Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fulford in Full: this week's complete newsletter: "Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution"

Fulford in Full: this week's complete newsletter: "Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution"
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 10-Sep-2015 16:14:47
Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution
Posted by benjamin
September 7, 2015
Chaos and conflict at the very top of the Western financial system has created a unique opportunity to permanently put an end to Khazarian mafia control of the West. Furthermore, a new group of leaders will be assuming power in the Pentagon and, if they are able to coordinate with the worldwide resistance movement, humanity can be freed from Babylonian debt slavery as early as this autumn. The important thing to drill into the heads of military, police and intelligence officials worldwide is that the West has been taken over by a group of mass murdering gangsters who need to be arrested and removed from power ASAP. To put it more bluntly, it must be explained to the military fence sitters that the Khazarian mob has been actively trying to kill them and their families with manufactured diseases, toxic chemicals, unhealthy food, multiple attempts to start World War 3 etc. meaning that fence sitting is no longer an option. Self-defense is mandatory.
The anniversary this Friday of the September 11, 2001 mass murder event in New York would be a good time to take action. All it will take is for all aware members of the military and police in the US and for all governments outside of the US to demand the immediate arrest of the perpetrators of this crime. Anybody, from Obama on down, who tries to stop the arrests must themselves be arrested.
In fact, there are already clear signs the US military is taking strong action against the Khazarian mob. Pentagon sources say the Khazarian JP Morgan bank has been “put under military supervision,” because
“it is the operating arm of the Federal Reserve Board.” The pentagon sources explain that JPM handles food stamps or electronic benefit transfer cards which it could have stopped in order to create food riots. JPM was taken over in order to prevent this from happening. However, the military are now reporting that much of the JP Morgan money has “gone missing.” They are now investigating if Morgan Stanley and Barclays bank are responsible for stealing the money because, if they are, “they will be Lehmanized” i.e. bankrupted and dismantled. An MI5 source in the UK, for his part noted: “it is interesting to hear that because Morgan Stanley in the UK is behind the Iraq Chilcot (whitewash) inquiry” into UK involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq. MI5 also notes that senior UK power brokers like John Scarlett (former MI6 head) and Jeremy Heywood (UK Chief Cabinet Secretary) are to this day working with mass murderers Benjamin Netanyahu and the Bush family in trying to maintain Khazarain mob control of the West.
There is also a massive ongoing financial attack against other Khazarian mob controlled financial institutions. They are reeling under a combined attack involving US Treasuries dumping (by China), the collapse in oil prices, petrodollar derivatives losses, zero interest rates (on loans) and demand by exporters for payment in Chinese yuan.
Rockefeller controlled Citigroup “is sending its stolen gold and stolen cash to Russia in an effort to prevent it from falling into Chinese hands,” according to Pentagon and Chinese sources. This coincides with statements by Rockefeller bag man Henry Kissinger that the US should be friendly to Russia. Russia is likely to simply claim the gold as tsarist treasure being returned.
As mentioned in a bulletin issued in August, a clear sign of the intensity of the ongoing financial war was seen when the Chinese Tianhe-1 super computer was hit with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapon on August 12th immediately after China devalued the Yuan against the US dollar on August 11th.
The Chinese devaluation was used as part of an attack on the derivatives positions of the big Khazarian banks. The Khazarians responded with a stolen nuclear weapon. Pentagon officials were quick to explain to the Chinese the attack against them originated with the Khazarian mob and not the US military industrial complex.
The Chinese have made it clear they are expecting strong action by the US military industrial complex against the Khazarian mob if they want to avoid war. Such action has already begun, they were told.
