Sunday, December 28, 2014

Heneghan - Emergency Update

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Sunday   December 28, 2014
Emergency Update
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that French Intelligence has confirmed that AirAsia flight QZ8501 made an emergency landing in the eastern part of Belitung, the island located in the Java Sea.
The passenger manifest includes individuals tied to numerous Asian financial and banking institutions.
The French pilot of AirAsia flight QZ8501 took his aircraft to a higher altitude when he received communications that his aircraft was about to be "stonered" by U.S. NSA satellites that had been fixed onto his aircraft from take off.
Note:  The best way to avoid "stonering" of an aircraft, especially the French airbus, is to immediately climb to a higher altitude, which then alters the satellite codes that were programmed to the aircraft's flight path.
P.S.  This all dovetails to the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the Department of U.S. Treasury, as well as the Internal Revenue Service, who have recently launched an investigation of the electronic currency exchange Bitcoin, HSBC of Hong Kong, Barclays Bank of England, Citibank USA, the German Deutsche Bank, Bank of America and the Central Bank of Japan for using Bitcoin (a ponzi scheme) to write naked short positions in the Japanese yen currency with these naked short positions disguised through the Bitcoin electronic exchange.
These disguised, undermargined, cross-collateralized foreign currency derivatives have been used to attack the Russian ruble, bring down the price of oil, and with the help of the Saudi Royal Family, create a massive U.S.-Japanese equity bubble based on no cash or any real volume.
It gets worse!
This international banking cartel have then used these UFO derivatives to create tax straddles that allow these aforementioned criminals to avoid paying any taxes at all on a continuing basis.
This is in total violation of Rule 125 that regulates foreign currency trading that requires end of the year amortization.
P.P.S.  We can also divulge that the CME Group headquartered in Chicago, Illinois are co-conspirators in this worldwide financial ponzi scheme reference the use of spam margins related to banks and foreign currency transactions.
In closing, we can now reveal that CNN cable news network is being hacked by patriotic elements of the U.S. Military (the gremlins are loose) who are determined to rescue the United States from the criminal financial, banking, family dynasties and criminal intelligence agencies that have turned the United States of America into a NAZI Paperclip NSA administered and occupied national security state.
The Constitution is gone but trust me, folks, it is about to make a huge comeback! 

This is something to Pay attention to!

This is something to Pay attention to!  

The world was slow to wake up to the new reality in which China is now the de facto IMF sovereign backstop, as Zero Hedge described two weeks ago in "China Prepares To Bailout Russia" when we noted that a PBOC swap-line was meant to reduce the role of the US dollar if China and Russia need to help each other overcome a liquidity squeeze, something we first noted over two months ago in "China, Russia Sign CNY150 Billion Local-Currency Swap As Plunging Oil Prices Sting Putin."

In fact, it was only this week that Bloomberg reported that "China Offers Russia Help With Currency Swap Suggestion." But in order to fully backstop Russia away from a SWIFT-world in which the dollar reigns supreme, one extra step was necessary: the launching of direct FX trade involving the Russian and Chinese currencies, either spot or forward - a move away from purely theoretical bilateral FX trade agreements - which would not only enable and make direct currency trading more efficient by sidestepping the dollar entirely, but also allow Russian companies to budget in Chinese Yuan terms. It is no surprise then that this is precisely the missing step that was announced overnight, and will be implemented starting Monday.

From Bloomberg:

China will allow trading in forwards and swaps between the yuan and three more currencies in a bid to reduce foreign-exchange risks amid increased volatility in emerging markets.

The China Foreign Exchange Trade System will begin such contracts with Malaysia’s ringgit, Russia’s ruble, and the New Zealand dollar from Dec. 29, it said in a statement on its website today. That will extend the yuan’s swaps trading to 11 currencies on the interbank foreign-exchange market.

