Saturday, June 20, 2015

Was Big Pharma Responsible For Another Mass Shooting?

  June 18 2015
Big Pharma Responsible For
Another Mass Shooting?
SC Church Shooter Took
Psych Drugs Before Attack
  J. D. Heyes  
(NaturalNews) Mass shootings, sadly, have become a part of the American lexicon, and without question the majority of the American people are not comfortable with this fact. The latest outrage: A young white man who allegedly possessed some racist animosity went into a predominantly black church in Charleston, S.C., and opened fire, telling one victim that blacks "rape our women," "are taking over our country" and "have to go.  
Predictably, the mainstream and legacy media are using this tragedy as Exhibit A in their relentless push to paint the United States - whites, primarily - as racist, bigoted and intolerant. Unfortunately, and despite government statistics that actually show that whites are more commonly victims of so-called "hate" crimes - too many of our citizens will buy into the lie once more, making it ever more difficult for blacks and whites to reconcile.  
But there is another predictable element to this mass shooting as well, and it is a connection getting far less attention in the press and in the political arena than it should: The alleged S.C. church shooter, Dylan Roof, was taking a dangerous mind-altering drug like virtually every other mass shooter ever since the late 1990s Columbine High School shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.
It's not the guns, folks, it's the medications
As CBS News reported:
Since January, Roof has been arrested twice, both at the Columbiana Mall in Columbia, S.C. According to arrest records obtained CBS News investigative producer Laura Strickler, on February 28, Roof went into a Bath and Body Works store wearing all black and asked "out of the ordinary questions," including how many associates were working, when they closed and what time they leave. ...
The officer noted that Roof was becoming increasingly nervous. He searched Roof and found "orange strips" that Roof said were "suboxone," a Schedule 3 narcotic. Roof was arrested and his 2000 Hyundai Elantra was towed.
A user of this drug on the web site MD Junction noted that her husband "became violent, smashing [sic] things and threatening me," after just a few days of coming off Suboxone.
Another poster at MD Junction tells the story of how his personality completely changed as a result of taking Suboxone. The person related how he became "nasty" and "violent" just weeks after beginning the drug, adding that he would "snap" and be mean to people for no reason.
According to The Courier-Journal, Suboxone "is increasingly being abused, sold on the streets and inappropriately prescribed" by doctors. For a number of users, it becomes even more addictive than the drugs it's supposed to help them quit.
As Natural News has noted, in the vast majority of the mass shootings over the past two decades, the perpetrators have been taking some form of mood-altering, mind-altering, psychotropic drug. And yet, the mainstream media and President Obama have, again predictably, blamed the firearm used by these shooters and not the medications.
Obama, in comments following reports of the shooting, also said that the United States was the only advanced society where such shootings occur on a regular basis. The solution, of course, was to ban more guns. But the president said nothing about the link between the violence and the medications.
We deny this link at our own risk
One reason that other advanced societies don't have so many mass killings could be because they don't poison as many of their children with pharmaceutical drugs. According to a 2008 study, U.S. kids are three times more likely than European children to be prescribed psychotropic drugs.
As reported by US News & World Report:
American children are three times more likely to be prescribed psychotropic medications for conditions such as ADHD and bipolar disease than European children are, a new study finds.
Differences in regulatory practices and cultural beliefs about the benefit of medication for emotional and behavioral problems may explain this dramatic difference, the U.S. researchers added.
"There is significantly greater use of atypical antipsychotics and SSRI-type antidepressants for child mental health treatment in U.S. than in Western Europe," said lead researcher Julie Zito, of the pharmaceutical health services research department in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Maryland. "Since most of the use is 'off-label' -- without adequate evidence of benefits and risks, close monitoring should be considered when these medications are used."
The longer we deny, as a society, that these dangerous drugs are having at least some effect on these mass shootings, the more of them will occur. Sources:
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By Lloyd Marcus
June 20, 2015
Do you ever get the feeling that perhaps you are
the one who is crazy? It would have been easy for me to feel that way back in 2008. It appeared that every black person in America was giddy with excitement about the possibility of America electing its first black president except me.
Upon reviewing his hardcore liberal associations, anti-Semitic pastor, history of bullying political opponents out of races and admitting to Joe the Plumber his plan to redistribute wealth, I saw
Obama as a far left radical Democrat, Chicago
thug politician. Still, from my preacher dad to
my 100 year old grandmother and everyone in between, my entire black family worshiped the
ground Obama walked on. I was the odd man out;
the weird one.
I find myself in a similar position today.
Remarkably, famed religious leaders whom I
purposely will not name are suggesting that
Christians allow homosexuals to redefine God's institution of marriage; claiming to have biblical