The US military, the Russians, the Iranians and their allies are now increasing their pressure on the Khazarian mob and their puppet state Israel. These three powers are now cooperating to attack the Israeli ISIS proxy army in the Middle East. Egypt is also about to join the Iranian, Russian, Pentagon alliance, according to Pentagon sources. A military campaign is now under way by these allies with the aim of cutting off of ISIS oil being supplied from Iraq via Israel and Turkey. Cutting off these oil export routes would deprive the Khazarians and their ISIS proxy army of their largest source of funds (other than narcotics).
The Khazarians have already faced a major defeat in the United States in their attempt to stop the ongoing rapprochement between the US and Iran. The fact the Khazarian lobby, despite a massive campaign, could not get enough votes in Congress and the Senate to veto the Iran deal is clear proof the Khazarians are losing control of the US political system.
Meanwhile closet Khazarian mobster King Salman of Saudi Arabia arrived in Washington D.C. on September 4th to demand the return of Saudi Gold kept in the US. He was told by the Americans that if he persisted in his demands his Kingdom would be broken up. In addition, he was told his country would face “severe consequences” if it stopped supplying oil to the US military industrial complex and started selling it to the Chinese instead. Salman was also forced to accept the Iran deal, the Pentagon sources said.
The situation in Europe is also coming to a head. The massive refugee crisis that is in the news there is being engineered as part of the long term P2 plan to use a conflict between Islam and Christianity to force a unification of the monotheist faiths. The plan calls for an escalation of the refugee crisis and the arrival of large contingents of “armed ISIS fighters” to speed up the process, according to German “second Reich” sources. According to these sources, NATO forces reached a secret agreement to begin going ahead with their New World Order on September 25th. Some sort of accord will be then signed on December 25th, the sources said. The overall plan is to collapse the entire present system in order to be able to rebuild from scratch, they said.
The arrival of Pope Francis, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and other power brokers in the US at the end of September, supposedly to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN, may well be a sign some sort of world treaty is about to be signed.
Another sign that something highly unusual is going on is the fact the US air defenses on the US East coast are going to be shut down during the last half of September even as Chinese and Russian naval forces are stationed near the US coast. The last time such a thing happened was on September 11th, 2001.
Meanwhile in Japan, there are also signs that it is not business as usual. It appears that slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is working for new handlers. The clearest sign is that Japan’s government is not only ending any pretense of sanctions against Russia or Iran, it is also planning to stop using the US dollar in trade with Russia. Japan already trades with Iran and China without using the US dollar.
In other Japan news, the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan, and the worlds’, largest crime syndicate also split up recently. Sources inside the Yamaguchi Gumi and in rival gangs say the split up was a local issue not directly related to international events. Tsukasa Shinobu, the current head of the gang, comes from Nagoya (home of Toyota motors) and resentment against Nagoya control was building up in Kobe, the traditional base of the gang. Not only was the Nagoya faction taking over personnel decisions but it was also demanding excessive tribute, according to the gang sources. It is unlikely this split will lead to war because both factions have too much to lose in the event that happens, the sources said. The last time the gang split, when the Goto gumi left in 2008, there was no war. Tadamasa Goto, the head of the Goto gang, now lives in retirement in Cambodia. If a gang war is going to break out, gangs will evacuate their formal headquarters, disguise their appearance and start killing each other off.
In a final note to readers, this writer would like to thank his readers for putting up with pre-written reports and allowing him to take his annual holiday in Canada.
Canada is heading into a general election on October 19th and opinion polls now show the Zionist regime of Stephen Harper is headed for a decisive defeat. Canada should then be in a position to help liberate itself and its cousins to the South from Babylonian debt slavery.