A plunge in Russia’s ruble this month to a record low sparked a selloff in developing nations’ assets, leading to a surge in currency volatility. The new contracts come amid efforts by China to increase the international use of the yuan, as the world’s second-largest economy promotes it as an alternative to the U.S. dollar for global trade and finance. Malaysia and Russia are China’s eighth and ninth biggest trading partners, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“This will provide companies with better hedging tools, and at the same time, make currency trading more efficient,” said Ju Wang, a senior currency strategist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong. “China won’t stop yuan globalization or capital-account opening because of the volatility in emerging market currencies.”

The CFETS is an agency under the People’s Bank of China.
So while the US continues to parade with "destroying" the Russian economy, even if it means crushing the shale industry, aka the only bright spot, and high-paying job-creating industry in the US economy over the past 5 years, Russia and China continue to be nudged by the west ever closer monetarily and strategically, until one day, as we have long predicted, China and Russia will announce a joint currency, one backed by both China's "surprising" gold reserves and Russia's commodity hoard. Then things will get interesting.



Windows WIDE OPEN (Window of 19th - 27th HAS CLOSED)!!!

Estimated VNN Rate: $2.69

Sunday Morning Clues.....

We're in
Countdown Mode (AGAIN)....From 20

Upon Public Release 3 Currencies in the Basket have the potential of escalating Quickly in value

The Gold is Camouflaged in plain site

The VNN Rates Are Unpredictable....Going Up & Down!!!

@JCR3758: Good morning everyone. Be blessed in the knowledge that we have been chosen by the Almighty to help others. A new journey stands before us!

Hale Alii: It is done, done, done. Anyone who says otherwise is misleading you. We are there! Did I mention it is done? I trust my source 100% so get's done!
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 7:54



Making History
& New Beginnings
Making History & New Beginnings

For approximately four years many have followed the extraordinary endeavors of Neil Keenan through numerous highs and lows.

But against all outrageous odds, his  perseverance and utter dedication to the mission have never swayed one bit.  He has held his vision and the deep understanding that he is holding the key and the right IDEAL – save the world.

Remaining steadfast in not allowing his thoughts and plans to be deterred by anyone or anything, he has always known the right way to move ahead.

There have been many opportunities to cause him to walk away from it all – incredible offers from the Cabal to go away, multiple assassination attempts on his life, and a severely painful leg injury for which he was told surgery was needed.

Any one of these events would have been enough for an ordinary man to give up, retire and wish the world good luck.  But he endured, stayed the course and kept pushing and pushing until the doors opened.  And now they have.

Not only has he and his team finally succeeded in opening the doors, the world can now see what is behind them.  Here is history in the making.

Naysayers, hateful betrayers, malevolent detractors, disinfo agents, sycophants, would-be assassins and Cabal criminals:  Rue This Day!

The Bunker Venture

In a historic precedent of enormous consequence, Neil is the first Westerner to ever enter one of the bunkers.  This one bunker (one of approximately 1,000) is a 16-acre, 4-level underground cavern filled with treasures deposited by the “Family” over many years until the present day.

Access to the bunker was not without multiple and unforeseen challenges.  A number of clearances by the Elders were required before Neil, Nelu and Jo could enter the bunker, but they remained undaunted by the long delays, lack of sleep and spare shelter conditions as they waited “on-call” for entry.

They even found some entertainment with listening to the loud mating calls of the indigenous lizards.  (Neil intends to use one of the lizard calls as a ring tone for his phone.)

A profoundly humble, pure-of-heart man, the Elder “gatekeeper” lead them to the bunker.  It is important to note that several years ago Neil underwent a ceremony conducted by the Elders to determine that his motivation was solely for the highest good — his own pureness of heart.  Only with this being indisputably established was Neil allowed to enter a bunker.

Although they were unable to obtain video inside the bunker during this first venture, what Neil and the team found were chests/boxes apparently filled with gold, jewels, museum artifacts, modern global currencies in all denominations (including 2015 US dollars printed by the Federal Reserve), and of equal magnitude, invaluable documents that detail the truth behind some of the atrocities committed against humanity.  (These documents will be used to fortify Neil’s lawsuit when it is refiled.)  If that wasn’t enough, there was even a full-sized helicopter stored inside.

