based on satellite data from UK-based Inmarsat – the last organisation to receive a signal from the airliner – which is "very close to intelligence agencies".
For Dugain, the suppression of testimonies from the Maldives, the unlikely event that Diego Garcia’s US intelligence officers “equipped with the best technology in the world may have ‘lost’ a 63-metre-long object”, and the secrecy surrounding the cargo in the plane’s hold all point towards a large-scale cover-up.
So does the friendly advice of a “Western intelligence officer” – a British one, Dugain said in a radio interview on Thursday – who cautioned him against the “risks” of investigating the flight’s disappearance and suggested that he “let time do its work” instead.
The writer’s conclusion is that “the only firm belief left from this investigation is that someone knows”.
Date created : 2014-12-18

Tony CC (conference call) Cliff Notes ~ Saturday, Dec. 20,2014

Tony CC (conference call) Cliff Notes ~ Saturday, Dec. 20,2014
Highlights of Tony's "Quickie" CC - This will be down and dirty. Have an church event to get too - Sunny

Tony:  Everything we were expecting on Friday and Saturday has been completed, positioned.  We are just waiting.  I will tell you he (DC) is excited.
Tony said this is ON THE INTERNET:  (He did not say whose internet Iraq?) 
Monday, the economy will change.  Everything should be official as of 19th and payments as of Monday the 22nd. Hopefully Mon/Tues it will start."
Iraq has permission to go whenever they choose.  
USA has same permission to go whenever they chose so it maybe 10 minutes or hours, days before we hear.
FOREX - scheduled for January 2nd appearance.  Could come out higher to get people trading it.
No Packages yet
Rate as of this morning is $3.58



Native Indians refer to physic attack as the “RUJAH” (Witch – Black Magic). They also believe that the “STRANGER FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE” are necessary in order to reach the highest level of “SPIRITUAL GROWTH”.
As a Native Indian, I recall my first experience with the RUJAH, one of fear and complete vulnerability. In a physical attack I could always hold my own, but to be attacked in the spiritual realm and only being able to feel the presence but not see it made me feel completely defenseless and vulnerable. It was after this attack and my kidneys were shutting down that I realized it had become all about “SURVIVAL”. It was a wild experience the first time that I was smudged with Sage that I could feel pain leaving my body that I realized there truly was something to the Native beliefs.
My Shaman teacher also taught me other spiritual knowledge to use to clear my body after one of these said attacks of the RUJAH. One of these methods was using “SPIRITUAL CLEARING BATHS” as well he performed “ANCIENT ROCK CLEARINGS” on my body. As you can imagine I was blown away when he removed the CANCER from my body as well as many bacterial infections over the next 14 months with these methods. Natives believe that if you are not “SPIRITUALLY CLEAN” that you should not touch others or allow others to touch you for you can pass that on to others. A lot of people in the AWAKENING COMMUNITY who claim to be HEALERS are only spreading the epidemic of disease and pain around. To be “SPIRITUALLY CLEAN” is a life of discipline.

