A 'line in the sand' over marriage
'Are we gonna be those wimps that cave in when a little pressure comes?'

Michael Brown has a message for Christians who fear the homosexual agenda already has a lock on American culture: Don’t lose hope.
The “gay revolution,” he said, can be defeated, but for that to happen, people of faith must never compromise their convictions.
“This is where we draw a line in the sand,” said Brown, a talk-radio host, WND columnist and author of several books on homosexuality. “This is where we say this is who we are and this is where we stand. What do we believe? How important is marriage? How important is sexuality? What price are we willing to pay? Are we gonna be those wimps that cave in when a little pressure comes?”
Brown recently authored “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” in which he laid out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values overcome the homosexual agenda. The first principle is, “Never compromise your convictions.”
“How do we look at people in history who compromised?” Brown asked in a WND interview. “How do we look at people in history that sold out? How do we look at a Judas Iscariot that sold his soul for money? How do we look at people that cave in to popularity? How do we look to a political leader when, the moment pressure comes, they change their views?
“We have no respect for people like that. It’s time that we are worthy of respect.”
The American landscape is currently dotted with people of faith who have stuck to their convictions, as Brown advises.
Perhaps the most famous example is Kim Davis. Because of her Christian belief in traditional marriage, the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk refused to issue any marriage licenses after the Supreme Court declared "gay marriage" a constitutional right in Obergefell v. Hodges. Even after a federal judge ordered her to resume issuing licenses, she went to jail rather than comply with the order. She said she was acting under God's authority.
Davis was subsequently released from jail and resumed her post. Although her deputies are now issuing marriage licenses to "gay" couples, the licenses no longer bear Davis' name and signature.
Jack Phillips was another Christian who stood by his convictions. When two "gay" men entered Phillips' Colorado bakery in July 2012 asking for a wedding cake, Phillips refused, saying he didn't do gay wedding cakes. The "gay" men stormed out and evidently told others about Phillips' refusal. The baker received a death threat the next day.
Eventually, a judge ruled Phillips must make wedding cakes for "gay" couples, but rather than violate his beliefs, the baker decided to stop making wedding cakes altogether. He estimated his decision cost his business $100,000 a year in lost revenue. In August, an appeals court upheld the original ruling against Phillips, which still faces further review.
The baker told the Daily Signal: "What's important is that I'm being obedient to Christ. He's given me this business and if he were here, he wouldn't make the cake. If he were my employee, I wouldn't force him to make the cake and participate in it because it doesn't honor God. The Bible calls it a sin."
Davis and Phillips have both received criticism from progressives. Brown urges people like Davis and Phillips to keep their heads up and continue to stand for their beliefs.
"So what if you're branded a homophobe and a bigot?" Brown writes in the first chapter of "Outlasting the Gay Revolution." "Jesus was called far worse. So what if your business gets boycotted or your church gets disfellowshipped or your name gets blacklisted? Christians who fought against slavery in America faced far greater opposition than this, and they didn't cave in and collapse. In fact, gay activists themselves had to overcome far more than this to fight for their cause, and they didn't back down. How can we?"
"Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson certainly didn't back down in late 2013. In an interview with GQ, he called homosexuality a sin on par with bestiality, sparking massive outrage among the LGBT community and progressives in general.
A&E initially suspended Robertson from "Duck Dynasty," but Robertson never apologized, and many fans rushed out to defend him. More than 200,000 signatures were gathered for a petition demanding Robertson be reinstated. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin also defended Robertson.
A little over a week later, A&E lifted the suspension.
Brown says Christians should be willing to stand up for their beliefs even if they lose their livelihoods.
"Fine, I lose my job because of what I believe," he said. "Fine, I can't do my radio show because of what I believe. Fine, my kids get put out of the school. Fine, I go to jail. I am going to do what's right. Jesus said if you save your life, you lose it; if you lose your life for My sake and the gospel, you find it."
Brown said people lose a part of their souls when they compromise their convictions.
"Here's where we draw the line in the sand – with God's grace, with God's help, we are not caving in," he said. "We are not compromising. The unspoken mantra of gay activism is, 'We will intimidate and we will manipulate until you capitulate.' We are not going to capitulate."
Perhaps the most famous example is Kim Davis. Because of her Christian belief in traditional marriage, the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk refused to issue any marriage licenses after the Supreme Court declared "gay marriage" a constitutional right in Obergefell v. Hodges. Even after a federal judge ordered her to resume issuing licenses, she went to jail rather than comply with the order. She said she was acting under God's authority.
Davis was subsequently released from jail and resumed her post. Although her deputies are now issuing marriage licenses to "gay" couples, the licenses no longer bear Davis' name and signature.
Jack Phillips was another Christian who stood by his convictions. When two "gay" men entered Phillips' Colorado bakery in July 2012 asking for a wedding cake, Phillips refused, saying he didn't do gay wedding cakes. The "gay" men stormed out and evidently told others about Phillips' refusal. The baker received a death threat the next day.
Eventually, a judge ruled Phillips must make wedding cakes for "gay" couples, but rather than violate his beliefs, the baker decided to stop making wedding cakes altogether. He estimated his decision cost his business $100,000 a year in lost revenue. In August, an appeals court upheld the original ruling against Phillips, which still faces further review.
The baker told the Daily Signal: "What's important is that I'm being obedient to Christ. He's given me this business and if he were here, he wouldn't make the cake. If he were my employee, I wouldn't force him to make the cake and participate in it because it doesn't honor God. The Bible calls it a sin."
Davis and Phillips have both received criticism from progressives. Brown urges people like Davis and Phillips to keep their heads up and continue to stand for their beliefs.
"So what if you're branded a homophobe and a bigot?" Brown writes in the first chapter of "Outlasting the Gay Revolution." "Jesus was called far worse. So what if your business gets boycotted or your church gets disfellowshipped or your name gets blacklisted? Christians who fought against slavery in America faced far greater opposition than this, and they didn't cave in and collapse. In fact, gay activists themselves had to overcome far more than this to fight for their cause, and they didn't back down. How can we?"
"Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson certainly didn't back down in late 2013. In an interview with GQ, he called homosexuality a sin on par with bestiality, sparking massive outrage among the LGBT community and progressives in general.
A&E initially suspended Robertson from "Duck Dynasty," but Robertson never apologized, and many fans rushed out to defend him. More than 200,000 signatures were gathered for a petition demanding Robertson be reinstated. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin also defended Robertson.
A little over a week later, A&E lifted the suspension.
Brown says Christians should be willing to stand up for their beliefs even if they lose their livelihoods.
"Fine, I lose my job because of what I believe," he said. "Fine, I can't do my radio show because of what I believe. Fine, my kids get put out of the school. Fine, I go to jail. I am going to do what's right. Jesus said if you save your life, you lose it; if you lose your life for My sake and the gospel, you find it."
Brown said people lose a part of their souls when they compromise their convictions.
"Here's where we draw the line in the sand – with God's grace, with God's help, we are not caving in," he said. "We are not compromising. The unspoken mantra of gay activism is, 'We will intimidate and we will manipulate until you capitulate.' We are not going to capitulate."
Copyright 2015 WND
1 comment:
The “gay revolution,” he said, can be defeated, but for that to happen, people of faith must never compromise their convictions.
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