This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history!
Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Never, ever, ever download apps from 'free' sites. Nothing is free and 95% of those have malware in the apps.
Even Google Play store was shown to have many apps that had malware.
Hackers have stolen more than 225,000 Apple accounts from iPhone customers.
Security company Palo Alto Networks is calling
the attack "the largest known Apple account theft caused by malware."
Palo Alto Networks discovered the hack along with Chinese tech group
The good news for most iPhone customers is that the malware, nicknamed KeyRaider, only targets "jailbroken" iPhones.
Jail-breaking allows iPhone owners to access parts of a phone's file systems that are otherwise restricted for security reasons.
KeyRaider is mostly found in Chinese websites
and apps that provide software for jailbroken iPhones. But the malware
has spread far beyond China, showing up in 18 countries, including the
United States.
Once infected with the KeyRaider malware, a
jailbroken iPhone will give up all of its owner's iTunes App Store
information to the hackers, including the Apple account username,
password and the iPhone's unique ID. It also steals all the information
about the owner's App Store purchases and prevents people from
recovering their phones once they've been hijacked.
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The hackers aren't keeping all that for
themselves: They have allowed other people to take advantage of the
stolen account information.
The hackers have uploaded software that lets
other people purchase iTunes apps for "free," using the victims'
accounts. About 20,000 people have downloaded the software that lets them steal from the 225,000 affected iPhone owners.
Palo Alto Networks said victims have reported
that their Apple account purchase history has displayed apps they never
bought. Others say their phones have been locked, and the hackers are
demanding a ransom to return access to the owners.
Jailbreaking phones can be a useful way for
technologically savvy iPhone owners to customize their devices to their
liking and install apps that don't appear on the iTunes App Store. But
it also bypasses some important barriers Apple puts in place to prevent
these kind of attacks from happening.
TOTAL EMERGENCY ALERT Update: Global meltdown begins
“Get yourself and your family ready defensively and offensively," Alex warns
by Alex Jones | |
September 5, 2015
A horrific crescendo of events is now creating an endgame for humanity.
From the engineered financial meltdown to mass migrations of
populations and the advent of frightening nano technologies and more,
including manufactured terror and endless wars, we face an uncertain
future and a historical vortex never before experienced. In this emergency update on the heels of a previous warning in June,
Alex Jones enumerates the threats and explains how the destabilization
of social and political systems orchestrated by the global elite
imperils all of us. “This is a total emergency alert,” Jones warns. “Get yourself and
your family ready defensively and offensively, get out there out there
and warn people.” Please link to the videos on this page and show them to friends and family.
Researchers have found that in some
biotech study cases meant to measure the safety of Round Up crops, the
rat feed given to rats in both the control group AND the testing group was contaminated with the same GMOs and pesticides (and heavy metals). In other words, laboratory rodent feeds are highly contaminated with pesticides, toxic metals, PCBs, and GMOs.
The study comes from researchers at the University of Caen in France and is slated to be published in the journal PLOS ONE.
This means the study proving the safety of ‘Round Up’ is essentially meaningless. Here’s why:
Researchers analyzed 13 separate dried rodent chows produced on five
continents, testing for traces of 4 heavy metals, 17 dioxins and
furans, 18 PCBs, 22 GMOs and 262 pesticides.
Every feed tested contained numerous toxins at levels high enough to cause disease by disrupting the endocrine and nervous systems.
11 of the 13 diets contained GMOs engineered to be resistant to the herbicide Round Up (glyphosate), while nine contained detectable levels of glyphosate itself.
Since there was no feed that was not without these obvious
contaminants, there was no way to make a comparison between rats fed on
non-GM, non-toxic diets, as compared to diets full of contaminants that
are linked to pathogenic results.
“The diets tested in the new study are also among those
regularly used as part of the European Union’s mandated rodent feeding
trials to test for GMO safety. One such recent study, conducted by
DuPont, compared rats fed GMO canola with rats fed a “control” Purina
diet later revealed to contain 12.8 percent GMO soy and 35.6 percent GMO
corn, as well as residues of glyphosate and its main metabolite, AMPA.”
Moreover, considering that Monsanto dedicates time to debunking ‘psuedo-science’
as they like to call it, or any scientists who claims that GM crops or
the herbicides used to grow them are unsafe, you have to wonder how they
can claim a study like this has any scientific merit whatsoever.
Climate science has become a politically-corrupted, agenda-driven,
federally-beholden science-industrial complex; along with a
military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about in
his 1961 farewell address.
As he stated: “The prospect of the nation’s scholars by Federal
employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present —
and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and
discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to equal and
opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of
scientific-technological elite.”