basis for doing so. While doing interviews on Christian radio shows, I was stunned a few times
by hosts who took issue with me for not embracing same sex marriage.
A few years back, I flew out to LA. A Christian youth pastor picked me up from the airport. He
said his church teaches to embrace homosexuality because God is love and God does not care who we love.
Have modern Bibles eliminated scriptures that list certain behaviors as sin and an abomination to God? (Leviticus 18:22)
Flipping through my TV channels this week, I saw that the Home and Garden channel ran back to back hour long programs featuring remodeling the homes of same sex couples; back to back! Even a sandwich spread commercial featured a homosexual couple. With the secular world and much of the Christian church embracing the "new normal", it is easy for
one to ponder. Am I wrong about this?
But then, invoking the same elation in me as if he wore a leotard, a cape and an "S" on his chest, Franklin Graham stood up, boldly pushing back
against Wells Fargo Bank funding a commercial promoting homosexual marriage and
parenting. Thanks Franklin, I knew I was not
Praise God that someone of major prominence
is finally saying "no" to the Left cramming its
agenda down our throats. Graham is fighting back
by hitting the aggressors in their pocketbook; removing Billy Graham ministry's hundreds of
millions from Wells Fargo. Graham launched a
clarion call asking Christians to boycott LGBT
friendly companies.
Franklin, son of the legendary great evangelist
Billy Graham wrote on Facebook: "...Let's just
stop doing business with those who promote sin
and stand against Almighty God's laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will
get their attention.
Share this if you agree."
Before I continue. Will someone please explain
to me why suddenly corporations, the mainstream
media, broadcasters and Christian churches are scrambling to please the LGBT community and
further its agenda; the initiative trumping
everything and everyone in America? Wells Fargo basically told Graham that pleasing the LGBT community is their top priority. Again, I ask why? For crying out loud, a CDC report said the LGBT community is less than 2% of the population,
another reported slightly over 2%.
Imagine Buffalo Bob host of the 1950s kid's TV program, "The Howdy Doody Show" saying, "Okay kids, it's time for another GAY FAIRY TALE!" The kids in the live studio audience cheer, "Yeaaaaaa!!!" Today on American TV, toddlers are taught homosexuality via remakes of fairy tales. In a cartoon targeted at preschoolers, a boy rescues a prince and a princess, but chooses to marry the prince. No, I am not crazy. That just "ain't" right!
Despite the objections of parents, Virginia public school administrators figuratively told parents,
screw you, the curriculum will include gender
Meanwhile, Franklin Graham, a good man of impeccable character is standing strong, daring
to inflame the full-blown wrath of the Left and mainstream media who will attempt to brand him
as an overzealous conservative religious hater.
Step two in the Left's Targeted for Destruction playbook is to stick microphones into the faces of influential conservatives and pastors; branding all
who stand with Graham as fanatic nut-case haters. The Left will insidiously initiate the tactic of
taking the slightest opposition to its agenda to
the extreme. Graham and his supporters will be accused of being in solidarity with those who want homosexuals socially abused and physically harmed. This tried and true tactic is designed to intimidate people into backing away from Graham.
Graham has a history of pushing back against
the Left's War on Christianity. He spoke out when Obama blamed Christians for Jim Crow laws and slavery at the
National Prayer Breakfast. The
Left attacked Graham trying to shut down his "
Operation Christmas Child" which has sent 100 million boxes of toys to poor children since 1993.
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Graham's latest insubordination daring to say no
to the Left cramming homosexual marriage down
our throats may have, as my late momma used to say, plucked the Left's last nerve; moving Graham
to the top of their hit list.
This is line in the sand time folks, Christians vs
the Left's bullying.
Exodus 32:26 - "Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, "Who is on the Lord's side?
Come to me." And all the sons of Levi gathered around him."
My fellow Christians, I feel we face a similar
pivotal moment as did the sons of Levi. Who is
on the Lord's side? Support Franklin Graham.
I stand with brother Graham.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
© 2014 Lloyd Marcus - All Rights Reserved
Self proclaimed Black Unhyphenated American,
Lloyd Marcus is a featured columnist on American Thinker, Renew America, Canadian Free Press and numerous other Internet websites. A speaker, activist, singer/songwriter, recording artist and entertainer, Marcus was a featured act on the historical 2009 Tea Party Expressed Tour.
The finale event was the Sept. 12th Taxpayers March and Rally in Washington DC where Marcus performed for a million people.
His appearances include Fox News, CNN, PJTV
and numerous TV and radio programs. He emcees
and performs his patriotic original songs at rallies and special events across America. He was the featured entertainment at the 2009 Free Republic National Convention. Marcus' mission is to use his God given gifts to spread the "truth" that Conservatism is best for all Americans. He resides
in Central Florida.
An elected official, Marcus is Chairman for Precinct 424, Volusia County Florida. He is also Creative Director for the Republican Executive Committee
of Volusia County.
Lloyd Marcus, Singer/Songwriter of the national "American Tea Party Anthem." President, NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color)