But it was through this process of my “SPIRITUAL JOURNEY” that I learned how to go through a “SPIRITUAL HEALING” as well. My vulnerable experience with the RUJAH brought my ego crashing down and in exchange brought me a tremendous amount of “HUMILITY” and “GRATITUDE”. It did not take me long to realized that our “SPIRITUAL PATH” here is to learn lessons. Rather “NEVER FEAR THE DARKNESS”, but rather embrace it. Never allow yourself to go negative in the experience or I can assure you that the CREATOR will truly hand you your ass back to you on a platter. Never be disrespectful to “SPIRIT” which is against “SPIRITUAL LAW”.
But it was through my experiences with the RUJAH that they true magic of my “SHAMAN’S JOURNEY” took place. I realized that I was the creator of my own reality and I discovered TRUE HAPPINESS, HARMONY, PEACE, LOVE, and CONTENTMENT & FREEDOM LIKE NO OTHER. But to start a “SHAMAN’S JOURNEY” one must be willing to walk away from your old life and you know to begin anew. Your old life would consist of material possessions, status, etc. This had to be the scariest thing I had ever done in my life, but it was no worth it for I learned that the most beautiful things in life are truly free.
Our journey in this lifetime has caused us all much emotional pain. The Natives believe that you must clean your spiritual body in order to prevent these emotional pains from manifesting pain and disease as well as be transferred to others through “SPIRITUAL TIES” that exist between our children and relatives. The “TRUE NATIVE WAY” is live without negative emotion of anger, jealously, envy, spite, and etc. For these negative energies too can be passed to one another and into our bodies. The RUJAH’S know this for that his how they use negative energy to bring pain & sickness to our bodies.
The RUJAH’S also understand the “ENERGY BODY”. They use the CHAKRA ENERGY POINTS that are weak to do their damage. The “TRUE NATIVE WAY” is to understand that with every weak CHAKRA point comes an “EMOTIONAL WEAKNESS OR IMBALANCE”. As well our energy bodies today also have an extreme “IMMUNE SYSTEM WEAKNESS” as well due to the toxic poisoning of our food, water, and air which has made us extremely vulnerable to the RUJAH. The “TRUE NATIVE BELIEF” is how disease is manifested and well as spread through the “SPIRITUAL REALM”.
While on my Shaman’s journey and experience of the RUJAH, rather than focus on the emotional pain that my mother caused me as a child from her abuse and neglect, I learned to rather focus on the good things she taught me instead. I became extremely grateful that she taught me how to be a “SURVIVOR” and a “FIGHTER” for it was those traits that got me through my experiences of the RUJAH. But it was through this journey of healing and releasing all old negative emotions that no longer served me, that the “TRUE MAGIC” began. I began to realize I had earned gifts from the CREATOR. Gifts such as soul mate, visions, incredible intuition, ability to sense other emotions as well as energy, acute senses, and most importantly connection to “SPIRIT” and the “CREATOR”.
It was during a conversation I was having with the CREATOR about a past relationship where I was blaming that person for everything that went wrong that I heard the CREATOR say and “CHILD WERE WAS YOUR HEART”? My heart was full of anger. That was a profound moment for me for I realized that so many times on this journey I had been a CREATOR of my own misery. It started to make sense to me that we exist in a CO-CREATING UNIVERSE. If we choose, we can have a beautiful loving experience or we can have a miserable one. A “SHAMAN’S JOURNEY” is learning how we must all have DISCIPLINE, LEARN TO MASTER OUR EMOTIONS, AS WELL AS “SELF-RESPONSIBILITY”.
“SELF-RESPONSIBILITY” is all about standing up and owning one’s mistakes rather than blame others. And then take a look at the situation and how you can change it rather than repeat that same mistake over and over. Have you ever noticed how people who go from one abusive relationship to another seem to experience more abuse each time? WAKE UP PEOPLE, YOU HAVENT LEARNED THE LESSON!
It will only be when you master levels of your SHAMAN’S JOURNEY and receive EMOTIONAL HEALING that the CREATOR will give you his GIFTS. As SPIRIT told me recently about my PHYSIC GIFT, that one must use the gifts with humility. If I use my gift to manipulate others for financial gain rather than help MANKIND, I will become spiritually bankrupt. It appears to me that is exactly what is taking place for all of mankind today for there are so many people struggling.
Natives use only natural herbs to help repair the damage to the energy body brought on by the RUJAH. The reason they use the herbs from a MEDICINE MAN / SHAMAN is for the following reasons. They know what spiritual path a Shaman has taken and when they receive the gifts of the CREATOR that it comes with great power and energy. They use this power and energy to energize the herbs from the field of the earth. The CREATOR’S ENERGY comes into that medicine that makes it so powerful. People do not understand that herbs from a natural food store do not carry that same healing power and are usually are cut with chemicals and are not pure. When a SHAMAN creates a piece of ART it will carry a higher energy vibration within it which will bring healing to others. As through your Shaman’s journey you then connect to the UNIVERSAL TRUTH. Your gifts bring you protection from the UNIVERSE of PREDATORS as well as SPIRIT will start releasing ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE to you so in order to CO-CREATE with the CREATOR.
Through the experience of the RUJAH, you learn how to be a CREATOR and how to become incredible empowered. As Natives we are ready to assist MANKIND in moving forward in teaching the TRUE SPIRITUAL WAY AS WELL AS SPIRITUAL LAW. The dark forces on this planet have become extremely distorted and many people as well as children are suffering & dying. IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US TO WAKE UP AND BECOME SPIRITUAL WARRIORS AND BE THE WAR EAGLES THAT THE CREATOR NEEDS US TO BE!!