Upon exiting the bunker, Neil was rewarded for his determination and courage.  The Elder gatekeeper presented him with numerous sealed and locked boxes which, as you will see in the video, required serious manual labor to break open.

Precious few have seen these boxes, much less seen them opened, because only a few have ever gotten close to them before.  Most don’t believe they exist but here is undeniable proof that they do in fact exist.  Here is the first disclosure of what one box might contain.

Before the box was opened, Neil joked that with the Keenan Team’s luck, the contents were probably from Al Capone’s vault that was moved to Asia.  In this one box were gold bars each weighing 1 kilogram (2.3 lbs) and worth approximately $50K.  The ravages of time and humidity have created oxidation and mold on the bars, but there’s no question about what lies beneath.

The Elders unequivocally support Neil and his efforts with a solid, long-term commitment to sustain his efforts.  On behalf of the world at large, we humbly thank the Elders for all that they are doing.

With these assets they are compensating Neil for some of his own expended funds and providing the backing to move forward with his operations to restore our world through humanitarian projects.  These beneficent and wise Elders have given him a “key” to enable the opening the Global Collateral Accounts.  Never before has there been such definitive proof that the Accounts exist!

While many people do not believe that there are Global Collateral Accounts, this is because the Cabal and their cronies have gone to great lengths for the world to accept this as truth.  They have everything to gain in perpetuating their programming that our destiny remains in their total control.

They would have us continue to believe that only carnage, terror and violence change the world overnight.  But we give you undeniable proof here and now that righteous and positive global events can and will manifest to transform our world.

It needs to be very clear, however, that this is not about Nesara or anything like it.  When the Accounts are finally opened, there will be much clean-up to be done and there will be humanitarian projects throughout this world, not just in the West where people will procure jobs.

There will be no hand-outs but only real work to be done to restore our civilization and live up to our potential in a reality where our species will thrive in harmony and prosperity.  These are the hard facts and to believe otherwise is nothing but delusion.

Build the Momentum!

For their part, the West must take action toward the ideal and what absolutely needs to get done.  They must find the courage to make a stand against all that is corrupt and bring real meaning to their lives with action that thwarts what is happening — the complete demise of our species.  Neil has risked all to get us to this point.

By example he has shown how one man can make a tremendous difference in this world.  It is now time to be known for your actions; to be known for leaving this world a better place than how you found it; to be known for the great potential that is inside each one of us.  Choose now the legacy that you will leave for your family and the generations to come.

Round #2 – Upcoming

What a spectacular beginning this is!  Obviously there is still an extraordinary amount of work ahead for Neil and the team, and soon the forthcoming ventures into the bunkers will yield video footage for all to see.

In watching this video you will know beyond a doubt that the Global Collateral Accounts do exist and understand how vital, and delicate, this matter will soon be.  We present this to give you an idea of some of the actual painstaking efforts involved, and, true to Keenan style, with a bit of humor.

And this is our Christmas present to you.  God bless us all – Peace and Joy to the World!

Shadow Government Intelligence Secrets & 9/11 Truth with John Banks

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Shadow Government Intelligence Secrets & 9/11 Truth with John Banks
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 28-Dec-2014 04:39:40

Published on Dec 26, 2014
Government secret intelligence, CIA drug smuggling, 9/11 truth, and British counter-terrorist dirty business is shared by John Banks. Banks guides us through Pakistan & Afghanistan collaboration with mujahadeen, to Latin American cocaine business, and African civil wars--all operated through corrupt collaboration with warlords and drug cartels. As Afghanistan has just had a record year for heroin production, we trace how business has stayed dirty (and profitable) for the shadow governments of the West, and learn some of the dirty secrets of the intelligence departments of England and America in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.
John Banks is an Ex-Paratrooper and Pathfinder who worked for British government in counter terrorism with Special Branch and SO15. He was involved with the CIA in three mercenary operations in Africa, in addition to many other clandestine operations.