"Baron David de Rothschild has been indicted....."

June 19, 2015
FRENCH police have been ordered to track down one of Europe’s wealthiest aristocrats over
a fraud involving hundreds of British pensioners.   
Baron David de Rothschild has been indicted over the allegations after the victims, mostly
expats living in Spain, bought into his loan scheme.
The banking magnate will now be questioned in his native France, five years after a
Marbella-based law firm began legal action against him.
French police have been told by a judge in Paris to track down the wealthy scion who has
various homes in the country.
The case involves his company, the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which stands
accused of falsely advertising an equity release loan scheme, bought into by more than
130 pensioners between 2005 and 2008.
More than 20 British pensioners in Spain took up legal action against Rothschild’s company
after losing their dream properties and thousands of euros.
Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez – famous for his role in prosecuting the
Madrid bombers – announced the summons this week after the Denia Court issued the order.
The Baron is believed to be staying at his Normandy castle, or near to his Paris offices, and
lawyers have provided state prosecutors in France with two possible addresses to find him.
Marbella-based lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird said the indictment was a ‘breakthrough
moment’ in the case.
“It is a good step in the right direction,” Flores told The Olive Press. “The courts are now in
agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron Rothschild.
“It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved.”
Rothschild’s product, the Credit Select Series Mortgage Loan, was sold to pensioners as a
legal means to reduce the value of their homes for inheritance tax mitigation purposes.
The Tax Agency ruled that such a scheme constitutes fraud and Flores believes that
Rothschild should be held accountable.
“In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan
aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,” he said.
Flores, and two other prosecuting lawyers, will submit questions for Rothschild in relation
to fraudulent advertising.
The Rothschild Group has so far failed to comment.


William Mount
Jade Helm - Why Now
Fri Jun 19, 2015

Why is Jade Helm being conducted at this very moment.

Every piece of military hardware around the world will be
deployed by 1 September 2015 - a full world wide deployment.

Simply this - This Deluded Lucifer Nut Case, and his allies, believe
(according to all the predictions) that the Messiah is returning
13 September and they think they can shot his fleet down with
Missiles and Lasers.

Just watch the video.

Failing that these deluded Lucufarians plan to kill 90% of the world's
Population between 2015 and 2025 and then build a temple to Lucifer
on the North Mount in Jerusalem and declare Lucifer as god in the
year 2032.

The Mormons believe that this is the time when the Evil will destroy
the Evil, after the war the Messiah will return and set up the
New Jerusalem in the center of what is left of the United States.

Well surprise, surprise, surprise - the time of the return of Jesus the
Messiah (Yeshua) is known only to the Father. Further - Lucifer does
not even know how the Universe is structured so how does he plan
to shoot down GOD with Lasers and Nukes?

Those who follow Lucifer are insane deluded freaks.

Jade refers to the Jade Rabbit
which is the goddess of the Moon
who will assist Lucifer

Helm - refers to the Earth inhabitants - the Helmet of Protection.

It gets more bizaar when you really listen to these world leaders.
I mean bizaar beyond belief.

For Example: The Red Dragon Family Ambassador just told a friend
of mine yesterday that the Dragon Family does not intend to fund and
real prosperity projects
because man is not mentally advanced to
understand them,
. In fact he stated they plan to kill 90% of humanity
in 3 years.