Estimating that as many as half of all medical studies are wrong,
Editor-in-Chief Richard Horton of The Lancet, a leading peer-reviewed
international medical journal notes that medical science “has taken a
turn towards darkness."
He attributes this circumstance to research “afflictions,” failings
which can also be observed to infect many U.S. and U.N.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports.
Included are small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory
analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession
for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance.
As in the case of highly sensationalized IPCC reporting, Dr. Horton
admits that scientific journal editors “aid and abet the worst
behaviors” in order to gain a maximum “impact factor.”
He charges that “In their quest for telling a compelling story,
scientists too often sculpt data to fit their theory of the world.”
A May 22 New York Times article agrees. Titled “What’s Behind Big
Science Frauds?” authors Adam Marcus and Ivan Oransky discuss how
leading scientific journals have been duped into publishing bogus
studies which reference nonexistent data.
Again, this results from pressure to double down on that all-important
“impact factor” of influence determined by the likelihood studies will
be referenced in subsequent “downstream” articles.
Given that most all climate research funding comes from public
alarm-dependent agenda-driven government sponsors, and their ideological
green activist acolytes, there should be little surprise that so many
researchers bend objectivity and science to oblige.
As the late Stephen Schneider who authored important parts of three U.N.
IPCC reports has explained, "like most people, we’d like to see the
world a better place, which in this context translates into our working
to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change.”
Schneider argued that, “To do that, we need to get some broad-based
support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails
getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of the
doubts we might have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is
between being effective and being honest.”
Very recent evidence of this agenda-driven “biased finger on the scales”
balancing problem is revealed by attempts of National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration scientists to re-write surface temperature
records prior to the late 1990s downward and inflate temperatures since
then in order to tell the warming alarm story they wanted.
More accurate atmospheric satellite data reveals that there has been no
statistically significant global warming over the past 18 years and
After global warming (which hasn’t occurred since today’s high school
students were born) was rebranded as “climate change” (which it always
does), Obama administration alarm sirens now warn us about an “extreme
weather” trend attributed to human CO2 emissions.
Yet simple fact checking would show that it’s been nearly a decade since
the last major hurricane named Wilma made landfall in the U.S. in 2005.
Meanwhile, tornadoes, droughts, wildfires — along with polar ice and
sea levels — are in line with or improving in regard to historic
Prominent University of Manchester professor emeritus of chemical
thermodynamics and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry Leslie
Woodcock blames powerful green lobbies for creating a “do-good industry”
premised upon unwarranted climate alarm.
As quoted in interview with Britain’s Yorkshire Evening Post, the
prominent scientist said: “If you talk to real scientists who have no
political interests, they will tell you there is nothing in global
warming. It’s an industry which creates vast amounts of money for some
My friend, former EPA analyst Alan Carlin, who blew the whistle on IPCC
junk science used to advance fossil fuel regulatory agendas observes
that “The global warming scare is a textbook example of what can happen
when politics and ideology guide environmental policy rather than
Important skill sets of agenda-driven climate scientists and politicians obviously share much in common.
As Winston Churchill explained, “Politics is the ability to fortell what
is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year, And
to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.”
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the
University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International
Center for Space Architecture (SICSA) and the graduate program in space
architecture. He is the author of “Scared Witless: Prophets and
Profits of Climate Doom”(2015) and “Climate of Corruption: Politics and
Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax” (2012). Read more of his
reports — Click Here Now.
It seems that the dream of bureaucrats is people who always
and only follow orders, but their dream would be a nightmare—even for
them. Weird stuff has been connecting in my mind, from public school teachersto Green Berets. There seems to be a common thread in those stories and others. The stories include that of a
Christian elected to office who is expected to affirm that marriage is
defined as a relationship between two generic persons rather than
between a man and a woman, because the Supreme Court said so. In every case, those in high authority expect the underlings to
simply obey orders without question. The public school teachers are
supposed to ignore their knowledge of how to teach and the best
interests of the children and conduct and record all the assessments.
The Green Berets are supposed to ignore their knowledge of combat and
follow directives instituted by people who have never seen combat. A
county clerk who took office with Christian convictions—an office she
was qualified for under the First Amendment and other laws—is now
supposed to throw out what she knows is true and sign a lie (a marriage
license) for the sake of the Supreme Court. I think the dream of tax-fed bureaucrats is an army of robots. Since
we don’t have that level of technology yet, they will settle for people
stripped down to the level of robots. They want order-followers. And if
they fire enough of the independent thinkers who imagine they have their
own moral compass and their own evaluations , they will then get the
kind of people they want. But they aren’t thinking this through. The problem is that people who are committed to simply pleasing the
powerful no matter what the cost they see on the ground are not people
who can be relied upon. Everyone thinks they want robots but they really need intelligent, faithful friends. To use an illustration from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, you can’t get rid of Sam Gamgee and expect your garden to get the same level of care. Also, tossing all the independent people outside the system might bring other problems to your door. You need people with integrity, faithfulness, and the common sense or
intelligence required to handle many decisions you know nothing about
as the head of the organization. If you want teachers who can teach
students, getting rid of all the ones who won’t submit to your crazy
orders will leave you with ambitious corporate climbers who don’t care
about students. If you want warriors, getting rid of all the ones who
want to do good deeds is going to give you people without any moral
restraints. If every local elected official is forced to meet changing
Washington mandates, no one with any real intelligence or interest will
want such positions. If those people are not able to fit in your new plan you need to
reassess your plan—whether in public schools or on a distant
battlefield. Or even if you are the Supreme Court.