Alarms sound over possible move to recognize Iran

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WASHINGTON – As the Obama administration opens up diplomatic relations with Cuba after a half-century, concern is looming over whether the United States similarly will extend diplomatic recognition to Iran and restore connections severed in 1979 when the Islamic revolution brought conservative clerics to power following the overthrow of the U.S.-backed Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
Unlike Cuba, however, Iran today is a major Shiite power that is battling for influence in the Middle East against Sunni Saudi Arabia, a U.S. ally. Its military is estimated to be more powerful than all the Sunni Arab countries’ militaries combined.
But its interests have aligned lately with the U.S. Like America, it similarly seeks the defeat of the radical Sunni Islamic State, or ISIS.
The two diverge over Iran’s nuclear enrichment program, which Washington regards as a prelude to developing nuclear weapons, but the administration realizes it can only curtail, not eliminate, it.
The concern is that President Barack Obama will reprise his December Cuba surprise by re-opening diplomatic ties with the Islamic clerics in Tehran.
WND sought comment on this prospect from the State Department but, to date, there has been no response.
In fact, there appears to be efforts under way to curtail such a possibility.
Middle East expert Andres Cala tells that those efforts could occur even at the expense of furthering American interests.
Former assistant secretary of State for Latin America and Middle East expert Elliott Abrams raised this concern in a recent article in the Weekly Standard.
“Imagine for a moment that you are a Saudi, Emirati, Jordanian, or Israeli,” Abrams said. “Your main national security worry these days is Iran – Iran’s rise, its nuclear program, its troops fighting in Iraq and Syria, its growing influence from Yemen through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon. Your main ally against Iran for the past decades has been the United States. Naturally, you worry about American policy.
“And now, you turn on the TV and see the announcement about the change in American policy in Cuba,” he said. “Re-establishment of diplomatic relations. Lots of changes in the embargo that will mean plenty more cash for the Castros. A change in the whole American official position vis-à-vis Cuba. … As to real changes in the regime – changes in its foreign or domestic policies – none. Zero. Zip. So, you conclude that in the long struggle between the United States and the Castro regime since 1959, the Americans have finally blinked.”
Cala points out that the reaction to opening of relations with Cuba generally was “mild to positive,” suggesting to Obama that any fallout from a nuclear agreement with Iran might also be manageable.
While such an agreement is within reach, the administration without hesitation agreed to an extension of talks to March 2015.
Cala said that such a deal could have been reached at the November meeting but Obama balked, believing that the timing wasn’t quite right.
“Possibly he didn’t want to complicate the politically easier Cuba opening,” Cala said. “(Obama) does seem to favor a methodical approach toward taking on challenges, first one, then another, rather than bunching them into a package.
“Both Israeli and Saudi officials have complained about the alleged threat from the Shiite crescent stretching from Tehran through Damascus to Beirut,” Cala said. “And (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu has repeatedly warned that the possibility Iran might eventually produce a nuclear bomb is an ‘existential threat’ to Israel, though Israel has a large undeclared nuclear arsenal of its own.”
Cala believes, however, that Obama’s delay could give those against opening up to Iran more time to consolidate their opposition, especially now that both Houses of Congress will be under Republican control, which tends to show more favor to Israel’s position.
“Along with Israel and the Sunni Arab countries, U.S. hardliners are pushing to expand the war in Syria to have the U.S. military join in attacking the Iranian-backed regime of Bashar al-Assad,” Cala said.
On the other hand, Cala sees U.S. strategic interests aligning with those of Iran, especially over the fight against ISIS and the need to bolster the embattled Iraqi military. Iran is providing support to Iraqi and Kurdish forces, as is the U.S.
Cala also believes the strained U.S. relationship with Israel and Saudi Arabia will make Obama unwilling “to carry water for them in their rivalry with Shiite Iran.”
“If Obama finally decides to complete the deal with Iran,” Cala said, “he can expect a difficult time with not just Republicans but even Democrats in Congress, where the Israel lobby remains one of the most powerful and effective. Indeed, the likely congressional pressure would be toward increasing sanctions on Iran, not removing them.”
Unless a nuclear deal can be reached, Cala sees Iran moving strategically closer to Russia.
“Iran and Russia broadened economic ties only days after the failure to sign the nuclear deal in November,” Cala said. “Though the two countries have historically had tense relations, they also have been stepping up their strategic cooperation around shared objectives in Syria and the Caucasus. But both now have something else in common, sanctions from the West.”
Moscow has agreed to build two more nuclear plants in Iran and also has offered to supply nuclear fuel for them.
At the same time, Cala sees Russia using Iran as a bargaining chip against further Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis. And that relationship could only deepen if no nuclear deal is struck between Iran and the West.
“From the view of some U.S. diplomats,” Cala said, “Russian-Iranian cooperation could even unlock the stalemate in Syria by brokering Assad’s departure and his replacement with a leader who could gain more support from the Sunni population.
“Iran and Russia have signaled they would accept Assad stepping down and the inclusion of Assad’s opposition, as long as the status quo is otherwise maintained and the Alawites, Shiites, Christians and other minorities are protected,” he said.
Nevertheless, the Obama administration is concerned about upsetting Turkey and Saudi Arabia which want Assad removed by force.
In addition, the Ukraine crisis has made it more complicated for the administration to work with Russia in resolving the Syrian civil war.
For the Obama administration, Cala said, more could be lost if a deal with Iran over its nuclear program isn’t struck.
“Obama can judge a deal as too risky and close the diplomatic window with Iran,” Cala said. “That, however, could lead to worsening Middle Eastern instability and feed a new Cold War with Russia. Iran has explicitly said it will bolster its ties with Russia and China if negotiations break off. It has also said it will not extend negotiations again.”