So this entire"Red Dragons Save The Planet" stuff
is pure unadulterated crap.

Please pray (Visualize) that all of Lucifer's Plans to kill and destroy fall flat
on their faces.

The Video: Jade Helm - Why Now

Jade Helm - Why Now - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Describe this in one word

Smith & Wesson nails what Obama did for gun sales in one sentence

                                         Smith & Wesson nails what Obama did for gun sales in one sentence

Business Insider

The irony of the gun control debate is that when it seems tighter gun control policy is coming, sales spike.

"[W]e experienced strong consumer demand for our firearm products following a new administration taking office in Washington, D.C. in 2009," said the management of gunmaker Smith & Wesson.
That's when President Barack Obama moved into the White House.
The explanation for this phenomenon is pretty simple: If there's a risk that you won't be able to buy guns in the near future, then buy your guns now.

nics guns smith wesson

Sadly, the biggest pushes for more gun control come after high-profile shootings, like the 2012 killing of 20 children at Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School. And it's following those incidents that gunmakers report strong sales.
In its presentations to investors, Smith & Wesson management celebrate the seemingly ever growing demand for firearms. One proxy for demand is the volume of background checks that get submitted to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS. As you can see in the chart above, NICS is going up.
On Thursday, Smith & Wesson announced better-than-expected quarterly earnings, driven by a 6.2% increase in sales.
"We are very pleased with our fiscal 2015 results, particularly our fourth quarter performance," CEO James Debney said. "Looking forward, we anticipate further sales and earnings growth in fiscal 2016 as we continue to position our company for long-term success."
To be clear, gunmakers don't benefit from tighter gun control. They benefit when there are talks of tighter gun control but those talks go nowhere.
Should tighter gun control actually get signed into law, then you would have a different story. Smith & Wesson explains: "Currently, federal and several states’ legislatures are considering additional legislation relating to the regulation of firearms. These proposed bills are extremely varied, but many seek either to restrict the makeup of a firearm, including restrictions on magazine capacity, or ban the sale and, in some cases, the ownership of various types of firearms.
"In addition, if such restrictions are enacted and they are incongruent, we could find it difficult, expensive, or even impossible to comply with them, impeding new product development and distribution of existing products."


Opinion - Charleston church shooting

It is a real shooting this time, and not another Sandy Hook. The data format does not follow the fake shooting scenario. However, I am strongly suspicious that the shooter may have been a CIA drone and it is a safe bet that if not that, he was on antidepressants. It is highly probable this was a false flag as well. I have not much more to say because this time I think it actually happened, unlike poor Pamela Geller's deeply disturbed art festival . . . . . . I will update on Charleston if I find new info. UPDATE, NEW INFO CAME IN THROUGH THE MESSAGE WINDOW - IT WAS PROBABLY A CIA MANCHURIAN HIT ON A STATE SENATOR, SEE THIS

A serious false flag involving a major explosion may be likely soon

Pete Santilli and Dahboo 7 have noticed that communications vehicles that preceeded both the Boston Bombing and the Waco fertilizer factory blast are now in transport to various locations. Though these might be passed off as a "legitimate" part of the Jade Helm exercise, it has been proven that on the prior occasions they were used by the CIA for command and control. So heads up, and See this

Belated blockbuster:

The H1N1 vaccination of 2009 - 2010 caused over a hundred fold increase (that's more than a 10,000 percent increase) in miscarriages to women that got vaccinated. Fortunately it was pretty much stopped dead in its tracks as a proven hoax and most people did not get vaccinated. That being said, This report appears to be bang on and is a must read, this particular doctor really did her homework and said it like it is.

Not from Sorcha Faal, discern for yourself

This Russian info about 911 was just published in Fulford's latest report: The attempt to start World War 3 in the Ukraine has blown up in the face of the Khazarain mob because it prompted a Russian intelligence dump. Here is some more of the information sent to us by Russian Intelligence in response to the recent Khazarian mafia attempt to portray Russia as a menace:
We did not blow up the WTC on 9/11/2001 with W-54 Davy Crockett Nuclear Pitts. We did not steal 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett US Nuclear Pitts from the backdoor of Pantex, Texas, USA, which were manufactured at the Hanford Nuclear Plant. We did not bring these stolen W-54 Pitts to Israel. We did not recondition them in Israel, and it was NOT US who brought these nuclear Pitts back through Houston, Texas to be stored in various Israeli Embassies, including the Israeli Embassy in New York, and we DID NOT take these nukes to the Twin Towers by using Israeli Urban Moving Systems.
In other words, the Russians are giving the Pentagon white hats detailed, actionable intelligence about Khazarian mass murder inside the United States.
My response: Sounds good. Real good. However . . . . . . I can only hope.