is in a major crisis of outrageous and bold political corruption. What
is basically a judicial crime syndicate is trying to remove her from
office with bogus charges- because she released pornographic racist
emails found on the government servers when she took office. The issue
regarding Attorney General Kathleen Kane is not whether she is guilty or
not - the issue is that a bunch of lawyers operating in secrecy are
trying to remove her from office with backroom tactics. They are trying
to remove her law license, so that she cannot remain in office, because
the perpetrators of the despicable 4000 emails she is gradually
releasing, do not want to take a chance that a jury of citizens will not
convict her. If she remains in office, than she has standing to arrest
some of the people who are trying to take her license- who may be
involved in the emails and other legal violations.. Over 3 million
people voted her into office- and these lawyers decided they can just
throw out all of your votes - they are that powerful. If this bothers
you- that they can ignore the democratic process - then please sign this
wanted to share my story about what happened when I refused my tetanus
vaccine after having cut myself with a knife at home. I want to share
this story not as an example of what will or will not happen every time,
but more so as an example of how it’s important we stay open minded and
question things before we blindly accept them.
I got into studying vaccines, their efficacy and safety a few years
ago when I began to hear more and more about people being injured by
vaccines. There is an unfortunate belief going around that vaccines are
completely safe and scientific studies have proven this to be the case.
I’m here to say, this is not true. Regardless of the fact there are
studies to show efficacy and safety, there are also a large number of
studies showing the dangers and lack of efficacy when it comes to
vaccines. Simply search the web, published journals, study’s, books,
documentaries and stories of doctors who have spoken out about this to
get more information. Be careful with your sources on both sides of the
argument. The existence of the argument itself shows that there is a
clear case to be made when it comes to having to re-think vaccines. At
this point, to continue to make uneducated decisions about vaccines has
become an irresponsible choice given the amount of information now
available. I’m not telling you what choice to make, but educate yourself
of the dangers on both sides. My Story I was cutting a sweet potato one evening when I looked down and
realized I had somehow sliced a decent portion of the tip of my pinky
finger. I still don’t know how this happened, but it did. Immediately I
knew I either needed stitches or glue to have it heal properly. I looked
more closely at my finger and confirmed my initial thoughts. After
applying some hydrogen peroxide, I hopped in the car with my girlfriend
and we made our way to the hospital. Upon arriving we went through the normal procedure in the emergency
room; papers, name, health card etc. From there I went to the treatment
room where I waited for a doctor for about 30 minutes. A young doctor
shows up to the bed I was sitting on and introduced himself. He seemed
friendly, nice, outgoing and willing to help. He looked at my wound,
assessed the situation, heard my opinion of treatment and agreed. Glue
it was. He then asked me if I had received a Tetanus shot in the past
few years. Given I was 26, I was due to receive my next immunization,
since I hadn’t received the shot he told me we would do that at the same
time. I told him I would think about it. Of course, this was a bit of a
stall tactic as I had no intention of getting the vaccine since I
walked in the hospital. He pressed on. “You should really get the
vaccine as if you aren’t up to date this could be fatal.” I then decided
to ask him what the ingredients of the vaccine were. He was a tad
confused and was not sure how to answer. He ended up saying it was
crushed up bits of the bacteria (not live) and it would protect against
allowing the bacteria to become toxic in my body if it were present. In
theory he was correct. I then asked, “Does the vaccine contain
thimerosal?” He looked at me and responded “I have no idea what that
is.” I then let him know that it was a ethylmercury and has been shown
to cause neurological damage. This is where things changed. He chuckled to himself almost as if to suggest I was believing in
some conspiracy theory. “Most of what you hear about vaccines is not
true. There are only a couple vaccines that have had bad effects on
people.” he said. It’s important to note that up until this point and
for the remainder of my visit I was as kind, peaceful and nice as anyone
could be in speaking with another person. I said “I’m open to some of
it being overstated, but I have also researched results myself so I come
asking questions because of what I have found in my research.” He
responded in a condescending and angry manner “Well I don’t have an
information kit with me here and I don’t think these vaccines are
unsafe, but the choice is still yours.” We didn’t speak more about it
for the next minute or so. He filled out some paperwork and then asked
again if I was going to get the shot. I told him no. He then said “Well I
leave it up to you, you can let the nurse know but it’s basically you
get this or you die in 3 days. Tetanus can be fatal and so it’s your
choice.” He was also laughing and annoyed at this point because he could
not believe I was questioning and challenging his authority. I kept
with my decision of opting out of the vaccine and he simply walked away.