175 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000

175 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000

Government continues to downplay debt crisis

175 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000
by Terence P. Jeffrey | CNS News | September 10, 2015

The portion of the federal debt that is subject to a legal limit set by Congress closed Friday, Sept. 4, at $18,112,975,000,000, according to the latest Daily Treasury Statement, which was published at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
That, according to the Treasury’s statements, makes 175 straight days the debt subject to the limit has been frozen at $18,112,975,000,000.
$18,112,975,000,000 is about $25 million below the current legal debt limit of $18,113,000,080,959.35.
On July 30, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew sent a letter to the leaders of Congress saying he was extending a “debt issuance suspension period” through October 30.
Read more

If You Want To Know The Truth About The Unemployment Rate Read This Article

If You Want To Know The Truth About The Unemployment Rate Read This Article


The Obama administration is telling us that the unemployment rate in the United States has fallen to 5.1 percent, but does that number actually bear any resemblance to reality?  On Friday, news outlets all over America celebrated the fact that the U.S. economy added 173,000 jobs in August.  We were told that the unemployment rate has fallen to a seven year low and that wages are going up.  So everything must be getting better for the middle class, right?  After all, isn’t that what the official numbers are telling us?
The financial markets are buzzing over this news because the unemployment rate has fallen into a range that the Federal Reserve has typically considered to be “full employment”, so there is an expectation that the Fed may raise interest rates shortly.  The following comes from Business Insider
The unemployment rate fell to 5.1% in August, the lowest since April 2008. This was lower than forecast, and put the measure in the middle of the 5.2% – 5.0% range the Federal Reserve considers to be “full employment.” The economy added 173,000 jobs, below the expectation for 217,000, although August payrolls are usually revised higher. We also saw some wage growth, with average hourly earnings rising 0.3% month-on-month, and 2.5% year-over-year. The payrolls gain for July was revised up to 245,000 from 215,000.
But do we actually have anything close to “full employment” in this country?
Of course not.
The truth is that the only way they have been able to get the official “unemployment rate” to steadily go down over the past few years is to eliminate hundreds of thousands of Americans that are chronically unemployed from the official labor force numbers every month.  Jim Quinn elaborated on this very eloquently in one of his recent articles
Now for the plunge in the unemployment rate. That comes from the household survey. The fact is that 220,000 more Americans entered the work force in August. According to this survey, 196,000 more Americans were employed. In the real world this would result in the unemployment rate going UP. Not in the Bizarro world of the BLS. They expect the peasants to believe that 261,000 Americans, of their own free will, voluntarily left the workforce in August because they don’t need a job to pay the bills, feed themselves, and keep a roof over their heads. The idiocy of this ridiculous assumption is breathtaking to behold. Only an Ivy League educated economist, CNBC shill, or complete and utter moron could believe this drivel.
At this point, the percentage of Americans that are actually considered to be “participating in the labor force” is the lowest that it has been since 1977.
According to the Obama administration, more than 94 million working age Americans are “not in the labor force”, and so they don’t count as being unemployed…
A record 94,031,000 Americans were not in the American labor force last month — 261,000 more than July — and the labor force participation rate stayed stuck at 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, for a third straight month in August, the Labor Department reported on Friday, as the nation heads into the Labor Day weekend.
Personally, I believe that the civilian employment-population ratio provides a much more accurate picture of the employment situation in this country.  It is a measure of the percentage of the working age population that actually has a job.
As you can see from the chart below, the percentage of working age Americans that are actually working has barely risen from the depths of the last recession…


Does that look like an “employment recovery” to you?
It sure doesn’t to me.
According to John Williams of, if honest numbers were being used we would actually have an unemployment rate of 22.9 percent in this country.
But if the mainstream media reported that number, everyone would be talking about a “Great Depression” and we would all be complaining about what a horrible job Obama was doing.
Sadly, the cold, hard truth is that the U.S. economy has been collapsing for a very long time.  According to CBS News, the number of “ultrapoor” Americans that live on less than 2 dollars a day has doubled since 1996…
By one dismal measure, America is joining the likes of Third World countries.
The number of U.S. residents who are struggling to survive on just $2 a day has more than doubled since 1996, placing 1.5 million households and 3 million children in this desperate economic situation. That’s according to “$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America,” a book from publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt that will be released on Sept. 1.
The measure of poverty isn’t arbitrary — it’s the threshold the World Bank uses to measure global poverty in the developed world. While it may be the norm to see families in developing countries such as Bangladesh and Ethiopia struggle to survive on such meager income, the growing ranks of America’s ultrapoor may be shocking, given that the U.S. is considered one of the most developed capitalist countries in the world.
How can that be possible if we are close to “full employment”?
In a recent article on the Economic Collapse Blog, I explained that 46 million Americans used food banks in one recent year, and that lines start forming at some U.S. food banks as early as 6:30 in the morning because people want to get something before the food supplies run out.
No, economic conditions are definitely not “good” in this nation.
We are being told lies by our politicians and by the mainstream media.  The numbers simply do not match what is going on in the real world.
We can even see this in some of the wealthiest areas of the entire country.  In New York City, for example, they are dealing with an explosion in the number of people that are sleeping on the streets
They are sleeping in front of the Empire State building, sprawled in front of the doors of Macy’s, and panhandling outside Grand Central.
New York is in the grip of a homeless epidemic so bad that it has raised fears of the city slipping back into the disorder of the 1970s and 1980s.
The city’s police chief this week said that as many as 4,000 people are now sleeping rough in the city, in a crisis which even the city’s ultra-liberal mayor has finally acknowledged after months of denials.
Police officers have identified 80 separate homeless encampments in the city, 20 of which are so entrenched that they have their own furniture, while its former mayor Rudolph Giuliani has spoken scathingly of how his successor is failing to keep order.
Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad“, recently told Newsmax that the “global economy is in a collapse right now”.  And he is right.  Things are getting worse in Asia, in Europe and in South America.
Things are also getting worse for the U.S. economy.  The “employment recovery” that we have already seen is all the employment recovery that we are going to get.
From here on out, millions upon millions of American workers are going to be losing their jobs and the suffering in this country is going to be off the charts.
So don’t fall for the lies that Obama and his minions are telling you.
All you have to do to see the truth is to open up your eyes and look at what is happening all around us.

Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia and has a law degree and an LLM from the University of Florida Law School. He is an attorney that has worked for some of the largest and most prominent law firms in Washington D.C. and who now spends his time researching and writing and trying to wake the American people up. You can follow his work on The Economic Collapse blog, End of the American Dream and The Truth Wins. His new novel entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on

U.S. Drops Fleas With Bubonic Plague On North Korea

U.S. Drops Fleas With Bubonic Plague On North Korea

By: David Swanson, Global Research   |
This happened some 63 years ago, but as the U.S. government has never stopped lying about it, and it’s generally known only outside the United States, I’m going to treat it as news.
Here in our little U.S. bubble we’ve heard of a couple versions of a film called The Manchurian Candidate. We’ve heard of the general concept of “brainwashing” and may even associate it with something evil that the Chinese supposedly did to U.S. prisoners during the Korean War. And I’d be willing to bet that the majority of people who’ve heard of these things have at least a vague sense that they’re bullshit.
If you didn’t know, I’ll break it to you right now: people cannot actually be programed like the Manchurian candidate, which was a work of fiction. There was never the slightest evidence that China or North Korea had done any such thing. And the CIA spent decades trying to do such a thing, and finally gave up.
I’d also be willing to bet that very few people know what it was that the U.S. government promoted the myth of “brainwashing” to cover up. During the Korean War, the United States bombed virtually all of North Korea and a good bit of the South, killing millions of people. It dropped massive quantities of Napalm. It bombed dams, bridges, villages, houses. This was all-out mass-slaughter. But there was something the U.S. government didn’t want known, something deemed unethical in this genocidal madness.
It is well documented that the United States dropped on China and North Korea insects and feathers carrying anthrax, cholera, encephalitis, and bubonic plague. This was supposed to be a secret at the time, and the Chinese response of mass vaccinations and insect eradication probably contributed to the project’s general failure (hundreds were killed, but not millions). But members of the U.S. military taken prisoner by the Chinese confessed to what they had been a part of, and confessed publicly when they got back to the United States.
Some of them had felt guilty to begin with. Some had been shocked at China’s decent treatment of prisoners after U.S. depictions of the Chinese as savages. For whatever reasons, they confessed, and their confessions were highly credible, were borne out by independent scientific reviews, and have stood the test of time.
How to counter reports of the confessions? The answer for the CIA and the U.S. military and their allies in the corporate media was “brainwashing,” which conveniently explained away whatever former prisoners said as false narratives implanted in their brains by brainwashers.
And 300 million of so Americans more or less sort of believe that craziest-ever dog-ate-my-homework concoction to this day!
The propaganda struggle was intense. The support of the Guatemalan government for the reports of U.S. germ warfare in China were part of the U.S. motivation for overthrowing the Guatemalan government; and the same cover-up was likely part of the motivation for the CIA’s murder of Frank Olson.
There isn’t any debate that the United States had been working on bio-weapons for years, at Fort Detrick — then Camp Detrick — and numerous other locations. Nor is there any question that the United States employed the top bio-weapons killers from among both the Japanese and the Nazis from the end of World War II onward. Nor is there any question that the U.S. tested such weapons on the city of San Francisco and numerous other locations around the United States, and on U.S. soldiers. There’s a museum in Havana featuring evidence of years of U.S. bio-warfare against Cuba. We know that Plum Island, off the tip of Long Island, was used to test the weaponization of insects, including the ticks that created the ongoing outbreak of Lyme Disease.
Dave Chaddock’s book This Must Be the Place, which I found via Jeff Kaye’s review, collects the evidence that the United States indeed tried to wipe out millions of Chinese and North Koreans with deadly diseases.
“What does it matter now?” I can imagine people from only one corner of the earth asking.
I reply that it matters that we know the evils of war and try to stop the new ones. U.S. cluster bombs in Yemen, U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, U.S. guns in Syria, U.S. white phosphorus and Napalm and depleted uranium used in recent years, U.S. torture in prison camps, U.S. nuclear arsenals being expanded, U.S. coups empowering monsters in Ukraine and Honduras, U.S. lies about Iranian nukes, and indeed U.S. antagonization of North Korea as part of that never-yet-ended war — all of these things can be best confronted by people aware of a centuries-long pattern of lying.
And I reply, also, that it is not yet too late to apologize.