Here's a good one - after reading her stand on gun control, read her shirt!

Hoping for the best . . . .

In hoping for the best could it be possible that JH is preparing troops for the Ukraine? Americans could certainly blend in with locals there. The cities and rural areas are similar.
So it's WWIII or martial law here. What a choice
My response: How could Jade Helm teach that many soldiers how to speak Russian well enough to blend in there? Not gonna happen, consider martial law.

Uncensored video of what Saudi Arabia did to Yemen, Sell outs to zion they are.

Brother Nathaniel, HMMMMMMMMM . . . . . . .

Jim, At "Brother" Nathanael Kapner's website:
I tried posting the following comment beneath that article over 15 times. Each and every time it was blocked (censored). Here goes my "oh so dangerous comment" LOL:
Jews are waging an unseen online electronic war against the gentiles throughout Europe and America. And nobody is discussing this topic? Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Biscuits anyone?
Kapner has blocked a lot of comments that have dealt with that topic in detail.
Keep on Sniffing.
It is either Brother Nathaniel or an AI computer program blocking comments on this topic. If it is Brother Nathaniel, well . . . . . . either way, Hmmmmmmm.
Idiot Pope
This pope is definitely a moron, put in place by Satanists. Will the church survive?
My comment: It is comical to ask if the Catholic Church will survive, when YEAH, it has been alive as an undead zombie ever since Vatican 2. Ha! what a laugh, something really stinks right now, like the rotting flesh of a long dead corpse.
more web censorship -
A web site that I have had no trouble accessing in the past is now suddenly blocked by the Sonicwall firewall device.
Gateway GEO-IP/BOTNET Alert This request is blocked by the SonicWALL Gateway Botnet Service. Botnet Responder IP:
My response: That is a great web site, and ALL the real ones are being attacked the same way this one is now.
Orwellian Canada
Canada is in fact more orwellian now than the U.S., under Harper Canada fell from being decent all the way down to the bottom of the pits of Hell in a very short time. I do not find the following to be surprising at all now:
It appears Bill C-51 has been passed into law in Canada. The timing of expansion of the countries spy agencies and the collective cover "Anonymous" and the law being passed is awfully suspect. You are right about shtf shortly.
Keep up the great work Jim.
My response: They want their spy apparatus totally functional and totally actionable across the board, and have it that way practically everywhere in the so-called "free world" now. Correct - tshtf shortly, and it will be done in a way that keeps it secret right up until your first notice - the knock (or crash) at the door.
From Nigeria: Boko Haram
Hi! I am a reader from Nigeria. I like the truthful nature of your site. keep it up. Have you heard of BOKO HARAM the terror group in nigeria/west africa. I suspect they are CIA backed. What do you think?
My response: Ask yourself this question: Does Boko Haram actually follow the Koran and Islamic teaching? Obviously not. Well then, who would front as Muslims without following the Koran or Islamic law? The CIA is awful good at doing that!
Thanks for writing!


Jim- I keep getting sent to different pages, unable to post, even told I have to d/l PUSH to access activistpost. which is false...I can through other links. Clicked on nodisinfo and got some Rhianna youtube page. Something is wrong. My response: YOU BET SOMETHING IS WRONG, it is called Screw the web 2.0 AI. The web is learning how to crush the truth, and it is ALL RUNNING (MY GUESS) FROM THAT NSA DATA CENTER IN UTAH. Mark my word, these types of problems are intentional and will be used to crush the alternative media. Anything pro Jewish or fronting a huge lie will run PERFECT, this site is getting nailed badly as are others. In your case, your computer was targeted and I expect this attack on the truth movement to take many forms.

Interesting coincidence?

israeli-flight-bound-nyc-u-turns-mid-atlantic Israeli Flight Bound For NYC U-Turns Mid-Atlantic I wonder if this has anything to do with this about the 7.0 earthquake in the Atlantic? 2015 — LARGE M7.0 EARTHQUAKE STRIKES SOUTH-CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Dutchsinse

This Aangirfan post is well worth a read. I would expect Aangirfan to get censored, so if the link does not work try try again . . . . and definitely Aangirfan must have been blown off Blogspot because the username is not the same as before.