There was no “bye”, no “have a nice night”, no chance for me to thank
him, nothing. He simply turned around and walked away as if he was not
happy with me at all. When the nurse came over she asked me about the shot. When I refused
she ran me through a quick explanation of how it was not the best choice
and that I should get the vaccine in the next 3 days or else I could
die. After I left the hospital I reflected on the entire experience and
realized that it might be important to share this story as there are
some interesting things to observe.
Question & Do Research
I don’t want to generalize, but this is not the first case I have
heard, by any means, of doctors getting offended when their authority is
challenged by patients. In my case, there was a clear attempt to make
me fear my own death should I not follow his arrogantly delivered
orders. It was very clear that me challenging him made him feel more
equal to me which made him become very unpleasant and irresponsible as a
doctor. One thing we all have to remember is that every person on this
planet is a human being and each of us are equal. We should never look
to anyone as an authority on any matter but instead take what they have
given as information from their experiences and use it to formulate our
own feelings and information without blindly following it. I feel this
is especially the case in the medical field as people journeying through
medical training are subject to a great deal of bias that comes from
teachings formulated on belief. So often, as new information comes into
the medical arena, it is not updated and added to what is known
presently unless there is some way to profit from the information being
added to the equation. We can see this through many sectors of the
medical field as pharmaceuticals is ultimately what controls the natural
flow of new discoveries. If something cannot be produced and sold, it
is likely that it will never see the light of day. Where students get their medical education has a direct link to the
benefits of the pharmaceutical industry as they help fund and pay for
much of what schools require to operate labs, equipment etc. In
exchange, those companies ask them to focus on pharmaceutical drugs and
certain areas of teaching and often times textbooks are even linked to
large pharmaceutical… READ THE FULL STORY HERE: Source: Collective Evolution
Written by Joe Martino JOIN JB BARDOT ON FACEBOOK Follow JB Bardot on G+ View THE JB BARDOT ARCHIVES, for more great articles on natural health and alternative life styles
The entrance to the upper-atmosphere research station near Gakona, which is now owned by the University of Alaska.
Instead of falling to the dozer blade, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program has new life. In mid-August, U.S. Air Force General Tom Masiello shook hands with
UAF’s Brian Rogers and Bob McCoy, transferring the powerful
upper-atmosphere research facility from the military to the university. You may have heard of HAARP. Nick Begich wrote a book about it. Jesse Ventura tried to bully his
way past the Gakona gate during a TV episode of Conspiracy Theory. Muse
recorded a live album, HAARP, at Wembley Stadium from a stage filled
with antennas meant to resemble those standing on a gravel pad off the
Tok Cutoff Road. The science-fiction assertions of caribou walking backwards, human
mind control and HAARP’s ability to change the weather have made
researchers wince. It’s hard to describe a complicated instrument that
sends invisible energy into a zone no one can see.
HAARP is a group of high-frequency radio transmitters powered by
four diesel tugboat generators and one from a locomotive. The
transmitters send a focused beam of radio-wave energy into the aurora
zone. There, that energy can stimulate a speck of the electrical
sun-Earth connection about 100 miles above our heads.
Why did university higher-ups swing the door back open for the
conspiracy theorists? Why not let HAARP go quietly back to boreal
“Even though it’s esoteric and hard to understand, it’s the
best,” said Bob McCoy, head of UAF’s Geophysical Institute, which now
has the keys to the complex, located off mile 11.3 of the Tok Cutoff
The facility is the best tool to study a region above Earth we
know little about, McCoy said. Of three such ionospheric heaters in the
world – in Norway, Russia and soon-to-be in Puerto Rico – HAARP is the
“most powerful and agile of the three,” according to Craig Heinselman,
director of the facility in Norway.
At an interview in his office on the UAF campus, McCoy said
meetings with others in the space physics community convinced him HAARP
was worth saving. During a 2013 workshop with potential users who study
the shell of ionized plasma that coats the planet from 40 to 600 miles
over our heads, researchers said they would use HAARP if the university
took it over.
“(With HAARP), it is now possible to conduct controlled
experiments, versus simply watching and waiting for the sun to perturb
space and attempting to learn from studying its response,” Herbert
Carlson of Utah State University said during the workshop.
What’s to be gained from perturbing space? The ionosphere carries
satellite and radio signals that are disturbed during solar storms.
“With heat, we can create a disturbance and watch how quickly it
dissipates,” said Bill Bristow, a space physicist and the Geophysical
Institute’s point man on HAARP. “We can generate irregularities to test
the effects on satellite to ground radio systems. We don’t have to wait
for Mother Nature to generate conditions.”
Since it opened in 2003 with funding the late Ted Stevens helped
secure, HAARP hosted many scientists doing applied research for the
military. One such study was using the antenna array to heat a part of
the ionosphere that in turn acted as a low frequency antenna that could
send an ocean-penetrating signal to a submarine. That ping could tell a
submarine captain to surface in order to receive conventional radio
“The military had specific objectives, now we can do more basic
science,” Bristow said. “It will help us with general
ionospheric/thermospheric modeling, like how do ions and neutrons couple
in the upper atmosphere?”
HAARP is now open, but the transmitters have been cool since
spring of 2014. With the transfer from the military to the university,
Bristow and McCoy are now looking for customers – scientists funded to
travel to central Alaska on two-week campaigns in which they fire the
transmitters for 10 hours each day.
There are no customers yet. But McCoy and Bristow are confident
they will be able to pay back a $2 million loan from the University of
Alaska statewide office. That money is now keeping the lights on at
HAARP and funding other costs of operation.
Photo courtesy Todd Paris
The complex maze of antennas and other complex equipment used by HAARP researchers.
Bristow said the worst-case scenario is that few or no researchers step
forward and they are forced to sell HAARP instruments to recover the
loan cost. Best-case: scientists use it, a national entity sponsors the
cost of operating HAARP (as NASA does for the institute’s Poker Flat
Research Range) and “we run it as a research facility indefinitely.”
The clock is ticking to repay the loan, McCoy said.
“I’ve got three years to find customers,” he said. “We’re
sticking our necks out here, but it is the best in the world and
somebody spent $300 million to build it.”
(Since the late 1970s, the University of Alaska Fairbanks’
Geophysical Institute has provided this column free in cooperation with
the UAF research community. Ned Rozell is a science writer for the
Geophysical Institute.)
US Run by 0.001% of American Population – Powell’s Former Chief of Staff
29.08.2015(updated 04:11 29.08.2015)
Lawrence Wilkerson,
former chief of staff to former US Secretary of State Colin Powell
claims that US politics is determined by about 400 people with a
combined wealth of trillions of dollars who control government
decision-making from the backstage.
– US politics is determined by about 400 people with a combined wealth
of trillions of dollars who control government decision-making from the
backstage, Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to former US
Secretary of State Colin Powell, said in an interview with Radio
Thus power is concentrated in the hands of about 0.001 percent of the
US population, Wilkerson told the Latvian radio station, stressing that
it is great inequality.
to the former official, US foreign policy has generated catastrophic
results, particularly in the Middle East. Wilkerson told Radio Baltkom
that the 2003 US invasion of Iraq disrupted the balance of power that
had been maintained in the Persian Gulf for over 50 years.
The current volatile situation in the region is the result of US
actions, Wilkerson, who served as chief of staff to Colin Powell
between 2002 and 2005, stressed.
The Middle East has recently seen the advance of ISIL jihadist group.
ISIL began fighting against Syrian government forces in 2012 and
launched an offensive on Iraq in 2014. The group has seized vast
territories across both countries.
US President Barack Obama established an international anti-ISIL
coalition in September 2014. Coalition forces have been carrying
out airstrikes against ISIL targets in Iraq and Syria, although no
breakthrough results have been achieved so far.
[ Editor’s Note: Only by reading both sources can you uncover the lies and spinning you
are getting from military media people who can be ordered to spin the
news, treating the public like potential adversaries in terms of not
wanting them to know what really is going in threat analysis.
Endless NATO press
statements have been released on Ukraine that were largely fictional,
done as cover for building public support for planned and desired
military expansion toward Russia’s western border. Moscow’s necessary
reaction to this is spun as aggression on its part, when that shoe is
actually on NATO’s foot.
I thought this was an
excellent piece to show how easily Russian media can shred the NATO
fairy tales using public-sourced material, and giving the spies and
Intel people the weekend off.
so-called Democratic publics are the ones being short-changed in all
this, with their democracies under attack by a constant flow of lies and
disinformation. The Vet orgs have never said a peep about any of this,
but rubber-stamp whatever passes in front of them.
All of those involved
in these charades feel they are beyond criticism, and that has to
change, if we are not to be treated as plantation animals, being fed
whatever the Masa chooses to feed us… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published … September 04, 2015 –
The military activities of aircraft of NATO member states near
Russian aerospace is a far cry from the pace of operations of Russian
long-range aircraft. The conclusion has been drawn in the Russia-NATO:
Facts and Myths analytical review released by Russia’s permanent mission
to NATO.
“NATO leadership’s statements
about more proactive Russian Air Force operations in the Baltic area and
over the Black Sea is an example of fact spinning,” the permanent
mission states in its review. “Russia had to respond to the military
buildup and increasing activities of the alliance’s member countries
near our border.”
The hype about civilian air traffic “risks’’ stemming from Russian
military planes flying near NATO borders “with their transponders off”,
which the West is fanning in earnest, is another ruse on the part of the
“Russian planes fly in full
compliance with the rules governing international air traffic, i.e. over
international waters without entering the airspace and violating the
border of other states,” the mission stressed. “This can be proven using
flight recorder data on a case-by-case basis.”
“The West is hyping up the
so-called violations of the [international air traffic] rules by the
Russian Air Force to distract the international community from the
buildup of NATO’s air power in the vicinity of our borders,” the
publication carries on. “It is NATO that resorted to a substantial –
fourfold – increase in the number of their air patrols in the Baltic
States, with the patrols flown very close to Russia’s border.”
US Air Force (USAF) RC-135 strategic reconnaissance aircraft fly
virtually on a daily basis. Lately, NATO reconnaissance planes have
flown over the Black Sea twice as more often as they did in 2013. In
addition, USAF Global Hawk strategic surveillance unmanned aerial
vehicles have been flying in the area regularly since January 2015. In
March 2015, they appeared in Ukrainian airspace as well.
The alliance is active in using its E-3A AWACS aircraft for
monitoring the airspace in the western part of the Black Sea over
Ukraine and Russia’s western regions. The overall number of their
missions in the area increased by over 20 times in 2014, while the total
number of sorties flown by NATO tactical aircraft in the areas adjacent
to Russia and Belarus doubled, exceeding 3,000 sorties.
“Thus, the facts point to an
unprecedented increase in NATO aircraft flights near the Russian
border,” the review emphases. “These steps are accompanied by
provocative calls by NATO leaders for ‘containment’ of Russia and by an
aggressive propaganda campaign unleashed recently against the backdrop
of the developments in Ukraine.
Obviously, this does not facilitate a
reduction in the tensions that are running high.”.
Israel’s Dirtiest Secret, Nuclear Weapons, No Secret Any Longer – Except In USA
Few Americans know that Israel illegally possesses a huge stockpile
of nuclear weapons, all undeclared and illegal, as Israel is not part of
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel has publicly admitted to
being a nuclear power on numerous occasions, as noted below.
The BBC wrote in the 2008 article,
“Israel ‘has 150 nuclear weapons”, that ” Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert included Israel among a list of nuclear states in comments in
December 2006, a week after US Defence Secretary Robert Gates used a
similar form of words during a Senate hearing.”
An Israeli official publicly admitted to his government’s possession of nuclear weapons again, in late 2013. The Guardian wrote in
January 2014, “When the former speaker of the Knesset, Avraham Burg,
broke the taboo last month, declaring Israeli possession of both nuclear
and chemical weapons and describing the official non-disclosure policy
as ‘outdated and childish’ a rightwing group formally called for a
police investigation for treason.”
Israel’s nuclear weapons program was self-declared even more recently, in March 2015, in a Washington Times article titled,
“Barack Obama’s love bomb offensive,” with the following paragraph,
“…the United States has declassified a 386-page report that reveals in
minute detail Israel’s super-discreet nuclear program. Everybody knows
Israel has one, but until now Israel, with American support, has never
acknowledged it. To do so, all mature hands have agreed, could set off a
nuclear arms race in the Middle East.”
Americans hearing this information for the first time have
every right to be angry, even mortified. This is not a matter of
speculation, it is completely true. Israel, with its historic pattern
of launching attacks on its neighbors, is quite possibly the biggest
threat to world existence.
What do Americans know? Well, they know Iran stands accused of “seeking” to build a nuclear weapon.
The accusation is tragically similar to the Bush
Administration’s endless, incessant talk of Iraq having “weapons of mass
destruction” which were a direct threat to the US, during the build up
to the Iraq war, which were purely bogus and has cost close to a million
and a half lives…. so far.
It is a simple fact that “threats” of nuclear weapons
delivered through the media, can practically stand the world on end.
The very notion brings to mind the raw idea of human extinction. The
fear of this idea is painfully ground into our public psyche every day
via US mainstream press and TV – only about Iran, which “could” some day
be a threat, the Israeli government says – while Israel exists with its
hand already on the red button.
It’s also fair to mention that we exist in a world where a
plethora, in fact an unknown number of illegal nuclear weapons, are
available on the world market. Many disappeared during the termination
of the Cold War, along with the materials and the people needed to build
With respect to missing nuclear weapons, the Council or Foreign Relations wrote, in an article
titled, “Loose Nukes”, that before its collapse in 1991, “the Soviet
Union had more than 27,000 nuclear weapons and enough weapons-grade
plutonium and uranium to triple that number. Since, severe economic
distress, rampant crime, and widespread corruption in Russia and other
former Soviet countries have fed concerns in the West about loose nukes,
underpaid nuclear scientists, and the smuggling of nuclear materials.
Security at Russia’s nuclear storage sites remains worrisome”.
It seems a natural conclusion, that Iran would have long been an actual nuclear threat if it’s leaders wanted it to be.
Helen Thomas, Obama and the Unanswered Question About Israeli Nukes
Never let it be said that a US journalist never tried to
bring light to Israel’s stockpile of nuclear weapons, into public view.
They were, as GW Bush would say, “weapons of mass destruction.” Veteran
reporter, the late Helen Thomas, attempted to force it out of Barack
Obama’s mouth with the famous question posed by Thomas at the White
House, “Mr. President, do you know of any country in the Middle east
that has nuclear weapons?” It was a simple question but the guy from
Chicago wouldn’t go near it, as The Real News reveals in the video below.
President Carter’s 2008 Revelation of Israeli Nuclear Weapons
Former US President Jimmy Carter revealed the fact that
Israel has at least 150 nuclear weapons in September 2012. The former
president made the claim during an appearance in Wales, as The
BBC reported.
Carter’s unprecedented quote, “The U.S. has more than
12,000 nuclear weapons; the Soviet Union (sic) has about the same; Great
Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more,”
caused a panic among supporters of Israel’s government. That’s because
Israel follows a policy of ambiguity and has never admitted that its
arsenal contains nuclear weapons.
“The problem is that there are those who can use these
statements when it comes to discussing the international effort to
prevent Iran getting nuclear weapons,” said Aharon Zeevi-Farkash, a
former Israeli intelligence official, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.
They began their article with: “Jimmy Carter, in violation
of a decades-old U.S. policy, publicly acknowledged that Israel has
nuclear weapons.”
No Nuclear Secrets for Israeli People
Israeli people are well acquainted with the knowledge that
their country possesses probably hundreds of illegal nukes, they are
also well aware that the so-called Jewish state is not part of the
International Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. If any Muslim country were
to be in the same position, the western powers would blow them from the
face of the earth. This is a classic example of the old “do as I say not
as I do” paradigm. Israel has long skirted international law as the
United States has for years, held what is known as “Super Veto Power” in
the United Nations. The Americans have used this power to cloak Israel
and deflect its war crime and human rights violations for decades, even
when the vast majority of nations in the UN called for sanctions and
Tens of millions of Americans go about their day totally
unaware of this severe transgression of international law. Yet the news
media, seemingly all day every day… talks about how Iran “might” be
working toward building a nuclear bomb – a statement to which there is
absolutely no proof of any kind – and they keep the world in turmoil.
However there is a staggering amount of proof, and noted
admissions from Israel, about their nuclear weapons program and the
Israeli nuclear facility called Dimona in the Negev Desert.
The Rest of the World Already Knows – Only Americans Live in the Dark
An extremely daring former employee of the Dimona Nuclear
Facility in Israel, Mordechai Vanunu, shocked the world in the 1980’s
when he traveled to London and delivered photos of the nuclear facility
and associated weapons to The Sunday Times.
As the 2011 video above that I produced shows, Vanunu was
almost immediately kidnapped in the UK by Israeli Mossad and taken back
to Israel, where he would serve nearly two decades in prison, mostly in
solitary confinement, for having revealed this painful, dirty secret
about illegal Israeli nukes.
Frank Barnaby, a nuclear physicist by training, began
working in nuclear related issues in 1951. He held numerous positions
and by the 1980’s, was employed by the Oxford Research Group, where he
researched civil and military nuclear issues. A major aspect of his
work was the study of various aspects of nuclear weapons, beginning with
work at the British Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, and
more recently in relation to the 2005 Non-Proliferation Treaty review
In September 1986, Dr. Barnaby was employed by the Sunday Times to interrogate Mordechai Vanunu.
He stated, “I found that Vanunu was very straightforward
about his work at Dimona and about what he did and did not know and made
no attempt to discuss matters outside his experience and knowledge.
This, and the photographs he brought with him, considerably increased
his credibility. I discussed Vanunu’s information in some detail with
other nuclear physicists, particularly the eminent American
nuclear-weapon designer Theodore Taylor, who also found it credible.”
Nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu
Vanunu told Frank Barnaby that his motivation to release the information and photos of Dimona, was for the sake of humanity.
“When I questioned Vanunu about his motives for violating
Israel’s secrecy laws he explained to me that he believed that both the
Israeli and the world public had the right to know about the information
he passed over. He seemed to me to be acting ideologically. Israel’s
political leaders have, he said, consistently lied about Israel’s
nuclear-weapon programme and he found this unacceptable in a democracy”.
And lest we forget, Israel stands accused of using what experts describe as a “neutron bomb” in Yemen in recent months, while flying an F-16 aircraft (which Saudi Arabia does not possess) with Saudi markings and insignia painted on the side. This very likely, was a bomb drawn from the illegal Israeli Dimona nuclear facility.
So make no mistake, we’re all living in a cloud in the
United States, it is a cloud of informational obstruction; a method to
keep Americans thinking one way, when it is truly in their best interest
to be able to view this particular subject with an open mind.
Unwarranted road blocks for search and seizure,
drone strikes and the loss of freedom that every American is
experiencing, ARE YOU AFRAID of your government?
Join us as Dale Carson, ex police officer who
has almost four decades of FBI, Police, SWAT, private investigation
shares his experiences and ideas of how we can protect ourselves.
Dale Carson is the author of Arrest-Proof
Yourself that shows us how NOT to get arrested. He will be providing the
latest information about your rights; and mistakes you may make with
the authorities that could land you in jail.
Join Sharry and Richard for a show that may help
you in protecting yourself and your loved ones. We will be discussing
how to take a stand without getting arrested.
Whole Foods' security guard is fired after 'slamming
a customer into concrete pillars before choking him unconscious in
bloody attack when he tried to pay with food stamps'
A Whole Foods Market security guard in Oakland has been fired after he allegedly assaulted a customer Thursday night
The attack reportedly began inside the store and an eyewitness shared disturbing images of the bloodied victim to Facebook
Witness Zoe Marks says the victim was not 'shouting' or being 'violent' before the guard slammed the man into concrete pillars
Marks says the guard put the shopper into a chokehold and 'suffocated' him before throwing him on the ground outside unconscious
Police are investigating the incident and the victim is in stable condition at a local hospital
20:50 EST, 4 September 2015
| Updated:
01:11 EST, 5 September 2015
Go to the Dailymail link to see the photos:
armed security guard working at the Whole Foods Market in Oakland,
California has been fired after he reportedly beat one customer to a
bloody pulp Thursday night.
alleged violent assault began inside the store located on Bay Place
near Lake Merritt around 9:30pm, according to the store's spokeswoman
Beth Krauss.
Marks, an eye witness to the attack who is in the United States on a
visit from Edinburgh, Scotland, shared disturbing images of
the victim and her account of the incident to Facebook.
In an interview with the Oakland Tribune,
Marks said that she saw the argument between the cashier and the victim
as he was trying to use an EBT card, which is a food stamp card that
operates like a debit card, to buy food from the store.
Marks said that the victim was not 'shouting' or 'violent' and that he wasn't threatening anyone.
'He wasn't shouting at anyone. He wasn't violent or disruptive,' Marks said of the customer to the Tribune.
'There was no threat from him to any of the customers or employees. (We) felt safe until the security guard attacked him.'
On Facebook, Marks described the 'violent assault' by saying that the guard 'slammed' the victim against 'concrete pillars.'
the post, she added that the guard put the shopper into a chokehold and
'suffocated' him before throwing him on the ground unconscious.
Marks claims that the guard allegedly locked the man out of the store even though he was unconscious on the pavement.
graphic images Marks took of the victim have been widely shared across
social media, with many people sending tweets to the Whole Foods Market
Twitter account, questioning what the store was doing to address this
one response to a user, a Whole Foods' official tweeted 'We're moving
quickly to gather the facts, we want to make it clear that we take a
zero tolerance approach to violence.'
another tweet, an official wrote that 'We are taking this very
seriously. The security guard involved in incident has been permanently
removed from all WFM stores.'
Oakland police are investigating the incident and the identities of the victim and guard have not been publicly released.
Police say that the victim is in stable condition at a local hospital.
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Answer -- The primary goal of Nesaranews is to help all people become better truth-seekers in a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion. This is for the purpose of learning to think critically, discovering the truth from within—not just believing things blindly because it came from an "authority" or credible source. Instead of telling you what the truth is, we share information from many sources so that you can discern it for yourself. We focus on teaching you the tools to become your own authority on the truth, gaining self-mastery, sovereignty, and freedom in the process. We want each of you to become your own leaders and masters of personal discernment, and as such, all information should be vetted, analyzed and discerned at a personal level. We also encourage you to discuss your thoughts in the comments section of this site to engage in a group discernment process.
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