TSA blunder hits travelers at U.S. airports

TSA blunder hits travelers at U.S. airports

Major goof gives master key to anyone with 3-D printer


The Transportation Security Administration just learned a hard lesson: Do not allow master key photos to surface online. A group of 3-D printing enthusiasts took advantage of someone’s giant mistake and created master keys for “approved” baggage locks.
“Honestly I wasn’t expecting this to work, even though I tried to be as accurate as possible from the pictures. I did this for fun and don’t even have a TSA-approved lock to test,” a French 3-D printer who only identified himself as Xylitol wrote Wired magazine on Wednesday. “If someone reported it that my 3D models are working, well, that’s cool, and it shows how a simple picture of a set of keys can compromise a whole system.”
Images taken from a Washington Post story titled “The secret life of baggage: Where does your luggage go at the airport?” were used to make the fraudulent keys. The newspaper quickly removed the image from its story, but not before it spread across the Internet.
“OMG, it’s actually working!” wrote Montreal-based Unix administrator Bernard Bolduc on Twitter. Bolduc, who provided video evidence of his accomplishment, told Wired he used a PrintrBot Simple Metal printer with cheap PLA plastic to make his key.
“It worked on the first try,” said Bolduc.
Wired said the key in the leaked image worked for all TSA-approved locks made by companies such as Master Lock, Samsonite and American Tourister. Neither the Post nor the TSA immediately responded to the technology website’s request for comment.
“Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality,” marshals the terrifying evidence to show the world of Big Brother is much closer than we want to admit.
“People need to be aware that even though someone says ‘use these approved locks,’ don’t take their word for it,” said Shahab Sheikhzadeh, a New Jersey-based security researcher, Wired reported. “We’re in a day and age when pretty much anything can be reproduced with a photograph, a 3-D printer and some ingenuity.”
This is the second embarrassing image incident for the TSA in a matter of months. In late June, the agency received angry feedback after posting a picture of a bag with $75,000 inside to its social media website.
“If you had $75,000, is this how you’d transport it? Just asking! TSA @ RIC spotted this traveler’s preferred method,” tweeted Lisa Farbstein, TSA spokeswoman at headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, WND reported.
Some of the negative feedback included:
  • That’s awesome. Next will you post public pics of someone’s meds? You should be fired.
  • Is this what y’all do on the clock? Post pics of travelers’ personal belongings on twitter?
  • Now that the public knows the exact design, color and size of this bag and also its contents, how is this traveler safer?
  • So the TSA is just outright fu–ing with people and bragging about it.
Richmond airport spokesman Troy Bell told the Washington Post at the time the traveler was “allowed to continue on his way,” although the cash was seized for an investigation.
“TSA officers routinely come across evidence of criminal activity at airport checkpoints. Examples include evidence of illegal drug trafficking, money laundering, and violations of currency reporting requirements prior to international trips. TSA turned this bag over to law enforcement, which is investigating,” Farbstein told the Washington Free Beacon in a statement.
Copyright 2015 WND

Video Shows NC Officer Talking Man Off Bridge, Giving Him a Hug

Video Shows NC Officer Talking Man Off Bridge, Giving Him a Hug

Officer talks jumper out of suicide attempt

Video Shows NC Officer Talking Man Off Bridge, Giving Him a Hug
by My Fox 8 | September 10, 2015

A powerful video from an NC DOT camera shows a Raleigh police officer’s act of compassion Wednesday evening.
Officers received a call about a man hanging over the edge of a the bridge on the Beltline just after 7 p.m., according to WTVD.

An off-duty officer, who was headed home stopped and reached out to the man.
The man was clearly distressed, but the officer was able to talk him into getting off of the bridge.
Read more

Background Checks For Prospective Gun Buyers

Background Checks For Prospective Gun Buyers Reach An All Time High

background checks
By Tyler M.

The FBI conducted more background checks for prospective gun buyers in August 2015 than in any previous month on record, proving once again that nothing helps boost gun sales like a push for gun control.

Retailers called in roughly 1.8 million background checks last month, the highest monthly figure since the FBI started tracking background checks in 1998. 

Monthly gun sales have grown by more than a million over the past fifteen years, the Washington Times reported.

Because the government doesn’t publish statistics on gun sales, background checks are often used as an indicator for sales of firearms. When the number of background checks goes up, it means business is booming for the firearms industry.

The recent increase in background checks came after shootings in South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia this summer prompted renewed calls for gun control.

“Whenever there is a call for gun control, sales increase,” said Larry Keane, a general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. “The concern that anti-gun politicians are seeking to infringe and restrict the right to keep and bear arms is very real and well-founded.”

Democrats and moderate Republicans have introduced a number of gun control measures over the past. Even the NRA threw its support behind a gun control bill encouraging states to share information on the “mentally ill” with the federal government.

Senate Democrat Tim Kaine introduced yet another confiscatory proposal was introduced last week. The “Responsible Transfer of Firearms Act” would make anyone who transfers a gun to a prohibited individual criminally liable. 

1yr, 6,700 airstrikes & $4bn after Obama vowed to ‘destroy’ ISIS, jihadists still on offensive

1yr, 6,700 airstrikes & $4bn after Obama vowed to ‘destroy’ ISIS, jihadists still on offensive

That's because U.S. backs ISIS in proxy war with Syria

1yr, 6,700 airstrikes & $4bn after Obama vowed to ‘destroy’ ISIS, jihadists still on offensive
by RT | September 10, 2015

The US and its allies have carried out 6700 airstrikes at an expense of nearly $4 billion in the year since President Barack Obama ordered a campaign against Islamic State.
Yet the terror group shows no sign of defeat and has even expanded its reach.
On September 10, 2014, Obama announced a “comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy” to “degrade, and ultimately destroy” Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS/ISIL), referring to it by the preferred US government acronym, ISIL (which stood for “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”). US drones and warplanes had already been targeting the group since early August of 2014, after IS killed two American journalists it had been holding hostage.
In the announcement, Obama outlined a four prong strategy against Islamic State: while conducting a “systematic campaign of airstrikes,” the US would “increase our support to forces fighting these terrorists on the ground,” use counter-terrorism capabilities to prevent IS attacks elsewhere, and “provide humanitarian assistance to innocent civilians” displaced by the group.
Initially nameless, the campaign was dubbed “Operation Inherent Resolve” in October 2014. Since then, the US and its allies have flown 53,278 sorties “in support of operations” in Iraq and Syria, conducting a total of 6,700 airstrikes as of September 8, 2015, according to official information provided by the Pentagon.
Some 10,000 IS “targets,” from tanks and vehicles to trenches and oil facilities, have been destroyed. While there is no official body count, IS casualties were estimated at over 8,500 in May of this year. The cost of the campaign has been estimated to be $9.9 million per day, totaling over $3.7 billion as of August 2015.

Credit: U.S. Defense Dept.
The air campaign has certainly produced some impressive-sounding numbers. However, it has done little to fundamentally affect the reality on the ground, where IS militants have only grown stronger. After US-backed Iraqi forces managed to wrest control of Tikrit from IS in April 2015 following months of heavy fighting, US officials began to talk about pushing on to Mosul and beyond. All talk of a quick and easy victory ended in May, however, when IS fighters captured Ramadi and got within striking distance of Baghdad.
Efforts to support local forces ended up snarled in local politics, partisan rivalries in Washington, and the continued US insistence on pursuing regime change in Syria. After the fall of Ramadi, the US sent 450 additional instructors and advisers to train Iraqi government forces, as well as Kurdish and tribal militias. Initiatives in the US Congress to fund the Kurds directly, rather than through the central government in Baghdad, met with opposition both from the Iraqi government and the Obama administration.
At the end of 2014, Congress approved a $500 million program to train and equip “moderate rebels” as a force to be used against IS in Syria. The ambitious project aimed to have a force of at least 5,000 fighters ready by the end of 2015, using training camps in Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Fewer than 200 fighters ended up finishing the training in practice, and the first group of 54 ended up getting ambushed and scattered by Al-Nusra Front, without even ever seeing combat against IS. Rebel commanders have refused to send any more of their men against IS until they received assurances the US could protect them.
The one local force that has been successful against Islamic State ended up being a target of Turkey, a US ally, due to Turkish internal and regional politics. After successfully pushing IS forces away from the once-besieged Kobani, the Kurdish militias in northern Syria overran a series of IS strongholds along the border with Turkey. By July 2015, however, that offensive was stopped dead in its tracks by Turkish intervention. While granting the US the right to use two of its airbases – Incirlik and Diyarbakir – for sorties against IS, Ankara sent its own warplanes against the Kurds.
Meanwhile, civilians continue to die both at the hands of IS and in US-led airstrikes. Over 3,000 people, including more than 70 children, have died in IS executions in Syria alone, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, while according to another UK-based group, the Stop the War coalition, Western bombing had killed over 450 civilians – including 100 children – as of August.
While the FBI claims to have thwarted a number of IS-inspired plots in the US, there have also been a number of terrorist acts where perpetrators claimed to have been motivated by the self-proclaimed Caliphate, including the July attack on US military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
After seizing the ancient city of Palmyra in May 2015, IS militants demolished several ancient temples and gravesites. The city’s custodian, 82-year-old archeologist Khaled al-Asaad, was tortured and beheaded by the group. This was only the latest IS hostage execution that went public. Currently, a Chinese and a Norwegian may be facing the same fate after they were “put on sale” for a “limited time only” on the extremists’ online journal.
Announcing what the Pentagon would later term a “kinetic campaign” against Islamic State, Obama branded IS as “a terrorist organization, pure and simple.” He declared that the group had “no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way and vowed the US would stop the group’s murderous rampage. A year later, that promise remains far from being fulfilled.