20 years over browser cache? Hans:
[A man to be put in jail for clearing Google Chrome history - Pravda.Ru
A man in the United States faces imprisonment just for clearing his Google Chrome browser history. Despite having no distant charges, the man can spend twenty years in jail. A Grand Jury indictment states that Khairullozhon Matanov, former taxi driver "deleted a large amount of information from his Google Chrome Internet cache" following the bombing, including "references to the video of the suspected bombers [later identified as the Tsarnaevs]," "two of the photographs of the bombers released at approximately the same time," and "a photograph of Officer Sean Collier, who had been allegedly killed by Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev." Because Matanov deleted his cache, he was charged with "Destruction, Alteration, and Falsification of Records, Documents, and a Tangible Object in a Federal Investigation" which could land him in a cell for 20 years. Electronic Frontier Foundation senior staff attorney Hanni Fakhoury said that the government's "underlying theory" is this: "Don't even think about deleting anything that may be harmful to you, because we may come after you at some point in the future for some unforeseen reason and we want to be able to have access to that data. And if we don't have access to that data, we're going to slap an obstruction charge that has as 20-year maximum on you."]
According to me it's absolutely nonsense. NSA, CIA, or whatever intelligence agency being able to collect (all) data, can find specific data regardless the subject. So, deleting browser history doesn't indicate that some of the NSA ... data has been deleted.
My response: How the heck did they know what he cleared? Once again, Hmmmmmmmm . . . . . .

IMF cheif Orgies in antiquity! WHAT A HOOT:

Luciferian behavior? Just as I discussed . . .

The former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn told a French court that he participated in sex parties reminiscent of orgies in antiquity because he needed "recreational sessions" while he was busy "saving the world" from one of its worst financial crises. However, he is being prosecuted now because as it turns out, the women at the orgies were prostitutes. Here is the rest of this cute little tidbit of info!

Jade Helm chat has gone silent

Add this to your fact table: I have been contacted by numerous people, both big players in the alternative media and individuals who are telling me that any mail about Jade Helm and any links they post to content in mails get wiped before they arrive. Therefore IMPORTANT, AND I MEAN DAMNING: If people either cannot send or are stifled in sending mails to each other with Jade Helm content, it not only stifles people who are covering facts on the ground, it will ALSO disable people's ability to warn each other about gun confiscations or other hostile activity taking place as part of the Jade Helm exercise. We no longer have the web as we knew it, it is a piece of trash now and I strongly recommend ALL GUN OWNERS TO LOCK AND LOAD, have it ready and loaded out in the open where you can just grab it if needed. If you own guns and have children they should not be stupid about guns, unless they are too young to reach the top shelf anyway . . . . .

How assassins are manufactured

BrasscheckTV Report

Can assassins be created?

Yes they can. It's been an obsession
with governments since the beginning
of time.

Here's a case study of how one
famous assassin was made.


- Brasscheck TV

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV with your
friends and colleagues.



Amazon  :   Wanta! Black Swan, White Hat

Friday, June 19, 2015



United States is a Corporation! What We have not been told -  America's History  

Revealed: The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government

Congressman Alan West: The United States Is A CORPORATION

Jordan Maxwell - The United States is a privately owned Corporation

Jordan Maxwell -  Maritime Admiralty Law and America Land of Lawlessness  

North Korea announces it has created a wonder-drug made from ginseng that cures Aids, Ebola and MERS

North Korea announces it has created a wonder-drug made from ginseng that cures Aids, Ebola and MERS

  • North Korean scientists claim Kumdang-2 can cure a range of illnesses 
  • The drug is injected into the patient's bloodstream according to doctors
  • A European distributor for the wonder-drug is based in Moscow 
  • Scientists say the drug can 'prevent different malignant epidemics'

North Korea has announced it has created its own wonder-drug made from ginseng, which is able to cure Aids, Ebola, Sars and MERS. 
However, the hermit state has not provided any evidence of the efficacy of its new drug, prompting speculation that they may not be telling the truth. 
The news was announced through the official Korean Central News Agency which updates the world about events within the secretive dictatorship. 
Scroll down to video
North Korean scientists have claimed they have developed a new drug which can cure Aids, MERS and Ebola
North Korean scientists have claimed they have developed a new drug which can cure Aids, MERS and Ebola
Normally the updates include information on 'field guidance' trips by Kim Jong-un to various locations around the capital Pyongnang with the dictator surrounded by a group of minions writing furiously on notepads. 
The KCNA claimed the drug has been developed by the Korea Pugang Pharmaceutic Company. 
Company director Dr Jon Sung Hun said: 'The researchers insert rare earth elements (REE) into insam (ginseng) by applying the micro-elementary fertilizers of REE to the fields of insam. 

