Saturday, December 27, 2014

Intel Guru TerryK



(Thank you George for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)

UU9494 –
“6 days Till Dinar Christmas"  by Mnt Goat

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone has a great Christmas ! Meine Kinder got lots of presents from Saint Nicholas but not exactly the ones they had asked him for. This was due to lack of funding on the part of Saint Nicholas this year …lol….…lol…

We also have a tradition in my alpine village. It is with Krampus. This is a factious character who punishes children during the Christmas season who had misbehaved, in contrast with Saint Nicholas, who rewards well-behaved ones with gifts. The Kinder were glad Krampus did not have to visit our home……lol….

Today I wanted to give everyone a very brief news letter. I will get right to the point once again. I hope everyone also read my last news letters dated 12/23 (LINK) since this is a continuation of this ongoing saga of getting this 2015 budget bill passed thus showing us the way to the RV event.

Today’s News
The news coming from the CBI is all very good. The GOI is still targeting the end of the year for full implementation of the 2015 budget. Remember the banks of Iraq get funded with the budget money for the projects once Parliament passes the bill and the President ratifies it. By the way Dr. Shabibi agreed to return and once again head up the CBI. The timing could not be any better....

Remember also the corruption in the past years where money was stolen by the ministers instigated by the incumbent prime minister? The banks too were in on these scandals once the funds were released to them from the CBI. They do not want a repeat of all this mess and so they are making sure measures are in place to prevent it. I am telling you this because Abadi wants full transparency with all funds and it took time to get it all cleaned up.

Do we have to wait till Jan 1st for the announcement of the new rate? I will give you my opinion later.

For now let’s briefly review what just happened this week for those that are new to my news letters.

>On Tuesday the Iraqi Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft budget bill for fiscal 2015 and finally released it from the Cabinet of Ministers to Parliament;

>At this time an emergency session of Parliament was aligned for Thursday 12/25 so we knew something was up….lol……;

>Then on 12/25, after two days of review by Parliament, on Christmas day, it was announced that the first reading of the bill was completed;  Now if I am not mistaken this was actually the second reading since Parliament already read the bill a month ago?  Remember? They rejected it and sent it back to the GOI for revisions for market changes in the price of oil. There were also some deficit issues to resolve. I keep saying to everyone that you can’t forget the past and what they do. Everything is connected together. If you forget the past you go down these dead-end roads leading to nowhere. This is what causes much of the anxiety and confusion.

>So today, Friday 12/26, all of a sudden to our wondering eyes should appear in the Iraq news eight tiny reindeers (actually it was announced that the bill was voted on and passed). Just kidding…

How could this be? When was the second reading most say had to happen?  Silly people!  This process was actually the reading that took place earlier this week. All the readings are now done. The bill is passed through the Parliament and now sits on the Presidents desk.
They used the “guillotine“  process to push the process along. Many articles told us that it would take a couple weeks to complete the process but out popped more news today. Oh what a surprise !

We still await for the official publication in the Gazette.

If all this news this wee was not remarkable enough, once again it was topped with more confirmation later in the day today when  the contents of the budget bill was released to the public for the first time. It was predicated by a statement from Dr Fouad Masoum, the President of Iraq, as follows “This law shall be published in the Official Gazette and implemented as from 1 January 2015”.

Can it get any better than this?

As soon as I heard this news I was on the phone to the USA to my UST contact. I wanted to know about the planned rollout and if they still intended to exchange the dinarland holders prior to January 1st. I was not given a straight answer and so I am assuming the answer was No!  This usually happens when they do not want to let you know the next step. So I backed off. We will know very shortly anyhow. Things are happening so fast now the waiting is a matter of days not weeks or months like in prior news.

My guess is that since we are so close to Jan 1st anyhow, they will probably wait anyhow to that time and not do anymore exchanges in the USA until the rate is announced here in the USA

Now what can we expect going forward?
News from the President Masoum’s office that the budget bill has been ratified. Maybe a photo shot for the news media.

We can also now expect the CBI in the next 4-6 days to post the new rate on the CBI web site. It my understanding that the Kurdistan region has now already announced the revaluation to their citizens and the rest of Iraq is due very soon too to get the announcement.

I am also hearing that the National Reconciliation Conference is to be held tomorrow, Saturday 12/27 and Abadi is supposed to address the attendees and citizens of Iraq. I have previously told you about the contents or agenda for his speech. This could very well be what we have been waiting for. Let’s see what happens tomorrow


As I have said previously I thought this entire budget bill process was put in warp drive and I was correct. There is really not too much for Parliament to do with the budget bill since as long as the ministers all agree on it prior to them getting it, this is what matters the most. Each of the ministries will have to implement it and use the funding for their special projects and the running of the government. To me, this year, having Parliament review and vote on the 2015 budget, was a mere formality. This is how they were able to push it through the house so quickly.

Then when can we expect the RV?

There are only 6 days remaining till Jan 1st 2015 and all indications are now we are on track to see the CBI announce the RV for the rest of Iraq very soon.  Personally I do not see the CBI waiting till the end of December to make the announcement. I really believe it could happen anytime in the next 72-96 hours.

Will the USA stop it once Iraq announces it? I do not see how they could or that this is their plan.

Christmas is kinda nice this year. You see we will all have a second round of presents and gifts very soon. Happy forthcoming D$nar Christmas!

Peace and Luv To Ya All,

Mnt Goat

Friday, December 26, 2014

Remarkable, insanely detailed and annotated infographic of the JFK assassination at Dealey Plaza

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Remarkable, insanely detailed and annotated infographic of the JFK assassination at Dealey Plaza
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 26-Dec-2014 19:14:07

If you are a JFK assassination conspiracy buff, you'll want this one (if you don't already have it!). It is a hyper-annotated map of Dealey Plaza, created by Don Roberdeau, and found here:
Here is a rather large "thumbnail", which you can right click on and save to get the full 1500x7403 pixel file. Or you can click on it to view in your browser (may require a second click to expand to full size):

VIDEOS: Secret Society Training Video and Graphic of CC Structure

Secret Society Training video HACKED

December 26, 2014

If you have difficulty understanding what has happened to our beautiful world, you will completely understand after watching this Video. Make a file or CD of this, so that you can show it to others as you will need to. This is a Must see now. Save it and send it to your down line friends. It may be removed, so save it now.


see attachment for graphics and text 

[Ed Note: This series of videos were sent to me by a protected source removed from this information. I pass it on to interested individuals who may be general informed of contents but is not authored by me.

Arden Gifford, MD]

"Do not judge each day by the harvest
you reap but by the seeds that you plant." ~

Robert Louis Stevenson


After Being Pulled Over, 17-Year-Old Has No Words for What Cop Tells Her Next: ‘That’s Not a Joke’

The World Changes On Monday, December 29, 2014!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The World Changes On Monday, December 29, 2014!
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 26-Dec-2014 17:22:03

2015 should be interesting!!
December 26, 2014
The World Changes On Monday, December 29, 2014!
By Susan Duclos
With holiday chaos, traveling and families getting together for Christmas, many may have missed an announcement that will change the world as we know it, where China has announced the launch of Yaun trading with Russian Rubles, set to begin on Monday, December 29, 2014!
As is explained in the Zero Hedge article discussing this announcement and the ramification of it, this will "not only enable and make direct currency trading more efficient by sidestepping the dollar entirely, but also allow Russian companies to budget in Chinese Yuan terms."
Directly from the Zero Hedge article, we see what the effects of this huge news will be:
So while the US continues to parade with "destroying" the Russian economy, even if it means crushing the shale industry, aka the only bright spot, and high-paying job-creating industry in the US economy over the past 5 years, Russia and China continue to be nudged by the west ever closer monetarily and strategically, until one day, as we have long predicted, China and Russia will announce a joint currency, one backed by both China's "surprising" gold reserves and Russia's commodity hoard.
Things are about to get VERY interesting......

Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT

Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT


Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.
For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
At a conference last Thursday, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.
A fellow panelist reported that after Dr. Seneff’s presentation, “All of the 70 or so people in attendance were squirming, likely because they now had serious misgivings about serving their kids, or themselves, anything with corn or soy, which are nearly all genetically modified and thus tainted with Roundup and its glyphosate.”
Dr. Seneff noted the ubiquity of glyphosate’s use. Because it is used on corn and soy, all soft drinks and candies sweetened with corn syrup and all chips and cereals that contain soy fillers have small amounts of glyphosate in them, as do our beef and poultry since cattle and chicken are fed GMO corn or soy. Wheat is often sprayed with Roundup just prior to being harvested, which means that all non-organic bread and wheat products would also be sources of glyphosate toxicity. The amount of glyphosate in each product may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially with as much processed food as Americans eat) could be devastating. A recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder.
Other toxic substances may also be autism-inducing. You may recall our story on the CDC whistleblower who revealed the government’s deliberate concealment of the link between the MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps, and rubella) and a sharply increased risk of autism, particularly in African American boys. Other studies now show a link between children’s exposure to pesticides and autism. Children who live in homes with vinyl floors, which can emit phthalate chemicals, are more likely to have autism. Children whose mothers smoked were also twice as likely to have autism. Research now acknowledges that environmental contaminants such as PCBs, PBDEs, and mercury can alter brain neuron functioning even before a child is born.
This month, the USDA released a study finding that although there were detectable levels of pesticide residue in more than half of food tested by the agency, 99% of samples taken were found to be within levels the government deems safe, and 40% were found to have no detectable trace of pesticides at all. The USDA added, however, that due to “cost concerns,” it did not test for residues of glyphosate. Let’s repeat that: they never tested for the active ingredient in the most widely used herbicide in the world. “Cost concerns”? How absurd—unless they mean it will cost them too much in terms of the special relationship between the USDA and Monsanto. You may recall the revolving door between Monsanto and the federal government, with agency officials becoming high-paying executives—and vice versa! Money, power, prestige: it’s all there. Monsanto and the USDA love to scratch each others’ backs. Clearly this omission was purposeful.
In addition, as we have previously reported, the number of adverse reactions from vaccines can be correlated as well with autism, though Seneff says it doesn’t correlate quite as closely as with Roundup. The same correlations between applications of glyphosate and autism show up in deaths from senility.
Of course, autism is a complex problem with many potential causes. Dr. Seneff’s data, however, is particularly important considering how close the correlation is—and because it is coming from a scientist with impeccable credentials. Earlier this year, she spoke at the Autism One conference and presented many of the same facts; that presentation is available on YouTube.
Monsanto claims that Roundup is harmless to humans. Bacteria, fungi, algae, parasites, and plants use a seven-step metabolic route known as the shikimate pathway for the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids; glyphosate inhibits this pathway, causing the plant to die, which is why it’s so effective as an herbicide. Monsanto says humans don’t have this shikimate pathway, so it’s perfectly safe.
Dr. Seneff points out, however, that our gut bacteria do have this pathway, and that’s crucial because these bacteria supply our body with crucial amino acids. Roundup thus kills beneficial gut bacteria, allowing pathogens to grow; interferes with the synthesis of amino acids including methionine, which leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate; chelates (removes) important minerals like iron, cobalt and manganese; and much more.
Even worse, she notes, additional chemicals in Roundup are untested because they’re classified as “inert,” yet according to a 2014 study in BioMed Research International, these chemicals are capable of amplifying the toxic effects of Roundup hundreds of times over.
Glyphosate is present in unusually high quantities in the breast milk of American mothers, at anywhere from 760 to 1,600 times the allowable limits in European drinking water. Urine testing shows Americans have ten times the glyphosate accumulation as Europeans.
“In my view, the situation is almost beyond repair,” Dr. Seneff said after her presentation. “We need to do something drastic.”

The general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq for fiscal year 2015

The general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq for fiscal year 2015

27/12/2014 12:00 صباحا 12/27/2014 0:00
باسم الشعب Behalf of the people
رئاسة الجمهورية Presidency
قرار رقم( ) Resolution No. ()
بناء على ما اقره مجلس النواب طبقا لاحكام البند(اولا) من المادة(61) والبند (ثالثا) من المادة (73) من الدستور. Based on what passed the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of subsection (I) of Article (61), item (iii) of Article (73) of the Constitution.
قرر رئيس الجمهورية بتاريخ / / 2014 President of the Republic decided on / / 2014
اصدار القانون الاتي: Issuing the following law:
قانون رقم( ) لسنة 2014 Law No. () for the year 2014
قانون الموازنة العامة الاتحادية لجمهورية العراق للسنة المالية 2015 The general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq for fiscal year 2015