Florida Gun Seller Engraves AR-15 With Bible Verse

Florida Gun Seller Engraves AR-15 With Bible Verse To Stop It Being Picked Up By 'Muslim Terrorists'

NEW YORK -- How does an American gun seller make a rifle that can’t be used by “Muslim terrorists?” Engrave it with a Bible verse and a symbol of the crusades. That’s the marketing shtick of Spike’s Tactical, a gun shop in Florida, which is peddling an AR-15 rifle inscribed with Psalm 144:1: “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”
Reported by the Orlando Sentinel, the firearm also boasts three settings: Peace, War and God Wills It.
“I’d like to have a gun that if a Muslim terrorist picked it up a bolt of lightning would hit and knock him dead,” said Ben Thomas, a former Navy SEAL and a spokesman for the company. “We wanted to make sure we built a weapon that would never be able to be used by Muslim terrorists to kill innocent people or advance their radical agenda,” he added.
According to Raw Story, America’s council on American-Islamic relations decried the weapon on Tuesday, asking whether it was designed for “Christian terrorists?”
“Sadly, this manufacturer’s fancy new gun won’t do anything to stop the real threat in America: the escalating problem of gun violence,” said Hasan Shibly, executive director of CAIR-Florida. “This is just another shameful marketing ploy intended to profit from the promotion of hatred, division, and violence.”
However, Thomas said the goal was not to “offend or alienate.” 
“The difficult issues people have with each other need to be brought to the table,” he said. “Often these are hurtful and painful but it’s important to be honest.”

Ex Marine Drops Truth Bomb

Must Watch: Ex Marine Drops Truth Bomb, Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag And War Agenda

Freda endless warBy Sophie McAdam

Ken O’ Keefe is an ex-US Marine turned anti-war campaigner who appeared on a Press TV debate called Syria: War of Deception, and absolutely owned his opponent in such an awesome way that you’ll be cheering at his every comment.

Recorded in August 2013, this interview is now two years old, but in light of the current European refugee crisis it’s more relevant today than ever before. 

Passionate, articulate and knowledgeable about the subject matter, O’Keefe is the perfect guy to step up and tell these home truths - and boy, does he do a good job. 

This guy nails so many crucial points about the Syria situation in one interview, he’ll have you jumping around and punching the ceiling.

We have tortured and killed and maimed and raped around this planet; who in their right mind would consider the United States or the West in general to be in any position to punish anybody?” the veteran begins angrily, going on to outline the evidence for Syria being a false flag attack 

(Note: leaked emails showing how Assad was framed by the USA are detailed in this cached Daily Mail report from January 2013, which was published online briefly before being removed).

He rightly points out that the USA dropped more bombs in Vietnam than during the whole of WW2 combined, that it regularly arms terrorists (but the mainstream press refer to them as ‘freedom fighters’ when it suits them) and the ex-marine also points out how the so-called ‘War on Terror’ is nothing more than a well-planned strategy to be in a “perpetual state of war to destabilize the region for the Greater Israel plan.

“We don’t operate under international law.  We have the law of the jungle in which the rich and powerful basically determine what goes and what doesn’t go.” 

 SYRIA: War Of Deception (Ken O'keefe on PressTv) 

O’Keefe shouts. He correctly points out that Bush and Blair would be “rotting in prison cells” if the law were administered equally to all, or even “executed if their own rules were applied to their own crimes.” 

He also acknowledges that these men are nothing more than puppets who “serve rich and powerful bankers who control the money supply.”

Keefe rants about the hypocrisy of the West, who are arming terrorist organizations in the name of ‘freedom’ for civilians in geo-politically strategic countries while turning a blind eye to vile human rights abuses in countries like Saudi Arabia

The only people who still fall for all this crap, Keefe passionately points out, are “bought-off prostitutes [our politicians] or the dumbest of the dumb.”

In short, this is a video you should consider sharing with anyone you know who is still under the illusion that the USA and Britain are doing good in the world, anyone who doesn’t believe the ‘conspiracy theory’ that 9/11 (or Syria, or Libya, or Afghanistan or Iraq) were not orchestrated attacks to further a sinister long-term goal of controlling the Middle East, and anyone who believes that the desperate refugees fleeing these countries we have systematically destroyed have no right to seek help from their oppressors in Europe and North America – after all, without Western imperialism, we wouldn’t have any refugees in the first place (more on that here).