'Inside the herbal body of insam the REE had got combined with the saccharides into desired complex compounds.
'The injection is made of extracts from those complex compounds.
'As a strong immuno-activator, the injection has been recognized to prevent different malignant epidemics.'
He added: 'Malicious virus infections like SARS, Ebola and MERS are diseases that are related to immune systems, so they can be easily treated by Kumdang-2 injection drug, which is a strong immune reviver,' 
The new wonder-drug, called Kumdang-2, contains ginseng, pictured, according to North Korean scientists
The new wonder-drug, called Kumdang-2, contains ginseng, pictured, according to North Korean scientists
According to one website, the drug is available to the outside world through a distributor in Moscow.
North Korea shut out foreign tourists for half a year with some of the world's strictest Ebola controls, even though no cases of the disease were reported anywhere near the country, before lifting the restrictions earlier this year.
It is believed to be struggling to combat diseases such as tuberculosis, and respiratory infections are among its most common causes of death, according to the World Health Organisation.
North Korea trumpeted the same drug during deadly bird flu outbreaks in 2006 and 2013.
The North's claim comes as rival South Korea fights an outbreak of MERS that has killed two dozen people and sickened more than 160 since last month. There is no vaccine for the disease.  

Whistleblower Spills Beans: ‘I Spent Three Years Serving on Deep Space Fleet’


Whistleblower Captain Kaye is the author of some fantastic claims about the existence of a secret Space Armada owned and operated by a global organization called the Earth Defence Force.

Having served almost three years aboard an enormous space carrier, Capt. Kaye figured it was disclosure time so he presented his testimony on ExoNews TV. Ditching the pseudonym 'Randy Kramer" (his real name) revealed that his involvement with covert projects began in 1987 when he was 17 years old.

He would spend the next 17 years on Mars, working as part of the Mars Defence Force (MDF) which was owned by the Mars Colony Corporation (MCC), a conglomerate of banks, governments and tech companies.

Kramer’s team was drafted from a special section of the U.S. Marines and their mission was to protect the five newly-established Martian colonies. His service on Mars ended after his base was obliterated by the war raging against the four different alien species present on the planet at that time.

Kramer’s good standing with the MCC ensured his recruitment into another one of their branch programs, the Earth Defence Force.

He received training on a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command, as well as on Saturn’s moon Titan and in deep space. The EDF operated three different types of light combat craft and three different types of bombers.

For interstellar journeys, they employed the use of five giant cigar-shaped carriers that could haul thousands of smaller craft. Kramer served aboard one such carrier called EDF SS Nautilus.

The fleet of space vessels had various propulsion systems, all superior to anything available on Earth at that time. Without getting too technical, Kramer said they used both fission and fusion-powered thrusters, warp drives and anti-gravity technology, all obtained as part of a human-Grey alien pact.

Kramer underlined the importance of keeping the MCC and the EDF secret when he revealed that all communications with Earth were closed during their missions. The danger of a global disclosure would be too high if someone were to pick up their signal.

After serving 20 years in the line of duty, Captain Kaye was honourably discharged. His retirement ceremony took place on the far side of the moon, and was witnessed by multiple high-ranking officials, such as former Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld.

Curiously, Randy Kramer said that his disclosure was actually authorized by top military officers.

It could all be a fabrication dreamed up by Captain Kaye due to his lack of evidence. But, his story is very similar to that of Andrew Basiago, Michael Relfe and others, indicating that they’re all describing the same thing.

If that thing is real, are we to expect a massive disclosure from government and military officials?

By Locklip
(Source:; June 9, 2015;





worth reading

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as 'plucking the yew' (or 'pluck yew').
Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and they began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentals fricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as 'giving the bird.'
And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing.