Israel’s Dirtiest Secret, Nuclear Weapons, No Secret Any Longer – Except In USA
Few Americans know that Israel illegally possesses a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons, all undeclared and illegal, as Israel is not part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel has publicly admitted to being a nuclear power on numerous occasions, as noted below.
The BBC wrote in the 2008 article,
“Israel ‘has 150 nuclear weapons”, that ” Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert included Israel among a list of nuclear states in comments in
December 2006, a week after US Defence Secretary Robert Gates used a
similar form of words during a Senate hearing.”
An Israeli official publicly admitted to his government’s possession of nuclear weapons again, in late 2013. The Guardian wrote in
January 2014, “When the former speaker of the Knesset, Avraham Burg,
broke the taboo last month, declaring Israeli possession of both nuclear
and chemical weapons and describing the official non-disclosure policy
as ‘outdated and childish’ a rightwing group formally called for a
police investigation for treason.”
Israel’s nuclear weapons program was self-declared even more recently, in March 2015, in a Washington Times article titled,
“Barack Obama’s love bomb offensive,” with the following paragraph,
“…the United States has declassified a 386-page report that reveals in
minute detail Israel’s super-discreet nuclear program. Everybody knows
Israel has one, but until now Israel, with American support, has never
acknowledged it. To do so, all mature hands have agreed, could set off a
nuclear arms race in the Middle East.”
Americans hearing this information for the first time have
every right to be angry, even mortified. This is not a matter of
speculation, it is completely true. Israel, with its historic pattern
of launching attacks on its neighbors, is quite possibly the biggest
threat to world existence.
What do Americans know? Well, they know Iran stands accused of “seeking” to build a nuclear weapon.
The accusation is tragically similar to the Bush
Administration’s endless, incessant talk of Iraq having “weapons of mass
destruction” which were a direct threat to the US, during the build up
to the Iraq war, which were purely bogus and has cost close to a million
and a half lives…. so far.
It is a simple fact that “threats” of nuclear weapons
delivered through the media, can practically stand the world on end.
The very notion brings to mind the raw idea of human extinction. The
fear of this idea is painfully ground into our public psyche every day
via US mainstream press and TV – only about Iran, which “could” some day
be a threat, the Israeli government says – while Israel exists with its
hand already on the red button.
It’s also fair to mention that we exist in a world where a
plethora, in fact an unknown number of illegal nuclear weapons, are
available on the world market. Many disappeared during the termination
of the Cold War, along with the materials and the people needed to build
With respect to missing nuclear weapons, the Council or Foreign Relations wrote, in an article
titled, “Loose Nukes”, that before its collapse in 1991, “the Soviet
Union had more than 27,000 nuclear weapons and enough weapons-grade
plutonium and uranium to triple that number. Since, severe economic
distress, rampant crime, and widespread corruption in Russia and other
former Soviet countries have fed concerns in the West about loose nukes,
underpaid nuclear scientists, and the smuggling of nuclear materials.
Security at Russia’s nuclear storage sites remains worrisome”.
It seems a natural conclusion, that Iran would have long been an actual nuclear threat if it’s leaders wanted it to be.
Helen Thomas, Obama and the Unanswered Question About Israeli Nukes
Never let it be said that a US journalist never tried to
bring light to Israel’s stockpile of nuclear weapons, into public view.
They were, as GW Bush would say, “weapons of mass destruction.” Veteran
reporter, the late Helen Thomas, attempted to force it out of Barack
Obama’s mouth with the famous question posed by Thomas at the White
House, “Mr. President, do you know of any country in the Middle east
that has nuclear weapons?” It was a simple question but the guy from
Chicago wouldn’t go near it, as The Real News reveals in the video below.
President Carter’s 2008 Revelation of Israeli Nuclear Weapons
Former US President Jimmy Carter revealed the fact that
Israel has at least 150 nuclear weapons in September 2012. The former
president made the claim during an appearance in Wales, as The
BBC reported.