WUA – If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck – it’s a !

Subject: WUA - If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck!
To: <>

WUA – Saturday is a good time to get an education/understanding to the facts that well and are changing the American way……..WAKING UP means taking action on the truth!
WUA – If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck – it’s a !
Barack Obama is a Member of the Muslim Brotherhood: Egyptian News (VIDEO)
obama isis
The article goes on to say that Khairat El-Shater, the number two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy—now in custody by the Egyptian military—has evidence that will put Obama is prison.
Kharirat El-Shater is singing like a bird, implicating our Muslim Brotherhood President, Barack Obama, but there’s no need. The Egyptian military, putting the horde of Muslim Brotherhood thugs on trial for murder, burning churches, and crucifying Christians, has found a treasure trove of documents, including proof that the Obama regime was funneling millions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood, having in hand the actual signed receipts.
But this is just small change compared to what Barack Obama has been up to. Khariat El-Shater signed an agreement with Obama about a little parcel of land known as the Sinai Peninsula. As reported by Egypt Daily News, Obama secretly transferred a staggering $8 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood to guarantee that the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist wing Hamas.
Why would Obama want Hamas to take over the Sinai Peninsula, an area of land larger than the entire state of Israel?
The only explanation, as crazy as it sounds, is to set up Israel for annihilation. Hamas openly vows that its ultimate goal is to finish the job Hitler started—to bring about a total extermination of the Jewish people. Talk about an anti-Semitic President!
It’s a good thing Barack Obama’s BFF, former Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi, is no longer in power. But this is only the beginning. Obama has his fingers in every aspect of the Muslim Brotherhood pie, including the Brotherhood’s mercenary army, al-Qaeda—Obama actually colluding with the so-called “rebels” in Syria!
Watch our exclusive video for details.     
Thanks Eileen
Why don’t the Americans in Congress stand up and kick his ass?......Want more ducking stuff!

Obama Praises Muslims For Building The Fabric Of Our Nation

“When you’re in the jar, you can’t read the label”

20141003_152546_resized.....Bob Burton…….Americans

Help me help you HELP America! …..Now today!
.It’s our country, ours!
American’s - Vs. – American’t

The Event Chronicle --- AWESOME INFO -- MUST READ

Google tried to block this. I used Duck Duck to find this.

On The Commons --- Hoemeowners Associations

On the Commons Header

Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.

This Week's Show

The New Jersey Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, ruled that the Mediterranean South co-operative building in Fort Lee, New Jersey violated an owner's right to free speech by prohibiting him from distributing campaign literature when he ran for a seat on the board.  The co-op had a house rule that prohibited owners from distributing written material, the reason given is to "preserve the residents' quiet enjoyment of their units and to cut down on paper pollution".  But, as we know, what is good for the goose is not always good for the gander because when the board distributed their diatribes, quiet enjoyment was never a consideration and apparently, unlike all other paper, the board's missives did not pollute.  On a somewhat humorous note, (or is it ironic?), the board included the following sentence in one of their leaflets;  "Can you imagine the disaster that would befall upon Med South and all of us if this group of selfish people ever got control of the Med South Board?" 

Robert Dublirer joins us On The Commons.  Rob is a former New York Prosecutor, so well versed in the law and quite comfortable in a court of law so after years of having his rights trampled on and being lied to, he decided to put his knowledge and skills to work.  He sued the Mediterranean South co-op to protect his right to communicate with his neighbors.  The rules and regulations adopted by the board include some of the most restrictive gag orders on what the owners are allowed to talk about and discuss.  Join us as Rob fills us in on all his battles from the time he moved in and was not given  a handicapped parking space to ending up, not only protecting his rights, but also arguing for the rights of his fellow New Jersey HOA denizens.   

On The Commons is broadcast every Saturday from 2-3 PM ET on Radio Fairfax. In the Northern Virginia area, On The Commons can be heard on Cox Cable, Channel 37 and Verizon Channel 37. On Comcast channel 27 in Reston in addition to several more cable channels all across Northern Virginia. To listen LIVE globally on the internet, go to Radio Fairfax and click on "Stream Radio Fairfax" and if you are on the go, on your mobile devices, Radio Fairfax Mobile The show will be available on On the Commons shortly afterwards. Please also visit our archives at On the Commons.Leaving the American Zone
Shu Bartholomew
Host and producer
On The Commons is produced by OTC Multimedia Productions
2929-Eskridge Rd. Suite S
Fairfax, VA 22031

More legal mail for Paul Andrew Mitchell returned as "Returned to sender not at this address"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Reader, link: More legal mail for Paul Andrew Mitchell returned as "Returned to sender not at this address"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 20-Dec-2014 02:52:51

(Thanks, p. :)
Paul Andrew Mitchell has been behind bars since January or February, 2014. He's been steadily writing motions and affidavits, etc., ever since. We had posted links to many of those but those posts were lost when a hacker deleted many files on Sept 25.
Reader p. sends us:
More legal mail returned as "Returned to sender not at this address"



Intel SITREP from Deep Source(s) - 12-20-14
SITREP (Situation Report)
8:05 AM EST

Deep Source #1:

"Report just came in, the RV is done. It has been completed as of Friday December 19, 2014. Payments are to begin Monday."

10 YEARS Budweiser commercials

Subject: Fwd: 10 YEARS Budweiser commercials

These are absolutely great.
10 years of Budweiser commercials
These commercials will put a smile on your face


BREAKING: Egypt Charges Obama and Hillary with Conspiring with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood

BREAKING: Egypt Charges Obama and Hillary with Conspiring with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood

Monday, June 16th, 2014
The Muslim Brotherhood, who took power in Egypt following the Arab Spring, were recently ousted by the Egyptian military and declared a terrorist organization.
Even still, they have been embraced by President Obama, invited into his administration, placed on a “hands off” list protecting them, and are even setting up their own official political party here in the United States.
Unfortunately, the Muslim Brotherhood ultimately seeks to implement Sharia law, and to convert or kill every Christian and Jew that doesn’t share their faith.
It should be remembered that while the Muslim Brotherhood was in charge in Egypt, Obama showered them with praise and provided billions of dollars in aid, arms, tanks and planes.  Egypt hasn’t forgotten the support offered to the Muslim Brotherhood by Obama, and has now charged Obama and Hillary Clinton for conspiring and collaborating with them and their terrorist activities. (H/T Western Journalism)
In two separate criminal complaints, Egyptian lawmakers have charged Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood.
President Obama has been named as an accessory to crimes committed by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, with the charge reading that Obama “…cooperated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes…”.
Some of the crimes include murder, rape, torture, extortion, bribery, enslavement, and the ethnic cleansing of Egyptian Coptic Christians.
According to one of the criminal charges,  Hillary Clinton was found to be working with ousted Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmood, in attempting to overthrow the current leader of Egypt, General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi.
Naglaa Mahmood has openly admitted that her relationship with the Clintons dates back to the 1980’s, and she has hundreds of recorded telephone conversations with Hillary and other White House officials.
There is also a charge that Obama and Hillary attempted to bribe the Muslim Brotherhood with $8 billion to turn over part of the Sinai Peninsula to Hamas, in order for them to launch attacks against Israel.
WARNING: Video contains some graphic images and content


LVegas :
 one I have lot of additional info, but was just called and told Paymaster for 

a certain group was headed to a certain city in Nevada first thing in the 

am. ... :)
All I got.. Ask no more. Been some false starts, but reassures me

 this is for real this time.


:recognize there will be lots of smoke and mirrors today tomorrow and 

Monday will happiest of timberdays kiddos


December 19, 2014

Watch for Mexico and U.S. asset backed currency to land soon.
Zimbabwe's gold asset backed currency is ready to be released
Global gold and natural resource asset backed currency is sneaking in...right now!'s starting to snow again.  Hope you're ready! :-)