الفصل الاول The first chapter
الايرادات Revenue
المادة -1- Article 1
اولا: First of all:
أ- تقدر ايرادات الموازنة العامة الاتحادية للسنة المالية 2015 بمبلغ (99801875000) الف دينار (تسعة وتسعون الفا وثمانمائة وواحد مليار وثمانمائة وخمسة وسبعون الف دينار) حسبما مبين في (الجدول /أ.الايرادات وفق الاعداد) الملحق بهذا القانون. A. estimated the federal budget for fiscal year 2015 revenues of $ (99.801875 billion) thousand dinars (ninety nine thousand, eight hundred and one billion, eight hundred and seventy-five thousand dinars) as shown in (Table /o.eradat according to numbers) attached to this law.
ب- احتساب الايرادات الناجمة عن تصدير النفط الخام على اساس معدل سعر قدره (60) دولارا للبرميل الواحد ومعدل تصدير قدره(3300000) برميل يوميا (ثلاثة مليون وثلاثمائة الف برميل يوميا) بضمنها (250000) برميل يوميا (مائتان وخمسون الف برميل يوميا) عن كميات النفط الخام المنتج في اقليم كردستان و(300000) برميل (ثلاثمائة الف برميل يوميا) عن كميات النفط الخام المنتج عن طريق محافظة كركوك وتقيد جميع الايرادات المتحققة فعلا ايرادا نهائيا لحساب الخزينة العامة للدولة. (B) calculation of the revenues derived from the export of crude oil based on the average price of $ 60 dollars per barrel and the rate of export of (3300000) barrels per day (three million three hundred thousand barrels per day), including (250,000) barrels per day (two hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day) for quantities of crude oil produced in the province of Kurdistan and (300,000) barrels (three hundred thousand barrels per day) for quantities of crude oil produced by the province of Kirkuk, and that all revenue actually a final revenue of the public treasury of the state to account.
ثانيا:- Second: -
تلتزم الوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة بقيد جميع مبالغ المنح النقدية التي تحصل عليها بموجب مذكرات التفاهم مع حكومات او مؤسسات اجنبية ايرادا نهائيا للخزينة العامة الاتحادية وعلى وزارة المالية الاتحادية اعادة تخصيصها للاغراض التي منحت لاجلها وذلك بالتنسيق مع وزارة التخطيط الاتحادية. Ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry to register all monetary amounts of the grants that get under the memoranda of understanding with foreign governments or institutions of income once the public treasury of the Federal and the Federal Ministry of Finance re-allocated for the purposes of which was awarded for it in coordination with the Federal Ministry of Planning.
ثالثا:- Third: -
تقيد مبالغ التبرعات الممنوحة للوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة بعد قبولها من وزير المالية الاتحادي ايرادا نهائيا للخزينة العامة الاتحادية، على ان يقوم وزير المالية الاتحادي بتخصيصها الى اعتمادات الوزارة او الجهة غير المرتبطة بوزارة للصرف وفقا للأغراض التي منحت لاجلها. Restrict the amount of donations given to the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry after the acceptance of the Federal Minister of Finance income once the public treasury of the Federal, that the Federal Minister of Finance allocated to the ministry credits or entity is associated with the Ministry of the Exchange in accordance with the purposes for which it was granted for it.
رابعا:- Fourth: -
تقيد مبالغ المنح او التبرعات المقدمة من قبل حكومات ومؤسسات اجنبية الى الوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة او المحافظات ومجالس المحافظات بموجب مذكرات التفاهم ايرادا نهائيا للخزينة سواء أكانت هذه المنح والتبرعات على شكل مساعدات فنية ام تنفيذ مشاريع، على ان يتم قيد اقيامها التخمينية في سجلات الوزارة او الجهة غير المرتبطة بوزارة او الاقاليم والمحافظات ومجالس المحافظات ذوات العلاقة ويكون قبول المنح النقدية او العينية واعادة تخصيصها بالتنسيق بين الجهات المستفيدة وكل من وزارتي التخطيط والمالية الاتحاديتين. Restrict the amount of grants or contributions by governments and institutions, foreign to the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry or the provinces and provincial councils under the memoranda of understanding income once the Treasury whether these grants whether donations in the form of technical assistance or the implementation of projects that are under Akiemha speculative in ministry records or organization is not related to the Ministry or the regions and provinces and provincial councils animate the relationship and be accepting cash donations or in-kind and reallocation coordination between beneficiaries and all of the planning and finance ministries federated.
خامسا:- Fifth: -
يتم احتساب مبالغ المنح والاعانات غير المستخدمة من المبالغ المخصصة لدوائر الدولة وشركات القطاع العام بانتهاء السنة المالية 2014 وفقا للمعايير المحاسبية المستخدمة لاحتساب الصرف النهائي وتعتبر المبالغ الفائضة او المدفوعة بصورة زائدة وفق هذه الاسس دفعة مقدمة على حساب المنحة المخصصة للدائرة او الوحدة في السنة المالية 2015. The grants and subsidies unused allocated to government departments and public sector companies the end of fiscal year 2014 in accordance with the accounting standards used to calculate the final exchange amounts amounts calculated and considered excess amounts or paid in excess along these lines down payment allocated to the Department of the grant or the expense of unity in the fiscal year 2015.
الفصل الثاني Chapter II
النفقات والعجز Expenditure and deficit
المادة -2- Article 2
اولا النفقات:- First expenses: -
يخصص مبلغ مقداره( 125203110783) الف دينار(مائة وخمسة وعشرون الفا ومئتان وثلاثة مليارات ومائة وعشرة ملايين وسبعمائة وثلاثة وثمانون الف دينار) لنفقات السنة المالية 2015 توزع وفق(الحقل /3 اجمالي النفقات) من (الجدول /ب النفقات حسب الوزارات) الملحق بهذا القانون. Allocated amount (125203110783) thousand dinars (one hundred and twenty-five thousand, two hundred and three billion, one hundred and ten million seven hundred and Eighty-three thousand dinars) to expenditures for the fiscal year 2015 distributed according to (field / 3 total expenditures) of (Table / b expenditure by ministries) attached to this law .
أ- مبلغ مقداره (45226214070) الف دينار (خمسة واربعون الفا ومئتان وستة وعشرون مليارا ومئتان واربعة عشر مليونا وسبعون الف دينار) لنفقات المشاريع يوزع وفق (الحقل/2- نفقات المشاريع الاستثمارية من (الجدول/ب النفقات حسب الوزارات) الملحق بهذا القانون. (A) an amount of (45226214070) thousand dinars (forty five thousand and two hundred and twenty-six billion, two hundred and fourteen million and seventy thousand dinars) for the expenses of projects distributed according to (field / 2- expenses of the investment projects (Table / b expenditure by ministries) attached to this law.
ب- مبلغ قدره(79976896713) الف دينار(تسعة وسبعون الفا وتسعمائة وستة وسبعون مليارا وثمائمائة وستة وتسعون مليونا وسبعمائة وثلاثة عشر الف دينار) للنفقات الجارية وفق(الحقل / 1- النفقات الجارية من(الجدول/ ب النفقات حسب الوزارات) الملحق بهذا القانون. (B) an amount of (79976896713) thousand dinars (seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-six billion and Thmaúmaúh ninety six million, seven hundred and thirteen thousand dinars) for ongoing expenses in accordance with the (field / 1- current expenditures of the (Table / b expenditure by ministries) attached to this law.
ج- يخصص مبلغ قدره (125000000) الف دينار (مائة وخمسة وعشرون مليار دينار) احتياطي الطوارئ ضمن اعتمادات المصروفات الاخرى لموازنة وزارة المالية الاتحادية من اصل التخصيصات الواردة بالبند (اولا-ب-) المشار اليها اعلاه. (C) The sum of (125000000) thousand dinars (one hundred and twenty-five billion dinars) contingency reserve within the provisions of other expenses to the budget of the Federal Ministry of Finance out of the assignments mentioned in item (i-b) referred to above.
د- يخصص مبلغ قدره 3500000000 الف دينار(ثلاثة الاف وخمسمائة مليار دينار) لـ(اعمار وتنمية مشاريع الاقاليم والمحافظات بضمنها اقليم كردستان) من اصل التخصيصات المشار اليها بالبند (اولا/ أ) من المادة (2) اعلاه يتم توزيعه حسب عدد سكان كل محافظة وينفذ على النحو الاتي:- (D) The provision of 3500000000 thousand dinars (three thousand and five hundred billion dinars (l) the reconstruction and development of the regions and provinces projects including Kurdistan) out of the allocations referred to in clause (i / a) of Article (2) above is distributed according to the population of each province and implemented as follows: -
1- على المحافظ تقديم خطة اعمار المحافظة والاقضية والنواحي التابعة لها المصادق عليها من قبل مجلس المحافظة الى وزارة التخطيط الاتحادية (بالتنسيق مع مجالس النواحي والاقضية) لغرض دراستها والمصادقة عليها على ان تراعى المناطق الاكثر تضررا داخل المحافظة وعلى ان توزع تخصيصات المحافظة على الاقضية والنواحي المرتبطة بها حسب النسب السكانية بعد استبعاد المشارع الستراتيجية التي تستفيد منها اكثر من ناحية او قضاء على الا تزيد كلفة المشاريع الستراتيجية الجديدة عن 20% من تخصيصات المحافظة. 1. Conservative provide reconstruction conservative districts, counties plan has been approved by the Provincial Council of the Federal Ministry of Planning (in coordination with the Councils and districts) for the purpose of examination and approval to take into account the hardest hit in the province areas and that the distribution of maintaining the districts and areas associated with allocations out according to population ratios after excluding strategic primers that more than one hand or benefit from the elimination of not exceed the cost of the new strategic projects for 20% of the province allocations.
2- يتولى المحافظ حصرا تنفيذ خطة الاعمار المقرة ويتولى مجلس المحافظة مسؤولية مراقبة التنفيذ. 2. The conservative exclusively implementation of the reconstruction plan approved and the provincial council responsible for monitoring implementation.
هـ- يعتمد مبلغ يعادل(2) دولار عن كل برميل نفط خام منتج في المحافظة و(2) دولار عن كل برميل نفط خام مكرر في مصافي المحافظة و(2) دولار عن كل (150) مترا مكعبا منتجا من الغاز الطبيعي في المحافظة، وعلى ان يخصص مبلغ قدره(1752237651) الف دينار(الف وسبعمائة واثنان وخمسون مليارا ومئتان وسبعة وثلاثون مليونا وستمائة وواحد وخمسون الف دينار) كمشاريع الى المحافظات والاقاليم المنتجة من اصل التخصيصات المشار اليها بالبند(اولا-أ-) من الماة (2) اعلاه والمبلغ المتبقي البالغ(1752237651) الف دينار (الف وسبعمائة واثنان وخمسون مليارا ومئتان وسبعة وثلاثون مليونا وستمائة وواحد وخمسون الف دينار) والمدرج ضمن الجدول(و) الملحق بهذا القانون فيتم صرفه للمحافظة المنتجة عند تحقق الزيادة في ايرادات النفط الخام المصدر وللمحافظة حق التصرف واستخدام بما لا يزيد على 50% من التخصيصات المشار اليها اعلاه لغرض استيراد الطاقة الكهربائية او تقديم الخدمات للمحافظة وتنظيفها والنفقات الجارية وحسب احتياجات المحافظة، وتكون اولوية الانفاق للمناطق الاكثر تضررا من انتاج وتصفية النفط ولمشاريع حماية البيئة، وذلك من خلال اجراء المناقلة المطلوبة بالتنسيق مع كل من وزارتي المالية والتخطيط الاتحاديتين، وعلى ان يتم اجراء التسويات الحسابية بعد تدقيقها من قبل ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي لموازنة السنة اللاحقة لغرض تأمين فرق (3 دولار) المتبقية عن حصة كل محافظة منتجة. (E) depends amount equal to $ 2 for every barrel of crude oil producer in the province, and (2) a dollar for every barrel of crude oil refined in refineries conservative and (2) a dollar for every 150 cubic meters of natural gas producer in the province, and to allocate an amount of (1752237651) thousand dinars (one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two billion two hundred and thirty-seven million six hundred and fifty and one thousand dinars) as projects to the provinces and territories from producer continued allocations referred to in clause (i-a-) of Almah (2) above and the amount remaining $ (1752237651) thousand dinars (one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two billion two hundred and thirty-seven million six hundred and fifty and one thousand dinars) and the runway within the table (and) attached to this law shall be disbursed to keep producing at check increase in the source of crude oil revenues and to maintain the right to dispose of and use, including not More than 50% of the allocations referred to above for the purpose of importing electric energy or the provision of services to maintain and clean and ongoing expenses, according to the needs of the province, and to be a priority spending areas hardest hit by the production and oil filter and environmental protection projects, and through the conduct transfers required coordination with each of the Ministries of Finance Planning and federated, and that is a computational adjustments after audited by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision of the subsequent year's budget for the purpose of securing a difference (US $ 3) for the remaining share of each province produced.
ثانيا:- العجز Second: - deficit
أ- بلغ اجمال العجز المخطط للموازنة العامة الاتحادية للسنة المالية /2015 (25401235783) الف دينار(خمسة وعشرون الفا واربعمائة وواحد مليار ومئتين وخمسة وثلاثين مليونا وسبعمائة وثلاثة وثمانين الف دينار) ويغطى هذا العجز من الاقتراض الداخلي والخارجي ومن المبالغ النقدية المدورة في حساب وزارة المالية الاتحادية ونسبة من الوفر المتوقع من زيادة اسعار بيع النفط الخام المصدر او زيادة صادرات النفط الخام. A total Ajmal planned deficit of the general budget of the Federal fiscal year / 2015 (25401235783) thousand dinars (twenty five thousand four hundred and one billion two hundred and thirty-five million, seven hundred and eighty-three thousand dinars) and cover the deficit of the internal and external borrowing and cash retained in the Ministry of Finance account Federal savings rate is expected to increase the sale of the source of crude oil prices or increase crude oil exports.
وحسب التفاصيل المبينة في ما يأتي:- According to the details set forth in the following: -
ب- يخول وزير المالية الاتحادي الاستمرار بالاقتراض لغرض سد العجز المتوقع في الموازنة العامة الاتحادية :- من :- (B) authorizes the Federal Minister of Finance to continue to borrow for the purpose of bridging the projected deficit in the federal budget: - from: -
1- صندوق النقد الدولي بما يكمل مبلغ (4،5) مليار دولار (اربعة مليارات وخمسمائة مليون دولار). 1. The International Monetary Fund, complementing the amount of (4.5) billion dollars (four billion five hundred million dollars).
2- البنك الدولي بما يكمل مبلغ الـ (2) مليار دولار (ملياري دولار) خلال سنة /2015 يخصص منها مبلغ (355) مليون دولار لوزارة الاعمار والاسكان 3-لغرض تمويل اعمال طريق المرور السريع. 2. World Bank, complementing the $ 2 billion dollars (two billion dollars) during the year / 2015 allocated of which $ 355 million dollars to the Ministry of Construction and Housing-3 for the purpose of financing highway traffic.
3- استخدام حقوق السحب الخاص بـ SDR بحدود (1،8) مليار دولار (واحد مليار وثمانمائة مليون دولار). 3. The use of the Special Drawing Rights of up to SDR (1.8) billion dollars (one billion, eight hundred million dollars).
4- الاقتراض الداخلي بما فيه اصدار الحوالات وسندات الخزينة. 4. domestic borrowing, including issuing orders and Treasury bonds.
ج- تخويل وزارة المالية الاقتراض بمبلغ (500000000) دولار (خمسمائة مليون دولار) من البنك الاسلامي للتنمية وعلى ان يخصص مبلغ قدره (225000000) دولار (مئتان وخمسة وعشرون مليون دولار) الى وزارة الاعمار والاسكان لغرض تمويل اعمال تاهيل طريق المرور السريع رقم /1 وعلى ان يستخدم المبلغ المتبقي لمشاريع الوزارات الاخرى بالاتفاق مع البنك الاسلامي للتنمية. (C) authorize the Ministry of Finance to borrow an amount (500000000) dollars (five hundred million dollars) from the Islamic Development Bank to allocate an amount of (225 million) dollars (two hundred and twenty-five million dollars) to the Ministry of Construction and Housing for the purpose of financing the rehabilitation of Highway No. 1 / and that the remaining amount is used for projects other ministries in agreement with the Islamic Development Bank.
ثالثا :- يتم تمويل التخصيصات المتبقية من النفقات الجارية بما فيها النفقات الحاكمة والسيادية للوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة وتخصيصات احتياطي الطوارئ البالغة (18150865022) الف دينار (ثمانية عشر الفا ومائة وخمسين مليارا وثمانمائة وخمسة وستين مليونا واثنين وعشرين الف دينار) والموزعة وفق الجدول (و) الملحق بهذا القانون عند تحقق سيولة نقدية اضافية عن زيادة كميات صادرات النفط الخام المصدر او الزيادة في اسعار بيع النفط الخام المصدر. Third: - is related to the Ministry and allocations contingency reserve amounting be financed remaining allocations of current expenditures, including the ruling sovereign expenditures of the ministries and agencies (18150865022) thousand dinars (eighteen thousand, one hundred and fifty billion eight hundred and sixty-five million and two and twenty thousand dinars) and distributed in accordance with the table (and ) attached to this law when you check extra cash for increasing amounts of crude oil exports, the source or the increase in the selling price of crude oil source.