Carter’s unprecedented quote, “The U.S. has more than
12,000 nuclear weapons; the Soviet Union (sic) has about the same; Great
Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more,”
caused a panic among supporters of Israel’s government. That’s because
Israel follows a policy of ambiguity and has never admitted that its
arsenal contains nuclear weapons.
“The problem is that there are those who can use these
statements when it comes to discussing the international effort to
prevent Iran getting nuclear weapons,” said Aharon Zeevi-Farkash, a
former Israeli intelligence official, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.
They began their article with: “Jimmy Carter, in violation
of a decades-old U.S. policy, publicly acknowledged that Israel has
nuclear weapons.”
No Nuclear Secrets for Israeli People
Israeli people are well acquainted with the knowledge that
their country possesses probably hundreds of illegal nukes, they are
also well aware that the so-called Jewish state is not part of the
International Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. If any Muslim country were
to be in the same position, the western powers would blow them from the
face of the earth. This is a classic example of the old “do as I say not
as I do” paradigm. Israel has long skirted international law as the
United States has for years, held what is known as “Super Veto Power” in
the United Nations. The Americans have used this power to cloak Israel
and deflect its war crime and human rights violations for decades, even
when the vast majority of nations in the UN called for sanctions and
Tens of millions of Americans go about their day totally
unaware of this severe transgression of international law. Yet the news
media, seemingly all day every day… talks about how Iran “might” be
working toward building a nuclear bomb – a statement to which there is
absolutely no proof of any kind – and they keep the world in turmoil.
However there is a staggering amount of proof, and noted
admissions from Israel, about their nuclear weapons program and the
Israeli nuclear facility called Dimona in the Negev Desert.
The Rest of the World Already Knows – Only Americans Live in the Dark
An extremely daring former employee of the Dimona Nuclear
Facility in Israel, Mordechai Vanunu, shocked the world in the 1980’s
when he traveled to London and delivered photos of the nuclear facility
and associated weapons to The Sunday Times.
As the 2011 video above that I produced shows, Vanunu was
almost immediately kidnapped in the UK by Israeli Mossad and taken back
to Israel, where he would serve nearly two decades in prison, mostly in
solitary confinement, for having revealed this painful, dirty secret
about illegal Israeli nukes.
Frank Barnaby, a nuclear physicist by training, began
working in nuclear related issues in 1951. He held numerous positions
and by the 1980’s, was employed by the Oxford Research Group, where he
researched civil and military nuclear issues. A major aspect of his
work was the study of various aspects of nuclear weapons, beginning with
work at the British Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, and
more recently in relation to the 2005 Non-Proliferation Treaty review
In September 1986, Dr. Barnaby was employed by the Sunday Times to interrogate Mordechai Vanunu.
He stated, “I found that Vanunu was very straightforward
about his work at Dimona and about what he did and did not know and made
no attempt to discuss matters outside his experience and knowledge.
This, and the photographs he brought with him, considerably increased
his credibility. I discussed Vanunu’s information in some detail with
other nuclear physicists, particularly the eminent American
nuclear-weapon designer Theodore Taylor, who also found it credible.”
Vanunu told Frank Barnaby that his motivation to release the information and photos of Dimona, was for the sake of humanity.
“When I questioned Vanunu about his motives for violating
Israel’s secrecy laws he explained to me that he believed that both the
Israeli and the world public had the right to know about the information
he passed over. He seemed to me to be acting ideologically. Israel’s
political leaders have, he said, consistently lied about Israel’s
nuclear-weapon programme and he found this unacceptable in a democracy”.
And lest we forget, Israel stands accused of using what experts describe as a “neutron bomb” in Yemen in recent months, while flying an F-16 aircraft (which Saudi Arabia does not possess) with Saudi markings and insignia painted on the side. This very likely, was a bomb drawn from the illegal Israeli Dimona nuclear facility.
So make no mistake, we’re all living in a cloud in the
United States, it is a cloud of informational obstruction; a method to
keep Americans thinking one way, when it is truly in their best interest
to be able to view this particular subject with an open mind.
Also see: Vanunu’s photos of Dimona – 1985: Untitled Document
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