Hi John

More for your readers to understand how mind control of the planet works.

GOD's Scenic Song

Each Day Notice GOD's Invisible Companionship,
  and HE will Inspire You.
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Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials

Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld And Other CIA Officials

He finished the interview with some pretty damning words that should make George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld shudder:
“And let me just say, Germany — whatever happened before, between the NSA spying on Germany and the fact that their citizen has now been revealed to have been kept in a torture place, when it was known that he was innocent, I’m pretty sure that Germany is going to take this very seriously.

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Already Blessed

7:21 AM PT Already Blessed wrote



Hot! Hot! Hot! Warning! Major Move by Banks! (Video) Heads Way the Hell Up Folks!

Hot! Hot! Hot! Warning! Major Move by Banks!

Dec 27 2014


Investors in U.S.-based funds poured $36.5 billion into stock funds in the latest weekly period, marking the biggest inflows on record as U.S. stocks surged to record highs, data from Thomson Reuters Lipper service showed on Friday.
The massive cash commitments for the week ended Dec. 24 were the biggest since Lipper’s records began in 1992. Investors pledged entirely to funds that specialize in U.S. stocks, which attracted $39 billion, while funds that invest in non-U.S. shares posted $2.5 billion in outflows.
The demand came from both retail and institutional investors, with stock mutual funds attracting $12.8 billion and stock exchange-traded funds attracting $23.7 billion. Mutual funds are commonly purchased by retail investors, while exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are thought to represent the behavior of institutional investors.
The inflows into stock mutual funds were the biggest since March 2000, while the inflows into stock ETFs were the biggest since March 2008. The overall inflows into stock funds follows $17.9 billion in withdrawals the prior week, which were the biggest since February. Read more

UPDATE ADDITIONAL INFO ON THE BANKING CRISIS: ALERT! Adding to the Bank Crisis: China To Launch Yuan Swap Trading With Russian Rubles On Monday Check it out AFTER the video below!!

Are you fully prepared; have you included this ESSENTIAL component? (Scroll to below the video).

Bonus Vid