الفصل الثالث Chapter III
احكام عامة وختامية General and Final Provisions
المادة -3- Article 3
يحصر الصرف من اعتمادات الحسابات الرئيسة للنفقات (تعويضات الموظفين، المستلزمات الخدمية، المستلزمات السلعية، صيانة الموجودات، النفقات الرأسمالية، المنح والاعانات وخدمة الدين والفوائد والمصروفات الاخرى، الالتزامات والمساهمات والمساعدات الخارجية ، البرامج الخاصة، الرعاية الاجتماعية) ونفقات المشاريع المعتمدة ضمن الموازنة العامة الاتحادية لجمهورية العراق من قبل وزير المالية الاتحادية، وللوزير المختص او رئيس الجهة غير المرتبطة بوزارة او المحافظ او رئيس مجلس المحافظة صلاحية الصرف مباشرة في ضوء الاعتمادات المرصدة ضمن موازنته السنوية وللاغراض المحددة لها بموجب خطة الانفاق التي يصادق عليها وزير المالية الاتحادية ولا يجوز الدخول في الالتزام بالصرف بما يزيد عما هو مخصص في الموازنة العامة الاتحادية. Limits the exchange of credits main accounts of expenses (compensation of employees, supplies services, intermediate goods, asset maintenance, capital expenditures, grants, subsidies and debt service, interest and other expenses, commitments and contributions and foreign aid, special programs, social welfare) and the expenses of the projects approved in the general budget of the Federal Republic Iraq by the Federal Minister of Finance, and the concerned minister or the head of the body is related to the Ministry, purses or head of the provincial power exchange Council directly in the light of the Allocations within the annual budget and for the purposes specified under the spending approved by the Federal Minister of Finance may not enter into a commitment to certifying plan more than what is intended in the federal budget.
المادة - 4 - Article - 4 -
لوزير المالية الاتحادي صلاحية اجراء المناقلة بين اعتمادات الموازنة العامة الاتحادية لجمهورية العراق المصادق عليها في الموازنة العامة الاتحادية السنوية على مستوى الابواب والاقسام والفصول والمواد والانواع وتسلسل النوع ولكل حالة على حدة، وله حق تخويل الوزراء ورؤساء الجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة والمحافظين ورؤساء مجالس المحافظات غير المرتبطة باقليم صلاحية اجراء المناقلة بين اعتمادات الموازنة الاتحادية لجمهورية العراق المصادق عليها في الموازنة العامة الاتحادية السنوية بنسبة لا تتجاوز (10%) (عشرة من المائة) من وحدة صرف لوحدة الصرف الاخرى التي يتم تخفيض اعتماداتها باستثناء اعتمادات المشاريع الاستثمارية مع مراعاة احكام البند (8) من القسم (9) من قانون الادارة المالية رقم (95) لسنة/2004 على ان لا تتم المناقلة من تخصيصات نفقات المشاريع الرأسمالية الى النفقات الجارية. Federal Minister of Finance the power to conduct transfers between funds the general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq ratified in the annual federal budget at the level of the doors, sections, chapters and articles, species and sequence type and for each individual case, has the right to authorize the ministers and heads of departments not related to the Ministry, governors and heads of provincial councils is associated province authority to conduct transfers between funds the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq approved in the federal budget annual rate not exceeding 10% (ten percent) of the unit exchange for the unity of the other exchange is reduced allocations except for credits of investment projects, taking into account the provisions of subsection (8) of section (9) of the Financial Administration Act No. (95) for the year / 2004 that are not transfers of capital project expenditure allocations to current expenditures.
المادة -5- Article -5-
لرئيس الوزراء الاتحادي ووزير المالية الاتحادي مشتركا استخدام المبالغ المعتمدة لـ (احتياطي الطوارئ) المنصوص عليها في البند (اولاً/ج) من المادة (2) من هذا القانون لتسديد النفقات الضرورية بعد نفاذ هذا القانون اذا كانت هناك حاجة ملحة للانفاق دون التقيد (بالانفاق المحلي) وعدم وجود تخصيص لتغطية هذه الحاجة لحد (3) مليارات دينار (ثلاثة مليارات دينار) لكل حالة واذا تجاوز المبلغ الحد المذكور تستحصل موافقة مجلس الوزراء الاتحادي باقتراح من وزير المالية الاتحادي وعلى وزير المالية الاتحادي اعداد ضوابط لاستخدام تخصيصات احتياطي الطوارئ ضمن تعليمات تنفيذ الموازنة العامة الاتحادية السنوية. Prime Minister of the Federal and Federal Minister of Finance jointly amounts approved for use (contingency reserve) set forth in item (i / c) of Article (2) of the Act for the payment of necessary expenses after the entry into force of this law, if there is an urgent need to spend without being restricted (local spending ) and the lack of allocation to cover this need Reduction (3) billion dinars (three billion dinars) for each case, and if it exceeds the limit mentioned amount rely Cabinet approval of the federal proposal of the Federal Minister of Finance and the Federal Minister of Finance to prepare regulations for the use of the contingency reserve allocations within the Implementing Regulations of the general budget Annual Federal.
المادة -6- Article 6
اولا First of all
تستخدم الاعتمادات المصادق عليها في هذا القانون لغاية 31/ كانون الاول من السنة المالية /2015. Using the approved appropriations in this Act until 31 / December of the fiscal year / 2015.
ثانيا :- Second: -
تقيد الايرادات المتحققة خلال السنة المالية 2015 ايرادا للموازنة العامة الاتحادية ولغاية 31/12/2015 اما الايرادات المقبوضة بعد نهاية السنة المالية /2015 فتقيد ايرادا للموازنة العامة الاتحادية للسنة المالية/2016. Restrict the income earned during the fiscal year 2015 revenue of the general budget of the federal till 12.31.2015 The income received after the end of the financial year / 2015 are recorded revenue of the general budget of the federal fiscal year / 2016.
المادة -7 - Article -7 -
لا يجوز اجراء اي مناقلة ضمن تخصيصات (اعمال وتنمية مشاريع الاقاليم والمحافظات) بين المحافظات. Shall not make any transfers within the allocations (Acts and regional development projects and the provinces) between the provinces.
المادة - 8 - Article - 8 -
يخول وزير البلديات والاشغال العامة الاتحادية صلاحية اجراء مناقلة بين الموارد الذاتية لموازنات المؤسسات البلدية ضمن المحافظة الواحدة واجراء المناقلة ضمن حساب السلعية والخدمية لكل مؤسسة بلدية. Authorizes the Minister of Municipalities and Public Works validity of federal transfers between own resources to the budgets of municipal institutions within the same province and conduct transfers within the goods and services account for each municipality Foundation.

المادة - 9 - Article 9 - -
اولا: First of all:
تحدد حصة اقليم كوردستان بنسة (17%) سبع عشرة من المائة من اجمالي النفقات المبينة في الجدول/هـ.النفقات الحاكمة) الملحق بهذا القانون وتدفع من قبل وزارة المالية الاتحادية. The share of the province of Kurdistan determine TONGS (17%) of the seventeen percent of the total expenditures shown in the table / ruling H.alinvqat) attached to this law and paid by the Federal Ministry of Finance.
ثانيا- II.
تحدد نسبة (17%) سبع عشرة من المائة لاقليم كوردستان من مجموع الانفاق الفعلي (النفقات الجارية ونفقات المشاريع الاستثمارية) للموازنة العامة الاتحادية لجمهورية العراق المصادق عليها بعد استبعاد النفقات السيادية المتمثلة بـ(مجلس النواب، رئاسة الجمهورية، مجلس الوزراء، وزارة الخارجية، وزارة الدفاع، اجور المفاوضات والمطالبات القانونية للديون، اجور تدقيق شركة التدقيق الدولية ولجنة الخبراء الماليين، المساهمة في كلفة انتاج النفط الخام المصدر، فوائد قروض البنك الدولي، فوائد قروض صندوق النقد الدولي، فوائد على القروض الاجنبية الاخرى، فوائد على سندات حوالات الخزينة العامة، فوائد السندات على اطفاء الديون الخارجية للقطاع الخاص، مبالغ المساهمات العربية والدولية، نفقات مديرية السفر والجنسية وقيادة قوات الحدود ومشاريع المنافذ الحدودية، مجلس الامن الوطني، تسوية الديون في الخارج، اجور نقل النفط الخام المصدر عبر تركيا، اقساط الاتفاقيات الثنائية مع دول نادي باريس ودول خارج نادي باريس، الفوائد المترتبة عن اقساط الاتفاقيات الثنائية مع دول نادي باريس ودول خارج نادي باريس، تسديد قيمة اصدارات حوالات الخزينة القديمة، التسوية النقدية للديون الصغيرة للقطاع الخاص في الخارج، التمويل المشترك، مشاريع الموانئ، مشاريع السكك الحديدية، مشاريع السدود، مشاريع ادارة الاجواء، اقساط قروض صندوق النقد الدولي، اقساط قروض البنك الدولي ومستحقات صندوق النقد العربي عن اتفاقية اعادة هيكلية مديونية العراق). The proportion (17%) of seven-year-percent for the Kurdistan Region of the total actual spending (current expenditures and expenses of the investment projects) of the general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq ratified after excluding expenses of the sovereign (the House of Representatives, the Presidency, Council of Ministers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, wage negotiations and legal claims of debt, wages scrutiny of international auditing firm and the Committee of Financial Experts, to contribute to the cost of crude oil production source, the benefits of World Bank loans, the benefits of IMF loans, interest on other foreign loans, interest on bonds remittances public treasury, benefits bonds to extinguish the external debt of the private sector, the amounts of Arab and international contributions, travel and Nationality Directorate and the leadership of the border forces and projects of border crossings expenses, the National Security Council, debt settlement abroad, wages for transporting crude oil source via Turkey, premiums bilateral agreements with the Paris Club countries and countries outside the Paris Club, the benefits of all premiums bilateral agreements with the Paris Club countries and countries outside the Paris Club, the payment of the value of the versions of the old treasury transfers, cash settlement small private sector debt abroad, co-financing, port projects, railway projects, dam projects, Project Management atmosphere , premiums IMF loans, premiums World Bank loans and receivables Arab Monetary Fund for the restructuring of Iraq's debts Convention).
ثالثا: تراعى حصص المحافظات غير المنتظمة في اقليم بنسبة عدد سكانها من اجمالي النفقات المبينة في الجدول /د النفقات الحاكمة) الملحق بهذا القانون بعد استبعاد حصة اقليم كردستان البالغة (17%). Third, taking into account quotas governorates not organized in a region by population of the total expenditures shown in the table / d expenditures ruling) attached to this law after excluding share amounting to the Kurdistan region (17%).
رابعا:- Fourth: -
عند حصول زيادة او انخفاض في اجمالي نفقات الموازنة العامة الاتحادية تضاف او تخفض حصة اقليم كردستان تناسبيا مع هذه الزيادة او النقصان مع مراعاة احكام البندين (ثانيا وثالثا) من هذه المادة بما فيها التعديلات التي تجري على النفقات السيادية والحاكمة من مناقلة تخصيصاتها الى نفقات عامة بنفس النسبة المذكورة اعلاه وعلى وزارة المالية الاتحادية اجراء التسوية باحتساب حصة اقليم كردستان في ضوء المصاريف الفعلية للسنوات السابقة التي تظهرها الحسابات الختامية المصادق عليها من قبل ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي. When you get an increase or decrease in the total federal budget added or expenses reduce the share of the Kurdistan region proportionally with the increase or decrease, taking into account the provisions of clauses (II, III) of this Article, including modifications that take place on sovereign expenditure and the ruling from the transfer of allocations to the general expenses of the same the ratio mentioned above and the Federal Ministry of Finance to hold settlement calculates the share of the Kurdistan region in the light of the actual expenses for prior years shown by the final accounts approved by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision.
خامسا:- Fifth: -
تخصيص نسبة من تخصيصات القوات البرية الاتحادية للجيش العراقي الى قوات البيشمركة حسب النسب السكانية باعتبارها جزءا من المنظومة الامنية العراقية. Allocating a percentage of allocations of federal land forces of the Iraqi army to the Peshmerga forces according to population ratios as part of the Iraqi security system.
المادة 10 - Article 10 -
اولا:- First of all: -
يقوم ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي بالتنسيق مع ديوان الرقابة المالية لاقليم كردستان باحتساب وتحديد الايرادات الاتحادية المستحصلة في الاقليم لهذه السنة وتقوم وزارة المالية في الاقليم بتحويلها الى وزارة المالية الاتحادية شهريا. The Federal Office of Financial Supervision in coordination with the Office of Financial Supervision of the Kurdistan region of calculating and determining federal income withdrawn in the region this year and the Ministry of Finance in the region to transfer to the Federal Ministry of Finance monthly.

ثانيا:- Second: -
عند عدم قيام الاقليم بتسديد الايرادات الاتحادية المستحصلة الى الخزينة العامة الاتحادية تقوم وزارة المالية الاتحادية باستقطاع الحصة المحددة بموجب البند (اولا) من هذه المادة بما يعادل الايرادات المخطط لها في الموازنة الاتحادية وتجري التسوية الحسابية لاحقا. When the failure of the province to pay federal income withdrawn to the public treasury of the Federal Ministry of Finance to deduct the federal quota under clause (i) of this Article equivalent to the planned revenue in the federal budget and conducting settlement calculations later.
ثالثا:- Third: -
في حالة عدم ايفاء اي طرف (الحكومة الاتحادية ، حكومة اقليم كردستان) بالتزاماته النفطية او المالية المتفق عليها في هذه الموازنة يكون الطرف الاخر غير ملزم بالايفاء ايضاً بالتزاماته نفطية كانت أو مالية. If you do not fulfill any party (the federal government, the Kurdistan Regional Government) oil or financial obligations agreed to in this budget, the other party is also bound to fulfilling its obligations or oil was financial.
المادة - 11- Article - 11
يعاد النظر في حصة اقليم كردستان والمحافظات غير المنتظمة في إقليم في الموازنة العامة الاتحادية لسنة/ 2015 وما بعدها في ضوء نتائج الاحصاء والتعداد السكاني لسنة/ 2015 وعلى ان يتم في ضوئه تحديد المبلغ الحقيقي لحصة الاقليم او المحافظة غير المنتظمة في إقليم في الموازنة العامة الاتحادية لسنة/ 2016 وعرض الفرق على مجلس الوزراء الاتحادي لتسويته. Re-examined in the share of the Kurdistan region and governorates not organized in a region in the federal budget for the year / 2015 and beyond in light of the results of the census and the census for the year / 2015 to be in the light of determining the actual amount of the share of the region or province is part of a region in the federal budget for the year / 2016 and display the difference on the Federal Minister for settlement.