Ken O’Keefe renounced US citizenship in 2001 and now holds Irish, Hawaiian & Palestinian citizenship. He says on his blog: “My ultimate allegiance is to my entire human family and to planet Earth.”

Well said.


10 Ways To Spot a False Flag Mass Shooting

false flag shooting 
By Joe Wright

Real or fake, these mass shooter events are pregnant with consequences.

After the Sandy Hook shooting, Connecticut passed strict gun laws and they’re trying to pass invasive homeschooling laws because alleged shooter Adam Lanza was reportedly homeschooled.

After the Chattanooga hoax, several Governors signed executive orders allowing the National Guard to be armed at all times. 

The Charleston church shooting hoax resulted in the banning of the Confederate flag. 

And all of them have been used to demonize the free flow of information of the Internet. The message is that the shooters were radicalized on the Internet and that type of content must be censored.

These lone-wolf shooting events always seem to follow a perfect problem-reaction-solution sequence.
Problem = Lone wolf shoots up innocent people for no reason. On psych meds. Radicalized on the Internet. Probably racist.
Reaction = Outrage that a crazy person had access to a gun.
Solution = More gun control laws and ammo restrictions.
It’s such an easy and effective formula, how could gun grabbers not use false flags?

For those who don’t know, “False flags are covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.”

The most recent televised shooting was clearly a staged event. At this point anyone who wants to confirm that it was a hoax  can see my previous posts here, here, and here.

Many, many other shooting events share the exact same script that expose them as probable false flags events. In fact, it’s starting to become obvious for those who know what to look for.



1. Media covers the event:


The national media doesn’t care about people getting killed with guns unless they can frame it within a gun control agenda. When all of the establishment media is amplifying a particular shooting, you can be certain that nefarious things are afoot.

2. No survivors:


How are drugged-out losers performing with Rambo-like prowess and accuracy? Adam Lanza allegedly killed all those kids and teachers with no first-hand survivors. No injuries? Do you know how rare that is in combat? The human body is very resilient, and even trained soldiers miss their target in the heat of battle. This is a major red flag seen in almost every shooting event.

3. Family appears on TV within 24 hours, showing little emotion:


When the victim’s family is immediately interviewed by CNN with dry eyes saying things like, “I’ve got nothing but love in my heart for the shooter” less than 24-hours after their brutal murder, you can be sure it’s a false flag event.

4. Family or witnesses in the event have acting backgrounds:


Most of the characters in these hoaxes are failed actors. They seem to have finally gotten their big break to act like a grieving victim. Search YouTube for “Crisis Actors Shooting.” If even 1% of that content is true, your whole reality will be turned upside down.

5. Participants in the hoax immediately blame the gun, demand more gun control:


No victim’s family ever says, “Gun laws aren’t aren’t to blame. It was just the wrong place at the wrong time,” in these hoaxes.

6. Shooters always have new social media accounts:


Why do all of these shooters seem to only have a month or two of social media activity? That’s highly unusual for a real person these days.

7. Shooter commits suicide:


It’s much more convenient when the shooter is killed off in the story. That way they don’t have to worry that their patsy will spill secrets. It’s not always the case because access to alleged Aurora shooter James Holmes and the alleged Boston Bomber is easily restricted.

8. Shooter leaves manifesto:


If the media releases the shooter’s manifesto or social media statements that reinforces the government’s agenda to expand the War on Terror domestically, it’s probably a staged hoax.

9. Victim’s families don’t sue anyone for negligence, but receive millions in unsolicited federal payouts:


This was one of the biggest tells for me that Sandy Hook was a fraud.  The federal government doesn’t just hand out money. And parents with a major gripe about schools usually file lawsuits. The opposite is true for these shady events.

10. Solution wouldn’t have prevented the events:


Finally, a powerful way to tell these events are false flags is that the proposed solution of more gun control wouldn’t have prevented any these “attacks” in the first place. It’s all a ruse.

Even if these were genuine tragic shootings, they can’t be prevented by banning certain types of guns, the number of bullets, type of magazine or even who is legally allowed to buy them.

Besides, violent crime statistics have been plummeting the last few decades. We are living in the most peaceful times in human history. Yet, gun grabbers would have us believe the opposite.
Don’t you see, they need to make us feel frightened. They want us to give up our right to self-defense and buy into their protection racket. They want us to beg them to spy on us, restrict our freedom of speech, and ban guns for our own safety. And I suspect they’ll continue these ridiculous hoaxes until they get what they’re after.