By Joe Wright
Real or fake, these mass shooter events are pregnant with consequences.
After the Sandy Hook shooting, Connecticut passed strict gun laws and they’re trying to pass invasive homeschooling laws because alleged shooter Adam Lanza was reportedly homeschooled.
After the Chattanooga hoax, several Governors signed executive orders allowing the National Guard to be armed at all times.
The Charleston church shooting hoax resulted in the banning of the Confederate flag.
And all of them have been used to demonize the free flow of information of the Internet. The message is that the shooters were radicalized on the Internet and that type of content must be censored.
These lone-wolf shooting events always seem to follow a perfect problem-reaction-solution sequence.
Problem = Lone wolf shoots up innocent people for no reason. On psych meds. Radicalized on the Internet. Probably racist.
Reaction = Outrage that a crazy person had access to a gun.
Solution = More gun control laws and ammo restrictions.It’s such an easy and effective formula, how could gun grabbers not use false flags?
For those who don’t know, “False flags are covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.”
The most recent televised shooting was clearly a staged event. At this point anyone who wants to confirm that it was a hoax can see my previous posts here, here, and here.
Many, many other shooting events share the exact same script that expose them as probable false flags events. In fact, it’s starting to become obvious for those who know what to look for.
1. Media covers the event:
The national media doesn’t care about people getting killed with guns unless they can frame it within a gun control agenda. When all of the establishment media is amplifying a particular shooting, you can be certain that nefarious things are afoot.
2. No survivors:
How are drugged-out losers performing with Rambo-like prowess and accuracy? Adam Lanza allegedly killed all those kids and teachers with no first-hand survivors. No injuries? Do you know how rare that is in combat? The human body is very resilient, and even trained soldiers miss their target in the heat of battle. This is a major red flag seen in almost every shooting event.
3. Family appears on TV within 24 hours, showing little emotion:
When the victim’s family is immediately interviewed by CNN with dry eyes saying things like, “I’ve got nothing but love in my heart for the shooter” less than 24-hours after their brutal murder, you can be sure it’s a false flag event.
4. Family or witnesses in the event have acting backgrounds:
Most of the characters in these hoaxes are failed actors. They seem to have finally gotten their big break to act like a grieving victim. Search YouTube for “Crisis Actors Shooting.” If even 1% of that content is true, your whole reality will be turned upside down.
5. Participants in the hoax immediately blame the gun, demand more gun control:
No victim’s family ever says, “Gun laws aren’t aren’t to blame. It was just the wrong place at the wrong time,” in these hoaxes.
6. Shooters always have new social media accounts:
Why do all of these shooters seem to only have a month or two of social media activity? That’s highly unusual for a real person these days.
7. Shooter commits suicide:
It’s much more convenient when the shooter is killed off in the story. That way they don’t have to worry that their patsy will spill secrets. It’s not always the case because access to alleged Aurora shooter James Holmes and the alleged Boston Bomber is easily restricted.
8. Shooter leaves manifesto:
If the media releases the shooter’s manifesto or social media statements that reinforces the government’s agenda to expand the War on Terror domestically, it’s probably a staged hoax.
9. Victim’s families don’t sue anyone for negligence, but receive millions in unsolicited federal payouts:
This was one of the biggest tells for me that Sandy Hook was a fraud. The federal government doesn’t just hand out money. And parents with a major gripe about schools usually file lawsuits. The opposite is true for these shady events.
10. Solution wouldn’t have prevented the events:
Finally, a powerful way to tell these events are false flags is that the proposed solution of more gun control wouldn’t have prevented any these “attacks” in the first place. It’s all a ruse.
Even if these were genuine tragic shootings, they can’t be prevented by banning certain types of guns, the number of bullets, type of magazine or even who is legally allowed to buy them.
Besides, violent crime statistics have been plummeting the last few decades. We are living in the most peaceful times in human history. Yet, gun grabbers would have us believe the opposite.
Don’t you see, they need to make us feel frightened. They want us to give up our right to self-defense and buy into their protection racket. They want us to beg them to spy on us, restrict our freedom of speech, and ban guns for our own safety. And I suspect they’ll continue these ridiculous hoaxes until they get what they’re after.
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