المادة - 12- Article - 12
اولاً:- First of all: -
تلتزم الوزارات الاتحادية والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة بـ (الجدول/ج) عدد القوى العاملة للوزارات والدوائر الممولة مركزياً لسنة/2015 الملحق بهذا القانون ولوزير المالية الاتحادي بناء على طلب الوزارة او الجهة غير المرتبطة بوزارة، صلاحية استحداث الدرجات وتعديل الملاك الناتج عما يأتي:- Comply with federal ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry b (Table / c) the number of manpower for the ministries and departments centrally funded for the year / 2015 to the present law and Minister of Finance of the Federal At the request of the ministry or organization is not related to the Ministry, the validity of the introduction of grades and modify angel output for the following: -
أ- استحداث الدرجات الوظيفية للمشمولين بالفصل السياسي حسب قانون اعادة المفصولين السياسيين رقم 24 لسنة 2005 المعدل. A development of the grades covered by the political separation by re politicians dismissed Law No. 24 of 2005 as amended.
ب- استحداث الدرجات للتشكيلات المستحدثة في الوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة والمشرعة قانوناً بعد مصادقة الامانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء عليها وعلى ان يجري تأمين كلفها عن طريق المناقلة من ضمن النفقات الجارية لكل وزارة او جهة غير مرتبطة بوزارة. (B) the development of scores of varieties developed in the ministries and departments not related to the Ministry and enacting a law after the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and authentication that is being mandated insurance through transfers from within the current expenditure for each ministry or party is linked to the Ministry.
ثانياً:- Second: -
على الوزارات الاتحادية كافة ايقاف التعيينات ضمن التشكيلات التابعة لها من الشركات العامة والهيئات والمديريات الممولة ذاتيا التي تتلقى منحة من الخزينة العامة الاتحادية للدولة او القروض من المصارف الحكومية على ان تحذف الدرجات الوظيفية ضمن مفردات ملاك الجهات مدار البحث عند شغورها بسبب النقل او الاحالة الى التقاعد او الاستقالة او الوفاة. All stop appointments federal ministries within its formations of public companies, agencies and departments self-funded, which receive a grant from the public treasury of the federal state or loans from government banks to delete grades within the vocabulary of an angel bodies throughout the search when it became vacant due to transportation or referral to retirement or resignation or death.
ثالثاً:- Third: -
تلتزم الوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة بالإعلان عن الدرجات الوظيفية المستحدثة ضمن ملاك سنة /2015 في الصحف المحلية مع مراعاة نسب السكان في كل محافظة مع مراعاة تحديد نسبة (10%) من الدرجات المستحدثة لعام/ 2015 لغرض تعيين ذوي الشهداء والسجناء والمشمولين بقانون مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين وذويهم المعدل/35 لسنة/2013. Ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry is committed to announcing the grades developed within the angel of the year / 2015 in the local newspapers, taking into account the proportions of the population in each province, taking into account to determine the percentage (10%) of the grades developed for the year / 2015 for the purpose of the appointment of the families of martyrs, prisoners and covered by the law of political prisoners Foundation and their families average / 35 for the year / 2013.
رابعاً:- Fourth: -
أ - يمنع تعيين العاملين في دوائر الدولة كافة بأسلوب التعاقد مع امكانية تجديد العقود السابقة في حال وجود ضرورة لتجديد هذه العقود. A - prevents the appointment of employees in government departments all manner contract with the possibility of renewal of previous contracts in the event of a need to renew these contracts.
ب- يستثنى من احكام الفقرة (أ) اعلاه التعاقد مع العاملين في المشاريع الاستثمارية الجديدة ومحطات الماء والمجاري والكهرباء وحسب تعليمات تنفيذ الموازنة الاتحادية لسنة/ 2015 بالاضافة الى التعاقد مع الخبراء واصحاب الكفاءات الكادر المتقدم وفقاً للضوابط المحددة بقرارات مجلس الوزراء رقم / 280 لسنة/2009 وتعديلاته و/297 لسنة/ 2010 و 29 لسنة/2011. (B) The provisions of paragraph (a) above contract with workers in new investment projects and water plants, sewage and electricity, as instructed by the implementation of the federal budget for the year / 2015 in addition to contracting with experts and owners of competencies Advanced cadre accordance with the rules specified cabinet resolutions No. / 280 for the year / 2009 and its amendments and / 297 for the year / 2010 and 29 for the year / 2011.

المادة - 13- Article - 13
اولاً : على الوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة التنسيق المسبق مع المحافظات عند اختيار المشاريع وتصدر كل وزارة او جهة غير مرتبطة بوزارة خطة توزيع المشاريع وتعلم المحافظات بها وتراعي النسب السكانية المقررة لكل محافظة لضمان عدالة التوزيع باستثناء المشاريع الستراتيجية التي تستفيد منها اكثر من محافظة وعدم التداخل بين المشاريع المدرجة ضمن خطة الوزارة وبين المشاريع المدرجة ضمن خطة تنمية الاقاليم وتخول صلاحيات الوزير الى المحافظ المعني بالإعلان والاحالة والتنفيذ للمشاريع الوزارية (الصحة، البلديات والاشغال العامة، التجارة ، الاعمار والاسكان، الزراعة، العمل والشؤون الاجتماعية، الثقافة والشباب والرياضة). First: the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry prior coordination with the provinces when selecting projects and issued each ministry or institution not linked to the Ministry of distribution projects plan and learn provinces out and take into account the population ratios established for each province to ensure the equitable distribution except for strategic projects that benefit the most from the province and lack of overlap between the Projects included in the ministry's plan and the projects included in the regional development plan and empowers the powers of the minister to the governor on the Declaration and the assignment and execution of projects ministerial (Health, Municipalities and Public Works, Trade, Construction and Housing, Agriculture, Labor and Social Affairs, Culture, Youth and Sports). دون مبلغ (10) مليار دينار (عشرة مليارات دينار) بعد مناقلة المبالغ من حساب الوزارة الى حساب المحافظة باستثناء المشاريع المقترحة لعام/ 2015 والمتعلقة بتحديث التصاميم الاساسية والتفصيلية لمراكز المدن والدراسات الهيكلية للمحافظات ودراسة تنمية المناطق المتهرئة والحفاظ على المناطق التاريخية والمناطق ذات الطبيعية التراثية والمحميات الطبيعية وعلى ان تصدر وزارتا التخطيط والمالية الاتحاديتان جدولاً بالمشاريع المعنية لكل محافظة ويخول وزيرا المالية والتخطيط الاتحاديان اصدار التعليمات اللازمة لتسهيل تنفيذ ذلك. Without the amount of (10) billion dinars (ten billion dinars) after transfers funds from the ministry account to maintain account with the exception of the proposed projects for the year / 2015 for the modernization of the basic and detailed design of the centers of cities and studies the structural provinces and the study of the development of the desolated areas and the preservation of historic areas and areas of natural heritage and nature reserves natural, to be issued by the Ministries of Planning and Finance Alathaditan schedule projects concerned for each province and empowers the Minister of Finance and Planning Alathadian to issue necessary instructions to facilitate the implementation of it.
ثانياً: للوزارة المختصة تكليف المحافظة بتنفيذ المشاريع الجديدة غير المباشر بها من قبل الوزارات الاتحادية في 1/ تموز من السنة المالية الحالية. Second, the competent Ministry mandated to maintain the implementation of new projects indirect by federal ministries in 1 / July of the current fiscal year.
ثالثاً: للمحافظة تكليف اي وزارة من الوزارات الاتحادية او حسب الاختصاص لتنفيذ المشاريع في تلك المحافظة على حساب تخصيصات (اعمار وتنمية الاقاليم والمحافظات) المخصصة لها. Third, to maintain the mandate of any ministry of the federal ministries or by jurisdiction for the implementation of projects in the province on account allocations (reconstruction and development of the regions and provinces) allocated to them.

المادة -14- Article -14-
لوزير المالية الاتحادي صلاحية اضافة تخصيصات لغرض اطفاء السلف المثبتة من 1/1/2008 لغاية/31/12/2014 والتي صرفت نتيجة لقوانين نافذة وقرارات من مجلس الوزراء بعد ان يتم تدقيقها من قبل ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي ومصادقة مجلس الوزراء الاتحادي عليها. Federal Minister of Finance validity Add allocations for the purpose of extinguishing the predecessor installed from 1/1/2008 until / 12.31.2014 of which was spent as a result of the laws of the window and the decisions of the Council of Ministers after being audited by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision and authentication of the Federal Cabinet on them.

المادة -15- Article -15-
التوسع في فتح باب الاستثمار الخاص والمشاركة مع القطاع الخاص من قبل الوزارات والجهات غير المرتبطة بوزارة والمحافظات بحدود اختصاصاتها وتشكل لهذا الغرض لجنة عليا على ان يصدر مجلس الوزراء تعليمات خاصة بها والاستثناءات من القوانين ذات العلاقة. The expansion of the open door of private investment and participation with the private sector by the ministries and departments not related to the Ministry and the provincial limits of competence and form for this purpose a higher committee that the Council of Ministers issued its own exceptions to the relevant laws instructions.

المادة - 16- Article - 16
Federal Minister of Finance to increase appropriations and certified to cover to cover the work of the National Center for Laboratories Construction and the National Center for Engineering Consultancy of the Ministry of Construction and Housing up to 50% of the revenue derived from the implementation of those actions exception of section one of the Financial Administration Act No. 95 of 2004 and that the cost conduct amounts to develop centers and supporting technical and administrative Quadrhma. Article - 17. First, be borrowing from the Agricultural Bank and Bank mortgage and housing fund interest rate of (2%). Secondly, forcing all of the Agricultural Bank and Bank mortgage and housing fund distribution of loans to be granted to citizens by the number of the population of each province according to the standards of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq. Third: The Ministry of Finance the amount of interest amounting percentage (4%) (four per cent) of the total loans granted to the project Basmajh residential. Article - 18. extinguish the debt owed
​​to the government owed ​​by taxpayers to pay the tax due to the continuation of those Official application of Article 20 of the Budget Law for the year 2008 for the period from 1/1/2009 until 31/12/2011, according to the provisions of paragraph (11) of Section IV of the Financial Administration Act No. 95 of 2004 amended. Article - 19 indeterminacy in state leadership positions (Director and above) unless there is a law degree at the ministry or the organizational structure of the law, according to the ministry or organization is not related to the Ministry. Article - 20. The spas are exempt from the fees of all goods and imported goods by the state departments and the public sector in its name and use it. Second exemption covers above goods and imported goods for government departments and the public sector from governments or donor institutions. Article - 21 - is calculated dues foreign companies operating in the Kurdistan region for the purpose of extracting oil from within the region's share of $ (17%) and continues to work so. Article -22- All Communications and Media Authority for 2013 and 2014 revenues turned into the public treasury of the federal state account after deducting the amount of its own budget and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Federal Finance Ministry. Article - 23. First: does not work in any violation of this decision The law does not the public treasury of the Federal bear any additional financial burdens outside the law.

ثانياً: Second:
House of Representatives shall not laws that have financial consequences of legislation only after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Finance. Article - 24. FAFSA link all of the Islamic window of each of the Rasheed Bank and the Rafidain and attached to a bank Islamic Mesopotamia and that is transferred the capital of two windows and Mugodathma of the banks mentioned above to Bank of Mesopotamia Islamic. Article - 25. authorizes the Council of Ministers the development of infrastructure projects determined on according to need ministries and provinces have no more than five (5) billion dollars and implemented on the basis of payment term and that deserves installment after a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of completion, taking into account the share of the Kurdistan region of $ (17%) of the amount above. Article - 26. the Federal Ministry of Finance to stop the funding of all ministries and projects and departments not related to the Ministry and the provinces that do not exceed the percentage of implementation (50%) of the planned until 07/01/2015 to be bound by the ministries and provincial departments is related to the Ministry put controls in contracting companies contracts with execution within specific tables, otherwise the termination of the contract and the Ministry of Planning and Follow-up rates of implementation of these projects and the notice of the Ministry of Finance rates of implementation referred to above for the purpose of enabling them to stop funding. Article - 27. The Council of Ministers set up the Supreme Council for Reconstruction and that is regulated by law within three months. Article - 28. establishes fund the reconstruction of areas devastated by terrorism and is funded by grants and international aid is devoted to his first sum of $ 500 billion dinars runway within Table (f) attached to this law. Article - 29. The Federal Minister of Finance to issue stamp the name of supporting the displaced determine exaggeration in accordance with instructions issued by the Accounting Chamber, in order to impose on all citizens when their review of government departments. Article - 30. abide by the ministries of electricity, telecommunications, Municipalities and Public Works Federal, and the Municipality of Baghdad to activate the collection of wage electricity, telephone, water, sewer and all other fees provided for under its own laws for the services provided to citizens and businesses and factories and government agencies and the public sector and the other for the purpose of increasing their own resources so as to reduce dependence on the federal budget. Article -31- when the employee transfer from the Department of State services centrally funded self or to the private sector bears the ministry or organization is not related to the Ministry half his salary received by the transferee, including the department for two years from the date of his transfer to go a relationship of his constituency final. Article - 32. authorizes the Minister of Finance the power to enter contracts on behalf of the Republic of Iraq to issue guarantees an interview to export and import bank in the United States for guarantees issued by financial institutions for the financial obligations, whether directly or indirectly, to finance the contract Iraqi Airways through its purchase of a number of new civil aircraft of Boink company and up Akiem these aircraft to the dollar during the financial year / 2015. Article -33- impose sales tax on Kartat mobilization of mobile phone networks and the Internet (20%) of the card value (15%) on the purchase of cars of all types of tickets and the Ministry of Finance to issue instructions necessary for the application of this article. Article - 34. The Prime Minister's proposal of the Minister of Finance to issue remittances treasury or treasury bonds when needed and to cover the dues of oil companies operating in the country that does not exceed the total to 12 billion dollars (twelve billion) by issuing one or multiple versions during the year / 2015. Article - 35. The Ministry of Water Resources sale results Cree rivers and under its proceeds to the public treasury of the State. Article - 36. abide by federal ministries and provinces and departments not associated with the Ministry to buy their requirements from the federal ministries products that not less than the value Added to these bundled products and processed on (25%) of the cost of import value added to them and to the local product prices are not higher than the imported counterparts by more than (10%) taking into account the quality specifications and quality. Article - 37. For the purpose of the contribution of state employees and the public sector in the face of economic challenges and to support our security forces in securing the war requirements against terrorism is the adoption of national savings to the staff of the state system and the public sector issued by the Federal Cabinet. Article -39- each of the Rasheed Bank and the Rafidain Bank to continue lending to public companies, agencies and departments self-funded, which suffers a shortage of resources self for the purpose of salaries and allowances of its members insurance and after the bodies above provide the economic feasibility of the two when borrowing request and that the two banks to schedule repayment of loans granted to the points above and the same purpose and granted to the two above since / 2010 and the end of the year / 2015, which has not been paid so far, according to a timetable as from the date of 01.01.2016 up with a repayment schedule of treasury transfers that have been granted years 2012, 2013 and 2014 to all of the real property Claims Commission and the Bretton prisoners and martyrs. Article - 40. the Federal Minister of Finance in coordination with the Federal Minister of Planning to prepare the necessary instructions to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this law if passed. Article - 41. This law shall be published in the Official Gazette and implemented with effect from 1 / January / 2015

The  purpose of approving the federal budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2015 began this law

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